
Final Fantasy XVI | 1st Playthrough | Pt 11

Livestream Final Fantasy XVI 1st Playthrough If you enjoy the content, please drop a like and subscribe for notifications of future streams and uploads. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Streams on Twitch: Merch:


5 days ago

happy Final Fantasy Friday everybody Uncle woolly here for part uh 11 of Final Fantasy 16 welcome in good to see you all Arthur GG's on first good to see you my friend hopefully you're having a wonderful week so far it is great to see you uh looks like you're going to do a lurk I appreciate that dude happy Final Fantasy Friday always good to see you we are now up to day 15 of the Advent calendar from our good friends at Brew Dog Brewing and uh that means we do have a Advent calendar beer today I
will not be drinking this one on stream today but figured I'd show it uh regardless it has a tagline of live fast and drink slow this one is called Elvis juice and it is a grapefruit infused IPA from Brew Dog Brewing and it clocks in at 6.5% so we're going to enjoy that one a little bit later today not not on stream of course and I don't have to go to the office today so we will have a little bit of a longer Final Fantasy Friday today and uh it will be the last final fantasy Friday of the calen
dar year we'll be rejoining you with more Final Fantasy 16 uh in 2024 that is just so weird to say I do take a couple weeks to go visit family and uh spend time with Rel relatives and enjoy the holiday season uh so streams will be taking a bit of a break um after Monday's stream uh next week so we did finish Wind Waker on Wednesday uh so what we have left for streams this year uh tomorrow we do have a charity stream we will be doing more Kingdom Hearts super bosses and the platinum trophy hunt t
omorrow along with uh some marbl some jackbox games and possibly um some heart container side quest Westing in Wind Waker uh if time allows uh but that's going to be tomorrow we are doing that charity stream for the National Children's Alliance which is called the NCA and uh they really help out kids get out of abusive situations and help them uh get on a path to recovery so they can be kids because that's uh you know pretty important thing for kids to be able to just be kids you know so that's
uh that's what's on the agenda tomorrow if you can join us it's going to be a long Stream So it should be a fun one uh if you can't make it I totally understand it's a busy holiday season uh so any uh awareness that you can spread or uh lurks or any of that greatly greatly appreciated and also it is a trying time financially for a lot of people so if you don't have the means to donate please don't uh just spread awareness if you can uh but if you do have the means to donate that is greatly great
ly appreciated and that is going on tomorrow we're going to start at 9:00 a.m. Central time so that's what uh we're looking at for that and then also we have one more uh Elden ring stream on Monday so Monday night we're going to get down with some more Elden ring and who knows I might do a long one then too all right I'm not going to do as long as Wind Waker cuz we stayed up till past 4: a.m. yesterday and that was uh a bit much I'm going to give you a little bit of puppies before we jump into s
ome gameplay here oh man we had Charlie in the cloud too and then he uh he decided to move was it you Lucy were you being nice to [Laughter] him of course she was of course she was she's a good girl after all hey twani quick hello welcome in welcome in also hello uh Panda good to see you good morning good morning happy Final Fantasy Friday giving you just a little bit of Puppy Cam before we uh kick things off today yeah I think Lucy was being a bully and uh pushed Harley out of his bed now I'm j
oking or am I I don't know I don't know good morning everybody we'll lift you a big hearty cheers from the coffee cup and uh we'll get going on some Final Fantasy 16 good morning good morning good morning and uh now that we've got some more people here too I did want to mention that at um we are doing a charity stream tomorrow starting at 9:00 a.m. Central Time and if you can join uh that would be wonderful uh no obligation to donate uh but it is for the National Children's Alliance which helps
uh kids get out of abusive uh situations and kind of get on the path of just being a kid again so that's kind of uh what we're uh all about tomorrow if you can join us we're doing some Kingdom Hearts and some Community games and maybe if time allows some Wind Waker heart container uh side quest kind of stuff um no twani uh Panda has not been a menace uh Panda has been a very enjoyable and kind person uh so I don't know where you heard that I'm not sure where you heard that uh we give you some pr
eload music as well I just love the Final Fantasy games so very much and their Prelude music is uh just top- notot regardless of which game it is I don't know can I can I believe you on that 20 can I believe you on that all right let's get our game loaded up here we are at level 29 at Bolts from the blue and we are uh at our 14th save man I love these uh these little uh Sprites here oh my God goodness Panda thank you for the gifted sub to 20 20 enjoy uh adree viewing and the emotes for the rest
of the year and a little bit into uh uh 2024 Panda thank you very much for that gifted sub my goodness you are too sweet you are too sweet uh and that's all I'm going to say so give us some hearts in chat for uh for panda please um speak with auto okay trying to think of where I left off last week oh yeah we left off we took down uh Koopa who got carried off by somebody and now we're uh going to see what's going on here a is now a good time it's not bad one how's J doing she's been better Ty is
making sure she gets the rest she needs good any word on koopa's movements viv's do what she can to try and track him but she's feeding on scraps we've sent ows out to The Curse Breakers and our other friends in the west asking them to keep their eyes peeled for anything unusual no leads yet but it's only a matter of time all right let me know when you find some there he is all right Clive still busy saving the world of course we are mid when did you get back just now what about your studies aen
d since Hugo cupka invaded Rose area all the canvas in uproar about it he's gone mad he's turned Rogue it'll be feels next you try concentrating with all of that all right all right you win uh yeah you'll hear a lot of that in this game 20 there is a lot of uh of the British accent and a lot of the uh some folks that sound like they're from Yorkshire which is uh not not a bad thing how long will he be staying this time don't know a while most likely any road while I'm here I was hoping you could
do us a favor mid you can't just expect me to please oblige her while we are busy tracking down kopka you should have a little time to spare Professor now there's a face I haven't seen in a while shouldn't you have it buried in a Dusty old to I did till a familiar Trill pricked my ears as ever your exuberance is a breath of fresh air which successfully scattered the the painstakingly assembled fragments of my thoughts what a string of uh words there I'll take that as a compliment I do like the
reference um with mid and our character going under the moniker of Sid is a definite reference uh to Final Fantasy 4 for those that uh aren't familiar and also uh I think five as well where they had Sid in mid school work lurk hey enjoy one have a wonderful day good luck with all of your tasks and if we don't see you uh before the end of stream have a wonderful weekend and I don't know if you're on my auto shout out or not so let's uh go ahead and take care of that while we're at it let's go ahe
ad and give you one of these uh enjoy your lur enjoy enjoy good to see you good to see you Clive you at the professor so I'll meet you in the store room when you're done wa hold on breath of fresh air bloody Tempest more [Laughter] [Music] like boy Otto you got my Gil huh what you all about my fee for bringing mid across she said you were paying [Music] the store room was it I wonder what mids plotting what a braid too I I swear everybody in the Final Fantasy uh universe is hair goals I mean I c
an't imagine how long of hair you need to make a braid uh that size it's just uh it's got to hurt your head like the amount of pressure that's got to take you took your time I'm a busy man mid I'll get to the point then I want to turn the room down there into a workshop like the one I had at Dad's place M you've only just come back and I've been thinking about it for a while Dad said I had a knack for engineering taught me everything he knew about it then sent me off to canva to learn everything
he didn't that was his dream for me that one day I'd put my studies to use for the good of the cause but I'm helping no one stuck at school I've studied enough it's time I put me kn to work I know that I can help the people here and I want to do it well well well it's sick could see you now all right I'll tell L to you'll be staying I knew you'd say yes which is why I I wrote up a list of jobs for you for me who else what do you want me to do first things first I need equipment and materials to
start making me own there's the designs for the stuff I need and the stuff it needs smithing from the other materials I can work myself just need a generous benefactor to lay them on for me apart from the wood I'll need a carpenter for that but I can just borrow yours is it everything for now I'll let you know [Music] else yeah a else is definitely um where it start is definitely materials and tools British English Carn [Music] Blackthorn I love this uh Universe they've created for this game is
just so well done there's just so much character and life and everything just built into it Jill looked white as a sheet when let's talk to Karen first was wondering where you got to M back from canver have you seen her just now she's planning to set up a workshop in the store stes and ask me to buy her some materials here's the list noxious Vapors that spilled from the Cracks around a certain door in sedulous talman's deadland Hideway would sting the eyes and burn the nose of anyone who straye
d Too Close combining every ingredient on this list would no doubt produce a similar result thank you you can find everything on there this L would be much of a Trader if I couldn't excellent as for payment it's paid 100 times over by what that girl's done for us if it weren't for her filters we'd have not to drink but blight water and that would have drained the life out of us long ago indeed it would I'll send the stuff on to Mid when it comes in thank you Karen all right and Blackthorn Blackt
horn you busy what it like I have a commission for you from mid she requires certain tools a supply kit uh sketches of ineffable devices seemingly drawn from the pages of a Mad Alchemist notebook in a list of the equally exotic Alloys from from which such things are smithed or smithed I don't know on the pronunciation there do you think you can make them bloody hell what she planning to build with her stuff and Airship I'll see what I can do till her I'll bring them over when I'm done thanks and
mids no doubt oh man if we get a Airship I'm going to be so excited that just leaves the carpenter let's see if Bard off's available oh so we basically need to go down so we need to go here I think yeah there we go maybe this is the right way maybe it's not we'll find out what a lovely fragrance maybe this isn't the right way yep that's not the right way to go go it's okay because the music at the Hideway is so pleasant hello how's it coming along nearly there just need to get these last you we
re born in Ros wen't you must be hard Miss what's Med doing shouldn't you be getting some rest [Music] soon okay so do I need to go down this way or are they down by the uh haven't you heard mid's back things are about to get okay they're down by the dock so we need to go this [Music] way [Music] and those unfamiliar with the other games too uh mid always seemed to be a uh blonde as well so it's uh it's cool they're giving that nod to uh the mid characters of Final Fantasy P should be enough to
keep how do Master Sid B mid's looking to build a workshop in the store room and she needs the aid of a skilled Carpenter so naturally I thought of you well i' love to out the young Miss however I can but I'm afraid I got my hands full just keeping this place afat there's olds need patching and if I don't patch them will all of us sink into the mirror i' gladly spare mid all the time I have but the sad truth is I ain't got none I see it don't have to be me though does it what about that other fe
ll you know the one over at Mar's rest burnard was it that's right and he is a friend of the cause oh yeah the guy that bu the bridge for us thank you Bol least I could [Music] do well we are off to uh Martha's r you know what we should do we should acquire this uh side quest while we're at it because if that's in Martha's rest then we can knock out two quest with one [Music] trip hey Shadow welcome in happy Final Fantasy Friday it is good to see you cheers my friend I appreciate that we like to
get festive around here this time of year I did catch uh part of your message uh on Mattis stream yesterday uh I think you said you had a do a doctor or dentist appointment today if you've already been uh hopefully it's gone well but if you're need to go later uh wishing you the best with that I'm I'm not much of a fan of either going to the doctor or the dentist Sid I I know that when we came to the Hideway we chose to let go of our past in order that we might focus on our future we did noneth
eless I I was wondering if well I know you are from roseria and I'm in need of someone with intimate knowledge of those lands apparently the duy is home to all manner of Curative herbs found nowhere else in the realm among them is a flower called a Morgan beard that increases the potency of lesser medicines okay I can't say that I've had much practice healing my youth was spent in the Bailey a shame you see the Hideway relies heavily upon medicines procured from afar and when those shipments are
late well it's our sick who suffer I think we can do something about that learn to grow it here you might save many lives however as you are well aware Imperial occupation has rendered the roads unsafe for those like me untrained in the military Arts now I'm not asking the busiest Man in The Hiway to drop everything and make the journey for me but if you you happen to be in the duy on other business yeah and actually that's a good thing cuz we are going to be in the duy on on other business but
of course if my old Toms are to be believed the flowers are bright yellow and large as Goblin's eyes oh and they grow in the marshes of sorse if I am to propagate them here in the backyard I will require several samples preferably of blooms which have already gone to seed and before I forget I do seem to recall learning in the course of my research that their odor has the tendency to attract unsavory creatures nothing you cannot handle though I'm sure of course the root of the problem I like th
e uh Quest names in this too I wish you the best of luck with that shadow I'm assuming that you've already got a rot canal done uh prior to the crown so it should should be kind of less of a pain and I don't know kind of what your dentist procedure is but I know mine placed like a temporary crown which uh which feels weird to say the least um so I've I've had a rook canal and Crown place before definitely know what that feels like uh so wishing you the best dude but uh the root canal is the hard
est part looked white as a sheet [Music] yeah what's cool is they do some 3D imaging um anymore uh at least at our dentist and cuz my crown popped off during a recent cleaning in the last year and they had to Fashion me a new one and they were able to do a 3D scan of uh the existing one and make one exactly like it which was pretty neat and good morning plumies happy Final Fantasy Friday welcome on in welcome on in hopefully you got some good rest good to see you good to see you um let's see oka
y so our main quest is at Martha's rest and so is our uh side quest but uh anything Dental is extremely expensive even if you have insurance uh thank you for sticking with us thankfully my insurance covered about half of my crown replacement Crown because uh had I had to pay for that a lot of pocket it would have been something stupid like $1,200 so luckily I only had to pay half of that but I mean that's still a lot of money still a lot of money and it it's m belong to me that that countries th
at do have um Single Payer Healthcare or uh you know National Healthcare um that they don't uh that they don't have uh Dental included cuz and vision and stuff like that too because I feel like that's necessary aren't that fancy here at least not for NHS dental work okay no that that's fair and the molds like you know a good dentist they'll do let's see if they're D plenty uh plenty good enough job with just uh a good mold stay down stay down my goodness Clive violent there we go basic checkups
