
FULL AI SEO Tutorial (2023) - How To Start A Profitable Blog (Step-By-Step)

Learn More: | πŸ‘‡ Recommended Tools πŸ‘‡ ===== πŸ–₯️ Domain & Hosting πŸ–₯️ ===== 🌐 Namecheap – Get Cheap Domain Names - 🍯 Honey Chrome Extension – Find Deals & Coupons For Free - πŸ–₯️ Bluehost – Best Inexpensive Hosting For Bloggers - ☁️ Cloudways – Advanced, Optimized WordPress Cloud Hosting - ===== πŸ”Œ WordPress Plugins πŸ”Œ ===== πŸ”Ž Rank Math SEO - Free SEO Optimization Plugin - πŸ€– Short Pixel - Free Image Optimization Plugin - 🌡 Lasso - ===== πŸ”‘ Keyword Research ===== πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Surfer SEO - AI SEO Research Tool - πŸ” Ahrefs – The #1 SEO & Keyword Research Tool - πŸ” Semrush – Similar to Ahrefs, Also In-Depth SEO & Keyword Research Tool - πŸ”‘ Keysearch – Best Budget Option - πŸ”‘ Mangools KWFinder - πŸ“Ί VidIQ – Youtube Keyword Research Tool - ===== πŸ€– AI Writing Assistants ✍️ ===== πŸ€– Jasper AI - ===== πŸŽ“ SEO Courses ===== SEO Affiliate Domination - Mass Rank Mastery - In this video I show you step by step how to start a profitable blog with AI and SEO in 2023. This is a great tutorial for beginners on how to start a blog and how to make money with affiliate marketing, or personal brand building, and SEO. πŸ•¦ Timestamps & Notes πŸ•¦ 0:00 - Intro 2:54 - Mass Page Theory 6:48 - Topical Authority 9:18 - SEO Avalanche Theory 11:52- How To Set Up Your Site 23:38- Keyword Research 27:00 - Keyword Library Example 31:03 - Youtube Research Method 38:00 - Ahrefs Methods 39:00 - Easy Peasy Keyword Method 40:32 - Reverse Engineering Method 41:15 - Questions Method 46:24 - Surfer SEO Method 49:00 - Publish Your Ideas Method 52:46 - Answer Your Own Questions Method 56:00 - Writing With AI 57:00 - Method 1 - Writing With Bots 1:00:01 - Just Enough AI Concept 1:02:01 - Jasper AI 1:05:01 - Jasper AI Chrome Extension 1:06:01 - Jasper & Surfer Combo 1:07:01 - Writing With AI Demonstration 1:12:01 - Youtube Method Writing Demonstration 1:14:01 - Surfer SEO Topical Clusters Demonstration 3:20 - Bonus Features

The Nomad Brad

11 months ago

All right. Welcome to blogging with bots. So let's cover the blogging with Bots Method. So it's not gonna be exactly traditional seo. It's kind of a combination of strategies that I've learned and applied that I have found work really well together. I. And one of the biggest things that if you're like me, you can breathe a sigh of relief is it's not based on any backlinks. So you don't need any backlinks to get traffic. You know, go to other SEO experts for backlinks. I honestly have never built
a backlink, so I dunno how to do it that well. And maybe this will change in the future, but for now, don't even worry about back links. And the other thing that is, Going to be different than a lot of SEO advice is to start with easy to rank keywords first. I think that as a beginner to intermediate, it's really important to actually see the rewards of your effort, especially with seo, because it can take a long time if you don't choose the right keywords to see any traction at all, and that c
an be really discouraging. So for people who are just getting started with SEO or even intermediate like I would consider myself, it can just be really important to start with those. Easy to rank keywords first, and so you can see that it's actually working and actually happening so that you can see, oh, all I have to do is just keep doing this and keep doing more of it, and it's gonna get, you know, it's gonna build more and more traffic over time. So it's gonna be focused on kind of quick wins
. Easy wins. So what are the goals in this method? The number one goal is to. Well get traffic, obviously, but we're gonna do that by achieving topical authority as quickly as possible. So I'll explain more of what that means. You've probably heard of it if you've looked at any SEO recently, but basically it's the idea of just getting a. Getting Google to recognize you as a source of information for a particular topic, and it's not that hard to achieve. A lot of people make it seem really hard,
but it's not that hard. So that's gonna be the overall strategy, and we're gonna have a variety of methods to get that done. The other goal is to publish content as quickly as possible, and the two goals are gonna feed into each other, but this is gonna be. A really specific method for being able to publish content quickly with very little effort, and without having to outsource it to any other people or manage a team or anything like that. I'm a solopreneur. I like to work alone, and so I need
methods that. You know, leverage technology and software to be able to help us publish as fast as possible. So those are the two goals, is achieving topical authority as quickly as possible and publishing content as quickly as possible, but in a way that is going to be sustainable and be seen as legitimate content from Google so that you can have long-term sustainability as well. All right. Welcome to module one, where we're gonna talk about how to get SEO traffic fast with no authority or back
links. And we're gonna start by talking about something called mass page theory. Mass page theory is something that, I'm not sure exactly who created it, but I learned it from these two guys. Greg Jeffries, who has. An awesome course named SEO Affiliate Domination, and Kevin Holloman, who is a student of Greg's, who created his own really great course called Master Rank Mastery. I highly recommend you check both of them out. I'll have links below, but that's where I learned mass page theory and.
It has worked really well. Let me explain a little bit more of what that is and how it's different than traditional seo. So basically, mass page theory says that the more keywords you rank for, the faster you grow and the more money you make. And here you can see basically, As you rank for more keywords, you're gonna get more traffic, more authority, more clicks, and more revenue, especially if you're doing affiliate marketing. And the way that you do this, instead of the traditional SEO method
of finding like one keyword that is perfect and optimizing and spending a long time creating content for that one keyword, you're going to. Just try to rank for as many keywords as possible, as fast as possible. So you're gonna do that by finding lots of long tail keywords. Those are keywords that are usually less competitive, and they may have a smaller amount of traffic, but in this method, it doesn't matter because your goal is not to optimize for each one of those keywords. It's to get. Som
ething ranked on your website by Google for as many of those keywords as possible. And if all those keywords are re related to the same topic, then it doesn't matter if you only get a couple clicks from each one. If you add them all up in aggregate, it ends up being hundreds or thousands of clicks. And that is enough to make money with affiliate marketing especially, it's enough to get traffic for ads. It's enough to get traffic to your blog and get email signups. So each one of those. As long a
s it doesn't take you a long time to create the content, and that's where we're gonna come into using AI and bots and stuff. As long as it doesn't create you, take you a long time to create the content, then it doesn't matter. Then you can continue with this plan of trying to rank for as many as possible. So each keyword in this strategy gives you. That you end up ranking for and you don't know which one Google's gonna rank you for, and that's key to those two. Each keyword gives you a small tra
ffic drip, and the faster you make content, the faster you get traffic drips. And the thing is that a lot of traffic drips add up to a big traffic flood. And again, the faster you get those traffic drips, the faster the flood can happen. So the goal. With mass page theory and the way that we're gonna specifically apply it, so both Kevin and Greg have different methods for applying mass page theory. Other people have their own methods as well. And I have my own methods. I've tried a bunch of them
, and I'm gonna teach you the one that I think is best for creating content that's gonna work long term and also can be made quickly. So the goal in this. Method is to get as many keywords on your site with good quality content as possible, as fast as possible. And again, the faster you get those little drips of traffic, then the faster you'll also get authority, which helps long term. And you're gonna get to topical authority, which we're gonna talk about in an upcoming module. And the faster y
ou're gonna get traffic and sales. So another key piece of this system is a theory called topical authority. Now, I first learned about this from Kyle Roof. He is really well regarded SEO expert, and, and basically what I learned from Kyle is that the, again, that same idea that I learned from mass page theory, which is that the more key words that you rank for, then the more you are seen as an authority. And the goal is to become. Seen as a topical authority, meaning an authority in your partic
ular topic by Google. And the way that you do that is just by creating a lot of content about a particular topic. And a really good example of this is Wikipedia. If you look at any particular topic on Wikipedia, you can see like how it links out to things that are similar to that term or that topic. And you can see. The topical authority sort of in a list form. Another great tool to understand topical authority is answer the public, and this is better at seeing it visually. So you can see here.
