
Fantasy Life Part 32: Who's Ready For "Desert"?

A new region is waiting for us! What could we come across today? #fantasylife #letsplay #playthrough

Axtin Ronder

8 months ago

well look at you you're very excited today huh  Mr bird hey everyone action Rhonda here and welcome back to another episode of Fantasy  Life where last left off we were doing a lot of little different things we did a lot of  butterfly requests got ourselves some brand new armor some brand new tools we've been pushing  around a lot recently we've been doing a lot well we've been doing a lot with the game and I'm  really happy the way we're progressing through it um this time we're actually gettin
g ready to go  to a new region of the game if you remember from the last episodes we were doing a lot of like I  said a lot of butterflies requests and we were talking about a new region called almajik now  in this episode we're going to go talk to the king because he needs our help for something I  don't know what I don't know what I'm gonna find out right now [Music] maybe he's gonna give us  something for all of our hard work right right right maybe I don't know maybe he's gonna give  us anot
her task for us to do go across the land do something let's see what he wants us then  we've been eagerly waiting for you next time please wipe the pillow marks off your face  oh I didn't think I had marks sorry oh don't listen to father he already told me you've been  distrusted go-to guy accent it's great to hear although I don't like the way the Hues glaring  at us yeah wow he is glaring at us enough with the pleasantries accident butterfly you have  proven to be a dynamic duel oh well that's
far too kind Your Grace Dynamic well I've just I've  never been called that before I that's enough we have a matter of great importance to discuss  allow me to explain if you will hear Grace so far we have been able to procure two of the  three goddess Treasures if the information I've been dug up my research is true there's  another goddess treasure in al-majik oh father he can possibly expect me to just  sit back here in the castle and miss that Adventure actually my dear that's exactly  what
I expect what but you said I can go on one more Avengers yes I did and you and yes  you can and yes you will but not here and not out ridiculous princess your father's right to ER  on the side of caution here now if I may continue Amazon is a harsh land factor in the wild and the  wild beasts and the dark Sultan and is downright dangerous it is much more dangerous than simply  taking a John to Port point yes I know that thank you Hughes but Alma Jig Is Where true heroes are  made the place wher
e he created the very heat of Adventure does anyone want to fill us in on what  we're talking about I mean if it's not too much well let me explain Professor Alma geek is famous  for being the ultimate Proving Ground for many Heroes is it that's uh and this is and this is  where the cases with our hero our own Hiro Castile see it's attrition a tradition in Castell to  name a young Anonymous local as a town or De Niro castell's current here uh hero challenge Stark's  home to know of Alma jig to b
attle the Victor was uh who was again do you remember who won  that battle was it the hero Casto or the dog Sultan let's just move on with that story darling  it's a matter of not who won a truce was reached I'm not sure many people will call that a truce  what do you mean castile's hero banished the dark salted to the Onyx Abyss sealing him in there  forever the people of Val Majik didn't know what to do without their leader banishing the dark  Sultan was really a masterful move on Father's par
t King Eric now Laura there's no need to rehash  every moment of in front of our guest subjects the dark Sultan's hair has now come of age where  he will take the there that they can drone with the new dark Sultan on the throne I believe  now is the time to seek the final resolution Jews are tired for not at all your grace I was  thinking of a more diplomatic solution but one no less dangerous the situation is most precautious  at a time and time is of the utmost Essence here my Dynamic duel com
e now Hughes don't frighten  them as king I hereby decree that everything will be all right I I don't think that works like  that Grace delivering a request will not be easy if it's so dangerous to use perhaps you would like  to accompany them well amoji is often considered to be an archaeological Paradise I'm afraid there  are more pressing matters here I must tend to I think we should leave it to these two why does  that not surprise me pack your bags excellent looks like we're gone we're Alma
jig bound I bet  those dark Sultan is going to have one pretty powerful wish what was that about Dark Souls wish  oh nothing I was just thinking out loud about the start bacon dish my mother used to make oh I'm  sure it was delicious best luck to you both please return safely I'm not convinced that this will  work however we must try take this accent pray head Force to Alma Jake and deliver this letter  to dark Sultan my case in fact make post taste oh we got his letter what does it say this ti
me two is Honorable dark Sultan of almajique  how's it going it's King Erica Castel you know the guy who banished your father how  is that old son of a gun doing it anyway the reason I ride is because we believe there is  an aged treasure hidden somewhere in almajique I hope we may continue our juice and work  together so that I may borrow this treasure it's very important to the survival of all Riveria  King Eric Castell that's great wording sir uh that letter is never going to work go Noble He
