
Games with Firebase #5: How to create and analyze custom events for your game

In this fifth episode of Games with Firebase, we will cover events, which can provide insight on what is happening in your game, such as user actions, system events, or errors. Find out how to log custom events and how to interpret the data to better understand how your players are interacting with your game. Learn more about events log:

Google Developers LATAM

3 years ago

[Music] hi welcome to games with firebase in this video let's talk about events events provide you insight about what's happening in your game such as a user activity or system event firebase analytics automatically logs a series of events for you you don't need to write any code to receive them by just implementing the firebase analytics sdk in your game firebase is going to do all the hard work for you but we know that every single game is unique and different from each other therefore firebas
e allows you to log custom events from the click of a button to the user completing a certain level of your game firebase will allow you to track a custom event so you can understand how your users are interacting with your game by simply writing one line of code in your game you can start tracking all custom events from your users as you can see in this snippet of coding your screen the log event function captures the name of the event it will capture a parameter for that event and the value of
the parameter that you are sending note that each event that you log in your firebase console will have zero one or multiple parameters now we can go to firebase console so you can see how to analyze this kind of data by clicking in the events button under the analytics tab on your left side menu you'll be redirected to the table of events from your app in the upper part of this table you can see all the recommended events for your game these events are recommended based on the look and feel of
your app on the bottom part of your screen you can see the existing events that are being tracked from your app this includes all automatically tracked events by firebase and also your custom events if we take a closer look at the existing events you can see the number of times that each event was triggered the number of users that triggered each of these events and whether an event is marked as conversion or not now let's deep dive into one of these events as you can see in my panel i logged a
custom event named map finished if i click on this custom event map finished i'll be redirected to a dashboard customized for this event in this screen you can see details about this event for example in the upper part of your screen you can see a chart saying how your users interacted with this event if we scroll down to the bottom of this screen you can see the demographic details of those users who triggered this event and also the parameter values that were sent with this event as you can s
ee mapid is the parameter name that we've been sending with this event by logging this event with this parameter i now know that 1 000 of my users have completed the level 130 of my game firebase allows you to track text-to-valued parameters and also number parameters you can use this information to collect insights for your app and make data driven decisions if you want to filter the data shown in this dashboard you can use our filters tool to segment the users of this game click on the add fil
ter button select the property that you would like to segment our users from for example a device model and click apply thanks for watching this episode of games with firebase if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit our like button and subscribe to our channel i'll see you next time bye you
