
Fatima working in the peren family and cooking food

Afshin and Zulfiqar go to visit their father's family and meet their brother's wife. They are happy to be able to spend quality time with their family and feel that this visit can strengthen their family ties. Afshin and Zulfa's brother's wife welcomed them with a smile and sincerity 1. Afshin and Zulfa barf#sholiz #peren#tir#sahl #dar79#plerd# peren#lgi#nan#shkir#perensholiz#ronaldo #meesi#iran Sifla engineer 2. #family_meeting 3. Paternal family 4. #family_meeting 5. #happiness_and_family 6. #family_moments 7. #Establish_communication 8. #family_love 9. Family intimacy 10. #good_feeling 11. #Fixing_mistakes 12. #Relationship between relatives and family 13. #good_language 14. #family 1. #family_meeting 2. Happiness and joy 3. #with_the_family_of_Aziz 4. Sincerity and sincerity 5. #friendship_and_health 6. #good_feeling 7. Family relations 8. Intimate communication 9. Paternal family 10. #return_to_home 11. #welcome_guests 12. #close_family 13. #friendship_of_the_family 1. #family_meeting 2. #Brother's wife 3. #happiness 4. #Strengthening_the_relationship 5. #Family Connections 6. #Afshin_Zolfa 7. #Welcome 8. #Intimacy 9. #good_moments 10. #important_meeting 11. #return to home 12. #special moments 13. #going home 14. 1. Betrayal 2. #leave_home 3. #Separation 4. Daffodil 5. #Rain 6. #under_the_rain 7. #Children 8. #Marriage 9. #Conductor 10. #memories 11. #Nostalgia 12. #love_of_life 13. #Gham 14. #Tears 15. #Rahim 16. #Bitterness and loneliness 17. #romantic 18. #pain_and_sadness 19. #love 20. #Divorce 21. #early tears 1. Betrayal 2. #leave_home 3. Daffodil 4. #memories 5. #Rain 6. #under_the_rain 7. #Children 8. #Marriage 9. #Conductor 10. #travel 11. #Separation 12. #love_betrayed_ 13. #Emigration 14. #Reading 15. #Pain 16. #Lie 17. #Indecency 18. #Unfaithful 19. #Loneliness 20. #Vulgarity 21. #abandoned 22. #Tears #Strength_class_in_Tehran #break_your_neighbor's_head #Civil war in the streets of Tehran #don't_believe_that_you_can_stand_on_us_until_the_end_of_the_bagger #street_of_Tehran_behind_the_foot_of_the_pedestrian #Racism is a serious danger to society #Quot_be_ser_Aghazade_Jiran #Pirozi_Tehran_ In continuation of the previous videos, today, Salih's mother and Hasan are talking together. Hasan eagerly declares that he has won Friba's heart and wants to marry her. Salih's grandmother is very happy with this news and assures Hasan that she supports him in this path. Hasan tells his grandmother that he is concerned about land and that for his and Friba's future, they need to have a house. The grandmother suggests that he should go to Salih and convince him to sell the land so that the house and land become his. Hasan hastily leaves his grandmother's house and goes towards Salih's tent. By unfortunate chance, Hasan encounters Sadeg instead of Salih and ends up being severely beaten by Sadeg. Sadeq and Salih inform Arsalan about the situation, so he can address this matter. Father of nomads # Wandering nomads # Nomads # Masoumeh's love for Saleh Deep love # Family Father of nomads # Wandering nomads # Nomads # Masoumeh's love for Saleh # Deep love # Family opposition # Attraction and infatuation # Mountain hut # Saleh's opposition # Masoumeh in love # Masoumeh's concern # Correct choice #Masoumeh's happiness # High interest# Masoumeh family's concern # Love Reflexive #control and manipulation #saleh concern #death of spouse#deceased wife #babies without a mother #baby #milk dry #shahrukh #happy #parenthood .. about land and that for his and Friba's future, they need to have a house. The grandmother suggests that he should go to Salih and convince him to sell the land so that the house and land become his. Hasan hastily leaves his grandmother's house and goes towards Salih's tent. By unfortunate chance, Hasan encounters Sadeq instead of Salih and ends up being severely beaten by Sadeg. Sadeg and Salih inform Arsalan about the situation, so he can address this matter. Father of nomads # Wandering nomads # Nomads # Masoumeh's love for Saleh # Deep love # Family opposition # Attraction and infatuation # Mountain hut # Saleh's opposition # Masoumeh in love # Masoumeh's concern # Correct choice #Masoumeh's happiness # High interest# Masoumeh family's concern # Love Reflexive #control and manipulation #saleh concern #death of spouse#deceased wife #babies without a mother #baby #milk dry #shahrukh


9 days ago

مرحبا مشاهدي قناة البرنس من فضلكم ابقوا معنا حتى نهاية الفيديو لالا لالا ماهان اذهبوا للنوم يا عزيزي شغلوا السخان اظن ان الماء دخل في الزيت مهدي ابني اذهب ضع أغلق الهاتف حتى يتم الأذان، ماهان، يا عزيزي ، سأصلي في المسجد، أنت لن تأتي، دعني أنتظر حتى يحين الوقت، حان وقت الإفطار ، شكرًا لك على بقائك معنا حتى النهاية، وشكراً لبقائكم معنا حتى الفيديو التالي



زنده وا سلامت باشید
