
Filling the Unity Grids

"You are receiving four times the energy that we are flowing compared to all our previous years. And all you need to do is receive... When you complete these Global Meditations, we want you to walk away feeling more peaceful, more filled with love, more recognized and appreciated, more like yourself." - The Alchemy Collective Consciousness For more free meditations visit To sign up for the live global meditations with the Alchemy Collective Consciousness visit The various Diamond Lights: Ana-La-Rai's YouTube channel: @SparklesofLove Ana-La-Rai's upcoming events with Sparkles of Love: Advanced Sacral Chakra Activation: --- 0:00 Welcome 1:33 Global Meditation 44:55 Announcements

The Alchemy Collective Consciousness

6 days ago

hi everybody this is Maria and I'm introducing  the ground crew to you today we have our voice Analarai who comes to us from Vancouver Island  in Canada Christian her husband is also in Vancouver Island sarala is in Florida Paula in  Montana and I'm in Germany and as you all know all our meditations are free but we still have  monthly expenses so thank you to everyone who has donate donated to us so generously and  with that back to Analarai thank you Maria and okay today is March 12th and very
glad  to be here and our apologies to anyone who was looking for our Global meditation last week  I was still sick we did a short meditation and we decided that I sounded so deathly ill on  it that it would frighten people so we didn't post it so um glad to be I I glad to be a lot  to be back and feeling so much better so all right and welcome to uh let's see we've got  here Rea and Carl Matt eelen and Raj just potty and Mark all right so so we're going to  be doing the announcements at the end
so let's get started by connecting to the light and see  feeler sense as we bring in that Pure Source light and I'm going to ask everyone to  consciously connect to their highest self and just as you just see before you a  beautiful Golden Disc up here and it's the Alchemy travel disc and as you step upon it just  feel as it brings you up up up to this beautiful field the Alchemy field and as you look down  the field you'll see this beautiful Crystal it's huge it's bigger than an old oak tree it
's  the color and texture of quartz and it's the Alchemy home portal or Home Crystal so we asked  ask everyone to come down and walk around the Crystal and as you know we work only in group  Consciousness so for our time together we're going to create a group heart here and  do some Divine service for the planet together so let me just bring the Alchemy  through here greetings beloved ones we we are the Alchemy and it is our pleasure to be  present with you this day we call forth on on uh ribbon
s the one you know with Analarai on  Christian Kara and mother Gaia to step into the crystal for we run our energies through these  individual beings and out to you and out to the planet so see now that each of the four of them  is receiving four rays of light a purple Ray or Ribbon a blue ray a platinum Ray and a green Ray  and these four Rays or ribbons are coming down to each of them in a braided fashion and they  are coming out their heart and so feel now as you receive this four colored bra
ided ribbon from  analarai as she connects directly with your heart now and feel as you receive this  same four colored Ray or Ribbon from Christian and you receive this same colored  four Ray four colors woven ribbon from Kila and now from mother Gaia and just feel as we send love and  light through all of these rays and ribbons so yes you are receiving four times the energy that we are flowing  compared to all our previous years and all you need to do is receive and feel now as we begin  to ru
n the diamond lights and the diamond lights are the next wave  of Ascension energy they change daily they all carry the codes of  remembrance of who you are on all levels and the white diamond light is the  base light the pink diamond light is for the physical body to support the human  body the golden diamond light is for healing and the aqua Diamond light is to  support you in sovereignty and as you do these we remind you that you can call on  these Diamond lights for up to 60 Minutes consecut
ive twice per day once at bedtime and  these will support you in your own Awakening and we remind you but you do have to call on  them no more than 60 minutes and one of these times at bedtime and never when you are driving  beloved ones never when you are driving so just receive we were all connected and see behind you all the beings of light that  are here that hold the energy behind there are 12 rings of angels 11 rings of angels there is a ring of Enlighten ones  there is a ring of mythical
creatures there's another ring with all the  Alchemy members and another with the Alchemy High Council and the  outer ring it has the star sphere beings and feel now as we run the  energy of discernment it is one of the new frequencies here  on the planet since your winter solstice to support you in your own awareness and it flows down to the planet continually just receive more love and light here and just relax into these  beautiful energies to support you beautiful beautiful and we are going
to ask you to travel  today so you are going to remain connected to all of us the group heart remains intact  but you're going to travel on your golden discs to a country that begins with the  same name initial as your first name so Christian will go to a country that begins  with c and analarai will go to a country that begins the name of the country begins  with the letter A so if you can choose a country now and just write your country in so  we make sure we have people all over the world and