roes blah  blah blah go forth and deliver the letter while I try to think of a plan B now dark Sultan is the  most Dreadful adversary be warned and remember to have fun oh my gosh this is gonna go poorly for  both of us this is it this is the last episode oh my gosh now where is Al magic  anyway we've hmm well oh [Music] I don't mind saying I'm more than nervous little  nervous about going to almajique a desert Kingdom dark Sultan I mean how much more foreboding could  this place be I heard some
one saying that we can get there if we go south from West grassy Plains  we can always check the map if we get lost lost I never get lost essentially there's a giant red  arrow that leads us to everyone we need to go take a deep breath we're up to Alma cheek butterfly I think you're more nervous than me  than I'm more nervous at going to this place I mean I've come across some dangerous photos  locations myself I mean look at all the adventures I've been so far [Music] I don't know if I'm  gonna
put something there all right so like she said we're gonna have to go to the West grassy  Plains it's not a far distance um it's like if you're gonna go to the port I don't know if you  remember this I don't know if anybody remembers this but when we were going to the when we were  going to the port that was like a a little road down that's where we need to go that's where we're  headed and I'm recording make sure I'm recording don't worry sheep I'm not here to terrorize  you today I need to go
to a new region so I can unlock new location uh new locations new items  and I'm out of stamina and my nose is stuffy what a perfect combination [Music] alrighty so we're  heading this way and then we're gonna be heading this way and then we can see a body imprint  I keep forgetting that's there it's so funny oh man now what can I tell you all about the new  location that you probably know or don't know well I can tell you this it's in a desert region so  if you like sand I mean if you I missed
I went wrong way and I think if you're really really like  sand guess what we're going to that place that has plenty of sand I'm not gonna lie to you uh this  region I haven't explored much of it myself and I I completely went the wrong way um as much  as the other two locations the port and Castel Alma geek was one of the locations that I didn't  really go to as much when I used to play the games um I think very the I if I remember  correctly like the mo the most time I spent in the region was
probably Castel and  the fourth region that's right there's a fourth region and I think there's a fifth region too but  those were the places that I spent the most time and Al magic was probably like the least  one I spent and and I know for fact that Al magic has a lot of interesting items that  you actually do need to get to a Taurus sure what do you say everyone shall  we try our luck oh here he comes oh okay good I was I was a bit concerned I was  like how much damage are we gonna be able t
o do zero zero zero on all board sorry  Mr Tauros but you failed this one it's gonna be like did you did you turn  in a fight no my Toros no no no no no no no no oh my Tauros no no you evil evil bugs  ah man I was gonna make a profit off that damn you Beetle ballers and there  was a person right here oh my gosh ah what a great way to start an episode mine  campfire roast forgive me my nose is a bit stuffy so if you hear me going you know  why oh this is the location by the way I hear you have gr
anted Pathway to go by Governor  Olivia up ahead is a magic desert town of al-majik fantastic I think there was a friend of  ours that actually went here and the mining area I feel like things are getting a bit serious  I thought we were having fun saying very and whatnot according to the map Amazon should be  just past the Ravine let's be careful I hope we don't run into anybody out there in the middle of  nowhere [Music] well if we do well what can I say let's see desert review oh my gosh I've
never  paid attention to that look at that that's scary that is actually really scary I'm not gonna  lie what happened oh that's what happened uh action do you did pack your best weapon  right of course I did we didn't practice all the time for nothing I don't think these  creatures are interested in Woody banter and fair negotiations what do you want to  do a fight got it do your best out there apparently they need a fight too [Music]  all righty ah ow what am I worried about I'm just there we
go I'm just waiting for  them to start there we go we got one of them ow luckily for us thank goodness we raised our  armor to like the max when it comes to this and our weapon is maxed out too otherwise I would have  been struggling like we fought those pirates the last time I thought we were going to goners  this time for sure whoa where'd you come from wow I want that armor uh hello thank you Mr chair fine night can you  understand what I'm saying me butterfly butterfly [Music] I don't think
he speaks English  he's so big Nativity is something event there's something attractive about that let's  see where he's going I hope it's to albuji that's amazing she has a correction on The  Dark Knight oh my gosh what's over here oh this is perfect we can actually uh get some  items here what we were doing so good in damage defense now we're not Oh I thought  he was gonna drop something there nope nope nope come on give me something HP and  uh something what's this lifeweed or Cactus what ar
