
Filmmaker Michael Moore says Michigan's 'Uncommitted' campaign can save Biden from himself

During Michigan's Democratic Primary on Tuesday night, more than 100-thousand voters sent a message to President Biden by casting an "uncommitted" vote in protest of his administration's handling of Israel's war on Gaza. Academy-award winning filmmaker Michael Moore joins MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin to discuss why President Biden must change course ahead of the November election.  » Subscribe to MSNBC: About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to MSNBC Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: #MichaelMoore #Michigan #Biden


1 day ago

Michigan will be one to watch this November for several reasons during Tuesday night's Democratic primary more than 100,000 at michigander sent a message to President Biden casting an uncommitted vote in protest of his administration's handling of Israel's war on Gaza a reminder in 2020 Biden won Michigan by fewer than 150,000 votes while he still won Tuesday night's primary the uncommitted movement does not stop with Michigan and will not until Biden shows that he hears the message being sent a
s Joe Nichols puts it in the nation the message was blunt Biden's presidency could hang in the balance if he does not pay attention to voters he needs in November joining me now to discuss this is Academy award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore he is also part of the group listen to Michigan which helped organize the uncommitted push Michael it's great to see you again thank you so much for making time for us um earlier this week you said what Biden is participating in is something that is killing
civilians and children uh more than 30,000 Palestinians have now been killed in this ongoing War uh at this point does the president stand a chance at winning back uh some of those or any of those uncommitted voters would calling for a ceasefire at this moment be enough no um but it would go a long way um I can't speak for everybody who voted obviously we organized this campaign listen to Michigan Mr President please we organiz this in less than three weeks so I mean this was the most amazing t
hing to have happened to have over a 100,000 michiganders Democrats I would say the majority vast majority of whom voted for Biden in 2020 um to come out and vote uncommitted to send that message to the president that not only must there be a ceas fire now but uh that we must stop as Senator Sanders said earlier today we must stop sending an we shouldn't send another nickel is what he said in bombs guns planes bullets uh to Israel until they stop this madness and I think that that is how people
felt going to the polls on Tuesday uh that we needed to send a strong message um now for people listening to this to think oh why are we why are we throwing the election to to Trump I don't know I don't honest one thing I think I I feel safe saying is that uh those who voted uncommitted on on um on Tuesday are not going to vote for Trump my fear and the reason why uh those of us started this campaign is to basically save Biden from himself because because of what he's done to support this massac
re to fund it to be the bank for Israel to in their in the slaughter of these people that um he is essentially guaranteeing that thousands and thousands of Americans are going to stay home and not vote on Election Day because they're not gonna vote for Trump but this is how Trump could win because because those that 150,000 he won by in 2020 Hillary lost Michigan by just 11,000 votes that's two votes on average two votes per Precinct in Michigan that's it that's how close could be and to and to
have 100,000 plus come out on Tuesday and say you know what we our conscience will not allow us to support this right and and and if people say well so does your conscience allow you to let Trump win no no what it means actually to me personally is that now I've got to double and quadruple my efforts to make sure Trump loses because Biden is working against me Biden is working against against the Democrats de the Democrats in Michigan First of all 75% of the people in Michigan according to the l
ast poll I saw are want the ceasefire and want this massacre to stop that's Republicans and Democrats so the fact that Joe Biden isn't listening to the people is a sad thing it's going to hurt him uh if if he doesn't change and change now and going on TV a couple days before the primary with Seth Meer hor SE stuck with the ice cream cone there with uh Biden and you know when Biden promised that there would be a ceasefire by this Monday right I doesn't from your reporting here on MSNBC that doesn
't sound like that's going to happen and so um so you know what do we who don't want Trump back in there do at this point because and I'll and I again I can't speak on behalf of the Arab and Muslim American Americans in Michigan who voted but I've heard from enough of them and I've heard from enough young people of all uh ethnicities and races and and genders uh young people hate War mainly because they're the ones sent to war to die in those Wars can I ask you about that real quick though can I
ask you you bring up a really important point that I want to ask you about because how broad is this Coalition there is this perception certainly some in the mainstream media are trying to portray this as an Arab American thing or a Muslim American thing saying hey the guy on the other side wants to deport you you're a part of this you tell us how broad is this Coalition that is behind this uncommitted vote who is it listen I'm gonna like tell Tales out of school here those of us who were invol
ved and or helping organize and promote this on Tuesday the listen to Michigan campaign we were hoping for to get maybe 10 to 15,000 votes that was it um a few people the optimists thought maybe 30,000 the fact that it was over a 100,000 means it was a broad it wasn't just the 9,000 people in Dearborn or the other Arab uh cities uh in Michigan where you know we have an arab-american mayor and an arab-american city council ham traic Michigan no this was of course yes it was Muslims and it was ara
