
Getting Your Passport Will Change Your Life | Traditional Foreign Women | #simpleliving

Getting Your Passport Will Change Your Life | Traditional Foreign Women | #simpleliving 💪My videos and labor I put into them are 100% free for you, so please leave a thumbs-up 👍On videos you like and subscribe to my channel, and if you really want to win, 🔔Hit the notification bell! 👉If you want to support further and keep us winning, click the links below. I appreciate you! 🤜Become a legionnaire member for added perks: 💰Donate through cashapp:$PaulBenjaminR 🅿Support via PayPal: 💲Bolster via Venmo: 📞Your success is my success. Set up a coaching call & we'll tackle your issues head-on: 📩Email: 🎬Subscribe: Getting Your Passport Will Change Your Life, Traditional Foreign Women, Why American Women Can't Keep A Man, American Women Want Relationships, Traditional Filipinas Are Incredible, Traditional Foreign Women Take Care Of You, Dating Is Dead For American Women, Men Are Wifing Traditional Foreign Women, Men Living Their Purpose, Your Life Is Slipping Away, Your Life Is Being Wasted, Monk Mode Over American Women, Your Purpose Always Comes First, Stop Chasing American Women

The Winner's Legion

Streamed 5 months ago

from Slovenia and Paul I think that your live  streams are absolutely spectacular and I know my English is not good but I want your subscribers  to know that I will take care of them there is no problem when they come to Slovenia which is  which you're not familiar with is Eastern Europe all of my cousins my friends my sisters they  will all take care of you they were all like you delicious soups that you have never tasted  before they just want a good man and of course my Bruce is 42. 3 triple
D which in America is like  a bee which means we are going to blow you away with our femininity there is no doubt and  you will be shocked and what you need to do is hit the like button so he can make his  dreams this man Paul because he's great a thousand percent so make sure that you do  this so you don't have to deal with these overweight dailies yeah look at these these  Cannon right here into a dog as you can see if you guys have noticed in all of my streams  my Slovenian accent if you noti
ce in all of my streams there's always a kitten and her  dogs walking around it's disgusting oh yeah it's disgusting but don't worry  when you come here we will smother you without Bruce and it would be  delightful if you will love it legionnaires running hard start through light that  wasn't a reading history it was just a Squad jump yes gentlemen check it out check it out we are out  in a beautiful beautiful beautiful SoCal weather as always we'll go to the docks today we'll  get into trouble
I had to do two streams today because I just couldn't help myself I could not help myself I was like we got it  we gotta we gotta get some traditional foreign streams and I can't do these aw streams  all the time because it's so depressing guys when you take a look at my last  stream it's not depressing for you guys it's depressing for the AWS when they hit me  up and they say Paul what do I do oh help me what is that a tugboat the heck is that what is  this guys what the hell is that he's got l
ike a little crane on there or something what is that  it's like a raft I don't know what the heck that is I think it's a tugboat anyway where the little  ladies come in and complain and cry to me and send me emails about what they should do it's just  depressing this is nothing really that they can do they're literally stuck you know what I mean it's there's not enough of them to warrant any  type of real I don't know work well I mean what can we do for them there's nothing we can  do for them
they're stuck they are in a bad spot and they're gonna have to work through it they're  gonna have to get their little sisters together and start working on it because there's nothing  really can do there really isn't I'm sorry AWS but you did this to yourselves you know what I mean  there's no way that we can fix this for you we don't we don't we don't have control over that  it's your guys responsibility to fix this so there there you go I mean what else do you want me  to say right so before
we get started on this one this is gonna be a good stream because we're going  to get into the tfws going overseas what it's like what you guys can expect different way of life  different way of living before we do that you have to donkey punch the like button the likes are  the most important thing this is what sends this information out to other gentlemen who  are seeking guidance who are seeking Absolution who are seeking not on seeking  Arrangements but you know what I mean and they need thi
s information just as badly as  you gentlemen need it so said this video to them this stream by pressing the like button it's  kind of it's kind of quiet today guys it's a Monday you're not going to see many people  out but here and there we'll see a couple shifting some tea leaves here and there and  some freaking Cairns and some crazy people and it's gonna be nutty but before we really get  into it shout out to all the AWS who were trying I mean I know you are I know you  are I know you're doi
ng what you can but there's nothing really you can do you're just  gonna have to suffer and uh yeah you can thank your grandmothers your mothers your aunts you can  thank them for where you're at because this is what they wanted right and they're not doing too  much better either so you can find solace in that but what's fascinating about getting your passport  gentlemen is it will permanent will it how much does it really change your life getting your  password what is this all about how is it
going to change my life what is the point why are guys  going so crazy to get their passports they're doing all this construction over here they're  setting up a massive concert big big concert how is getting a passport going to change  your life what does it entail why is it such a coveted item well when I was a kid I  didn't really understand how much getting my passport would change my life but my parents  were ahead of the game I went overseas and I went to Europe at a very young age I was j
ust  a teenager and I I was exposed to such a more Rich culture I could not even understand what  the heck was going on but I quickly realized that the West was not what I thought it was  that there was not one singular place that dominated over all it was very very eye-opening  experience in fact I learned very very quickly that's living in America was kind of like  living on an island in the middle of nowhere because living on this island you fake this is it  and that's a way the way a lot of
Americans think they think oh well America is the best America  not as much anymore but you know America's so great and it has a it's the freest country in the  world nope no it is not do you see nude beaches over here no you do not it is not as free as you  think and by the way the ways that it is free it's just it's a very different mindset when  you go overseas when you start getting outside of your country when you start going to more  conservative countries you start to realize that you're
actually a little  fish in a very large pond you start to realize that the other ways of  life have Superior benefits that you don't even know about one of the things that's very  very different when you guys go overseas is you're going to notice that the freshness  of food is going to increase substantially this is something that a lot  of you guys are not used to not only that the freshness and the quality  will improve dramatically drastically there's a reason why America's so fat because mos
t of  what we have Nick I think you got them idea oh these guys are afraid of it oh  I thought I got in but I didn't that's what's sad is a lot of these little ladies  ladies what am I talking about ladies guys they try to jump in the streets but they don't get  it what you guys will notice as you go overseas is the freshness and quality of which you eat starts to increase when I was in just when  I was in Europe I would literally go to a small Market there weren't a lot of big  supermarkets I'l
l go to a small Market and I'd pick up a loaf of bread now a lot of you  guys are going to freak out oh breads bad for you blah blah blah we need to get away from this good  bad stupid mindset because when you go overseas it's not what you think these are fresh loaves  of bread made from scratch by hand with like no preservatives and all of a sudden now you have  this fresh loaf of bread these fresh cuts of meat these fresh pieces of cheese that are made from  cows that have been they've been gi
ven grass and you're gonna you guys are gonna  notice that the quality and flavors and the amount of calories that you get  and the quality of calories that you get start to improve drastically so I  would literally walk from one market all the way back to where I was staying and  get a bunch of groceries and just shout out and I was completely full on a very small amount  of food unlike the west where it's mostly heavy not feeling very calorie deficient I mean nutrient  deficient high calorie f
ood right and by the way the other thing about Europe is it's very walkable  most of the towns and cities that you go to you literally can just walk everywhere the public  transportation is better you're standing more often you're sitting less now there's definitely  parts of Western Europe that are very very sedentary right especially the  British they're getting pretty fat but nowhere guys you do not see 600 800 000  pound people just waddling around like you do in the U.S guys it's not uncomm
on for  foreigners to come to our country and almost throw up in their mouths because they've  never seen so many effing fat people with triple chins and quadruple chins and humongous bellies  it's disgusting and it is absolutely shameful it is absolutely disgusting so you'll be  over there in Europe and all you see for the most part is a bunch of thin  chicks and felt thin men as well right just checking my mic my mic was giving me  some issues so you're over there and the first thing you notic