e you hello a weirdly shaped goat more jackals  these guys should now drop a new type of hide um what was it called I think it's  Monster High we've dealt with Beast hide now we need uh Monster High for like  our new armor oh what's this he's tied well Color Me surprise I thought it was  Monster High and I went the right way what I thought I was going the wrong way you  know the exploration way what's this it's just another way okay I uh I really  thought I was going the wrong way oh and I'm stu
ck that's what happens when you look  at the timer prove me wrong why don't you let's go see what this magical  desert kingdom is all about [Music] this was looks like we made it accident sand everywhere  how much it wins the award for dusky's Town that's for sure and there's if they're  giving away any words for stuff like that definitely a different feel compared  to Castel and Fort Plato it's kind of cool whoa actually check out the golden Knight  over there we gotta find out what the guys do
is maybe he's a hero from a distant land  he literally is a golden Knight excuse me sir you're a pathetic Army of dark minions is no match  for my strength to vile Sultan is that right vile or should I go with his title dark Sultan I mean  I don't want to honor him with the title at the same time I want him to know I'm talking  to him maybe puny Sultan ooh sultry sultan you're a pathetic Army of minions is no match  for my strength to sultry Sultan yeah I like that what does he talk to I'm gonn
a ask who are you  talking to over there please don't hurt me oh okay hi I have no weapons I'm defenses where except  for my sword and shield you see here but besides this I am defenseless there's no honor to slain  me we're not slaying anyone relax we what are you doing out here what are you talking to that tree  but what I was talking to you that's absurd I was just uh practicing my lines you're an actor are  you in skull and funny bones no no no I despise him for conversation we should know w
ho I truly  am then I shall allow you to borrow the gifts of Truth wisdom a bird for my name is the very  definition of Valor I am the Great Hero magnificus also you really are a hero you're just not acting  like one you're here to take on the Dark Soul today yes indeed that is the truth and I will  thank you for not saying so out so loudly next time I have traveled from far to uh to near over  big mounds of time to come and fail the terrifying tyrant you don't have to whisper magnificus we're 
we're on our way to see the dark Sultan so if you wanted to no time for talk I'm off to the dark  Sultan's Fortress off all right here I go go I'm not totally sold on the departing phrase but  maybe if I had a little more music or something magnificus I was saying that maybe we could all  head to the dark Sultan Fortress together well thank goodness yes please it would be nice to have  someone company with me you two are going to make a nice name for yourselves in the hero business  so let's set
tle them we'll tag along with you to the uh oh wait a second now I think about  it it seems you two are awfully eager to ride the [ __ ] the coattails of I don't mean assault  insinuating anything mine but you know I I don't have a reputation I do have a reputation to hold  I suppose we could all journey together as the great hero magnificus and his two lowly Squires a  fair compromise is not yeah fine whatever you need I'm glad you see things my way geez here we're  gonna be so sensitive maybe
it's something about putting on a suit of armor that makes them get  all delicate you know I bet it would it wouldn't I wouldn't get all touchy in that huge night if  we met earlier the one in the black armor wait a minute a huge Knight in all black armor are you  telling me you two met the shadow Knight Odin I don't know what you're telling you but we did  run into a very large night he showed up and took care of a pack of jackals like there were  nothing it was so impressive you met Odin and l
ived a Telltale YouTube must have been Charmed  Away by the God by the gods perhaps you are a tap you are talismans of Good Fortune come with  me you stay close remember hello to leave any heroic uh directs to me unless you can't find me  or something yes magnificus you two are really you do really make it easy to have these difficult  conversations I should forget it the chance of travel alongside a noble hero such as myself is  indeed rare so you can't forget it let's just let's just let magni
ficence tag along with us to  dark Sultan Fortress no no no that's my line fine let's just go [Music] magnificus joined your party  I completely forgot about this guy why did I block him out of my memory before we go off let's take  a look around this region I'm really oh sorry I I was looking over there at the little friend over  there and then I ran to this guy what's his name imagine night my goodness oh it's for a Woodcutter  greetings Woodcutter I am Leaf at the residence of Lee from al-maj
ik I am like a cactus filled with  wisdom in place of water I can slack your thirst of knowledge what do you gotta say good day  Woodcutter I trust you are finding out magic a hospital Oasis if you would be wise to familiarize  yourself with local foliage I speak of course of the sugar trees sugar logs are known for the many  remarkable properties and make fine tools and weapons however don't be fooled by the name they  are taste terrible well that's uh good to know if I find any I'll make sure