for teeth and eyes but anything on that okay still that's nice though like uh the basic checkup does that include like a a cleaning once or twice a year cuz if so that's that's pretty good size go what this got you certainly wasn't wrong about them being attracted to the flowers though literally the size of Goblin's eyes what a name gigas uh plow Swain what a name what why am I out of [Music] battle well that's good that some of that's covered uh for basic uh maintenance cuz that helps prevent t
he other stuff but uh I know places like Canada with our friends to uh the north of the US uh they don't have uh Dental included in their health insurance so for their national health coverage so it's quite expensive for dental work in Canada [Music] K now go get [Music] him hi Charlie get him [Music] nice try go trying to save all my uh icon abilities for the Stagger oh that was close that was close I like how toal has some magic abilities now that's pretty cool there we go well that's a way to
finish things off there we go there's some Morgan beard bright yellow these are our Morgan beards all right well I've gone to this much trouble there's something familiar about this send it reminds me of home hopefully this will be enough I've had my f of goblins good [Music] girl and let's take the chocoo ride back to uh the rest suppose we could always War to the Obelisk too but uh where's the fun in that where is the fun in that thanks G oh all right let's take care of this I [Music] guess w
hat the hell is this thing do out [Music] be [Music] to slow what level are we cuz we're not doing much to this guy at all hey rant welcome in good morning hope the hack and slashing is going well it is so far happy Final Fantasy Friday it is good to see you how is uh Simpsons Hit and Run um my goodness I haven't heard much about that game in a long time but hopefully it's treating you [Music] well I have Nostalgia for a lot of the old Simpsons games to me boy Oh wrong button wrong button indeed
we are in a bad way I think we just need the limit break for the healing Factor here it's going to be [Music] tough started yesterday and not played it since I rented it originally from blockbusters so uh practically a first time look that's fun too slow o that was [Music] close let's [Music] try there we go there's our mini [Music] stagger I was hoping that would get us to full stagger status but I guess not there we go attack slow this one's tough [Music] oh oh boy runs of AOE there oh I coul
d have swore I skipped that [Music] one and H too oh [Music] boy let's [Music] [Music] try yeah this is a tough battle here nice [Music] try no no no no get out of there get out of there [Music] Clive might have to use that limit break soon but I'm going to hold [Music] off hey baham good morning good morning welcome [Music] in close no now they [Music] Clive and he is just skating all over the [Music] place nice try we're almost uh almost to the mini stagger [Music] point oh no [Music] waken wi
nds hey there we go there we go I'm doing good this morning bahit hopefully you're doing well happy Final Fantasy Friday and 16 is going amazing uh but that's kind of per usual for this game it is just so [Music] good [Music] you almost got him almost got [Music] him what's funny is I started stream this morning roughly the same time I stopped stream on Thursday morning and that's because I uh stayed up way too late on Wednesday night playing Wind Waker we did finish uh Wind Waker on Wednesday w
hich was a lot of fun highly recommend that game to anybody that's a fan of the Zelda series or really a good way to get into the game [Music] too great game to get into that series was uh come on dude if you could just hurry up and die that would be nice there we go excellent pH you there was staying up late I stayed a bit too late playing genin impact last night that's fair totally understand that it's fun to stay up late playe games though sometimes you need to do that valan Prospectors have
yet to locate a source of naturally occurring electrum uh the only known samples coming from the remains of Fallen automata this has led some to surmise the metal is not in fact naturally occurring at all and rather creation of the lost people obtained by defeating a cian sweet from the ruins it came and to ruin it [Music] returns I didn't mean to uh you know find that thing but hey we got a good Bounty there that is that is a good thing and Bahamut uh I'm still in the process of updating my aut
o shouts so let's hit you up with one of those looks like you're playing some Bioshock is that a is that a first playthrough for you uh cuz if so how are you enjoying the game so far I'm big fan of BioShock I got all the uh achievements on the Xbox uh 360 version of the game in uh in college I didn't have a whole lot of money my last semester at Uni and I basically only had enough to afford one game and so and I didn't have a whole lot of time to play games either but my goodness I played uh uh
I've already got the the trophy uh Panda but we can definitely uh pet tole some more when did you get so big the first opportunity we had to pet tole uh we got that [Laughter] trophy so I played the world out of Bioshock good boy when I first got it um cuz since that was the only game I had access to when I had free time on weekends I played the world out of it playing it for years but it feels like a first playthrough enjoying as always yeah it's creepy um and I don't know if it's classified as
a horror game but man they were bits that really weirded me out that I need like I needed to take breaks from the game because it just was so intense it's wonderful what brings you to the rest our home finds itself in need of an extra Carpenter I wondered if I might be able to borrow burnard for a short while I don't mind if he don't we're all friends here a't we thank you Martha do you know where I might find him he went up to creser on business no idea what mind places a ruin far as I know he
's still there let's go help him out yeah all right so where is cresa anyway okay so is that worth going to another Obelisk nah so we need to go out this way take a left and another left so we turn around it's only fitting you go across the bridge that he built for you to go find him I like this of course tol deserves all the ls all the ls for tol he's the bestest boy hopefully Charlie didn't hear that which uh he has finally settled a little bit into his Cloud so there we go now we got all thre
e puppies sadly just first-person shooter but it definitely has horror elements I can't wait for ooh I guess I haven't heard much about that uh Bahamut but that sounds pretty interesting I mean there's enough lore in depth uh to that story that I think uh there's enough there for a TV series or uh good girl or film adaptation going to leave you on the TV for maribou a enjoy your uh your visit to the dentist hopefully everything goes smoothly and quickly dude and uh thank you I'm glad to keep mar
ibou company hey maribou you're a good boy [Music] too fost I mean too is best boy but uh yeah that's beside the point can we get some hearts in chat for shadow [Music] please yeah best video game boy there you go not to be confused with Nintendo's Game Boy [Music] have end the lad who saved my life what brings you to a place like this you do burnard Martha said I might find you here I have a proposition for you oh do you [Music] know and some of these shots are so well framed that beats tacking
boards to Bridges sure enough and if Marther do mind me being gone a while then neither do I you just tell me where you want me that's the spirit I uh I couldn't ask a favor though could I before we go sure of [Music] course that there is cres where I grew up ain't much left of it now though except my parents Graves a that's sad but I I came up here hoping to visit I even patched up the bridge to get across only to find the place Place crawling with fiend well let's take care of that but you're
a daband when it comes to dealing with beasts and bogles Ain you any chance you could uh it's the least I can do beasts and bogal you kindly and take care is wonderful news Bahamut can we get some GG's uh for Bahamut please that is wonderful news congrats dude that is a a big achievement by all means uh I need to just get a button for uh spamming ggs in chat so we'll work on that but congratulations that is wonderful news this shouldn't take long [Music] oh I parried on accident very nice stay
uh let's switch to our Airborne creatures there we go all yours tole oo very nice of course it couldn't be that [Music] easy there we go man that combo is very [Music] satisfying holy cow how many enemies are there oh that hurt uh we just met at Mid and we took down uh kopka last week so too got his uh big glow up not that he needed it of course oh my goodness I need to be careful here not good come [Music] [Music] on [Music] oh boy oh boy get out of here there we go come on tole [Music] oh Flam
es there we go hopefully that does it oh my goodness that was close and I'm assuming you're you finished the game already baham it so I apologize that there were any spoilers uh laiden in that statement that should do it you made short work of that Lot H they almost made short work of me thank you son now my folks can rest in peace once more how long is it since the village was abandoned oh people started packing their things after the dut she fell between the blight and the Imperials you just c
ouldn't make ends meet must be n on a decade since the last wagon left though it may as well have been a century looking at the place this is the crador I remember I'm sorry yeah that's sad ah don't be can't live in the past no matter how nice it might have been soon as I'm done saying a prayer for those that raised me it's on to your Hideway I'll meet you there is excellent though he gets to visit his parents that should take care of M little list better head back before she thinks of anything
[Music] else oh Clive uh that's all too relatable um I know there are times where I've received a uh to-do [Music] list and I'm like uh I finished it let's get back uh before they think of anything else so let totally get that finish the game excellent um yeah my whole goal was to play this when it first came out but Final Fantasy 5 uh took a lot longer than I expected uh in a good way not complaining about that by any means and also I uh what a lovely FR had some unexpected time away this summe
r so it kind of delayed my uh completing of Final Fantasy 5 as [Music] well but if anybody hasn't played five definitely do it it is wonderful is rare that we see you so often in the backyard Sid what brings you to the gardens your task that you gave me this rare Flora has the unfortunate honor of being named for the water spirits that are believed to haunt the swamps of Eastern storm trapping hapless Wanderers in the morass that they might Su on the Hope in their hearts infusions brooded from t
he flowers pedal by contrast are quite tasty and known to cure all manner of ailments I found your flowers yes yes wonderful these are almost identical to the plates in my tone did you have any trouble locating them finding them was the easy part y but it's odd they remind me of my childhood somehow I don't remember these flowers specifically but you must have grown them in the castle Garden if the petals are meant to improve the effectiveness of medicines it's possible that the core physic has
grew them for the tinctures and treatments they made my brother yep the dukal healers were convinced of their properties that is all the more reason to begin growing our own Supply here oh allow me to use some of the flowers you brought me to make something that might Aid you on your travels oh sweet I need only a moment to extract the essence from the paddles very cool and here we are a file of pure Morgan beard extract a single drop added to any one of your restoratives will increase its poten
cy at least I hope it will if it doesn't kill [Laughter] you at least at least I hope it will adding but a drop of this concentrated extract to any Curative or performance-enhancing potion will increase its potency or so insists Nigel of the [Laughter] backyard I like this instead of you know doing like Mega potions or or stuff like that they're just keeping like high potions but then this strengthens our consumables that's [Music] cool that is really cool I like that a lot instead of changing t
he names of things uh you just change the properties through a side quest that was honestly worth the effort um I would say I would recommend doing the pixel remasters on Playstation if you if you have that or otherwise if you have a Nintendo switch it it would be nice to have them in handheld but the problem is you know of course unless you're a Trophy Hunter you don't get access to hunting trophies on the switch yeah what doesn't kill you gives you nice shiny robes like uh gandal but I want to
help Miss Midol with her um cuz I started playing the pixel remasters on Steam uh before they came out for consoles which uh kind of stinks because then I miss out on the trophies I guess there steam achievements um but I'm I'm half tempted to get them for PlayStation and go back and play them again off stream uh because I never played 1 through six back in the day uh so I'm working through that now and I started with one in December of 21 and I worked my way through uh 1 2 three and four I fin
ished four at the end of last year at at the end of 2022 and I started uh Crisis Core and five uh this year including Final Fantasy 16 next year I'm hoping to round out this game uh of course I'm taking some time off work to play uh rebirth when it comes out and then after rebirth uh I do plan on playing six and then hopefully 10 uh so that's kind of my lofty aspirations for next year uh due to avoiding spoilers and wanting to enjoy it as much as possible I will be replacing my normal Monday Wed
nesday games with uh with rebirth as well so that's kind of uh my plans for uh 2024 all right Clive you've all done then I am I've placed your various orders and a carpenter by the name of Bernard is on his way for Martha's rest that's brilliant thanks Clyde is there anything else you need nope black Thorne and Lady Karen have already sent over everything I asked for and I've got all my plans drawn up so as soon as burnard gets here we can get to work nice I can't [Music] wait good work good wor
k getting to work residual Earth ether that having failed to dissipate on the battlefield has instead manif tested into a solid form not unlike Crystal but with a Elemental Purity that renders it far more potent if not highly specialized in its applications that's my good date for the day done let's see how Jill's fairing shouldn't you be getting some rest oh we got some side quests that have popped up so let's uh see if we can grab those okay that side quest is in with Jill so let's go find thi
s other one oh yeah and we can talk to uh a nectar about the uh Bounty yeah we took care of this guy very cool I love this Mughal so very much good plan for 2024 strictly avoiding any spoilers for rebirth but Square Enix yeah I I've seen social media posts about the last trailer but I uh am refraining from all future trailers including the one at the game awards just because um yeah same reason do you have a moment Sid a team of Curse Breakers has gone missing near North reach no which team Kohl
's they were sent to liberate a carriage of bearers before they could be smuggled to Market they were moving in for their assault when the carriage was attacked by goblins a cursebreaker managed to release the stus amid the confusion but this was days ago they should be back by now but I've heard nothing from any of them I can't help but worry that they know the work is dangerous but I'm sure they're fine but what if I've got them all killed before they go out I always remind them why we're doin
g this what they escaped and what we're freeing people from but I never really thought how my words might affect them what risks they might take because of the things I've said I'll go and find them yeah yeah we'll both rest easier knowing they're safe thank you Sid and I'm sorry to trouble you with this the plan was to intercept the slaver somewhere in the dragon's ay I can't tell you much more than that I'm afraid that should be enough to go on if they were there tole will track them down I ca
n't help but think you know if this is weighing so much on your conscience and you got them into this wouldn't you go check I mean we'll help her out for sure but it's just uh you know yeah what's everyone abouten you heard I'm sure they have obligations here so ah Clive T how's Jill recovering but she still needs her rest of course take good care of her won't you I'll do my best oh gav was looking for you he said he had something to show you in the shelves the shelves Ah that's right he went to
