
Filming for Leonardo DiCaprio-starring movie rolls across Sacramento

It was lights, camera, and action again on Wednesday as filming for a Leonardo DiCaprio-starring movie took place across Sacramento.

CBS News Sacramento

5 days ago

a light camera action the camera's rolling across Sacramento the latest in a series of film Shoots for the upcoming Leonardo DiCaprio movie thanks for joining us at 10 I'm Marley giner and I'm Tony Lopez Cruiser downtown with filming underway there are road closures right now through downtown so CBS 13's Hunter sard is nearby with the onset action Hunter hey there Tony Marley yeah if you live in the area of 6 NJ chances are that you got a flyer warning you not only about all the equipment the ro
ad closures but also some possible noise disturbances that we could be hearing downtown I've been hanging out on the crew with the crew today in East Sacramento and here in this downtown location they told me there's going to be a simulation happening at some point this evening in downtown so if you hear a loud bang that's probably what you're hearing but like I said downtown's not the only exciting spot that we're seeing these film Crews set up they have been filming since the sun was up the ic
onic streets of Sacramento's Fab 40 trans formed into a Hollywood movie set carts trailer seen rolling down 45th the scene taking Center Stage the Reagan Mansion once home to the famous former president when he was governor of California today they shot a movie right here the Ramsey family now sits next door approached by Warner Brothers to lend their backyard as a snack stop for the cast and crew it's been amazing uh I got to meet Paul Anderson who is directing it when they did the scenes outsi
de it was really really exciting giving us a unique behindth scenes look at movie Magic now a lifelong memory for their family I stayed home they stayed home from school just to just to see what it was like to run a movie famous actors were in my backyard eating snacks from east saac to downtown guard rails and Warner Brothers special effect trucks the only clue that act two in a different location might involve some big stuns no matter what Sacramento scene is in Spotlight it's the local econom
y getting the Big Break I think there's a couple hundred people with their equipment their crew they're eating at the restaurants they're staying at hotels so I'm sure it's a huge impact but I think what's more important for Sacramento people is just the fact that there's a movie shot here in our hometown here in our hometown and we reached out to the city asking about that dollar sign just how much money are we seeing being pumped into our economy they weren't able to give me an exact uh price
tag they said it's just too early to tell because they're still so much time left for them to be here in the area shooting but we're giving you that look right now this again is in the downtown area 6th in J you see the Scientology building right behind where all those cameras are set up but the focus was really on across the street this building here um that they are focusing their attention on I am told throughout the evening we have not seen Leonardo DiCaprio or any of the other big names lik
e sea pin I know a lot of people in The Newsroom have been asking if I've caught a glimpse Tony Marley not yet but I've been hanging out I'm almost on a first name basis from the crew here so I have my fingers crossed May yeah you got the power you can turn around and yell action and they would just say what or hey Leo come over here you want to try it I don't think I don't know if we should try it out I want to hang I want to be able to hang out I want them to invite me back



First stop was filming in Eureka now Sacramento!


They’ve been here for like 3 weeks. Where have ya’ll been?


What is the movie called? lol


This is a good thing


Isn't that the house on Fair oaks blvb


Leonardo is hot


Why is this news ?


I think people should be compensated for it!!


Sooo.. what was the loud explosive sounds prior to the crew and equipment showed up to film this movie🤔 thats what is more important to the ppl of Sacramento not a film in the making folks😢 love Leonardo DiCaprio but it is upsetting that ppl have not gottrn the answers to the loud explosive sounds throughout multiple areas throughout Sacramento prior to Hollywood attiving to film this moving bro 🤬


Hope they don’t get any parking tickets. 😊.


Can we get the name of the movie


It sure was nice of the filming crew to kick out the homeless people where they were filming so they could make a movie about the homeless people. Good looking out Hollywood


They did good job of power washing the junkies off the sidewalk