
Forbidden Planet | Science Fiction Double Feature

Film reviewed: Forbidden Planet (1956) There's a light in the darkness: A list of all films in order: BLOG POST: Science Fiction Double Feature is a series where I review the 11 films mentioned in the song 'Science Fiction Double Feature' from the 1975 musical, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Facebook - Twitter - Tumblr - Instagram - Music from Epidemic Sound Patreon►


10 years ago

[animal growl] [animal growl] It's okay he's my friend! Hello and welcome to Science Fiction Double Feature, the series where I review the 11 films mentioned in the song, 'Science Fiction Double Feature,' from 1975 musical, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. One of my favorites. If you can't already tell...that. Um, I have a feeling there's too much leopard print going on here, so just gimme a second. We're gonna, we're gonna fix that. So I just finished watching Forbidden Planet. [singing] Anne Fra
ncis stars in Forbidden Planet. I've seen this film before, it's probably my favorite in this series. And I'll tell you why. It is very similar to Shakespeare's The Tempest. It's not a direct... retelling or anything but it's definitely been compared to The Tempest. It has many similar storyline aspects, a lot of parallels. It also explores the idea the collective consciousness. So it's got a lot of that. People pretty much call it The Tempest in space. I really like the characters in this film.
I think it's one of the few in this list, in this series, that the characters and the story are what makes me really excited about it verses just the special effects. I don't wanna spoil it for you, just watch it, it's good. I don't know, I think it might be because it's the first science fiction film ever, I think, to take place entirely on another planet that's not earth... to veer away from the whole 'alien invasion' thing and more into the scientists exploring other planets. And I think is
the first film also where humans are flying in space ships, a starship of their own creation out there. And it's kind of like Star Trek, I really like Star Trek! So maybe that's why. Last week you guys did really well. Good job, very good job. Not all of you knew her name. But a few you did guess Columbia, which is her name. A few of you said the tap dancing girl, a few said lyrics that she sung, so you knew who I was. So I'm gonna give that one to you guys, good job. See how you do with this on
e. Huhhh. I hope you get this one, this one's a good one. See ya later. Where's my saxophone?



Bonjur my friend! It has been some time since I last commented on one of your videos. And for that I apologize. Forbidden Planet, a science fiction classic. Once again my friend, you dig deep into the time capsule of classic sci-fi films, and pull out a gold nugget of awesome!


=D Thanks for commenting! And yes, Forbidden Planet is quite the gold nugget.


EDDY NOOooooooo Poor EDDY! His love for Rock N Roll was indirectly his end...He loved it but it didn't love him back.


thanks dude ;)


Eddyyyyy! :D