
Game Of Thrones Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms Teaser Trailer 2026 and Casting Breakdown

Game Of Thrones Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms Teaser Trailer 2026. New Game Of Thrones Prequel Episodes Casting, Tales of of Dunk and Egg, Aegon V Targaryen & House Of The Dragon Season 2 Teaser ► House Of The Dragon Season 2 Teaser Trailer Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Sequel Teaser House Of The Dragon Season 2 First Look Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Trailer Loki Season 2 Episode 3 Marvel MCU Reboot Announcement Deadpool 3 Wolverine Trailer Emergency Awesome New Videos Game Of Thrones Episodes House of the Dragon Episodes Covering new Game Of Thrones A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms Teaser Trailer. The Hedge Knight Episodes, New Prequel Series. Tales Of Dunk and Egg. Ser Duncan the Tall, Aegon Targaryen The 5th. How it connects with the rest of the timeline. Other Sequels, Prequels and Spinoffs. Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Sequel. Kit Harington Clip, what's going on with all the other Game Of Thrones Spinoffs, Sequels and Prequels in addition to House of the Dragon Season 2. Jon Snow Episodes Explained. Kit Harington Returns as Jon Snow. Taking place after the events of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Finale when Jon Snow went north of the wall with his direwolf ghost. King Bran of Westeros also the three eyed raven, Sansa Stark in Winterfell, Arya Stark. Who the main villain would be. What happens in Game of Thrones after the Night King and White Walkers are gone. Game Of Thrones Season 8 Deleted Scenes and Alternate Ending. House Of the Dragon Season 2 Trailer. Game Of Thrones Easter Eggs and References Explained. House Of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 1 New Characters, Game of Thrones History and Lore. New House of The Dragon Intro Scene. Game Of Thrones Prequel Explained. House of The Dragon Episodes breakdown and new characters explained. Game Of Thrones Targaryen Series. The Dance of The Dragons Trailer and A Song of Ice And Fire Book Easter Eggs. Jon Snow Daenerys Targaryen Family History and Lore. George RR Martin involvement. Game Of Thrones, A Song of Ice And Fire Books it's based on. I'll do more Game of Thrones Prequel House of The Dragon Episode videos, Easter Eggs and Bonus videos when we get the next trailer. The House of the Dragon Trailer will release in August 2022! Twitch Channel Twitter Facebook Instagram Tumblr My Website :: Video Playlists For Shows :: New Emergency Awesome Videos House of The Dragon Episodes Loki Episodes The Mandalorian Episodes Game of Thrones Episodes Marvel Movies and Avengers Rick and Morty Season 6 Episodes Avatar The Last Airbender Episodes The Boys Season 3 Episodes Spider Man Videos The Batman and DC Movies Justice League Snyder Cut Videos Star Wars Movies THANKS FOR WATCHING!!

Emergency Awesome

5 months ago

Welcome back everyone is Charlie HBO just revealed that it's casting the new Game of Thrones Knight of the Seven Kingdoms prequel series. George R.R. Martin's also revealed a bunch of details about it. So we'll break it all down. It's also going into production way faster than we thought that it would, so we actually might see episodes pretty soon. If you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes. Of course I'll do videos for all the episodes, just like I do for H
ouse of the Dragon, like I did for Game of Thrones. Any of the other prequel series or sequel series that they wind up releasing the next couple of years? there's a lot of them. I'll talk about some of the other ones at the end of the video. How's the Dragon's season? Two episodes should release during next summer. They're still on track for that, even though there have been a couple of strikes. Don't worry about that. I've already done a couple of videos about all the footage, the teasers they'
ve released, so I'll put links to that down in the description below. And at the end of this but starting with the big stuff, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is based on the tales of dunk and egg stories that George R.R. Martin wrote. There are three novellas, basically, and they were just collected in a larger book called A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which is where the series gets its name from, they might tweak the name just a little bit to keep from getting super long because the full title n
ow has a subtitle called The Hedge Knight. That might just be for season one because the three Duncan Egg novellas are called A Hedge Knight, which is a reference to Ser Duncan the Tall. Book two is called The Sworn Sword, which is also a reference to Ser Duncan, the swearing his sword to Aegon the fifth in the last novella book three is called The Mystery Knight, which as you could have guessed it, big surprise is also a reference to Ser Duncan the Tall. within the world of a song of Ice and Fi
re in Westeros. A mystery Knight is someone who competes in a tournament like a joust without revealing their identity or using a pseudonym or a fake name during the tales of Duncan Egg dunk fights in a tournament celebrating the wedding of Ser Ambrose Butterworth using a pseudonym called The Gallows Knight instead of his real name. probably the most famous example of another mystery Knight in Game of Thrones history was Lyanna Stark, who fought in the Great Tourney of Herron Hall during the tou