ask hoces about toore he must have found something oh cool let's get our side quest here man with the twins upon his shoulders rri T has tasked me with removing a curse breaker's friend but it's my first time and I I don't think I can do it I'm afraid of what happens if I fail you survived I know but there as many die as recover is it really worth the risk you don't need me to answer that you know full well what we're fighting for I hope as much as you that one day bearers can walk among others
as equals but until that day a brand is a burden and we must lift that burden in order to go undetected the operation may be dangerous but it's also essential and we undergo it willingly so I'm just kind of curious um I still wish there was some other way you're going undetected with a big mark on your face where a scar used to be or a brand used to be it's just strange uh I don't think that's as inconspicuous as Clive believes it to be got to the dentist hilar hilariously early get to watch so
me stream before I go in nice that is good news yeah I've done that before what I've also done before Shadow is I've arrived a week before about my lot helps no one I suppose don't worry I'll do what must be done so I'm glad it's just you know a number of minutes early and not uh that much's doing is the preparation of a draft to do the pain something I can't do with the infirmary's ammonia Supply so low what few leaves we have would barely be enough for removing a splinter let alone a brand jus
t tell me what you need you you'll go oh thank you I mean that's SP B her like Ty and she swears by ammonia for easing pain it's simple enough to find if you know where to look and fortunately for you I do along the river near the village of Amber over in Rosaria just search for the bright blue blossoms I guess part of it is you need to make it you know more unique L shaped than the brand itself so it it can be more easily dismissed did that with your eye test the other week oh man I've done tha
t to so many appointments over the years where I've just uh accidentally marked it on a wrong week on my calendar or something and then I go in a week early and I'm sitting in the waiting room and I'm very introverted so like I'll go and just sit down and wait and wait wait for them to you know cuz usually at appointments like that the uh the receptionist you don't have to check in with them uh being the in the small community that I live in you just kind of go sit down and then they'll call you
r name when you're ready and you know my appointment time had come and passed and you know I was about 5 minutes after I'm like okay well we'll see what's going on here they're like oh yeah your your appointment's next week I'm oh jeez oops white is a sheet oops so that's where you know sometimes times being uh introverted and and not wanting to bother people can be a [Laughter] detriment Clive where have you been I've been wanting to ask you something about tole where did you get him like in th
e first place uh my father brought him back from one of his Expeditions into the Northern Territories they were crossing a snowfield when they heard his cries and seeing no sign of his pack they took him in what you reckon tommes it certainly adds weight to the theory Clive I believe that tole may be no mere Hound but a rare frostwolf an animal native to the far Northern reaches of valisia in one of our oldest bestes I found reference to a frostwolf who served as guardian to an an ancient Queen
of the North such was his Mastery over ether he could cast Magics on command his that is cool was fena excellent fena the frostwolf excellent Norse uh mythology uh influence there now the animals do not state it explicitly but I have reason to believe this queen was a dominant of Shiva a girl from the Northern Territories and her faithful Hound one awakens as the dominant of Shiva and the other you're saying that Jill granted tole his powers what just like fenri people called him my Hound but to
le and Jill were inseparable he grew up as a faithful companion to the dominant of Shiva and years later his power was awakened just when his master needed him the most oh that is cool if it weren't for tole blasting those bastards to Kingdom Come Jill would have been for it quite though toal's power is his own his latent Birthright as a frostwolf it had only to be unlocked oh get you tole you're an even finer Hound than we thought a good boy and regarding your original concern you need not fear
for toal's health why the Beast has the appetite of a behemoth just this very MN I found him with his nose buried in my [Music] nuts I'm sorry but the phrasing there they could have gone with maybe a different food item I I hope that's a localization error cuz I'm guessing that's going to become a meme there you are I'm looking everywhere for you Bernard I need you to introduce her so we can get to work I shall be a moment some time later it it brilliant It is Well I could have done it without
you you and everyone else but I promise I'll pay you back I'm going to work the fingers to be bone for you lot starting right now just you wait I'll make wonders like this world's never seen then I look forward to seeing [Music] them tole the dominant of fin that settled I wonder if Vivian's made any progress tracking down kopco I wish that's what I was uh in the process of thinking to uh Bahamut you know what let's take care of those side quests before we proceed cuz I just don't think it's goi
ng to give me the chance [Music] otherwise so let's go to North reach take care of that one there's we are doing a longer stream today uh since I do have the uh day off from work we'll need to take a break uh in a little while oh I don't need to go in there I need to go back out here I think yeah uh to take care of the uh the puppy needs for uh F and other wies that'll be uh not for a little bit yet run like the [Music] wind ah the dragon's area you know what I should have done is got potions I'
m still very much lacking [Music] on those yeah I should have stocked up before leaving oh I missed uh my quest marker get me back on my feet tears Cole I'm glad you're in one piece just a back said if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here Doris sent me to find you she hasn't heard anything since the attack she's been worried about here I sent a runner to the Dame in northri the Hideway should have learned of our survival yesterday uhoh well I'm here now and it looks like you freed th
e bearers only some the rest locked themselves in the slaver's carriage rather than fleeing when they had the chance I want to help them Sid but we're barely in any state to protect those few we did save you made the right decision now where's the carriage the Goblins may still be out there you have duties to attend to here see to the injured I'll handle the rest all right just follow the path to the South you'll come across the carriage soon enough and please hurry if the beastmen gets those be
arers the poor souls will be eaten alive I won't let that happen thank you yep and Sid it's good to see you good to see you too just yet um I agree Shadow uh they did uh the chocoo music very very well in 15 but I am very partial uh honestly to the black Chocobo theme in Final Fantasy 5 uh the very like Caribbean Calypso style influence uh with like the steel drums and everything in that one uh absolutely love that one give you some quick shot of the puppies here since they're all just nestled i
n so cozily this [Music] morning good [Music] [Applause] Duos come on Ambrosia ready go but I wish they would have just done more than just a like little bit of fanfare when you get on the chocoo in this one same with Nine's chocoo theme uh nice steel drum oh yeah I forgot about that the carriage man I haven't played nine in a while I should probably redo that [Music] so well need to not get hit like [Music] that [Music] [Music] don't you dare hit too like that you jerk let try [Music] [Music] y
eah this one over here a it wouldn't let me do the mini stagger on him during his charge up that's unfortunate here we go oh what a finish this game is just beautiful level 30 now nice so we were underleveled for that one guy who are you a friend are there any more survivors why didn't you flee with the others if the Goblins had made it through that door you wouldn't have stood a chance why should we run one miserable death's no worse than another oh perhaps this man is down on his luck you anot
her Choice Freedom safety the life you've been denied come with us let us protect you Sid I I couldn't just let you you weren't too late then thank the gods this man risked his life to save yours to give you a second chance fine do with us what you will what we'll do with you is take you to safety after that it's up to you your lives are your own now you can leave the rest to us Sid we'll get everyone back to the Hideway thank you I'll let Doris know we're expecting new arrivals sweet I do love
that all right gather uh let's go take care of that quest which is over in Ros areia then we can continue with main questing see this game like I feel like the need to do these side quest because there's just so much contextual value that even though the game is uh very simple in its side questing enough for those herbs it's uh just so well done these are scary bird Raptor combo [Music] waken wins nice well that was simple enough this is the only plant around here with blue flowers I hope it's t
he right one should be enough to keep the infirmary stock for a while hopefully this will put Rodriquez at ease and I am just so uh so happy with the voice acting in this game and Ben star has done just such a phenomenal job I mean the entire cast uh but especially Ben star and Ralph Inon um my goodness it's just one thing off after another around here L have been up to their old tricks proving that uh voice acting in games is an art form most definitely Sid welcome back a stol us from the Dame
arrived not long after you left if I just waited a little longer I might have been able to deal with things myself or maybe I wouldn't I keep making the wrong decision but those are mistakes that you can learn from mistakes are only mistakes if you don't learn from them Cole and the others got home safely you made exactly the right decision exactly no I was lucky I've been tracking that slaver for months and then I sent Cole and you after them woefully unprepared what kind of leader sends people
into danger without considering all the risks I should have urged greater to caution told Cole to be wary to pull back at the first sign of trouble we swore the same oath as you Doris it's good to see you safe and well Cole I'm sorry with all due respect we Curse Breakers don't risk Our Lives because you commanded of us we risk them because we believe in our cause no one without sever joins our ranks the agony of removing the brand more than seiz to that we all know how much bravery that takes
Cole I never doubted your courage only my ability to see it put to good use yep thank you for your faith in me I'm not sure I deserve it but you do though sometimes wonder if I might prefer to risk death alongside the others than ask it of them but I'm a curse breaker I swore an oath too I have a role to play and I must trust that I'm the right one to play it he will in time yep exactly baham heavy is the the head that wears the crown uh leader learns from the mistakes they make and use that kno
wledge to you know make better decisions yeah okay the Breath of Fire this helps with the rising Flames cool down you know what I haven't done is actually looked at my uh abilities in a while that's nice I haven't really done anything with the Titan [Music] [Music] [Music] stuff okay we haven't done Rooks Gambit for the uh aerial blast we should probably learn oh we don't have enough points um judgment bolts that's a lot for an upgrade uh let's see here thunderstorm looks [Music] nice [Music] we
could level up our Precision Dodge I like that you can reset these at any time so you can kind of like resp um not a big fan of the ignition move oh we can level up our uh limit break if we had enough skill [Music] points I hope you didn't have too much trouble finding the ammonia not at all a wild herb that when brw into an infusion can Dole the pain of a Barber's blade only the usual oh yes this is it and more than I was expecting I dare say the patient won't feel a thing that is unless I we'
ll do fine T trusts you which means I Trust You The Hiway would be lost without skilled physicans like yourself thank you for the kind words truly but I'm I'm sorry I'm still terrified the brand is more than just ink on flesh it's a death sentence milk of the W and tail lurking just below the surface of the skin one ill conceived incision a single slip and the poison fouls the patient's blood failure means death and even success means tremendous pain days of Agony as the wound heals I became a p
hysical to help people not to kill them I I I don't want to kill anyone Curse Breakers lead hard lives and the operation is only the beginning they toil in the shadows risking life and limb knowing their efforts will win them neither Glory nor ACC claim and yet we never won for volunteers why do you think that is because it's the right thing to do they're willing to die they're willing to fight to give their lives to create a world where people like us can be more than mere possessions I know yo
ur work isn't easy but neither is going under the knife be a shoulder for your patience to lean on stay strong for them you sound like Ty you you know what she once told me it's natural for a patient to feel like they're suffering in solitude and it's a physic's duty to see that they don't thank you for helping me remember that great words I won't falter not again I love just so much humanity is packed into the story and into the side quest I I don't know I don't think I've seen a game with this
amount of depth to the NPCs it's insane exactly Bahamut exactly how goes the hunt for Koopa largely in circles we have Myriad sightings of strange soldiers in unexpected places but nothing definitive as yet if only we knew for certain by what roote he left roosth well keep at it if anyone can piece this puzzle together it's you and I'm willing to wait as long as it takes yeah cuz we need to take Koopa down what here would that be a problem do you know Clive I believe it a mercy that I love how
they called that out cuz that was a bit awkward didn't inherit your father's Throne your poor people would surely live even fear of you you have nothing to worry about on that front I won't be claiming his crown that is a relief uh Clive have you got a minute we um have a guest a guest who might that be for your trouble it was a pleasure you know I saw it Uncle Byron C my boy tap aask and sto the ovens for your favorite uncle is here [Music] I've been looking for a sound uh bite I have a few uh
streamer friends that have walk-on sounds and I've been looking for a good one and that is a good one Tap The Cask and stoke the ovens your favorite uncle is here I'm going to use that um I need to do a a game capture of of that one so I can pull that sound bite [Laughter] excellent Twin Side the holy Empire of sbre seat of the Imperial Court the dmean governments audience chamber peace how shall we respond if they're willing to accept their fault in the matter I see no reason to refuse them [Mu
sic] still we must insist on substantial reparations twins side stores are not as bottomless as reported I and we have many more mouths to feed we shall just have to have the dalmex empty their treasuries for [Music] us oh would it be the uh wizard um is never late nor is he early he arrives precisely when he means to too cuz that's a good [Music] one of course none of this would have been possible without your timely intervention Prince Olivier indeed I doubt any of us would have had the courag
e to trade words with the mighty Titan nor less the wit to win him over the Empire owes you a great Deb May the blessing of the crystals go with you your highness May the blessing of the crystals go with you very good oh that is a good one too Bahamut certainty of death small chance of success what are we waiting for now let us come to the question of precisely when the Dalek will withdraw their troops 's fire could rid us of them in mere moments the men of the Fist will not withdraw until a pea
ce treaty is concluded so let us keep the negotiations open give them time to gather what gold and trinkets they can and once they deliver that which we demand what worth is a piece of parchment your Radiance were Prince Dion to take the field the enemy would surely send their own dominant to meet him and while His Highness would of course Prevail there would be heavy losses on both you need not fear Hugo Koper he is engaged on the Western Front even where the D makes to send for him he would no