you're going to travel on your Golden  Disc still connected to all of us to this country to a place of nature to a place of  Nature and we have Madagascar Chile Algeria Surinam we don't know what that is Peru Japan  Syria Switzerland another Japan Saudi Arabia Germany Libya China Egypt Randa usbekistan [Music]  Ethiopia and alai is in the Artic another in Madagascar another in Chile uh the last  Cathy can you choose Canada instead Kathy can you choose Canada instead if  you wish Ghana Finland V
enezuela Korea beautiful you can just write in Brazil and you are traveling on your  Golden Disc to the country you have chosen beautiful Scotland uh Maria we will uh  yes Maria will ask you to do USA beautiful and Panama we have and as you come down in this  other country in this place of nature we want you to connect down into the unity grid and the unity grid is 6 feet or 2 M  below the Earth's surface it was created ated a few years ago of many of the grids on  planet Earth and upgraded it h
olds the unity Consciousness for the Awakening and it holds  many vibrations of love and peace and joy and just feel as your legs grow below the knees and  they get longer and they connect with the unity grid and we ask you to Simply let the  vibrations or the energies of the white diamond light the white diamond light flow into the unity grid only the white so it it is flowing through  your body and now out your feet and into the grid and of course as we tell you and we want  you to remember th
at we fill you up first you always fill up your own body your oric  field and it is the excess that goes into to the grids it is the excess that goes  into the gits where the humans are filled first and feel now as we ask you to  let the vibrations or the energies of discernment that is already flowing to you in so the white diamond light and the vibration  of discernment continues to flow through you all the diamond lights that the white the pink  the golden and the aqua not all those four flow
in you but the white flows all through  you and into the grid the unity grid and the vibration or energy of discernment flows to  you and also into the grid when you are filled up and just allow and we remind you that each and  every day as the energies on your planet change the diamond lights also change and increase and each and every time you listen to a global meditation that has  been recorded it holds the newest frequencies it is is just the way we have set  it up so if you listen to some
thing from 5 years ago it is not holding the vibration  of five years ago when you listen and are active in the meditation then it is holding  and bringing forth the current vibrations to support so you are connected in a place  of nature the country with the has the first same letter as your name as your first name the white diamond light is flowing into the unity grid as you are  filled up and the vibration of discernment and now we begin to run another vibration  to you and through you and ev
entually into the unity grids through you and that is  the vibration of peace that Stillness within so just receive the vibrations of peace continue to receive and allow e allow yourself to be filled with peace to  be filled with discernment to be filled with the diamond lights and the codes  of remembrance of who you are on all levels we remind you beloved ones that it would be  highly beneficial for each of you each day in whatever way you wish to do it to find  a little Time For Peace whether
it being a walk in nature or sitting in your garden  whether it be meditating or soaking in a bathtub whatever you do to find some peace and  Stillness it would benefit you greatly the more that you can bring in the vibrations of Peace  this year the easier and better it will be for you and these vibrations of discernment and peace and  white diamond light are flowing into the country into the unity grids below the countries various  countries around the world and karila and mother GA send them
as they need to but we are filling  up the grids with peace and discernment diamond light just let this flow and we are adding another vibration  now it will flow to you and through you it will fill you up first but it is  the vibration or the energies of unity Consciousness that Oneness for beautiful flowing into the unity Grid in  a place of nature in a country various countries around the world now is the white  diamond light the vibrations of discernment the vibration of peace and the vibra
tion of unity  Consciousness and we want you to understand that when you join us on Tuesdays or you listen to this  recording and set your intention to follow these meditations no matter the time or space you are  adding to the work that has been done and while this seems so simple and in many ways it is you  are adding multiple layers of vibration and energy to The Awakening to support others on planet Earth  to support the Awakening so what you do is quite significant ch and discernment peace
and unity Consciousness flow  into you into your oric field into your physical body and the excess flows into  the unity grids through your feet and lastly feel as we add that vibration of divine  love not romantic love but that Pure Source Divine love a beautiful cocktail  of energies and vibrations for you as an individual and for the unity grids that simply receive and if there is one of these five five  vibrations that you wish more of white diamond light discernment peace Unity  Consciousne