If we're looking at Python, a search engine is going to know some and then want to discover what topics are about. And so it will look for things like this, like, will Python be replaced? Will Python replace Java? Will Python ever last? And the more of these things that you can cover, the more the search engine will be able to see like, oh, these are all about the same topic, just like on a Wikipedia page. Like this stuff is all related to the same topic. And the more of that you can have on you
r blog. Then the faster Google can see it as a topical authority. And the more you're gonna get traffic and then you're going to get more credibility and Google will continue to like your site more and more. And the way to do this is through volume, which basically the simple equation is more articles equals more authority. So the more articles that you publish about a particular topic, the more authority you will have according to Google and Bing the other. Part of this is speed. So the faster
you make articles about that one topic and you keep it focused on that topic, then the faster the Google, Google and the search, other search engines are going to give you authority for that topic as well. So that's topical authority in its simplest form. And just keep those things in mind that the more articles you publish about a particular topic, the more authoritative you'll be. And the faster you publish articles, the faster you'll become an authority in that topic. And. Lastly, the more fo
cused you know, then the faster you'll become an authority on that topic as well. All right. Another theory in this method is called the a SEO Avalanche theory, which is again, how to rank with no resources, and I learned this from. Kyle Roof again, but it originally came from the Builder Society Forum, sometimes known as bus. You can see the original link here, and I'll put a link below as well to the original post. But basically, SEO avalanche theory is again, a method for ranking when you don
't have money for lots of, you know, paying writers or to, to get back links and stuff. So here is essentially the avalanche theory is that Google will. Assign you a rank based on how many keywords you rank for and how highly you rank for those things and, and stuff. And it roughly correlates with how much traffic you get per day or per month. It, it doesn't matter. It's not the specific numbers, it's the correlation. So I. In theory, when you get zero to 10 visitors per day or per month, then G
oogle has you at level zero and it's going to put you in the running for ranking for keywords that are a level zero of difficulty. And when you have 10 to 20 per day or per month, then you're gonna be at a level 10 and it will consider you for level 10 difficulty, keywords and so forth. So the best way to get traffic, the easiest and fastest is to start. At level zero and rank for as many level zero keywords as you can, and then level 10, and then level 2050 and so forth. And that's why it's cal
led an avalanche because you start small with a small snowball and it keeps growing and growing and growing and eventually you just keep building your traffic more and more. So yeah, the the essential idea is that you have a traffic tier, especially when you're starting out with a brand new domain. And Google gives you traffic based on your tier. The tier is how much traffic you're currently getting, and keywords are gonna be rewarded to sites that are on that tier. So how do you move up in tier
? You move up in tier by ranking for more keywords. Pretty simple. How do you rank for more keywords? You rank for more keywords by creating more content. Again, we're talking volume and you know, quality and quantity. Again, we're talking quantity to start getting initial rankings and then go work back and work on quality later. You rank faster by creating content faster. It's the same theme. You get more by creating more. You get faster by creating faster, and every avalanche starts with a sno
wball. So you're gonna start with low competition keywords. You're gonna start by finding low competition, easy keywords, and then build up from there. As you rank for more easy keywords, then you're gonna move up in tier. All right, so let's talk about how to set up your site. I'm gonna keep it pretty simple here. Assume you know most of the basics, but I'm gonna recommend that you buy your domain name on name, cheap, and as the name suggests, I've found it to be the cheapest place to get domai
ns. Typically, I've got like hundreds of domains through them. They're a great company. A lot of their products are really awesome. But yeah, for domains, I just think they're the easiest. And then to save a little extra money, I would recommend you get the HONEY app, which is a free Chrome extension. And as you can see here, almost every time that I try to B buy domains, honey will just automatically it, it just sits in the background while you're browsing the internet, and it'll look for coupo
ns and discount discounts for. Things on that webpage, so on name cheap. It does a really good job of almost every time having like 10, 15, sometimes 20% off the total price. So in combination, that's how I would recommend getting your domain. So you can check those out from affiliate, affiliate links down below here. As far as what you should start with for your domain, I'd say if you don't know exactly what niche you're gonna be writing, creating content for whatever you don't know, what. To s
tart with, just start with your That's like the best place to start. You can o obviously do sort of a pen name or a brand name sort of thing like I do with the nomad as well. But just pick something that's around your name and don't worry about having it be a specific niche. You can, I'm debating right now whether I wanna say niche or niche, but my Midwest side is gonna go with niche, so we're gonna go with niche and so. Even if you don't know. Oh yeah. Don't worry about choos
ing a specific niche right now because the methods that we're gonna be talking about, you're gonna be able to be fluid with your niche and move into different ones as you progress, as you decide, test things, see what works, see what you're interested in, what you want to keep a developing content for. So again, if you know what you wanna do, go ahead and pick something else, but. I say, just start with your And as far as hosting goes, I'm gonna recommend two different things depending
on whether you are sort of a beginner to a lot of this online tech stuff, or if you're a little more advanced, particularly if you understand some more advanced things about servers and what WordPress and you want to. Save a little extra and get some other, you know, kind of big tech bonuses. So for a starter, I'm gonna recommend Blue Host. This is hotly debated online, but I've been using Blue Host since like 2009, and I've got a bunch of different sites on there. I've had at least one site on
there since 2009. So they're a great company. They recently started acquiring cool WordPress companies as well, so they're getting better and better at WordPress. So I would just start with Blue Host so you can get the. 3 95 a month from one of the links below. If you want, obviously you can pursue some other hosting solutions if you already know about that. The other one I wanna bring up is one that not as many people know, it's called Cloud Ways, and it's kind of a more advanced sort of cloud
platform, but they do specialize in WordPress and I've been using them for a while. And if you're gonna build a lot of sites, Then you can get some say, OP operational agencies from working with Cloud ways. And a lot of times you can actually reduce your costs. And so basically start with Blue Host. And if you're more advanced and you already have a lot of traffic, I would look into cloud ways and see if it's a good option for you. So if you sign up for either of them from my affiliate link on
this page, then you can go ahead and contact me. Let me know and I will, yeah, we can jump on a call and I'll, I'll help you set up either one, you know, get your website set up just like a one time call for either one. Just as a thank you for, you know, using my affiliate link. And honestly, both of these companies I think are great Blue host. You'll hear a lot of people say, you know, things about page speed and stuff, but I wouldn't worry about that until you start getting lots of traffic. Th
en you can have a conversation of do you wanna upgrade your Blue host or do you wanna transfer over to Cloud Ways? And again, if you sign up for one or the other and you wanna know how to transfer things over, I can help you with that too. But yeah, so that, that's my opinion on, on hosting. I usually go with one or the other, depending on what I'm looking to do with the site. Cloud Ways is kind of like my portfolio, long, long term hosting solution. So we're also gonna talk about our WordPress
setup. We're gonna be using WordPress. It's just the best. It's free. And then as far as. A WordPress theme goes, then I'm going to recommend Cadence. WP, or just Cadence? It is free. I think that it looks really beautiful. It looks very clean and modern. They are owned by Liquid Web, another great hosting company, and so they're very, they're constantly doing updates. They're constantly working on their design on their. Backend optimize. A lot of these themes you'll get from like theme forest o
r something like that. They're just kind of cobbled together by somebody. And I've made this mistake before when I first got into blogging many years ago, I bought a custom theme that looked beautiful, but you know, that person probably built that from their dorm room or something. And that was 10 years ago. And now it's just like they're not supporting it anymore. And when you go with something like Cadence, you're gonna constantly be tapped into the most modern sort of design trends and tech t