t arrive in time as much as I would enjoy witnessing a clash between Bahamut and Titan it is not to be and what of your subjects your Radiance if the fighting spread to the city proper the people would bear the brunt of it there will be losses it is true gross this dude is evil yet for every citizen Who falls another can be bred oh every home that burns another can be built awful the Empire will live on yeah this this guy is most foul and speaking of somebody who is not foul but might have some
foul language welcome in mest good to see you gimly is such a top lat yep great attitude throughout love gimy absolutely love that character uh John Reese Davies uh amazing performance and also amazing considering he is a very tall man and through the magic of film making they made him look quite uh short I'm still amazed by what they were able to accomplish uh with the hobbits and perspective filming and all that because it's just top top drawer oh man I forgot about that Hue welcome in by the
way good to see you yes sir e prepare for battle but s do not make me repeat myself return to your camp and await my orders Sylvester is just uh Beyond reprehensible if that is your wish your Radiance I shall depart at once and the way this kid is always like in his mother's lap it's just strange like he should be out playing with friends um I feel like they're they're making him uh have lack of adjustment uh to the outside world uh in order to pursue their power struggle and their their want fo
r uh subjugation but my goodness like give the kids some Freedom m g forgive you I'm sure it's a comfort thing for the kid at this point but it's just uh strange what do the astrologers or the stars are in agreement your Radiance the shadow of treachery hangs over Prince Dion so he'd see his own son come to death then so annabella's Tales were true you disappoint me on I agree Annabelle is quite vile yep oh there's no doubt she's already poisoned the mind of that poor child what on Earth is Uncl
e Byron doing n a doubt in the world one way to find [Music] out the ls have been up to their own it's just one thing after another around yeah ah my dear nephew how I've missed you how did you find this place Uncle through the good offices of young s Wade he really is the most helpful fellow as are you I hear the Guardians and those they freed tell the most outlandish Tales of your heroics in rosali which is why I came to learn the full truth of the matter sought the fact from the fiction so to
speak welcome in Hegel to evacuate the people of Rosal thetis ala I was I then I have questions for you please come inside Uncle gladly uh you there there are 2,000 gold talents in those chests see that they're added to my nephew's coffers would you 2,000 oh c and I'm I kind of wish they would have gone like right on the nose with that one and says you know like he could have said something like I I can't believe it or something because they've already done like some of the puns of like him onl
y having one eye I kind of wish they would have just leaned into it there good morning Hegel good to see you happy Final Fantasy Friday also uh Happy Final Fantasy Friday to Hugh and matest and anybody just joining us as well good to see you all good morning good morning afraid that is all I know a fleet sailing South past Port isala most intriguing forgive me for not being able to tell you more I hadn't the faintest idea Copco withdrew wounded from rosali still less that my own nephew dealt the
decisive blow what do you think Vivan I think with this news of the dmean fleet and recent reports of the royalists movements that the final piece of the puzzle has fallen into place yes come here and I'll show you let us go cut the head off the snake it is known that kupka's forces entered Rosaria via its unguarded Coast so can the same may be said of your visitors from wud certainly her royal Navy is famed for the efficiency with which it Bears her knights from one Battlefield to the next and
in the in Haya or black gallion she boasts a vessel NY as Swift and every bit as feared as the Kingdom's legendary Cavalry A fitting Flagship for a land Apart Her Naval presence being crucial to her Ambitions Beyond Ash yes it seems safe to assume that the royalists did indeed enter Rosaria from the sea so then had you a vested interest in Titan survival with would you take him why home to Drake's Fang a place Rich enough in ether to conjure the Magics needed to mend his hers but would that not
entail an uous Voyage around the southern Cape let us say that the royalists did put ashore with with a mind to Spirit kopka Away from under your very nose could that truly have been their plan for him to load him aboard one of the ships flying Republican colors sighted off the coast near Port isala to spend weeks at Sea being tossed hither and yawn by unforgiving waves his life hanging in the balance no the journey would mean Titan's death and kupka's faithful creatures would not allow it I lo
ve this map uh recap here what the plan of our Wuda friends reports suggest they made not for the coast but for the Desert and by cutting through the velcro a party traveling light would have tightened back in his bed days before a galley could Lurch into port to ITT it was the royalists not the Republicans who affected Hugo kupka's safe Retreat I would stake your life on it I do have the day off Hegel but uh I'm just doing a regular coffee today but thank you for checking though dude and I hope
you like the Easter egg not many people use that command on Fridays so whenever I have coffee in my drink title it'll show the coffee mug instead of uh the beer can it's one of my uh favorite things I've programmed for this stream that I'm quite proud of but uh cheers nonetheless and for those wondering what today's uh Advent calendar beer is I won't be consuming it on stream but I do have it with me here it is the 15th entry in the Advent calendar and it's from Brew dog of course and it's thei
r uh Elvis juice uh the grapefruit uh infused IPA this one uh clocks in at 6.5% so I'm looking forward to that one later today going to be uh excited for that one I've had that one before and it's quite tasty so it was the wers who spirited the wretch of wory now I think about it there was something a little strange about the ships I saw good morning per seemed almost good to see you crestfallen as if in mourning as if they believed or were made to believe that their master was dead you have a k
een mind Lord rosfield and you have your answer to find kupka you have merely to follow the royalist trail across the velcro it may well have gone cold by now but as they say in their Republic all roads lead to Drake's Fang uh allow me to accompany you part of the way as luck would have it I had intended to joury any cber word on business after visiting you here the Fang would be but a short detour I'd be glad of the company yeah give me a moment to make ready I need to tell my friends what we'v
e learned and where we're going very well but be quick about it my boy time waits for no man mid's finished outfit a little workshop welcome back Shadow uh hopefully uh everything went well for you during the uh cementing process and also hopefully you're able to cement yourself in a restful Place uh and enjoy the rest of the day dude um I just got done telling other folks that our uh Advent calendar beer of the day is Brew dog's Elvis juice uh but we won't be consuming that on stream this morni
ng that'll be a little bit later today you uh just slap uh chip button born to win into YouTube there aren't many entries for that kind of search I I would hope not and let me preface this with it's a one-of-a-kind cinematic experience with a Little Help from Sid of tap the kegs and stoke the ovens yep it is a wonderful L koopa's at Drake's Fang I'll be leaving Before Sunset you're not going in there alone are you yeah don't worry I'm not going there to destroy the mother Crystal all I'm after i
s ca's head and I like how you put borrow to I promise L and the Fang are all ca's personal Thief them you have any trouble on the way you ask for Rosen delill some call her the desert hair who is she an old associate of Sids and only SIDS all I know is the name and that they used to meet at the delill Inn we've heard nothing from her since he died but I'm thinking maybe the new Sid might be able to bring her back into the fold thanks I'll keep that in mind so uh what about your uncle I mean he'
s welcome to stay but don't look so worried he'll be coming with me thank [ __ ] for that gav I'm leaving you two in charge you can count on us oh gav what a lad what a [Music] lad all right Uncle I'm ready to depart shall we we shall come let us a away to Adventure and I love Byron what a cool character okay so that's where we're going is Drake's Fang right there the velcro desert a vast arid Sea Of Sand and Stone that has been slowly consuming Western dalmia since time in Memorial there's a re
ason why this game won uh best score and music at the game awards and man music is just so good I was a young man when last I walk this path a t go there's an old Trading Post not far from here the road to Drake's Fang leads through it the trading post it is riddle of the sands oh I wonder if Byron gets his own uh chocoo yes let's ride Uncle our destination Lies over that Dune Beyond The Ruins mark them well Clive it's all too easy to lose one's bearings in the Sands many years ago when you were
just a boy you and I rode this way together accompanying your father on a scouting expedition to Drake's Fang he let me come with you I'm not surprised you don't remember it was just before Joshua was born you were so eager to be there when your brother arrived that you Whipped Your Chocobo too hard on the journey home and fell from the saddle I shall never forget how elwin bust over you as you sat in the sand Bing like a babe I love these stories and I'm glad you uh you waited till you were do
ne driving to uh type that into chat Shadow but I I agree with you I it is uh unsettling at best uh the situation of that poor child were in the in friends of friends I you ah there she is the good old dille in do you know this heat has given me quite a thirst quick drink before we press on what a lad of course let's stop for P look there those are Ashen steeds no doubt about it and such a long ride from Stone here I will Luda friends must be soothing their saddle SES in the Inn shall We join th
em run along and play now togle dogs aren't allowed inside a well I don't want to be there if that in doesn't allow dogs I don't want to be there oh Roxy I know it's close to that time puppy I know uh you won't be able to see her on camera cuz she's just off puppy camera but this is what I'm I'm getting right now uh she knows it's almost time for uh you know some feeding just getting the puppy dog eyes so as soon as we get through this scene here we'll uh take a quick break so they can get some
uh some food and all that stuff good day to you eating sorry about my pal he only talks when his mouth's full what do you recommend well if you're after something light we do a fine Chocobo soup with lentils and honey two bowls of that then an ale right you are hey girl coming your pal would you rather be my squire wonder who's going to be in here oh it's going to be Joshua I bet either that or he's in this room taking a sword out to set it against the table speaking from experience you absolute
ly cannot sit down with the sword strapped yeah although there was a uh scene earlier where he was seated did uh with the sword strapped on his back and it was a bit questionable in case of unsavory nearby that's right let them know the kind of Blade you're you're wielding right that can't be good Your Grace it is plain you are not yet well enough to travel if you would only let me take you to someone who can better attend to your ills no we must press on Prince the has returned to his camp and
will soon depart for the front I must speak with him at all costs miss this chance and I may never get another you do understand that yes your grace you must at least agree to take your medicine I'll fetch you some water for those are some cool tankards but all I see is sand I hear they got our guest back to the Fang without any trouble we'll be leaving soon enough why the Lord Commander dragged us all this way just to save that Blockhead skin we'll never know dominant on not he's a bloody idiot
that'll be cook then oh Uncle Dude well let's get this down us we have a long way to go hey you Uncle sorry can you walk your grace what's wrong I fear trouble may be Brewing downstairs no it's already been brewed it's about to be consumed you two are Travelers are you not me and my companions are strangers here perhaps you'd be good enough to accompany us so while help us find our way sorry Lads but we've got business in camera that can't wait I it has been simmering ah I'm sure you could good
one Hegel good beef consume there was an hour or two go come on friend sh I'm afraid we don't have a moment to lose friend stay back uncle gladly got to love it take it try it Bravo my boy just like [Music] that [Music] you uh let's give him a bit of this there we [Music] go easy easy peasy I mean pints and fights right it can't be helped Shadow it can't be [Laughter] helped it's just a shame that we didn't get more pints first real trouble word of advice miss that soup could do with a touch mo
re [Laughter] salt love Byron yeah there's a whole system you see the thing is pints plural we only had one and there were several fights just there so yeah proper order needed to be established now's our chance Your Grace I'm fine but you've had a whole half already [Laughter] Bahamut oh he senses Joshua's presence Clive just missed him is there another feather oh it's a spoon what is I couldn't tell by the angle it there's nothing let's go dashing off like that not nothing he never did like ca
rrots Shadow one could say he didn't uh care at all for them I'm sorry but I'm not I regret nothing where are you I regret nothing well we didn't know where to find cupka before we do now the royist said to themselves their guest is in the Fang we should press on before any more of their friends turn up let's give tole some pets get it boy that is fair baham you all right boy I don't blame you don't blame me one [Music] bit that that was cheap yeah I'm sorry anyway uh petting tole is a great rem
inder that I need to take care of the puppy dogs needs so we're going to do a little bit of a break here before we continue a stream it is a bit of a longer one today since I do have the day off off from uh from work so we're going to press on for quite a bit longer today but we're going to do a little bit of a break to get them their food and their bio bre and all that but I will give you just some camera of these uh cute little angels I honestly to be fair uh Shadow I think I think uh it was l
ow hanging uh carrots or low hanging fruit which I guess is a you know vegetable fruit you get my point it was easy pun to make so I that's all right that's all right by me so uh yeah we're going to Rouse the puppies and get them some food and some bio break and we'll be back uh in a little bit it might be about closer to 10 15 minutes so uh make sure you grab yourselves a refill on your coffee your tea whatever beverage you're sipping on uh get some snacks and we'll see you all uh quite soon ch
eers everybody come on and Vibe at woolly's beard and beer housee the most wholesome stream on Twitch sponsored by [Music] pupos uh shoot or stab your enemies to death there's always mustard K double double Bean [Music] Supreme [Music] Silent Hill a quiet little Lakeside Resort Town we're happy to have you take some time out of your busy schedules and enjoy a nice restful vacation here row after row of quaint old houses a gorgeous mountain and show different sides of it Beauty with passing the d
ay from to afterno [Music] silent I hope your and your Memories Forever editor [Music] Roger well if I'm going there AJ you're coming with me you're coming with me if I'm going y'all are coming with me just [Music] wrong dang didn't think I was going to cry out stre tonight here we are jeez got me some issues if you're wondering what that noise was DJ wife had a a bit of a sneeze out the hallway no that was DJ [Music] W there we go oh that's [Music] funny yeah that was real sneeze from the hallw
ay wow I'm getting a ton of souls here and this Mak me real nervous oh no [Music] yes yes yes yes yes 100 times a million times as many times as I can say yes absolutely yes yes here she got there Justin I had no time to warn hobo poor hobo just immediately this sounds like want my outside I had no time to to help him I said no don't please don't stop [Music] some something tells me I'm doing this the wrong [Music] way NOP NOP shoot yeah big uh U Senpai energy there fary [Music] oh yes yes let's
go Get [Music] Wrecked oh I'm sorry what's this seven continuous segments giving the longest road and a sweep of 10 points for the win [Music] a apparently all I needed was the Kiwi raid that's all [Music] need if if that isn't a reason you know and let me walk this oh get him get him no way no way [Laughter] no [Applause] way wow if this isn't the theme for Dark Souls 3 let me tell you what let me tell you what that was the third tried tonight I came back and third tried nameless King and I th
