
From HOMELESS In America To Living Like A KING In The Philippines (Street Interviews)

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Living abroad

5 days ago

the passport Bros you can't force that American lifestyle here prior to coming out here I was actually homeless where are you from America and what brings you down here to the Philippines um really just everything that was going on in America it wasn't necessarily the Philippines um I originally left America just I was going to travel some countries but I have some uh disability comprehension issues those sexi and stuff like that and I couldn't figure out I was going to go to Africa first okay a
nd travel around to some countries but I couldn't figure out some of the stuff that I couldn't get a hold of the embassy and there was like some scams and things like that yeah and then I had heard about the Philippines and I did some research on um YouTube and such like that and free Visa upon entry so it's easier to understand than that can't get scammed on that yeah um when I got here um you know I was just traveling the world really um I was traveling you know the countries where the dollar
stress further you know course of course U make my disability money stress further but um really past that um when I first got here I was just wanted to see every country I went to I just wanted to see the the the people the Customs the you know um learn to laugh at a local joke you know um maybe learn a little bit of language um but um the Philippines you know they have like the 7,000 islands and all the different languages so you know you can't really learn everything but plus they speak Engli
sh which helps right so yeah well I was surprised when I got here how many signs were in English you know and I was like okay why is it then I learned that you know the their official language is uh business language is English um past that you know what surprised me was was um just the the humbleness of the people U you know they get up early in the morning um somebody's you know entrepreneurship everywhere somebody's cooking something delivering something giving a ride going to work um you kno
w um is this your first time to the Philippines yeah this is my first time in Philippines my first time out of America okay um I definitely feel safer here than than than America you know like one of my family members are like oh you know the Philippines you know you know you know you kind of get those different things where you know as far as leaving the United States yeah but um I I don't feel stressed here um don't feel you know you know like um I mean don't get me wrong nothing happened to m
e like that in the United States but you know you you know there's shootings everywhere um you know some of the locals they talked to me about you know the the the the the the some of the um the political stuff and the the political stuff yeah but they talked to me about um the way they feel the maybe it's not as affluent okay um and they talk about like the um some of the the the the the jobs and how what they pay and things like that um I still believe it's better than trying to go to America
I try to tell them well America just shows you what what they want you to see you know what I'm saying um you don't see how many you know the the homelessness you know people that are strung out on drugs and things like that you know um I'm not trying to get you know Americans to bash me but you know you can't just deny you can't deny it you know it's good and bad in every country and right you know and then um you know the crime you know um you know you don't hear about you know gunshots or peo
ple getting jacked I mean yeah I'm pretty sure things do happen here yeah um just like you're in America you know you do want to have your situational awareness you don't want to go places and do certain things where you know you probably shouldn't go and do um you know definitely the food um definitely the food is definitely better um it's not processed it's not out of a box it's fresh you know clean um I will say that I heard it before and I can confirm now that the American products do taste
different yeah okay um you know outside of America um so how long have you been here I've been here since November okay so you've been for a couple months at least right so yeah I've been here since November um I'll be here a little bit while longer um I'm actually going to be going back and um grabbing my stuff you know and making plans to pretty much move over you know okay so you're going to be permanently hopefully at least long stay at least well because the thing about here compared to I m
ean you can't deny the the the dollar stretching is a benefit especially to my you know disability dollars okay um but um well one thing I will say you got excuse me my my stuff you're doing really well actually I was expecting this to be like 30 seconds or a minute but you got a lot of information and I'm excited to hear about it so you get a lot more for your buck over here for sure you tell me a lot of stuff that you do like is there some things maybe you dislike so far or you don't like I wo
n't say that I won't say that it's a dislike however it is something to get used to like the first time on Tob like walking on the Strip y you know my first time in Vegas and people just like run into you you know and such like that well I do like hear how you know they have um like the lines for the elders and the disabled people and things like that you know for uh Filipino disabled people and stuff like that but like when you're walking like I'll move to the side for an elder yeah you know so