ss or Divine love then you may ask for it now and have we will have  more of that flow to you directly so if you wish more of one please ask for it  now otherwise they will stay in equal proportions e e e continue to receive and allow all of these vibrations to flow  through you and to you to fill you up first always for when you complete these  Global meditations we want you to walk away feeling more peaceful more  filled with love more recognized and appreciated more like yourself and for the
next five minutes we are going to increase the amounts of white diamond light  discernment peace Unity Consciousness and divine love if you do not want it  more increased through you that is fine some of you we know find this helpful and  enjoyable for some of you it might knock you out for five minutes but we will move  into the silence as we increase the amount that we are going to send through you it  will not disrupt any of you do not worry these are all high vibrations and feel now  as we i
ncrease the amounts of each for five minutes e e e e and so beloveds the increased  amounts of divine love unity Consciousness peace discernment and  white diamond light slowly starts to dissolve so that Divine love stops flowing and the unity  Consciousness vibrations stop flowing and peace stops flowing and the energy of discernment stops flowing and we ask you to disconnect  from the grids from the unity grids and allow your Golden Disc to  take you back to the Alchemy Home Crystal and here t
he diamond lights gently stop flowing and very gently mother Gaia releases  her four colored Ribbon or Ray from your heart and Kara releases her forc colored Ray or ribbon and Christian releases  his four colored Ray or ribbon and we ask Analarai to do so now as well and your Golden Disc gently brings  you back to your own time and space and we wish to share with you some  upand cominging events that may benefit you our next twice a year we do what we call  Gatherings where we do five days of ou
r work together and our first one is in April the 7th  to the 11th and it beloved ones is online so you may join us from anywhere in the world and  uh the registration is open on our website now the Alchemy and our second will  be in person and that will be at a beautiful Resort in Ontario two hours north of what you  call Toronto at a place called deer Hurst and there is a picture on the screen in front  of you it is on a beautiful Lake and this is where we do our deepest work wh
ere we go  in and really make significant changes it was at a gathering that the 100,000 terra Crystal  Angels were birthed and it was at a gathering that some of the anchors to preventing you  from moving sovereignty were released and it was out a gap Gathering that Kara was  birthed the new Consciousness who will be replacing mother Gaia so many deep things  happen at a gathering and we invite you to join us there's more details on our website and  that is just under a month away for our onlin
e Gathering and this Saturday Oh we must find this ah here it is this Saturday Analarai  Begins her one- day workshop she does these at our request so that the guides we are  always in the background but other guides and ourselves can come forth and give you more  information more tools and processes than in a 1-hour session and she asked us this time what  the focus would be and we have shared with her that what we want what we'll be focusing on this  Saturday is dissolving the karmic cycles an
d we have shared with you that 20124 has unprecedented  energies and part of all of these changes that are happening on the planet will be the dissolving  of the karmic Cycles or what we refer to as the past life energetic residue so join us and  many other enlightened ones this Saturday to begin the process of dissolving your own karmic  cycles and if you can't join us live then you if you register you will receive the recordings  later that day on Saturday and that is going to be a very very p
owerful important session and  tomorrow beginning tomorrow for six weeks any of you that are interested in receiving the advaned  chakras with Lord Shiva it is a six week program where you will receive all of the recordings and  then Analarai and Shiva are doing a weekly class uh to speak with you and update you and uh it will  really it is really still the most powerful tool that is currently available on your planet for  your own Awakening it is that simple that having the chakra system which
has never been complete  having the complete Advanced chakra system and receiving in a new way changes everything in your  own abilities in your intuition in the amounts of source light and love you can receive it shifts it  all and so that begins tomorrow and runs for six weeks and let us see here and to other um  announcements next week our Global meditation will be at this same time 8:00 a.m. Pacific and  Analarai will resume on Thursday her YouTube live sessions if you follow her there and t
his week  she's going to talk about finding your life's purpose or your soulle purpose and uh we think  that you might be a little surprised by some of what she has to share so as always we thank  you for being part of our co-creation we could not do this without you for it is those in human  form who come together who wish to cocreate the Great Awakening so we thank you all for being  here and one says powerful energies thank you glad Analarai is feeling better another says  wonderful thank you
all so Serene and beautiful you are so welcome beloveds we hope that you  have a most wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you those of you that are going to be  joining us this Saturday otherwise next Tuesday we will be with you again we are the Alchemy  thanks everybody have a great week bye for now



thanks for this beautiful meditation.