ird tried PFF Dark Souls 3 gets the third try return from wiie oh my Lord [Music] yes wow didn't say cheese cheese th sword known for its easy hand excellent news dude uh Mattis dog welcome in good morning my boners break uh uh in the middle of action too right no breaks during action no cuz that's like that's like says that something good has to happen to them first I want their boners just a break like they're they're just walking around and just like they hear a snap like celery breaking in h
alf and that they're like oh my dick and then they fall over they're hug that cont M I hit it behind the prank woman when I went out for the day trip I picked it up but I did not steal it I'm a smooth criminal wow just wow serve the herro one day [Music] Genesis all right I've been clipping some screen recordings from this game for quotes and I need the the wow just [Music] w [Music] [Music] I feel like that quote right there from Adam is adulthood in a nutshell right there boom Adam you nailed
it welcome to my existential Dr get a nice little back [Music] I love how epic uh this music is making her [Music] back it's just [Music] wrong [Music] jeez shoot oh [Music] no one HP in a dream let's goo oh I forgot I was out of flask and I thought I was dead that is nice wow I'm getting a ton of souls here this Mak me real nervous oh [Music] no [Music] come on and by at bu's beard and beer house the most wholesome stream on Twitch sponsor by [Music] pu double double Bean [Music] Supreme [Music
] short sword known for its easy handling excellent news dude dude uh Mattis dog welcome in good morning my as a friend just GFF is fine understood just GFF don't push it kid you're in ball bad jokes like that will get [Music] you [Music] punished oh this game G is amazing thr on the grass Shield stamina should a [Music] bit oh nope stupid oh what a way to break in 401 what a way to break in [Music] 401 [Music] oh get him get him no way no way no [Music] way wow if this isn't the theme for Dark
Souls 3 let me tell you what let me tell you what that was the third try tonight I came back and third tried nameless King and I third tried haunted Dark Souls 3 gets the third triy Rec oh my Lord [Laughter] yes wow Silent Hill a quiet little Lakeside Resort Town we're happy to have you take some time out of your busy schedules and enjoy a nice restful vacation here row after row of quaint old houses a gorgeous mountain landscape and a lake which shows different sides of its beauty with the pass
ing of the day from sunrise to late afternoons to Sunset Silent Hill will move you and fill you with a feeling of deep peace I hope your time here will be pleasant and your memories will last forever editor Roger Wood well if I'm going there AJ you're coming with [Music] me you're coming with me if I'm going yall are this is quality yeah here oh she got there Justin I had no time to warn hobo poor hobo just immediately this sounds like I had no time to to help him I said no don't please don't st
op welcome back everybody hopefully you got a refill on your coffee your tea whatever beverage you enjoy uh hopefully got some snacks and or breakfast if it's that time of day for you I know these puppies got their breakfast and some time in the outdoors so on a cool Frosty morning so good morning everybody cheers to you all thanks for hanging out thanks for the welcome back Shadow let's see what the weather is like here it is it's not as cool as it's been it was actually fairly warm yesterday i
t was in the 50s f fhe yesterday so let's see we got up to like maybe 54 yesterday so 54 fenhe to Celsius that's like 12° C which is weird to say that's warm uh right now we're actually at 37 fahit so what is that uh that is 2° C but still warm for a December morning around these parts nine my goodness that is nice for December that is nice but 12 is really quite warm it was really windy yesterday though so that kind of also combats that just a bit it's that that whole trade-off of of the wind 1
0 Celsius there not too bad not too bad WIC welcome in good to see you good to see you happy Final Fantasy Friday uh uh 7. with wind chill in the shade yeah um so I live in North Dakota and there's acronym for wind and it stands for weather in North Dakota it's windy here all the time it's very rare that you get a day that's like 5 m hour wind uh it's usually like 10 to 15 mph sustained winds and then gust of you know 30 plus uh here or there it's not always that bad but it's it calms down in th
e evenings which is usually pretty nice unless there's a storm am I boring you with a weather talk Roxy it's a big old yawn from that doggo we call that blowy [Music] [Laughter] as welcome in wiin good to see you good to see you everyone we're doing a bit of a longer stream today due to uh me not having to work so we're going to stream for at least uh at least uh two or three more hours here this morning but uh good to see everybody welcome on in all right so now we need to make our way for Drak
e Fang and let's go ahead and pet too again good boy good boy made from the stoutest of course of course it's been guarded ah they've closed the road and it's the only way from here to the Fang it would seem Lord Koper is not accepting visitors at present we have to get through that gate not by force I trust we've attracted quite enough unwanted already by gu then perhaps the desert head can offer us her Aid Rosina damil woman of mystery but how will we find her we know not of her but her name a
nd that she was working with Sid Sid's other collaborators have all been people of means the wealthiest and most successful members of their communities I'll wager this Rosen damel is the same that would certainly help to narrow the search we need only inquire as to who is in charge of the town and that's exactly what I mean to do so it would appear we are not using the madest uh method to sneak in speak with the towns getting back to Drake's Fang anytime soon well it's not we've got a reason he
y welcome in uh RFI lucus uh uh I forget that is it [ __ ] or [ __ ] I think it's [ __ ] welcome in welcome in um I like your name too by the way I am unashamedly a fan of uh Final Fantasy 15 so you are you are most welcome good morning your happy Final Fantasy Friday hopefully you're doing well so come and play hey there's our Town's folk anything I can help you hey I am enjoying a day off work as well I don't typically stream after uh 7:00 a.m. Central so I typically end stream around this tim
e on Fridays uh but I don't have to work today so we get to stream a little bit longer with Travelers allow me my good man we represent one of the oldest and greatest trading houses of Port isolda we're seeking to expand our business in the region and would very much like to make the acquaintance of Dam's leading Entre entrepreneurs if only we knew where to find them well we're best known for our BS our markets and our smiies I suppose you could do worse than start your search at one of those th
ank you you've been most helpful oh um you wouldn't happen to know a lady by the name of Rosen damil would you no I can't say I do well thank you all the same wow Byron speaking like a true politician my Lord so you've done 15 nine times and 16 seven times uh wow that's impressive considering uh 16 just came out in June that is very very impressive [ __ ] men of the wrong any time they B this now have TR when they want I wish we could pet the other dogs here cuz they're so cute a th Gill for a b
unch of [Music] giz okay we've talked to him suppose we could always look at our map oh it's just in the area we could talk to the Daydreamer even though they're not part of our runs all the way to the southern Seas they used to load the crystal onto barges and sail it to the Villages Downstream before the Canyons were lost to beasts and bandits when I was a girl I would wave to The Boatman as they set off on their long journey and they would throw me sweet meats in return such Happy Times a poo
r old lady just waxing nostalgic there dreaming of the good old days what' you want can't you see I'm busy I won't keep you long I'm looking for someone a Woman by the name of Rosen damil do you know her never heard of her is that all one more question yeah if I wanted to find the richest traditor in town where would you recommend that I look well that's easy the Briar's kiss don't find a finder Smithy this side of the street the owner is only a young spri but he's got all the right ideas the Br
ier's kiss you say thank you hey we have uh details now young is the person we're looking for you said Sid's contact was likely to be an influential sort influence comes with age and experience believe you me looks like we getting back to Dr it's not got a reason yeah we are running long today struy I don't have uh work today so we're going to do a long one long stream this morning and also kind of fitting since it is the uh last final fantasy Friday I have before taking a break for the holidays
so [ __ ] men of the wrong tin got to get as much Final Fantasy 16 as we can how are you doing this morning dude hopefully you're doing well treat you hopefully you've been getting plenty of rest and uh healing time take a sniff good fresh bread warm from the oven once you go flat have a taste oh flatbreads oh I would take a lot of that I'm a huge fan of flatbread silver platters um have you played any of the other Final Fantasy games in the series um rossfield hopefully you uh hopefully you ha
ve and uh which Final Fantasy was your first which one was your favorite I like to ask that of newcomers during Final Fantasy Friday Mommy I want to play with the crystal how many seven was your first same here same here and seven uh Still Remains my favorite are you uh looking forward to rebirth at all uh I am getting very hyped for it but I'm also uh refraining from watching any future tra trailers as well cuz I don't want to uh get any weird spoilers favorites are 10 15 and 16 very cool I hav
e yet to play all of 10 uh so I'm going to aim to uh remedy that in 2024 if possible can I help you yes I'm looking for a woman by the name of rusina damil a long-standing pillar of your community I believe from old trading stock then you should ask furder he's been here for years knows the place and its people like the back of his hand and he's in with all the old Merchant families try the baths that's where you'll usually find him thank you [Music] kindly in Shadow I think I saw earlier that y
ou said you still need a platinum uh 7 remake and also play uh the inter Miss DLC uh definitely highly recommend both of those um I did the Platinum uh I think within a couple weeks of of remake coming out because uh I was just obsessed it was so good it's like we have our man perhaps let's go and find out exactly what this fur knows wait incense excuse me are you furda I am can I help you Travelers I hope so you've lived here for some time is that correct do you know Rosen damil we believe she
may be a Trader of some Renown and what business do you have with the desert hair she was a close friend of mine I was hoping she might be able to help me very well go to the bordello I'll arrange an introduction very cool we found our way do you think we can trust him only as far as I think he trusts us uh very acute observation there uh Clive oh just need to finish the VR Missions uh that one's tough that one is a very tough trophy uh to get I wish you the very best with that shadow because de
feating those on hard is probably one of the toughest bits of that that platinum trophy to be honest yeah I'm sorry to hear that uh rosfield but uh hopefully you get at least some time away from work whether it's uh small or uh large you know some time to rest and relax whether it's uh with family or friends or uh someone has to look after the cats and dogs well hey you got to hang with them and that's uh big fans of uh four-legged creatures around here and since it's your first time around I be
tter introduce you to the puppy dogs roxxy's the jack russell there in the middle bed she's 14 uh Lucy's just off to the side she's a 5-year-old Shih Tzu and in uh just off camera here by my feet oh there he's moving is uh Charlie he's a 7-year-old Pomeranian that we just adopted in September and all of them infinitely more adorable and awesome than I could ever be so people hang out for them my uh mediocre gameplay and terrible puns are really just side content at this point you work in an anim
al shelter that is very cool uh that is very commendable work thank you uh for your service to uh our four-legged companions very much so so you're the ones who've been sniffing around I beg your pardon don't play the fool stick your nose in our business and you're likely to lose it well you're about to lose your nose oh boy yeah here we go I would argue it's not necessarily the size of the sword but in Final Fantasy it kind of is [Music] done here we go here we go I mean they started it okay th
ey started it who are you working for him or her him the boss he wanted us to test you though one could hardly call that a test Lord fur yep look what the Cat Dragged In your skill with a blade is rare indeed my Lord A fitting talent for an outlaw you know who I am so what now calling the men of the Rock and collect the bounty that isn't my decision to make Sky Pacer good morning take him to meet his precious Rosena she will be interested to make his acquaintance yes my Lord to the lock of leisu
re then to the lock of leisure good morning Sky Pacer good to see you dude happy Final Fantasy Friday hopefully the week has treated you well and the weekend uh that's just around the corner sure to greet you with uh equal um Tidings good to see you made from the stoutest stoneware light meat and dark yes they're quite sweet is this the place lubo's Forge the Bri's kiss ah so it was the young sprig after all so much for Rosina damil being a woman of experience how wrong I was I'll correct you th
ere Byron age does not equal experience throwing that out there heading that one off of the pass age does not equal experience it was an easy mistake to make Uncle after all it must have been years since Sid last saw her sorry him whoever this lubo truly is he's clearly a man of means I'd say he deserves our respect see that he gets it lubo Lord furda told me to bring them to you my boys tell me you're in need of assistance Sid II I won't waste your time I need Passage through the south gate [La
ughter] tell me what do you think is a mergence most important commodity War why trust everyone knows that without it you have nothing and nothing is exactly what you have so we have to win him over so for you I do have nothing I'm not in the business of helping every lost puppy that wanders in off the street I'm a busy man as you can see let's leave this mama to his F by all means find someone else to help you on your way just be sure to tell them you're not the two travelers from the in the gu
ards are looking for don't want them jumping to conclusions do we are you so what do we need to do to earn your [Music] trust I like this one willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants men like you have a special place in my heart why you ask because they get me what I want always you mean you're a manipulator who uh Works off of uh desperation it's a weird way to say that though uh lubor fine so what do you want don't tell me you're going to listen to this swaggering Scruff we might a
s well hear him out it's only now natural that an ally of Sids would seek assurances of strangers assuming he is an ally of course 5 years ago he would have still been a boy and yet even then I had more Good Sense than a man oh five times my age I mean that's true baham enough of the pleasantries we were speaking of what I want I want you to put an end to the trouble in damil okay return to me when you have done so and you shall have my Aid until then I bid you good day what trouble seems going
to give us orders be like a Shifty character pagle where about them damn you maners Gray beard one catches more damsel flies with honey than with vinegar what did you call me my apologies a word of advice in recompense follow the crystals oh but that was three oh I'm making this too easy for you it will be easy solving his little riddle should be like dealing with him Child's Play Let Us divide our forces Clive I'd rather not drag this paror game on any longer than we need to all right good luck
Uncle I know he was saying that to Byron but I kind of feel like I need to lock excuse me is it true there's been trouble with crystals of late you've heard then I've heard rumors damn thieves piling the crystals that were meant to fill our cups and light our stoves us common folk have hardly had a Shard to share between us these last few moons and it isn't as if we can buy them on the black market either whoever's taking them they aren't sharing oh this is not a good sign do you have a moment
