
Fast Money #4 for the Callahans!! $60K??

Fast Money #4 for the Callahans!! $60K?? Subscribe to our channel: Get the Family Feud board game: Play Family Feud online: Audition to be on the show:

Family Feud

3 months ago

["Family Feud" theme plays] Steve: All right. You ready? Kristin: I'm ready. Steve: 20 seconds on the clock, please. [Bell dings] Name one of your sins you might have to apologize for before they'll let you into heaven. Kristin: Cheating. Steve: Fill in the blank. Pizza blank. Kristin: Pizza party. Steve: Name something it might be nicer to do alone than with someone else. Kristin: Take a bath. Steve: Tell me the age a man has a facelift. Kristin: Mmm, 60...7. Steve, chuckling: Name an animal th
at most other animals are afraid of. Kristin: A lion. [Bell dings] Kelly: Yeah! Whoo! Kristin: 67. Kelly: That's good. Steve: OK. All right, let's see. Name one of your sins you might have to apologize before they'll let you into heaven. You said... cheating. Survey said... Sandy: It's all right. That's all right. Steve: Fill in the blank. Pizza blank. You said... pizza party. Survey said... Kelly: Whoo! All right. Steve: Name something it might be nicer to do alone than with someone else. You s
aid... take a bath. Survey said... Sandy: Whoo! All right. Steve: Tell me the age a man has a facelift. You said... 67. Wow. That's an odd number. Kristin: Heh heh! Steve: Survey said... Kristin: Oh. [Buzz] Sandy: It's OK, it's OK. Steve: Name an animal that most other animals are afraid of. You said... lion. Survey said... Kristin: OK. Kelly: Whoo! ["Family Feud" theme playing] Steve: All right, that'll do it. Halfway. [Audience clapping along] [Music fades] All right, Sean. It's all fair now.
It's pretty even. Kristin got 96. Sean: OK. Steve: You need 104. You ready? Sean: Yes, sir. Steve: All right, let's remind everybody of Kristin's answers. 25 seconds on the clock, please. [Bell dings] Name one of your sins you might have to apologize for before they'll let you into heaven. Sean: Stealing. Steve: Fill in the blank. Pizza blank. Sean: Pizza slice. Steve: Name something--name something it might be nicer to do alone than with someone else. Sean: Sleep. Steve: Tell me the age a man h
as a facelift. Sean: 60. Steve: Name an animal that most other animals are afraid of. Sean: A bear. [Bell dings] [Cheering and applause] Kristin: Whoo-whoo-whoo! Kelly: Good job. Kristin: All right, baby. Steve: All right, let's see. Name one of your sins you might have to apologize for before they'll let you into heaven. You said...stealing. Yeah, that's the one. Survey said... Sandy: Aw. Steve: Lying. Lying is the number-one answer. We need a hundred. Fill in the blank. Pizza blank. You said..
. pizza slice. Survey said... Kelly: Oh, all right, all right. Steve: Pie. Pie was the number-one answer. Name something it might be nicer to do alone than with someone else. You said... sleep. Survey said... Sandy: All right. Steve: Read. Read was the number-one answer. Tell me the age a man has a facelift. You said... 60. Survey said... Sandy: All right. Steve: 50. 50 was the number-one answer. Name an animal that most other animals are afraid of. You said... bear. Survey said... Kelly: Whoo!
All right. Steve: Lion. Lion was the number-one answer. Well, that's $5.00 a point--690 bucks.



* SPOILER ALERT * Fast Money Bonus Stats ⬇⬇⬇ Name one of your sins you might have to apologize for before they’ll let you into Heaven. #1 = Lying (20) #2 = Cheating (13) #3 = Coveting (11) Fill in the BLANK. Pizza BLANK. #1 = Pie (22) #2 = TIE: Hut & Party (17) #3 = Crust (5) Name something it might be nicer to do alone than with someone else. #1 = Read (24) #2 = Sleep (11) #3 = Bathe (10) Tell me the age a man has a facelift. #1 = 50 (31) #2 = 55 (19) #3 = 60 (15) Name an animal that most other animals are afraid of. #1 = Lion (56) #2 = Bear (9) #3 = Tiger (6)


Dude killed it. Just one of those you aren't winning.


Steve: Tell me the age a man has a facelift. You said…67. Wow. That’s an odd number. Kristin: Heh heh! LOL 😄


This was almost impossible to win, even with all the #1 and #2 answers they'd only get 222 points.


Holy crap. The margin for error to ace this TOUGH Fast Money was ZERO. Needed to nail every #1 AND #2 for this one.


My answers are: 1. Murder 2. Pizza Hut 3. Playing computer games 4. 65 5. Lion* This was a very tough one. Even if the first player answered the number one answer in the 4th question, they still wouldn't have gotten it.


Those were some pretty hard questions. There are so many answers to choose from


Not really fair here. Getting all the #1 and four out of five of the #2 answers (minus the 19 point facelift answer) still would not have been enough to win the money.😢


When and what channel can i see the show plz ?


My answers: Lying (20)* Box (<5) Sleep (11) 50 (31)* Lion (56)* Points: 118-122 (this one in insanely difficult to get 200. I only missed 1 top 2 and the max points you could get is 200-204)


I thought “bear” would get higher


$5/point = $690 This family is going to return for a chance at winning a car!


Alright Stevie🤣


My answers : Sex before marriage 💀(probably around 13 points or so) Pizza Parlor (probably around a few points to 10) Sex again 💀 (probably 0 or only a few points lol) 65 (probably around 8 to 15 points) Lion* (56 points) Total : From 69 (worst case) to 149 points (best case)


67 was such a bad answer


Thank you Steve for posting this video today! I was just told that I have a non cancerous brain tumor. This video has really brightened my day!


Awesome thanks stuff


I’m 62 and never had plastic surgery; and I don’t plan to.


Good morning Dr. Steve Harvey. 🤗


Nice fast money 💰😁