
Friend To All Gleeblions (Voices Of The Void Part 4)

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2 days ago

hi chat howdy howdy howdy what's happening what's hening sorry just got out of the shower you ever do you have this problem you get out of the shower and like your eyes like crust over you get out of the shower and it's like uh it's like your eyes got like power washed all right Hi how are you howdy we're going to be doing voice to the void tonight um I don't want to do this uh I've been having a lot of fun with voices the void I've been you know I've been enjoying it I've been having a good tim
e but uh last voices the void stream um let's just say got a little little scared a little scary um little uh you know couple couple practical jokes played on me by surely by the by the other doctors right by the by the researchers surely no Glee Leons but um certainly things are happening that are elevating my heart rate and so you know I I could just not play it you know I could just we could do uh stard do Valley we could do we could do Sonic CD we could do uh I could I could bust out uh I th
ink I got a jigsaw puzzle around here we could just [Music] do [ __ ] it we're doing it I'm I I can't handle more I can't handle much more man they really got me uh I mean like triggering fighter flight when um in the last stream B Watchers you've probably already seen this but for you live folks maybe you didn't there was a there was a point where I'm resetting a satellite and I hear footsteps coming up the metal stairs sprinting at me and I turn around in panic and open the door and there are
two Glee bons standing right there and it my brain shut off fear fully took over my brain I turned around and just left off of the the balcony and broke my legs um that was pure panic that was pure animalistic Panic that was a deep fear I can't handle more of that man I can't handle anything more uh scary than that yeah that's true and then the the GLA Leons turned out to just be wooden cutouts so I can't handle more of this man we'll see what happens I've got a list of things I want to try and
Achieve today number one I want to try and get kers I'm I'm hoping we can Bank some money and get cers number two there is a vent in the bedroom and I think if I move the table over to it I can get in the vents which I think will take us to a lot of different places that I want to be so our two goals are kerur and the vents if we can achieve one of those tonight I'll call it it I'll call it a good stream I also would like to achieve not getting invaded by aliens that's up there I think they're j
ust mad that I stole their picnic I think they're mad I stole their food but you know what hey good eats Good Eats I got to get me some of that uh uh uh [Music] Mars culinary Delights dude it was it was good I mean that the purple pumpkin filled me up quick so sorry shouldn't have left it there it's free it's food sitting out listen I live by the cartoon character Kota right if I'm walking along and smell lines from your fresh pie that you set on the window sill if that comes in my my path dude
I am feet off the [Music] ground I'm floating over to that [ __ ] I am going to town you can't leave that out for me man sorry now imagine you're taking a piss and came back to your picnic eatting well you know don't leave a note I don't know pack up the food and put it back in the basket they're you know their ships are right there put it back in the car if you need to go piss don't just leave it out bugs could get into that animals could get into that an animal got into that you know like this
isn't my fault I saw abandoned food that was still good and I said to myself you know what it'd be be a shame to let that go to waste it would be a shame and so I took a little bite and it was good and I brought it home can you really be mad at that you're out you're you're out walking around okay you're at walking around and you see a whole Subway sandwich sitting no one around not a soul around and you you're standing there is you open it it's perfectly good nothing's tainted nothing's [ __ ]
up with it you're looking around no one's coming for the Subway sandwich there's no note two alien spaceships right next to it sure but you're telling me you're not going to take a free Subway sandwich those things are like 15 bucks now you're not going to take a free one come on you're out walking in the woods you're going on a hike and you find a steak dinner sitting next to two bicycles no one's around you telling me you're not going to take that steak dinner for yourself come on come on don
't don't be ribbon that's a good steak dinner sorry all right anyway so you know hopefully the aliens don't take it too personally I'm a friend of the gons I am a friend to all gons um I don't want to hurt aliens I've said several times before I would love to be the first uh the first man to meet the aliens I I'm a friend of gons so yes I may have stolen some food under dubious circumstances it's a gray area the jury's out but if they came to me they said hey we we really didn't appreciate that
you did that I would say my apologies I didn't know it was like that in your culture here's a whole frozen pizza just for you enjoy you know I'm willing to pay him back uh with food or money uh or friendship would you like to meet them if they torture you no I I wouldn't I would say probably no on that one going to say uh I don't respond to many Craigslist meetups that are uh ni uh 45 male nice guy looking for someone to torture I don't usually respond to those so I I I think of the aliens if th
e the gon's goal was to torture me I don't really want to meet them but I don't think that's their goal I think uh I think if they're out there they're like we are curious if if they're out there they just want information and friendship you know they just want allies and information they don't want to torture us and if they do I got a hammer we'll just leave it at that if they do I'll just uh you know we'll just take care of it a little bit uh you know you ever see signs hey Here's your sign yo
u ever see Mars Attacks that one didn't go so good for us you ever see Independence Day you ever [Music] see alien that one also didn't go too good for us but we if we got Sigourney Weaver with us we're good you ever seen I think that's all the movies that we win against the aliens [ __ ] all right not a great not a great track record but that's okay we got a couple of Dubs in there I'm saying here's here's my the here's my theory here's how I think this game's going to go I think this is a Scoo
by-Doo in the alien Invader situation I think all the the gleon that are messing with me all oh oh uh lock door prank oh put the wooden cutouts oh two spaceships having a pick picnic I think that's fake I think that's the researchers trying to scare me off of the land as we know there are two grave sites this is land that could have value I think they're trying to scare me so that I go to the public and go like there's something out there I think they're trying to scare me so they could sell the
land or or mine the land or whatever they're doing and then I think that the Glee Leons are real but they're friendly and they're going to come down last minute Dr Ba's going to be there and the gons are going to beam down and kick their ass and then I'm going to get to kiss one the The Bluest baldheaded babe I'm going to get to right on the mouth that's I think that's going to be the rest of the game I think that's the plot there's going to be a whole musical number it's going to be beautiful
it's going to be really romantic and beautiful and um kerur is going to be our Scooby how did he predict the voice of the Void ending hey laugh now respect me later Watch What Happens Watch What Happens I've seen that movie enough times I know what's up I've seen that movie a lot Scooby doing the alien Vaders I've seen that movie a [ __ ] lot I know what's going down I've seen this one before broccol ass looking aliens and N you know who's going to show up I uh well it has to be like a mirror of
me right so it's going to be like a like a female streamer who also loves talking about pointless Nostalgia and also enjoys Platformers and also loves Pennsylvania Dutch chicken and waffles and and then that's when I fall in love but the thing is is I I think I would be less in love this is my thought I think I'd be less in love with a mirror version of me than I would with um just a just a big baldheaded blue alien I think if a if a someone showed up who had all of these similar in interest as
me if this gorgeous woman showed up with all these similar interests as me I would go cool big baldheaded blue alien shows up that's when the musical number starts man that's where I'm going I had my chance a girl in bell bottom pants that's what I'm [ __ ] in love not the not oh okay you're a normal human being okay oh we have similar interests that's you watch Mary Tyler more that's cool I don't care and happy to be friends with you I don't care but a big baldheaded blue alien babe shows up t
hat's where I'm going eyes pop out of head tongue rolls out of mouth heart beats out of chest booom bo bo boom auga [Music] auga am I wrong for that yeah prediction the first aliens we meet won't have two legs I would agree I think the first aliens we meet are going to be so like ethereal I think the first aliens we meet are going to be like orul orul light kind of situation like jelly without a physical form you know what I mean um I think that's that's what we're going to see the first aliens
are going to be like that and we're going to be like trying to make peace with them right we're going to be trying to like make some kind of contact and they're going to have to like dumb down their technology to speak to us I think I think we're going to be out there we're going to be like piping music to them right we're going to be [Music] that was Close Encounters of the Third Kind and they're going to go they're just going to look back at us and just it's going to be so loud it's going to b
e like the loudest White Noise we've ever perceived it's going to cause our ears to bleed and they're going to work on a way to dumb down their future Tech you know their super technology the their super language their super um ethereal forms in a way that we can perceive them and then when we finally hit that middle ground right when we finally when Humanity gets a little bit more evolved and they get a little bit more devolved and we meet that middle ground where we can make contact they're th
ey're going to be like and we're going to go we are humanity and they're going to go what you like to be our eyes and we're going to go [ __ ] no hit him with the nuke and that's why I don't think we should make contact with aliens for their sake I hope aliens stay the [ __ ] away from us man cuz um I gota be real I do not trust Humanity I do not trust Humanity with aliens nothing very armored good heat transfer a lot of fur for the cold well that's assuming that they're from a planet in our sol
ar system I'm not even thinking that dude I'm thinking they're from you know they're from gulon 13 they're from you know Planet X I'm I'm I'm thinking if they were in our solar system they would have made contact with us by now I think we're going to find alien life in form of bacteria on like Mars or something but I think real like alien life that we intelligent life I think is going to come from way way way way way out there from like planets we can't even understand right just like full all o
f gas no ground they're going to come from a planet that is like made out of unobtanium that's just Avatar [ __ ] ah [ __ ] speaking of beautiful blue babes dude dude wouldn't that be crazy if James Cameron was was the first person to make contact with aliens and he went I can't and people won't believe me but I have to get them they came to him and they said James you have to make the people ready and he made the Avatar movies to get us ready so when the when the aliens show up they're actually
the na'vi and we know the foibles of trying to harvest their Planet so we won't try it we won't try it we we won't we'll be good boys we won't do it that'd be cool if James Cameron was the first person to make contact with aliens the aliens like uh picked up like a TNT showing of like Titanic aliens J Chillin messing with her technology you're now watching Titanic I'm king of the world I don't know why that was like [ __ ] up current with the Frog but uh and they're like yo we got to meet this
guy so they come to Earth there's a great Star Trek the Next Generation episode uh is it first Contact the episode I think it's called yeah where they decide like they make the Enterprise makes contact with a planet and are like we're like determining whether that planet is ready to know that there's life out there that there's life outside their Planet whether they're ready to join the feder and they decide like people aren't ready people are too panicked they're too scared they aren't ready to
know there's extraterrestrial life I think that's what happened to us dude I think I think the aliens are out there they they watched Titanic they saw Terminator 2 and they went [ __ ] yeah and they said they said let's beam down there we got to get them ready they're not ready yet but if we beam down and talk to James Cameron he can get them ready and so they came down and said James check this [ __ ] out gave them gave them the lore book on their planet and said make a movie James get these p
eople ready for us so when Avatar 5 drops I think that's going to be the big thing right Avatar 5 comes out and you go you go see Avatar 5 and it you sit down previews play and then James Cameron walks out hi am James Cameron um what you're about to see well it's not the next movie in Avatar in the Avatar franchise but it is the next step of the Avatar franchise and in fact the origin of the Avatar franchise and the next step for Humanity ladies and gentlemen I'd like to present to you the Glee