they can walk by and here comes this youngster just like like they like they don't see like they don't see that person and they just like walk through them you know what saying okay but um you do have to do um a little bit of defensive walking you know just like with the with the driving you know want to be aware of things um but honestly I really can't say too much of what I don't like you know what I would what I would say for anybody trying to come here or just leaving the United States the
thing about it is is that what you have to understand is that I would recommend not even um making your cup half full okay I would recommend just pouring out the whole cup I see um you know realize when you come to another country you're not in America you know um you know you have to learn the local Customs I mean yeah you might be in America you might have your way of things but be slow you know you know be open to learning new things a different way of life definitely do your research before
you come things like that um and I would say I would say it be it would be worth it if you're if you are able to be humble okay and see the beauty and simple things you know um speaking a beauty are you meeting any Beauties over here are you dating any Filipinos what's going on over there you know prior to leaving the United States I'm I was one of the guys you know that I'm one of the guys that are considered you know the nice guy you know and um you know for the majority of what it seems like
you know women like you know they don't want nice guys you know they say they want nice guys but nice guys are boring they're lame you know we don't have the excitement of cheating and you running the streets and don't come home and Sh stuff like that you know um and so when I first came here you know I wasn't on any dating apps or anything like that dating sites or anything like that and I wasn't really it wasn't like I was opposed to dating but it wasn't on my radar y I was just really traveli
ng around a different when I when I first got here I was just going to come here for maybe like a month or two and then maybe go to Vietnam Singapore you know Thailand things like that and just kind of travel around and look at different countries however like um my asthma improved when I got here you know versus using my medicine every day all day I use it maybe once a month now okay um I have um some disabilities in my torso and such for my muscles and such that's what you kind of see that's b
een a reduction versus every day in America okay um but one thing that I was definitely would say like I was prepared for a lot like when I was going to Africa doing my research and already you know being in America for decades I've watched foreign movies and things like that so I already kind of feel like I was cultured to an extent of different ways of life around the world but like one thing in Africa you know they have the um like how they have the CR here where they use the well we call it
the the b day and make it seem like it's so expensive in America it's just the water wand you know just you know yeah the hose right you go wash your booty ho or if you don't have that you know you have the bucket of water you know so I was prepared for that in after so when I came here it was it was no different just like the same way in Africa you know they you know or a lot of other places they eat with their hands you know here they you know they eat with their hands it seems like you really
like acclimated well to the you know the weather I assume is not an issue for you well I would well because of my disability I can't be in the heat too long I will say that when you come you know yeah you do have to get used to the weather you know um so maybe if you're not somebody likes to be in the heat maybe start off with a few walks okay and then maybe the next day take a little bit longer walk you know but make sure you drink lots of water don't put yourself in a situation where you're k
ind of stuck outside you know or make sure you seek somewhere where um they have the air conditioner but one thing I will definitely say that caught me off guard um is is is the the women um I will say that spill the beans we want to know everything I'll definitely will spill the beans I will definitely Spill the Beans okay what's up you know coming from um AIC America and I'm not saying you know all women but I will say that us guys we're kind of we're not asking for all the all the extra hair
and extensions and weaves and things like that all the bad eyelashes all the just the the plethora of makeup stacked on top of each other um to the point where you know there's comedians that are making jokes now when they take it all off it's a whole complete different person you know like identity theft like where did that where did that [ __ ] go yeah um you know no good man in my opinion you know that wants a If he if he's a good guy you know what I'm saying he's not running the streets he's
not dating multiple females things like that no good guy wants his woman you know what I'm saying walking outside showing her goodies all like that whether he's fully saying it like that or not you know what I'm saying and um when I got here you know women they have their natural beauty they smile you know um and my thing is is that you know if you're a man you don't give a woman a reason to be upset you know it's kind of like how Bruno Mars made that song you know put a put put a perm on your
attitude or something like that you know what I'm saying you know get all dressed up looking cute and all that go to the club and sitting there just to be mean look mean yeah right for what you know what I'm saying out here you know you run into natural beauty smiles easygo goinging yeah you might have to you know Bob and weave to watch out for some you know to make sure you get you know a nice one just like anywhere else yeah um would you say they're more approachable in the Philippines a woman