to grab a couple  I think I need them for my wood cutting life oh nice [Music] now I remember this song that little beat that little uh portion right  there what's this this is for oh anchovy oh there's a fish that I didn't even see the  fish let's try our hands at this shall we even though my fishing skills have yet to be  improved I still got a dedicated entire I'm gonna probably dedicate a whole hour special and  nothing but fishing that's that sounds like a plan look at Magna because he's li
ke catch it catch  the fish catch it I haven't eaten anything in three whole days magnificus I I don't doubt  it I don't know why but I don't doubt it you know you just gotta reel it in slowly magnetic  is cheering me on with all of his mind he's like do it pull it pull it it's the best fish you ever  had here in almajique I don't even know I swear if it's another sardine I'll be very upset I hope  it's not another sardine last time I was I was fighting for my life and then it turned out to be 
a little sardine let's see what we get you're mine tasty black bass okay that's first black bass  nice okay this is the castle I'm not done yet exploring I want to take a look around oh I  want to see something what level is this guy I think we can go to our statuses he's level 18  wow 42 defense I have higher defense than him I have a lot of higher defense it would be  hero obsessed with challenging dark Sultan to the fight to death really like really  okay I have my money bet on assaulted let'
s see what else can we see around here  I don't want to talk to the cat yet because my fishing oh since we're here let's  just do it we are fishing or we are uh uh fisherman neon nice to uh oh I shouldn't  I should speak your language right my name is anchovy head of the bean toe Squad operations here  in almajik I have lots of information that could be used to an angler like you so drop by once  in a while oh okay that's it Molina oh you're a minor pleasure to meet you my name is Molina Alma  s
heek's residence hall nut not uh for 23 years of camel my brother Molin just told me about  you a pleasure to be working with you [Music] out of there how can I help you whoa we already  made it to the in-depth Rack or Frank well let's let's look like all mo Hills becoming a mountain  in the case how about I share a little inside information info straight off holesnet dicklish  strings is super important for the likes of miners when you're a miner is great it's good to get it's  get goodness I c
an't speak tonight it's get strong or get out me why I've got the strength of three  moles combined don't let these tiny arms fool you Powerade ooh you know I did see that we did level  up [Music] let's see what I want to put this into [Music] um I guess we'll just put this  in strength and uh intelligence until we Max them out until we had like double  digits your strengths were it's already really high it's already 21. I I don't know  what the max is I don't know if it's hey like that say you
look familiar oh hey long  time no see their accident how you been what's with that look I totally recognize  you but we don't have time much time to tell you so much has happened since we  last met but before we catch up here's a little something to commemorate  our meeting again silver pickaxe wow oh yeah I was wondering if you wanted to head  off to another adventure again you know For Old Times you remember right back when we  were just a fledgling now we teamed up to find that topaz and tha
t was in the pick  Point pickaxe point of excitement then I don't know what is except for maybe a pickaxe  anyways it'd be great to team up with you again nice we can invite Rock to a party would you like  to join me rock on another Advent out weekend how strong is this pickaxe I wasn't expecting him to  give me another item [Music] it's exactly the same it is exactly the same [Music] so there's not  really much of a point I mean I could use it but can I mine this what is this gold this is  actu
ally great I wasn't expecting him to give me a new pickaxe what is this  how much it gold and sandstones ooh so excited this is my favorite part getting new  tools and seeing what they do gold lots of gold I didn't mean to go here but uh off the beaten path  I suppose my gosh what is that noise or the sound I love how the song sounds Outlaws but this is now we're looking for we're  looking for the sultan but most importantly we're looking for something here in this in  this in this desert you kn
ow the trees the sugar trees where are the sugar trees I need  to cut at least once is that a pterodactyl what is this I remember correctly something  bad happens if you come here at night I don't remember what though spiders oh there's  a sugar tree there's gotta be more around here oh what's this yellow bell yellow bell yellow  bell and more yellow Bells where's the Trees of course there's trees around me oh I'm blind  as a bat sugar trees can I cut this oh there was a sweet spot there it is I
did not mean to  cut it all the way sugar tree and sugar nuts I think we could take our hands on this  guy right here it doesn't seem so tough forget what I said forget everything  that I've said I apologize for okay I know under Retreat I'll be back when I  have Beast armor oh no magnificus he fainted he couldn't even handle a simple Outlaw oh I  can't even handle sin well Outlaw my goodness every time we get to a new region I get my butt  handed to me oh no oh no run magnificus we're we're ac
