
Fox News fearmongering backfires on live TV

When Curtis Sliwa and the Guardian Angels attacked a "migrant shoplifter" live on Fox News, it fit perfectly with the right's narrative about "illegals" and "rampant crime." Except after the cameras turned off, a little more reporting and digging revealed the truth. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to the MSNBC Daily Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: #FoxNews #migrants #misinformation


2 weeks ago

you cannot overstate how much vile demagoguery about migrants constantly appears on Fox News day in day out this is a government jobs program that lets in more migrants not to mention how much we're paying for the migrants kids to go to school but now the migrants are shutting down the hospitals in Denver more than Co ever did we shouldn't be allowing even one migrant into the country isn't this really an attempt ultimately to destroy the country internally that's exactly what it is it's it's po
isonous stuff and Fox News Executives don't seem to care if what they're saying is true as quite famously demonstrated when they paed out a nine figure settlement to Dominion voting machines and when they defended a now former Prime Time host from a slander lawsuit by just telling the court his Fox News show did not really do news so he couldn't be guilty of defamation which brings us to what happened the other night Fox News host Sean henned tried to get some Synergy with another brand you migh
t remember from the 80s the guardian angels and their vigilante founder Curtis SWA do you remember him his gang was going to make the streets safe for regular people by rooting out criminals as he told the Today Show back in 1982 because the criminal is very violent and operates in what we call the wolf packs you see them by the way they dress their style almost like modern day Pirates and that's what keeps you in fear and once they've smelled fear from you once they've seen you change your path
of Entry or to cross the street from where they hanging out they descend upon you like wolves oh my God like a Time Warp to my childhood in the Bronx fast forward to Tuesday night when uh Hannity interviewed Curtis Lea live in Time Square about 40 years older back in his costume like the kiss reunion tour talking about the hellscape that is New York under the migrant invasion they had a remarkable Fox TV moment if you divide 53 million by 500 that's how $116,000 debit card not a bad deal I don'
t think they giving them to to vets that are homeless in New York City not that I've heard Curtis well fact car guys have just taken down one of the migrant guys right here on the corner 42nd and 7th while all this can you Pan the camera they've taken over they've taken over you like the camera over there it all possible yep you got your key open guys he is out of control out of control they had been shoplifting first the guardian angels spotted them stopped them he resisted and let's just say w
e gave him a little pain compliance his mother back in Venezuela felt the vibrations he's sucking concrete what a Despicable despicable exhibition so SWA says the man they were assaulting was a migrant shop lifter the one that was sucking at concrete a perfect story for the that Donald Trump and Fox News are telling Their audience about the illegals and the rampant crime except guess what after the cameras turned off a little more reporting and digging revealed that the man s was gang wrestled d
own was not a migrant but drum roll a New Yorker from the Bronx and while SWA claimed he was a shoplifter there was no evidence of that and he was not charged with shoplifting by the police he was issued a disorderly conduct summons apparently for being disruptive during Curtis's live shot in other words a New Yorker in the middle of Time Square was interrupting a live shot of Curtis SWA and his goons assaulted him yesterday Fox once again had to do some cleanup to avoid another lawsuit now Curt
is said that the man was a migrant and that he was shoplifting Fox News has since spoken to the NYPD apparently the statements made by Curtis that the man is a migrant is not true Curtis said in part quote I shouldn't have been listening to the crowd that was my mistake I should not have had that knee-jerk reaction again on the show we always want to set the record straight oh they sure do some good advice there life advice generally for folks I shouldn't have been listenting to the crowd and sh
ouldn't have had the knee-jerk reaction you know in America there is a real issue we have right now with migration Flows at the southern border um both in terms of what danger and uncertainty present for the people that are showing up there and also the the the sort of strain it puts on various social systems here in New York and Denver and Chicago and whole bunch of other places it it is a real thing and there's lots of folks working very hard to deal with it and then there's the disgusting gar
bage that is being pumped out by Fox and other parts of rert Murdoch Empire like the New York Post just the violent most dehum dehumanizing disgusting filth you can imagine do you remember the Nationwide shoplifting Panic that turned out to be completely belived by the statistics or the Splashy stories of a migrant Caravan apocalypse that never came please remember those every time you hear a viral story in a city that by the way where crime has dropped significantly last year during the migrant
surge when you hear one of those V viral stories I am urging everyone in the words of curtisa don't have a knee-jerk reaction wait for a bit for the truth to emerge