yeah I would say they're yeah I would say they're more approachable more more natural MH um yeah definitely more natural um you know and um you know all around just kind of more more wholesome in my opinion you know when I came out like I all Mall this mall here is the first one SIU is the first one I came to in November um and what I immediately noticed was was that when I saw moms with their kids or even just women you know they they look appropriate you know what I'm saying you know they're
covered you know they they and and and and women you know in the in their dresses you know like it's not just all these tight black dresses and see-through I mean they're just nice dresses you know what I'm saying nice either sundresses or you know flowing dresses things like that um but you know the um again the the the women um yeah I I definitely see now where you know the passport Bros if that's what they want to say in that community that they've been talking about um just you know leaving
the attitudes and all the extra stuff alone um in America and going to other countries where women are still used to wanting a man you know not from a country where you know you run into a lot of I don't need a man you know what I mean um a lot of people or I would say a lot of women didn't like Kevin Samuels oh rest in peace right yeah Kevin Samuels the goat you know I would say that yeah he definitely came out talking about man first you know and he was like you know focus on yourself if you'r
e you know you know but everybody wasn't an uproar about that you know when he started talking about you know women and body proportions and size and what you bring to the table and things like that now he's now he's like the you know the devil you know what I mean to some women that were trying to tear him down but the things he was saying was was was real you know now you get more and more women asking why like I was watching this video on Facebook earlier you know women asking why are men bas
ically saying no saying no to dating you know what I'm saying just checking out a dating you know what I'm saying and this other guy he answered he was like well we've been telling you well let me just tell you straight you know what I'm saying you know he wasn't trying to be mean but he was like he was being blunt and um you know it's like this other thing where um I forget who said it but it's like if a man hires a maid and hires a prostitute why does he need you as a woman yeah like what what
do you you know and that's what and it's not necessarily that men will hire a prostitute but you know it's a point being made there you know what I'm saying you need to bring more than just your physical self we want peace you know we want loyalty we want respect you know what I mean such like that you know um and here again when I like I said when I first noticed is is that you know women are covered when I see moms with their kids they look like moms you know not saying that they don't look s
exy or anything like that you know you know that's what they have on when I see a grandmother with their family that looks like a she looks like a grandmother you know what I'm saying you know go to the club you know I don't see the daughter generation the mom generation the grandmother Generation all in the club let alone not having clothes on you know I mean they're they clothes and all of the party hanging out you know what I'm saying in the same group going after the same in you know what I'
m saying you know another thing um they just had the calog holiday you know and it was like everybody was into it you know like we don't really have that religious base in in America like that anymore um I don't really feel like America is built for relationships as supporting like family you know and I I see it out here you know yeah I hear about certain things and you know everywhere you people cheating and things like that but I think that if we had some of the things that they have here in A
merica such as once you get married you're married yeah you know there's really not a thing of divorce here to get divorced here you got to have a million pesos so if in America we had a law where cuz with the money conversion you know if we had a law where once you get married you're married unless you got to pay that person $250,000 a lot of more people will be more selective and um in depth about who they choose to marry let alone they also have the law that if you cheat when you're married t
he P the spouse and the person that's cheating with this house you can call the police on them it's it's a crime if we had that in America things would be a lot different you know because um when when a family when a family breaks up from that it's more than just the two people that break up or get a divorce the kids are affected you know um and it does a it make it does a ripple effect and and it does really really longterm type damage you know um I was also surprised about you know U when you
go into the stores and things like that you know like I have this bag you have to open your bag and you know they they look in your bag or if you they can tell that this is a you know a bag for like my wallet and such like that but if you have extra bags and things like that you got to check them in at the check-in count you know there's guards posted everywhere and all the stores and stuff like that I think if we had that in America there wouldn't be like these flash mobs of 50 60 people runnin
