
FROZEN Full Movie 2024: Elsa and Olaf | Kingdom Hearts Action Fantasy 2024 in English (Game Movie)

FROZEN Full Movie 2024: Elsa and Olaf | Kingdom Hearts Action Fantasy 2024 in English (Game Movie). Best Action Game Movies of 2024. Frozen, the epic fantasy story by Disney. New Frozen Theory: Elsa and Olaf. List of characters: Elsa, Anna, Snow Queen, Olaf, Sven, Frozen Heart, Iceman, Kristoff, and Snowman. Kingdom Hearts developed by SQUARE ENIX. Superhero action fantasy animation movies 2024 in English. Disney/Pixar Kingdom Hearts Action Fantasy Games 2024 with All Cutscenes. #frozen #olaf #action

Superhero FXL Games

10 hours ago

The cold never bothered me anyway. It's cold. Donald, give me a coat. My kid doesn't work that way. Guess he's too used to the beach. Hey, islander, what can I say? Huh? Look, even the seas turning to ice. Donald, this isn't your magic, is it? Do you think it's the heartless? Might be. Let's go. Wow. That girl, she looked so sad. I wonder what happened. Maybe the heartless? We should talk to her. Hey, hold up. Why are you here? Where did you come from? Hi, I'm Sora and I. I'm from, let's just sa
y, some place a little warmer. Huh? I'm goofy. Are you visiting Arendelle for the coronation? You got us. So, what's your name? Elsa. Queen Elsa of Arendelle. What? The queen? You shouldn't be out here. Please go back to the village. Why? Your majesty, you look like you could use a friend. Don't you want to talk? Please leave. I need to be alone. I don't want to hurt anyone. Oh, is it that bad? You must have been through a lot. Don't we? Sure, adventure is fun but it definitely has its ups and d
owns. When the going gets tough, us friends have to stick together. Exactly. Although, Donald, you do lose your temper a lot so I can relate to wanting some alone time. What? I don't do that. Enough. Elsa, did you? The heartless. Don't worry, we got him. Take cover. Are you okay? I I'm sorry I was so upset. Thank you for your help. Look out. That's amazing. You can control ice. Control it. No, all I ever do is hurt people. It's okay. Those were just the heartless. You said that word before. What
are they? Monsters that are after people's hearts. Wherever they go, there's trouble. They're after people's hearts. Yes, they're dangerous. You should head home it gets any worse. This is my home now. I can't go back. I don't want to hurt anyone. Arendelle is safer with me staying up here. Not safer for you. Please, go away. Elsa. Oh, don't worry. She'll be okay. Seems like she's pretty strong. She wants to be a dude. I hear you but I just wanted to know why she was so sad. And how is it any o
f your business? Who? Read the room, kiddo. Who are you? That's the organization code. You knew? Excuse me? Oh yeah, you forgot. The name's Larksine. This time remember, and we'll take care of Elsa. So don't you worry. Uh, Well, she seems to think she knows us so maybe we should play along. Not unless her name is Tara. Excuse me, I'm right here. Oh, Why are you after Elsa? No one's going to hurt her but we're not about to put up with your meddling. Stay here and behave yourself. Wait, the ice. I
t's going to wall us in. Ice is so not my style. Loxtine. Anybody see a way out? No, not me. Well, we can't stay in here. Elsa's in real trouble now. Yeah. Arxine promised not to hurt her but I trust those guys as far as I can throw em. No good. Clearly. Wow. I don't know what we just saw but wow. Please don't tell me that you're spying on her now. Larksine. Don't turn this around on us. You're following her. Ooh, look at you get all sassy. Okay, I'll admit, Elsa is a person of interest to us. M
aybe she's one of the seven pure lights we need. The new seven hearts. Gotta make sure though. Fortunately, we're in the best position to tell. Can't pick out that special glimmer unless you stand in the shadows. And maybe Elsa doesn't have it. I mean, just look how icy her palace is, made of magic she forced herself to keep hidden until now. What if it's dark magic? Elsa would never rely on the darkness. Actually, it's still too early to call. Depends on how she sees it. If she believes her mag
ic is darkness, that's what it will become. Accepting her whatever it is is the only way she can set her heart free. So what will Elsa accept? Light or darkness? I know I want to know. Well, good for you but guess what? I won't let her fall to darkness. It's her choice to make, not yours. You know, I'm starting to understand why she gave you the cold shoulder. Oh. Are seen that You want to help her? Then stop trying to be her hero. Let her figure things out her own way. You got a room. Yeah. Don
ald, Goofy, are you okay? I'm okay. All good. I think we should probably go check on Elsa. And make sure Larksine was wrong about her magic. Yeah. But don't you tell her what Larksine said. Huh? Why not? Well, to keep the order. Yeah, order. Oh, okay. Wait, fellas. Do you hear that? Huh? What? Climb a boar. Right. Here we go. Flow. Oh. Okay. Silly spiky grass. Give me back my foot. Was that a snowman? Did you see that snowman? Snowman? Yeah and here's the funny thing. He was walking and talking.