e is the way of life is much  different you're walking everywhere guys you notice I walk a ton but Los Angeles really isn't  a very walkable City it's a lot of streets and a hell of a lot of cars if you guys have noticed  guys there's so many cars here it's not even funny but you'll notice in a lot of these  foreign lands the places are very walkable people get out into the sun well there's not a  lot of sun in Europe but they're actually walking around they're interacting they're going to small
  boulangeries they're going to these small markets with fresh food very fresh not frozen one  of the biggest things that shocked me when I went to Hong Kong in China guys there's  no frozen food anywhere you can't find they don't even offer frozen food there's no  aisle of frozen food there's none of it some of the highest amounts of sodium and crap  that you get into your system is from frozen food it's all about convenience in the west now  when you go to Europe when you go overseas it's not
a lot of convenience you have to go over  there and get your stuff things are made by hand and the funny part is they're actually a  lot cheaper they're a lot less expensive so not only are you getting higher quality  check this out it's the Ducks over here it's very pretty out not only  are you getting higher quality delicious made from scratch food for real  animals an actual real vegetables fruits wheat you're actually getting exposed to a much lower  amounts of additives sodium Etc now why a
m I bringing this up because guys when I went on the  road in Europe and we actually drove around it was nothing but weed fields and beautiful you  know pastures and grass and Grains everywhere and I was not used to this right I'm used  to concrete blocks I'm used to highways everywhere massive highways expressways this  is much much different overseas when you get outside of your little shanty town with all  your walruses and Buffalos waddling around you know what Mr light biscuit I don't like
your  freaking strange anymore you're always making fun of fat girls in your faction I want to go around in my little rascal to  Walmart all the time what's wrong with that you know what you can do whatever you want  but don't expect men to be attracted to it just because a couple of simps kiss your butt  because they want to get in your pants doesn't mean anything anyway when you go overseas when you  get your passport now your life is forever altered it's like you're transported into another w
orld  so when I was in Europe Not only was everybody thinner Not only was everybody healthier  in general everybody has a better attitude a better attitude less snarkiness less anger  less frustration sitting in a freaking box car sitting in a freaking box  waiting to go home to watch a box everybody was much calmer everybody  had a lot more relaxed attitudes he was absolutely fascinating hit the  hit the like button when you come in ridiculously refreshing yeah Cincinnati you should post some p
ictures of that Jake Judy  Cincinnati where you're at yikes these small towns I know Cincinnati is not a small town but I  think it's like 300 000 people but again you go over to these bigger cities in Europe and  even right then and there you're Blown Away by how much more people interact with  each other and get to know each other and have a good attitude all right why the  heck am I always followed by Baby Boomers you know what I mean God get the hell away from me freaking baby boomer Geez Lo
uise baby boomers are really annoying guys  they're always trying to get them they try to get in the video more than  gen Z it's freaking amazing anyway it is hilarious so yeah Western Europe Eastern Europe Central  Europe Northern even Ireland Ireland massively it's breathtaking there not a high population  but again people are much more friendly the drinks flow people drink wine at every meal  it's a different mindset and yet they have some of the highest health rates lowest obesity  rates in
the entire world it's a fascinating fascinating thing so of course the women  over there are much much nicer they're much more friendly hit the like button guys  likes really help push the stream out you're not dealing with people bumping into  each other and getting upset in road rage and passive aggressive men jealous men one of  the countries with the most jealous men I have ever encountered in my entire life is the United  States by far you've encounter so many guys hit the like button I see
the guys piling in likes  push this stream out to the public they get the stream out please hit that like button I really  appreciate every like that you guys contribute but yeah you go to the West you go to the US  and you're dealing with massive massive amounts of jealous men checking to see okay stream seems to be okay  it's giving me some issues but I think we're okay appreciate those likes guys  I see the likes going up and what I've noticed very very quickly is  that the men were we're no
t only not jealous they're actually very accommodating  there's a little table for you she's a shy King she had her head down with her  dog guys have you noticed how many women have dogs just anecdotally from my streams you see  women with dogs every freaking stream there's some chicks with dogs why not having  kids guess do you see girls with babies do you see women having babies pregnant it's kind of disturbing isn't  it it's all pet moms come on another thing in Europe a lot of  pet people yo
u'd be surprised guys a lot of pregnant women a lot of  women having babies a lot of women staying with their men not a lot of strong and independent talk  and I don't need no man and all this stupid the buzzwords that they don't even know  what they mean don't see that overseas so yeah Europe was one of those places  and what was funny is every city I went to in Western Europe had Eastern European people  coming there a lot like Los Angeles where you get a swath of people from all over the  wor
ld who are constantly coming here to visit and or make a name for themselves and or make a  home and or to become an actress model whatever they've always got a resume or I mean they've  always got their head shots with them and they working some waitress job it's crazy dude is the running team out  today just checking so yeah I meet these Eastern European women in these big towns  and by the way guys I was just a teenager so I didn't know what the heck was with  I didn't understand what they me
ant what they were getting at their mindset  and how different everything was [Applause] welcome to La guys poor guy  he's tired core bomb is tired poor bump yeah guys we got a really bad homeless problem  in Los Angeles you want to know why because the weather is always like this always well for the  most for the most part sunny you can wear shorts pretty much every day flip-flops it's one of those  and plus a lot of people give these people money they're always giving poor people and bums lots
  of money so of course they're going to stay you can make a good living being a bum in Los Angeles  I'm not kidding guys there have been stories where some bums have pulled 70 grand a year how's  it going Kaylee I'm just riding my bike oh um hi uh I think I'm gonna go meet my friend  cute little kitties yeah only in La for real man oh yeah yeah the amount of Beach  Bums that we have it's not even funny it's just look as Los Angeles is cool but if  you want to have a family you do not come to LA
you want to have a family you are barking  up the wrong tree son this is a Place full of Broken Dreams and hookups that's  pretty much it so just be very aware lots of volleyball lots of roller skating  and lots of hookups and lots of Broken Dreams and lots of people who failed to make it in the  music industry a lot of people who failed to make it into the movie industry a lot of people  who failed failed actresses failed actors failed everything city of Broken  Dreams and I'm not even trying
to be guys I've lived here the majority of  my life I've traveled around the world and I've been to so many freaking States I haven't  been to every state but I've been to close to the majority of all the states in the United States  either driven through flown to visited stayed at you know what I mean so yeah if you  guys want to come here have at it but nice hat grandma I know I am a grandma and I know you love this hat and  I know you're envious of this hat I know it makes you sad that  you d
on't have this head but I do and you don't and you keep sitting  there and I'm gonna stay with my little language is happy she's really really happy yes my grandma has I agree  guys look at this helicopter this guy is just hanging out to get into all  sorts of mischiefs I'm gonna catch you my friend [Music] but yeah la city of Broken Dreams you guys you aren't having families here not  long term the divorce rate in Los Angeles and especially in Orange County which is a  little bit south of me is
extraordinarily High in fact it's through the roof in fact  it's some of the highest in the entire country little lingling in the green okay guys I  literally called it what did I say Rosalind pork belly would be on her Rascal at 450 pounds  what did I say I literally said this earlier oh only in Los Angeles I love it I'm having too much fun I wanted  to I visited LA but I have no desire to live there yeah you really don't guys  get a lot of K leaks and kaylies and all that type of stuff but it
's it's more for  just guys it's just it's more for visiting it's kind of like Las Vegas right you  don't want to live on the Strip guys you definitely can visit there I've been to  Vegas so many times I can't even count you don't necessarily want to live there uh similar to New  York City guys New York City's thanks it is one of the stinkiest most depressing most vile cities  on the entire planet it is dirty I mean it is just Rife with pollution and lots of bombs see the bums  in LA are pretty
pretty chill you know what I mean the bombs in LA are pretty chill but the bombs  in New York are just NYC are just they're they're aggressive let's just put it that way and  they might come after you know what I mean so what else where are we going we're gonna go to  the next city over that's what we're gonna do so yeah if you guys want to have a family you're  gonna have to do it in a conservative country now here's the interesting thing about then I'm going  to tie it all back together here's
