
Fox and Friends Saturday 8AM 3/2/24 | Fox News Today March 2, 2024


Sleepy Joe

10 hours ago

starting with this the house oversight committee releasing James Biden's deposition transcript and President Biden denies ever interacting with his or Hunter business partners with every single witness these guys got to stop them but you did interact with their Partners I did not interact with their Partners you didn't have dinner and check out this insane Rescue video capturing the moment a driver a female is pulled from her semi-truck which is is dangling from a Louisville bridge over the Ohio
River that is scary and cornhole in college how a hobby LED these two High School seniors to D1 scholarship they got scholarships for cornhall D1 baby yep W in jerseys yep they join us when did drinking games become Sports it's I mean these guys haven't figured out clearly when they're practicing they're partying when they're partying they're practicing m they join us the third hour Fox and Friends Weekend starts right now don't why did I believe her I don't even know if Rachel would make hall
of fame in baseball at this rate I mean I don't know that she's batting 300 is she are you do you think you're successfully ordering breakfast 30% of the time that you say you you guys were watching me do it I'm sorry I'm so not tech savvy I'm a boomer I'm not I'm actually J X but when it comes to the phone I'm a boomer and I had trouble I will take care of this in the commercial break I promise and I'll pay the extra I will pay the extra fee the fee that I pay every time that you do every time
I pay for the F service that's a sucker fee can I ask you guys well I'm going to do it for you guys like hit this button for $5 and we'll get yeah Rachel failed she failed again I did order you watched me order no breakfast something happened with the order 45 minutes ago I was assured to my face yes breakfast is my ordered and everything's great and I believed her I don't know why did I believe her I don't even know if Rachel would make hall of fame in baseball at this rate I mean I don't know
that she's batting 300 is she are you do you think you're successfully ordering breakfast 30% of the time that you say you are you guys were watching me do it I'm sorry I'm so not tech savvy I'm a boomer I'm not I'm actually Gen X but when it comes to the phone I'm a boomer and I had trouble I will take care of this in the commercial break I promise and I'll pay the extra I will pay the extra fee the fee that I pay every time that you do every time for the F service that's a sucker fee can I ask
you guys well I'm going to do it for you guys suck like oh hit this button for $5 and we'll get there extra fast will you no well you know on the apps they can go to somebody else before they go to you this makes suck by the way while we're on this note last night I ordered the tip is a sucker fee too now like cuz you're all conditioned to tip them but yeah the service fee is there so you got a service fee and then it says additional tip and I'm like well is is that the tip the service fee we'r
e just taking for suckers everywhere these days this thing and the sorry about that I'm going to take care of it by the way you guys the theorder yet so whole segment we're just burn in time yeah I I'll do it in the next commercial break and I'll pay your fee okay okay all right um by the way the rugby guys um that's a manly sport yeah it is I noticed that you two had umbrellas and the other guys did not yeah well just saying just just noticed got to have got to be keep it dry we're wearing suit
s doing TV okay waiting for breakfast maybe later we'll play rugby complaining that your lotes aren coming soon enough super manly guys television host all right moving on House Republicans now revealing the transcript from James Biden's deposition last week revealing he paid then Vice President Joe Biden 40,000 bucks using funds from a Chinese government linked energy firm this coming as the president insists he did not interact with any of James or Hunter's business partners M Rivera is live i
n Washington with the latest mine hey good morning guys James Biden testified he borrowed $40,000 from his brother in 2017 when President Biden was a private citizen James says he paid his brother back with money which appeared to come from a Chinese energy firm CFC he was asked where did you believe the source of the money that was going into aasco prior to being sent to you was coming from James Biden answerers CFC James didn't think CFC was tied to the Chinese government and he maintains the
president had no information about the sources of the funds he used to repay the loans he says my brother has no idea what I do because I don't talk business to my brother I don't ask him advice in terms of business because I just don't it is a line a red line drawn in the sand I never discuss business with my brother President Biden is doubling down saying he didn't interact with with his son Hunter's business partners listen don't read the record of every single witness these guys got to stop
but you did interact with their Partners I did not interact with their Partners you didn't have dinner or lunch on Thursday Hunter Biden testified his father was not involved in his business dealings but admitted to putting him him on a speaker phone with his associates and inviting him to drop by on business lunches I think the evidence that we got is very valuable as we moveed forward to try to hold this family accountable so I think what we did was right so many things that we've been talking
about in our investigation were proven in the deposition I think the deposition was a huge success impeachment investigators want a final report by Spring especially if the house wants to consider a vote before the election will Rachel and Pete all right thank you meline thank you guys pretty fascinating testimony where as you point out Pete there's going to be a lot of denial plausible D deniability loan payments made but Jonathan Turley points out when you boil it all down there was admission
