
Fog Hill of Five Elements - Xuan and Jing vs Final Form Shanchu [4K]

Do support this studio by donating to them if they ever ask these people have way too much potential to be left and forgotten it simply cannot happen. Synopsis: In ancient times, powerful Beasts rampaged the world. To combat them, a mysterious Taoist taught the five clans - the Clan of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth - the extraordinary ability of Yin-Yang's five elements. Together, they drove the Beasts into the Fog Hill of the Hidden, imprisoning them in a captive realm. Within the Fog Hill lives another mighty Beast - the Qilin. Its immense power often attract Beasts desiring greater strength so that they may, one day, break out of the captive realm. Qilin therefore willingly sealed itself away in the Shield of Mighty Gate. In an attempt to save his mother, Wenren Yixuan, the envoy of Fire, unleashed the Shield of Mighty Gate without permission. Seeing an opening, the little Qilin took the chance and snuck out. With its escape, the Beast Realm shall soon fall into bloody chaos... ► DISCLAIMER: This Video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of the process of making a Animated film, from an initial story, idea, or commission, through scriptwriting, shooting, editing, directing and distribution to an audience, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner and as such buy the Blu-rays when it is in your region to support these studios. Ad revenue is being paid to copyright owner 雾山五行- by Chinese Animator 林魂 8sian Media Network Original creator channel:


6 months ago

Let me teach you a lesson... ...Wenren Yixuan! You won't have that chance! Want to go first then? Take the Holy Beast far away from here I'm poisoned by the Parasitic Gu, So im unable to enter my super state.. What, Parasitic Gu ?! Wait!! Clear it from your system first ! Jingxuan !!! FLAME RING BLAST!!!! HUO HUAN!!!!! JINGXUAN!!! I CAN'T BRING UP MY FIRE UP!! FLAME BEHEADER! FLAME DESCENT!



The fact that xuan punched jing to give him a boost of movement speed to lunge at the guy and was strapped on the leg w xuan to also lunge him towards the enemy was amazing. If you watch this in slow motion theres no cuts or clunky animation everything is so smooth its just that its so goddamn quick. Love it


Yes the animation is phenomenal, but can we take a second to appreciate the god-like sound design?


This show needs way more appreciation. Not to mention it has a small team doing all this work.


Seeing Xuan power up will always give me chills. But this? This is unlike anything i’ve ever seen & the fight choreography is just blended in so well it’s ridiculous.


It amazes me how Shansu is so big and is very fast despite his mass. Even Xuan was able to somehow tank that head slap


1:59 best part, these guys deserve a raise


Even mainstream anime fight scenes like MHA, Vivi, Opm, DBZ Super is nothing compared to this masterpiece. And thats coning from someone who loves all those animes. From art style, fight choreographies to sound designs, everything is top notch!


I'm gonna be honest, this fight looks better than anything i've ever seen from Dragonball or One Piece, and I say that as someone that loves both of them to death. Especially the fight choreography is in a completely different dimension than almost every action anime out there!


They have the most out of this world insane fight choreography EVER it always so perfect and crisp I’ve never seen this in any Japanese anime and there are some god tier fights


1:59 holy shit they really said "lock in bro"


I’m sorry but how come this series is so unknown? This is the best animation I have ever seen in my life and that’s after watching Naruto, AOT, One punch man to name a few with top tier animations. It makes me wonder how such a small team with such a small budget is able to create such a masterpiece when the japense studios use moving pngs time to time again. So underrated, the director and animators are a different breed


2:51 the music is crazy! Best Transformation ever. Animation better than anything currently out and trending💯


2:15 their team work is off the chart!!!


Man the rage scenes in this show is absolute PEAK 🔥💯


The animations are OUT OF THIS WORLD, it's insane. What a wonderful work


More people need to see this series.


jesus who the hell makes these bro honestly best h2h i seen in my life😭


The only thing wrong with this magnificent fight is how Shanchu gets his red half blown off, yet still can use his red crystal attacks. With the attention to detail this show has - I was expecting his last effort attacks to be blue or green.


This is like someone said "National TREASON" how underrated and underexposed this animation is!! Is it that hard for us to make these guys famous??!!! We make the wrong people famous time and time again! These guys deserve the fucking world! Thhis is not even a close competition for other animators :')


The Top 3 action 2D Donghua or action 2D chinese animation of 2023 1) Fog Hill of the Five Elements : Chapter 2 by Bilibili 2) Blades of the Guardians by Tencent 3) Soulmate Adventure : Season 2 by Bilibili