g into Nike grabbing a bunch of stuff and running out you know what I'm saying or people going in with a backpack stealing you know 10 bottles of liquor and things like that you know driving cost up and such like that you know yeah um I would also say um also the thing that surprised me was was how we are being raped over the coals with more more than like you you have to come here and experience it for yourself to see but some of the American Products uh they just don't have to cost that much y
ou know um there are certain you know products that once you start seeing um it just doesn't it they just don't cost that much so I will also say this when I did research before I came here there were people saying oh you can come here and live off 500 bucks a month oh you can come here 800 bucks a month all the way up to $3,000 a month yeah you know in my opinion you know if anybody is coming here paying $3,000 a month to be in the Philippines that's crazy tell me why is that crazy what do you
mean well for instance I can go to TI till if I might say this wrong but te till get a quarter get a quarter um chicken a breast in a wing with some rice for 130 PAC you know um just over two bucks right so yeah just over two bucks you know very very feeling very tasteful you know rotisserie chicken um I went to chiao King earlier today and I got um sweet and sour chicken it's crispy chicken MH um and a thing of rice with a soda for 169 pastos that's just up under that's just over three bucks yo
u know what I'm saying um so if you're a person that comes here and you're trying trying to live like and this is the thing too don't come here and try to live like an American you know adapt adapt adapt and what I another thing I was hearing before I came here oh I don't like the Filipino food this oh I don't like the Filipino food that and I'm really wondering now why cuz all I eat now is Filipino food okay even in America nobody likes all American Cuisine find what you do like try things out
especially with the currency exchange like you can make error right right you know what I'm saying like you know it's not like you paying $20 a meal like in America you know what I'm saying um you know and um but you know the um just just I would just say yeah for people just to be open um and and just just enjoy the experience you know um but the um the Life's good for you here in the Philippines huh it it it is it is you know but but but you have to be you have to be humble you can't come here
and again like I said be be wanting to be an American and then for instance they say well you know when you get a a Philippina girlfriend you know that drives your cost up well the only way I can see that especially paying $3,000 a month is if you living like an American here and then you get a Filipino girlfriend especially that's never been to America but you now you're also giving her that American lifestyle here in the Philippines you're essentially paying for the cost of living of two peop
le at that point right so well well but see that's the that's what I'm saying though even if you even if you get a Filipino girlfriend I don't think that that's the problem you know I think it's the mentality of the person you know like I have a I have a Filipino fiance now you know oh congratulations because like you know like again Kevin Samuels the goat you know he was right you know like he would try to tell certain women when he talked to him oh you've been engaged for four years oh you guy
s been boyfriend and girlfriend for seven years and he's like well you know it's not ready it's not happening you know yeah um he said that basically it takes about 6 months to a year for a guy to decide you know if he's serious if he's got to marry this woman you know what I have now is is that instead of having a woman that um that wants to spend money she looks to save money you know she doesn't want a wash machine she washes our clothes by hand you know um and at that she works a full-time j
ob bro you know what I'm saying she'll get up before work she'll make us some breakfast you know make the bed and such like that wash dishes after after we're done um now don't get me wrong I take I take good care of my household as a man you know what I'm saying providing you know protecting everything but I let her do her woman thing you know um at first I'm kind of like you know but again not being in America being in the Philippines you know you have to you have you can't you can't force tha
t American lifestyle here and again I just kind of just went ahe went with the flow this is she this she wants to do a woman then I'm going to let her do it but when you like even before I left America like I would tell people like there's women in Africa and other places around the world that will wash their man's feet e not even just cooking clean for him you know um and you know my old lady she she she'll wash my whole body in shower you know what I'm saying you know I go down to tie one of m
y my my shoes she'll tie the other one you know I go to clip my fingernail she'll clip them for me well sounds like you found the one man right you know um again you know she tries to you know definitely save money versus spending money you know Cooks food from scratch you know um I I I eat the the uton and the moong GH a lot because my digestion is messed up so yeah she'll go over to the market and make me make me dinner food from scratch I don't yeah that's all we that's all she CS me is food
from scratch is there a large age gap between you guys there is there is um um when I she's the she was she was the the second Filipino that I started dating uh but I would go back to Kevin Samuels um he was saying that um well there's 19 years between us oh so when I when I first did started looking on the dating sites I put my range from 25 to 35 because I do plan on having more kids and going back to Kevin Samuel's content and he was talking about um having you know um kids and such like that