the interesting thing about the conservative states that I have  been to the red States right the arizonas the Tennessee's the um what is the other one there's  a bunch of other red States I've been to Texas yet but I'm going all right all these red States  you would think the divorce rate would be lower the amount of happy couples would be higher but no  this is not the case the divorce rates are as high if not higher in a lot of these states which makes  the whole you know having a family ove
r there in one of these red States really  not realistic you know what I mean so best to again check your passport because even these cities are very  very wild right very outrageous getting into a lot of trouble the  nickname for uh Nashville is Nash Vegas anyway so yeah back to Europe a lot of  what I experienced throughout Europe traveling from Ireland England Scotland  England was definitely the most liberal and it was the most westernized Ireland  by far the most conservative Scotland not n
ecessarily now it's a little more  westernized well what I quickly realized is that there was a very very different attitude towards relationships in these countries  and it had little to do with Independence it had little to do with headaches hit  the like button guys as you come on in the like button helps push this content out there  it helps everybody know that we need business so let me show you guys check this out this  has to be easily an eight-figure house on the beach holy moly so what
I really realized when I was in Europe is people really valued relationships and this is  a nice house they valued relationships much more than I thought they would than any other country  hit that like button as you guys file on in and I noticed that people were  more intimate they were more calm they had less stress they were less tightly  wound Americans I've noticed are very tightly wound individuals they are very stressed out very  overworked in Europe they're much more laid back guys they
don't work nearly as much as we do all  right they kick back and check out little Kaley's they're much more relaxed and so when I  came back from Europe back to America it was almost like reverse culture shock I was  back to the stress and the high production rates in the you know the constant  uh the constant puritanical ideology yet behind closed doors being really  wild and outrageous and it stuck with me I knew that now that I had my passport  now that I went overseas I had to go back I knew
that it was important  to get out of the West and this was when I was a teenager guys when I  was a teenager I knew something had to change guys look at how many chicks are with their dogs guys look at how many chicks are with  the Ducks hold on a second they're always with their dogs I bet you guys noticed and  it's sad because they could have been moms but now they are not you know what I mean  it's just sad they get they just over the hill there's no real solution to the uh to  the populatio
n decline here [Music] I'm practicing with my camera gentlemen hit  that like button the likes help the algorithm to help push this content out and that's the most  important thing keep pushing that content out what do you guys talk about what's what  are you talking about man pay attention why don't you guys paying attention why aren't you  guys paying attention to what we're talking about what's your problem guess oh a little Kaylee's running those are K Leafs excuse me excuse me I stand  corr
ected little happy candies bouncing around volleyball team is training good for them more  Kaylee's these are Kaylee's right the other ones were K Leafs okay get it straight so got back to  L.A went back to America and I started to realize man we got it all backwards in the West [Music]  we have a backwards mentality and I started to go over the border to Mexico because it was so  close because guys Los Angeles is so close to the Mexican border I can literally Drive to two hours  south two and a
half hours south and I'm in Mexico and I started to do that and  this was relatively easy to do and after I started going to Mexico I was  like wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute the heck is going on here there's  so many different ways of life that why am I staying in America and it started  to erode the whole American Dream fantasy now the American dream is pretty much in the in the  toilet there's no American Dream anymore guys that has that that ship has sailed that's that the  Ameri
can dream is so far gone it's not even funny we're talking about inflation headaches what would Bailey do I don't know what would  Bailey be what I'm not quite sure oh you know the Biggins right the big girls that's  what a Bailey would be not a Kaylee Bailey is this what you're referring to Sir is this  a Bailey is that what you're referring to a big in so yeah started going to Mexico started to learn  the Mexican way of life about the Mexican culture and I quickly realized they were much more
family  oriented than westerners much more friendly even though not very wealthy see one in the west is  we want to be wealthy and have relationships we want to have all this prestigious wealth for no  reason I hear this all the time from gen Z girls I want to have generational wealth for who  you're not having kids for what generation you see what I'm saying we've really  got our priorities ass backwards in the West because what's more important family commitment religion hit that like button 
guys is that more important or wealth Wells Kay Leafs you guys want some Kay leaves there's a big one  right on there on the left there's a there's a little I want to see that dude oh they think  oh they're smiling oh this is trouble guys you already know it's trouble but yeah  this is going to be about that is it going to be about having a family or is  it gonna be about prodigious wealth huh here's a little fruity guy this guy's very  fruity you guys don't want to see that some of you do hit t
he like button guys like this  likes are free likes help this algorithm push out our content straight to the to the edge of the  universe but it's sad because the vast majority of Western men have never experienced this  more conservative culture this more Gentle Way of Life the people with the great  attitudes the people that are Ultra friendly a lot of what's funny about a Los  Angeles is nobody knows each other in L.A um we're very very very divided divided as a culture it's crazy very divide
d as a culture we don't talk to each  other we don't even know our neighbors friends our neighbors our neighbors friends we don't  know anybody and the reason for this is because it's very densely populated we're  very self-centered in Los Angeles and because we are too liberal there's not a lot  of families here guys it would shock you to see how few families are in Contra in cities like Los  Angeles the majority of people that populate Los Angeles are people that actually move here and  this i
s the same thing that you see in New York it's the same thing you see in all  the big liberal cities right thank you it's a very very different different  mindset it's a different way of life and so in La a lot of people are very anti-social  or not as social as they should be right and it's just something it's just  it's something that I learned throughout my life as a kid so when I went to  these bigger cities that were more conservative hit that like button guys I see  the likes is stagnant h
it the likes hit the freaking lights Hit the Lights  get the freaking likes hit the likes freaking likes when I went to the bigger cities  that were conservative I started to go oh crap these people have their act together these  people are friendly These Guys these people are conservative they're Community oriented  here's another couple with the dog pet parents this guy looks real happy doesn't he look at this  guy his head's down he's slouched he's annoyed this pork look at this guy oh I got
a hot  chick man oh he's so sad the poor guy I see that you know what the only relationships I see  in LA are just guys that are just slumped over just completely brow beaten to death they've  got nothing left guys we're going somewhere new today we're gonna go on the pier now this is  quintessential Los Angeles this is where all these movies are filmed at Bay watching guys there's  so many movies filmed here it's not even funny but what's sad is I go to these  conservative cities and they've go
t more understanding of each other and meeting  each other and just just a family atmosphere in these big cities these big liberal cities  like here right it's freaking us out it's decent and then after Mexico after  going to this to these Southern tip now I said you know what I need to get over  now that I've been to the Latin countries I've been to the the European countries now  I've got to get to the Asian countries and I was like where am I going I already  know where I'm going I'm going st
raight to the epicenter the place that I've seen in movies  my whole life and I had to find out is Hong Kong the sensor for Cantonese life so many Cantonese  people and high skyscrapers and endless endless islands and you know how do I get into this to  this Asian episode and so I go to China man I start off in a Beijing and by the way barely  knew Mandarin but they were very nice to me I started off in China I stay there have a layover  over there and then I get my white what socks to freaking
Hong Kong look at these Pelicans man  look at these Pelicans dude guys there's a pelican on the freaking Beach this this SOB was  bigger he was so effing huge and I was walking up to him and I was walking up to this  Pelican I was like he was he looked a little he looked a little dicey but he was just  sleeping on the beach the biggest freaking bird I've ever seen in my life bigger than the  geese gotta watch out let's freaking Pelicans man this is huge I wanted to pet him but the  park he uh it
's not a good idea guess they could they can't bite you but they might try  to I don't know do something I have no idea it's pretty nice out hopefully you  get the stream isn't getting getting its butt kicked I can't believe it  I've got I've got juice out here but then I got my ass to Hong Kong okay this guy  looks a little happier with this girl I got my ass to Hong Kong it's a typical Kaylee typical and  I when I went to Hong Kong I was like this is this is really special hey Kayla she's wear