Leons and they [ __ ] beam into your theater and all we aren't happy don't meet you James Cameron got us already for aliens and that's dope that's pretty [ __ ] cool oh hey I like the Avatar movies they're good they're good they're not my favorite but they're they're dope to watch in theaters um so I'm ready I'm I've seen that [ __ ] if they come in they beam in and they're just na'vi I'm [ __ ] set man dude I'm in the theater I'm ready to go check out Avatar 5 and I'm kick back in the and the t
hey got those luxury recliner seats at the theater I'm kicked back I'm I got my popcorn I got my drink I'm sitting there and [ __ ] the na'vi are real they beam in 7 foot tall beautiful blue alien women beam into my theater yeah I'm going to say that was a pretty good theater experience yeah I'm gonna say that's one of the best theater experiences I've had in my life not as good as uh uh Dune 2 though that's my theory my theory is the na'vi are real and they got James Cameron to get us all ready
for the na'vi am I wrong you can't prove I'm wrong isn't there like a ton of [ __ ] in Avatar that's like plagiarized I wrong about that well maybe the aliens visited that guy too I don't know maybe they they tried to a couple times and they went uh no this guy's this guy's not going to make the most successful movie of all time we got to get someone who can hit that main stream and then they saw then they saw um they saw True Lies and they went [ __ ] that's the guy holy [ __ ] that's the guy
get him and James Cameron probably went oh if there's an interesting story do you guys know this is completely unrelated now but do you know the story do you know the the fun fact about how James Cameron learned about 911 uh James Cameron didn't know 9911 happened cuz he was busy uh uh deep diving the Titanic wreck so he comes up and he's in the submarine and they go hey James hey but hey someone um two planes just hit the twin towers and he goes okay nice special effect shot okay they went no J
ames no bud he's down there like the whole day he comes up and they're like no James this happened like 9:00 a.m. James oh yeah yeah short did did no it buddy [ __ ] it did that rules I remember seeing a lot of people talk like that when Co happened remember seeing a lot of people being like would it be crazy to come back from a hiking trip you're hiking across Europe and then you you come back to America and you find out CO's happening did did was that just like a redditor hypothetical or did t
hat actually happen to someone I feel like that's that's just a hypothetical I don't I don't think that maybe it happened but I've never missed an event like that I guess Co didn't happen in Europe yeah exactly like all right hold on I'm going to look up where did Co not happen countries without reported covid-19 cases this is from 3 years [Music] ago nor North Korea and Turkmenistan uh where's Turkmenistan North Korea uh it's it's between usbekistan and Afghanistan well I don't know anything ab
out turkman stand so maybe they didn't have any Co cases little sus but so maybe you're hiking through North Korea a you know a casual North Korean hiking trip they're both dictatorships okay well then yeah maybe you're H doing a casual hike across North Korea that takes you you know 3 [Music] years and then when you're done done you come back to you know your family lives in uh New Jersey you come back to New Jersey and they go oh you didn't hear oh you didn't hear about Co oh buddy oh ooh mayb
e that happened but I I got to uh doubt it if it's a dictator ship one I got a doubt that you were hiking through it two uh you know people can still talk the information can still exist whole country looks like uh Disneyland does it Turkmenistan Oh wrong [Music] screen there we go what's it like to vacation in authoritarian Turk Menan oh [ __ ] it kind of does dude that yeah this this looks like like [ __ ] up tomorrow world or tomorrow land right like this looks like the epop Epcot Center what
the hell I I I don't know anything about Turkmenistan it's just the Epcot Center this is the big feris wheel the big Mickey Mouse ferris wheel there's the Walt statue huh why are there no pictures of like people on the street what's what's going on there guys what's up there they got a cool dog statue they got this guy the world's strangest City hold on is there like a YouTube video Turk Manan Turk Manan tour we just get a virtual tour turkistan I thought this said I thought that said 48th stra
ngest country in the world and I'm like wow hey that's not too bad 48 I mean that's pretty that's pretty low on the list can I I I want to watch not a YouTuber like I just I just want to know what's here I don't want um spending 48 hours in Medan spending 3 days in the world's strangest City I just want to see some stuff reason it works is cuz this dude and the couple family who have ruled this country pump all money in infrastructure and building weird [ __ ] huh or of turkistan here we go mayb
e this will be good mute it mute it it's going to give me dmca put the Sonic CD music back on yeah there's barely any cars on the road so you're saying what there's like 5,000 people in the city imagine North Carolina okay but is this stuff everywhere that would rule honestly that'd be great that would get me to go to North Carolina it really does I mean probably because it's a authoritarian dictatorship looks remarkably clean right and welld designed probably because of the aler rotarian dictat
orship every picture I've seen of North Korea it's like ah hey that's a wow they got good architecture only reason people go to North Carolina right now is to go to Duke for cancer surgery wow and you got uh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay I think he's just tying I think he's just tying up the animals think he's just tying them we're not it's just okay it's just a video of some it's just some goats right now just some animals okay I think we're all right I don't think I don't think we
're going to see any any butchering today okay doing some [Music] grillin do people like Liv in in turkistan stand I I mean I don't know I don't know how um negative to North Korea I can be on stream without um receiving angry messages 5 mil people in the whole country New York city is bigger than its whole pop that's crazy know North Korea has internet uh you're right but let me tell you there are some crazy people on the internet who like will go to bat for just about anything I I've made um I
have made disparaging remarks about um authoritarian leadership before and received very interesting messages uh received a response that makes you go I don't think I'm the bad guy here I think if you're going uh going to bad about this specific thing I don't think me saying these bad things were uh makes me the bad guy oh that looks fun well I would all right I'm in I'm moving to turkistan why does um why just like is it I I don't know legitimately this is I'm not trying to do a bit or a joke
this is a legitimate question about the culture all the guys seem to have like the same haircut what's is there a reason for that everyone kind of dresses the same dictatorship now that well all right now you make a good point there now yeah now that is uh that's a good point there's a couple different hairstyles I guess dude crazy that they performed the Sonic CD soundtrack live there that's nuts you know I say this but like you come to America and you're going to see like either uh gen Alpha l
ike Curly broccoli hair faded sides or mullets so you know it's we got two haircuts here heard there's a certain list of haircuts in North Korea is it like uh they just they just show you like a list of haircuts they it's like the barber in San Andreas you can just choose from that list and that's it you can get an afro if you want okay I don't know I don't know if this is like a festival uh okay okay H hey you know what it looks like a half decent place to live I don't know without all I should
n't say that now oh it's a wedding I shouldn't say that I shouldn't say that I don't know anything about the politics of this place I don't know anything about the actual living conditions of this place what is that up on the hill what's this looks like a rocket ship dude they're going to be the first ones to meet the gleans they're going to be they got they got a whole ass rocket ship there they're going to take off meet the gleans and then when the gleans come to Earth they're going to go like
why okay one country is like this why are the other ones not like this so we got to get to them first what's better Chad you you decide on this so that I don't get in trouble by crazy people online what's better if the aliens make contact with an authoritarian dictatorship or make contact with America what's what's uh better well they're having fun go for the dictatorship he he angry people angry YouTube commenters he said it not me he said it not me docs him not me either is just as bad means
we're dead or a zoo well you never know you know and the the gleans could see this and they could say you know what this is authoritarian dictator leadership we shouldn't do this you know this could be a learning lesson the Gans could come down they could see America and they could say you know what this democracy thing we like that but the racism we don't like you know there they could come down and they could learn from us well this is cool I don't know what's going on here but this is cool ju
st ask people to dox me no no I told people just I begged people not to dox me whatever else happens is on you we have VPN anyone can avoid a doc attack today that's why I keep I keep my VPN on while I stream um and uh uh twitch gets mad about that if you ever uh if you ever notice a big amount of frames dropping it's because I left my VPN on and twitch is going stop stop doing this stop doing this and I won't the last thing I need is someone finding like my grandma's address and like getting he
r sent on like a one-way plane trip to turkistan the last thing I need is to get a call from my grandma um I'm in tur Manan whoa wait they got luro and Hardy in Turkmenistan the British pub oh that's why dude if they got Laurel and Hardy and Turk Menan I take it all back I'm in I'm going over I'm living there they got the Beatles real signatures in Turkmenistan all right I'm in John linam himself went to turkistan he went over there any went he went uh lovely place but the leadership reminds me
of pole and uh people are still picking that remark apart 60 years later hope to contact aliens not be contacted yes the goal is to meet them before they meet us but what the hell is this whoaa what is this Dune what's going on there they got they got the the fire pits of Hell in Turk Med St John Lennon also went here what the [ __ ] is this all right guys uh this the Gates of Hell challenge we're going to be hopping into the Gates of Hell let's see what happens can you can we I task three indiv
iduals were spending 48 hours in the gates of hell and if they do they receive $1 million I don't like that I don't know if it's like that like 1% of my psyche that like Sunday school God-fearing 1% oh dude that's why they like the Beatles over there they've all got the same haircuts but something about just like a giant fire pit that's constantly going uh makes me uncomfortable I do not like that fun fact a lot of people die wrong there and it burping out Soulful gas oh what the hell burping ou
t sulfur gas uh I think you and I have different definitions of fun in fun fact and it's more of a scary fact it's more of an uncomfortable fact I'm going to assume that that's the leader of the country looks looks like a reputable fella I'm not going to say anything bad about him the North Korea okay this is 16 minutes I'm not watching this but I'll save to my watch later I'll watch it later oh it's it really is you were not kidding it really is named the gates of hell oh oh I don't like that I
do not like [Music] that why do they hold on why does Turkmenistan have Gates of Hell the gas crater right burning since the 1980s I I don't like that limit the crater's influence in the devel element of other natural gas fields in the area plans to extinguish the crater damn the crater remains open and burning okay well they got a plan though they're working on it they're working on it take your damn clothes off Kirby what's up brother huh I I don't I don't like this Chad let's do uh funny lit
tle guy goon meet up at the gates of hell all the funny little guy Watchers let's we'll we'll figure out a date let's do it Sunday for Easter um everyone let's go to Turkmenistan let's go to the gates of hell and see who can stand the closest to the fire let's all um drink a lot of water beforehand and we're all piss on it to put to put it out and uh and it'll also be like a Easter thing right cuz we're like pissing on hell and that's cool let's boil Easter eggs on the gates hell yeah dude we co
uld do um you know this looks like a good area for an Easter egg hunt we could put some eggs out here in the desert and then you know try and find them will flug goon in the fire uh flug doesn't have a a a dick and balls unless he wants to but um so no no one will be gooning in the fire thank you look at this guy if I was this guy I I'd really be considering I'd really be oh you can go even higher resolution if this was me I would be like dude I could do the funniest [ __ ] thing right now dude
they got a camera here I shouldn't wife and kids at home but I could do the funniest thing right now dude the nine nine best day trips from ligma okay we're done with this segment well thank you for introducing me to Turkmenistan I I didn't I think I knew the name before but I didn't know anything about it I just thought it was a like vag vaguely Central Asia country that's kind of all I knew and thank God they didn't have a single covid case no one there got sick at all all real trying to remem
ber how we got to Turkmenistan anyways chat all right let's do uh let's do some voices of the void and if any gleon show up we'll just throw them in the gates of hell just push them in there we'll just tell them hey uh hey before you uh vaporize our leader I got something cool to show you take him to Turkmenistan take him to the gates of hell go stand right there I go and we go whoops aliens defeated it's that easy you think the gons Listen to Adele's Rolling in the Deep no someone they they've
