
Genshin's Most CHAOTIC Duo #genshinimpact #genshin #diona #venti #genshinshorts #paimon

From Venti picking up random stuff on a mountain to make a drink with to Diona trailing anti-alcoholic drinks on Venti to Paimon the racecar this scene was the most chaotic thing I've seen in Genshin for a while. #hoyocreators #hoyoverse #gaming #anime #mondstadt #genshinimpactedit

Immersed In Colour

6 days ago

it's a bird feather I found on a ruin in Dragon spine a birad feather for a drink goar an entirely new sort of mouth feel yeah you're putting aing feather in your mouth mate what the what do potions have to do with drinks what the do you do with a potion except drink it was like drink that prevents people from getting intoxicated well so you drink it alongside the alcohol so that you don't get intoxicated but you can still drink alcohol then what's the point in drinking alcohol you as well just
drink piss in water well not P don't don't piss in water I meant like you may as well just drink water God's sake why all the extra steps operation eliminate drunkards has just begun and you my friend are my first test subject H if you can make veny not a piss head we'd be very impressed