rends and everything. So I really like it. I, again, it's free. I would just go with that if you don't know. Another theme that you want to use. So let's do a quick overview of WordPress plugins. I'm gonna recommend here too, and for SEO plugins, you might have heard a lot of 'em. I've tried, I think all of them, and at this point I'm pretty set that rank Math is the best. Again, it's getting a lot of funding, it's getting a lot of activity. And it's my recommendation. It does everything that yo
u need and more with seo. And yeah, I just think it's the most modern solution, particularly over Yost in my opinion. And it's got really great on page SEO stuff. Getting your site map set up is very easy, so I would definitely recommend rank bath. And then for image optimization, I try to keep my sites very lean in general and install as few plugins. As possible. But I do think, generally speaking, this is a, a pretty normal beginner mistake that I've made many times is, you know, WordPress has
this really great interface for uploading images, but then you don't really realize that it usually inserts the full size image into your blog. And this can be a cause for slow page speeds and just general kind of bloat on your. Server and so that can start causing some problems with your hosting provider and stuff like that. So I recommend you go ahead and get started with an image optimizer right out of the gate. So basically this program, short Pits pixel. It's free for up to a hundred image
s a month for any images that you add to your blog. And again, this is gonna save you a lot of space on your server, and it's going to make your pages load faster, which can be a ranking factor sometimes. And it's easy to set up and again, it runs in the background once you get it installed. So I would recommend that I've used some other solutions too. They're, they're all pretty good, but I really like short pixel now for. Link Manager. This is a kind of new solution as of the time that I'm mak
ing this, but it is genuine, general, genuinely my favorite plugin for affiliate marketing ever. It is really amazing. It does things that I've wished plugins could do for a long time, and it does them all beautifully. It's a new company. I've seen the, the owner talk on some podcasts and stuff. He's very excited about this. He's a very successful affiliate marketer in his own right, and he's kind of just built building in the features that he wished existed when he was building all of his niche
sites and affiliate sites that were very successful. He's just putting them into this plugin, and so if you're familiar with the plugin, like. Pretty links or thirsty affiliates. This is basically a replacement for that, but it's also a lot more now. Those plugins are free and I've used them in the past. They're definitely good enough, but the difference between something that's good enough and something that's really beautifully designed can be. Everything when you're doing a business like thi
s, because when I see a display like that, so it does link management, right? So it, it does link cloaking as they say, which is taking like a long, ugly affiliate link with a lot of numbers and random letters and stuff and making it short and pretty. So an example would be, you know, a hop link from ClickBank would be like, whatever, a bunch of random characters, and then this plugin will turn it into the nomad Affiliate product. And then when people are either looking at your links
on your, your blog articles or wherever they see your links, they're just gonna see the nomad product instead of the, no, you know, 7 5 3 2, bank, dot hop dot, whatever. So you're gonna want this anyways. And I just recommend Lasso it is paid and they don't have a free version. But personally, I think it's worth it if you're really serious about doing this. But if you, you know, The other thing that it does really beautifully is these comparison table, and it also
manages everything on the backend in a really nice way. It makes it searchable. You can find your links really easily and it's integrated with Google Analytics. It tracks click stats, which nothing else really does very well. Or if they do it, they do it in a really sloppy way in the database. So anyways, I highly recommend you get a, so, As well, and as with all these products, if possible, I have an affiliate link below if you want to help me out by getting it through that, I would appreciate
it. Now, for building pages generally I'm just gonna recommend that we use the built-in Gutenberg editor in WordPress just because it's faster and I think it does a good enough job for almost everything. For, so for most blog posts, I'm just gonna use the basic WordPress editor. And however, sometimes you're gonna want to build special pages, like landing pages, or you want to make a template page for certain types of posts. Or if you just wanna take a particular post. If you get a post that's,
you know, getting a lot of traffic, you might just want to kind of take it to the next level. And for that, I recommend Elementor. It's used by over 5 million people. It's got tons of additional plugins that are being built for it all the time to extend it's capabilities. There's tons of support. They have a really great website with a huge data, but huge knowledge base of support. They also have a huge YouTube channel where there's tutorials on just about everything, so it's a drag and drop bui
lder. If you're familiar with something like ClickFunnels or Optimized Press or something like that, it's very familiar. It. You know, feels very familiar to that. And there's just almost infinite op. So if you wanna build really beautiful pages quickly and easily with drag and drop, then I recommend Elementor and, and nothing else really. You don't wanna install a whole bunch of page builders if you can avoid it. I have done that. It's okay, but you generally don't wanna do that. So I either do
. Elementor or the Built-in Gutenberg editor, and I'll show you how to use either of those. So that is the website setup stuff, and I trust that if you're watching this, you probably know how to get all that stuff set up on your own. But if you need any help, you know you can reach out through the contact form on this page. All right. Now we're gonna get into the process and we're gonna start by talking about keyword research. And the idea that I want to convey to you is, Something that helped m
e out a lot in particularly having a D H D was, you know, not having to reinvent my time spent. You know, whenever I get interested in a topic and I go down a research rabbit hole and I do some keyword research, a lot of times I kept having to do research on the same products, the same niche, whatever, over and over and over. And I realize that if I just saved every time I pull keywords from a tool, then I should just save it in one central place. So I'm gonna show you a couple different ways to
do that. The most basic way is just keeping one, you know, big folder on your. Computer, or I like to use Dropbox as well, just so that it gets synced up to, you know, everything, it gets backed up and everything like that. But the idea is that you're gonna keep a keyword library, so you only have to pull keyword research, you know, once for a particular keyword or topic instead of having to do it over and over and over. And this is gonna save you a lot of time in the future and it's gonna help
you. You know, the more you start building this library, you're gonna get smarter. And have better ideas and you're gonna, you know, see a lot of trends and you're gonna start just noticing patterns and things that you might not have noticed before if you were always having to go back to the tool, pull the keywords again. So you're gonna build a keyword library for the topics that you wanna create content about. And I think of this as my treasure trove of keywords. This is where, you know the m
oney is gonna come from, is doing keyword research, finding keywords. And then creating content, you and your AI co-pilot working together, and that's eventually what's gonna get you traffic, that's gonna get you clicks on affiliate links or impressions and clicks on ads, whatever. So this is really important to have a keyword library. So treasure it. This is where all of your great ideas are gonna go and where all of your good content is gonna come from. So, You also want to use, I recommend, s
o you wanna have a central folder where you store all of your keywords in their raw form, right? Like in a CSV or spreadsheet. And that's good to have just to know like, did I already research this thing? Particularly if you have, you know, like adhd, like I do, then that kind of stuff could get really hard to keep track of. So, you know, I just put it, put 'em all, each topic or product or whatever that I'd research, I put it in a folder in my Dropbox. But there's a separate system that I'll re
commend and I'll show you some examples. Of having a, either a Google sheet or a Notion database where you also keep track of, okay, not only have I already researched this keyword and it's in my sheet, but then keeping track of, did I turn this keyword into content yet? And that's gonna be really important too. So you're not wasting time inventing these things. You're not going like, oh, I should write a key. I should write a post about, you know, best time to use. Dropbox or whatever. When you
go to check your spreadsheet or your Notion database, you see, oh, I actually already created that a long time ago, and you won't have to log into your WordPress site and do a search and all that stuff. So I think it's also important to keep track of a record of. Which keywords you've already turned into content into new blog posts. So again, I'm gonna recommend two different ways of doing this. One is using notion if you're a little more technically savvy, maybe like a developer type backgroun
d or a designer. It's also very aesthetically pleasing. It's kind of like both really technical and also really beautiful and elegant. However, I per particularly found it kind of hard to learn how to use. It's, it's can be kind of overwhelming to learn how to use. So you, if you already know how to use it, I'd recommend you go with notion for this. But if you don't, and also if you're just more comfortable with more, you know, traditional method, then I would go with Google Sheets and I'll show
