
Foreign McDonalds Prank Call - OwnagePranks

This is a RANDOM short prank call I did to some McDonalds overseas. I call and just start speaking gibberish, I have no idea what he's saying. Register and join the community @ Translation: Become my facebook fan! Follow me on twitter! If you do all this you'll definitely catch my next live show! Comment and subscribe!   Ownage Pranks is a channel devoted to prank calls. With over nine misfit characters voiced by one comedian, Ownage Pranks brings you a weekly dose of unscripted and improvised pranks that are sure to make you fall out of your seat laughing. What began as a hobby to entertain friends in 2004 has since evolved into the most subscribed prank call channel on YouTube! Join the OP Crew by subscribing and tune in every week to catch our hilarious, wild and outrageous pranks!

Ownage Pranks

14 years ago

Does he have the phone on? hello Hello Ballsack Hello, Yeah! Do you speak German? German? Do you speak it? I think you are a full of shit chicken. bok bok bok SHIT! Waka waka waka... Oh Shit! Wonk wonk wonk... Hoot, Hoot, Who? Cock-a-doodle doo. oooo eee ooo aaaaa aaaaa ting tang walla walla bing bang. owww.



his even good at animal noises lol


At least the German made the people around him laugh at the end.


I admire this man for being courageous enough to mock the Germans.


This one is so underrated. And probably one of the funniest lmao.


omg i cried. THAT was the best one on this channel


Buk buk buk buk bagee! my face hurts from laughing


the chicken noise 😂😂😂😂💀💀 I'm dying


Translation scroll down: 0:03  Guy: Mc Donalds [...], McDonalds Schwarzenbergplatz, greetings! 0:05  *Russell: Heres ue lananamy poo!* 0:06  Guy: Please?  0:07  *Russell: Ballsack* 0:08  Guy: HALLO?! 0:10  *Russell: Hellloo!!!* 0:11  Guy: Yeah? 0:11  *Russell: Ballsack!!!?* 0:12  Guy: You know Germany? Speak German?  0:15  *Russell: er...Yeah* 0:16  Guy: What? 0:16  *Russell: Ah-huh* 0:18  Guy: German! 0:18  *Russell: eh ah* 0:19  Guy: Please?!  0:20  *Russell: * makes horse noise** / Guy: What can I do for y...... 0:22  Guy: You're a horse?  0:23  *Russell: * makes chicken noise**  0:24  Guy: You're a horse or WHAT?   0:25  *Russell: * makes horse noise** 0:27  Guy: Huh!?!?!?! 0:28  *Russell: Ballsack , *makes more chicken noise** 0:29  Guy:  Yeah you son,,, you son of a bitch 0:32  *Russell: *makes even more chicken noise** 0:32  Guy: Yeah? 0:33  *Russell: * keeps making chicken noise**  0:34  Guy: Do , do you fuck your mother,  yeah? 0:35  *Russell: * becomes a chicken**  0:38  Guy: Yeah you asshole!!  ( The Bavarian/Austrian accent killed it lawl / sorry only German people can understand how funny that is. 0:39  *Russell: * chicken language gibberisch**  0:40  Guy: You shit, right? YOU.....   BAWK BAWK BAWK ....O_O Guy becomes a chicken ... 0:44  *Russell: *cant keep it together  lawls** ROFL  0:45  Guy: * becomes an aggressive cock * and some other indescribeable animals ,,, and a vacuum cleaner o_o  (was probably trying to imitate spitting) Cute girl in the backround is laughing her ass of. (Germans know how to handle pranks ya know ;-)  )  Lol he called someguy in Bavaria/Austria (probably Vienna, according to that accent. Even I can barely understand that guy. But only Bavarians/ Austrians are fucked up to retaliate that ....


10 years later and it’s still hilarious. Who’s still watching in 2020?


Lol German McDonalds...


I as german LOVED that. It was so hilarious. His reaction was extreme but funny in that context. Loved it Dude!


This is so funny because I am german and I can totally imagine these people freaking out :D


This is actually one of the funniest pranks you've done xD Short and sweet!


the chicken never fails. 5/5 classic.


Random Person: Hello? Ownage: Ballsack


Another example of why Ownage's old videos are the BEST. I laughed the WHOLE time during this thing, I still am.


Irgendein Deutscher hier? xDDD


That escalated quickly.


this is the funniest thing i've seen in my life. I literaly cried from the laughing. PLEASE DO MORE LIKE THIS!!!!