tually in trouble oh Rhonda oh no the  Sugar Tree uh I think we can get it oh perfect what that wasn't a perfect these trees are a lot stronger than I thought  looks like we have our work cut out for us today no the this oh my gosh and here I thought we  were actually doing really good well we are doing good but I didn't think we were gonna  be like hurting that bad hold on before we do anything anything I want to heal up a little  bit oh we have so many fresh ingredients and I have yet to do no
thing with them [Music] I gotta  actually spend time and actually make something along with fishing maybe I can do some cooking  and Alchemy like get us some potions of some sort oh we can also get camels by the way or yeah  camels I was like that should be a camel I think all right enough dilly dally let's go into  the castle oh oh I love how this looks [Music] place isn't this what I am this  isn't what I imagine at all nothing but four boating there's nothing  for boating here everyone seems
so happy new compound eyes must be blind butterfly  there is no happiness here only misery gloom and general sickness stickiness really I don't  know all these folks look pretty happy to me you naive little has bested your neighborhood he  has bested you my floating bug friend please leave the evaluations to me for it is clear that these  four citizens are under the oppressive spell of the dog Sultan I bow my head in woe for such  wall of these poor Rich male treated citizens just look at them y
eah everyone is smiling I mean  they might just be laughing at you but still well smiling is is common reaction when one is under  the control of the overlord see how awfully awfully this awfully the citizens of almaji are  made to suffer they are Shackled to the change of their grins there's but one person and one who  alone who can write these dastardly designs of deception and that is I magnificent hero of  the people still trying to still trying that one out but I like the sound of it defini
tely  can't tender of that one okay let's go Mr Hero the magnetized smilers to dark Sultan's Fortress  yet again you're perfectly my line butterfly what do I need to do around here to have my line  actually do something let me say real quick and neck was it you know the full place I love how this looks you  know I I haven't mentioned this much but like it is so interesting looking like  coming back to Old areas and taking a look to see what uh like you haven't seen  in a while this is so awesome
[Music] oh a lot of good stuff thank you like I love  how this town looks what is this clothing I wonder if he sells Beast armor [Music] or the  monster armor let's see looks like it's just clothing for now oh my gosh she's selling this  really expensive like classy Monaco ten thousand don't I need this or something I feel like  I need that for the dude but I'm not gonna spend ten thousand just to make eleven thousand  something like that I think that's how much it was oh oh my goodness floatin
g  houses flying carpets wow how are they doing that do you think this is  some kind of sort of magic trick there's no magic only Illusions and this is more proof  of the illusion of joy to match the wicked so you two tell me how exactly are you planning  to illustrate the dog Sultan's Fortress infiltrate we're just here to plan a knock on the front door  use the doorbell they have one the doorbell what sort of Insanity would be this one does not simply  announce oneself when going to confront t
he dark Sultan there are powerful minions of evil to be  dispensed with before one even reaches the dark Sultan first there are who is he failed a thousand  soldiers single-handed that is old in the shadowy Knight then there is the one who commands with  Despicable creatures of the night the dark Mage Eldred let's not forget the wild bloodsucking  Abomination that's the dark witch demora the Mona and last of all the one who commands them all the  Dark Souls himself Damien hellborn but we'll take
those individuals who dare obstruct us and we  will move them out of the way are you nervous at all magnificus nonsense the sweat from my brow  is due to the heat not of any sort of mind-numbing fear I figured that but just in case we should  all stick together I think we will be okay if we just do that really you think so I do we even lead  the way just because you know a lowly Squire must protect the hero now then to the Fortress enters  I feel sick oh my goodness I love how this looks gosh o
h a treasure chest gold Bangles thank you  very much okay this is the dark soldiers entrance and this is where actually we're gonna end the  episode so thank you guys for watching I hope you had a wonderful time exploring the world of  Fantasy Life with me looks like we got we came to a beautiful little location and there's bound to  be a lot more stuff for us to take a look so in the next episode we'll see what the dark Sultan  has to offer us and see if you can give us the treasure so if you l
ike this video please give  it a like if you're new Channel please consider subscribing there's bound to be some other  things that may pique your interest on the channel like more episodes of Andy's life alright  y'all stay safe and have a great one bye-bye