you some examples of what that looks like. But yeah, just build a simple Google sheet or notion database where you keep track of the keywords that you've researched and you also keep track of which of those you've turned into content. So that's the keyword library idea, and I'll show you examples. All right, so I'm gonna show you a few different examples of something like this, like a, a master spreadsheet for each keyword. So this is again, using Blue Host as our term here. We've got all of ou
r keywords that we pulled from. Keyword Explorer, and I'm gonna cover that more in one of the upcoming modules. But once you have your keywords, then you put it in here. And importantly, this tells you whether or not you've already published this to your blog. So once you create a, you know how to upgrade blue house plan, you just check it off and then you don't have to keep going back to your website and figuring out, did I actually create this yet or not, or trying to remember, or anything lik
e that. So this is the Google Sheets version. Of course, Google Sheets is free. This is another version of the same idea, but using a different keyword method that I'm gonna cover in an upcoming module as well, using the YouTube keyword method. And this is the notion version, at least my. My version and you know, so again, you can just kind of keep this database here. And as you create content for each of the keywords that you want, you just check it off in a checkbox. And the way that you add a
checkbox too, in notion, is you just go over here and you'll say checkbox, and then you name it. I always just name it published just to let myself know. And then, and then you can move that up here. To wherever you want it so you can figure out how to use notion. It's, yeah, again, it can be really simple or really complex depending on your. Dispositions and skillset, but I love Google Sheets too. It's very organized, very clean. There's a ton of things you can do as far as formulas you can ma
ke to process the data and everything. But this is the basic like keyword library. So your keywords basically live in your folder library. And this is just a simple example of one of my folders that I would have in my master library just for Blue Host. So anytime I go and pull different types of keywords, From different tools or at different times. Then I'm gonna put them, I'm just gonna store them in their raw form, sort of in a database in my Dropbox folder for just like, for all keywords. And
so then I never have to go into a tool and pull that keyword again. I can see if it, if it's stored on my computer. And then there's the next layer, which is. The sheet or the database, then you move it from the raw form of the CSV into the sheet or database, and then that becomes your new source of truth. That becomes your new content creation. You know, ultimate, yeah. Source of truth. Like you'll, you'll just check your spreadsheet or your notion database to see did I create this content or
not? And it's a good way to keep it organized and make sure you don't have to keep recreating the same work. So this is kind of an efficiency thing. That's what it looks like. And again, you can do all sorts of crazy things. If you're a developer, a programmer, or, or just like good with formulas, I highly recommend you take some time to. Look up, you know how to use these platforms more. See, you can come up with really cool ideas for filtering data, for formatting things, for adding dynamic co
ntent, even linking up with WordPress and doing some magical things through APIs and stuff like that. I'll leave that up to you for your creativity, but yeah, that's the, the keyword library. Okay, so now we're coming to our actual keyword research, and I'm gonna show you some different methods here. The first one we're gonna cover is called the YouTube channel method. I've never seen anybody talk about this, but I've been using it for a, a while to great, to generate really great content. Works
particularly well with the blogging with bots. Methodology where you start with a sort of minimum viable piece of content and then you build it up into something better over time, and you'll see why here in a second. The reason that it works really well is because it's integrating the, the fact that Google owns YouTube and tends to, I learned this from one of my mentors, I'll probably mention him more, Greg Jeffries, that Google loves Google. So he taught me that basically Google is going to wa
nt to rank things that it owns above other things. So it owns YouTube, so it likes YouTube videos. Obviously this isn't a guaranteed thing if it has to choose between two different posts that are, that it sees of equal value and one of them has a YouTube video. That it is relevant to the topic and one doesn't, then it might prefer in a lot of cases, to choose the YouTube video. So I think it's a great place to start with creating content in a lot of ways. And again, it's kind of a method that no
body's ever talked about. So I'll outline it first and then I'll demonstrate it in the next video. But the YouTube channel method is essentially, you're gonna download VI iq. And that is a tool for optimizing YouTube videos and channels. It's does a lot of analytics, it does a lot of trend analysis, stuff like that. I've used it for years for my YouTube channel. So you're gonna get download I, you're gonna download VI IQ and you're gonna find channels in your niche. Niche. Niche and you know, lo
ok for ones that have really well optimized titles for seo. So some channels, you know, they have more like clickbait, like trendy things, those probably aren't gonna work as well. You're gonna look for channels that have great SEO titles and they're sort of informative about a keyword and. And you can draw the videos from that channel as the baseline for a lot of your posts. So I'll show you how that works more in a second. But the basic process is, yeah, you download VI iq, you find a channel
under in your niche, you go to their videos tab, you sort by them most popular, actually, you don't even have to sort because VI IQ is just gonna pull them anyways. But I like to sort them anyways just to get a glance of like, you know, what topics are most important on this channel, which things have gotten the most views? Because if it's an seo, Based channel. The videos are optimized for seo. It's likely that those searches came from either the Google search engine or from YouTube. So it's a
good baseline for what people probably want for that keyword. So then we're gonna download 'em into a csv, and then we're going to upload them into one of our keyword library sheets and use that for a basis for creating content in the future. Okay, so we're on the Blue Host YouTube channel. Just go to YouTube and search for a channel that you think is gonna have good videos, and we go to the videos tab. And again, this is just for my own purposes. Once you have VI IQ installed and integrated int
o your YouTube, it's gonna start showing these extra little buttons and stuff. Lots of cool things. If you're doing. YouTube at all. I highly recommend you use VI iq, but one, the one that we're gonna use here is the CSV export, but real quick, I'll show you generally it just to look through the channel to make sure that. The, the, that some of the videos are, first off, there's 325 videos, so that's pretty good baseline for content. And just make sure that some of them are SEO friendly, so how
to promote a website that they speak to. Keywords that people would search for, right? How to redirect your domain name. Now, a lot of channels that do trendier content, they might have a title of a YouTube video that says, you know, I moved into my new house. Obviously that's not a keyword that you're ever gonna be able to create content for that's gonna rank. They're, people are watching that because they know the channel creator or whatever, they're curious. So this is a different game, and y
ou're looking for things that people would search on search engines, and that's where you're going to use these videos. So that is not a good video. Blue ho blue host in five seconds is the bomb expert, unless people are searching for that video itself. You know, as a case study or something, but all about Blue House, probably not. How to find which database your WordPress install is using. That's probably a good one. So we're gonna download all of them and we're just gonna click that CSV export
and say, export all their videos and FIT IQ is just gonna go ahead and download all of their. Videos and then we're gonna save it to our keyword library in the Dropbox folder, just so it now we, we don't have to ever go in and pull the videos for this channel again, you know, if you exhaust all of the videos on this channel for creating content. For your blog and you want their newest ones, then obviously you could do that. But for the most part, you're probably never even gonna have to do this
ever again because you saved it to your keyword library and you know that it's in there. So anytime in the future you say, did I ever go look up the Blue House Channel for this niche? So now you can save it into the folder for this particular topic. In this case, blue Host. On in your keyword library, a Dropbox folder if you do it that way. And so now it's saved in its raw form, the csv, and then the next. Phase is we're just gonna upload it to either our Google sheets or our Notion database, d
epending on which system you choose to use. Okay? So once you upload it into your system, then you're gonna see this is all of the, the videos that were on that channel sorted by views. So I just went to sort range advanced sorting options, and I, and I sorted by the column that the views are in. In this case, it's k. And then I sort it down. So now it's sorted by view, so you can see which are the most popular videos on the channel. And some of 'em are gonna be a good fit, some of them are not.