Huh? Everybody knows snowman's at work. You must have imagined that. Thought he was real. Well, maybe we'll see him again but if we don't get going, we'll never reach Elsa's palace. Oh, right. I almost forgot. Come on. Oh, I can't wait to meet Elsa. I bet she's the nicest, warmest, best person ever. What? See, I told you a walking talking snowman. You're right. I want to look. Nope. You really are alive. What's making you walk? Um well, I guess my feet. Hello. Olaf, are these your friends? Hmm,
nope. Never met him. Don't know anyone blue, green, or who's ugly spiky. Spiky? My hair? Wait, why don't I get a color too? My name is Sora. And I got a duck. Oh, and I'd be Goofy the green. I'm Anna. And I know they're strangers but they seem pretty nice to me. I'm Kristoff and this is Fem. Nice to meet you. So, where are you guys all headed? We're going to try and put an end to this crazy winter. And to do that, we need to find my sister Elsa. Elsa's, your sister? What a coincidence? We're go
ing to see her too. Huh? You know Elsa? Yeah, we ran into her up the mountain. Um do you mind telling us what's going on around here? Where were We think your sister might be in some trouble. Trouble? Are you sure? Alright, I know we just met but Sora, was it? I get the feeling that you're someone to trust. I'm right there with you. I just hope you like long stories. Sure. You know, I should go find some moss for Sven. He's looking a little hungry. Come on, Sven. Hey? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wai
t, what's going on? Tell me, is something happening? Come on, Olaf. You're with me. Sure, Sven. Reindeer Sven too? The reindeer is Sven. Oh, how fun. When we were little, my sister and I used to be really close. I shouldn't have upset her the way I did. Elsa ran away because she was frightened. I have to bring her home. I'm sure she knows how much you love her. If anyone can help her, it's you. Huh? Thanks. Hey, guys. I need some help. What's the problem? This. Hmm. A stick problem? It's not a s
tick. Well, it is a stick but it it it's Olaf's arm. He's falling apart again. That hurt? Uh how come you're not upset? Oh, it's no big deal. He's a snowman. We'll just put him back together. Really? You can do that? Well, I to see this. I caught them. Great job, Sora. A question. When did you get so small and tiny? Actually Olaf, it's more that you're really big now. You're right. What a great view. Hmm, I think we did it wrong. Oh, but I like being tall. Keep looking. And that should do it. Yo
u sure something's not missing? Nah, looks right. Wow. I feel so much better. Wait, where's my cute new nose? The one Anna gave me. Uh Sora, do you have his nose? I don't think so. No, didn't see it. Oh, Stand. Someone had to pick it up. You're right, buddy. Thanks for finding it and not actually eating it. Oh, you're welcome. My nose, it's back. Oh, I love having a nose. Hey, Kristoff. How'd all this happen anyway? You know, I'm not sure. These weird animals. Well, they were more like monsters.