been uh you know they've been picking up signals they picked that one up and they went sounds like [ __ ] turn that [ __ ] off uh where's vo is the void there it is we have to K to kill the gons that song slaps well kill me with them I hate Adele I'm sorry I hate um over singer [ __ ] I hate I hate um I hate um these these [ __ ] who the the whole thing with their music is is um that they can they got a range to sing with uh write a good song I'm yeah dude I'm going to get more people mad at me
about that than the [ __ ] Turkmenistan I don't like Adele who's the other one that's like her there's a Dell there's like Susan Bo um what if some who who else is like aele hold on let's look up aele it's all just like slow sad like over ssung [ __ ] I'm not into that that's not my vibe um okay who else is like her uh they're saying Beyonce ah I like Beyonce though other artists okay other artists like Adele Alicia Keys yeah not big on Alicia Keys um I think they're just naming women artists I
think Google's just sea dude I don't like ca espe after that [ __ ] movie that was terrible um Lord I'm not I don't like Lord very much uh Sam Smith I don't Sam Smith I don't like Sam Smith very much I don't like Megan Trainer Kelly Clarkson no uh Amy wine house is fine that's a hot take maybe I haven't listened to enough Amy win housee but I've heard the hits and they're good I don't have a problem with Amy wi house uh Katy Perry sucks Bruno Mars sucks why is he on this list and Beyonce is on t
his list I get I like Beyonce I don't know I'm not listening to Beyonce but Beyonce is like uh Amy win house to me of like I've heard the hits and I'm like these are good Bruno Mars is great dude Bruno Mars sucks dude I hate Bruno Mars I'm sorry growing up being in that like Target demographic for Bruno Mars at the time that he was at his biggest was [ __ ] miserable uh that I would catch a grenade for you shut the [ __ ] up Jesus Christ shut the [ __ ] up um the the what was it the lazy song th
at [ __ ] sucked that [ __ ] is uh uh coal shopping music garbage um what's his another uh Uptown Funk was okay for a minute just a minute though and then then it was terrible um what are his other songs he's like Fel I no I don't want to list listen to that leave the door open yeah I'd rather slam the [ __ ] door in his face oh um you make me feel I've been locked out sucks shut up dude I I do not like Bruno Mars not a fan oh this [ __ ] that ice cold Michelle Fifer that white gold what song is
that is that Uptown funk it was a meme oh yeah sorry I'm not a I'm not a moderator of r/ Bruno Mars I don't know the Bruno Mars memes sorry I don't I don't know any Bruno Mars memes Chad let me remind you who this guy listens to uh yeah the Beatles I don't I don't think you're going to win who's better The Beatles or Bruno Mars I don't I don't think that's a fight you're going to win Ma I I don't know what to tell you who's better Pet Sounds era Beach Boys or Bruno Mars silk song put out a bett
er album than the a all right Bud yeah you keep believing that you keep believing that one man where's uh Will's where's silk Sonic on the 500 best albums list I mean not that I give much [ __ ] about what Rolling Stone has to say but see I don't even know who silk Sonic [Music] is not again not the dance a metric but like when one is like the most acclaimed band of all time and the other is Bruno Mars I don't know this all doesn't matter because of angry about the Lord slander I don't what's a
I don't like Lord lorded Royals my parents liked that song cuz it was the theme song to like uh like Vikings or something like that so they bought the whole CD uh they did the same thing with goate egg somebody that I used to know they bought the whole CD for that and would put that on all the time and I would go this sucks this is now go Somebody I Used to Know by goate that's a good song the rest of that album sucks Royals by Lord is [Music] fine like it's it's totally all right but um I don't
like it now I'm going to say something's going to get me a little bit of trouble here let's put myself in a little bit of a precarious situation here Lord is like Billy idish from a decade ago in that she's got like some good songs but they all kind of sound the same again I've only heard one Lord album but I've heard several Billy eyh ones they all kind of just sound the same so they're fine but I don't I can't pick them apart they're not interesting to me uh same I would say about a certain o
ther female artist I cannot name due to fear for my own life I would say a certain other female artist I will not name because I'm afraid of the death threats I think some good songs but a lot of their music sounds exactly the same and I'm just not interested in it I like when [ __ ] is all over the place you got to give it to the Beatles but you really do let me explain what I'm saying here the beat I love the Beatles Because you put on The Beatles You don't know what the [ __ ] you're going to
get you're going to get uh you know a song that was written in 1958 and uh is doop [ __ ] or you're going to get uh have you seen the little piggies with their piggy wives you get like a Nursery Rhyme or you get like why don't we do it in the road and it's just shredding you know what I'm saying like I'm not trying to be a Beatles dick rider right now cuz there's a lot of bands who do that and I like that I like it it's all over the place I like They Might Be Giants cuz they're all over the pla
ce I don't like when the songs sound similar I like uh I like Pet Sounds cuz Pet Sounds is all over the [ __ ] place sonically I I can't do uh like 20 songs that all sound similar I can't do it and I know there's like some really great artists that I'll just like never be able to get into right I've tried to get into um what's his name hoser I've tried to get into him Hosier whatever I call him hoser um heard a song that I thought damn that's pretty good let me let me listen to an album and I I
was like this is just every song's the same I'm good on this tried to get into Thunder Camp uh when yeah this is going to be my [ __ ] liked the general Vibe but every song sounded the same to me uh dude this is people are going to get so [ __ ] mad that I'm talking like this man people are going to [ __ ] their [ __ ] ass is that I'm talking like this I'm sorry you got to understand my head's just screwed on differently when when God put me together he said make sure this guy only likes songs w
ith prominent Melodies and easy slat baselines and uh you know blame him not me I don't know uh other artists I don't like uh what's his name Bon Bon Iver no tried D Bon Iver pissed me off because he has all his uh vocals have a Reverb track on them and so it every song sounds the same and is just about being a sad White Guy and um he he's like singing in like the like a he's like singing in like a kindergarten after it's closed for the day like it it's just like echoing and it's like all right
buddy thanks any other artists you'd like to hear my thoughts on I like uh always they're great just to prove that I don't just listen to [ __ ] from the' 70s um I like always I like snail mail I like soccer Mommy I like uh TV girl I like yeah I like a lot of stuff Japanese breakfast I like Japanese breakfast jpeg Mafia uh jpeg Mafia is kind of a no for me I don't think jpeg Mafia is bad but jpeg Mafia is um what's he 100 GS it reminds me of 100 geks of um this is loud [Laughter] stop uh it just
whenever I tried to listen to jpeg Mafia or 100 gag I just go uh I this is just like it's just I don't mean this in a bad way but it's just like noise in my brain I can't um I can't Vibe with it I can't [ __ ] with it it's just [ __ ] going crazy in my brain and I can't do that I can't I'm to I don't know what it is I don't know if it's anxiety or what but I can't handle psycho noises I just can't do it um I get overwhelmed auditorially really easy so Rag and Bone man I don't think I've ever he
ard Rag and Bone man what's a Rag and Bone Man song you like frog on the floor yeah I I mean again I don't I don't think those are bad frag on the floor was funny I would never Jesus Christ I would never listen to that in public are you kidding oh my God I would never I would never be in a car with uh people who aren't chronically online and put on that song I would never be like yeah let me yeah this is what I've been listening to frog on the floor oh Jesus Christ no oh my God isn't is it well
Death Grips is also in the sphere of I feel like if you're like chronically online you're really into it um if you're like chronically online always listening to music and you just want a fix of something different you're into it uh godspeed black Emperor is like that um and I can't do that [ __ ] I I can't do that [ __ ] especially dude the [ __ ] horror stories I heard about death grip's fan base over the past year where it was like people were showing up in like spinny hats and overalls with
big lollipops and like pissing on the floor cuz cuz they're trying to be ironic and funny like I'm I'm good on that [ __ ] man I'm thanks no thank you good on that anyways now the Sonic CD soundtrack I would show people I would be like hey check this [ __ ] out no I don't do that I don't play video game soundtracks in my car if I'm with people I don't play video game soundtracks in my car um because uh people will uh people go oh hey this is pretty good what is this and I go uh this is Donkey Ko
ng Country 3 and they go I'm getting out and I go I'm not stopping they go that's fine who um so I don't I don't do that not that I give a [ __ ] what people think about my taste but um there's like a level of chronically online that I'm in denial about being so uh I I don't need the people in my life being like what are you listening to uh this is frog on the floor by 100 geks I don't need that I don't need that kind of um [Music] um forced seclusion from other human beings oh hello okay we jus
t woke up right welcome back to voes the void let's get some food let's start the day we got a lot of downloading to do my goal today and we're getting kind of close is to get a curer and check out the vents wish this fridge would just open just a little just wish it would open just a little okay [ __ ] it we'll take the burger with us how nice how pleasant close the door Chad is there any music that you like don't answer that is there any music that you hate that the majority of people like and
don't try and be cute don't try and be like Oh I'm going to sponge the streamer The Beetles uhoh um what is the streamer like let's be let's be real let's have a conversation here like nothing I I'm not saying anything out of spite I'm not saying anything to be an [ __ ] or out of spite I'm legitimately talking about my musical opinions not even I'm just talking about like my vibes man I I like I think that's an important thing you got to understand is um loud White Noise you know loud noise m
music isn't my vibe loud noise isn't my vibe why the hell you think I put a goddamn uh limiter on here I don't know why I immediately went to do this okay is that always been red this this is done let's give this a listen oh right everything all uh when you restart the game shits off and there's there's a bunch of different stuff okay let's give this a listen I don't hear anything my co-workers love when I just put on my lik songs playlist CU it take you on some rides yeah that's dope that's alw
ays fun oops okay so we are we don't have anything left to process so we need to get some more signals downloading the auto processor has been pretty good for us really hate music that sound over produced yes I'm in a similar vein there is music that I really like musically um but like the recording sounds too overproduced uh I'm I'm a big Tom Petty fan I love Tom Petty um and like wild flowers is one of my favorite albums from him but I pretty much exclusively listen to Live versions of the son
gs from wild flowers because the album uh this is no one's going to give a [ __ ] about what I'm talking about here oh yeah wait weren't we downloading this did I just [ __ ] up uh oh I think I just majorly [ __ ] up well maybe we can save this see the picture wasn't there so I thought I didn't think we were doing anything ah [ __ ] we'll see what happens so so I'm like a big Tom Petty fan uh and this is going to be no one's going to really give a [ __ ] what I'm talking about but uh I'm also a
big like ELO head um I hate the way Jeff Lynn produces an album I love Jeff Lynn made some great music but in the like late 80s and the 9s he produced like all his friends albums and and the like ELO like style like really clean sounding synths and [ __ ] doesn't work with like electric guitar it just doesn't work and so you get like the traveling W will berries which I like but it's so like over produced that it's like kind of what the [ __ ] it's like kind of miserable to listen to um same wit
h like a lot of George Harrison albums at the time Tom Petty albums at the time like all of it um is like fine and like musically I like it but you get like a really similar sounding music and like specifically the guitars on these albums are just [Music] like like they sound horrible I I hate how they sound um it's a bummer because a lot of the music I like but I end up like uh really preferring like live versions of the songs oh yeah the coffee maker I forgot we got coffee now okay what's our
task two of level three easy easy easy easy I ask someone what music they like and they send me back a playlist full of classical music oh that's ew why would you do that I mean I I put on classical music sometimes but it's uh I can't say I'm in the car going yo [ __ ] lwig hit it yo Mozart shredding I hate when artists I love turn out bad guys uh I mean yeah that's always a [ __ ] disappointment no matter you know what medium but absolutely okay so this is going to take a bit to download uh I g
