
Fundraising Tutorial: Nonprofit Donation Pages Best Practices

If you're looking to raise money online for your nonprofit, then you need to check out our donation page tips! In this tutorial, we'll share some of the best practices for designing and running a successful online donation form. No matter what your nonprofit's fundraising goal, our donation page tips will help you reach your goal. From creating a memorable donation page to using donation tracking software, we've got you covered! Watch this tutorial and learn how to raise money online for your nonprofit with ease! 👩‍🏫Struggling with your nonprofit's fundraising and marketing? We're here to help. Check out our FUNDRAISING COACHING Program! 🔘We also have a special FACEBOOK GROUP where we post our best resources: ✅SIGN UP for our Newsletter: 📽️Video on Nonprofit Websites: 📽️ PLAYLISTS: Social media: Digital fundraising: 💽 PROGRAMS WE RECOMMEND FOR ONLINE FUNDRAISING Canva all things graphic design: // SemRush for keywords: DonorBox for CRM: Jasper AI for writing: DISCLAIMER: Links included above may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel, so I can continue providing free digital fundraising and digital nonprofit marketing content each week! 📇 GET IN TOUCH Email: Web: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: #fundraising #donations #nonprofitfundraising

Cause Specialist - Fundraising Coach

11 months ago

You have got a great cause and an amazing Mission  and now it's time to step up your donation page to encourage people to support that mission donation  landing pages for most non-profits Charities and Foundations are the bread and butter of their  online presence and while website donation Pages need to make an excellent first impression on  donors so that they'll encourage donations to support that mission the key is making it stand  out from the competition so where do you start we've compile
d some of our best tips and  even some inspiring examples to help you step up your donation page game so let's get to it foreign first some fun facts now I will try to  remember to list in the description where I got these but the average online donation is 177 51 of  wealthy donors prefer to donate online and branded donation pages on a non-profit website raised  six times more money so let's start at the top step one is to step up your SEO now the page  should be SEO optimized using keywords a
nd proper structure and we did a video a while back and I'll  try to remember to link that too because SEO is super important these days as more and more users  search and do research before donating besides keywords metadata headlines alt text and all those  other factors SEO includes some simple things like URL structure so here's an example of our family  Foundation website that supports domestic violence and we use domestic violence right in the URL  step up your copywriting and design using
catchy headlines that grab people's attention and draw  them in child fund did a great job of asking you to be the difference between hunger and hope make  sure that your copy speaks directly to potential donors and explain why donations are essential for  your cause and how they can help you reach your goals now keep it short and sweet nobody wants to  read an essay on why you need their money another vital component of donation page design is imagery  but make sure remains on brand with your
your colors and fonts a picture is worth a thousand  words just be careful of size you don't want to slow down your load speed step up your call to  action the best donation page is use creative and catchy language for the call to action that  inspires community members to give at Oxford House we use arrows to make it very clear on what we  want you to do to ensure your message resonates with readers craft unique ctas that speak directly  to them choose phrases that emphasize the value of their
contribution by highlighting the positive  impact your organization will be able to make because of the support you receive remember  donations are not gifts but investments in crucial causes and communities step up your actual  donation form keep contact information and payment forms simple ensure they are optimized for all  devices and aim for as few clicks as possible by adding things like payment gateways PayPal  Apple pay Google pay I can donate to Breast Cancer Research Foundation from my
Google pay I  love of it shoot for requesting as few required Fields as possible and finally include recurring  gift options tribute options and maybe even pre-selected donation amounts or donation tiers  step up your other fundraising efforts there are so many other creative ways to give back so  include additional information on how people can support aside from just donating action against  hunger has it all right on their donation page and step up your mobile game mobile donations  account f
or over 26 percent of digital donations and mobile friendly donation Pages yield 34  percent more gifts it has never been more crucial to ensure that donation Pages look  great no matter what size screen they are on and a mobile friendly donation page will  look professional on small screens and make it easier for donors to give back at the click  of a button step up your accessibility ensure your non-profit donation page is accessible and  inclusive to people with disabilities by ensuring the c
olors used on the page are contrasting enough  for people with low vision all navigation should include html text labels so that screen readers  can interpret content accurately use captions in alt text for images and ensure data tables  and forums have built-in accessibility features like labels or drop downs this will ensure it  remains readable by those who rely on screen readers step up your next steps in addition to  a thank you email you can include a thank you message redirect as soon as
somebody submits  their payment information so Calgary seniors does this with the secondary page after you  donate that shows donors that you appreciate their support and lets them know that their  contributions will make an impact you could also include social share links and encourage  donors to promote your campaigns with their networks it also keeps them on your website here  are some final tips for stepping up your donation Pages make the links to donate very prominent on  your website you
can use contrasting colors to do this and include donation landing pages in your  social media Instagram stories are excellent for this and provide social proof like testimonials  allow donors to cover processing fees and make your non-profit logo visible in the banner on your  donation page and disclose how your donations are used and effective donation page is essential  for any non-profit organization looking to raise money for its cause and there's plenty of  inspirational donation page temp
lates available online that can help you create your own but by  keeping these tips in mind you're going to create a donation page that can ensure it will stand  out and engage potential donors in meaningful ways with creativity and passion you can craft  a unique page that will step up your fundraising game now I'm going to link a video with more  information on non-profit websites and as always drop a comment if there's a topic you want to  see in the future and see you next week [Music]



Such a great video with so much useful statistics, examples, and other info packed in.


Great informative video! 👌This video comes at the right time because I am planning to make fundraising one of my projects for my foundation! Could you offer a lesson on this? I would love to learn more about nonprofit fundraising! Tks.