ing  ankle weights she's so cute oh freaking out silly but guys a woman in China would never  be caught dead wearing that skimpy stuff never never you guys want to see the end of the  pier hopefully I don't drop my phone in the water or something that would be funny there's  a tugboat out there I don't know who that guy is should I should I jump off and dive in the water  over here that's not that's not too bad of a swim back I can make it I can make it even though my  swimming cardio is not the
best right now the problem is there's rip tides and rip currents  that as you get further and further out guys it gets harder and harder to get back in  into the inland gets harder and harder but yeah so I go to China I'm hanging out in China the hell are they doing construction here this  is a bizarre I get into I get into Beijing this was my beginning because I had to go to a big  city because I talked to one of my Chinese Buddies from college well I was actually this  chick from college and
she was Chinese and she told me see this is where people  try to fish here at the end of the pier they're not gonna catch much but  probably get a Stingray or two so I get there I get to Beijing  and immediately I'm floored by the presentation I get to Beijing  International Airport and there's these tall militant ladies wearing uniforms and then  there's a bunch of dudes holding weapons you know automatic rifles I was  like whoa this is the airport and this was very very very not I'm  not used
to it hit the like button guys hit the like button send that  freaking like out into the wilderness why does this why does this guy have a rainbow  freaking lifeguard Tower that is like the rarest thing you only see that in Miami see the other  lifeguard Towers the heck is that all about he has the OWN he has the only rainbow life character I  did not notice that until just now that's bizarre so anyway I'm met and greeted by these very  tall very lanky very beautiful Chinese women wearing unifor
ms at the freaking airport  and I go okay what is this all about and I was like me how and they went oh no Chinese  and I said I said uh a little bit I'm learning and they knew perfect English and I was scratching  my head going what the hell is happening because normally when you get to a an  American Airport it's a bunch of fat TSA people with bad attitudes sneering angry  you know take off your shoes and all this crap and here I'm greeted by a little  chinese's that are bubbly and giggly and
I go wait a minute wait wait now I have  met mint guys I've met so many foreigners so many people that are first generation from  their country second generation third generation of metamol because again Los Angeles is a is an  international City people from everywhere Vietnam Cambodia uh freaking Thailand freaking Guam  everywhere from everywhere around the world come to this city to experience the Sun and the fun  and the beauty that is the water is freaking crazy hey guys pay attention guys p
ay attention  pay attention eyes up here as if you're okay well you have too much fun over here so I'm in  China Beijing I'm greeted by these beautiful tall Chinese this is and I think to myself what  the hell is going on here I'm not ready for this they're so friendly and I said and I said so  so how come I literally asked these girls Point Blank I said how come because you can guys with  traditional foreign woman you could be more blunt I said how come the women who are here are so  beautiful
and they're like oh you think we are pretty and I said yes they're like you are so  nice it's because we want to show you we want to present a a good face I I don't I don't know how  to translate from Mandarin but they're essentially showing you their best they want you to say good  things about China anyway another little Chinese that I knew at the time from Shenzhen told me  about this too as well and she put it in her little diary to help me out or her little notebook  she made a whole notebo
ok for me for when I go to China where to go and all this other stuff she  was very very helpful she's a little happy nugget but then I started to explore  and even the men were very nice I was like how do you get to how do you get  here and they're like oh we'll take you there don't worry about it and I'm like how much  and he's like oh just give me a couple bucks I'll drive you there I was like dang this  is freaking incredible they're just so here's another failed musician guys see that guy 
right there can I zoom in I can't zoom in sorry guys oh I can zoom in check it out check  it out guys I can zoom in Isn't that cool zoom in zoom out I learned something new today  I could zoom in there's a there's there's a rock star right there guys see that rock star right  yeah see that rock star see him he's gonna make millions guys one day oh Jesus Christ oh I  know I'm a jerk he's he's a real rock star guys this is the Future these gen Z kids man  they're coming for it they're coming for y
ou they're gonna destroy you'll see the Gen z boys  are not putting big guys they're not going to put up with anything you'll see Matt I know you  guys talk a lot of crap about the Gen Z guys but this is the future Guys these kids are full  they go they are going to bring the Thunder I know a lot of people don't believe in gen z  boys and Jen Alpha and they're not going to do anything and they're going to be a bunch  of Sims no they're not because they have no choice they have no choice but to b
ring  the fire and bring the Thunder because you they really have no other options they're being  rejected by their their counterparts right anyway I'll bring it all full circle don't we so yeah Beijing absolutely spectacular guys  are friendly women are friendly very nice um I was very polite very respectful hit the  like button for all you guys that are joining on you and I see you guys piling in getting off  of work pile on in hit the like button push out this freaking stream to everybody by
hitting the  like button hit the dislike button hit anybody hit the I'm gonna troll you button troll this  channel do what you got to do but what I quickly realized in Beijing is even in a more liberal  Chinese City the amount of families everywhere was overwhelming the amount of babies everywhere  was overwhelming little Chinese fat Chinese babies with fat cheeks just absolutely adorable  little kids everywhere and I was like what the hell is going on because again I'm used  to Los Angeles I'm
used to no babies no kids lots of single people guys if you come to LA  and you're single and you go out and you get into trouble you can clean up because La is a  singles epicenter guys you could literally pick up Kaylee's everywhere Kayla's Kaley's Kaley's  everywhere Kaylee's with nice bodies candies who are tall okay at least who are short Kaylee's  who are Jake he's literally Kaylee's everywhere I'm not kidding it's freaking crazy yeah do you have to have a game though  is it gonna be tough
of course it is because everybody because the guys here have  money but you'll still clean up anyway because it's a sink guys it's a singles epicenter you can  definitely get tons of MILFs and cougars there's there's so many milks and cougars here tonight  it's it's really disturbing and essentially they have to as much of them want a high value guy  they know they'll live so they just give up holy cow has it been an hour right I  can't believe it it's kind of crazy I just realized we've been s
treaming again  for another hour it's kind of insane because I don't feel like I've gone that far and I  screamed of oh oh to Rosalind pork bellies okay you know what let's just go down the  street I want to see you Roslyn you're fat and then after Beijing after I ate up  all the noodles that I could after I ate up all the little Chow my  dumpling you aren't you xiaomi Inglewood New York eagle it means a woman or man so I I'm speaking and I'm getting all the little  dumplings and I'm getting all
the little wontons that I'm eating all the the Xiao man I'm  eating all this and I'm having the best time and I'm meeting little Chinese nuggets in Beijing  but I had to balance I had to go to uh Hong Kong because that was my connected flight and  I actually wanted to spend more time in China guys China was surprisingly pretty pretty  chill surprisingly you know you hear a lot of negativity about China but guys it was actually  really relaxed wasn't as scary or terrifying or communist and all t
his you're actually  more capitalists in many ways than America so anyway what the hell is going on over here there's always some weird  stuff going on no way man this girl over here is like looking at me like a  creep I don't know dude you gotta watch out guys these girls are very nefarious you never  know what they're gonna do so I take a short plane ride over to Hong  Kong Hong Kong guys is a cultural it's a cultural phenomenon that's it's  like it's a Once in a Lifetime experience and the re
ason for this is they don't have any  taxes no tariffs it's literally a duty-free Zone it's very bizarre because it's literally  a place where economics works at its best where there's essentially free trade at the  highest level it's it's I've always been found on calling at all when I was a kid I was like I was  fascinated with the with the massive skyscrapers and the the very dense population and the kind  of uh it's just like this kind of energy that I I couldn't get out of my head and I'd n
ever been  there so when I first got there I was like whoa this place runs like a Swiss watch hey  Kaylee that's my type of Kaylee let me tell you something guys yep she's in shape she's  on her little Escape she's a pro man she's good good job Kaylee oh here comes  some Latinas see me on the left I'm probably like halfway either and have Latin  and then right on the right is a little bit guys there's more white Latinas here than you  could ever imagine anyway I go to Hong Kong I'm Blown Away by
