
Fantasy Strike | Review

We find out if this stylish 2D Fighter bring an end to the days of Button Mashing! -- MORE GGSP -- See it first on the ABC ME App! Due to the family friendly nature of GGSP, we have to keep the comments section clean, so all comments are held for approval and may not be approved outside of business hours. Comments with swearing or inappropriate content will not be approved. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Contributions may be removed if they violate ABC's Online Terms of Use (Section 3)


4 years ago

fighting games have come a long way from simple 2d fisticuffs to the epic 3d brawlers we know and love today but one thing they all have in common is bringing us together to ultimately see who's better at bashing buttons yes if you've ever been the unfortunate player to to an experienced fighter you know this technique all too well but there's a new contender entering the ring and this one seems determined to end the button mashing madness and its name fantasy strike is how we fight maybe cool [
Music] fantasy strike was developed by an ex street fighter dev and on the surface it looks like just another fighting game but what sets it apart is that its moves are confined to single button presses this help pull the focus away from stringing together complicated attacks animal art Awards reading your opponent and launching precise movements fantasy strike calls itself a strategic fighting game for everyone there's your standard selection of character classes rush downs that overpower other
characters with their attacks zonas who hit you at a distance and the wild cards who are well they're a little bit all over the place you grow to have favorites as you get comfortable with each of them me personally I'm mainly the guy who can turn into a dragon [Music] in a scuffle we've got your standard attack special attacks and super moves which can only be performed once you've charged your meter these can all be changed up depending on what angle you're pointing your character at or if yo
u're trying to do a combo but that's about as tough as it gets from a technical standpoint and because there's no crouching you don't have to worry about sporadically blocking hits from all directions you just have to pull back at the right time which is still a challenge in itself there's also the ability to throw your opponent to counter this you must use one of fantasy strikes unique features the Yomi couch [Music] this is by far the most challenging move for me because it's all about releasi
ng control quite literally if you spot the grapple coming you have to stop moving and your character will automatically launch into a flashing counter move that can seriously turn the tide of a fight you know that I needed any help of course because I was just so good at this right off the bat oh yeah no me too obviously [Applause] [Music] ah yeah I definitely went into this game with this idea that a more simplistic control scheme would mean the flats would be easier and I was very very wrong t
he focus on precision coupled with the small health bar means that just as a well-timed maneuver can save you from certain doom a misplaced one can put you right back in the frying pan I will say though I don't love the way they've chosen to label their controls instead of saying an attack is triggered by the name of the button on your controller so for us on the switch it would be Y X a B plus the left and right bumper they've opted for a universal code across all platforms why is a X is B a is
C B's J and the triggers are SMT it just made things unnecessarily complicated yeah but you do get used to it after a while and that's actually one of my favorite things about fantasy strike you're constantly learning and adapting on that we can agree look despite my issues with the controls it's probably the most fun I've had learning in a fighting game because it feels manageable you know you're not trying to memorize a thousand different moves you're just trying to master a handful and there
's plenty of resources available in game with each character having a rundown of their movements as well as in-depth tutorials narrated by the developer satsuki is a rush down character she has only 5 hit points tied for least in the game but she makes up for it with her ability to overwhelm only with speed interests there are also heaps of opportunities to do some practical testing to see which character class suits you some of the modes included in the single-player campaign include the arcade
where you can go toe-to-toe for six rounds with a series of AI opponents survival where you go up against steadily more powerful foes in quick succession and boss rush here for each round you win you gain a powerup which you keep adding to until you defeat it and if that's not enough for you you can also dish out some damage in the online mode if you think you've got what it takes speaking of which we should probably knock out some final scores hey well well whether you're a veteran fighter or
a fresh-faced newcomer fantasy strike has something for everyone it's snappy response times weighty hits and dedication to teaching players a new way to approach an old genre make it not only a fun game but a learning experience - boof Rose I'm giving it four out of five rubber chickens despite my grabs of the controls fantasy strike does a good job of not only teaching you to flex your thumbs but also your mind as you out think and outmaneuver your opponents now I really enjoyed myself once I g
o into the swing of things so I'm giving it three and a half four to five rubber chickens do you get it the swing of things yeah cuz you swing when you order yeah your swing [Music] you