b-americans um but it was also vast vast vast numbers of young people who just said that's it I'm I'm out I'm not going to vote for Trump but I'm out of this if this guy is going to continue the war if he's going to continue to embrace Netanyahu I will not participate in this and so you had young people you have progressives you have all kinds of Democrats as I said the vast majority of Democrats in all the polls are against Biden funding and arming this war so why wouldn't Biden listen to this
he wouldn't even acknowledge it and when he you know he he won the the the primary and in thanking the people of Michigan just didn't just ignored the 100,000 people if if as Michelle Goldberg said in the New York Times last Friday if he loses Michigan he loses the election why would you risk that yeah President Biden why why AR you this is when you need to be a politician it's what you should do is the moral thing which is stop the the carpet bombing stop the Slaughter uh make sure Aid comes in
don't be dropping Aid with parachutes like it was some kind of Looney Tunes cartoon you know you've got two million people starving to death and you're and you're dropping a few hundred parachutes is it is that a joke is that like the ice cream announcing the uh we're gonna have a ceasefire by Monday you know this is not funny this is not a joke and and the young people of Michigan uh the people of color in Michigan I mean you Michigan we have what 13 14 black cities majority black cities Detro
it fln Saga uh Benton Harbor uh Pontiac these are African-American cities they don't support this they it's it's you know but they supported Biden I support Biden we voted for Biden we want to vote for him again and and and and but a lot of people and I this is what I was saying about our friends in the in the Detroit area who are Palestinian who have family members who have died in these last almost five months family members that have been killed by their in Dearborn in Detroit their tax dolla
rs they help to fund the slaughter of their grandparents their cousins their nieces their nephews and I'm just asking anybody who's watching this right now who's not Arab not Muslim if you discovered that the United States your country country funded and carried out through the production of these arms that are given to Israel carried out the slaughter of your grandparents tell me what you would do tell me how would you vote or would you maybe not vote at all and just sit it out because you're s
o so upset so disgusted with the murder of innocent civilians two-thirds of whom are children and women and elderly you know know it I mean just these are real people detroiters who have lost hundreds of people who have lost or have wound wounded family members or who are starving to death right now in Gaza what would where would just asking you fellow white people what would you do what would you do and why is there even why is there an open air prison called Gaza for 15 years you know when peo
ple are in prison is because they've committed a crime can somebody right now tell me what what the crime is that the Palestinian people as a group of people have committed what is the crime because according to my knowledge of History um uh the enemies of Israel who have been persecuted the Israelis the the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years but for the last 2,000 years most of the persecution has come from White European Centric Christians that's been your enemy n
o Palestinian helped to build owitz no Palestinian stood on the docks of New York City when boatloads of Jewish Refugee refugees trying to escaped the Holocaust came here to be protected by this country and were turned away at the docks in New York and sent back to Germany to die no Palestinian did that no Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition your enemy your enemy is not the Palestinian people it is white Christian European uh uh people who have been slaughtering Jews for the last 2,000 years
and let's just call it for what it is but why are they in an open air prison why are two million of them in an open air prison and I'm sorry to go on so long you bring up so many important points and I know we can talk about this for hours but but I did just want to kind of get your final thought about this because it is kind of becoming such an important issue in in the primaries do you think Joe Biden is gambling American democracy given the fact that the alternative is a guy who says he's go
ing to be a dictator is a guy who says he is going to be an authoritarian on day one do you think Donald Trump um is the threat that he is and Joe Biden is gambling uh by aligning himself closely with Netanyahu at the risk of American democracy absolutely and and and gambling by aligning himself with an authoritarian in Tel Aviv somebody who is facing a number number of felonious charges who was supposed to stay in trial this past fall and that all got shoved aside uh because now there's a war a
nd so we can't put our prime minister on trial the Joe Biden and I'm just I I plead with him do not put Trump back in the White House you are you are I am not going to be able to go on enough shows on TV between now and the election to convince literally millions of young people now you got to vote because Trump's a Trump's a bad guy well you know do you know any young people those of you watching me right now you should talk to them you should see what they think about this and it should fright
en you because uh and there's nothing you're going to do to convince your son or daughter niece or nephew uh to do the right thing uh many of us will do that we will we will be out there we will triple our efforts uh to help make sure Trump doesn't come back in the white house but why do we have to do this why can't Biden just stop it right now call for the ceasefire no more money for armaments uh to Israel and insist that that Israel right go to its core you you are the you are the you are the
religion that has always stood for something that stood for civil rights that stood for everything and and it's like it's it's I hear you I know I I I I sense the frustration in your voice Michael um let's hope the president is watching or certainly somebody around him is watching this and can can get that message to him uh it's always a pleasure filmmaker and host of The Rumble with Michael Moore Michael Moore thank you so much greatly appreciate it's good to see you again