depends what for just a question Dam seems to be thriving compared to the other Villages I came through on the way is there a reason for that well we a Stones Throw from Drake's Fang for one the soldiers guarding the mother Crystal and the shipment need a place to spend their hard earn Gil the men of the rock throw their money about like there's no tomorrow is that so well thank you don't let me keep you from your work any longer another story of the corrupt praying on the weak not a fan of this
the most fragrant herbs a silen softness you wouldn't believe how much what can I do for you Soldier need that sword polishing I'm not a soldier then be off with you I serve the men of the Rock and the men of the Rock Only You have an agreement with them don't be stupid I just know which side my bread is buttered don't want to be stuck under some paa when they come knocking with pockets deeper than zamus and an urge to empty them no just leave with you before you scare them off um I think I'm s
tarting to get an idea of what's been going on I'm guessing not in that sense hav anything of use he they'll probably the by now seems a bit sus to me the finest Fabrics fresh from the capital what was all that crashing and banging about it's you the one who broke all our furniture what do you want haven't you caused enough trouble already uh I'm going to go ahead and assume the same as you I'm looking for my pal have you seen him the gentleman who was with you yes he's upstairs but thank you I'
ll go and fetch him enjoy your food uh rosfield enjoy your food whether it's breakfast lunch or dinner hopefully it treats you well ah lunch time enjoy FL these days okay so do we go through here then I guess not hey Byron where are you oh there we are huh okay I was going to ask uh on your uh time zone but uh that checks out will this suffice as a deposit by the sense that's a black pearl one of the many Treasures in my collection that I would be only too happy to part with should you give me r
eason to do so all right I'm sure that we can come to an agreement but not here what are you doing uncle okay this is your reminder everybody if you haven't had food yet today um yeah make sure you stay uh stay fed and hydrated okay care to explain why you're giving gifts to koa's men bait my boy one cannot catch one's prey without it Y and I do believe I've snagged us quite the Quarry I started by asking around the markets as to where I might purchase crystals I had no luck of course it's forbi
dden to trade in such things but my uncharacteristic indiscretion just happened to attract the attention of those uniformed Ruffians they took me aside and said they could procure the crystallized sort if I proved I could pay for it so the Pearl was your proof yeah you need to show that you've got the brass I thought they'd asked for more a second raate specimen like that would only fetch 500,000 or so a small price to pay for admittance to the underworld but enough about my little Act of sauge
what did you discover that the supply of crystals has dried up of late and some people seem to think they're being stolen meanwhile members of koopa's private guard have been spending money all over town I'll wager those soldiers you've been talking to have been siphoning off crystals meant for elsewhere and pocketing the profits I'll wag you all right yep we'll meet with them then just as you arranged and put an end to the trouble lubor spoke of that pining popping Jay thought this would be dif
ficult yeah it's still may prove to be so just goes to show one should never underestimate a rosfield we'll soon wipe that smirk off his face I to meet with the soldiers in a secluded corner of the velcro far from prying eyes the perfect place for a spot of double dealing can you make a second one mad count on your support if things turn sour of course or I guess now a third one for Hegel anybody else in chat you need a uh spicy chicken wrap for lunch why is the tavern shut courtesy of Mattis do
g you're going to be uh preparing meals for us all day now madest I hope you know that I don't know if you are ready for such things but good girl run like the wind just got my terraform and go code to build and deploy a Amazon web services Lambda function this morning small victory um I know about a quarter of what you spoke of there Hegel but uh the fact that you're calling it a victory uh is a wonderful thing so uh GG's to you my friend ham salami toizo and cream cheese oh my Lord all right t
hat sounds wonderful too now I'm getting proper Hungry season chicken sweet salad Mayo pickled breed cabbage uh a glue of hot sauce and oh mess me up all day with something like that dude that sounds amazing I I kind of like the way you say a glue though cuz it's like you know that's a the extra piece that's kind of holding it together I kind of like that phrasing I might have to co-op that even though it was a typo I like it I'll take it from here okay infrastructure is code plus the code I hav
e to rewrite one of my Bots and I don't like doing all the setup in oh very cool that is good news then I was beginning to think you weren't coming my Lord you've brought your contribution all the silver and Stones I could scrape together at such short notice you brought the whole 500 talents that was the price we agreed upon yes if you've no objections I'd like to see the crystal of course right this way my lord well the crystal was like yeah a whole stockpile out here like out in the open air
like people could have found this not bad at all you weren't lying about the clarity but what of security if I were to be stopped on the road what guarantee have I that it wouldn't be seized as property of the Republic because these crystals are no longer the property of the Republic you're not buying from us you're buying from them Aha and we have no more jurisdiction here than you my Lord but we have ships and will gladly deliver to a port of your choosing now that our price has been met royal
ists eh what brings you here why to collect their share of Dres Fang's blessing of course our nations are allies and so they are entitled to a portion of the mother Crystal's Bounty and being such good friends we elected to increase that portion and share the benefits and now that these crystals are officially property of the kingdom of wude we are Duty bound not to interfere no matter where they might happen to end up next did you get all that they're in cahoots so it would seem my Lord what is
the meaning of this double crossing dogs they're not here to do business we we are here to do business but uh by means of the blade sir it's not over yet uncle I'm just getting warmed up oh they've got uh Magics on the [Music] [Music] field okay where's our other uh [Music] spellcaster oh way over there way over there good boy too here we are yeah my my business murder oh no why did they have to bring chocobos into this now I have to fight animals I don't like this at all H get him go to [Music
] [Music] hey thank you for the new follow much appreciated well that wasn't too bad how'd you like my performance huh I've often played the villain on the stage I think I did the role Justice don't you I mean that's fair Shadow I don't think I could bring myself to eat chocoo though like chicken yeah turkey okay chocobos they're friends I don't need friends were magnificent that's where I draw the line was particularly thrilling such a shame you didn't have more of an audience but perhaps that'
s for the best how how long have you been watching long enough to witness your uncle's sworded transaction I hardly expected one so venerable to degrade himself so thoroughly buying one's way into the confidence of degenerates ingenious this was the trouble you spoke of the men of the rock taking crystals men for the common folk and conspiring with the royalists well now it's over indeed it is the people of damil had scarcely any means of address against koopa's men let alone a foreign army unti
l you two came along that is well we'd better get these crystals back to town you won't mind waiting with them while I fetch a wagon not at all but make it snappy okay everybody needs to go get their lunch sometime later it occurs to me that I still don't know your name Clive so Sid thei is a Clive I suppose it could have been worse well Clive you held up your end of the bargain so I must do the same Passage through the south gate was it not to tell the truth you've helped a little there too man
y of the gods have already been redeployed to deal with the issue of their missing comrades and those Left Behind have been encouraged to look the other way should you attempt to pass through thank you and please allow me to to cover your costs uh you still have the purse I gave to the soldiers I trust I saw you pluck it from one of the bodies oh dear is I really so obvious yep and my name is not greybeard it is Lord Byron rosfield thank you very much no thank you very much Gray [Laughter] beard
here wear this Desert Rose from luar any friend of mine who sees you with it shall be a friend of yours thank you luar and please feel free to send one of my stases back to your people tell them that Rosen damil is back in bed with Sid interesting way of of saying that I'm trusting you Sid or should I say Clive so be sure not to let me down I have a reputation to uphold I do like the misdirection though um if you're wanting to not be found uh what better way than to assume a well then I wish yo
u a safe journey South in Alias of such not at all it was my pleasure come on Uncle let's go Let Us Go uncle my carpets have pride of they fresh warm from the oven looks like we have side quests now so let's take a beat everything I've wored for all those years of toil every coin I've ever earned is tied up in this place are you all right the baths are closed leave me be on second thought perhaps you are just what I need might your that clearly has brothel as smart too totally sends folks the wr
ong direction should they come looking exactly Services be for hire that depends on the job I'd have you save my business the baths the water's turned scolding hot and all the crystals in delam wouldn't be enough to cool it I've no doubt that My Wo stem from the Water Source but I can't go and investigate for fear of my customers thinking I've abandoned the place I'm bound to these baths in more ways than one I beg of you go to doof Terraces tell me what you find there all right all right I'll g
o and take a look wonderful it's not far leave the market by the south gate the smell of sulfur will guide you through rest of the way these baths are all that keep me from an ignoble end in a de's prison my livelihood my very life is at stake I like how the uh Quest names are good puns on their own they've opened the gate oh there's a side quest at Brier's kiss let's go get that first just look at the from the stoutest stone the juiciest meat for take a stiff the finest fabric I've never even f
orged a butter knife perhaps forg Master Luba is having fun at my expense I wouldn't put it past him neither would I oh wait are you Clive sorry my mind was elsewhere I'm Sava Master luber's least accomplished Apprentice soon to be former Apprentice if I don't pass this test maybe I'm just not the resourceful type people are buying up weapons faster than the Brier's kiss can forge them and here I am unable to make a decent bit of kitchen wear he wants me to make a carving knife while one that em
bodies the spirit of damil whatever that's supposed to mean suppose you have any idea what he's on about do you not the foggiest never mind thought I'd ask it was that or pacma bags I could give you a hand if you like I know how busy the Bri's kiss has been and that lubor needs all the capable hands he can find I'd be a fool to refuse so where do we start good question if I'm honest I've never made any kind of knife before and then there's this little riddle to keep in mind the spirit of damil n
othing is ever simple with that man true I see it there's only one way we'll be solving Lor's puzzle we need information the more the better you're right there's no point fumbling in the dark I suppose no now who to speak to First there's plenty of folk in Dam who use knives for a living there's the Butcher of course and any number of cooks they're bound to have an opinion or two about the tools of their trade all right I think we have a plan let's get to it shall we I'll talk to every cook I ca
n find you speak to the Butcher and anyone else you can think of all right good luck let's hope that someone one says something useful yeah look at you using your brain trust Lor to take a simple test and turn it into a riddle I better get to it my carpets have needed to a silken softness welcome sir what can I do you for a question if you don't mind I need to know what makes a good carving knife you a blacksmith or something something I suppose fair enough knives is it first and foremost it's g
ot to hold an edge most knives will make it through fat no problem but senu dolls sheep Steel in no time give me a blade which can slice through anything that crosses my chopping block and I'm a happy woman so a knife that stays sharp makes sense yeah kind of a no-brainer well we can make our way back to the Fang now at least what is it no move for chatter sorry do you mind if I ask your trade Hunter why I have a question can you tell me what makes a good carving knife I assume you use one out i
n the field oh um has to be able to put up with some punishment can't be dealing with a brittle blade not while I'm on the hunt your knife snaps every time you use it you'll be spending coin as fast as you make it times are hard enough as it is thank you I won't keep you any longer man after my own heart this seems like hardly relevator KN should bearing and hold an edge I agree with you H Revelation yep let's hope SAA had better luck than I did silver platters fights and PS fresh bread warm fro
m the oven the most fragrant herbs and spices even Clive agrees so how'd it go you learn anything useful or should I be looking for a new trade only that a blade should be durable and stay sharp but I don't see how that relates to the spirit of delam I didn't have much luck either all the cook said was that he needs his knives to be light too heavy and they do his shoulders in so we're no better off than when we started perhaps lubor didn't mean anything with his Dam remark but that can't be rig
ht I've bandied enough words with the man to know that he chooses them carefully no we must be missing something something right in front of our noses most likely no doubt you're right but I have to make a start soon I can't put off making this knife forever agreed Luber wouldn't like that much right I've been trained to work iron the cheap stuff mind but it's Hardy enough if you don't hammer it too thin and it sharpens up nicely with a bit of effort trouble is it's either durable or it's light
meaning someone is going to be disappointed Forge Master lubor probably is there no one else you can turn to someone who knows their Metals perhaps the other Apprentice is no better than to help me with my test but maybe there is someone I could turn to a merchant a favorite of forg master lubors who sells metals to Tradesmen passing through the Valk Croy there we go I bet she'd know a thing or two let's go I will say this uh osia curious how this side quest is going to conclude cuz while a lot
of these side quests feel very simple uh this one included it uh curious if the conclusion is going to be worth the uh the effort which it usually is question is how do we get across perhaps our map will show us oh we don't get across that way can we uh just warp to the Obelisk so we don't have to backtrack nice well made an assumption of the directions and I was quite wrong so we go left here this is true what wait that's the correct way isn't it no further left there we go enjoy the work lurk
uh Joe and Tay if you're hanging about as well good to see you hopefully you're having a good Friday so far fly osia and if you have a moment outside of lur to let me know where you got in Kingdom Hearts uh feel free no obligation of [Music] course you deserve a rest any luck or will you be needing help with your bags I asked her but you tell him if you're looking to make a knife that will impress a master like lubor there are options they're just not that viable Featherlite Adamantite knives wi
ll get passed from generation to generation never needing so much as a lick of the Wet Stone but Adamantite or is unique to Ash so doesn't come cheap and it's beyond my skill to handle unique to Ash are there any materials unique to delam something which could be mixed with iron to refine it make it lighter what are you getting ad you said that lubo trained you to work iron then that's what he'll expect you to use but he would have known that it would either be too heavy or too brittle for a car