uess let's just head out it's just early morning is that burger oh yeah I've got wait I got some [ __ ] I should drop off um animal skull shovel will take with us okay let's see if any of these need reset uh D those need reset papa needs reset Lima needs reset I don't think Papa or Lima no no okay let's check our Transformers uh Transformers oh Transformer 2 needs reset let's start the morning with resetting our Transformers so I should probably Target them Jesus Target start with Transformer 2
okay I need to be I got chat too small right now one second I need to be able to read chat I can't name any over overproduced music it's just [ __ ] they play in Target or grocery store oh yeah dude I mean that's what I was saying earlier about like Cole shopping music it's just overproduced garbage uh 100% with you are we doing on gas we're going on gas yes I hate half of Drake's discography and probably love 25% of the stuff I don't hate um I don't think I like a single Drake song I mean I hav
en't heard too I liked hotline bling um which I saw on Twitter someone say was the whitest Drake song which makes sense I think when people go like ah this is the this is the whitest this is this is white music um I get it and uh nine times out of 10 agree but sometimes you say that and it's like oh I mean can you really be saying that about like the ink Wells can can you really be saying that like I get it it's from a a white dominated time culturally but I don't know like I think sometimes peo
ple um disparage the parts of history that don't um aren't culturally relevant does that make sense I think people are really quick to go like e [ __ ] doop is white people music and like yeah it kind of is but like power line scared me but like we should also look at like where that stuff comes from I mean I I heard someone say Blues was white people music and I was like ah I I don't I don't think you're right about that one little bit wrong on that and like there's definitely a conversation to
be had of like how much did like white people influence stuff like duop or whatever that's absolutely an interesting conversation but I think to just go like ah toss it it's white people music when we're talking about stuff with like major amount of the artists were black he like well I don't I don't know what we're doing here but I guess it's not really my place to say you know whether it's all right to toss all that I don't know guys I'm starting to think race is a complicated multifaceted is
sue H H starting to think this isn't an easy one to solve h oh my flashlight is going to die that's all right we'll uh we'll get a new battery and go back to the base why am I I'm doing this the old way I'm doing this the old way of following the power lines instead of just going to a satellite people making the music are listening to it that's what matters I guess yeah I don't know my point is my point is McCartney 2 is a good album and temporary secretary is a good song and I'm not joking and
I I seriously I'm not [ __ ] joking temporary secretary [ __ ] rules and I'm not joking see now Kirby now you can drag me for that music opinion but I stand by it dude not only do I stand by it in the last like year I've seen well quite frankly in the last year I went from like McCartney 2 was a [ __ ] terrible album to like seeing so many people like discuss it academically seeing so many people discuss it academically and also go like it's just it's just Vibes just Paul and a synthesizer and u
h it's good and I've relistened to it like three times in the last year and I'm like yeah that's a good album yeah yeah McCartney 2 is good I don't give a [ __ ] wonderful Christmas time great song one of the all-time best Christmas songs if you took out in temporary secretary if you took out the like you took out that that on top of the keyboard and you made Paul not sing like he was [ __ ] drunk that would be like people would consider that like one of the catchiest songs of the'80s bad opinio
ns [ __ ] Wonderful Christmas Time s are vile to me I love Wonderful Christmas Time wonderful wonderful Christmas time does a great job at at the most important thing about being a Christmas song which is uh making you feel Whimsy making you feel Whimsy and joy and a togetherness and so when he brings out that little choir I I I giggle I go I love wonderful Christmas time it's so like it's so much better than some of the other [ __ ] Christmas drek there's a lot of great Christmas songs there's
a lot of really bad Christmas songs okay we'll leave transformer one for now let's go to Papa and Lima just remember the song I do legitimately hate what song I will say though if we're talking about beatles Christmas songs uh So This Is Christmas war is over I do think is a better song I [ __ ] I I get it I get the John Lennon [ __ ] I'm with you sometimes I think maybe we're going a little bit too hard on how much we hate John Lennon but I get it ain't defending his actions I get it I don't th
ink he's worse than Adolf Hitler I legitimately saw a tweet where someone said that and I went okay all right we're here aren't we but uh that song is so good for that end of the year feeling that song's got a huge uh season finale feeling you know what I mean it's big the year is over so this is Christmas what have you done you know like so this is Christmas hey I hope you have fun it's just I like it I like it it's good wonderful Christmas all right get him out of here I think everyone who thi
s is my this is my hottest of hot takes I think if you like uh what I what I've been describing as like the the noise the brain Noise music but you can't [ __ ] with Paul McCartney and his little synth doing funny [ __ ] you're poser you're a [Laughter] [Music] fraud you [ __ ] with 100 geks but you can't [ __ ] with the OG guy writing little Whimsical songs and playing them on his little synth come on fun you [ __ ] with frog on the floor but you don't [ __ ] with we can work it out sorry not w
e can work it out that's a beetle song but the with a little uh it's with a little help with a little help I can all work out that's a great song Paul's not the OG guy playing with his little s yeah but he's U more OG than 100 gags uh open um Google type in who came first Paul McCartney or 100 gaks you might find some interesting results The Beatles heard the 100 gex remix of where's your head at they would all have heart attacks I guarantee you they would not I guarantee you all of them would b
e into it and I'm not kidding like I'm like not doing a joke those guys um loved people just doing crazy [ __ ] with music they are not that's the thing that's the thing like the Zoomers Millennials and Zoomers who don't like the Beatles more power to you more power to you keep rocking but there's like this perception of like oh they just oh they they only uh The Beatles only liked um doing their quaint little rock and roll songs and then they all took LSD dude The Beatles even in like the early
years we're like let's let's just [ __ ] bang on some instruments let's see what happens like their entire career is kind of like let's let's do some [ __ ] garbage and have some fun you know like it's they would love this [ __ ] they would they would love a 100 geks 100 if you showed Paul McCartney frog on the floor he would love that song I I'm not joking um interesting fellas like you know they are the ones who did Revolution number nine you know they're the ones I don't know if you guys you
guys probably are not deep in the Beatle's bootleg life but they had this song called Carnival of light that has never been officially released and it is just it's just noises it's just noises and they went we want to put this on our album and the album come the record company went what the [ __ ] no what are you crazy what are you nuts they went we like it we like it it's a little synthesizer little synthesizer circus music no it's not good I don't like Carnival of light but their their whole
career it was kind of just them uh just having fun with instruments and that's that's why I uh that's why I [ __ ] with the some of the weirder Beetle stuff some people don't [ __ ] with blue J way and I love blue J way some people get pissed off that there's two versions of Revolution uh you know you got like the acoustic Revolution and then you've got the the electric Revolution uh I love that I love that they were like [ __ ] it here's the same song Twice have fun I mean people people [ __ ]
got mad at Maxwell's Silver Hammer back in the day cuz they were like why are they they're playing a [ __ ] anvil on this record yeah they're playing an anvil at rules yeah they got their they uh um they got Mal good old ma Evans uh they're like kind like Road they're like assistant to just [ __ ] play an anvil and it was great I mean people got I I made that joke about little piggies cuz white album's nuts if like seriously if you if you like um crazy [ __ ] White Album has a lot of nut [ __ ]
and like little piggies is on that it's just a little song it's a little song about like Society but it's like in like a nursery rhyme kind of thing and it's just funny like it's just good it's good guys I'm starting to think the Beatles might be a good band that I enjoy just a thought is there an artist that you like that people are surprised that you like whiskey for as much as I listen to like um like 60s and 70s like rock uh I love old school hipop a lot and people always think that that's w
eird cuz you know they're kind of at odds right but I can see the through line I can see why but I I've had people tell me that like my spotified like is weird cuz you'll go from um Van Morrison I thought that I thought the satellite dish was a UFO that scared me what was I saying you'll go from um well you go you'll go from like uh I don't know this y go [Music] from goober music you'll go from Ziggy Stardust to [ __ ] wuang Clan right like you'll go it's um I don't know I don't know I just lik
e it and even that like I've been told like wow that's that's old school hip-hop that's white people music it's like oh okay all right I don't know is it oh you know what maybe a bigger uh dichotomy or whatever gap between the two is um I love old school hip-hop also 60s 7s country love it love that [ __ ] love that [ __ ] I I grew up on that [ __ ] and that's why I love that love that [ __ ] and like people people just think that's weird it's like I don't know man you can like multiple things I
don't know you can like multiple genres do you only watch one type of movie like no you watch them all if they're good why only listen to one type of music and much like movies you know there are musical genres that I listen to more than others and there are some that I'm like I don't really like that I don't really [ __ ] with that but more power to you it's so easy to just be open it's so easy to just open the doors on your brain and let it in it doesn't cost you anything but a little bit of
your time and even if it's something you dislike you get a whole ass experience out of it you know oops oops oops there one time um I was hanging out with a girl I was dating and I just put on my Spotify liked and it was just like okay here's Tribe Called Quest here's the Fat Boys I'm AIG fat boy head I love the Fat Boys and then here's uh Willie Nelson and she was like a gas she was like how why are you why this is all over the place why are you like this sorry I don't know how can you not like
Willie Nelson you were always on my mind that song transcends genres races like that that is a that is a beautiful song when the gons come and pick me up that's what I'm going to sing to them to get to convince them not to kill me uh people are surprised sometimes that I listen to so much CUNY music uh what the hell does that mean what the hell does that mean like uh like dual leipa how do I get home I should have just targeted home I think we go up this way in a sense the shape of modern Hip H
op was formed by the fact that white people were listening to the older preg gangster WAP stuff that's where NWA and Public Enemy come in and change everything like free gangster R stuff okay I don't know well it's like I said it's it's this thing people do where it's um if it isn't culturally relevant um if it's no longer cruel it's bad right so uh I would even say like 90s gangster rap I've seen described as white people music and it's like I I okay I mean maybe like again I'm not the one to a
rgue whether it is or isn't that's not my place in this world but I just feel like it is it like it I I feel like that stuff Stu comes from like a very very like uh black perspective you know like I I I don't I don't think a a white guy could write a lot of that [ __ ] you know and so I see people say that it's like is it or is it just like not part of the Zeitgeist is it just not part of the culture right now right like in the 50s doop was pretty big [ __ ] historically as far as I understand d
oop was pretty big [ __ ] for black people right so why are we just going like ah yeah like I don't know I I don't know I don't know where I'm going with this but you get do you get what I'm trying to say like there's like this need of like if it isn't cool anymore what's the lamest thing white people and to that I agree but like I don't know I I I just think there's like this uh this like tear down of stuff that used to be important because now it's it's like culturally irrelevant that's my tak
e I would love to hear discussion on that love to hear discussion on that from black people right like white guy on the internet has crazy take you know I I would love to hear uh people from the actual [ __ ] culture talk about it you [Music] know why does it sound like that it's a black hole um all right I'm going to stop this now cuz it's scary ing [Music] me [Music] um [Music] this is the kind of [ __ ] I put on to fall asleep [Music] to this is sleepy time ambient music for me speaking of le