But we're going to, you know, say how to install WordPress using Mojo Marketplace. That's, that's a really good keyword. So then we can, I'll show you how to integrate this. Into your writing process. But once you do create the article based on this YouTube video, then you can check it off and say it's published. And now you don't have to wonder again if you already created that in the future. So you can do this over and over again for prominent YouTube channels in your niche, and it's gonna gi
ve you a really great source of starting out your articles with some. You know, some built in kind of keyword, relevance, authority, topical authority that we're gonna talk throughout the course. And, and also if people, if you do rank for that keyword and people come to the page and it's an, it's a keyword that, you know, people want to watch that video, it's fairly likely that they actually will watch the video on your page. And that's gonna be incredible for your on page. Retention, so people
staying on your page longer, which is a good signal to Google. So that's the power of this, this keyword research method. Okay, so the next few methods are going to be involving ifs, and there's several different ways that we're going to use it. Some you may know, some you may not. And of course, this. These methods can be done in any of the keyword tools that are similar to ahs. If you know, I know it's kind of pricey, especially if you're just starting out. So I do think it's the best overall
. If you can't afford it, you know, once you make you start making some money from your blog, then I would highly recommend you get ahs. But in the meantime, I'll list all of the very similar tools below and you can see which one might be the right fit for you. But yeah, they all basically can do these methods, I think so, yeah. Can also be used with sim rush, et cetera. So the first method is that, I'll outline here and then I'll demonstrate later, is the easy peasy keywords method is what I ca
ll it. And basically that is just going after. The easiest keywords in your topic that you're going to build authority in. So to do that in H, we're gonna go to keywords. Then we're just gonna enter the keyword and we're gonna go to matching terms and then change the keyword Difficulty to less than 20. And as my old buddy, Marcus says, he likes to say one of my favorite affiliate YouTube content creators. I learned this. I this idea, I mean, obvi it, it kind of is obvious, but I think it's hard
to know whether it's actually real or not until you try it a lot and you see, okay, this really does work. And I got a lot of confidence in doing that from Marcus. So I'll credit him with the phrase green means Go, which is pretty simple to remember. And. It's not absolute. None of these keywords are absolutely true and accurate. They're all just guessing. They're all kind of, you know, using their own proprietary methods to guess at what Google could or would do. So it's not absolute fact, but
the way that we're creating content fast. We're creating that, again, you know, that snowball of content and we're gonna cover a lot of different keywords and we can write quickly because we're using AI and we're doing it in a certain strategy, something's going to work. And the, the more you start with the green keywords, the better chance you're gonna get to get traffic. Faster to start building that that snowball turns into an avalanche. So the second method here is reverse engineering. And t
o do this, you're basically gonna put in either a domain, like a whole website or just a single page, and see what it ranks for in Google already. And then you can take those keywords that it ranks for and you can create content from that. And if you are just starting out again with the SEO avalanche method, then I would recommend doing that filter again with anything less than 20. So you're gonna go to site Explorer in a trap. So you're gonna put in a domain or a page. And go to organic keyword
s, and then again, just change the keyword. Difficulty to less than 20, and those are gonna be your most likely to rank keywords the fastest to start building out that topical authority. And. Again, according to Marcus, green means go method Number three is questions. So this often gets overlooked, but it's a really, really good way to build topical authority. And so for this one, you're just gonna go to the keywords explorer again. You're gonna enter the keyword that you want to get questions f
or and then click questions. View all and again, if you want, the easiest to rank for the most likely to rank four are the fastest. Change the keyword Difficulty to less than 20. Green means go. So I will show you how to do each of these in the next video. Okay, first, the easy peasy keyword method. So, We've gone to the keywords explorer and we've typed in Blue Host and you, you can see overall Blue Host is a very hard keyword to rank for. Right? That makes sense. It's very popular. It's been a
round forever. All the most you know, the most skilled affiliate marketers and SEOs and stuff have been going after this keyword for a long time. However, just like with any popular keyword, there are still terms that those people don't have time to go after. And so you can see the first, you know, A bunch of keywords that blue host ranks for are really difficult to, to rank for. But if you change the keyword difficulty to 20 or then all of a sudden it's starting to look a lot better. And again,
green means go again. You know, there's no guarantees, there's no, there's nothing that says just because it, just because one of these tools says it's easy to rank for that you're gonna rank for it. But that's where our ability to create content really fast with AI is gonna help us because we can just keep. Casting a wide net and see which ones actually are really easy to ring for. We can build from there and we're gonna start with the, that minimum viable a creative idea, that minimum viable
post, as Adam Enro says, that concept I got from him, it's really valuable is that minimum viable post is just the first version, and then you can see out of those, some of those are gonna rank, especially if you're doing the methods that I'm teaching in here. Some of them are gonna rank, so you can get traffic, you can make money and stuff, and you can also build those posts up to make them better, or you can go find other ones and build them up until they do rank. So it's a very dynamic strate
gy, but this is the easy peasy method. So you just filter by the easy keywords and then click export. And you can see here there's 788, so that's a lot of content. That's a ton of blog articles that you can create. And so then you save it to your keyword library and then turn that into a sheet or a database, and then you can start checking off the ones that you create as you create them. And I'm sure you can see how this is already starting to build that snowball effect. Okay, so now this is the
Reverse engineer method. So this time we're gonna go to Site Explorer and we're gonna type in a domain. And you can see that this domain blue host ranks for 113,000 keywords. So again, a lot of these very hard, you know, basically impossible, you'll never rank for them. But if we filter by same thing. Now we're down to still 24,000 keywords that you should theoretically be able to rank for easier. Now, of course, I mean, look, you know right here you can see that the tools aren't always that ac
curate because you know you're not gonna rank for Blue or Blue Host pricing, but for some reason the tool thinks that's easy, but, That doesn't matter. Don't get tripped up on that. It doesn't have to be perfect accuracy with every single one. The the idea is to get the pattern and the trend, and as you go further and further into that long tail, these are gonna get easier and easier. So the further down in popularity you go with these keywords, the easier they become to rank. All right
, so the next method is the questions method. So again, we're just gonna type in a keyword. Blue host and then up here in ahs, there's this questions button. You just click that and now all of a sudden it's going to filter for what questions are people asking about this topic. So if you remember back in the beginning when we talked about topical authority and it showed the answer of the public, you know, visual. That circle, a lot of building topical authority is just about answering questions t
hat human beings have about this topic. And if you answer enough of these questions, Google is gonna say, Hey, this is an authoritative place. To get questions answered about that topic. So if you were to answer, you know, in this case there's 64. Okay? So if you were to answer all 64 of these questions and do it well through combining, you know, your, your writing, maybe YouTube videos that you make, or the ones that you, you find on other channels and answer all these questions, you know, it's
fairly likely that Google is going to give you credibility for being an authoritative. Source of information on this topic on Blue Host. Now again, it's, you know, it's dynamic. You have to think strategically. Maybe Blue Host, you know, you'll never be able to be an authority on Blue Host to Google, but if you were to apply the same method to less and less popular, but still very lucrative keywords and you move into other niches and stuff, then this method is going to eventually bring you tons
of traffic. So this is the questions method. So the next set of keyword research methods are gonna come from using the tools Surfer seo. If you don't know surfer seo, it's an amazing tool built a few years ago, a little bit ahead of the trend of this AI stuff. And what they do is they basically algorithmically determine, you know what Google wants to rank for certain keywords. So it's a way to figure out, you know, the way we're gonna use it for keyword research is to figure out. What does Goog
le think makes an authoritative site for this keyword? So you can see an example here with the blue, blue host keyword. Again, it organizes the, there's a, there's a feature in there that I'll show you how to use for keyword research where you put in a topic and basically surfer gives you the topical authority map for that topic. So this is blue host and they organize it into things they call clusters. And so that's just another way to gather keywords. You can download these. Into a csv and agai