rnament, a younger Howland Reed, seen here later in the timeline with a young Ned Stark, was bullied by three squires of other knights at the tournament. Lyanna Stark came to his aid, beat off the attackers with the sword like while she was dressed as Lyanna Certainly she had her dress on, then later entered the tournament disguised as the Knight of the Laughing Tree with armor that had a tree on it that appeared to be laughing. It drove the Mad King even more mad because he thought the tree was
actually laughing at him. because you remember by this point he's grown incredibly insane in supposedly the great tourney of Herron Hall was a ruse that Rhaegar Targaryen threw in order to try and call a great tournament and get the rest of the round to support him deposing his father and him taking the iron throne. there are a lot of theories about that during the original Game of Thrones novels, but they never definitively answered if that's what regards original plan was. Maybe we'll hear ab
out that in some future Robert's Rebellion series at some point. but. During that great tournament when Lyanna Stark was pretending to be the Knight of the laughing tree, he defeated the three knights that those squires were serving in the three defeated knights agreed to severely chastise their squires as a way for Lyanna to help get some justice for Howland Reed Because he'd been afraid to actually challenge the squires in open combat like you normally would in a situation like that, but the n
ews you may have seen your feeds recently is that HBO is now casting the roles of Sir Duncan, the Tall and Prince Aegon the fifth for a planned filming date during 2024. At least that's what the casting announcement looks like. They're going to be filming next year, which is way faster than I think we expected I'm still not expecting them to release episodes to like 2026. But if they aren't able to get House of the Dragon season three out by 2025, we might actually get lucky. And they just relea
sed Knight of the Seven Kingdoms between seasons of House of the Dragon A while ago, George R.R. Martin made it sound like season one of Knight of the Seven Kingdoms would only have about six episodes. So be on the shorter side. But supposedly the episode count could wind up changing. HBO wasn't really happy when the original series started doing those shorter seasons, and they're not really happy. The House of the Dragon Season two had to reduce their episode count to but house the dragon's act
ually a good template for what Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is going to be like. So when House the Dragons started a lot of fans were worried that there wouldn't be enough material for them to adapt to normal series because the actual dance of the Dragons Targaryen Civil War that it's covering only lasted for a couple of years. Like it was actually pretty quick. George R.R. Martin only wrote a couple of short stories covering that in the Fire and Blood book that he wrote is more of an appendices
like a Silmarillion type of book written by a master who narrates when certain things happen in history. It's not written like an actual novel, like the main song of Ice and Fire novels that they adapted for the main series. like when they did the original series, they had really big novels to adapt for most of the seasons. Obviously, when the show started to go off the rails is when they lost all the material to adapt verse, everyone's worries when they get to the House of the Dragon. And some
of these are the prequels, but they don't have a ton of material to adapt. but if George R.R. Martin is writing, he wrote on House of the Dragon. He's writing on Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, helping them expand the story. And if it weren't fine for House of the Dragon, it'll probably work fine for any of the other periods in history they want to cover. Well, funny you should ask. Let me get my map. so as long as he's the one that's actually expanding the material for those different time perio
ds, I'm not worried about the story. Knight of the Seven Kingdoms would pick up about 80 years after the first black bi rebellion. So the other cool thing about the series, they can feature the Blood Raven, Brendan Rivers, a.k.a. the Three-Eyed Raven. Before he became the Three-Eyed Raven he was very active during this period in history. He was a Targaryen bastard of Aegon, the fourth. He was the infamous king who started so many bastards that it put Robert at the end of shame. He hated his legi
timate oldest son who was heir to the iron throne, legitimized a bunch of the bastards creating house black fire, which directly leads to the Black Fire rebellion. It causes a whole bunch of problems. the survivors of that wound up going off to Essos to create the Golden Company. Brendan Rivers fought on the side of his half brother, King Darren. The second obviously was half brothers with all the black fighters too. so this is another Targaryen Civil war like the House of the Dragon Dance of th
e Dragons. It was just a bunch of bastards versus a bunch of true born people. Brendan Rivers supported the true born side, the actual crown basically the reason why he was called the Blood Raven though, was because of a birthmark covering most of his face in after his half brother King Darren. The second died from an illness. After the Blackfire rebellion, He became the hand of the king and the master of whispers to Darren's son Brynden's nephew, Aerys, the first after he took the Iron throne.
