
Gameplay, Vanguard e altro | Aggiornamento dev - League of Legends

Riot Brightmoon e Pupulasers discutono di Vanguard, IA dei bot e aspetti. Phroxzon riflette sulla rimozione della pre-stagione e sulle modifiche al gameplay, e parla del piazzamento dei nuovi giocatori e dei guadagni negativi di PL nelle classificate. Per maggiori informazioni sull'IA dei bot, leggete il blog: [link] Per maggiori informazioni sugli aspetti, leggete il blog: [link] Per una versione sintetica di questo video, consultate il Riepilogo: [link] Sezioni: Introduzione: 0:00 Gameplay: 0:35 Vanguard: 2:47 Bot: 3:28 Aspetti: 3:44 Conclusione: 4:13

League of Legends - Italia

2 weeks ago

hey everyone I'm Jeremy AKA R brightmon and I'm Pew AKA pew pew lasers you might notice that medler isn't with us today and that's because he's out getting married so congratulations to the happy couple don't worry you'll see him again soon not invited to the wedding no but today is Thursday February 15th so anything that happens after that date won't be covered today we really hope you've enjoyed the start of season 2024 so far and we'll have Riot fro on here to talk about some learnings and wh
at we're doing next after that we'll be back back to give you some updates on Vanguard the new co-op versus AI Bots and a few other topics hey everyone I'm Matthew L Harrison AKA Riot fren the lead gameplay designer in League last year we made the decision to remove preseason and shift those changes to line up with the start of the new ranked season this past January not only did it give you all some additional time to hit your ranked goals but it also made the beginning of the year a more excit
ing time to play league we've seen some awesome moments with the new changes we're also happy with the state of gameplay balance Gam stability and the new objectives although we've seen a few especially funny bugs come up we also feel good about the current state of champion balance game pacing and snowballing and the new void objectives which are creating more interesting gameplay opportunities around pushing lanes that said it wasn't all smooth one of our big goals was shifting power from item
s to Champions by reducing the amount of haste and stats that items provided we also wanted to make items more satisfying for damage oriented classes by removing less diet stats like Health but making these changes resulted in more burst and was exacerbated by overtune damage items like blood song and storm surge we've taken steps already to address this but we're continuing to make adjustments to get closer to where we were after the durability update we'll talk more in depth about the MMR syst
em in a future Dev update but I specifically wanted to address the seating of new players as well as negative LP gains which are two topics we've seen a lot of recently at the end of last season roughly half of emerald players were in prolong states of negative LP gains with this increasing to 85% in Masters plus with the changes this season though we've reduced this to 5% for players below Emerald whose ranks fluctuate a lot there's always going to be some periods of negative LP gains for short
periods of time but we're continuing to minimize it by adjusting those gains and losses which will make climbs more consistent finally we've fixed most of the bugs with some legitimate new players erroneously placing in gold or plat we're still trying to improve our accuracy with these placements and continuing our work to better separate Smurfs and new players and place them correctly overall we're really excited at how everything is shaping up for ranked and the gameplay changes this year but
we'll keep an eye on your feedback and make adjustments as you continue your claims so I'll hand things over to Pew and Jeremy for the rest of the updates as you know at season start we announced that Vanguard would be coming to League you may have already started to see some of the elements hit the PVE Vanguard is a big change so it's important for us to minimize the impact it could have on your ability to play leak our version of Vanguard will be customized specifically to Target the cheaters
scripters and Bots we see in League of Legends we're also adopting a rollout method that will help us learn more about how it's impacting players before we roll out to all the regions so we'll start with one region first we'll closely monitor everything as players get into games with Vanguard live so we'll be evaluating how Vanguard runs in that region and how players are experiencing it before our targeted Global release in April we'll be sure to keep you all updated on any adjustments we make
and how it's going now let's talk about Bots after you beat them up on PBE they went away for a little bit for some TLC and adjustments but they're ready to return once again the new intro beginner and intermediate Bots will be out in March we'd love to get your feedback once again so please read more about them in a Dev blog that's out right now all right we also wanted to give you a rundown on the upcoming Prestige skins after Evelyn and kale get their Prestige skins it will be Yumi and Leona
coming in July we also have the next Mythic theme Crystalis indominus it's coming in March this is a continu ation of the Crystalis modus theme which you can read all about in today's de blog so kha'zix Zer and Nautilus will be receiving skins this time around with kha'zix leaping out first in March all right that's it for today's updates be sure to check out the de blogs and before we see you next time there might be a couple surprises in April Jeremy do you like nachos like I love nachos espe
cially with extra cheese choo choo all aboard the Nacho a train come on all right thanks so much everyone we'll see you next time





li treno per la perdita degli LP partirà dal binario 2, e no, non è in ritardo.


Avere problemi e come non risolverli 👍




Togliere la preseason é stato un errore!


Trovo fantastico droppare in tre settimane da Emerald a Gold e trovarmi giocatori nuovi sopra di me. È ora di aprire uno smurf visto che lo promuove anche Terenas che è vostro partner


Phorxon che legge lo script sembra un bot con una faccia umana


Giocherò Wild Rift su computer, succhiatemelo riot .


fix the fucking game, 1060 3gb, ryzen 7 1700 and doing 60/90fps in midgame, how is it legal?????? ITS LEAGUE! I used to do 140/190 even more than 200 fps. That means low optimization for sure