
Finn the Humans vs. Disability Tropes

A suggested video about my good, good best boy Finn the Human. 00:00 - 01:49 Intro 01:49 - 02:28 Standard Disclaimers 02:28 - 07:15 Losing the Arm 07:15 - 09:42 The LSP Rant 09:42 - 10:45 Grass Arm 10:45 - 12:07 FERN 12:07 - 18:44 Representation Review 18:44 - 19:23 Conclusion 19:23 - 19:53 Outro Links: Twitter: Tumblr: Ko-Fi: Patreon:


2 years ago

So, a while back I got a comment- Which I didn’t save and I regret that now because even with how small my channel is it was long enough ago that that comment is now lost to the wind. So, whoever you are, I cannot give you your proper credit. [intro] Anyway this mystery person asked me if I’d ever consider doing a video on Finn from Adventure Time. The reason I did not save the comment was because, at the time, I dismissed it out of hand. See, back then, I hadn’t watched Adventure Time in well o
ver five years and I’d never even gotten past season seven. So I just thought, of course I’m not going to do that, I doubt I’m ever gonna pick it back up so I can’t speak on how he’s represented. Except that little comment stuck in the back of my mind, and wore me down over several months because I actually did like Adventure Time back in the day, I just sort of fell off of watching it for reasons unexplainable by me other than it probably had something to do with either my ADD or my depressio
n. Or both. So I sat down to watch the rest of Adventure Time, and also Distant Lands and holy shit am I so glad I did because that ending? And Obsidian? And Together Again coming out of nowhere and punching me in the fucking face with feelings? And baby Peppermint? (I love this dark magic child and will fight anyone and everyone for him) But none of that is the point of this video and also I am so mad at myself for not saving that comment. Thank you whoever you are we are here today because of
you. Ok, so first off, I need to put up some standard disclaimers. I am not an amputee, so I’m not basing this off of personal experience I’m basing it off of what I’ve heard and read from actual amputees. I’m also not going to touch the comics, because catching up on the show alone was… quite enough. And also I know myself. It takes me an embarrassingly long time to read anything, because I inevitably end up binging as much as I can in a short period and then forgetting I was reading it at all
until months later or whenever my brain decides it is a good time to circle back to it. Anyway, in my re-watch I picked up right here. Billy’s Bucket List, the last episode of season five in which Finn goes on a quest to fulfil the titular bucket list, conquers his fear of the ocean- which, in hindsight, is probably trauma related and dear god someone get this kid some therapy- and learns that his biological father is still alive and kicking, out there somewhere in the universe He and Jake then
proceeds to go to Prismo to ask him how to get to the Crystal Citadel, which is basically the most secure prison in the multiverse. Prismo tells them the only way to do that is to kill a wishmaster, which they can do by waking his sleeping host body. Because Prismo is just the dream of an old dude who’ll fall asleep again in roughly 1000 years and yes Adventure Time is fucking wild and I love it. At which point the Litch, who’s been catatonic in the corner for a while now, steps in and actually
kills Prismo’s host body, killing him permanently- for now- Which opens a portal to the Crystal Citadel and Finn and Jake proceed to hitch a ride to find Finn’s bio dad. Except of course when they do he’s a huge disappointment, and the Litch is pulling some bullshit for the 75th time and Finn dips into some deep denial and, in an effort to force Martin- the piece of human scum that unfortunately had a hand in creating our good good best boy Finn the Human- to stay or take him with him or… someth
ing. He ends up gripping an escaping ship of multiverse criminals so tightly and desperately with his grass… sword… arm… thing, that it tears clean off, taking his original flesh arm with it. I have got to pause here and say it really is amazing and a true testament to the skill of the animators that even with such a simplistic style they managed to perfectly communicate a feeling of ‘utterly stunned and traumatised in an ‘everything is blank right now and life isn't real’ sort of way’. Just. Ch
