
Garten of banban NEON [Chapter 2] : roblox mascot horror gameplay walkthrough

The game I played this time was [Garten of banban NEON] Chapter 2, a Roblox mascot horror game. If you have subscribed to my channel, I think you have already seen content related to the mascot horror game [Garten of banban] very often. This [Garten of banban NEON] Chapter 2 covers an episode that takes place in a hotel, and I think it's a pretty well-made game that mixes clean map design, puzzles, and various elements well. If you are a fan of Roblox and [Garten of banban], I highly recommend you give it a try. You can play Roblox mascot horror game [Garten of banban NEON] Chapter 2 at the link below. Play link - dev channel - #roblox #gartenofbanban


1 hour ago

This game is Garden of Banban Neon. Where am I? I think this is the lobby. I earned the badge. I'm not sure how I got it. Chapter 2 This Damn Hotel Purpose. To go to the laboratory. Cardboard Captain : i... died.... #@^&#$^#&%@&subscribe I was so surprised when I pressed this button. Cardboard Banban : Hi, I’m a banban, I’m the mascot of this kindergarten. Do you want to go play? Hello, Cardboard Banban. Let's play with me. Artificial Intelligence (AI Banban) is the smartest and best artificial
intelligence in the world! The testers were satisfied with the new Al, so we will start selling it this summer. At the moment, the AI is not fully ready yet, there is very little left to finish, the main thing is that it does not go crazy ??? : Hi Detective, you're probably wondering what happened in this place, right? well, I'll give you a hint, go to the lower floors there lies the answer, but in the meantime you can go to (Trash mash) there they are already waiting for you, click on the butto
n under the number one Oh, I already clicked Button 1. Press button 1 to open door 1, so let's go there. Solner : Hi Detective, my name is solner, i can help you get to the lower floors, isn’t that your goal? Well, take the map from my couch, it’s from the park, so get there and meet me on the -3rd floor. Okay, Solner. See you later on the third floor. The frog can remotely control neon, despite the fact that this is impossible. I was trying to come up with a substance that could fight neon, and
I managed to create it, yes, with some problems, but it can help! it can destroy neon. I need to check it out. Cardboard Banbanleen : Hi, I am Banbanleen, I am the mascot of this kindergarten, I am the teacher of this kindergarten, I love teaching children and do you like to study? But I don't want to study in such an eerie place. Now let's go to door number 2. Why are you spying on me? For reference, this is the second floor. I have to go down to the first floor. There are a lot of clouds on t
he wall. I think I saw something wrong. I guess this is a secret.. in chapter 1.. Hint : To Jump, stand on the green platform and jump forward. The park seems quite long. Prototype : Hi, I was asked to hand over the card, here it is, take it and go to the laboratory Okay. Thank you, prototype. Goodbye. What the? Why do you keep spying on me? Holy... Help! The elevator is crazy. It feels like I had a nightmare. It's full of cute dolls. If these many dolls attack me at once, I will be defeated. S
ir Dadaddo : hello, I understand you are a detective, well, take this key and head to the hotel be careful there may be this damn frog, it releases neon from itself so do not touch the neon until you know Well, okay friend. I pushed all the buttons here. Cardboard Jumbo : Hi, I'm jumbo josh. I'm the mascot of this kindergarten. I love vegetables. That's why I'm so strong. Do you like vegetables? I really like vegetables. What about you, Jumbo? If it is Morse code, interpretation is impossible be
cause it seems to contain a non-existent code. The code for the hotel door. 2013. Alright, let's go. It's a puzzle where I push blocks. There doesn't seem to be anything special. That frog looks like he's addicted to neon. Now I just have to go down. I think I'm back on the first floor. I press the switch and the door here opens. What is this shiny pink bird? My life is disappearing. I have to run away. Where did I get resurrected? Oh, here it is. Goodbye. Let's not meet again. Let's go up to th
e second floor. This elevator is super fast.. NO! Oh, it's an elevator. Is the chapter over? No. Do you remember that light? Maybe.. If you reach that light, you can go to the secret zone in the lobby. Big sleep is coming soon. Alright. So when chapter two ends here. Thanks for watching!



i think NEON Chapter 2 is very good game. If you are a fan of Roblox and Garten of banban i highly recommend to you! Play link - dev channel -


Omg Thanks for saying "pls play garten of banban neon 2"


or it seems that garten of banban 2 neon lla came out I think I liked the game but I would have liked it more if it had been released with neon 3


u 4get jellyx kindergarten 6 ;(


Garten of banban neon and i don't know to say