Then Aerys dies without an heir. So the iron throne passes to his brother Maekar the first. And it's around that period the Knight of the Seven Kingdoms series would be taking place. The story begins when Heir is the first is still sitting on the Iron throne. But after the Blackfire rebellion and before Aegon, the fifth father maker, the first succeeds his brother Aerys is the next king. would they might do on the show though, is because most of this takes place when Aegon the fifth is squire to
Sir Duncan the tall like when he's much younger and is having adventures going around the different seven kingdoms but because Aegon the fifth eventually does become the next king in Ser Duncan. The taller becomes the Lord Commander of his kingsguard eventually they'll probably have Some flash forward to where he actually becomes the next king in the name Sir Duncan. The title to the Kingsguard this is, where the title of the Collected Books gets its name. Because when you become a Kingsguard,
you become a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. a like the whole trajectory of the series, it's like the rise of Sir Duncan, the title in The Rise of Aegon the fifth. but because so much of the series takes place when they're much younger. I think that's what most of the episodes will be in in those be like a quick flash forward at the end of the series to him actually becoming king in Sir Duncan the Tall becoming a Kingsguard. they're probably not going to do the tragedy of summerhall because that h
appened way later in Aegon that this life and because Aegon the fifth was the younger brother of Mr. Aemon on the show Game of Thrones. We might actually see a much younger version of Mr. Aemon the whole idea is that Aegon the fifth became the next king of Westeros as part of a great council where they were selecting the next king. but when that was happening, Mr. Aemon was actually ahead of him in the line of succession, so part of the idea is that Mr. Aymond didn't want to cause another Targar
yen Civil War battle over succession so soon after the Blackfire rebellion, and he didn't want to leave the master, so he chose to take the black instead, basically leading the great council to select Aegon. The fifth is like the next likely successor. There was a brief moment during the original Game of Thrones series where Mr. Aymond is talking to Jon Snow about his true heritage. Like I am a Targaryen, I had to sit through all these different conflicts, the rise of the Mad King, everything th
at happened with the neighbors, you know, I wasn't able to help them even though I wanted to like mainstream and actually wanted to leave and help the nearest when everything happened with the Mad King and Robert's rebellion. so it was much earlier in the timeline. He still like a lot of characters who were alive during the main series Game of Thrones. Also, Melisandre is like one of the oldest characters in the main series and game of Thrones. She could show up at any point during this part of
the timeline. the other interesting thing too, is about the Bloodraven black stories. So when Mr. Amos took the black and went to the wall, the blood raven also took the black and went to the wall, He even rose to the rank of Lord Commander of the night's watch before he became the Three-Eyed Raven. But the reason why the blood raven took the black was because of a separate event involving the death of one of the black fighters during the great tournament. It was like one of Aegon, the first fir
st acts to actually have him arrested and gave him the choice to take the black. So let's take a whole different video about the history of the blood raven as is you really interesting. So if we learn more about the character on the Knight of the Seven Kingdoms series, I'll do a much bigger video about him. but when the Knight of the Seven Kingdoms series picks up, he's basically hand of the king. So it makes sense that we would actually see him during the series. Let me know in the comments. So
who do you want to play? Duncan Egg? I would totally be fine if they were unknown actors that we don't know anything about. I don't mind their not being a super famous actors on any of the Game of Thrones series, even though there are a couple on House of the Dragon, they probably won't announce more the actual characters, the casting until next year, but they can probably do like a solid three or four seasons out of this, just like they're doing for House of the Dragon. Like I said, expanding
the story with George R.R. Martin being the one to actually expand the story. what they'll probably do, though, is that once House of the Dragon Season four airs this Knight of the Seven Kingdoms series would take over, become like the main series. And then they do like the next sequel series, spin off and so on and so forth. there's still a bunch of others that they're working on, like the Jon Snow sequel series, The Sea Snake Series, about his nine voyages, like the nine famous voyages and con
quests around the world. A Princess Nymeria the 10,000 Ship series about the history of Dorne. there's an animated series that they're working on. There's the Aegon's Conquest series, which might just be like a future House of the Dragon series. The idea is that they'll do more Targaryen periods in history and just still call it House the Dragon, but cover different periods in history. sort of be like House of the Dragon Subtitle Conquest for Aegon's Conquest. the only series that I've heard abo
ut them actually canceling is the flea bottom series. I'm totally fine and then not doing that. But there's a bunch of others that we'll probably hear about in like the next several years. Like they'll still do Game of Thrones sequel series, spinoff series till the Heat Death of the Universe. So I'm going to be like 90 years old someday doing breakdowns for a new Game of Thrones episodes. There's a bunch of big stuff coming up. Everyone click here for All My House, The Dragon, Season two Teasers
. And first Look videos. Learn about what's going on with all the characters and click here to learn about that Game of Thrones Jon Snow Sequel Series. Thank you so much for watching. Everyone stay safe and I'll see you guys in the next one!