with women in their ages and such like that even though I did put 35 that's really on the back end cuz he was talking about geria actri pregnancy with women and when he's talking about this with women who are open to it and they're you know they're not the ones that are um disgruntled but they're open-minded yeah they're they're being they're being honest and saying that yeah you know once you get past about 30ish into 35 especially it is highrisk you know not saying that women can't have healt
hy babies and things like that but it's just more of a high risk so you know when you go to the for instance the casino you know what I mean or like how K came said you know instead of going off possibility go off probability you know you going you going to play you going to play the slots with the with a higher probability of you winning you know what I'm saying yeah you can go over here and play the the the 10center but if over here you got a 40 Center I me honestly which one you going which o
ne you going to put your money in you know um and you know it just don't happen that yeah you know she she's um 25 she's about to be CH she's about to be 26 um you know we we just we just you know we just click you know um you know in a lot of are um you know you definitely over here you definitely don't run into the um you know I'm I'm tired and yeah and and different things like that right when when um you know when it's time to go get to the Boom Boom Room you know okay um but yeah like I sai
d you know she'll get off work come home cook clean from scratch you know mop the floor you know do the whole shebang you know what I mean and um you know we'll sit down for a little bit you know and such like that um and then yeah you know um man yeah you know I mean compared to what I was dealing with in the States because um after the um pandemic I was actually forced out of my place okay so prior to coming out here I was actually homeless for like 2 years you know what I'm saying I had my st
uff in storage and then in February I got a place a room to rent for like 800 bucks so you went from being homeless in America to being living like a king in the Philippines essentially well yeah I went well that was a a a so I was homeless at first I got pushed out of my my my place cuz the rents went up too high compared to my disability income and then um I did find a room to rent for 800 bucks a month um but then at that it's like okay well if you do find a good woman I have three other male
roommates and you know you would think at that point okay well let's have a bachel pad let's keep it cool let's smell a nice and certain things but you know when you got roommates that don't watch their dishes for like two weeks and you know stuff is you know it's like you already got to deal with okay well I don't have the typical job being a disabled guy that I have roommates and you know and women typically don't you know what I mean of course of course but now yeah you know the place I have
now I went from um you know R in a room for 800 till I have a a three bedroomroom for 400 that's amazing man yeah you know what I mean um you know you you and and even going back to the the cost of living if you're single and you come here you can definitely do 500 bucks a month okay what you do is you get your hosle mhm you know but again you know you have to be willing to let go of certain comforts you know um cuz they honestly if you're single like that you don't really need a full place lik
e that to yourself but if you do choose to go ahead and and find a room to rent by yourself you know what I'm saying I would probably say at least start in the hostel and find something reasonable you know take time find something reasonable cuz there are places out there um I would say that don't befriend People Too Fast um cuz you know you might end up you know getting scammed y but when I was um in the hostel I was in a six split and it was running me 135 a month for a six split awesome and t
hen right outside the hostel the lady that was making the uton and the fried fish in the morning it was 10 pesos a serving for the uton so I would get two servings of that the fish was 30 pesos so I would get like two or three you know so I'm it's only running me like two $3 doll in the morning to eat I would go over to Tik to for dinner uh lunch probably sometime dinner um and yeah you know cost living was easily you know only running maybe like four or 500 bucks a month well it's a fascinating
story man thank you so much for your time I really appreciate it and all the best with your future wife and your future life than bro of course thank you so much leave a comments down below let me know what you think of his story and his experience it shows you that once again it comes down to perspective and depending on your own personal experience here in the Philippines of course for him things have worked out really well I'm happy that he met somebody he completely trust and is taking good
care of him and it shows you that you don't need like 3K a month to live a comfortable life I mean he's single he's got like a girlfriend fiance that likes to eat at home so seem like he doesn't live within the city itself so it's going to reduce some of his cost and that's it so leave your thoughts down below let me know what you think of his story anything you want to share if you take your time to write it i' take time to respond and if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button hit
that like button I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] oh