the skyscrapers the  skyscrapers everywhere the the constant movement everybody out in the street moving and  moving and moving and I I can't even keep up with the constant movement when I got to Hong  Kong it was fascinating because it was the most synergistic melding of the eastern and  western cultures I did not understand it I did not understand East Meets  West to me it was very very bizarre that's a tiny little Karen the typical thing  wasn't she probably like five one five feet tall and
so I went I started walking around Hong Kong  I learned the lay of the land I bought all these tokens so I could go on this Expressway and I took  a little ferry across the water and you literally take this Ferry this old Chinese boat across  the water back and forth and I was like wow this is insanely different and there  were these really old guys that would get in the water and they'd be wearing their  underwear it's really bizarre it's very strange but what I quickly realized is  they lived
more harmoniously than westerners and then I went to all these  little tiny shops there's no big Superstores there's no big supermarkets there's no frozen food  I would go to all these little tiny markets and places to get my food and I kept trying new  places over and over and over and over again men's daily advice is in the house thank you  for the likes I really appreciate the likes guys I really appreciate them thank you  thank you thank you everybody's out partying having a good time check
out  all these really nice houses guys hold on see all these really nice houses on the beach  living the good life and I kept going around and place to place to get these insanely  delicious meals guys they literally had food imported from all over the world and it was  fresh it just blew my mind I could not believe it but one thing that I saw overseas in Hong  Kong was the massive amounts of families families everywhere kids everywhere  kids well-behaved kids and just in the best behavior hit t
hat like button guys the  likes help push out this stream to everybody and what I really was blown away by was these little kids these little babies these  little toddlers all with perfect etiquette just very well-mannered you'd see them sitting at  the dinner table in these small little markets and restaurants and what they would do is they would  feed the little baby a little bit of spicy food a little bit of bitter food a little bit of sweet  food a little bit of sour food in try to test the
child's palate it was the most amazing thing  I've ever seen and all the while I'm just soaking it all up I'm soaking up this very conservative  way of life guys there's no thoughting overseas there's no thawing overseas there's no you know uh  let's just say Wild crazy nights where girls are hooking up there's a very specific Street for that  now why is this because it's seen as very leftist behavior in very low class so those women go to a  street where they can meet westerners and hook up but
the rest of the population doesn't  do that the rest of the population is very conservative they are their families that  live in these little units not as big as this but not as big as these houses not even close  you got two three four-story houses here guys but that's not the way it is in Hong Kong  so foreign as I met more and more people a couple little chinese's approached me little  Cantonese women and they were unbelievably Direct politely direct as one of my subscribers put it  they wo
uld say things like you are so handsome where are you are you are you here to stay  and they would ask me all these questions and I would just be blown away by the friendliness  by the directness by the sweet gentle nature I couldn't believe it guys I was blown away  I could not believe it now there were Russian women that were there there were Singaporean  women that were there there were Indian women that were there there were tons of Filipinas that  were there it was a lot it's it was like an
Asian uh it was just an Asian episode essentially uh  I don't like this I don't like this Ellie a lot of Karen's over there I don't want to deal with  the carrots let's go get some more kayles guys I know you love Kaylee's don't you love Kaylee's you  guys love kayles but when I was over there foreign [Music] and I was having so  much fun for myself because it was just more of a relaxed atmosphere  right everybody was back everybody 's over there I see putting me in our video  he's putting us i
n our video yeah guys the Kaylee's in LA are very pretty I wasn't  guess I guess that I was playing around huh this is funny you guys like those kaleys  here's another one she's she's old but it's funny because as you guys  can see the Kaylee is in a hey not bad at all delicious yeah the transparency  what is a man's daily advice says the transparency is uh phenomenal they are going to hold back  they're going to tell you about all the men that they've been with or haven't been with which isn't 
many they are going to tell you about their family they're going to tell you about their experiences  they're going to tell you how they're going to take care of you and they're going to show you  they're actually going to do it so this one who approached me when I was in Hong Kong I'll  never forget I was at this big International Mall in Hong Kong and I was just walking around and  all of a sudden tiny little Chinese probably about five foot three five foot two she's  very very she guess she
was very pretty and I slowed down she slowed down and she looked  at me and I looked at her she was very pretty guys very athletic very in shape very happy and  full of all sorts of giggly and bubbliness see it's nice out but essentially what  we did was we went I was at the mall in Hong Kong and I was hanging out there and she  came up and she was friendly and she asked me she was just very direct she goes because  you're very handsome and she was so shy and so nervous I could tell but she was
the  most friendly little thing that I'd ever met sweet as sweet as a button sweet I don't even  know how to describe it just very very sweet and she's probably like an LA seven and a half eight I know you guys saw those those Kaylie's earlier you know what I mean those are La sixes well  one of them was a six one of them was probably a five and a half and I wasn't surprised  because I knew already the kind of cultural um Cadence that they had and she her name  was uh Chong something Chong or Ch
ung something like that and she spoke very good  English her English was impeccable and she had a tiny British accent at the end because  uh Hong Kong was colonized by the British Dutch East Indies if I'm not forsaken for a  while and she was just a very very friendly girl and I said you I said you and I said thank you  I said you are very cute you have a dimple and she started giggling she started giggling  and she was so guys she was turning red and I S and then late and then I was like I was 
like what are you doing and she said I am shopping on my lunch break before I go back to work  I wanted to tell you that because I saw you walking and I said what are you doing  later on and of course I got her number and we hung out later on and I  said so what made you come up to me and approached me right she said I was very  scared I was so scared but I had to say something because in Hong Kong we are very cold we  are not direct and we we don't really do anything right we're very we're pas
sive  we're kind of just cold people she's like we don't really interact with each other we're  we're strangers to each other and I said well now you met somebody new and it was a fascinating  experience because guys it wasn't there for women at all that's the funny part I wasn't in  Hong Kong for women to be honest with you I just wanted to go I'd always wanted to go  and she wasn't the only one that I met there you know what I mean she wasn't  the only person that I met and she wouldn't be the
last and what was funny  was she told me about her family and how it's conservative there and I wanted to give her a hug  in front of her where she worked and she's like oh no I can't do that I cannot because remember guys  it's very conservative remember it's a different different culture than ours right it's just a  different culture there's not this type of pottery I told you guys there's Kaylee's everywhere  it's you cannot when you're in Los Angeles you literally can't escape Kelly's it's
literally  they just you're bombarded by Kelly's all day you're literally bombarded by Kaylee's over here  guys literally this girl this Kaylee has horrible form looks like her back's blowing out man she's  about to Keel over hit the like button guys but yeah little Chong Chung she's the  sweetest sweetest sweetest and I said okay so why did you really approach me since she  said because I want to have mixed babies one day I want to get married to my Foreigner I forgot  what the word for Foreign
er is the hell's the word for Foreigner I can't remember in  Cantonese I can't remember what it is it's I can't remember anyway the bottom line is is  just much more transparent it's a more transparent way of life it is more more straightforward  and I did meet a couple guys there too who were very friendly who actually had me over  to their residences to show me Chinese way of life and they were just so friendly and their wives  would cook for me and stuff guys it was absolutely I couldn't beli
eve it I could not believe how much  Sam now do you see how like I'm used to single people people getting into trouble people just  kind of you know hooking up that's what I'm used to hook up culture in my my city and now I get to  this place where it's literally all families it's families families families and there's very  few single people there people are all young they'll go to Hong Kong's International University  they're all in college you guys like them thickens you guys like them thick
guys  like them thick [Laughter] [Music] some of you guys like those  thick drills that's funny but yeah that was Hong Kong that was China  International episode International Freedom is a very very different way of life and this  guy does not pick up his feet it's like shuffling you can pick up your feet son  it's okay to pick up your feet this is getting on my nerves  I think I want to go around I think I want to go around kind of here's a  kid here's a really tall candy for you that's a tall