ving knife perhaps his delam remark wasn't a riddle but a hint if it's cheap metal you're using then there's always Limestone I suppose folk first settled Dam to get at her mineral deposits and if you know the trick it can be melted down in the furnace to drive out impurities from low quality Iron hey there you go bloody hell that must be it I don't suppose you know the trick do you it's hardly my specialty but I've been around enough blacksmiths to know how it works looks like I've got some lea
rning to do Clive I hate to ask after all that you've done for me can we get the Limestone Limestone yeah fine I can hardly abandon you now besides I want to know if this is the answer to Lor's little riddle I can't thank you enough Clive you'll have no trouble finding Limestone over in The Terraces the place is bloody made of it then I suppose I'll meet you back at the forge right you are I'll see you shortly you crush [Music] AR let's go we got to see how this uh little side quest ends all rig
ht map where are we going here okay so we got to go out of the south gate for that one back to the Stables go is it true what I'm hearing the finest the most fragrant herbs in fresh bread warm from the oven yeah have a taste light and P sweet incense we should get going soon do you have ah I'm not too late what is it lubo a question that I neglected to ask ask earlier okay where is it that you're bound to Dr Fang to finish Hugo kka just as I thought then allow me to share a secret Drake's Fang i
s currently riddled with royalists tme and wud our allies and as you have seen their soldiers work hand in glove but no nation has ever before allowed a foreign army to make a Barracks of its holiest of holies not by choice at least and there's more a man on the inside of the Fang has failed to report for several days I fear there may be more trouble lying in wait for you on the road ahead isn't there always if you're determined to beard the Lion's Den then promise me one thing that you will ent
er via the mines where the guard is lightest hey thanks for the heads up I've lost one Sid already if I lose another people will start to think me careless oh yeah plan on dying it's his reputation he's got AA does anyway well so long as you have a plan Drake's Fang should be just beyond these Springs shall we Press On all right let's see if we can do the other side quest before we uh go to Drake's F looks a lot like another but hopefully this is what s needs come on girl the gate's open now we
can press on what the hell are those things let's see some bombs down there looks like a good time looks like they're what's heating up our uh bath house we better take care of that by the Flames that explains the heat bath bombs oh my Lord amazing name that is a lot of bombs [Music] [Applause] too slow out of The Frying Pan Into the Fire oh boy oh not good a so weird having a Final Fantasy character exclaim the f- word in battle just kind of pulls me out of the immersion for just a second is ve
ry strange guess we fight fire with fire there we go not too shabby that's cool things down a bit let's hope it's enough to keep the bath boiling all right uh there's an item down here I think and then we'll just warp to the Obelisk measly tenil very nice well this is no good I was hoping to get out of the heat for a I wasn't sure how much you'd need but I hope this is enough uh a brittle white stone that grows in the restorative hot springs near Dam when dried and miled into a fine powder it ca
n be added to Molten iron to purge the the medal of impurities you are one of the good ones you know that you and that Merchant both she's got quite a gift for teaching that one now time to see if limestone is the secret weapon we were hoping for yeah I want to see this carving knife sometime later that'll do I reckon a knife forged from the very rocks of dam her spirit if you will it's a fine looking blade I only hope Master lubor agrees that sounds like my cue and just as well I was getting ti
red of waiting I think it looks like a crude blade but that's okay he's an apprentice after all let's take a look then shall we first things first SAA do you think this is a carving knife worthy of the fine people of dam I I'd like to think so but what do you think what do I think indeed it's sharpish but it won't last long with hard you use and it's heavy heavier than it should be you might not think it just to hold it for a moment but sell that to a cook and you'll never hear the end of it loo
ks like someone paid a visit to The Terraces the Limestone was a step in the right direction granted but one that still leaves you short of the mark and I was so certain I had it all worked out I don't know who you found to teach you that little trick but it certainly shows initiative I agree Shadow next question how much do you think I would charge if I'd made this well if it took you even a fraction of the time it took me I would say you could demand a heavy purse and who would be able to pay
that H the butcher the hunter the cooks over at the Inn Dam's home to Humble Traders not wealthy Lords and Ladies rule number one in any business saer know your customers yes Forge Master this is just about possible but only just I'd say you're worth keeping around a little longer starting tomorrow you'll have an anvil of your own I [Music] will thank you um I was wondering uh what would you do if you were asked to forge a carving knife I do what I always do ask who it's for if it was for the bu
tcher I'd make sure it holds an edge for the hunter I'd make it as tough as Titan for the cook light as a feather and for the nobleman I'd make it cost an absolute Fortune there goes a master all right it looks like congratulations are in order I couldn't have done it without you so much for the forge Master's riddle though eh the spirit of dam had nothing to do with Limestone or anything much at all meaning I had you run around for no good reason you've passed your test that's all that matters
you'll have a forge of your own in no time yep and when I do I'll craft you the finest carving knife you have ever seen so what he learned from it all was that you need to make a knife for a certain purpose and not uh every knife can serve every purpose economists are want to argue that currency based Commerce is a Cornerstone of civilization if true this coin would suggest the Goblins are far more civilized than humankind gives them credit for or perhaps that humankind is rather less civilized
than we presume I would go with the ladder on that one my carpet have take a sniff sir needed to a silken softness like eating a cloud with a CR lights and puts man who I was hoping we'd be seeing you again the baths grow more bearable by the moment it won't be long now before we are back to business as usual I'm glad to hear it now tell me this what did you find at The Terraces what threatened to make me a poper not what I expected that's for certain you tell a fine story that's not to say I do
n't believe you though creatures made of flame eh that's something new to worry about but I burdened you with my worries enough already here a small something by way of thanks right it's high time I got back to work with a little luck the day might yet be salvaged well they need to make uh the bombs out of uh you know like salt and spices and rather uh not uh you know flame that was an excellent wrap I heated up the tortilla and nestled everything up like oh I'm salivating madest thank you for s
haring though one of the hardest Metals known to man scarletite is highly sought after by those with means to pay its exorbitant asking price a price determined not by way of its uh Rarity but rather due to the fact that a forge must employ no fewer than five healthy bearers to produce flames hot enough to melt the ore at which time it takes upon the Deep Scarlet Hue from which it takes its name and we don't use ignition so uh we don't need to worry about that cool down uh item we should get goi
ng soon do you have water good girl fly osia I'm trying to think of what I'm going to uh get for lunch today I do have some shopping to go do uh to get ready for tomorrow's charity stream so I'm sure I'll find something worthy of uh the title of lunch there it is Drake's Fang no offense but the uh dragon tooth looks like it's been pulled hiding in side along with goodness knows how many guards all on highest alert you'll need to keep your wits about you if you're to reach him so be careful I wil
l Uncle before you go Clive allow me to apologize for what exactly after what befell at Phoenix gate and the crisis that followed in its wake I fled I retreated to my Counting house and danced attendance upon the vice rine in the hope it would bring me favor ah I betrayed my nation to save my skin like the coward I am and I'm sorry Uncle please it's not too late Clive Rosaria is yours by right and there are those that would help you to take it back had I the courage of my brother I might already
have done so but that ship has sailed you however no forgive me but I cannot I fight to build a new world now a better world where men can live and die on their own terms and that's far more noble of a cause than a crown I was raised in a nation that strove to improve the plight of bearers only later did I realize that spark of Freedom did not arise by chance but was kindled by my father you would see me follow in his footsteps and that is exactly what I mean to do excellent not by ruling roser
ia but by extending his ideals to the whole of the twins though every soul in the realm May judge my actions heresy I am certain my cause is just you really are just like him you know thank you Clive for coming back to me I am proud to call you nephew well then this is where we must part ways wish me luck in convincing my Canarian friend to share his considerable talents I mean to plunder his coffers and prove myself worthy of a place in your Merry [Music] band till then my boy till then go safe
ly uncle and you nephew we have much to catch up on you and I I should expect you to Regale me with the tales of all your adventures when next we meet you can regil me too [Laughter] tole he did start to tear up there I'm Coming For You cooka I love this game so much it's so good all right so we're at the jaw so let's go to Drake's Fang unlike the other mother crystals of valaste the tower above the realm Drake's Fang lies buried deep within a hollow Crag Scholars call a geode or Craig or Craig
I don't know how uh people pronounce it oh that's cool looking oh that's right we took both of his arms so he's having to fiddle around uh to eat this is good to see uh Koopa so low because he's diabolical and he deserves it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what this do hey Koopa watch your language come on man what is that cut a w done me I can search the I guess uh my phone thought I was talking to it that was strange out of my sight W I'll kill you rosfield I'll rip out your heart I'll tear you Lim from
limb peace Hugo the table sh hurt you any longer he sought to humiliate me me if you hadn't interfered he would be dead you truly believe you would have triumphed that the battle Contin Titan would ground him into dust yeah doubtful and how would he have done that without his head shut up you weren't strong enough and you call yourself a dominant or rather you did you mock me harb but do you see Hugo you are weak Fu but so long as that fire burns within you there is still hope there may yet be a
way for you to take your revenge tell me what must I do please I'll do anything just tell me the heart what of it a mother Crystal's heart is the most most concentrated source of ether in all creation perhaps you could take advantage of that of course the crystal would not yield her blessing to any ordinary man but then you are no ordinary man are you Hugo Clive rossfield stole your power but others have suffered a similar fate and still managed to find the strength to conjure their icon like b
enedicta Haron uh this take on the Prelude is amazing I'm loving the sound of the strings in this she too drank of The Ether and gained a power beyond human understanding she did benedicto bentic I'll do it my love I'll avenge you run along now Hugo you need only follow the [Music] light me thinks uh you is here very well it shall be so harbard is uh the puppet Master pulling the strings of of Hugo you may leave everything to me Your Majesty Drake's Fang it's a blessing and a curse matest uh to
have uh the scent of whatever you had for lunch or breakfast or dinner um stuck in one's own beard um for a number of reasons it it might smell okay at first but then you know if you've had anything and this may sound gross but like onion or garlic um that smell can definitely turn on you in a hurry so hopefully you know maybe you have some washing up in a bit y I think clyve was smelling what he had for uh lunch in his beard this feels welcoming did the royalist bring them from Ash into the dar
kness are the Beast then part of the Wuda Army now how the hell did that happen they've spotted us oh the Orcs aren't too bad yeah we put their name to the test they uh did not pass I'm sure there's always a bigger one stay die stay down oh come on now oh tle thank you so much for the men of the Rog D's finest oh we've got orc Mages now wow not too bad let me just squeeze right through here just ride past you don't mind [Music] me animals you should never left Ash Katie welcome in happy Final Fa
ntasy Friday it is good to see you it's hopefully you're having a wonderful day so far need a better angle on this guy there we go a that's one way to put a Hegel for certain well that was just fun it's a good battle there and uh I think these dogs are being way too cute so I better show them off and Lucy's just snoring up a storm too just a pile of puppies it's the big p pile of puppy dogs okay that is not the way forward what about this way nope uh tole ah okay had to go a little further to th
e right happy Final Fantasy Friday Katie good to see you favor of lightning won't be going any further this way right so this way we go stairs this must be the way out ahuh big boy H not so much you're finished here we go ah there's our big boy I won't be sneaking past this one how did they get in here interesting warp ability he's got there I could have swore I dodged that one oh the timing is awful I needed that to me boy there's a good [Music] stagger get him waken [Music] wins let's [Music]
try oh no not good not good ready help me boy there we go Oh wrong button a get him over here there we we go I love that Phoenix ability not only is it very powerful but it just looks amazing a lot of bodies and yes they've hit the floor I can't wait to do a uh hard playthrough of this after uh defeating it on normal uh difficulty this will be a good challenging uh game to play in my off stream time Flames come on too this the one thing I like about modern final fantasies is being able to play i
t on a harder difficulty uh who never did do things by HS as if taking the mother Crystal to his own wasn't enough he had to build his castle in it yeah playing on a harder difficulty after beating the the main game the first time at least we have a high potion now that's good let the trial begin this isn't good what the hell with me how dare it use the theatrical release of spirits within against me oh I should jump over [Music] that oh and not get caught within [Music] that h Oh wrong button c
ost me that one there we [Music] go this one [Music] let's try your boy [Music] twerkle too slow let's try nice got on the good side of that one oh no it wouldn't let me uh stagger him there we go [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] there we go got little uh little dicey there for a second but we got him nice we got a little bit of accessory boost there very cool seems we're expected so this is the power of muthos bad UI this dog is just still laying there I am jealous of that level of comfort oh Luc
y did the Haws do this too oh your self- evaluation I didn't see the previous message open tasks have in actions field that looks very much like a status field uh looked like I already did it at a glance ah gotcha oh boy uh not what I meant to use I mean I'm all right with that stay down this one go kill kill well that's got to be my favorite combo of lives is uh warping warp striking to a uh Airborne enemy and then just proceeding to annihilate it waken wind now go well what the hell is going o
n are these things here for me or for him yeah good question some opponents will use the Ability bravery to invigorate nearby allies enhancing their performance in battle look for the uh icon and defeat the targets quickly or risk taking extra [Music] damage where's the Spectre [Music] oh oh come on good job [Music] too let's get him farewell my goodness is that combo fun first ORS now these nightmares is this your doing Ultima okay oh we have a lich this is not good nice [Music] try [Applause]
