
Family remembers 19-year-old man who took his life inside The Citadel Mall

Tonight family and friends are remembering a 19-year-old man who police say took his own life inside The Citadel Mall exactly one year ago. Colorado Springs Police say Brandon Harris was wanted on a felony warrant when he ran from officers into the Burlington Coat Factory. That's when police say he died by suicide.


2 days ago

tonight family and friends are remembering a 19-year-old man who police say took his own life inside the Citadel Mall exactly one year ago Colorado Springs Police say Brandon Harris was wanted on a felony warrant when he ran from officers into the Burlington Coat Factory that's when police say he died by Suicide news 5's Maggie bran was at the vigil tonight and Maggie spoke with one group that says police should have deescalate that situation and Diane the Colorado Springs people's coalition say
s police took a gun's blazing approach when trying to arrest Harris tonight they called for better deescalation tactics but some of Harris's family members tell me they were simply gathered tonight to honor his life Brandon Harris oh man big heart so caring so loving in his father's words Brandon Harris was a good kid not a day goes by that we don't think of him he was 19 years old the day police say he took his own life it happened exactly one year ago and Drew a scene of flashing lights to the
Citadel mall on the Southeast side of Colorado Springs one suspect fled into Burlington Coat Factory earlier that day Springs police say Harris was in a stolen vehicle and met up with four people in a different stolen vehicle outside the mall officers say Harris had a felony warrant out for his arrest for a parole violation and officers knew he was armed detectives say the group went into the mall and came out shortly after near the food court that's when officers approached them you can see in
this body camera video provided by police the moment Harris runs from officers back into the mall he's got a [Music] gun right here police get down get down police say Harris fired one shot at officers which hit a mop on one of the shelves one officer fired back three times but did not hit Harris a few seconds later police body camera video shows Harris shooting himself we've stopped the video just before it happens because it's graphic for many of his family members the pain of the tragedy has
not faded away the Colorado Springs people's Coalition is calling for better deescalation tactics from police csbd escalated a dangerous situation Chase Brandon guns drawn into the Burlington Coat Factory and proceeded to open fire Harris's father echoed those concerns I I understand they have a hard job but if if they wouldn't go in with guns blazing you know I think that it could have the whole situation could have ended it could have had a better outcome but other family members say tonight
is only about remembering the 19-year-old's life Colorado Springs Police to ask what their policy is for chasing a suspect police told me they do not have a specific policy on foot Pursuits but have several policies that broadly address how officers are to enforce the law while balancing Public Safety