that there was business done with China that business was connected to the Chinese Communist party and Joe Biden received money watch what Hunter Biden did is he confirmed the Essential Elements of what has been alleged by these committees that they received a great deal of money from Russia from China from Ukraine and at least $440,000 of Chinese money made it into the account of President Biden he adds that it's perfect ethical which is really something uh that left many of us dumbfounded you
know you can say that influence pedaling can be done legally but no one argues it's done ethically it is corrupt the the the US government has pushed treaty obligations to ban influence pedaling because it views it as one of the great forms of corruption it has always been viewed as corruption now what we now know is that the president was involved and was confirmed by Hunter Biden you know this is one of these stories that's I I wouldn't say gone silly cuz it's not just silly but it's so self-
evident when you're willing to look at it that this is what the Biden family did Joe Biden was famous had political connections had International connections as the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his brother and then his son pedal those used those to make money for the family because they felt entitled to find finally cashing in on the public service and they thought it was his Sunset year so it was time to make money and maybe he'll run maybe he won't and in the process the
y got a little fast and loose so but they tried to cover their tracks a little bit loan repayment everybody knows what it is of course and the Republicans are trying to prove it and then they just walk around and say Hunter says I was drunk or high I don't really know if the big guy was next to me I was drunk or high and James Biden can say I I sure it was a Chinese FM but but I don't know if it was linked to the government I don't really know and Joe could say yeah I met with some business part
ners but it wasn't business it was my son's friends and everyone knows it's a sham but their whole all they need to do is wait it out and push it out far enough uh so that it doesn't affect them but it's not just any country they're doing deals with China who is an enemy of this of of our nation and they're doing energy deals which is another thing they're shutting down energy production in America but then making money doing energy deals with our our enemies this is so insane and I'm sorry this
is this is treasonous by the way you watch Hannity last night John Solomon was on reporting that uh they tried to get a deal done with Vladimir Putin's Russia and because they couldn't they then went to Ukraine so they were willing to work with anybody it was Open Season absolutely well this now starting to be um some backlash to the trip by the members of the progressive Squad caucus including ja uh uh congresswoman jaia Paul and Congressman Omar who went to Cuba and came back asking for human
to be take Cuba to be taking off of the uh ter State sponsor St terrorism list here's Congressman Carlos humz I'm offended um uh you know my my parents brought me here when I was 6 years old for a reason to look for freedom and opportunity and if those members think everything's really good in Cuba or cool in Cuba then why don't you ask the thousands and hundreds of thousands of Cubans that risk their lives uh crossing the Florida Straits or now are are crossing through the southern border leav
ing uh that uh that communist Island yeah well Elon Omar has never been known to be grateful to our country I don't know if she's ever said any kind about our country only G only grievances you're absolutely right but yeah she's she is actually you know in Cuba defending the people the the regime the authoritarians the Communists who are oppressing the people and we saw it in 2021 one of the first times they were able to organize it by the way this the the protest in 2021 in Cuba was an AFR Cuba
n artist Uprising it started as that and and and the whole you know uh family of of of of activists joined the people of Cuba joined and all they wanted was for Joe Biden just to provide internet cuz the the authoritarians the communist cut off the internet so nobody could see the human rights abuses they were you know perpetrating on the Cuban people and Joe Biden said no Elon Omar and and J Paul who now say they were in Cuba for human rights reasons on this secret trip were the same people say
ing don't offer help to the people screaming and fighting for their freedom in the streets of Havana this these are not good people I'm sorry these congresswomen are not good people and we ought to know exactly what they were doing on their secret trip I I guarantee you they were walking the streets of Havana getting taking the pulse of regular Cubans to find out if their human rights have been violated recently they sat in in boardrooms with the leaders of Cuba and heard their propaganda about
what a beautiful thing communism looks like and then they want to Pedal it back at us right here's by the way here's how Anan Omar defend defended uh her trip to Politico in a quote said their reactions are hyperbolic and meritless it was Frank honest conversation we were able to to challenge Cuban leadership on some of the concerns that we have that might continue to hinder the possibility of having a more productive relationship yeah I'm sure Elon was throwing it down with the Communists over
