
Forrest Gump actress helps kick off Beaufort film festival

Forrest Gump actress helps kick off Beaufort film festival For more Local News from WTOC: For more YouTube Content:


5 days ago

the Buford International Film Festival has begun as part of the opening ceremony you'll get a chance to see a special concert celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Forest Gump movie the concert called Bubba's Mama sings the blues is led by Marina Smalls she played Bubba's mother in the movie Smalls is singing with the Hallelujah singers the choir she founded to preserve gulla culture and the performance also serves as a farewell show for Smalls as she is stepping uh planning to step step aside
from singing on the stage to focus on her passion of educating young minds on a diversity and bring people together for the show tonight Smalls wants to spread Unity through her music working through the love of music and how it uh how it expands our Horizon our soul um because music is the universal language and it speaks to us all the opening ceremony for the Buford International Film Festival is happening right now you can find more information on the film festival on the Low Country page of