ef’s kiss. Bravo. You hurt my soul but damn did you do it well. Which moves us on to the first big thing I want to hit on! How does Finn cope with his trauma? Poorly! Very poorly, dear god this poor child. Two episodes later we find Finn, deeply traumatised and absolutely furious at Martin, deciding the rational course of action here is to build a tower into space to go find Martin and rip his arm off in revenge. Which is... ♫Daddy's got an arm, and baby's gonna harm his arm by tearing it off hi
s dad♫ ♫Baby's building a tower into space, space is where he's gonna find his dad♫ ♫Daddy's got an arm, and-♫ [apple crunches] [singing muffled] ♫Baby's gonna harm his arm by tearing it off his dad♫ Really not healthy, to say the least. But it’s also very understandable. Anyway, it obviously doesn’t work, it’s extremely dangerous and he nearly dies! But thanks to some mildly morally questionable intervention from Bubblegum he does end the episode in a slightly better place, mentally, so that’s.
.. Something, at least. Which brings us on to the next episode I want to talk about, Breezy. This… is my least favourite episode of Adventure Time. For multiple reasons, but I’ll get into those in a second. The episode finds Finn, still in a deep funk, convincing himself that ‘making out’ with a bunch of Princesses will make him feel better about… everything. Except because he’s, like… what, fifteen? At this point? And hasn’t really had much experience or exposure to kissing and making out and s
tuff, his definition of a make out is a quick peck on the lips. In this episode we’re also introduced to Breezy, a runaway Queen Bee who falls in love with the flower growing out of Finn’s stump- Oh, right, Finn has a flower growing out of his stump. Maybe I should’ve mentioned that earlier. Oh well. Anyway, Breezy become his wingwoman in an effort to save Finn’s flower because they both figure it’s wilting because he’s depressed. So we’re once again dealing with deeply unhealthy coping mechanis
ms, this time pushed along by an enabler. But that would honestly be fine as a theme. Adventure Time doesn’t exactly shy away from harder topics. I mean hell the world itself is the remnants left behind after nuclear Armageddon. But uhh… H-well… LSP: I know all about your dirty deeds. Now it's Lumpy's turn to slump those lips! Bring is in, baby... [kiss noise] Wh- Where're you going? Finn: That's it. We made out. LSP, yelling: Wh- what!? I didn't wait infinity for a dip in the kiddy pool! LSP: W
e're taking this to the deep end. Finn: But... I'm not a good swimmer. LSP 'seductively': Don't be scared, Finn, Lumpy's on lifeguard duty. [very, very faint sounds of a forest at night] [blanket rustles] Listen I couldn’t stand LSP before this episode? Now? Just. Just fucking chuck her out the window, I never wanna see her again, what the fuck. In case anyone’s confused that, right there was sexual assault. And before you try to argue with me here... - Stop it. Get some help. - Finn agreed to w
hat he thought was a make out, aka a quick peck on the lips. LSP wasn’t satisfied with that and pushed things further. Obviously we don’t know exactly what went down on account of the fade to black, but it doesn’t fucking matter! Kissing someone without their consent is assault, and guess the fuck what? Finn did not consent! Or, rather, he consented at first, and then consent was withdrawn, and that was ignored. Which is, once again, assault. Just. God I hate LSP so much. I cannot stand this mou
ldy floating grape or her annoying fucking voice and I hate that she’s essentially the only reason Ooo survived the whole Elements disaster and Augh. Awful. Go throw her in a black hole. Please. Like, yes, Adventure Time is full of flawed characters. That is something I, personally, really like about it. But you see the thing is? Usually? Those characters experience something called development. Something which LSP, seemingly, has never heard of, nor will she ever experience it. Because literall
