
Final Eclipse forecast in Northeast Ohio: Will we get a clear view?

It's a question many of you have been asking: What is the weather forecast for the solar eclipse in Northeast Ohio? As the big moment finally arrives with various Northeast Ohio areas in the path of totality -- like Cleveland and Akron -- the 3News weather team continues tracking the latest weather forecast updates, which we have in the video at the top of this story. The good news? This morning's rain is moving out, leaving us with clearing skies as we head into the afternoon. “For us, we have high clouds around," 3News' Senior Meteorologist Matt Wintz said in his latest forecast from early Monday morning. "Still should get a great view. It’s just going to be kind of obscured a little bit. But then you get out toward the east, that’s where we’ll have some lingering low-level cloud chances. Those are the ones we don’t want. We may have them out in Ashtabula, Trumbull and Geauga County as it moves through. Either way, most of us should be able to see it pretty nicely. Best chance is going to be out towards the west as we get those clearing skies.” Read more:

WKYC Channel 3

2 hours ago

I'm meteorologist Holly Strano and welcome to Eclipse Monday keeping you updated here on digital with what you need to know and so far the weather is really working in our favor as we talk our first time frame here which is when many of you might be watching at the moment and we are dealing with a mainly Sunny sky in a lot of areas but are anticipating at least a mix of clouds and sunshine at times through the afternoon so that'll hold from no till 2 and then again from 2: until 4: during that c
rucial crucial time so Eclipse viewing in general is looking good of course we will keep you up to date right here on digital should anything change as we get a look at Satellite and radar the showers from earlier are obviously out of here along with the cloud cover which we can see off to our East at this point expanding The View we've got a nice swath of clear to partly cloudy skies which is really uh great news as we're heading into this historic afternoon and I know so many of you are probab
ly in the process of putting all those plans together and getting out of the house and whatnot and you'll have your phones in store so let's start with the forecast over the next few hours which shows a partly to mostly sunny sky but we definitely see this transition to more partial Sunshine as we've been talking about over the next several hours it is warm and we've been talking about that which is a beautiful thing that you're going to be able able to be outdoors so many of you with your eclip
se glasses safely and comfortable at that as temperatures are nearing 70 or even better as we take you hour by hour literally over the next few hours you'll notice that we see a lot of 60s to near 70° with just minimal cloud cover this is the view at 4:00 today at that point of course will be past totality but I'll take you back in time here I just want to show you at least the breakdown as we get into early evening as we're in the 5:00 Zone at that point a lot of you will be at the Guardians ga
me and the weather is definitely looking like it's going to cooperate with some shower chances staying well to our South so let's talk Eclipse specifics and as far as uh the path and watching it in the cloud cover that we're seeing and Outlook wise right now we're going to stay along that same theme of partly sunny skies which would mean we are going to be in line to at least see this thing cloud cover we're trending towards very very high confidence as we have been over the last several days an
d one thing I'll say about this forecast I mean we've been talking about it for it seems like what months but it's been weeks it's been a long time since we've been talking about this event in general but things have been fairly consistent with this partial Sunshine that we anticipate so from the big picture you'll notice that we get into this sort of mix of clouds and sun as we head into the afternoon bring in that the path of the eclipse itself and when we reach that point of totality we'll be
talking about partial Sunshine but partial Sunshine means you are going to be able to witness this historic event with your family with your friends with your loved ones I mean I think the bottom line is that is what we have been so hopeful for because it's a Once in a-lifetime thing for so many of us from noon until 3:00 partly sunny skies of course in its totality we're looking at partly sunny skies as things get dark across Northeast Ohio and then from 3:30 till 600 we're back to uh again th
at mix of cloud sun and it looks like weather cooperating I want to make mention if you have any time to take pictures I'm sure a lot of you will be doing just that with your eclipse glasses on and whatnot in a safe matter you can absolutely text us your photos to 216 34433 again that's 216 34433 and by all means if you don't have our app download that there is the QR code right on the screen it's a very simple thing and you'll have everything at your fingertips that you need I highly highly rec
ommend that you have this as a resource to use not only for a historic day today but in general for weather events and whatnot enjoy the eclipse stay safe with your family your friends and we will keep you updated right here
