
Georgia prosecutors could refile tossed charges in Trump election case

The judge in former President Donald Trump's Georgia election interference case dismissed some of the charges against Trump on Wednesday, saying they were not specific enough. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion reports. CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations, available free to everyone with access to the Internet. The CBS News Streaming Network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. Launched in November 2014 as CBSN, the CBS News Streaming Network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on and Paramount+. See more at Subscribe to the CBS News YouTube channel: Watch CBS News: Download the CBS News app: Follow CBS News on Instagram: Like CBS News on Facebook: Follow CBS News on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletters: Try Paramount+ free: For video licensing inquiries, contact:

CBS News

11 hours ago

now to the Georgia election interference case against Donald Trump the judge in that case dismissed some of the charges including three of the 13 charges the former president is facing saying they were not specific enough those charges Trump is still accused of violating the racketeering act and of multiple conspiracy charges our Nicole Killian explains Bolton County Judge Scott McAfee threw out charges that accused former president Trump and several of his co-defendants of pressuring public off
ice ERS to violate their Oaths as part of an alleged effort to overturn the 2020 election McAfee said district attorney fonnie Willis and her prosecutors were not specific enough about the violations writing the lack of detail concerning an essential legal element is fatal just three of Trump's 13 counts were tossed including one for his January 2021 phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad raffensberger I just want to find uh 11,780 votes Trump's legal team applauded the ruling it was a st
ep in the right direction it goes to the sloppiness of frankly the the prosecutors down there former Federal prosecutor Tom Dupri said it was only a partial victory for Trump the judge's decision effectively has the result of narrowing the case against Trump and the other defendants it doesn't eliminate entirely though it is a lie mca's ruling comes ahead of a high anticipated decision this week about whether Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade should be disqualified from the election inte
rference case last month the paay admitted to having a romantic relationship for about a year after Wade was hired but denied any wrongdoing the Romantic relationship ended before the indictment was returned yes or no to a man yes Nicole Killian joins me now from Atlanta Nicole is there anything prosecutors can do to change or reinstate the charges well the Fulton County district attorney declined comment on Judge McAfee's decision today but it is possible uh that she could appeal the ruling and
possibly request that these charges be reinstated if more specificity could be provided to uh address the charge at hand so that is a possible option but whether or not the district attorney decides to go that route remains to be seen and any route that the district attorney chooses to go is kind of up in the air right because I mean how could this because fonny Willis is waiting for this ruling from the judge on on this relationship she had so if the if the office wanted to challenge the judge
's ruling on this are they delayed by from doing so because of that other misconduct question well again this is going to be another situation where we have to see how things play out you know obviously this ruling came as a bit of a surprise you know most are watching judge MCA to see what he decid relative to this disqualification case and hearing that was held here in fton County last month about whether the district attorney and special prosecutor Nathan Wade should continue on this case the
judge had said he would make that decision within two weeks we are nearing the end of that window and so rather than getting that decision today we got this other decision about the dismiss charges you know lots of illegal experts are trying to read the tea leaves to see what if anything that could mean for the district attorney uh as far as whether she'll end up being disqualified or not but uh I don't think the Judge really tipped his hand per se in this particular ruling but worth noting tha
t in the event that she were disqualified that another attorney would have to be assigned to this case matter would be referred to a Prosecuting Council here in Georgia so that could significantly delay the proceedings including any potential appeals with respect to these dismissed charges John Nicole Gillian in Atlanta thank you so much Nicole



Where should we send a truck load of sand for cbs to pound?


if they can trump up charges on Trump... they can do it to you... end 2 tier justice


They won't file an appeal because it would go to a higher court and possibly open another can of worms.


FJB! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Nothing like asking a correspondent about the law. Do not ask a lawyer. Why not have a 3 person panel to discuss as usual?


Fani and Wade are all done . Lieing under oath is unforgivable for a DA and a special prosecutor.


That's ok, Brandon is going to have triple the criminal charges & hefty fines


Hasn't there been enough of this circus show


Even tho its fake, push it like its real. Sounds just like the russian collision hoax


Lol @ the headline Just KILLS CBS that this happened 😂😂🤣🤣


Fani & Wade getting disqualified next.


God is protecting PRESIDENT TRUMP❤


He ask the guy to find votes not to create them. I'm a Democrat and I'm in awe of the party that use to be for peace and free speech and at least acted like they had a border plan


Good luck- the corruption in the Georgia DA office is widespread.. this will tank the entire office🤣🤣


beyond stupid. THROWN OUT means it’s done.. it’s over with… get over it


Glad I left the dem clown party.


It's crazy town. She's guilty. Absolutely, the charges should be dropped. All the charges are completely unrealistic and ridiculous.


Cbs cant stand it😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


Ha ha Still on the ballot!


CBS sitting there with the stink face over this one