
Florence Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Florence – A bustling Mediterranean city that is loaded with delicious Italian food and rich culture as it has been for thousands of years. Check out the best of Florence here. When ready, browse vacation packages to Florence: #Florence began 59 B.C. and has grown into a world-class city of culture and history. Today, the old Roman parts of the city are long gone, but the Piazza della Repubblica features a towering monument—the Column of Abundance—where the ancient Roman main streets met. Explore further at the Centro Storico. This area features a number of medieval buildings, like the breathtaking Florence Cathedral. Continue your Florence #vacation by taking in some of the world’s most stunning religious art, much of it created under the Medici family in the 15th and 16th centuries. You’ll find statues in parks and fountains, as well as outside and inside buildings. On the south side of the Arno River is Palazzo Pitti, one of the Medici family’s residences during the Renaissance. It’s now a large set of galleries, where you can view Medici heirlooms and prized artwork. For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it. More travel information around Florence: Subscribe to Expedia’s YouTube Channel for great travel videos and join the conversation on the best vacation ideas. --------- Follow us on social media: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: --------- 0:00 - Florence 0:46 - Centro Storico 1:43 - Basilica di San Lorenzo 1:56 - Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral 2:06 - Uffizi Gallery 2:27 - Piazza della Signoria 2:39 - Gallery of The Academy 2:47 - Ponte Vecchio 2:59 - Palazzo Pitti


10 years ago

從意大利首都羅馬開車往西北只需數小時, 在亞平寧山腳下,是如詩歌般優美的佛羅倫斯。 這座華麗的地中海城市四處皆是歷史建築, 絕對是歐遊的必到之地。 歡迎來到但丁、馬基雅維利 (Machiavelli ) 和米高安哲羅 (Michelangelo ) 的誔生地, 達文西亦曾在這裡學習繪畫。 佛羅倫斯歡迎您! 佛羅倫斯的歷史要追溯到公元前 59 年, 凱撒大帝曾在阿諾河畔紮營。 這座精緻的古城 以早期羅馬為基礎而建, 並且以購買皮革涼鞋和皮包而著名。 想要祈求好運的話,就把一枚硬幣放到「小豬」的鼻子上吧! 雖然它只是個複製品,但誰知道它會不會靈驗呢! 在羅馬人首次聚居於此的 1,400 年後, 教會和富商家庭統治了佛羅倫斯。 麥迪奇家族在此興建了許多宏偉的建築, 展現精心設計的藝術特色。 他們精心挑選繪畫大師、建築師和雕刻家, 建造了歐洲其中一個最具文化氣息的城市。 聖羅倫佐教堂便是最能代表其貢獻的例子, 教堂由菲利波布魯內萊斯基 (Filippo Brunelleschi) 設計, 是意大利文藝復興建築風格的最好例子。 菲利波同時興建了座落在主教座堂廣場上的 聖母百花大教堂的圓頂,這座教
堂已有 750 年歷史。 喜愛宗教藝術的同好絕不能錯過烏菲茲美術館, 美術館橫跨了 舊皇宮至阿諾河之間幾條街。 即使在戶外也能隨處可見許多雕像, 例如在教堂、噴泉和廣場。 由米高安哲羅雕刻的偉人大衛像 是世界數一數二的著名雕像之一。 領主廣場上的大衛像是複製品, 真品則完好保存在廣場北面的 學院畫廊中。 您可以穿越有 400·年歷史的舊橋, 正因為舊橋太美,所以在二次大戰時免於受炸毀之劫。 橋的彼岸是碧堤宮, 這裡曾是麥迪奇家族的府邸, 在這處廣大的公眾藝廊收藏了家族一些家傳之寶。 在佛羅倫斯,每處都有令人 忙著舉起相機拍照的景色, 例如那些壯麗宏偉的建築物。 怪不得佛羅倫斯 俘獲了那麼多遊客的心。 準備向佛羅倫斯說再見吧, 在離開之前記得回頭再看一眼阿諾河, 這條孕育出文興復興的河流。



Florence is AMAZING pace for travelers with so many historic remains...!!! I cannot forget those memorable days walking around this beautiful and lovely city!!


I can't wait to go back <3 Florence was absolutely AMAZING!


My favorite city in all of Italy!!! 🇮🇹


Lorna Been there 3 times in the most beautiful city in the world. This small but intense town of Florence is home of the renaissance and birthplace of our modern world!!


Florence is beautiful! Wish I had a chance to stay there longer... Definitely will be back there one day!


This place is on my bucket list!💓💓💓


Florence is a very beautiful country. He has beautiful sculptures, Leonardo davinchi statuate, Larva Museum and very beautiful streets with many spectators.


I love Florence and I want to go there a day.I hope.


great movie, I was there and it brings my memories back.


Romantic town, I love it


Very informative video. Florence is home to great Italian historical figures such as Dante Alighieri and Leonardo da Vinci among others. I visited this city once and I must say that the old bridge and the cathedral of santa maria del fiore are very characteristic...


Wonderful City..!!


Memories, I want to go back and spend hours in the Uffizzi and Academy museums, I miss Florence and my trip to Italy


Artistically inspired city


I have lived in Florence for about 30 years...from about 1476 AD to 1492 AD. Amazing! I even met Leonardo and he was my best friend.


Florence is a art place.


Very nice  Vacation Travel Guide  -wonderful for Florece video-it is great!!!


You didn't show a looooot of things, like Florence is full of art and it needs a very long time to see all the beauties this city offers. I see videos on this channel that last more than 10 minutes and do you really think that 3:51 minutes is enough for Florence? No words


i especially liked architecture ❤️👍👍 i very impressed by italy ❤️😁😁


Nice video and background music...I also liked the accent of the voice.