t's get a cup of coffee going how do I do this again [Music] [Music] hold how do I do this again we still haven't figured this [Music] out okay drop it do I pick it up and then put like put [Music] it okay that did it then we need to there we go okay we should order more [Music] coffee that thing's still going back there [Music] huh it's kind of beautiful in like a sad [Music] way it kind of makes me want to cry [Music] what do you think's in a black hole like if you just accidentally fell into
one he thinks on the other [Music] side you think it's just lights out you think you get in there and it's just you're pulped you think it's like a wormhole do you think it's a hole in our you know do we know do we know that it's not a hole it's called a black hole do we know it's not a hole in our like [Music] reality do we know for sure if you go into a black hole it just kills you [Music] [Music] maybe that's where the Glee Leons are man beyond our stars but just on the other [Music] side isn
't that sad wouldn't that be so sad if there's just a dimensional wall between us and the gons that was beautiful let's get a drive let's see what happens when we get this thing to level three maybe we make gleon contact tonight who knows uh three like that's going this is going let's sell this let's get that money and maybe we'll have enough for a cur and then we should go get some food oh oh yeah we do have sell this give me that give me that floor Mr that's fine okay never mind we don't need
to go get food I have a video that I want to watch on do like a movie night of it cuzz I think it'd be super dmca but it's called like uh like life on no what is it like a walking tour of Mars something like that it's like an old it's an old VHS um we'll do uh we'll do a Discord movie night of that at some point I want to do a Discord movie night of weird VHS I guess I could stream that am I really going to get dmca for a walking tour of Mars yeah maybe we do weird VHS night weird VHS reaction n
ight cuz I've got a couple the thing is is there's there's some that I can only do on Discord um there's some that I definitely can only do on Discord I've got some like end times like crazy like conservative Christian doomsday tapes those I can only do on Discord uh I I ain't risking that [ __ ] on Twitch dude that would be a good idea we could get the [Music] TV in here and put walking tour of Mario on the TV in in the game and watch it in the game that's a pretty good idea spooky okay we have
52 can I buy a cerer uh machines okay chat we got three choices blue pink or red what color curer should we get feel like we got to go pink right feel like we got to go pink pink Cur ordered okay let's also we need coffee running low on coffee where would that be coffee it's not in food like you think it would be uh maybe MK coffee 50 all right we'll we'll get coffee tomorrow let's order a curer and upgrade the sensor success rate by four by okay all right Ker's coming we did it we've accomplis
hed one of my goals for today pretty good that's still processing oh we got one down 11 8 7 five five okay let's just do a quick server ping which is better donut from Duncan or Donut from grocery store you know what I I don't think I've ever had Dunkin Donuts or Crispy Cream so I cannot say Obviously best choice local bakery right but all right let's meet our new friend burer what the [ __ ] is this uh activate oh hello use to send to fix server stop okay stop use to send to fix servers toggle
oh that's to plug him in okay so all he does is fix servers he doesn't fix Transformers can I buy another one to make fixed Transformers all right well we don't need any servers fixed right now actually I guess let's leave them is there not okay is there yeah there's an outlet over here okay kerur this is your new home buddy welcome everyone in chat say hello to kerur just just prop them yeah that's good okay well now now we don't have to go out to fix servers anymore Chad we still got to go out
for hash codes though we don't really need to go out for hash codes we are kind of bringing in the bank just by doing this h what do you think chat should I still be going out and doing hash codes or are we good just to kind of J chill clean up the place and let kerur reset servers from here on well I should still go out I mean I still got to do Transformers one but also you know there still might be things out there to find so I'll still go out but I'm not not going to worry about the hash cod
es as much I think okay that's going this is almost done so we'll take care of that in a minute nothing crazy on the signals let's check our cams see how our cameras are doing all right I got to turn these on again how do I do that we go everything's looking good at the garage door nothing suspicious okay that was that scared me nothing suspicious Camp 2 anything at the front door you know what I wish I could get uh you guys know those like 60s like hot Doggers the little like electric hot dog c
ookers you guys know what I'm talking about hold on I want to get one of these for alien defense yeah the Presto hot dogger look at this thing I want to get one of these if I could get one of these in the game I wouldn't use it to like reheat my food I would explicitly place it in front of that door because what's going on here you can't see it cuz he's got the dogs already on it but there's spikes and then the spikes are electrocuted so if I got these put them outside the door the the any Invad
ers any gleon Invaders would step on one of these and then their toes would get zapped it would fry their whole foot these things rule by the way I don't know how safe they are it is on I don't know how hygienic they are to eat electrocuted hot dogs but they're cooking right like imagine some alien toes on that the instructions getting steamy in there not sure how you know when they're done it says 60 seconds which it has been just now yeah it says 60 seconds from what I've seen if you leave the
m in there for 60 seconds it'll split those dogs so you don't want to do that you want to do a little bit under I think hold on show me what the alien toes will look look at that there they are Imagine This is alien feet conts stick into the two holes up there see what we do is we just uh take the contacts and just glue them on right like we'll do the hot diggity doger one day too make sure it's always on on and then the aliens step on it and we just cook their little toes I'm telling you man we
just do some home alone [ __ ] no alien is ever going to bother us ever again uh oh we need another signal what chat what's your alien plan you guys got an alien invasion plan let's say you know we send a probe do the black hole and fingers come up around the edge of the black hole and a little alien face peeps up got a plan for that what are you doing when that happens I'll probably live stream that sh oh pog oh alien Invader Mona s guys can we get some prime subs for some Alien Invaders I'll
play Space Invaders when that happens it'll be dope okay once we get this one downloading I'm I'm going to do my second goal of the stream which is try and get into the vents yeah do you guys legitimately do you guys have like a natural disaster plan do you guys have a like you know should something go [ __ ] whacka do I think it's hard to plan for something like that that's my take like all error is poison is a lot harder of a thing you know it's a lot different of a thing to plan for than like
Co 20 you know like I don't know why did I got stuck here the camera turned me towards that I that scared me get this out of here okay so I have a plan to get into the vents I have an idea first let me take a piss you see this you see that I think we could get into the vents I bring this table over here generally curious how twitch would look like during an apocalypse event we'd all be watching Hanan love him or hate him great news aggregate even if you hate him you'd be tuning like okay what d
o we do he'd have the drop on it and he still be he still you know the the [ __ ] nukes would be going off and he'd still be arguing with people in his chat you know the nukes would be going off and people CH being like uh but do we know that this is the end of human civilization and he's going the nukes are going off what do you not understand and he be doing that for like 20 minutes miss the most important part of the news okay I think I can get in the vents uh where's my hammer that was somet
hing I'm telling you we just need okay pull this back a little okay now pull it over yes yes yes yes yes okay open you're telling me this isn't the way we get into the vents you're really going to sit here you're really going to tell me let's try the shovel oh o we put this away six [Music] how do I get in there I need to get higher you can't stand on the suitcase okay you can't stand on the suitcase we need the chair the chair can we stand on the chair no we need something we can stand on can't
lift that can I stand on this stand on this box no [ __ ] come on I'm pulling oh come on whoa okay [ __ ] this surely there's another box it doesn't weigh 700 lb I need to change my flashlight battery before the power goes out plus I'm going to have a real bad time it's still detecting that's still filtering okay which one was the battery closet here it is there we go have you checked the roof yet yes and I couldn't find any vents in there can I stand on this no we need something something we c
an stand on I don't have a natural disaster plan but I do have a contingency plan one of my Unix what is that if one of my unu makes an attempt for the throne by poisoning me what the hell I didn't know we had goddamn uh King Henry VI e in chat tonight well I don't I guess we just can't get up there yet maybe maybe maybe we maybe we take a look at the roof again that was the door closing right is the door closing I hate this room I hate this room there's no point in going in this room and I hate
it I hate that this is my alien Juke room when the aliens come in we're going to use this to Juke around them that's Juke not jel okay see this is the way into the vents you can't tell me it isn't did you guys just hear a I just heard a w like the duck like the funny duck maybe I can get in from up there hold on did I try this yet I don't even remember can't get up oh oh there is a duck hello there's a little duck hello all right free dock cool I feel like I tried this cuz I know I got up here
oh there's nothing up here yeah the only way in has to be that one in the room but I can't can't get in yet I don't know why there's something that you can interact with that for sure h I thought the hammer would do it do I still have that screwdriver uh where would I have put that H [ __ ] well [ __ ] I don't I don't think I still have that this going this is done let's get one more signal loaded up and then we'll uh get some food and go to bed all in all pretty good pretty successful day we go
t curers I never have to worry about resetting the the the servers again which is pretty nice yes remember in like 2012 when it was cool to wear a shirt that said like ask me about my my zombie survival plan we got to bring that mentality back but it should be like uh ask me about my my uh y3k plan we got to start building awareness for y3k you guys you guys know about that right the uh there's technology that we use every day that isn't set for the year 3000 when the year 3000 comes it won't ro
ll over like normal and that technology is the Nintendo switch guys your switches are going to be bricked in the year 3000 so you know get mad let's let Nintendo know we want to use our switches in three in the in the year 3000 for some reason in high school I really like listening that there's that song In the Year 2525 I listen to that a lot when I was in high school in the year 202 25 2222 you see that I swear to [ __ ] God there was like red lights that moved in the year 2525 if man and woma
n should be alive people talk a lot about retr futurism and how much they like retr futurism and I do too but I think there's like a level there's like a a cross point in retr futurism that some people can't the like the like goofy like campy stuff or like the 50s and 60 or like before the 60s the 60s and before the like pre- Star Treks I think oh I'm getting hungry aren't I yep there's some people who can't [ __ ] with that and I get it but an email this late oh daily task three of three okay w
e can do that I'm not out here saying um the the robot monster where it's just a a gorilla with like a divers helmet on I'm not out here saying that that's better than in Stellar or alien or something but I don't know that stuff's fun uhoh why did I fall [Music] down I'm not going to turn around I'm not turning around I think it's cuz I'm hungry I'm praying it's cuz I'm hungry that's fine let me be hungry n Nintendo announced that people would actually get mad yeah in a thousand years your techn
ology will be obsolete people would get mad why did they think of this well how could they let this happen man I don't think we got much of a choice on that one I think by the year 3000 Humanity will be obsolete I mean I sure hope not but okay food can I eat the floor MREs again probably not Jesus [ __ ] God okay I can that'll hold me until I get upstairs let's there Betty by time let's get some before bed dinner and get get some snooze all right what's for dinner anything good in the freezer ge
t a shrimp pack why does nothing just open in this game that's my only problem with this game doors stink oh yeah I guess I could use the oven right maybe I don't know you guys ever microwave a little shrimp little shrimp before bed have a shrimp dream I should just start microwaving everything too cold okay [ __ ] it microwave the hammer see what happens I feel like it would just explode okay nope put it put it down go to sleep what's this what's oh it's all the trash is stinking up oh all the
apple cores are getting moldy should just start microwaving everything is a very American thing to say well uh when the shoe fits dude I love microwaves I love microwave and food thank God for microwaves after the stream the Borger Dimension stuck I dream of Borger we've been out in this Woods for like what two weeks man hasn't had Shake Shack in two weeks he hasn't had In-N-Out in two weeks he's going nuts um more Burger this way I think they just ripped this level from the SpongeBob the movie