there yeah and I'm sure she didn't go and visit some of the dissidents who have disappeared never to be seen since those protests in the Googs of these um of of these communist authoritarians um just like by the way Barack Obama also went to Cuba and sat next to Raul Castro at a baseball game with his family as if this was some you know you hear so much talk about Putin and all this stuff there's the castros are no different these are people who imprison any dissidents um who who torture their p
eople and there you go Elon Omar giving them some Aid and assistance well we'll move on to this this is some wild video C captured um the moment that emergency crews in Kentucky made a daring rescue they were saving a truck driver a woman who was dangling above the Ohio River after a crash look at that Ashley Strow joins us now with the latest Ashley that truck driver was seen dangling off the side of the Clark Memorial Bridge shortly afternoon on Friday before being successfully rescued by a Lo
uisville firefighter the driver was pulled to safety within an hour of the crash that sent the semi- dangling about 80 ft above the Ohio river and now we're learning the driver who also happens to be a military veteran was praying with the firefighter who propelled down to get her she knew that I was there to you know help her and I and I talked her through that I said here this is going to go around your chest this is going to go around your leg then we had to cut her out of the seat belt um an
d once I got her out of that then I asked her I said uh do you pray and she said yes so she just started praying the entire time and uh I was like I got you the fire chief said the Rope system was attached to a crane-like structure on the bridge and the military vet and the hero firefighter both handled the situation like Champs listen it was obvious she was shaken up obviously that she was scared uh firefighter Cardon did an amazing job of keeping her calm she held it together like a champ uh b
ut I will say the second she hit Solid Ground she was able to let those emotions go and just have that relief uh and it's it's a pretty impressive thing the truck driver was sent to the hospital and seemed to be doing okay but two other drivers involved in the crash were sent to the hospital as well with life-threatening injuries will Pete Rachel thank you Ashley thank you Ashley do we know how she got off how how that happened I we don't know but it looks like the back part of the of the what's
the there's a chassis and then there's the payload right looks like it almost because it caught the top of the bridge that's the only thing that kept it from going down mhm wow Inc I mean when you're hanging that way that's got to be so scary you you're if you're doing the the will cane uh likelihood assessment or you're thinking I got a 5% chance of living here as you're sitting in well how high is it well you want I'm sorry you're falling in the I mean so you I guess you could consider jumpin
g out oh I would I would but I don't know underneath you by the way that could could be an icy Kentucky Kentucky at the very least an ice bath it's cold yeah could be good for your amazing uh she she men who executed the rescue that's right going straight let's hear for the boys who rescued the truck driver should have said yeah I think it was more complicated matw oh really yeah just a little bit all right we turn now to your headlines starting with a Fox News holder a bise flaged UK owned H fi
gure that one out cargo ship has now sunk to the Bottom of the Sea after it was abandoned nearly two weeks ago when Hoot the terrorists attacked it in the Gulf of Aiden causing the ship to take on water real quick Pete you say that's where I don't understand how you get flagged certain countries but you're based out of and owned by a company to that point like it happens all the time I feel like I know it's got to be money related and or or who's Protec happens all the time we'll look into that
your ship is flagged by it's owned by something but flagged under a different country it must mean I has something to do with money or protection meanwhile US forces carrying out a self-defense strike in Yemen overnight destroying a there the hoou these are again surfac to a missile that Central Command says was threatening US aircraft and a small business owner in Washington DC is pushing pushing for a Democrat city council woman to be be recalled after her shop was broken into more than four t
imes in just one year customers coming in and seeing that you know the the shop is in a dis in disarray you know or walking by because we had to open late while we cleaned up you know I can't afford to stay closed the crime in DC has just gotten way out of control and it's a affecting small businesses like mine our city council member Rihanna no she's responsible so that's Alvarez and she says that Doyle right there has voted to defund the police and supports soft on crime policies according to
police data robberies in the city spiked more than 60% last year four times one shop there you go and wrestler and actor Dwayne The Rock Johnson now owns the rights to his famous nickname and phrases after joining WWE parent company tko's board of directors the terms include the Rock The People's Champion the people's elbow and if you smell what The Rock is cooking but some of us seem to think that paraphrase is incorrect it's can you smell smell I guess it starts with Ken yep do you think he wa
lks in and goes if you [Applause] smell if you smell what The Rock is cooking as if I got it right I knew what did he say the minute that did this I was like well I got it wrong they wouldn't be rolling the tape on me if I you smell and I you know I let you lure me in shame on me I had my independent instincts and I let you convince me in that moment so you were right I'm I Was Wrong by exing they just played the clip we play the clip One Clip it's one clip it's one clip you think do you think u