y every time she seems to have taken even one step forward she immediately careens twenty steps back or it’s all just wiped away, reset to status quo the next time we see her. Where was I? Oh, right. Finn regrows a new fancy Grass Arm which is visually indistinguishable from his old arm except for the fact that he now has a thorn sticking out of his palm. Which, gotta say, if I didn’t know he was going to lose that at some point I would be really disappointed. Because he functionally spends the
next entirety of seasons six and seven firmly rooted in the ‘Throwing Off the Disability’ category of Wiki Tropes. Which is a category that I have quite a lot of problems with. It gives the impression that, to be the hero, a character can’t stay disabled. This is, of course, complete bullshit, but you won’t often hear any piece of media agree with me on that one. Which is quite frankly disheartening, and I think maybe this was part of the reason I fell off of watching Adventure Time back in the
day. Because obviously at the time I didn’t know what was coming. I mean, I didn’t exactly know now either but I had some idea that the new arm was gonna get got at some point. Which is where Fern comes into the picture! Who probably needs a bunch on context because Adventure Time is fucking wild. Okay, so first thing you need to know? Prismo? Remember him? The Litch killed him? Turns out, he set up a contingency plan for that in which Jake could take his original host body’s place in order to d
ream him into existence, while also continuing to exist as Jake because timelines. But this also lead to the brief existence of two Finns until, when they came into contact with each other, one of them turned into a sword. Which the other Finn proceeded to use and call Finn-sword. Yes this show is absolutely buck-wild, next question. Anyway, this is relevant because eventually Finn-sword gets lost, and picked up by Bandit Princess who proceeds to use him for evil, so Finn goes to try and take hi
m back but instead accidentally stabs him with the grass sword. At which point the demon in the grass sword/arm moves over to the Finn-sword and starts biding his time until the end of season seven, where the grass arm detaches from Finn entirely, spawning an entirely new person with all of Finn’s memories who at first thinks he’s Finn but they’re very much different people and he ends up going by Fern instead. And I love him so much. Anyway, Finn is now, finally, back to being an amputee. It wa
s a long, convoluted road we took to get here. But honestly would it even be Adventure Time if that wasn’t the case? Firstly, I gotta get my most frequent criticism out of the way. [clears throat] Amputees don’t sleep with their prosthetics. I just had to make a note of that, because this keeps happening. Anyway, this time Finn is significantly more chill about losing his arm. Probably doesn’t hurt that Bubblegum immediately has a significantly better prosthetic ready to go because, well, she’s
Bubblegum. Of course she does. He’s honestly more worried about Susan and his green doppelgänger than he is about his arm, and he has this conversation with Jake Jake: Is it 'cause you lost the Finn-sword? [bacon slides off with a slimy noise] Finn: No... Jake: Is it 'cause you lost your arm again and it got replaced with a metal one? Finn: No. The arm's cool. Which is just... I love that for him, I really do. It also does make sense, I mean he’s lost this exact same arm once before, under much
worse circumstances. This probably feels like a walk in the park by comparison. After that, though… Well, his prosthetic becomes a bit of a non-entity. Which is so much better than being fuel for inspiration porn or any kind of 'woe-is-me however am I to go on as a hero, broken and defective as I am?' But it is also a bit disappointing. Like, come on, with how much Finn and Jake joke around you really expect me to believe that Finn the Human, of all people, wouldn’t integrate amputee humour into
his repertoire? Not even the most basic and well known ‘do you need a hand’ joke? Really? Okay, sure. But, yeah, he spends the rest of… the entire series, almost just running around, being himself, with a prosthetic. Which isn’t exactly a positive. It’s solidly meh on the representation side because, sure, visually it’s representation but functionally it’s like a skin in a videogame. Once the big plot points about it are done and dusted, it’s literally just set-dressing. It’s never addressed ag