n, you can turn them into a sheet where you know you can create content from. And the way we're gonna use it, I'll outline here and. Then I'll show you is to go to the keyword research tool inside of surfer and we're gonna use it just this one tool to know how to build topical authority. And this is based on what Google actually is ranking currently for these keywords. So it's very likely. To be accurate and it uses AI analysis. They're always improving their software. They're, you know, got a l
ot of money. They're getting a lot of popularity. So a lot of funding continuing, continuing to improve their processes. So it's a great tool. And then we can use that too, to build a content editor. And I will also show you how to use that. You've probably seen it around, but it's basically a way to, within a single article, to know what do I have to put on this page to give it the best chance? According to their data to rank for this keyword. So we're gonna use them in tandem, but surfer is a
really awesome tool for seeing that co that topical authority map and knowing what you need to talk about to, to, for Google to think that you're a topical authority. And then it's also a great tool for actually creating the content in a way. That is very likely to rank. Another reason this is amazing is it actually fully integrates with the writing tool we're going to use, which I'll introduce you to shortly. So this is the surfer SEO keyword research method, and I'll show you how that works. A
ll right, so the last source of keyword research and topics to turn into content is just your own ideas. So as you do more and more research into your niche, the things that you're interested in, any topic that you know, piques your curiosity, turn it into keywords, turn it into content. And if you just off the cuff have a question or are curious about something, then just go ahead and, you know, even if you don't do any research, even if you don't care about, you know, How many people search fo
r this per month? Just publish it. Just put it out there. I heard an analogy, I forget the creator, but there's somebody very famous in the writing space for the concept of a digital garden. I really like that. To have your blog as a place to collect the things that you think are interesting. They don't have to be a fully SEO optimized article all the time. You know, sometimes it's just something that you thought was cool. It could be a link to a book that you really liked. It could be, yeah. Yo
ur personal thoughts on. A YouTube that you, a YouTube video that you watched, or you know, you can make a list of your favorite blogs or you know, your favorite books on a topic or whatever. It doesn't always have to be this perfectly optimized thing. And I think, you know, anytime you hit publish, it's a, it's a win. And you should celebrate that and be excited because you know, number one, you're doing something which is always great. You have momentum. You are getting better and better at th
ese skills. You're gonna get better at research, you're gonna get better at your intuition, about a niche, about a topic, about understanding how keywords work. You're gonna learn more about the tools. So you're gonna use them more efficiently. You're gonna use them more creatively. You're gonna combine them in interesting ways that nobody else would think to do. You may bring, you're gonna bring your other skills, your experiences, your intuition, your personality, your creativity into this. An
d so you're gonna create things that nobody's ever created. And the more things that you create, the more chances you have that something is going to. You know, impact someone else, whether that's just getting shown in the search engines and then somebody getting to click on it and then going, you know, seeing an ad or clicking on an affiliate link and making a sale, or just learning more about you and being curious and saying, who is this person? This is a lot of great content. What is this sit
e? You know, a lot of great content and then they go learn more about you, and they go to your YouTube channel, or they buy your book, or they sign up for your newsletter or whatever. It's all good, in my opinion. So build your digital garden, you know, put anything in there that you think is interesting. Don't worry so much about being, you know, exactly. Focused on a niche. You can involve your topical authority over time. Obviously the. The closer you stay to certain topics, the faster Google
can figure it out. But over time it's natural for sites to evolve. So it's okay for you to have a few pieces of content on other topics too. And then eventually maybe you'll start going more into those topics. Or maybe so, you know, society, culture, web traffic will pick up and get really interested in that thing and suddenly that weird, you know, article you wrote two years ago, some. Book that you really liked? Well, maybe that book gets really popular and your article is positioned to grab
traffic. So I don't ever think it's a bad thing to publish, at least at the stage I'm at now. And I think for most people just getting started in, you know, blogging or affiliate marketing or anything like that, just hitting publish is great. Whether you wrote that organically from yourself or you curated an AI co-pilot to, you know, write it with you. Whether you're doing it for a strict SEO optimization, that's a beautiful creative act as well. That's cool. You're using modern technology, you'
re under trying to understand how Google works, and ultimately you're trying to understand what, what other humans want and are interested in, and you're trying to serve them. So it's all, it all works pretty well, so, Publishing your own ideas. Always great. I think embed videos that you make, if you make TOS or YouTube shorts, put those on your blog posts. You know, it all helps Google to find it. You know, you'll get serendipitous things that happen. Sometimes when I make a, a YouTube short o
r something, I'll put a link back to my blog and then that short gets picked up on a whole bunch of syndication. Sites. And so I'll get all these like back links back to my website and stuff like that just for making a sure. So just bring it all together, you know, put it all out there, build, build your digital garden. And you know, when you combine that sort of open-ended creativity. Any idea that you have, just go ahead and put it on there. Try it out, see what happens, and, and you combine t
hat with all the very strategic and tactical stuff that we're doing. I think it's gonna be a really fun, you know, business venture for you. I think you're gonna really enjoy blogging as I have learned to really enjoy it. Now again, another source is to answer your own question. So whenever you have a question basically about anything, but obviously the better you know if it's, if you're building. If you want to build a site that gets topical authority in specific topics or a group of topics, th
en it's better if the questions are related to those topics. But you know, they can be pretty loose associations. So here's the process that this happens to me all the time. Whenever I have a question about something that's even vaguely related to the stuff I'm interested in, which tends to be the stuff I wanna create content for, and the niches that I'm interested in, you know, the research that I do in my free time, if I have a question about it and then I go do research on Google or YouTube o
r TikTok or whatever, I. Then I just take a few extra minutes at the end of that process. So maybe it takes me 15, 20 minutes. Maybe it takes me a day, a week, a month, whatever, to research this topic. But once I have the answer, I'll just publish it. You know, I'll just put it on a blog article, and I don't think about optimizing and stuff that can happen later if I really want to. If I do research and I see, oh, actually that email that I wrote six weeks ago would be perfect for that. Let me
try to optimize it for seo. I just publish it just cuz again, publishing something is better than not publishing something, at least in the beginner to an intermediate and getting that initial momentum. So any question that you have, even if it's not in these tools, it's likely a question that another human being has had. So if you answer your own questions, And the guys from Income School, if you're not not familiar with them, they talk about this a lot. Just, you know, just being yourself, bei
ng a human and saying, what would other humans wonder about this topic in creating content for that? So one of the best ways to do it is just as you have questions, do the research, find the answer, and then put your version of the answer on your blog, and it has a chance then to be found by Google. To be found by other people, to be found by people on social media, whatever has a chance. You know, the more you optimize it, the more strategic you are, the better chance it has. But even if you ju
st publish, it has a chance. And or maybe, you know, you start sending. Clients to this, this blog post you wrote a year ago when you were just really obsessed with a topic and you just nailed, you know, you went down the rabbit hole and you figured out the, the seven best tools for, for keyword research or something, and you put your, your favorite seven tools. And now whenever you work with clients, you go, oh, actually I wrote a blog article about this. Here, I'll send you a link. And you kno
w, you just keep going back to it and gets more and more use and you spend that energy one time and then you get this asset that you can keep. Building. So it's good for topical authority, good for your creativity and curiosity, and it's good for, it's good for your momentum. So that's my opinion on this and I think it's a great source of, of additional content. And again, with our, with our AI method, our co ai copilot method of writing content, then it's easier than ever to have a great idea a
nd then have the ai, you know, help you write the content. Search engines and people would need to kind of accompany it, but you still create that initial idea. All right, so we're nearing the end here and we're gonna talk about writing. This is kind of the crux of the whole method. So you've learned tons of ways to have basically infinite keywords to create content from. You've learned the strategy, the SEO avalanche method, and topical authority concepts, and the mass page authority philosophy
of creating lots of content that's. Good enough to get some momentum, get some ranking, get some traffic, and then you can go back and improve it later. So how are we actually gonna create. These pieces of content and, and actually write these articles. So we're abl, we're blogging with bots obviously, so we are going to be using a very modern method of writing with a, an AI co-pilot. And this is, in my opinion, based on the research I've done and the experience that I've had so far, this is a
