
Ghost adventures 2024 👑 Season 18 Episode 6 👑 The Woodbury 👑 Ghost adventure Full Episode

Ghost adventures 2024 👑 Season 18 Episode 6 👑 The Woodbury 👑 Ghost adventure Full Episode


13 hours ago

pulling up to this house it looks like you'd see it on some kind of scary movie I saw a figure right there when we were doing the Ouija board I got scratched there is a door here I just feel completely just energized dude Z [Music] somebody there are things in this world that we will never fully understand understand we want answers anwers we have worked years to build our credibility our reputation working alongside the most renowned Professionals in the field capturing groundbreaking proof of
the Paranormal it's working I can't give you an explanation this is our evidence our ghost [Music] [Applause] adventures all right guys we're headed to Altadena California just north of Pasadena we're going to head to an old house built in 1882 the house that we are investigating was featured on American Horse story wow get this something is going on inside of this house that has caus the owners to stop these Productions from filming any types of scenes involving violence or [Music] sex because
it agitates something that's very evil there and something they claim demonic [Applause] built in 1882 by one of Ulta's Founders Captain Frederick Woodbury this original Family Estate has served many functions in changed several hands over its 130 years of existence and for that very reason the current owners have asked us to help identify who or what is the driving force behind the recent escalation in [Applause] [Music] activity so pulling up to this house it looks like it's you'd see it on so
me kind of scary show or scary movie right like stal killer or something yeah but it has do you own this do you manage this House have a film location business for many years now um we got it in 05 and that's when I first had my first experience his mother was actually out in the garden and I was upstairs in the hallway every time I walked upstairs I always feel like there's this energy behind me all of a sudden I felt some very strong presence on the back like the back of me and it was like a p
ush or like a tap like a couple [Music] times so what happened after you felt this when I turned around and nothing was there freaked out I I actually ran to this window and I screamed out to her and I said I I don't remember what I said but I said yeah something touched me and then I ran back downstairs I wouldn't go up okay so this happened upstairs it happened upstairs did you see something did you see a spirit what happened something just went off yeah what was that there was walking and the
n that light went hang on hang on sh that wasn't you guys no no then the I looked to my left and then boom the light went off okay so this happened happened upstairs it happened upstairs did you see something did you see a spirit what happened what was that something just went off that's really weird Zach these are the big batteries let me see they're fully charged we just started that happens batteries get drained outside or outside that's common remarkably we captured the sound of loud footste
ps traveling towards the same light that had its battery unexplainably drained I don't this graphic represents the layout of our cameras in everyone's position during filming while illustrating the path of these unexplained footsteps after collecting this evidence we meet a coworker of Sally who also keeps a wood shop on the property and has experienced the effects of this entity's wrath every time that I come to the house I would feel like an overwhelming feeling of like depression um I would f
eel a little bit of an anxiety when you're home do you ever dream about this place yeah I mean the first thought I have a lot of the times when I wake up is to come check out on the house make sure the house is okay check out the backyard a little bit that's where I get a lot of activity during the day what kind of activity are you talking about um they're more of aggressive type you're talking about right over here yeah yeah I've already had activity over there Sally now tells us why she believ
es that the whole outside of the property is also haunted and not just the house just a few doors down is the international head theosophical Society what did they exactly do so Helena blat vski she brought occultism to America in 1920 there is this huge compound down the street and it's still in existence and that place I can't even imagine like what goes on there in addition to this shocking Discovery our research revealed that a Mystic lived and conducted seances in the Woodberry story house
during the 1970s and if she were a member of the theosophical society we Wonder Could her practices have negatively influenced the haunt things here I like WIC and stuff and maybe the Ouija Bo but I'm not into occultism deep into that's a little yeah a little too much for me this is a wood shop yes um it to me it looks like you are making some type of a spirit talking board I am from the wood that came from the house so this H this wood is over 100 years old who are you making this for this is f
or myself and Sally what are you hoping to to do with the board are you going to take it inside oh yeah how much time were you spending in here at night with Sally doing IGI board sessions we would spend hours but it only F like 10 minutes how do you summon it here how do you get a reaction how does it manifest to you um when we were doing the uh Ouija board thing last night um I got scraped Ed so you're getting marked yeah so I just kind of keep on pushing all right and prodding kind of in a wa
y I would just say tread lightly I kind of Thrive off of it though in a weird way don't worry I'm weird too and I understand that comment however I also understand the risks of going too far with it little do Stephanie and Sally realized that their spirit board sessions are only serving to amplify the energy created by the Mystic who conducted seances here in the 1970s combine that with the House's proximity to the theosophical society and it's possible there are multiple influences affecting th
