
Furry Friend Finder: Janey

CBS New York and the Humane Society of New York are helping find their forever home.

CBS New York

3 days ago

this week's Furry Friend Finders when we help a four-legged friend find a forever home and Sandra def the executive director at the Humane Society of New York is joining us with Jamie tell us about her yeah Janie she's a very sweet she's a laugh cat if you put her little bed on your lap she just wants to sit on her bed um she's uh 13 lbs 3 years old and an American short hair she's also a ginger-colored cat that's female which is you know rare well Ginger's bying large are rare that's right look
the other way Ginger go H so how did she come to you um well she came to us when someone couldn't care for her anymore and um and she really loves you know to be with people and as I said she's a la cat very curious she's very curious but she um she's not crazy about other cats okay okay what about dogs um I think she really likes to be the you know the star yes but you look the other way how about um see you know young people kids yes she's very people oriented and and we were actually saying
even if you if you've not had a cat before it could be a good firsttime cat cuz she's very friendly IM meable and she'll you know eventually make herself at home here it's a little unusual for she pretty good for a three-year-old cat and how's her health very good she has no health issues she could maybe go on a diet but I I'm just saying it's true it's true she's 13 pound so what so what would be the normal you think weight for probably about 10 11 PB oh wow I know that's a serious diet pick he
r up you should pick her up but she's she's very sweet and she loves this she loves to have her little face rubbed a and she and again she has no health issues she's very loving great companion and cats are so perfect for so many people City Live a city dwelling you know it's just it's a different kind of maintenance schedule with a cat that but they get lonely if you're not there so you do want to have some oh there you go go hi all right we have a wonderful furry FriendFinder update on Betty W
hite who is now named Suki and that name means beloved we are thrilled that Lynn and Camille have adopted the Persian kitten Suki made herself right at home and loves their other cat Smokey and they love playing and napping together and everyone agrees that she is perfect for them and that right there is a case study and that cat liked other cats this cat wants to be the star so that's where Sandra comes in a that's right yeah I think we're going to have a good follow up with Janie I do too for
more information on furry FriendFinder head to our website CBS new



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