h Mr Rock gets his own phrases wrong well you're right if he if he got the intellectual property to if you smell I'm clearly wrong you are wrong well I'm just saying there's been mistakes in the prompter and on the graphic before not on the tape so you're blaming producers if you smell no I'm just saying this one's still debatable is he really tall he's taller than me yeah I'm on what 64 63 64 he wasn't towering over me but he he's I'm going to go 63 yeah big dude yeah he's a big guy you've aske
d a lot about his physical this morning he's so superficial Rachel I'm sorry by the way update on bref Rock Gavin Newsome for you I do not like I'm just saying he's forget it I mean they're the top two right now on your they are no they're not we talked about anybody else they're definitely the highest in your mentions you guys how many times have you talked about Britney Spears all the time a lot I don't know where she is and I think we know where she is in his ranking and I don't deny that and
I don't try to deflect you should just own it I'm not owning that cuz that's not my list Shan Duffy's at the top of my okay there's a lot of Lumberjack talk we'll come back on that all right New York attorney general Leticia James threatening legal action over Nassau County's order protecting girls Sports County Executive Bruce blakeman signed that order and he says it must stand he's next but first here is Brian kilme with a look at what's coming up on one Nation tonight hi everyone I'm Brian
kilme guess what's coming up Saturday night at 9:00 Eastern Time on one nation Mark T is it true that Donald Trump is in the middle of authoring the greatest comeback in political history he will analyze and discuss Lieutenant Dan Patrick behind the scenes with Donald Trump at the border and we're going to also talk about Michelle torya what is going on in women's sports right now that is somewhat unprecedented as we're looking at the emergence of another Superstar on the court and the downgrade
of another team on the pitch we'll discuss all that along with Abigail shrier if your kid's in therapy you might be doing more harm than good think about that for a second and make sure to watch one nation for fairness and women Sports New York attorney general Leticia James is demanding Nassau County resend the order the executive order Banning biological men from competing in female sports at County run facilities or face legal action saying this is transphobic and blatantly illegal Nassau Co
unty Executive Bruce blakeman signed that order and he joined us now Bruce I don't know what you're going to do it's a with that with that legal analysis she just offered you it's transphobic and and therefore illegal I don't know how you're going to face that kind of withering legal argument well first of all I'm not transphobic we allow uh T transgender athletes to compete compete against males and to compete in in coed teams and co-ed leagues so uh I'm certainly not transphobic we're a welcom
ing County we welcome all Lifestyles to Nassau County uh but I felt that I had an obligation to make make sure that women were not bullied in sports uh here in Nassau County and this is the time of year when we give out all of our use permits and our licenses for teams and leagues to use our ball fields and our facilities this summer and um we wanted to make sure that uh women were protected by biological males are faster stronger uh they're larger than than women and uh they should be competing
uh with men or on coed teams they should not be competing against girls and women it's a fairness a fairness issue it's a um safety issue and it's a common sense issue Bruce are you prepared for the fight I think it is a um I think it's inevitability that this this is going to happen she the Attorney General will take on your executive order if you look at her history she has um she was elected on the promise to be blatantly political she has pursued that and fulfilled her obligation to be blat
antly political there are many cases including uh cases out of Colorado when it comes to Bakers making cakes on messages of which they disagree um she's now going after a beef producer in New York on its commitment to Net Zero and of course we all know that she's gone after Donald Trump but the point is while those were political promises she's fulfilling those promises so I would have to think you would have to be certain she is going to come after your order in Nassau County well right now I a
m not resending the order uh we are reviewing her cease and desist order and uh I have a retired appet division judge as my County attorney Tom Adams uh he believes uh that not only am I allowed to issue the executive order but that I have an obligation to protect these women you know we've got these young girls girls who train and they work really hard and to have a male come in and compete against them is blatantly unfair and it's unsafe and I've heard from moms and dads I've heard from girls
I heard from a lesbian woman who's a lifelong Democrat who said Thank God somebody is finally standing up because we as women have rights they are protected class under the Constitution and I believe I have an obligation to stop the bullying this is nothing more than bullying we will have a formal written response for the attorney general and if it has to go to court uh we will abide by the decision of the courts but we are very comfortable that my order is not only constitutional but it's the c
orrect thing to do what do you think is motivating Leticia James well I I don't understand this I mean uh she's the Attorney General she should be protecting these women and girls they are a protected class you know for the last few decades women have made tremendous strides In fairness and sports they worked hard for that and now to take it all away because some biological male identifies themselves as a transgender female and can come in and steal their prize steal their award steal their uh c