great way to balance quality with speed. The big advantage that. Blogging with bots and writing with ai co-pilot and AI in general does is speed. It really helps us to create content faster and the quality that we're going for. However, so I've experimented with a lot of different methods with AI writing for SEO and. There's definitely some pros and cons. Typically, as you can imagine, the easier it is to create the content than the less quality it is now. Google recently came out, I'll try to f
ind and link to the article, but they basically said that, Ultimately as of 2023, their stance on AI content is they're not gonna police whether or not content was created by a human or an ai. They're just gonna let their algorithm and their users decide what is most useful. So that's the benchmark that they're using. So I think that. We can, you know, safely take advantage of these AI tools to create as good a quality as possible for other humans. And we can just do it much faster and in much m
ore systematic ways. So we are going with these, this idea of a minimum viable, creative, or minimum viable post. And I learned that in specifically in the SEO realm from Adam en Frey. Really great. Teacher of SEO and blogging and stuff, but he's applying the methodology of the lean startup from startups, which is that you don't want to spend all of your time, energy, and resources creating the perfect product or the perfect business or the perfect thing before you know that it's gonna work. And
that's the methodology that we're using here too, is we don't wanna spend all of our time and effort create blog posts. You know, paying somebody maybe a hundred, $200 to write this amazing blog post and just hoping that it ranks and hoping that it gets traffic and stuff, because Google is much more mysterious than that, so. You know, that's why we're using the strategy that we're using. That's what I learned from Greg Jeffries and Kevin Holoman and the other Mass page site advocates, is that i
f you cast a wide net, if you put lots of hooks in the water, as Greg likes to say, then you're gonna find out some of those are actually gonna work. And that's been my experience too. So when you combine it with all of the things that you've learned in this course, I think you have a really good chance to rank for a lot more than you never think of. And by using the tools that I recommend, you're kind of getting that sweet spot that I've experimented with between quality and speed. And so again
, keep in mind that minimum viable creative or minimum viable post, just like think of, you know, each keyword we create content for. Just try to make the first version as good as you can with the energy that you have or the systems that you have with your AI co-pilot. That's gonna be a lot easier than in the past when you'd have to do that writing on your own. But just make the minimum viable and then. Go ahead and go back and improve it. If you start getting traffic or if you get, you know, yo
ur article indexed, but it's not getting traffic, then you can go back and try to improve it and imp and, and work on that. So again, we're balancing quality versus speed. It's important, I think. To have that quality aspect. I've definitely used a lot of tools that create lots and lots of content really fast, and it can create some very impressive results, but it's typically short-lived, and that's why I've arrived at this Plugging with Bots method currently, which is again, bringing that quali
ty piece, but still using AI to do a bulk of the writing, which is a huge relief to someone like me who struggles with that sort of blank page. Problem. Even though I, I love writing, it's typically overwhelming for me, particularly with adhd and I have so many creative ideas, and I'm sure you do as well. I want to try to see, you know, I wanna understand these markets. I wanna put content out there and have a chance at ranking and understand, you know, oh wow, this, you know, if I create conten
t this way, people respond to it really well, they click on my, my ads or my links a lot. So it's a balance of all these things, and the quality that we're aiming for is the equality that's enough to rank, especially for in the beginning, low competition keywords. And the speed that we're aiming for is as fast as possible. So that's gonna be different for everybody depending on your, just a lot of factors. But the speed that we're aiming for is as many articles as we can, as fast as possible wit
h that minimum viable creative model, minimum viable post. And yeah, I mentioned before the Google views on AI so far as of 2023 is that they're not gonna judge whether or not content was made by ai. They're just gonna judge what's the most useful to the users, and that's gonna win in the search engines. So I've decided that I'm going to be using Jasper. AI as the tool for this method. I think that in the tests that I've done so far, it scores high in less AI detectability, and I think it writes
really good content. I mean, I think that it's really readable, it's really creative in so far, all the testing that I've done and it seems, you know, it just looks very natural. And when I add my own chins to it, my own editing of what it says or. You know, formatting everything. I think it ends up looking really nice and so far it's working for search engines. So I think it's the right balance. And you may have heard of this term, human in the loop loop. Which is generally in ai. It's this co
ncept of as we go forward into the future, as AI technology continues to improve, then a lot of our jobs are going to be less. It's not as binary as either humans do it or AI does it. It's gonna be more like human in the loop or a co-pilot method. Which basically means that the AI is doing a lot of the work, but we are piloting it in a way that, you know, uses our natural, you know, our human mind that understands nuance and understands patterns and things like that. So we're going with the huma
n in the loop method. I've also heard it referred to as a centar method, which is half human, half, you know, animal as in, in a centar. But in this case it's half ai, half human. So we are. I heard it referred to in chess, like the best chess players now are not, and this is true of poker players I've heard as well. The best poker players for the longest time were just humans. But when computers, and then, you know, AI analysis and stuff started coming around, now the best poker players are the
humans that pilot the AI at their disposal the best and most creatively. And so I think that's where we're going with SEO and with marketing in general too. The best marketers are gonna be the ones who learn to. Pilot AI the best and do that co-pilot method, and that's what we're gonna be doing here. So again, we're hedging, we're hedging quality bets versus speed. We are going to create content way faster than I ever could on my own, but not so fast and so easy that it, it's the type of conten
t that can be easily replicated and might send signals to Google that you're doing something. Sort of spamming or whatever. So it's that balance and yeah, this is gonna be your writing co-pilot. In my experience, this has sped up my writing a hundred x for all those times when I just thought, I don't wanna write these boring, you know, facts and little, little. Couple intro paragraphs and all this stuff. I just wanna write the stuff that's interesting, right? Well, that's what Jasper does. Jaspe
r takes away, you know, the boring kind of writing and lets you focus on the fun stuff. And particularly with Jasper, what I've really loved in this process is their Chrome extension. So it, it plugs into your account and it uses your credits, but it does it anywhere. So it's. You can be in your email, a marketing software, you can be in WordPress, which is where I do a lot of my writing in this process. And I'll show you later. You can be in Google Docs, which is another great place to be doing
a lot of your write your writing. Basically it does writing anywhere and everywhere. And that's a big piece of this strategy is the Chrome extension. And then another thing that I want to mention and is key to this strategy as well, it's not absolutely necessary. You know, I understand all these tools, they add up quickly. So if you're not interested, You can certainly do it without surfer, but if you use, if you get both surfer and Jasper, They actually combine together perfectly for better SE
O quality over time. So they actually integrate because they're both, you know, pretty popular software tools right now. And there's a mode in Jasper that literally pulls up your surfer SEO account and you can use it to literally write articles using that content editor that I'll show you just to make better articles based on. Real SEO data. So that's another reason. This is like the perfect combo. It's, it's balancing and measuring a lot of different factors. Sorry, the wind is getting crazy he
re. But they combine really well for SA seo and it's basically a step-by-step guide for writing for great seo. And you're using Jasper to do a bulk of that writing, but you're just sort of guiding it. You're the human on top of the center. If you, if you like that kind of imagery, you're the human guiding. The power of, of the AI or you're that human in the loop. You're, you're, you're guiding this powerful thing and doing al and the human thinking. Okay, so what does this process actually look
like? I'm gonna show you a few different ways that I use Jasper and surfer in combination for writing articles. Really quickly, and this is the whole blogging with bots idea, is to do it really fast. So here again, we have a couple of our, you know, our keyword libraries, let's say, you know, we have, and then here's another one using the YouTube method. This is the using the questions method. So you have your list here and you say, okay, let's say how to start a blog on Blue Host. All right, so
we wanna, we wanna cover that topic for our topical authority map. And so we might go to our blog and our WordPress and just put that in the title here, and then might wanna put it as an H two as well, and simply, You know, for the first version, just ask Jasper to help you. So we're gonna use our AI co-pilot here and say, can you write about how to start a blog on blue glucose? And just hit enter. And this is that Chrome extension I was telling you about. Jasper's just sitting here in all the