okay she's like five eleven five tenths  it's a big kid hit that like button gentlemen full of phlegm today I don't know why here's a  typical La here's a typical La made-up kit just for you guys that's a la typical made of Kelly  see the one with the left in the black that's a typical Le um yeah you know something  something I'm selling important yeah yeah oh man if you're a game guy you  can approach these literally all day you are going to be blown away at  how many shoots you down Mr Game ar
tist s oh you gave me you game guys are so  silly man yeah sure you'll pull a three guys if you don't have your  act together and you come to LA can you try to roll up on candies  like that they're gonna laugh at you unless you're unless you are six foot plus  and 200 plus pounds and made out of granite you know what I mean you're gonna look  at you like you are effing crazy now if you've got money to get stack if  you have money or status you're fine you'll be you could be you'd be five you  co
uld be four foot zero if you don't care but if you come trying to roll it up on that game  stuff it does not work and you want to know why is because so many people come here with money  the average car you see here is like a Porsche you can get away with it with Kate Leafs very  young impressionable maybe you could go back to college or something take a couple college  courses you can get away with a lot more but yeah you guys can't be pulling up I think if you're gonna be just get away with  w
hatever you want with more Kay leaves it's not happening so oh sorry guys stupid stream oh that's  daily advice did you hear about Young Jeezy filing for a divorce from Jeannie my recently well that's  westernized foreign women before yeah of course who's surprised who's surprised and by the  way if you look if you look a little deeper into that story she was the one who AB 1234 use  him all right come on guys we're on some games once again on this little Kelly right here all  you game guys come
on game guys where you at where's your game come on Mr Kaylee right there freaking game guys you guys make me laugh you  need this game there's another Kaylee right here go get her go I have too much fun yeah guys guys you can  clean up in Los Angeles you just have to be kind of chill you gotta have a little  just a little bit of confidence a little bit just I don't want to get into the game  don't don't even give me a story but if you have a little bit of confidence even just  a little bit of
status you can do just fine you're just not going to be getting La Knights  it's not happening in Ace you get a four or five pretty easily this might be a little  chunky she might be from Long Beach she might be from Santa Ana she might be from  Carson get yourself a little chunky Filipina yeah she'll still be at La five four should  be I if you want to get eights and nines guys I have not I've I see I'll see an eight  once every I don't know three four five months every three four five months I
'll see at la-8  they're very rare guys and the reason for this is because they're kept up on the hill up  in the mountains you see those mountains over there see that hill over there  that's where all the rich people are way down there in the way way distance right there  that's the Malibu Canyons all right that's where all the really really really like the actual nines  actresses actors but most actresses and actors are not nines are actresses or not nines these  days you're gonna see this fro
m the models so ah she had a lot of anger and psychological  problems Loki oh yeah guys this is nothing new Western women unfortunately we already  know it's a they are tune into my last stream where I literally go over how  much they want relationships and it's sad right it's a sad sad Affair  but it is what it is you know what I mean it is what it is a lot of them want are sitting  all alone you know It's just sad I think she knew I was recording it appreciate it see her right  there I think s
he knows recorded it was funny because get a little bit Jake this is how  addicted they are to their phones so much fun guys that streams I have so  much fun on these freaking streams [Music] free Geo just liked your video how  do you like me now thank you buddy do you see how many single chicks  are out here just depressed look at that let's go say to the famous let's go  say hi to this guy she's still over there she's depressed she's just sitting there she's sitting  there all by herself guys
I could approach her should I approach her should I approach her right  now should I use some game look at these two all alone look at this rock star I don't want to be  a jerk he's trying he's trying to make it in LA oh thank you free Geo I appreciate the legs buddy  [Music] yes [Music] but yeah guys there's a lot of single women out just sad all alone a lot of  them have dogs they'll have like a dog bottom here's this look at this little depressed  little boy she had her head down like a minut
e ago she's so depressed she's  a little chubby girl yeah poor lips I know you guys I know you guys it's  sad at this point in time it's just sad you know what I mean because they don't they  literally don't have any prospects at all oh there's there's a girl running her kids it won't  be damned there you go that's what I like to see so poor poor poor America go hit that like button  appreciate it guys here's a girl with her kids kid it's not enough you gotta have at  least two honey we need at
least two at least two for replacement effect we're not  getting that in Los Angeles the only way that we're getting that is with Mexicans coming  here that's the only way we can repopulate so yeah so Hong Kong Hong Kong blew me  away the amount of families the amount of women that wanted to have kids with me  when I went to Hong Kong was ridiculous I met a Filipina in Hong Kong she wanted to  have kids with me I met two chinesees that wanted to have kids with me and they really  do want to crea
te strong stable families and this is something you just don't see  you know like you just don't see it you don't see it in westernized cities so oh yeah  guys don't be surprised when you see all these I deserve high value rajland Park Valley and I  want to see see buddy what I need is high value I need I need high value Cheetos I need high value  chow mein that's what I need I need high value hit the like button you know what if you hit the  like button maybe Russell pork belly will go away yea
h it's depressing guys talking about American  women all the time it's just it's just depressing it makes me depress it makes me just so depressed  because all I ever see is just sad miserable oh yeah yeah I get I get chills just thinking  about hit that like button guys when you hit the like button it sends out this glorious stream to  all the other legionnaires out there who want to get their passports and go overseas and it's  just depressing so when I get an opportunity to go overseas and to
create passport awareness  and yes guys what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to set up some live streams overseas most  likely the only the only place I'm not going to be able to do it though the challenge  is is going to be China because China of course bans YouTube for a good reason because  you know what I mean they do not want to uh they do not want to get the westernized you  know ideology they didn't want to get all that westernized nonsense over there so what I can  do is I can set
up little interviews with little Chinese is when I do go there what I can't here's  what I was thinking I'll go to a go-to China record some interviews post those and then  upload those I mean record those and then upload those when I when I get over to Hong  Kong because Hong Kong's not far from China right so I could I might be able to I'll figure  something out but by the way I might just be able to do live streams in Hong Kong and you guys  will just be blown away I might just just do them
in Hong Kong and by the way dude guys Hong Kong  is one of my most favorite cities of all time that is one of my most favorite cities ever  ever it's clean it's got tons of nice people yet it's quiet that's that's what you're kind  of scratching your head going it's like a it's a digital nomad's dream yes I got the super chats  available now thank you men's daily advice and by the way I am getting super chats and I do read  super chats and I appreciate every guys every time you guys send it Supe
r Chat I'm not I'm not  even exaggerating it literally is a huge chunk of Revenue that goes towards all my demonetized  videos I don't tell you guys about it because it's not your problem but I get demonetized a lot  you know what I mean I get demonetized a lot typical little chicks but yeah I get demonetized  because unfortunately oh yeah yeah yeah oh you get to this girl's getting in  shape I'm proud of her look at it go she's getting in shape I'm proud of you  girl I do get a lot of demonetiz
ed um streams unfortunately because some of the stuff  that I talk about is really really outrageous unfortunately so ah but yeah PayPal  paypals are good too uh super chats YouTube takes uh 30 but you know whatever  way is what was is convenient for you guys I'd appreciate it regardless I appreciate  the likes likes how push this content out I mean guys if I can make a living off this  channel oh I'll start a patreon and I'll start showing you guys some wild crazy stuff and crazy  stories like
crazy outrageous stories because because I I know you guys love  Kaylee's I know you love Kaylee's and on patreon I can get away with saying a lot  more crazy things and of course I can also have uh what's it called some more uh let's just say higher rated content you know what I mean  and I don't have to censor myself so most likely you guys are going to start seeing patreon  streams patreon links links in the description Etc because guys once I started doing that  doing patrons I'm going to be