ompetition or put them in a a situation where uh they're competing against very very large biological males who as we saw on a basketball court with little girls we're tossing little girls around hurting them and we don't want biological males the locker rooms of girls so uh there's a lot of reasons and it's just common sense all right Bruce blakeman uh good luck on the coming fight thank you thank you happy wife happy life a recent poll shows women are happier when they're married with kids our
next guest wrote the book get married and he's making the case for marital bliss next sow storm is sweeping across the mountains in Northern California the Sierra Nevada is expected to get over 10 ft of snow with winds reaching up up to 145 mph authorities are closing 100 Mil on the interstate as white out conditions make it difficult to drive and ski resorts in Lake Tahoe are closing their slopes due to the Blizzard let's turn now to chief meteorologist Rick re M for our Fox Weather army with
their Abrams Tanks the Ukrainian Air Force has been tracking down valuable Russian aircraft the Ukrainian Air Force pilots achieved a strategic Victory by striking one of the most valuable targets Over the Sea of OA Ukrainian gunman shot down Russia's powerful A50 military surveillance jet while the Ukrainian government celebrated this significant win several Russian military bloggers speculated that the incident was the result of Friendly Fire Lieutenant General Nicola UK commander of the Ukrai
nian Air Force announced the Downing of the A50 in a statement on the social media site telegram Alaska thanked the the military intelligence units and everyone who helped with the operation including the recently appointed Commander in Chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces Alexander seiry Ukraine it was shared on Facebook that destroying Russian planes and occupying targets was a wonderful honor shortly after UK's words Russia's state-owned news agency raia noas reported that an unidentified plane cr
ashed in the ksky region according to local police two planes crashed in the region and Flames could be seen billowing from the scene in social media videos of the A50 incident flames and dense smoke clouds rise from the disaster site in a video released by Ukrainian military blogger Igor suko the crash is reported as a massive explosion while a witness reports the fall of a jet next door recall that KV declared Victory last month after destroying a Russian A50 aircraft one of the enemy's main a
Aviation assets Over the Sea of OA the repercussions of this strategic strike were heightened by another significant Victory on January 14th this was the Downing of Russia's Advanced ill 22m Airborne Command Center these strikes were extensively replicated by Russian military bloggers demonstrating kiev's Firm Stance on air dominance the kremlin's answer was as expected denial at the time Dimitri PES stated that he was unaware of any information regarding the Downing of Russian aircraft by Ukra
inian forces this statement plainly indicates kiev's Air Supremacy and Russia's policy of remaining silent in the face of this circumstance these two instances show that Ukraine's air defense capabilities can neutralize even the most sophisticated Russian aircraft while kiev's strategic initiatives have inflicted a significant blow to Russian air operations Russia's tactic of denial is is nothing more than an attempt to conceal the truth these wins demonstrate that Ukraine's gains in the sky are
simply the beginning and that resistance persists on all fronts of the conflict meanwhile Moscow is undertaking a comprehensive multi-axis offensive operation in the northern sector of Eastern Ukraine's front lines with a critical operational goal this is nearly the first time in over a year and a half that Russia's activities in Ukraine have had a strategic goal for we Russian soldiers have been assaulting Ukrainian positions on the frontiers of Ukraine's K and luhansk regions pouring resource
s into aiva where they gained a considerable Advantage after Kev forces withdrew last weekend Moscow has also made minor advances in roban one of the few settlements successfully recaptured from Russia during Ukraine's counter offensive in the summer of 2023 The Institute for the study of War has released new maps showing Russia marching Northeast East and Southeast towards cians Southeast towards cians an operation to expand northwestward from positions south of the Russian controlled luhansk c
ity of spave the maps show Kremlin troops attempting to move to the Northwest and Southwest of Kina including the k



I love how theses guys have so much fun teasing each other.


Biden has to GO. Trump is my approval.


Letitia James is just power hungry, plain & simple. FLJ!


James Biden can pass as Joe Biden. Kind of sort of. I almost know for a fact. He filled in for him as him before.


That’s just sick the acceptance of sin and evil as the new normal in your heart is just as bad as you committing the sin yourselves


Balon kafayı isteyenler


If you smell!!! What my block is cooking!!!!!🤣😎😶‍🌫️🤣😎


Well at least they're not insider trading like the rest of Congress is and


Liar liar liar liar


I really hate the name "Cornhole". We used it to describe something entirely different decades ago.


A woman driving a semi truck? Scary stuff. 😩


If Ilan Omar concern with the Cubans rights. She should move there and stop using American taxpayers money.




Whose are the owner of many Shell LLC ?


These weekend fill ins are so bad.


No matter what he touches, everything turns into decline and disappointment.


Why did you cut my program


James has finally gone doolally😂Get her outta here.


Talk talk talk why isn't something being done about it