game game back to sleep don't worry about that one day I would love to know what's causing the random explosions outside I'd love to get to the bottom of that God there's so many mushrooms I want to eat look there like green Haze in the sky that's weird this time okay let's get to downloading you're near a nuclear testing site daily dose of radiation well you know what that will keep the uh cancer at Bay I I is that how that works okay all right this is ready this is also ready so let's do whoop
s we're starting to run low on oh yeah we're not running low on drives you've got them all in your inventory genius okay let's give this one to listen o stop this is the black [Music] [Music] hole that just sounds the same doesn't sound any [Music] different black hole doesn't change when you upgrade it oh okay all right then shut the hell up we got enough for today's quota get one one on the line reeling it in okay let's check see if they're any servers 15 6 10 okay Tango's down and kilo's down
okay let's see if we need to go to either of those no okay let's send kerur out let's send him out on his first mission okay activate Hi cerer okay stop calm down buddy okay give him a pat okay go fix the servers Cur have fun good kid dumb as a rock but good kid [Music] that burger is stinking now I wanted to get that burger before it starts stinking God damn [Music] it you can watch Ker's camera on the computer all right we'll do that we'll get kerur Cam does he only fix the servers he doesn't
fix the Transformers that's fine it's still helpful but we'll do a Transformer check and then we'll get the hash codes we'll be good to go okay pretty good this is [Music] processing let's do a Transformer check uh Transformer one could use some help okay Port all right let's what do I do with I guess I can put it in the box right take this dead battery I meant to hit store [ __ ] use battery store okay all right why did I not why did I not Target anything I should have done that use store okay
go Target Echo what the [ __ ] just happened there that was weird not going to worry about it not going to sweat about it life is good nothing to worry about everything's Dandy and sweet I had no idea I was in for a treat I wish I knew how to get in the vents I want in the vents so bad I want in the vents so godamn bad okay so we're going to get the hash codes and reset the one Transformer and then we'll be able to come back and we you know we're not safe saving a ton of time cuz our servers ar
e like server can't find broken server uh okay I don't know what you want me to do about that I don't know how to fix that did he did he repair the two I guess he'll just come home to base but anyways so we're not like our server stability is so good that we're like not saving a ton of time with curers but it'll still save us a little time which will give us more time back at the base to work on signals and cleaning okay this is Echo zero 4 a 56 1 2 079 okay uh Sierra oh oh dude my blood went co
ld I was like did they did the Glee Leon [ __ ] you cers did the gleon stal steal a whole ass satellite like what happened oh he's just going to follow me the whole way isn't he how do I tell him to go home can I tell him to go home he's just going to follow me around isn't he well I guess you're coming with me bud I'm going to try not to run him over too hard this will be good he'll you know he'll come with me you know that means I got backup aliens they'll mess with one they don't mess with tw
o two is the magic number thank you cers cers stop stop buddy stop you're going to get hurt but stop cers cers move he's going to become a major nuisance isn't he okay cers here he comes hi buddy hi bud okay stop stop I can't thank you so far his annoyingness is outweighing his helpfulness but uh I I do I do love a good helpful robot okay 1 8 4 2 C 4 d 0 65 okay last one's whiskey okay there is a Roomba I should buy the Roomba and that could that could help clean for me but I bet it only does li
ke I bet you got to drag it to each room bet it won't do the whole facility all right wake up buddy we're on the move again they should make a Roomba with legs that can like go up and down stairs and [ __ ] I guess it's called like a maid all right I don't know I don't got I don't got one of those hard life play violin yeah guys haven't I've never been able to afford a made but guys if you get those Prime Subs in you know maybe I could did kerur just fall in the water he's good waterproof that's
good good cuz some days it rains you know this has been a a kind of uneventful voice of the Void stream there's been no like gbly on activity no like crazy signals I mean we got turfers where what are we but it hasn't it hasn't been crazy where is he oh fun fact the cerer is the Ker's design kerur is designed after Japanese sperm exraction robots I didn't need to know that you could have just not told me that why do you know that hold on why do you know that why do you know what Japanese sperm
extraction robots look like hold on guys the moderator r/ No Hands what's going on all right let's reset this one why do they need robots for sperm extraction that's my next question they do they not know they not know you can just do that with your hands all right here's what I'm willing to do Joe Biden listen I'm willing to improve us JP Japanese relations if you give me 30 $1,000 I will go to Japan I will teach them how to masturbate for $30,000 I will make a stepbystep instructional video on
how to jerk it on how to do sperm extraction minus robot we'll be jorking it we'll be sexo in it Joe Biden give me $40,000 step one put hand in pant scream done uh all right you you and I are jorking it in different ways I guess you know not the King Shame Different Strokes different folks but is there something on that log no was there a code what's that isn't there a song like that have you have you ever seen a frog just sit on a walk down by the bay down by the bay classic that's the kind of
music I'm listening to you guys just don't understand I like music that's different you guys don't get it all right I would smash one of these crates but I do need food this food oh that's probably fine hold on give me that that hammer let's see if we can't get something in here maybe we can get a goodie ooh yeah what's your favorite Campfire Song you like down by the bay you like uh give me Crack Corn you like uh what's the one with the Frog CER move cerer move cerer oh my God [Music] cerer mo
ve bud I'm not responsible for that he's doing it to himself I hate when people do weird stuff just to be different than others well you're in the wrong stream chat kind of my whole stick quirky I am the quirked up white boy goated with the sauce do we still say that is that still hip why are you running him over he's is's literally slamming his head into my car what am I supposed to do about it who's the base am I am I [ __ ] where the hell is the base I think I missed it yeah I'm at the start
okay how did I miss the base I can't see [ __ ] with this fog as long as you're a quirked up white boy go with the sauce it's okay to say okay well I am thankfully where's the base did the aliens take the base uh no no no it's this way it's this way the AL dude damn those alien bastards stole my [Laughter] job all right the base do you think we get into the orbulon what do you think the orbulon is there for cerer cerer move cerer perer you you so we doing on gas we need gas okay Cur stop CER goo
d work Bud let's get you some juice that's fine he likes sleeping face down this is the only way he could sleep okay oh we didn't we we didn't check CER cam that's okay we will damn it's foggy in here okay let's do this first let's give this a listen exoplanet didn't that uh just come out was isn't that a Capcom game exoplanet okay that's just alien indigestion I think that's the next movie all right and then we need a blank [Music] one [ __ ] it you know what all right let's get another one dow
nloading what is the next alien movie called it's like alien like alien Rome or something alien ROM M ramulus or alien road trip what is the movie called alien alien vacation alien I I really don't remember what it's called alien in the Attic uh chat members vaud Watchers keep a tally of how many times I reference aliens in the antic or aliens in the family throughout all these streams thanks okay three signals of three just keep a tally the numbers will surprise you no one man should reference
aliens in the antic or aliens in the family this much okay three lid on it and okay let's go make some money so we should get some coffee that's a definite what was that noise offline oh because of the fog maybe because of the fog right because of the fog right cuz of the fog right well it's not getting closer so that's a plus getting real foggy in here that's fine hey you know what if the Drone can't see in the fog then the aliens couldn't see in the fog right do aliens have headlights makes yo
u think cool oh that was fast oh we're doing this again oh no put it in the in the slot sir in the slot I can't pick it up now slot sometimes you just got to get the toes up on the keyboard to really get everything going Swedish okay that's going um oh right we still haven't sold our stuff uh are we going to be able to sell our stuff uhoh oh I sure hope so that's worrying I did all that work I hope I can cash in on it uhoh yeah we'll see what happens thoughts on Beyonce's cover of Blackbird it's
good I think the fog's cleared up no okay is our is like the radio tower now let's check on the tower all right well someone flipped the bench over that was not flipped over last time I was here oh you know what I could probably use that bench am I really going to drag no cuz we can't get into that vent but God my brain wants to that's on Beyonce's cover of Jolene I don't think I've heard it we should start bringing some resources out here putting them up here this is like the this is like the
alien safety spot the only three lights are blinking lost connection there we go okay okay so if we don't have four lights blinking something's wrong okay noted is it well Beyonce is doing like a country album right isn't that her next thing we going to be on update isn't her next thing a country album who who's the other one who's doing a country album what's her name it's not dualipa is it what is her name oh yeah sell our thing duh it is dualipa okay so she's the one uh to promote this this c
ountry uh she like people were saying she like kissed her sister or something like there was like a clip of her like fullon kissing her sister to promote this country Lana Del re okay uh that was [ __ ] weird that's a little [ __ ] weird right there and like everyone everyone was like Roll Tide yeah that's a country album and I just thought like that's [ __ ] weird I don't know man passionately kissing your sister on the mouth is a little [ __ ] weird I hot take going to lose viewers shift from
the South but that's a [ __ ] weird one man don't don't do that I feel pretty confident in saying that I think I think defending passionately kissing your sister on the mouth is a lot weirder than being against it so did they uh did they take my signals yep nice nice oh my name is Kell Keel okay what do we need we need coffee we need uh what else did I need [ __ ] coffee we needed uh did I need gas I think I'm still good on gas coffee we definitely needed hook met detector password changer would
be dope for the bunker lighter fire [Music] exer workbench can opener nail gun I'm going to get crowbar just see if we can open the vent with that um I need any of this not really wood shipper groma remote drone let's get a broomba yeah that's that seems good coffee a crowbar and a broomba let's get um f it let's just upgrade let's just go we'll just go down the list I don't know wait let's do Transformer stability Fu it up the list I don't know okay pretty good this oh this needs downloaded do
es is this did we do this we didn't do this we need a new signal what if I tape like a like a knife to the broomba what if we do home defense broomba like type alien in the console all right give me a minute one second coffee crowbar bromba hello little friend clean oh and then we could just we could just pack away with all he picks up but does he pick how what all does he pick up does will he like pick up important [ __ ] all right we'll leave him in here that would be really helpful dude we co
uld just set him down in room and he'll just clean the whole thing for us real quick that would be [ __ ] beautiful that's a good investment this has been like a day of progress but like a day or like a stream of progress but not really like a stream of like Wackadoo crazy atlan moments it's been um pretty tame we got Burger dream that's that's cool I guess sometimes it just be like that sometimes it just be like that really got to get the burger out of the vents really got to get the rotting Bu
rger out of the air vents nothing like rotting beef to really get you in the zone to download alien signals okay that's G okay you said type alien in the console alien uh-huh did it job done or type alien this spell right yeah all right everything's everything's going relatively smooth let's check on the brooma he's going things are going for him let's um hold on deactivate what all you pick up notepad we need that he picked up the fake gray and a metal chunk and some coal oh oh we just crushed
him to death well sorry buddy let's bring him up to the bedroom and let him clean the bedroom let's start there all right I'm going to have to manually oh wait you still got the fake gray put that down bud this thing's going to bust perfect okay let's take him up to the bedroom and let actually let's let him we'll let him clean the hallway instead of the garage this'll be better for him oh but it'll pick up the banana peels ah [ __ ] he'll pick up the protection I wish you could pick up the wads