able to give you guys uncensored unfiltered traditional  foreign women content women from overseas that are going to blow your freaking mind  and yes I will be going to the Philippines guys do you see how many women watch when I do the  when I do these streams they're always looking at the camera they are literally transfixed by this  I'm going to turn this all back together but you guys don't see when I'm doing these  when I'm doing these face to face with you guys you guys can't see how many
women  are coming this way coming towards me and going completely nuts flailing  around trying to get in the video making peace science flexing their  bodies showing their bodies gentlemen it's pretty freaking crazy you don't see and when  they realize that I'm not paying attention to them they put their head down they shut down now why  do I bring this up because when you go overseas when you're dealing with traditional people  conservative people they don't do that stuff traditional foreign wo
men approach  you they want to deal with you the real you they don't want to deal with the  facsimile they don't want to deal online this is the last thing they want  to do they don't want to do that you see what I'm saying it's a different  mindset [Music] it's insane hit that like button guys every like that you bring  that you give helps push this content so yeah China Hong Kong hit that like  button appreciate the likes guys likes help push this content guys if you come  to Los Angeles this
is what you'll get 99 percent you can easily just close at this guys  you can even close on MILFs and Karen's everywhere they're everywhere you can't get away from me  they're literally waiting at the bars sad and depressed or some dude to come up to him now  I'm not saying you should approach obviously approaching in the west is a very bad idea I'm  just saying it's pretty easy I'm not gonna lie and especially since they're going to  approach you you're probably gonna you know but yeah so the p
assports when you get  your passport when you go overseas when you are in the thick of it when you are  being approached by traditional form you're going to start understanding that there's  a different way of life that it's not about being strong and independent that these girls don't  want to be independent in fact every woman that I've spoken to overseas has never once never  once uttered the phrase strong and independent never once has told me about how she's a boss  never once has ever brag
ged about her career when I went overseas they bragged about their  families and they didn't even brag they just talked about how wonderful their families were  they talked about how they wanted to take care of a good man this was more important  to them than anything else on the planet and this is something that so many guys are not  used to is dealing with for family-oriented women family oriented communities family oriented  guys you don't need to brag you don't need to boast you don't even n
eed to make six  figures you don't need to do any of those things you don't need to do anything but have  a good attitude respect their culture let's say you're an american guy let's say you're  a western let's say you're just not very rich let's say you are not very educated  let's say you're just an average guy and you think to yourself you know  what I'm going to take a chance at this I'm going to get my passport I'm gonna go  overseas you are going to be blown away at how you are treated how
you are respected  gentlemen you don't need to try and what I mean by that is you do not need to come with a bunch  of bravado at all you don't need to have games you just need to be yourself now you are  told this in the west and you are lied to but when you go overseas you are  yourself and they really do respect this they find it to be endearing you because  you understand how many Chinese people were afraid of me and not what you would  think it's because they didn't know English and if I s
poke a little bit of  Mandarin to them they were blown away they wanted to understand who I was where I came  from they wanted to engage in conversation with me I didn't even know what the heck was going  on I didn't understand why they would do it because they're fascinated they're fascinated  by other cultures now of course they're very uh what is it uh they could be a little xenophobic  they could be a little bit more chinese-oriented but when you show them that you appreciate their  culture
and that you're a nice person gentlemen it's it's scary how nice they are how friendly  how helpful how generous I literally I said this on my left last stream uh two streams ago I  was I got lost in Hong Kong guys Cantonese is not an easy language it is very difficult to  learn I get lost in Hong Kong I'm like dang I get stuck in an industrial park I'm like oh  crap I'm stuck in like this industrial part of Hong Kong because it was very hard to get out of  right and I'm like oh Lord have mercy
I'm in the middle of nowhere now it's not ghetto because  most of Hong Kong is very safe very very safe hit that like button guys I see you guys piling  in the like button is the most important thing every like that you send out is very important  look at these old guys kill the game geez please and I was in this industrial part of Hong Kong it  was very unfamiliar I didn't understand it and of course this nice lady comes up to me and asked  me if I'm lost it was so friendly and so helpful I cou
ld not understand how genuinely nice she  was she goes of course you can you can get on the get up on the bus with me and my co-workers  they're coming very soon I will help you get back to where you were and where  you want to be she not only helped me find where I wanted to be destination-wise she  showed me how to get back if I ever wanted to to her location guys she did not need to  do that I said I said you're so nice I said let me buy you some cha which is tea I told  her to let me buy you
some chop which is tea and she said no no no it's fine she's like  it is it is it is Buddhists mindset of uh I don't know what what she was talking about  but essentially to be nice to other people and she told me about her family and her  kids and her husband I could not believe how amazingly nice these people were to me that I  guys I was blown away I could not the hospitality and they weren't Rich these people didn't have  millions of dollars and freaking beach houses you know what I mean th
ey didn't have  this this type of very elaborate very Lush lifestyle wasn't like this so for me it was  it was it was a refreshing just it was refreshing and it's one of the main reasons why I'm  going back to all of these foreign Nations and rightfully so I'm going to go to their  sister countries to Taiwan Taiwan you can get away with mandarin in Taiwan China Singapore  Singapore has a lot more languages obviously but there's Malaysian which is up higher in the  uh in the country they speak a
lot of Malay but what it boils down to guys is I'm not kidding when I when I talk about passport getting your  passport is going to change your entire existence because they're going to help you learn  their language they're going to help you around their City it is crazy guys you think  as a Westerner you're only limited to Western women you are out of your mother F and mind  and you are completely completely ignorant because the rest of the world will treat you  well if you treat them well if
you come in with an arrogant attitude and a bad attitude well  you're going to get what you get what you pay for but if you come in with genuine  appreciation and kindness and lack of ego they're going to treat you like  you've never been treated in your entire life hi bro big fan cool hit that like button if you're  a fan hit the button hit the freaking like button and show your solidarity the likes are what  help is friggin stream I appreciate every like as I get in trouble as I walk here in S
oCal with  all guys this pop tree is literally everywhere we literally have palm trees everywhere  it's a lot like Florida except we have the California palm the Mexican palm  and I almost tripped and hurt myself hit the friggin like button appreciate the likes the likes of what helped this  screen donations are great hit the like button you guys got  questions you put them in a Super Chat hit the freaking like button so let's  Heat so what I did was in Hong Kong is I went all the way to another
city  which is about a couple hours away but I took a fast super fairy a hydro foil a hydrofoil  across the water it zipped me across the water I took a hydrofoil to Macau Macau is the Asian  Las Vegas is this massive massive Place full of some of the biggest casinos you have ever seen  in the entire world they are freaking huge and the people there have a very interesting upbring  they're brought up in kind of a portuguese-esque castle-esque town it's very bizarre guys because  you're bombarde
d with these massive casinos but also these old castles from like the 1500s 1600s  it's crazy it's very bizarre but again you're greeted by little chinese's in little Filipinas  and all these traditional women that are there to essentially have families to take care of you and it's a just a different lifestyle  than your average La thought your average L.A thought who's just  looking for freaking likes and attention right so that was what was interesting  because I wasn't dealing with LA thought
s oops which way am I going going the wrong way oh  yeah I just want attention this this thought over here is with your boyfriend is still checking me  out guys trying to get in touch can you believe it look at this whole timer this old timer s that  guy's legs look like they're completely crippled yeah guys they're there was this huge hit the  like button guys every light counts and it makes a huge difference on this freaking stream and I  appreciate every one of them if you're gonna do somethi
ng you hit that freaking like hit the  dislike button I don't care hit the dislike button hit either button it doesn't matter if you  hate the stream hit it you're indifferent about the stream hit the dislike button I don't  care thank you for the likes appreciate it so yeah now I'm in Macau I took a hydrofoil which is a is is a  boat that like goes a thousand miles an hour over the freaking water it's just it's  this huge fairy that flies across the water and I get over to Macau and now I'm bre
