
FATHER FEUD 1 | Friday Night Funkin' AMV

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3 years ago

[FATHER FEUD 1 by Shymyir & Helmyir] Shymyir🆖☆ - Production & Subtitles Helmyir🆖⛧ - Animation [*SCREAMING*] 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 🔵🔵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🔵🔵 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 💪 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 💪🏼 👀 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 👀 🏀 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🏀 ♫ Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite ♫ ⚔ Dad Battle (F
riday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite ⚔ ⁉ Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite ⁈ ⚔ Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite ⚔ [THEY'RE WEARING MOUTH GUARDS -Shymyir] 📱 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite📱 🥊 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🥊 :3 🥊 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite🥊 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 [In the background: The Iron Bull from Dragon Age 3] 🎵
Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 🎵 Dad Battle - Friday Night Funkin' OST ♟ ⚫ Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite ♟ 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 🌵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🌵 🟥 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🟥 🐂 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🟥 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 [The PewDiePie Bridge but we replaced Felix's face cam with the guy who created Newgrounds
(Tom Fulp)] 🎵 Dad Battle (Friday Night Funkin) - KawaiSprite 🎵 [Support us on Patreon! ➡ ⬅]



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I love the fact the whole animation takes place inside a rave light


I like how the girlfriend is just confused half the time


0:15 i love how badass dad looks


I think this is my favorite design for BF, GF and DD. The gold chains on Boyfriend and Daddy Dearest add a good contrast and the partially shaved head look for girlfriend is cute. Plus BF not being a shrimp too


The Dad found a friend he could do anything with, thats the moral of the story.


1:12 dad has a HEATED gamer moment


Despite the rap battles canonically being dick-measuring contests, actually seeing it represented kind of ruins it for me. Well done, overall!


1:11 this part make me laugh


Just the fact that the henchmen drag away daddy dearest with smooth animation is enough to make me cry of laughter 1:10


Plot twist: he is very happy to have a son in law and want to compare his skills with him




Only true fnf OGs remember this gem.


1:12 I absolutely love this rotoscoped bit.


Liking the different character designs for each character such as girlfriend with black gloves and leggings. Plus the confusion on her face for the entire video is quite hilarious.


We all know for the fact that this animation has truly been viral after 2 years. Seriously though this was also when fnf was at it's popularity about 2 years when i started seeing these types of animations of my recommendation. I think nothing else can top this out with such top notch work. I don't know as well if you're gonna see this considering the amount of comments on this video. All i can say here that your my favorite animator who also deserves like a million praise you truly desire. I hope you really come back because we all know we can't wait to see what other animations and fnf content you planned Helmyir man


i love how no one notice that at 1:11 his face looked like a sir pelo animation


This is not even a battle for GF anymore. It's a Father and Son bonding moment.


I like how he just daddy dearest just rages and the backup dancers are like “dude calm the heck down” XD


After the battle Dad: holy shit did we just become best friends?! Bf: BEEP Dad: wanna go do karate in the garage Bf: BEEP!