
Family Guy | He's knocking on the back door!

From "Deep Throats" (s4e23). ULTIMATE COMPILATION:


1 year ago

Hey Brian! What's up? Uh... Hi, uh, Lois... Peter. Brian, did you know this couch was here? It's so comfortable! Hey Lois, look how short Stewie is! Aaaah, he's so short! Hehehehe! Hey Brian... He's knocking on the back door! What should I do?! What? He's knocking on the back door! Should I let him in? I'm scared!



The fear in Brian’s voice 😂


The best part is they ended up like this by stealing Brian's pot and smoking it all while he was gone.


One of my earliest childhood memories was watching this episode on DVD one night when my parents thought I was asleep, and the next day none of my friends would believe me that there was an episode where Lois was completely naked. They thought I made it up. For years I thought I must've dreamed that or something, but here it is. So suck on that, assholes. Oh, wait, you can't. Cause she's a cartoon. Edit: I thought this comment was only gonna get about two likes holy shit lol


I remember watching this part as a kid, i didnt know the meaning until now...


"He's knocking on the back door. Should I let him in?"


Lois’s voice gets so randomly high near the end 😂


It's 10 times funnier when you know what Lois is referring to when she says "He's knocking on the back door" 🤣




For Stewie could be uncomfortable watching his parents naked but for Brian is more of a Lois issue because of his feelings


The naked part I can handle. But why hasn't anyone shut the front door?


Lmao gotta say, Lois is a good girl 😂


The context flew right over my head as a kid😂


Room for One More?! 🎶Giggity Giggity Goo!🎶


The fact they are doing it in the House's main room, in front of a kid and with the front door wide open is scary


"I'm ah-scared!"


This is the moment where peter became malcom


this is traumatizing for me seeing Peter and Lois like this- 💀 Edit: holy...thanks for 238 likes-


This is the Uncensored one because the Tv one Lois is in her underwear


His knocking on the back door should I let him in I'm scared 😂. Lois in her high.


You know that they are high when they are naked and the door ain't shut