
Garuda Linux: ⚡️Arch-Based Distro for Gamers

⚡️ In this comprehensive video tutorial, we are going to take a look at a beautiful Linux distro named Garuda Linux. Garuda Linux is based on Arch Linux, and I am going to test their most famous distro flavour named Garuda KDE Dragonized. 🧠 Please watch my video carefully otherwise you might make mistakes. ****************************************** 🔗 ✅ Garuda Linux ****************************************** Chapters 🔥 0:00 Introduction to Garuda Linux 2:01 manual lnstallation 5:42 Testing 10:35 Wine Installation (Bonus) 16:18 Gameplay ****************************************** 💻 If you guys like my work, then please like, share, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for further notification from the Sam Arcade YouTube channel, and don't forget to leave a comment. 🚀 #linux #linuxgaming #linux_tutorial #archlinux #gaming

Sam Arcade

5 months ago

What is up, every buddy? It's time  for another episode of Sam Arcade. Hi, I am Sam, and I welcome  all of you to my channel. In this  amazing video, we are going to take a look at  a beautiful Linux distro named Garuda Linux. this distro is based on Arch Linux Garuda Linux comes with its  own chaotic-aur repository, which provides additional and more  up-to-date packages for your system. which means it also packs additional  packages for gaming and it also makes this distro heavy when it comes 
to system requirements. and Garuda Linux only supports the btrfs  filesystem, so keep that in mind. In this video, you will see the  manual installation process, the testing of Garuda Linux, and later some tips and tricks. and in the end, a gameplay demo. Now to download Garuda Linux, go to their  main website, named On their website, you will find the minimum system  requirements and their distro's flavours Their most famous one is  Garuda KDE Dragonized. but you can choose any
one  of them, and for this video, I am going to test the Dragonized version. and I have a request: if  you guys like my content, then please consider subscribing to my channel. So let's get started! When you boot Garuda Linux, you can choose  to boot with open-source graphics drivers. or if you have an Nvidia graphics card, then you go with Nvidia's  proprietary graphics drivers. Now we are inside the live  image of Garuda Linux, and we have Garuda Linux's  welcome screen, and look, we have so
many tools like Garuda Assistant Garuda Gamer is available for us to try  before we even install Garuda Linux. Make sure to test Garuda Linux yourself  before installing it on your system. Now click on the Install Garuda Linux button. Make sure you are connected to the internet. click next Now choose your region. click next Choose your keyboard layout. click next Now choose your drive wisely. I am going to install Garuda Linux on a SD card. You can either choose to go with the erase disk optio
n or you go  with the manual partitioning option. I am going with the manual partitioning option. Select your partition if it exists. then click on the new partition table button, select GPT, and hit OK Now select the unallocated volume. allocate 512MB for the EFI boot partition. For the file system, choose fat32. The mount point will be /boot/efi then choose the boot flag. Now allocate approximately  52GB for the root partition. For file system, our only option is btrfs. flag will be root then
Mount point will be (/) forward slash The last one will be our swap partition. For file systems, choose Linux Swap. then choose the swap flag. Our partitions are ready. click on the next button Create your username and password. and do not forget to uncheck the  log in automatically option. Click on the next button again. Verify your partitions are created properly or not, then click on the install button. wait for the installation to complete. It's time to reboot our system, and do not forget
to unplug the  bootable USB from the USB port. Garuda Linux welcomes us  with Garuda setup assistant this step is necessary to properly  update Garuda Linux for the first time. click ok Enter your password. Now Garuda Linux is providing us  with its pre-configured packages, you can choose any option as per your liking. hit ok then uncheck the Show this  dialogue at start-up option. If you want to play some games right now, then you  should definitely choose the Garuda Gamer option. because it pr
ovides various types  of emulators, game launchers, and many other packages necessary to play  games on Linux right from the start. But we are Linux users. open terminal type lspci -nnk And look, my dgpu uses radeon kernel drivers. Let's see if Garuda Linux properly installed  the gpu drivers for my AMD Radeon 520. type DRI_PRIME=1 vulkaninfo, then hit enter. no segmentation fault This means my  GPU drivers are working properly. But let me tell you some necessary  dependencies if you have AMD's
dedicated GPU. type sudo pacman -S msea xf86-video-amdgpu  vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver libva-vdpau-driver If they do not exist on your  system, then install them. Oh, I forgot to tell you about one  more package to install called amdvlk. AMDVLK is necessary for those  games that utilise Vulkan. because my AMD gpu is using  the radeon kernel driver, which means nvtop will not work. See, my gpu isn't there, so what I will do is utilise  radeontop instead of nvtop. Type sudo pacman -S radeontop
to launch the Radeontop type radeontop then to test our GPU I am going to launch glxgears with  the DRI_PRIME=1 option enabled. As you can see, the GPU is  now running the test. Now to manually install Wine on our system type sudo pacman -S wine wine-mono wine-gecko wintricks Now create a folder to store the wine prefix. then type WINEPREFIX= As you can see, wineprefix created a virtual C  drive and configuration files related to it. I already copied a game for testing, and I already modded GTA
San Andreas  with a widescreen patch and dxvk patch, and this version of GTA San Andreas  does not require DirectX to run, and its exe files are also  64-bit, so keep that in mind. Now to run over the game  without any kind of issue, we need a custom version of  wine named wine-ge-custom. Click on the releases section, then copy the download link for  the latest version of Wine-ge. then make a hidden folder named .wine-ge Type wget, then paste the download  link space -P ~/.wine-ge then to extr
act wine-ge, type tar -xvf ~/.wine-ge/ -C ~/.wine-ge Now change the name of the folder from Lutris-GE-Proton8-14-x86_64. to something simple to remember. This part is optional, and it's up to you what kind  of games you want to play. to install DirectX and Visual C++  runtime inside our wineprefix type WINEPREFIX=~/pc_games/  winetricks d3dx9 vcrun2010 Now it is time to create a script that will launch  our game with the custom version of Wine. type export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/pc_games" export WI
NE="$HOME/.wine-ge/wine/bin/wine" export WINEARCH=win64 for 64-bit and win32 for 32-bit cd "$HOME/Games/GTA-san/" DRI_PRIME=1 ./gta-sa.exe save it and exit Now let's launch the game. The game is fully playable and  it is running flawlessly. That's it for todays video If you guys want to see more videos like this, then make sure to hit the like  button and Subscribe to my channel, and don't forget to hit the bell button so  you never miss out on my latest videos. and if you have any kind of feedb
ack  or suggestion, then feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for watching.



my garuda linux is a dragonized de running wayland with all AMD hardware i always go for the open source drivers


Thanks for this tutorial ! the wine tip is Gold , thanks for that !! any chance you will do one for the nvida GPU :D ?