of paper but we have to still do that for ourselves okay yeah go ahead and clean in here bud oh yeah the crowbar I'm telling you this is going to work Gordon find any signals yet Gordon I'm with the science team where did he go oh all right crowbar didn't really do [ __ ] uh let's get some food can I get a burger can I just eek in here nope we just eek in [ __ ] it m okay and let me just eek in just carefully no carefully eat the Burger close whoose the [ __ ] fridge why is the fridge like this
I hate the fridge why are you like this I hate you sorry I shouldn't be saying that oh yeah we got the rubber ducky hold on we'll put him in the bathroom uh we'll put him in the sink that do you have a rubber ducky I do seriously I do I got a little I got a little rubber duck I don't know where I got it from but I've had this little rubber duck for years and years it's like where do you put a rubber duck so I put it I put it in my bathroom it's a you know like on the TU you know the the like so
ap um like dish area in the tub um that's where I put a rubber ducky oh yeah I guess I can put the trash on the floor right what was that what was that I just heard somethingone [Music] go something just tried the locks on the doors take your damn clothes off ah son of a B mods I'm turning that [ __ ] off after the stream where's the crowbar no don't log me in Planet dbus let's listen to this one check the cameras real quick just just check him just check I hate this [ __ ] I hate this Five Nigh
ts at Freddy's [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] God damn it I hate this play it it's not a dwarf planet that's just uh orcas or something something I saw Star Trek 4 I know what's up that's a good movie by the way Star Trek 4 that's a funny ass movie okay I'm sure we'll get a lot of interesting data with that one thank you oh [ __ ] that's fine who you know who know who who's to say what that is that could be a squirrel could be cfus out after curfew you know you never know what that could be let's not ju
mp to conclusions uh do I need this right Lucas what's up brother sorry I I was a little uh scared I wasn't paying attention in the chat I was pissing my pants you know would make this game scarier there's a button to look behind you while you're on the [Music] computer uh we could put a camera behind me and then when I'm checking the cameras I could check the behind me camera you know what I mean like put a camera like right here and then we've got a shot of me at the computer should I do that
you guys think that would be cool okay we should probably consider getting more drives at some point mean meant in the game yeah this is the game yeah quick turn button in the game while using the console I get what you're saying uh you know I don't know who's to say I feel like this game praise heavily on Nostalgia or no Jesus what the [ __ ] am I talking about immersion and I think having like a quick turnaround button would maybe be a little immersion breaking but I don't know I've talked mys
elf into the back camera though we're going to do that how's it immersion breaking I can quick turn in real life okay well don't brag uh-oh what oh it's a new day isn't it two of three okay we can do that I just think having a button that you could Mash to constantly boop boop boop feel like that would maybe take away from from the slow the slow fear that's that's all that's all I'm saying you know it's like when they give you a gun in a horror game it's like oh uh right this is a video game stu
ff to remind you it's a video game where the hell is the signal i't seen hide nor tail no signal oh cuz it's right there Jesus okay that's down what are we doing this is going that's down loading what oh go go go go go go this is code red code red code red where's the Crowbar go to sleep go to sleep now aliens can't hurt you during the day aliens can't hurt you during the day if your home was being invaded would you just go to sleep the Sprint to sleep cuz I'm scared it's so funny to me that is
funny to someone going to die I have to take a nap it's the why do he gets stuck on these little doors stop doing that just clean up man okay we need we need something to munch on lot of m still that's fine just close the door okay close the door is he stuck he's s right where do you think those noises were coming from they were definitely up definitely sound like they were in the vents okay we'll drive let's send cers out pick some servers real quick yeah we got to unplug them activate him give
him a good morning pant and go fix the servers buddy have fun [ __ ] close the [ __ ] is done how that that's done okay let's give this a listen worthless [Music] cool uh let's go to the drive closet guess I didn't really need to go all the way over there to pick up the same one that I just put down huh what are you going to do okay and let's get another one going if I went to jail I would just go to sleep and skip the time I dude I've thought about that I've thought about how much how nice it
would be to go to jail and just like sleep [Music] read uh quirked up white boy goated with the sauce says I think jail sounds nice man who's never faced racial discrimination says jail sounds like a good time time what could possibly go wrong for me in jail sounds like uh vacation and free food mhm says quirked up white boy who's never faced systematic oppression well that's not true but this do I have a signal no yes is that what I just did Jesus christoo it's been a long week chat that's that
's how I feel right now it has been a godamn long week we'll get let's let's not go for the hash codes today let's stay in let's stay in and do some cleaning they in the Netherlands is kind of nice apparently I'll go to jail on the Netherlands then so my problem is now homeless people want to go there well oh we got to let cers back in I hear him out there I hear him banging on the door cers give me one second honey daddy's got to get a new signal downloading okay one second Bud Daddy's got to s
tart downloading a new podcast or he won't have anything to listen to on the drive to work okay buddy remember what happened the last time that happened right where is he cers where did he go curers ah God damn it check the curer cam what is that boy up to now come on cerer there he is that's close enough that's that's good good work Buddy the way way that his body just goes lifeless it's kind of horrifying I got to flip him over oh I guess we're all kind of lifeless when we sleep huh well unles
s you're like a sleep tosser like I am I've talked about this but I dude sleeping with me sucks cuz I just um I like Shred the bed when I sleep I uh I toss and turn so much that I RI the sheets off of the bed I do that and I sleep talk you know what maybe we do get the hash codes today you know we've been on a streak there's a bonus I would like to get the bonus I don't even know what day we're on kicking my sleep that would be painful imagine waking up and your significant other is just kicking
the [ __ ] out of you that'd be that'd be rough I'm like a tornado in bed nice man or you mean sleeping oh I don't know why but I just thought about like it's thought about like eating [ __ ] but it's like the Taz like tornado noise [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] good uh mods go ahead and turn off the stream for me please mods delete the V which Looney Tune would be the best at eating [ __ ] let's turn the stream up turn the stream please turn the stream off please someone dos me Sea
se this topic instantly what are we doing what's happening in the game I'm so confused right now where's the trash bags didn't I have another roll yeah here we go here we go here we go uh okay just collect this stuff put it in the Box [Music] syester yeah Sylvester you see you I mean he's got the lisp thing right he's got the big tongue so like you could say like Daffy but you know but daffy's too selfish for that Daffy ain't eating [ __ ] Daffy don't Daffy doesn't even know what the [ __ ] is d
ude suffer and [ __ ] that gash we got to turn the stream off we got to get the [ __ ] out of here man this is H delete the stream this is it delete the [ __ ] stream I I'd also say like Elmer fud fud [ __ ] right fud [ __ ] uh he he Elmer fud I think would eat [ __ ] he would be like was that good for you and then that and then bugs takes off the wig yeah Mac uh Yim Sam doesn't eat [ __ ] y Sim Sam's another one it doesn't know where the [ __ ] is let's be real have enough points for nuclear de
tonation yet I don't even think you guys are close I think you got a long way to go on that one did I put coal in here yeah yeah okay okay um fog fog horn Leghorn um he knows where the [ __ ] is but he doesn't know how to he doesn't eat [ __ ] born Leghorn B Leghorn is one of those guys who like is always like like know like thinks he knows everything about sex and is like telling like well you see boy the clitorus is the most important I say I say the most important part of the [ __ ] you know
and it's like okay bud but like what are you doing you know Road Runner hey's he's got that tongue that's that's [ __ ] up he's a bird that's [ __ ] up uh this is early Contender for worst bit of the Year oh we should we should send some signals out I I should sell some signals what's up [ __ ] I can't do a good bug Bugs Bunny is like the one Looney Tune I can't really doesn't he say that in Navy G maybe no he does what's up nerd apply Pew has no idea what he's oh God now Jesus Christ Pepe Lew h
as no [ __ ] clue what he's doing dude Pepe Lew gets down there and he's like my dear uh where is your dick and balls brother is clueless my sweet I will kiss every inch of your body from your head to your head pulls down pants where's your dick and balls I don't understand this bit sucks all right I'm on your guys's side now this fit [ __ ] sucks uh Pete Puma Pete Puma eats [ __ ] and he does it well this is the wor this you got an awfully nice [ __ ] turn the stream off someone help him my str
eamer keeps doing this bit somebody help [Music] him Michigan J frog he now you know now he's getting [ __ ] crazy is that it are we done with the bit nasty kasty is a virgin don't even [ __ ] waste your time with him did I not successful ping this is taking a bit oh they are rotating okay delete the channel I really would like to at this point how many did they they wanted three right email daily task two oh just two just two or three okay easy like how calm I am now that was like that was like
something I had to get out of my [Music] system and now I'm just like I'm you know let's do six more hours I'm in how we we're offline again what the [ __ ] I check on it that always like that is this like a silencer for a gun no it's just trash okay Marvin the Martian wouldn't even understand what a vagina is oh 100% he had no idea what is going on what is that oh dear oh dear oh dear a vagina oh dear if it would please you I will use my orgasm Ray first I will set it to you instead of me or i
s me you and you me oh dear fires it oh I'm coming e I just keep thinking about Dick Dodgers in the 22nd and a half century that's all that's all we got to end the stream we got to turn this off we really do sound alert no no no no no no no no maybe maybe a gift sub alert no no no if that's going to be if that's going to be heard on stream more than once we we got to make sure my legal fees are paid where was the squirt there were supposed to be an earth shattering squirt all we got to end the [
 __ ] stream Marvin Martian having sex is too funny to me we got to end the [ __ ] stream we are walking in dangerous water yeah Porky's not experienced but he kills it for sure nice nice his name is porky yeah yeah that's true yeah I I I can't do I've got a line in my head for Porky and I can't [ __ ] do it I can't get through it without laughing I like I'm smiling just think you I can't get through it without laughing I don't think I can do it I can't I can't do it I keep trying to start it an
d I can't do it oh why is this this is what I talk about when I say that I've got like funny little guy is just um it's just rejected Family Guy it's just rejected Robot Chicken this is the [ __ ] I'm talking about funniest bit of the night is Looney tun's characters eating [ __ ] like what like what are we doing you know I used to write Scripts man I do you ever wonder what your parents would think if they decided to watch a stream for the first time and this was the one well um I don't think t
hey care too much to be honest they um for some reason when my dad was like bedridden after his accident for some reason they decided to watch my like uncovering childhood videos video on the YouTube channel where like the I I would when I was like 10 I'm playing Club Penguin and going like come to my Igloo I'm filming CP Video uh and like I put like Chris Hansen in there for some reason they watched that and like showed it to my my like super religious ant and uh now my parents don't talk to me
about funny little guy they don't care um obviously I don't want them to see this but I I don't think it would really hurt anything commit to the bent I just don't think I I can that's the I swear to God I just saw the broom but in here I'm losing my mind I I actually can't do it every time I go to open my mouth I laugh [ __ ] me this sucks my face hurts from smiling okay I'm just like I'm just going to close my eyes I'm just going to pretend like no one's here I'm just going to pretend I'm lik
e by myself cuz I do this sometimes sometimes I just pretend I got to get some food I pretend I'm by myself and we'll do bits like this if I'm nervous I do this by myself a lot I'll be like driving home from like a stressful day of work or something and I'll be doing like Scooby-Doo like domestic terrorism bits don't don't ask for an example of that I can't tell you off the top of my head but let me get some food in the game game and I'll try it what's funnier the stutter on conolingus yeah yeah