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That black disabled gentleman has more smarts and manners than most without disability!!!!


As a veteran getting ready to come to the Philippines 🇵🇭 this young man is a blessing amen


I just came back from a business trip from the Philippines. I'm both US and Philippine citizen. This guy is just SPITTING FACTS 🔥🔥🔥


as a 21 yr old that wants to travel this guy is an inspiration Literally had nothing and went to the Philippines much luck to him


He’s got a great attitude, respectful and polite but also Street smart. Seems like a good guy. I wish him all the best.


What genuine humble man. I really value his take on things. He seems very sincere.


I cant blame him for not being proud of his country, his honesty makes him more interesting, I hope, he can get a good life where he wants to live. And good vlogging bro. Thanks for seeing good things in the Philippines. 🇺🇲♥️🇵🇭👏😊


"Adapt, adapt and adapt" ... "Ya must be humble here." 😉


God Bless Him and You ! this is 100% your best interview BY FAR ! i think this is the first person that REALLY paints the REAL picture in the US. Thank You very much for the Video <3


He is very Honest, I am Filipino, I live here in Los Angeles California, each country have their own culture, you have to adopt to culture wherever you are, Open to your own experiences


He is recognizing and dealing with the reality of the Philippines. Kudos for him.


Rarely click on these kinds of videos. A lot tend to be clickbaity. Some also come a bit condescending. But I feel this guy is both very smart and genuinely a good person.


This man speaks good English. He must be an educated person. Welcome man!


I loved this interview. Maybe your best. He covered many topics. I would add to anyone who visits the Philippines to remember we are guests here. Act accordingly. I agree with most everything he said.


I spent a month in the phillipines with my family and the people truly are warm and friendly there. The country is beautiful and things are cheap if you are converting the american dollar.


This is by far my favorite interview you have done with an expat.. This man was just bringing the facts to this video… You did an amazing job allowing him to just go on and a bit at a time helping him along.. Keep doing these great interviews and I’ll keep watching 😊


It's really sad but America is becoming a 2 class society. I live in Texas, my wife and I are both retired. Our retirement income is more than our working neighbors. Our mortgage is $1100 on a house now valued at $500k, we paid $180k 17yrs ago, rolled equity from a previous home into it. Our property taxas and insurance is half of our monthly note. Our neighbor is over close to $4k on a similar size home. Last night my wife wanted Chick-fil-A so I go inside. There are grandma's and grandpa's working in the restaurant definitely older than me, I'm thinking how is this OK. I did talk to one as I'm waiting and his story was he worked 30 yrs for a company that paid low wages and offered no benefits so when he was forced out SSI was all he had to live on and it wasn't enough. He also said the money he makes at Chick-fil-A is the most he's ever made in his life.


Love this guy. He has more understanding and insight into the culture than I have seen before, very humbling to listen to. Thank you also for allowing him to tell his story and perspective. Great video!


Great video, Spot on conversation. I also am a veteran that enjoys a peaceful spot of the Philippines.