
Family Guy - Meg the Housewife Tells Lois to "Suck it"

Honestly shocked that YouTube hasn't taken it down due to its length, but here you go. A rare standard quality longer-than-average FG clip taken from the Season 9 episode "Trading Places". I loved this small comeuppance moment for Meg! :D

Meg Griffin Redux

7 years ago

Hey Mom! Where the hell's dinner? I'm starving! Oh man. Can you imagine the disaster she's gonna walk out here with? She has no idea how hard it is to cook. Yeah, yeah. I bet she comes out with like a, like a poop on a plate, right? Poop on a plate would be good because at least there would be traces of my food still in there. Oh, snap! Snap! Snap! Hey guys. Give her a fucking chance alright? Here it is, gang. Seared ahi tostadas, Grilled asparagus, Couscous, And for desert, molten chocolate lav
a cake. Wait a minute. Meg, where did you find the time to do all this? I had all day to do this. Oh my God, this is delicious! But what do you mean all day? What about all the housework? I did it in like an hour. I don't understand why you're such a freaking martyr all the time. It's a house. It's a finite area. I'm not cleaning a town. Hey, family. I'm home. Ooh, that smells fantastic! Hey buddy. How was your first day in the real world? It was actually really great. And Angela even told me sh
e might give me a raise for doing such a good job. Wow. Guys, you hear that? A raise. Mmm, interesting. Seems the kids are doing pretty well at this grown-up thing, huh? I would suggest that you suck that!



Stewie is awesome. "Hey guys, give her a fucking chance alright." He actually somewhat cares about meg.


You tell em Stewie.


This is one of the rare moments that Family guy actually makes Meg look awesome I'm proud of her


"Hey guys... giver her a f*****g chance alright"


This episode is awsome because Unlike every other cartoon that has switching places with parents and children... the kids actually won


"t's a house, it's a finite area, I'm not cleaning a town!"


0:20 my feelings toward Meg throughout the entirety of Family Guy


0:21 Stewie standing up for Meg? That's actually kinda sweet.


One of the few scenes where Meg is actually on top rather than being the butt of some joke.


Hey guys... Give her a fucking chance, alright?


I love it when Meg tells Lois off.


Actually pretty satisfying to watch, considering how shitty Peter and Lois are at parenting.


"it's a house, it's a finite area. i'm not cleaning a town."


The best part was Stewie telling Lois and Peter to give Meg a ****ing chance.


I love how in just over a minute all three of the kids prove they're better than their parents *Stewie instantly defending Meg *Meg making a full course meal with confidence *Chris already being close to getting a raise


Meg is my favorite character in this show. She's so misunderstood and abused, but in reality, she's a really strong, independent young woman.


Meg's a better housewife than Lois.


Seriously, household chores should not take longer than one or two hours. Not only are you not cleaning a town, but you don't have to to everything every day. One day might be vaccuming, windows, dusting, and dishes; and the next might be cleaning the bathrooms, dishes, organizing the kitchen cupboards, and laundry.


that is the cool side of meg


Thank you Stewie for being nice to meg