[Music] yeah wake up [Music] guda yeah to me [Music] flames and we used all that to get the staggering but that's okay missed him that was poor timing there we go very nice oh I guess that is not the way I was going the right direction all along or maybe I need to go down when in doubt follow tole you've been busy cop huh but where did you go this architecture is quite beautiful the heart he's in the sanctuary I can feel it come on togle and how perfect would that have been to just jump out that
window ah come on wasted opportunity square that would have been a great transition just jump out the window cuz you know that's what he would have done the inner sanctum Arthur let me know what you'd like for uh your next custom sound and we can get that working for you thank you for being a part of the community long enough to uh not only have one or two but also a third Uh custom sound or maybe this is your fourth I can't remember sometimes uh where's the Spectre at there it is waken wind fa
rewell there we go okay this is number four gotch you you know I'm bad at Counting oh die this game is amazing that better be the last of them there we go all right Hugo time to end this my everything I I've missed you so much [Music] Ca I swear to you my we will never be parted again what's wrong with him he's Enchanted [Music] you get away from her [Music] benedictor oh his mind is gone I'll kill you [Music] R oh [ __ ] he's priming not now yeah you need to also do the same you need to do the
same dude I think it's been over 5 years since he's uh come on called forth if find him you've done this before you can do it again Let the Flames burn within you no don't burn without come to me you free yes that is it that's what we want to [Music] see [Music] man he is [Music] huge come on man go [Music] I'm absolutely in love with this theme too it is so good I all oh yeah don't get in the way of the kick there we [Music] go and the health pools on these icons is just absolutely insane nice
trick but if you can do it and so could I Brimstone nice not good this is not good that is a small meteor Clive has learned the ability Brimstone from Titan hold and release uh R2 and square to emit a violent explosion longer to increase the explosion size and strength xit any time to cancel okay let's give this a try not bad he he's gotten a little more acrobatic in this phase a oh get out of the way there we are there's our stagger uh I don't know if puny is the right word for it there he dude
is huge welome the [Music] there we go oh uh ouch I think he ate more than that a little more than weedies for the big [Music] guy he ate his geodes for breakfast his Crystal [Music] flakes [Music] what the hell is he dead oh boy not good wow was not expecting that what a spectacle found to help me it's do or die I'm coming C this is a treat light yes this has got to be one of the most fun things I've played this year by far [Music] [ __ ] oh the soundtrack just adds so much to it this is cool
[Music] oo big hit like they could have gone with something like overly orchestrated and serious but this is just fun sh oh Mas up that one you oh get really close to some stagger here there we are yep I I feel you there this one would have been a really tough one Arthur to uh to have to break up this boss fight or to waake wait a week uh to do it this one is amazing [Music] see oh tried to jump but messed it up there we go oh stagger time let's go [Music] w I know what I'm I'm going to have on
repeat today while I'm working on chores is this song now have oh there we go I like how it's like slowly cracking his arm there too animation is so well done in this yes let's go you're mine and I'm not sure if people caught this metaphor earlier is in the first battle we took his arms off and that's what we're doing to the icon here so it's very much a mirror of what we did to him in the first battle really digging that a lot what last time oh no how Wild [Music] heads up Hugo [Music] your tim
e what a [Music] trip die damn you I can't believe this game was snubbed for a uh Game of the Year nomination grpd welcome in yeah I'm sorry um I did announce in a couple places but we did switch back to Twitch uh on Friday morning so we are back over here but uh I will be uploading these to YouTube uh after streams as well in case you missed one oh thank you for the resub thank you very much oh no worries I'm doing a late stream today because uh I have the day off work so we're crushing ourselv
es some Titan this moment there we go oh did it too soon oh wow somehow Dodge that that's nice go oh this is epic there we go give him some good smacks here uh [Music] ifre it's a long way to fall that it just goes to show how huge uh that super Titan is arms let's go in a month off of work I hope that's a good thing uh raspy can we get some hearts in chat for raspy do please 6 months resub thank you very very much there we [Music] go [Music] Dodge what ether from the crystal if you can do it I
can too oh this is [Laughter] amazing Oh wrong button oo I took a hit there yes it was amazing semi- priming requires the channeling and corporeal manifestation of ether contained within a dominance body in Hugo kupka's case this produces crystallin formations that act as reservoirs to be drawn upon to provide the energy needed to maintain the priming as well as to cast Magics and effectively wield iconic abilities however such appendages may be forcibly separated from an injured semiprime domin
ant preventing the reabsorption of The Ether contained within cool very cool angle thank you for the cheers thank you for the ggs nice emote by the way 35 minute fight I'd believe that amazing absolutely amazing this game is truly something special the writing is so well done the Cinematic battles are so well done the music is over the top this whole sequence was so much fun to play oh Clive you are in a bad way my friend is that you Tima what do you want your soul is Tainted with worthless huma
n will yet your thirst for power remains undiminished with every sip you take you grow in strength and soon you shall achieve Perfection I don't know what you're talking about you will accept as newos it is inevitable you are created for this purpose and you shall serve it never and Ultima is haunting f it t don't let him in Consciousness we see now human will is so insubstantial it cannot exist in isolation you mitigate its weakness by interweaving it with your consciousness we believed we had
merely to purge you of your will to claim our vessel it appears we first have to sever every thread of the Consciousness that supports it no matter wow truly menacing the world is not yet upon us we will contemplate Joshua's looking out for us protecting his big brother one can no more command the power of ether by drowning in its flood then one can constrain the tides by standing in the sea I had thought Hugo wiser than this but it seems his head was full of rocks after all Titan was strong you
r majesty but Mythos is [Music] stronger for 5 years that man lived only for Revenge clinging fast to a fiction even as it swept him into the abyss one cannot change one's nature through force of will alone only the almighty can do that Hugo kopka the man who gave his life for a woman's head a fool like all the rest nothing wrong to fight for love but he fought for too many other things that were unsavory most of which was his love for power oh that the death of a mother Crystal should be so bea
utiful uh exact Revenge from Stone to sand and we're at the holy order of the knights Dron north of the Isles of Ark he fought for liver and onions and jalapeno spicy beans medicine Lord may he Rest In Pieces I have salves potions anything you need stop bothering me urchin or you'll feel the back of my hand ooh excuse me me be nice to that kid dude you must consider your health my prince if a show of force is needed to keep the DX at Bay you may trust in your drons I beg you to call on Bahamut o
nly as a last resort his strength comes at too great a cost the Empire agreed to an Armistice with the Republic and yet the emperor still plots its ruin for now the dmec suspect nothing and as long as I can hold their gaze War need not be inevitable but more than that Bahamut is the champion of the Empire when our people look to the heavens the sight of him gives them hope oh hey I did not see that kiss coming forgive me Terrence would that you were my master but alas I will always be your loyal
servant should the council's Brazen maneuvering prompt the Republic to tear up their own treaty and launch a new assault our soldiers would advance to meet them cutting across the central aisles but not in time to prevent their forces from breaching the southern defenses and storming twins side and so the capital would become a battlefield thousands of Innocents would die I cannot allow that to happen there is one small Mercy at least you will not be forced to do battle with Titan I mean that's
true kind of impossible at this point that I could avoid doing battle at all a thousand pardons your highness what is it Olivier has been made need Emperor what is the meaning of this my father's orders what were they quickly yes your highness his Radiance requests that your highness maintain position here and go yep looks like we get to team up with bohamed yes my prince at least that's the feeling I'm getting here I must go to the Palace already your Steed what is it now forgive the intrusion
your highness I know you we stand in the presence of the Phoenix you wouldn't want to get your fingers burned I hope I'm not interruped not at all though I admit I did not expect such a distinguished guest how many years has it been since the remembrance ceremony 20 I thought you long dead 18 at least do I address a ghost many have told me that I look like one but no I'm alive just Prince Dion of the house lass I have a tale to tell you some super long cutcenes too I mean it's great don't get m
e wrong I love this but holy cow that's a lot to digest so I'm happy that I had a longer stream opportunity to get through that in in one s ah too good boy Out of The Shadow I'd better give Oto the good news we're definitely going to save here and I want to get one thought out in the open because it kind of struck me throughout the whole battle and there was the thing where uh we took Titan's arms we took his arms in the first battle we took them in the Second Battle but one can argue that metap
horically we took his arms in the battle against benedicta because we deprived him of her Embrace which is a way of taking his arms I love this whole thematic follow through that they've done there I don't know if that was an intentional thought of the director and the story writer but I just couldn't help but think how that all kind of ties together it's just so good this game is phenomenal uh is there a way to check I wonder of how many hours we have in on this CU that might have to be where w
e end stream today because it feels like a really good stopping [Music] point [Music] I just want to look at a couple things here before we [Music] do definitely have enough to master the limit break which might be a good thing to do let's go ahead and save again we can go ahead and overwrite uh our existing save there I suppose I could always look at the PlayStation thing to see how many hours we have in uh there um we have 31 hours into the game I'm not sure how long the uh the story is it say
s we're 63% of the way through but I've heard that's a bit misleading but I'm excited to finish this uh and then also do the DLC um how that lines up with the release of rebirth uh might be an interesting question uh but we'll see we might be able to get some longer streams of this in January my goodness what a game what an absolute thr ride uh squore Enix you've really outclassed yourself on this one this is so good and this might be my game of the year uh and again I haven't played balers gate
I'm sure it's a wonderfully crafted game and enjoyable uh a lot of people are big fans of that so I'm not discounting any other games but being a huge Final Fantasy fan this is just scratching all the right uh itches uh as far as uh it's like Final Fantasy meets Game of Thrones meets Devil May Cry and it's just everything I could have asked for and more it is is so good um pardon me I will probably finish gushing about this game while we find somebody to raid out to so uh let's hop on over here
and give you some puppies uh also want to thank everybody uh raspy for the resub at 6 months thank you very very much hopefully uh you're having a great week so far if you're still hanging about chat and uh big hearts to you thank you for telling me to eat a sub and that's what I might go get for lunch today uh Arthur thanks for the new Uh custom sound alert also uh thanks to the new follows this morning and Panda thank you for the gifted sub much much appreciated you are far too kind so with t
hat being said where are we going to raid to uh I'm not sure where Prince Leo is at in the game I know he's streaming uh Final Fantasy 16 today I don't want to uh get myself spoiled but we might uh just do a quick little Raiden Raiden fade uh otherwise uh Dr Leandra is playing some Golden Sun uh Snookie shogun's doing some Resident Evil 2 uh piece of pizza is doing some retro likely some more Super Mario 2 Akira is playing some Resident Evil uh kaga playing some Tales of Asperia I don't usually
get a raid out this late in the day so I having a lot more choice in who we get a raid out to uh let me also take a peek at the stream team to see who's online from the treppy you have a wonderful day in weekend to raspy and those uh that want to join us this weekend uh I am doing a long stream tomorrow as well a charity stream for the National Children's Alliance or the NCA and uh it's a organization that helps uh combat uh child abuse and get children out of abusive situations and getting them
back on track to just being a kid so uh we're doing some fundraising for them in partnership with the stream team the trepes so we are doing that tomorrow they have already raised a large number of funds for that organization um over this year so I'm happy to uh be doing a little bit of uh help with that tomorrow if I can we're going to do some Kingdom Hearts uh some super bosses some platinum trophy hunting and if time allows we're going to do some more Wind Waker just uh working through some
of the side quest and heart containers and then outside of that we're going to do some Community games with some marbles and some jackbox I know I promised jackbox during the last uh long stream and I uh didn't do that so we're definitely that is part of the stream tomorrow for sure all right so we could also uh rate over to uh Liv uh Liv is also playing some live a p so uh what are you guys thinking you know I I think uh Prince Leo it looks like he might be doing some side questing so let's uh
let's go over there I think that's where we're going to go uh I might have to just quick raid and run to avoid spoilers but uh it's been a while since we've uh raid the royalty known as Prince Leo give him a quick shout out so you know where we're heading there we are and we'll be back with you tomorrow for the charity stream starting at 9:00 a.m. Central Time I'll put some stuff out on the socials so you're aware of uh everything that's going to happen so if you want to keep up with us on there
there's a link to all my socials so you can keep up with us outside of stream uh with all that stuff including the Discord and yeah look forward to seeing you tomorrow and also uh other than that there's one more stream outside of that on Monday more Elden ring and that will be the last of our streams for 2023 I am taking a bit of time away to go visit family I'm going to try to do some uploads to YouTube and things that will come out uh over the holiday break so there's at least a little bit o
f content and uh we'll plan to return uh in early January but again thank you all very very much for joining this morning morning for a long stream thanks for joining this week uh I did a long stream on Wednesday night too so I appreciate everybody kind of hanging in there for that stuff uh much much appreciate it so we should uh kick off a raid right let's go ahead and do that I'm going to raid over to Prince Leo make sure you grab one of the raid messages uh first one for Subs second one for n
ons Subs uh have a great break too hey I appreciate that raspy I appreciate that very very much and with all that being said everybody please take care of yourselves okay uh enjoy the holidays take care of yourselves stay hydrated uh take care of each other little kindness goes a long long way especially uh this time of year and the Northern Hemisphere where it's a little bit darker we'll have uh our daylight starting to uh gain in strength here in about a week our days will start to get longer
in the northern hemisphere so until then uh be some brightness in somebody's life okay and until tomorrow where I'll join you with some more more coffee some marbles some good fun during a charity stream um have a fantastic Final Fantasy Friday everybody big cheers oh



Thanks for watching! If you want to catch a livestream, we're live Monday & Wednesday 7pm CST and Friday 4:30am CST at !