athed by  little chinese's in little linglings and little Filipinas tiny thrill of penis there's the harbor  we'll get a better shot of the harbor in a minute and all these little nuggets all these happy  little nuggets so so happy they cannot wait to take me out in this as I've mentioned before every  Chinese woman that I met over there gentleman took me out to restaurants took me out to to core to me  and I was like what is happening what is going on they wanted me to try all their little Chin
ese  cuisine dishes and all this and try this and they did not let me pay for one freaking  meal why is this because they want to show that they're good women that they can take care  of you that they can take care of them this is the difference between American Western and  traditional foreign women guys they're going to treat you like a like a king like you've  never been treated in your entire life in fact it's kind of hard to get used to in the  beginning because you're so used to anger and
conflict s and Tantrums this is what  you're used to you're used to hearing a lot of complaining when I was in every other  country I've been to guys I have never met a freaking traditional foreign woman who  complained forever not one complaint not one it's just salty there oh like this why don't  you pull out my chair why don't you open my door what is your problem oh you're not chivalrous oh  I need a seven figure game you give me the ick what is your problem you have small PP energy what is
your problem what are you gay or something I'm projecting all my insecurities onto you  and all my headaches and all my anger and all my vitriol I'm upset about everything  oh this sucks I have to put fake eyelashes on just to be just to be noticed my  whole face is painted like a clown you're not watching me guys you think I heard that one time overseas Europe no China no Mexico no  you think I heard any of that nonsense how often did I hear gratitude how often  did I hear gratefulness thankful
ness how often did I hear I appreciate you are such a  nice person I appreciate you you are so nice you're a very sweet man I cannot believe  how nice you are you are very gentle I think I heard once about high value do you think  I heard once about you need to do this you need to do XYZ you think I heard any of that nonsense this  is a very big Harbor guys this is a massive Harbor freaking huge guys there's so many freaking  boats here it's not even funny I told you guys La is freaking huge you
think I heard one ounce  of complaining out of the little any of these foreign women not once guys not once not one  time not even a peep not even out of the kids because they Express gratitude  gratitude is the building blocks for all happiness Western women don't have  this mechanism gentlemen they don't have it they only know more they  only know gimme gimme gimme I'm a princess I'm a queen guys you know how  often I heard any foreign women ever tell me that they're a queen or a princess in
my entire life  never from traditional former never not one time I'm a princess need to do this you think I ever heard that overseas no but  you'll definitely hear it in the West [Music] getting your passport will change you are  freaking life forever you will be forever intolerant of Western bad behavior  you will be forever intolerant of childish Tantrums you  will be forever intolerant of any type of bad behavior you  will tell the little AWS where to go far away from you you will be treated 
like a normal freaking human being like an actual man how many of you guys have been  actually treated like a man in your life hmm how many of you guys have been treated like  an actual man in your entire life by an actual Western woman probably not many you have  been lambasted you've had your you've had your you've been ridiculed you've been snapped  at you've been ab123 for you one two three four you've had to deal with spoiled rotten crappy  Behavior because of all the Simpsons out there wh
o kissed these little you know what's  behinds that's what you've had to deal with when you get your passport when you leave  when you step your toe off of the soil that it belongs to here you are going to go why  didn't I do this 10 years ago you're gonna say why didn't I do this five years ago why didn't I  do this yesterday they're gonna be mad at yourself you're going to be mad that you didn't do it  sooner because you are going to be treated with dignity and respect you are going to be seen
  as a freaking human being you gentlemen I did not negotiate nothing not a dang thing I didn't  negotiate anything with any traditional formula I didn't didn't negotiate anything you know what I did negotiated nothing that's what I did I didn't negotiate at all  guys you got to get better at trolling you're not a very good trolls yeah it's just not very good you  guys are very weak trolls man I need better trolls I need a better crop Patrol  I'm getting like these kind of amateur trolls it's ki
nd of weak not very good probably AI Bots I get the weakest trolls  man I need to get a better crop Patrol and it wasn't they're not even really trolling  they're just trying to get attention but you know it's kind of weak I'm not I'm not uh I'm not  impressed with the quality of troll I'm getting they need to get more clever they need to get a  lot more clever so but it's cool trolls and trolls do you know how often I had to deal with  squealing and you need to take me here you need to listen d
o you ever you know how often  I had to deal with that with traditional volume never do you know how many of them  took me out to to eat wanted me to take excellent excellent they wanted me to  be involved in their lives they didn't want any other guys they didn't  want to deal with any other dudes you know how many of them said I don't care if  you're hooked up with other girls I just want a good man I understand you're a man they understood  how I was that's what you get overseas though once y
ou get away from all the spoiled little  brats from all the little two-year-olds mentally all of a sudden your life starts to change and you  start to say you know what I have earned better I'm an average guy I've earned better I'm a  normal dude and I don't deserve crappy treats I don't deserve some overweight Buffalo I  don't deserve some fupa ridden what's it called I don't deserve some super written Kaylee  who's got a bad attitude I don't deserve that this Kaylee's Not Dead come on Kayla yo
u can do  it come on don't get tired come on do a good job she is so tired she smiled  to me oh oh that was a cheese sorry guys they turned into Karen's look I wish  if Whispers if wishes were fishes we'd all castles but these little Kaylee's guys they just they don't have the skill station  but the traditional foreign women do and that's what you're really going to find  out that's what's going to blow you yeah donkey punch the like button on the way out  finger the Subscribe button comment in
the comment section share this stream hit  the notification Bell the likes are the most important if you send in a super thanks a  super chat I will definitely read it on the air I will take care of you guys as you take care of  me I think that we're going to take a look into super uh what is it called  though what is it the patreon we're going to take a look at patreon we're going  to take a look at a bunch of other different ways that we can get this content out without  it necessarily having
to be too uh censored but at the end of the day gentlemen you guys  would keep me going I really appreciate you keep commenting keep bringing the Thunder we're  going to have so much more content we're going to work on live streaming overseas we're going  to work on videos overseas we're going to look on content overseas there's one of my fans one  of my fans how's it going dude that guy's a fan I see that kid all the time man he's actually a  subscriber if I'm not mistaken I think he pulled me
aside one day I'm not mistaken it was a while  back when I first started anyway my old brain as always gentlemen stay on  your purpose stay focused when you want to settle down get yourself a  traditional Farm woman in her country you don't want one of these big buffaloes one  of these big walruses you don't want this Joe if you're gonna do it you go straight over  overseas to Africa to another continent definitely definitely going  to be so much happier because then you don't have to deal with
all the headaches ah appreciate you guys until next time we're  definitely going to be streaming again soon probably tomorrow I got Noob topics I got new  stuff I want to discuss and I got old topics I want to discuss make sure you hit your hit  the like button it's the most important metric the YouTube chicks hit the dislike button if  you really hate these streams comment in the comment section send me a an email set up your  Clarity calls for those of you who want to improve your sales skills
for those of you who want to  increase your business skills for those of you who want to get your YouTube channels blowing up to  getting over a hundred thousand Subs like myself all the tricks of the trade all the tools all the  things that are necessary in order to push your videos out all the metrics all the Analytics all those things that's what  we do over here guys we win until next time gentlemen I'm definitely watching  you shout out to all of you and let's get to it



Hit The Notification Bell!🔔 Timestamps: 00:00...Cassandra Bigbrust is happy to take care of her man 07:00...America is not as free as you think, and is it really an advantage? 11:00...America is the fattest overall 17:30...Jealous men in the west 23:45...My happy little Ling Ling's 24:50...Chasing Rosalin Porkbelly in her rascal 31:30...Hey, pay attention! No Kayleafs 37:50...The typical beaten man 44:00...Meeting real Chineses 48:00...Rockstar on the pier 52:30...Little dumplings 59:00...Most of the population overseas is conservative 1:06:00...Bombarded by Kaylie's 1:13:15...AW's want relationships, but can't keep a man 1:19:00...HK is one of my favorite cities 1:28:00...They are very nice overseas 1:35:00...TFW's take you out to eat? 1:40:00...Most AM's have been Ab-used 1:46:30...One of my long time fans


Great stream! The commentary about the food is a very underrated benefit of living overseas. Also walkability.