things that you do. Anything that has a text field, Jasper's going to be an option for you to, to help you write. And so it's come up with a suggestion here based on that command. You can add it to your favorite, say it's good, say it's bad, whatever. You can copy it to your clipboard. You can open this in Jasper and do some further editing, which we'll check out more in a second. You can generate a new one if you don't like this one, or you can click apply. I'm gonna click apply and it paste it
into the window and now kind of up to you as the human in the loop to as the, you know, the co-pilot. To format the content to add anything that you think it needs to review it, make sure that it's accurate. One problem of course, with these AI writers is that they don't always, they're not always right, so you just have to make sure that what you're saying is accurate, that it makes sense to humans. You can ask it, you know, for more things. If you say, can you add a couple paragraphs about ho
w important blogging is for passive income? So again, it's back to this model where you are the co-pilot, you are the, the human guiding this powerful tool and kind of pointing it in the right direction of creating content that you think is gonna work for both the search engines and for humans who might land on this article. So, Again, at this point now, Jasper has essentially written an okay article, and you can go through it, make sure it's act accurate, make sure it's the type of tone that yo
u want your site to be associated with. You can then go and add images. You can get free images from places like Axels or Unsplash, or there's a couple other ones out there as well. And some of them are, you know, built into. WordPress. So here's an example of the lasso tool being really useful, is if I wanted to add a lasso link in the middle of this article, click add display, click single, and then we search for blue Host. I have a blue host link already. I've already gotten my affiliate link
and now I can just put it into my blog. And it has this really beautiful display. So as people are reading this article, they are fairly likely to see that beautiful display and click on it. This is, you know, part of, you know, using the, the basic WordPress editor. So this is generally how I would go about creating a piece of content. There are some other things you can do here, like changing the case. I like to use Alfred to do that. I have a little custom script that just changes to title c
ase, but you can do that manually. You can do that with some other external web tools. And then we talked about, you know, rank math as well. You can see here that the things that I would do for OnPage SEO is to put it as the focus keyword and then basically follow all the instructions. So, Rank Math is gonna give you guidance on how to make it basically a good seo. And if you follow that, you're gonna do 80 or 90% of what good OnPage SEO is. So just edit the snippet. I just paste it in there, p
aste it in there. If you want to, you can add more to the description, or you can even ask Jasper to do some, some writing for the description. You know, write a, maybe, maybe the tool won't show up in this window specifically, but let's say like you can use Jasper to. Write a good meta description for a blog article on, let's see what Jasper comes up with. I, I didn't test this ahead of time, but this could probably work. It's probably taking that suggestion of, of making a good meta descriptio
n and you could paste it in there. Again, just follow these tools. You don't really have to think that much. You get to be the, the human and let the powerful AI do all the rest, do all the heavy lifting. So you've got Rank Math doing its thing over here. These are all from Rank Math, and then you've got, you know, Jasper helping you write the content. You've got lasso creating beautiful affiliate links, and that is the basics of how you're gonna create lots and lots of content. I mean, you just
rinse and repeat this. Then after you publish this to your WordPress blog, if you do happen to, to insert an image, you know you can, then you've got. Short pixel in the background that will go and optimize it, make sure it's not too crazy, the eyes wise. So once you have that published, then you can go to your, the word library and click the publish button so that you know that that's taken care of. So let's check out one more example of publishing with the the YouTube method and using Jasper
and WordPress. All right, so for the YouTube method, what we would do is we would take the keyword there and post it into the title, and then we would take the associated YouTube video and just paste it in at the top. And then we're gonna ask Jasper to boy, you know, write an article about what is seo and. How does it work? We're gonna paste that in there. Then you can go back, go do your editing, make sure it's all good, looks good. And then you can use lasso to put in a beautiful link again. A
nd there you go. That's a pretty good article right there for seo. Do the rank math stuff that I showed you in the last video. And that is the basics of how to create content really fast. And just do that for, you know, every keyword on your list for every video here on this one, we used a video and so we're gonna say it's published now we know that it's done. We can publish for our, our blog and move on and keep building out that topical authority. Same thing with our surfer SEO method, and I'm
gonna show you more specifics on that in the next video. All right, so that Jasper and WordPress combo is gonna be enough to get infinite traffic for infinite niches and offers and all that stuff. So if you just follow that, you're gonna build topical authority. It's gonna be amazing. But for just a bonus, you know, extra kind of focused method, we're gonna go back to surfer SEO and, and build out those clusters. So how you would do this is, again, each of these clusters becomes an article. And
so doing it this way, it's gonna be really focused on, you know, research based topical authority trying to create that. And as I mentioned before, Jasper and surfer are integrated together. So let's check out how that works. So we've got this article I've sorted from low to high for how to start affiliate marketing. This. These are the clusters that Google thinks are associated with that topic, and I've chosen to go after this low competition. One, how to get free traffic for affiliate marketi
ng. You can see the detailed view. This is what the, according to surfer, this is what the headings of the article should be about generally. And then once we click open in content editor, then you'll get to see the full content editor of Surfer seo. And this can be used for any article, but in this case, We're gonna be starting a new one from scratch, and here's some other pieces of surfer SEO that are really cool. This content score, it's gonna go up as we add more and more relevant content to
the keyword. You can see here, it knows what keyword we're going for, how to get free traffic for affiliate marketing, and it's gonna show you all the terms that you should have and how many times you should have each of those terms. Generally speaking, and what they say, you know, according to my experience in research so far is if you can get it into the green, then you're good to go. You don't have to get it off. Every single article doesn't have to be a hundred out of a hundred, but general
ly speaking, if you want better seo, then just get this. Up to a higher and up higher. So that rank math gives you that baseline. 80% good SEO surfer is gonna take you to that next level. If you, if you complete, you know, more articles with the surfer qualifications of seo, then you're gonna be doing amazing. This is gonna be like exactly what Google wants. So if you click this insert headings, then it will go and automatically put in a bunch of ideas for headings. You don't have to use all of
them. You can delete some of them. Some of them don't make sense, right? Like if you want to, it's up to you how to, how to format this, but. Let me show you how you can take this and then put it into, either you can go into Jasper itself and use their Jasper seo feature, which integrates with surfer. I'll show you that in a second. You can go into Google Docs, which surfer also integrates with. I'll show you that in a second. Or you can take this back into WordPress if you're comfortable with t
hat too. And Surfer also integrates with that. Jasper integrates with that, so it all works everywhere. You can see we've already gone from zero to. 46 just by having those headings. Obviously this isn't the kind of post that a human would find useful or Google, but it's a good starting point. So we can see this would be a version of working inside of Jasper. And the way that Jasper works, you've probably seen it before, but you can hit this compose button and Jasper will take in everything that
's been written ahead of it and kind of contextually come up with the next. Piece of content. But another thing you can do is just paste that in there. And if you go up to SEO mode in Jasper, then it's gonna pull up your surfer account and it's gonna tell you what your surfer score is on this article. And so for each of these things, you could say, you know, write about paid. Traffic and go ahead and hit Compose. And Jasper's going to write some stuff about paid traffic. And you see, just in doi
ng that, we moved up a couple points. We. Jasper came up with some of these words, you can start pointing it more and more in the right directions based on surfer's guidance. So that's using the Jasper Built-in Method, the Jasper tool, and combining it with surfer really great. And then also in Google Docs. You can see that this one, this version of the article is a little more built out and we can, we can, if we come from surfer itself, then. We can go up here to, you can export it to your Word
Press blog. That's one option I haven't used a whole lot. Or you can go to share and go to, or you can go to share and click on that Google Docs link. And finally you can see Surfer in Google Docs. There's also a free extension that you can get once you sign up for Surfer that integrates with Google Docs. So you can do your writing in there with Jasper. In Google Docs, and that is how we create content really fast, is using our AI co-pilots and being the human in the loop. All right. So that's i
t. That's the blogging with Bots course. Thank you so much for being a part of it, and please let me know if you have more questions or ideas on how we can grow this in the future. Check out the links below this video and thank you again for watching. And if you wanna learn more, go to the nomad Check out my YouTube channels and and just reach out. Send me a message and let's connect.