ain, we don’t see him take it off… ever that I can recall, we don’t see any maintenance, hear about what his life is like with it it’s just. There. Which would be fine for a background character, but he’s literally one of the main characters. How hard would it have been to show him doing some basic maintenance on the arm in the background of a scene in the tree house? Or just taking it off for bed? Just inserting literally any small touch that would make it seem more like a real, tangible part o
f the world? But nope. It’s just. There. Aaallll the way up until the finale. Which is just… great. Listen, I love the finale so much, it’s so good. But what I want to talk about here, is when Finn, Ice King, and Betty get swallowed up by GOLB. On the way in, Finn’s arm detaches for the first time since he got it at the beginning of season eight. Then, GOLB starts to digest them all. Meaning they’re getting reverted to their truest selves. Betty gets turned back into the woman she was before she
became utterly consumed by her quest to cure Simon of his magical crown induced Alzheimer’s and/or dementia allegory and Ice King… Well, Ice King ceases to be. He becomes Simon again, his memory returns to him and he is freed of the Crown’s grasp. But what’s really interesting to me, for the purposes of this video, is what happens to Finn. Or, rather, what doesn’t happen. Because he doesn’t change. Finn goes into GOLB’s stomach sans-prosthetic, just himself with his stump and no idea if he’ll l
ive through this. And nothing happens. When being digested back into his truest self he stays the same. His arm does not regrow, because this, right here, right now, stump and all, is Finn the Human’s truest self. It would have been so easy to “fix” him here. To assumed that of course his truest self wouldn’t be disabled and give him his original flesh arm back. But they didn’t! Because Finn the Human is disabled, end to story. He’s been disabled since he was… sixteen? Seventeen? Depending on ho
w you want to count it. He will be disabled the day he dies. And he is completely and utterly at peace with that. After his arm gets lost on the way into GOLB’s stomach he doesn’t get a new one for the rest of what’s left of the finale either. He just hangs out with his stump. When the other humans, his bio mom included, sail to Ooo he runs to greet them sans-prosthetic. In the second episode of Distant Lands, when we see him as an adult, he’s hanging out with no prosthetic in sight. Just chilli
ng at a party with his stump out and a memorial tattoo for Jake on his chest. I know this seems like a weird thing to harp on but it’s so, so rare that we’re allowed to see something like this. Just a character hanging out without their prosthetics. Which, admittedly, I hadn’t even realised until I watched this and realised I’d never seen it before. The next time we see Finn with a prosthetic is in Together Again when he’s an old man and has kicked the bucket. And when he’s allowed to pick liter
ally whatever form he’s ever had over his myriad lifetimes he picks his teenage self post-amputation. Mr. Fox: This is what you're goin' with, huh? Finn: Yeah, it's recognisable. It’s just… it’s so nice to have a character who’s disabled and so utterly chill with it while still noting that they are disabled. Yes, there were some rough patches. Almost all of seasons six and seven, as well as the long void of meh leading up to the finale, but god did they pick up speed at the very end there. All i
n all Finn is… njeh, representation wise for the vast majority of the main series, but honestly I at least am more than willing to forgive that in light of how clearly they showed that’s it’s literally just that easy not to fuck shit up horribly, and for being one of the first pieces of media I’ve seen where a character is allowed to be chill and accepting of his disability. Like I thought I was chill with my body before this, but seeing Finn just… absolutely vibing out, dancing around with no s
hirt and no prosthetic introduced me to a new level of chill I can only strive for. Thanks for watching this video. If you liked it consider liking it and maybe subscribing, I will be back here Thursday after next. Bye. [rustic music]