They just crashed into Olaf. Oh, I knew it. Wash a Yeah, the heartless. And I thought the wolves around here were bad. Christophe, look. They're back. No, I've already fallen apart today. We know how to handle them. Anna, Kristoff, keep going. Okay. Wait, what? You kind of set off an eternal winter? Everywhere. Everywhere? Well, it's okay you can just unfreeze it. No, I can't. I don't know how. Sure you can. I know you can. Anna and the others must have gone inside. Are you hurt? No, I'm fine b
ut I think something terrible must have happened. I hope our friends are okay. Stop. Put Go away. Whoa. Heads up. Watch out for my butt. Hey, it is not nice to throw whoa whoa feisty pants. Look at that. Relax. Just calm down. Calm down. Okay, alright. Let the snowman be. I'm calm. Oh, come on. Oh, see. Now, you made him mad. I'll distract him. You guys go. No, no, not you guys. This just got a whole lot harder. We can buy you some time. It will. Eat. Where's Goofy? Huh? Hey, Soro. I got an idea
. What are you doing? Oh, that's perfect. Get ready. Okay, now. Well, hello. Alright. Oh. Oh, yeah. Bring it Snowball. What? Good things snow so soft. We could do this 100 times. What's that? You sure you don't want to go again? Oh, thank you. Do you think everybody else made it? I don't think the snow monster got him. Dad probably went back to the palace. Make sense? For us too. We still need to talk to Elsa. Second time's the charm. Yeah, back to the ice palace. Hm? That's Elsa. Who's that guy
? It could be somebody from Herrondale who came up here to help her. Don't think so. That doesn't look like help to me. Darkness? Hmm, let's move. Him again? Hey, you better not have hurt our friends. Alpha. Hey, wait up. Are you looking for Elsa too? Easy. Do you want to save her from the bad guy? We're on the same side. Elsa. I guess all he ever wanted to do was keep Elsa safe. Hey, we should team up big guy. Come on. We want to help her too. Why not? So, what do you say? One great thing about
Sora, he can always make friends with anybody. Yippee. Donald, Goofy. Come on. Stop it. Put me down. That's Kristoff. Do me a favor and wait here. If you come along, Kristoff might freak out. Yeah. No, Sven. We're not going back. She's with her true love. Kristoff. Sora, you alright? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm glad you guys are safe. Where'd Anna go? She's back at home. Huh? Something happened? Anna was struck in the heart by Elsa's ice magic. If the ice isn't removed, she'll freeze forever. Only an a
ct of true love can thaw a frozen heart. So, I took her back to Arendelle and her true love, Hans. What about you? Hmm? What about me? I sort of assumed you guys were no. I just keep her from getting lost. Really? Oh, but you seem so perfect together. Yeah, won't be a daisy. What? Anna. Oh. Oh. Elsa. Is that where Elsa is? Elsa and Anna might both need our help. Let's go. Okay, guys. The storms died down. Gorge. I hope Anna and Elsa are okay. Hurry. Kristoff? Anna. Elsa. Elsa, Anna. Anna. Boss.
What? Do you really think this will help Anna? I don't know but we better try something. Grandad. No. Oh. Oh. What? So, love has filled both their hearts with light. Larksine. Two in one world definitely didn't see that coming. First, Marlucia, now you. What is this all about? Oh, I see. So, you bumped into Marusha. Then, why am I explaining this again? I told you before, the new seven hearts. If you mess up and don't find your seven guardians of light, we're going to need another group to fall
back on. Leave innocent people out of it. Oh, look at this tough guy, such a big boy now. Well, maybe you should do your job and find the other guardians of light. Please, like you found your thirteen. The king said you're one seeker of darkness short. Oh no, we're set. Grill. Uh. They have all thirteen? Then, if we don't find our seven, they'll go after Elsa and Anna. It'll be okay. They're strong. You're right. They have each other. Anna. Oh, Elsa. You've sacrificed yourself for me. I love you
. An act of true love will fall frozen heart. Will thaw. Love. Elsa, of course. Love. Ah. We have discussed this before, Sora. Hmm. Your mark of mastery exam was conducted in the hopes you would acquire the power to wake them. However, the darkness nearly took control of you and your grasp of your new abilities leaves much to be desired. Oh, Furthermore, Zayomor nearly made you his vessel and in the process stripped you of most of the power you had gained by then. I suspect you have already noti
ced this, correct? But first, you must regain all the strength you have lost. Perhaps, it is foolish to expect a complete recovery but it is absolutely vital you perfect one power, the power of waking which you failed master during your exam. There's someone who lost his strength and found it again, a true hero to whom you ought to pay a visit. Perhaps, he can point you in the right direction. Got it. Hmm. You can count on us to take care of Sora. I would have it no other way. I put Sora in your
hands. I don't forget. We'll keep an eye on you. Oh, this is going to be lots of fun. It's not a vacation. Let's go. Down on us. How are we supposed to get there now? I thought you knew. Looks like all the old highways are closed. Didn't master Yen Sid say that Sora should trust the guidance his heart gives? Come on, Sora. Which way? Um Hi, would you get serious? Give me a break. I'm trying. These things take time. Well, since we've already been before, why don't you try picturing our friends l
ike we're there? Sorry, I got nothing. What did you expect? May your heart be your guiding key. Huh? What's that? Master Yin said always said that. Right before we went off on any of our real important adventures. Really? Ring a bell? Maybe I just imagined it. May my heart be my guiding key. I got it. Alright. Olympus Coliseum, here we come.