the the stutter is funny on Keling okay just had to say it out loud just had to get to the bottom of the situation can I please get my fridge to get the other items in my fridge there's a chicken nugget that I would really like to eat [ __ ] it Burger would you [ __ ] off please is it that one is that one in the corner like I don't I don't know what's getting stuck on thank you holy [ __ ] I can't do it h i just I was like okay if I just don't pay attention to myself let maybe I can get it out
and I couldn't it's not even that funny to me anymore okay okay hor is harder because you got to figure out like what word is it funny to stutter on one and then you got to like kind of sound it out cuzz you have to do the the hard consonant eh and you I don't know I always have to like do it before I do it in a sentence right so I I have to do like before I do like I love eating [ __ ] thank you that's that was what the buildup was for I I couldn't get that out that's what you waited for now is
the bit dead are we done now droopy is not a Looney Tune but droopy [ __ ] groy [ __ ] and he does it well let's get that straight canonically droopy [ __ ] real who's the girl pig petunia see I I got to start going like hardcore if I want to kill this bit I got to go like hardcore on this I got to stop doing like a Bugs Bunny I got to be pulling like some [ __ ] like 1932 I gota be doing like Foxy and Roxxy I got to I going be do uh does fox eat [ __ ] yep he goes I love to eat [ __ ] that jok
e's really funny if you're really into foxy and Roxy cartoons okay I'll explain the the the reason I that's how they talk in those cartoons cuz they're early sound and then the way they animate their mouths is all [ __ ] up to like to do like anunciation so it's just like wow what a terrific day to [ __ ] suck turn the stream off are her and pery a thing yes she's she's Porky's girlfriend in a lot of old shorts sometimes she's not it's weird but usually yes she's Porky's girlfriend he's porking
that pig yep damn guys we're really funny tonight I got to be real with you we're [ __ ] funny tonight did I not download another signal isn't this like a Microsoft text to speech signal data deleted oh okay yeah I should just I should just start naming such obscure Looney Tunes characters that only I would find this yeah but that's going to just get me to keep doing the bit if their characters only I find only I you know know and find funny like yeah that's that's exactly my sense of [Music] hu
mor honestly if you guys just went to the Looney Tunes Wiki uh just went down the list we could do this all night something just Chang on the side of the that was weird me a light kicked on hilarious for me to hear the voice of a Looney Tune I don't even know talking about [ __ ] see it's all funny and then I start pulling out like Merlin the Magic Mouse I start pulling out those late 60s Looney Tunes after they stopped using Bugs Bunny they start pulling out cool cat oh [ __ ] I can't no no we
can't do if I do that it's too funny to me if I do that you'll never hear me say anything start pulling out Merlin the Magic Mouse well look here second banana I should go to therapy I think that' probably be helpful [ __ ] cool cat cool cat though cool cat's cool you know what I mean so cool cat is like you go like Welles cool cat eat [ __ ] and he's like hey man hey a hoes a hole we got I gotta I have to end this bit I'm thinking about I'm thinking about Ralph wolf and Sam the sheep dog like w
alking walking into work hey Ralph hey there Sam eat [ __ ] last night sure did Sam I'm I'm I'm saying this is worst bit of the Year hands down we're not even 6 months in this is worst bit of the year when I'm thinking about how to do a colonel Rim shot impression Colonel Rim jum dude that's why you wanted to catch cool can want to eat his ass this is the worst this is the [ __ ] worst you did this to me I used to be such a good young man I used used to be such a sweet little angel hey you know
what I've done what's up [ __ ] before hold on I've done that one before there's there's probably a clip of that somewhere this stream is sponsored by better help oh Jesus Christ I hope not this is from Mike m Bugs Bunny yeah but I I know I've I've definitely said that on stream before because I remember the the uh throat noises I made pretending to suck dick that's the stream good night that'll be my epith remember the throat noises I made we're kind of doing like good I I guess I could do some
cleaning stop doing that how our our Transformers have to be fine right oh I think kerur does actually I think he does the Transformers too I might be wrong but can't wait for the end of the year stream wrap up and your and neverly forget about this and see clips of it hey if you guys clip it I'll watch it on stream get your Clips in let's find some more trash bags What happened to the robot I think he's still upstairs trying to grab [ __ ] oh wrong door uh here we go grab a couple of these the
re we go okay we're getting there it's getting you know cleaner by the minute let's get under the desk this whole thing just made me think about conquer's Bad Fur Day I wonder if I would still find that game funny I should stream that did I leave my flashlight I'm going to do that I think some point soon the game might have had more of an influence on my sense of humor than I thought oh okay this thing's full up then I guess I mean it really clearly would have had an influence on my sense of oh
oh yeah it's full it really would have an influence on my sense of humor If instead of like Great Mighty Poo it was like the great wad of [ __ ] or something I am the great w of [ __ ] I'm going to kick your [ __ ] bum okay better to let you know streamer the Judge Dread clip where you punch the robot to death gets me every time it's a good one it's a good one okay my therapist uh [ __ ] dude don't listen if they say stop watching funny little guy don't listen to them I forgot to buy trash bags
[ __ ] don't listen to your therapist listen to your streamer thank you oh I can buy him with this that scared me oh it always scares me um tools where's the trash bags see if we put dude we put a knife on the broomba defense system uh food tools storage maybe mini fridge that would be helpful we could put some food down here Geo here we go get two of them okay we're doing really good man and no like gleon Invasion to worry about like there's been a little gley activity but there's an M under th
is that's the noise but like there's there's it we haven't been like [ __ ] harassed tonight which has been nice what is that noise oh you you [ __ ] dick oh you now we get to do this is like stardo valy honestly just do a little clean up I hope I don't need the coal for anything uh um oh I think I've got the journal it would tell me plastic wooden wooden plastic paper metal okay no I I don't think I need the coal for anything I hope if you speak about me in ch in uh therapy it's only good thing
s if it isn't keep your mouth shut they don't need to hear everything think the therapist decides what's a good thing listen I'm basically a therapist you pay me you come here you talk to me you pay me I give you opinions based on my expertise I'm basically a therapist and I don't even charge that much but I will tell you I'm going to cut you off if you start trauma dumping okay what is a streamer but just a cheaper therapist oh let's fill up the drive closet cool Drive closet replenished yeah v
age B RS cool want to get all this paper out from under my desk are we doing on oh this one's good oh did I forget oh oopsie I forgot that was close I almost [ __ ] that up what's going on BL huh um uhhuh uhuh very normal oh there are more GLE Leons than ever out there just not think about it the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and [Music] gons let just let's just we'll just shut this off for the night byebye let's say okay if you guys you guys you're staying in a log cabin right you'r
e on vacation you're finally you know you're getting away finally with a little RNR just by yourself out in the middle of the woods okay there's a radar like this one and it starts picking up a signal like this are what are you doing you pissing I should send kers out to fix the servers and then we can watch from kerur Cam and and see if he sees any gons okay we got to be real strategic with it though because we got to open the door to let him out wake him up perer buddy we got a job for you bud
yeah we got a dangerous mission for you brother no you ready cerer stop cerer you need to stop stop you can't find there's no servers there's no broken servers close the door close the [ __ ] door I thought the servers were busted I guess the servers are not busted I'm hearing things oh they're real close man we should go to sleep we should go to sleep I want to check to see though I thought that I thought there were some busted servers that could mean there's a pigeon I don't care okay I'd be
too paranoid man I would be I'd be so sure that the the [ __ ] Astro bastards from Epsilon 5 were on their way what's scarier like being out in the woods and knowing that there are aliens out there in the woods with you or knowing there's like a serial killer out there with you there no light switch for this room there really isn't know the serial killer is going to kill me the aliens might chill that's true what if the serial killer is friendly he's just a good guy just a little misunderstood I
'm going to pretend I didn't just hear the door what the [ __ ] they threw off the signal they don't want me downloading their coordinates I have [ __ ] in my inventory no we're still we're still trucking along man what's that what the [ __ ] is that whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that what in the [ __ ] is that the blue bpon wish I had binoculars I got the telescope are you what are you doing you are like kind of worthless to me do I go out there chat should I go out there it's where did it go it'
s gone and there's a mushroom on the roof I want to eat what the hell was that time to take a piece get me out of here not even the [ __ ] bathroom safe you can't have [ __ ] in this game man I'm going to sleep well so much for this wasn't an eventful stream I'd say this became pretty eventful what if I just set the brooma outside just let him be free no I'm not doing that I I'll I'll set I'll buy a second one and set him out but oh you know he can't pick those up anyways all right come on buddy
what was that come on there we go have fun he's going to get stuck on the thing again but that's fun all right what's that oh yeah right you would clean up the gibian you'd hope so can you imagine massive glean Invasion we're completely surrounded I don't know what to do and then he just rolls over sucks him up [Music] all right chat uh I'm going to call it here I believe I think this is a good place to stop we didn't get into the vents still there's a rotting Burger up there we've got more tha
n enough drives we've done some good upgrading I wish there was a way to like really automate the majority of this maybe there is once we get everything really upgraded and modules I mean signal autosave you know [ __ ] like that would be cool um ne new goal other than vents is to get a TV and we'll watch a walking tour of Mars live on stream uh now that we're back to playing this um music pictures video those as long as they're dmca safe um and to safe if you want them on the stream um post the
m in suggestion box and I will try and get them in and then that way we can have you know User submitted shows User submitted you know videos or whatever User submitted music User submitted posters we can really uh personalize this sun of of a [ __ ] so post those in suggestion box if you've got some you want in and I've got a couple of my own um yeah I'll just I'll call the stream here I'll actually wait hold on I should go get some food don't [ __ ] do that stop doing that let's get a shrimp p
ack a dream of gley I already did that one that was last stream take your damn clothes off I already did that one uh fake fan many are saying fake fan already did I dream of gby next stream will be titled no Marvin the Martian coming I promise Marvin the Martian is not coming that's the extreme title the worst bit the worst bit of the Year hands down hopefully you guys clipped all that okay there's some food let's grab a fridge M real quick get myself nice and set up for next stream okay that se
ems good I guess it doesn't wait how do oh yeah saved duh all right chat that's going to be it for me tonight um I am thinking I'm G to stream Easter Sunday I am Jesus what's going on with my hair I am thinking I'm going to stream most of the day Easter doing tears of the Kingdom right now I'm still leaning towards that um really depends on how stressed out I am if if the opening guy tomorrow shows up um or if I have to fire him so if everything goes okay tomorrow I would say high chance of Sund
ay probably going to do like a big Zelda stream everything goes to [ __ ] tomorrow the the chance is lessened but we'll see what happens I'm not expecting good things but we'll see what happens for now though I'm done thanks for being here guys thanks for hanging out good uh good voes the void stream man or terrible um you know your mileage is really going to vary by how much you enjoyed that one bit sorry uh you could tell you I got I got end a stream throat man I can't even laugh right do anyo
ne I could raid no you know what there there is someone I could raid but I'm not going to do it cuz you guys are going to go over there and go this dude the most [ __ ] up Porky Pig bit I'm not doing that I'm not I'm not sending you guys over to someone I'm not letting them know what happened here tonight what happened here tonight stays between us we won't we promise all right [ __ ] it I'll raid you guys better be on your best behavior let's do chat what do you want to watch you want to watch
lethal company or Rim world oh okay they raid me a bunch so let's raid them be nice chat be I I don't know how they are with um this [ __ ] up thing we do here so be nice be courteous be funny I'll see you hopefully on Sunday if not I'll see you Monday thanks for being here guys thanks for hanging out good night