You forgot that Fin is also colorblind. It doesn’t have much to do with anything most of the time, but there was one episode centered around him needing to find something red for Marceline to feed off of and thinking he found a ruby, just for everyone to tell him it was an emerald. He ignored them over and over again, insisting that he was right until near the end of the episode when Jake pointed out that it was, in fact, an emerald and that it was Fin’s color blindness that had him seeing it as a ruby. It showed how early Fin was particularly determined to handle things on his own or with minimal help and his refusal to accept or acknowledge any of his limitations.


In regards to your analysis of Finn's "truest self", that's actually always been one of my favourite character traits of Finn. I love how universally, by destiny or fate or whatever, Finn's disability has always been a core and inevitable part of him. Every alternate timeline, Farmworld Finn, his past life Shoko, Pillowworld Finn, old Finn from Dungeon Train, even when he fantasised about himself in an earlier episode I don't remember the name of, they all came with the missing arm. All these little bits really reinforced in my young mind that this is how he's supposed to be, it's normal.


Fun fact: the writers always intended to have Finn lose his arm and have a be replaced with a prosthetic arm. They all agreed that this would happen while they were first designing the show. By their own admission in one of the feature commentaries Finn losing his arm was inevitable and no amount of magic tomfoolery would ever be able to bring Finn's arm back permanently.


Look, totally fair and true to say “people don’t sleep with their prosthetics” but I guess I always just headcanoned that Finn never took it off for reasons within the show’s own logic. Like, he’s a teenage boy with an advanced robot arm. Why take it off, it’s cool, and taking it off reveals a stump that only tends to be revealed in moments of crisis bc it’s so representative of his trauma, both diagetically and symbolically within the narrative. Finn’s stump reminds him of his loss and vulnerability. His robot arm reminds him of his friends (mainly PB) who came to his aid and care for him. I don’t know if PB directly told him he could take it off to sleep, some people lack basic common sense about stuff like that (I could name names lol from my own life, including me). He might just authentically find it more comfortable to wear this high tech arm all the time too. To me it was a marker of him being a teenager with a cool robot arm, but also a marker that he has trouble fully embracing exposing his trauma completely by being too involved with maintenance of his arm stump. That’s why seeing it exposed in Obsidian made me go 🥺 bc it means he’s maturing enough to take better care of himself


as a disabled person, a prosthetic is a necessary accommodation that should be a right for disabled people and not a privilege. we fight very hard to destigmatize prosthetics and medical equipment. there's nothing shameful about wanting accommodations. that being said, i don't take offense to finn keeping his prosthetic arm on while sleeping because he's a little kid and it probably helps him embrace his predicament. i see my wheelchair as part of part of me and a life saver, not as this inconvenient part of me. i don't feel "less" disabled with my wheelchair.


Another thing to mention is that, even if it isn’t entirely relevant, Finn’s past live Shoko was also an amputee as well as the farm world version of Finn.


i really like that his arm didn't grow back in Golb, it really shows that hes internalized his disability and accepted it as himself


I can picture so so so clearly a cold open in an episode where Jake is working on smtg and he asks Finn “Hey, bro, can ya gimme a hand here?” And Finn goes “Yeah, Jake, I gotchu!” And his prosthetic falls into frame and Jake looks over, recognizes and goes “Dude! Seriously!” And Finn, giggling, sits down next to him to look at the thing Jake is doing and puts his arm back on, asking “What are you doing anyway?” And they get into what the thing they’re going to be doing for the day! It literally would have been so so very easy!!!


The mention of his truest self made me think of how he's like this in multiple timelines, in his past life, in the pillow world, even just in a fantasy one time. Even before the finn we follow lost his, lots of versions of Finn lost their arms. It's inevitable and part of him, not just something in this timeline.


Also totally hate that LSP is a weird sexual predator. She was best as a light gimmick. Her annoying voice is kinda in the same boat as Hooty—just people involved on the show voicing characters as a joke. LSP cracked me up bc I knew it was Pendleton being a doofus behind the microphone. Never liked episodes that focused on her. Also Idk if you’re aware but Hooty is voiced by Alex Hirsch doing a shorty Mickey Mouse impression. I immediately loved the character and the vitriol Hooty receives makes me love this silliness even more. A+


I think LSP is supposed to represent the phenomenon of genuinely shitty people occasionally doing something that is legitimately good without becoming a better person in any meaningful way.


in weak defense of breezy i do remember when i was younger, i read an interview or tumblr post where a member mentioned that the arm being brought back was a studio mandate for merchandising reasons, so they had to write it back in and tried to use breezy to force it back. takw this with a grain of salt as i read it years ago and the point just stuck in my brain, so i could be misremembering, but it does line up with finn losing his arm again after the show became less popular and had more creative freedom. i put it mildly REALLY dont like the breezy episode and agree with all your points but i cant help but feel more pity for the crew. absolutely great video!


