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3 years ago

what's that say piano [ __ ] is going on in here i  i heard her i'm hearing noises it's getting ridiculous what's going on i know  she's in here ah come on enough is enough oh my goodness i'm done get out get  the [ __ ] back to work get out of here uh surprise you dirty-minded [ __ ] so why didn't i flinch because the  laws of science differ fundamentally you know these donuts represent our society  we're all a little bit different from each other but we all still live together you know no  dis
crimination anything like that don't be racist okay this is nico having a temper  tantrum getting ready for a show and now she just said why are  you crying nico are you done this is what i go through every day and  people think i have a crying baby up here i will show you it's really just me go you are such a baby yes you  are now people are coming in because you were crying okay let's go and press these hey bobby look look i'm american i think i'll use my credit card do you guys  have anything
non-dairy anything gluten free do you ever look at someone  and wonder what is going on leo come here all right come here right in the wall bad bad  you ruin my wall now i gotta [ __ ] go over here and repair all this [ __ ] like like bob  the builder babe help my ankle please help what bro try and get it down cheers bro look at that oh all right mate don't worry about that  you have a good day do you want to sign for it no no you're sure you're sure i'll  probably have something you want me to
do it's fine can you have you got room in  your van for another private joke come back it's a joke i hold him up yo what are you doing man man what  are they doing can't eat that man we just kidding i've been driving behind you for one hour you  can't stay committed for one hour i'm trying you that punk when he take that spicy bacon two um hey guys i heard that if you pour warm water  into a cup it sounds different than cold water so i thought we'd do an experiment in these  blue cups i've put
warm water in one and cold water in the other but i'm not going to tell you  which is which i want to see if you can tell the difference when i pour them so we're going to  start with this one on the left listen careful okay now we're going to pour  the one on the right i want you to see if you can tell which  one is cold and which one is warm so driving