It's not just young people; it's anybody with a heart and who abhors injustice--that spans all ages, genders and ethnicities.


Over 300,000 people voted either non committed or for haley in that same primary. So 45 has his problems also in michigan.


“ I’m not going to vote for Trump but I’m out” it’s probably one of the most naïve and irresponsible things to say and it is delusional, because not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump. at this point, I am thinking that the Russians are loving this as they do not have to do as much to get Americans to vote in Trump


I’m upset that these “uncommitted” voters are going to make us be stuck with Trump. Why do they want to ruin the U. S. if they now live here? It’s blackmail.


These uncommitted voters remind me of the people in 2016 who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary. This is exactly how we got saddled with Trump the first time. Please, do not make the same mistake again!


Michael Moore keeps saying, "Don't put trump back in the Whitehouse." But by not voting for Biden, that is what you will get. At that point, do you think the Middle East will be better off or worse. Who gives you a better chance of getting to your objective?


Michael Moore can spin it however he wasn’t but a no vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.


AND this Union could hang in the the balance if you decide to do this in November!!!! 2016 all over again!!!! Where were you during the water fiasco?!?


This is the dumbest thing Michael Moore has ever said. Not voting for Biden in the general election is most definitely helping trump.


It is not funny! But if you have to choose between our own country and Israel what your choice going to be? I want democracy!


I SAW the Seth Meyers show. Biden did NOT promise a cease fire by Monday, he said he HOPED they'd have a cease fire by Monday. BIG difference!


Ya go ahead and don't cast your vote for Biden. Give Trump the presidency and you'll really see what happens to Gaza and what's left of our democracy.


Michael Moore has always been very good at sounding the alarms for Democrats while simultaneously doing his best to ensure Dems got the votes to win Elections. However, in this particular instance, he needs to be very, very careful that the "Uncommitted" vote he is championing doesn't end up costing Pres. Biden the Election. I trust Moore but this is an extraordinarily perilous time for the Country and he needs to "thread the needle" with extraordinary care, here.


You had better vote for Biden. Otherwise, you'll give the job to Cheetolini. Biden can call for a cease fire, but that doesn't mean Israel will listen


Vote and bring like minded people to the polls 🇺🇲💙🌊


Actually Palestinians at the time of WWII been an ally of Nazy Germany


I'm normally a fan of Moore, but when the democracy of our country is on the line, I have to give him a giant FU for organizing this.


I like Michael Moore, but voters must realize that we are Americans first, and our duty is to the Constitution. We have to check our feelings at the door from time to time when these situations in which dual citizens might feel hurt arises because their country, their family's lives are being torn apart. We vote first, then try to help those overseas. Netanyahu is bad guy, and I never really liked him. He'll do what he will, and as voters, we must do what we must. Vote!


Don't gaslight yourselves about Trump and Gaza, people. Please vote. It's not worth losing your freedoms over what is obviously a wedge issue.


This is what willful ignorance looks like...