I'm so disappointed that you didn't mention the metal arm malfunctioning and obliterating fern. I can't even count the number of times that technology that was supposed to help with my ADHD or dyslexia malfunctioned and ended up F-ing me. I'm pretty sure it's like that with all accessibility technology. Anyways I feel like it was a big moment and deserved to be mentioned in an analysis of the ark. actually so was the candy arm malfunctioning, because that was what kicked off the- "baby is building a tower into space" episode


In the part about Finn taking the arm off, I just kinda assumed it worked like automail in FMA, directly attached to the nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems and therefore it can’t be taken off at least not easily. I could be wrong though I haven’t seen all of adventure time. With the maintenance part, it’s princess bubblegum, that arm is probably the most over engineered thing to exist. It could probably perform maintenance checks on Finn. I’m not convinced that that arm is no longer functional after 1000 years


"Not even the most basic, 'Need a hand?' joke." Reminds me of a short comic I saw a long time ago in a meme group (don't ask me which group or even what category, because I'm in basically all of them). A few military buds are sitting and complaining about how their vet insurance doesn't meet their needs. One person comments that they wish they could transition, but it's not covered at all, and would cost an arm and a leg. The other two look at each other, and then in the next panel the trans person is holding two prosthetics making a -_- face while the other two laugh sans their respective limbs. ...Gods, I need to find that one again and re-share it everywhere.


I feel like the issue with the LSP make-out scene is that the show doesn't acknowledge the trauma that may come out of that, especially from Finn’s perspective.


I feel like Finn not taking his prosthetic off for so long is honestly kinda representation in itself. He's a kid, he went through something traumatic and he's had an arm his whole life up until that point. You can imagine how terrifying that could be, and how taking off his prosthetic to care for it could stir bad emotions I went through a time period of having to use a cane cause my joint disease got to a point where I needed one, I had surgery and no longer need one anymore but it was still a whole different experience. There were moments where I was ashamed of it and just looking at it bothered me, getting harassed at school for it made me hate it even when I could acknowledge that I needed it. Even though I know there's always a chance I'll need it again in the future because well my joint disease isn't going anywhere, I get scared of it sometimes because of what happened when I needed it. I get being afraid of appearing "different" and refusing to handle something appropriately or even neglecting it because of that fear. Like taking off a prosthetic to let your skin breath, clean it etc. Especially as a kid or teen. I loved seeing him accept it and them showing him taking it off more often as he got older though and just being himself, disability and all, in front of everyone without negative emotions. So yeah, I like that his acceptance of his disability was gradual, especially subtly. It feels very real and how someone his age would handle going from not disabled to suddenly disabled with such a traumatic experience That assault seen, even if it was a damn fade to black, was effing horrifying tho! 😭 The way he was so quiet and the silent lifting of his blanket. This show is amazing with how it shows things and how real emotions are but damn man Q-Q


12:22 i mean, considering PB isnt really a prosthetics expert but closer to a robotics/biologist/mad-scientist she likely just hooked up the metal arm to finn's nerve bundles hence he probably cant just remove it to go to sleep. but that's just an excuse most likely the show runners just didnt even think about it


Finn losing his arm really connected to me. I was born without one of my hands, and I struggled with finding representation in media. After all, there weren't any magical girls missing body parts. But seeing Finn with his prosthetic just... floored me. Because this was the first time I'd ever seen a disabled adventurer who wasn't slowed by it. Yes, he struggled with it. Yes, he was pissed about it. But he gave me something I'd always wanted. 10/10 adventure time


I agree that Breezy is by far the worst, that episode was awful! Also yo, you should've talked about the allegory with Finn's literal Phantom Limb! Oh also, I think it might kinda makes sense for Finn to sleep with his prosthetic considering that he can feel it, right? Maybe not sanitary, but Finn is also not known for being sanitary, y'know? I'm pretty sure he doesn't brush his teeth.