e hauntings here based on all that we've learned thus far Aaron and the guys head inside the Woodberry story housee with Sally while I continue to explore the exterior grounds when suddenly I see a strange figure near the same place where our light went off Mike grab that other camera what's up come here document this dude hang on okay there you go this is where the footsteps happened and stuff and I look right here and I swear to God I saw like an all red figure I'm going to grab the [Music] SL
S wait a minute hold on a second what WR this is a this is the first time it's gone off of zero six can you see that yeah it's a six as the guys approach the Upper Floor they get their first reading like headache and then lightheaded weird which corresponds with Sally's claim of activity in the home I'm going to scan this whole outside area to see if we can find a figure who's inside the house are you having an effect on her is there somebody out here oh my God I just captured a figure on SLS in
the same exact spot that I saw it with my own eyes is there somebody out here oh my God something is here something walked through the leaves something turned off the light can you tell me who you you are dude this place is creepy I don't really like this area here I got to tell you okay so I was walking down the hallway and I saw a figure right there it's like a dark entity kind of thing and Sally believes this entity is the Sinister presence of John Woodberry who died in poverty compared to h
is wealthy brother Frederick who built this home so we attempt to verify this I'm here I'm here that was loud here I'm here here I'm here to receive this Crystal Clear spirit voice the very second we turn on the Spirit Box leads us to believe this is a warning from the spirit of John Woodbury and what comes next is a rapid barrage of communication with a pace so [Music] astounding that it will require further review and Analysis as you can tell this house is stored with energy and is alive at al
l times these little pieces of evidence that were documenting right now starting to really validate that we're dealing with something that is not only bound to the interior of the house but also is on the property I just feel completely just energized guys this thing just spiked I'm getting affected I [Applause] [Music] know as concern begins to mount about the strength of the hauntings at the Woodberry story housee I regroup with the guys so we can review what we documented typically we break a
fter we do our interviews we go on to the next day but I don't want to leave right now yeah okay when you guys were in here with Sally Sally did you get any spirit great spirit clear hey so we were upstairs and I turned it on and right when I turned it on the second second it and it didn't stop I'm here I'm here right when we turn sounds like a a woman's voice here's the next one I found it here's the next one how many here yeah how many here how here's the next one let me here I hear that name
is Roger yeah name is Roger like name's Roger next one what was your name mine that was that was instant that was instant intelligent response what was your name I think what this sounds like to me just by listening to all these different Spirit voices there is a door here someone conjured these Spirits here what was this lady doing here in the 70s with all these seances that's what this sounds like [Applause] [Music] the reason why we do this to play these voices back in the spot where we captu
red them like two people talking is letting these Spirits sense see feel it he our reactions to them us reacting to them Mike are you okay cuz things just got really creepy really cold what dude yeah when we do this when we play these voices in the places that we the last voice so cold everything changed like the whole yeah it's something has happened in here yeah super are you rolling uh this uh holy cow do you feel this yeah it's wow it's so much colder by here than it is right here CRA you ok
ay yeah take the recorder no I don't want a recorder I'm just asking because maybe you get a spirit Point dude I'm getting I'm getting affected I know I definitely getting infected high anxiety in here yeah I just feel completely just energized you you're being affected man ever since I step foot inside this home I haven't felt like myself and now the house is really letting everyone feel its power this is what happens when you play their voices like what we did go grab the trifield yeah quickly
please oh my God can you put out one of these [Music] candles thanks I want to start measuring did you hear your name or voice and got angry is that the case if so go and touch this as hard as just go right at it it's our way if it spikes we know it's a yes can you spike the needle who wa wao the power just did lights just flickered can you spike the needle who wa who wao the power just did lights just flickered this intelligent response mirrors our first communication with the spirits of the W
oodberry story house it happened upstairs did you see something thing did you see a SP what happened something just went off can you do that again that was steps upstairs there there's someone upstairs what was it like heavy footsteps footsteps super heavy footsteps who's up here there's nobody here no spirits [Applause] [Music] here guys this thing just spiked all the way to 10 are you serious yes it did it went all the way over I sat here and watched it do it it went all the way in the red it
spiked clear over here when you said that you said there's nobody here it went clear over to here to the middle you can rewind the tap are you serious yeah I watched it guys this thing just Spiked All The Way 10 feel it yeah it's happening we need to investigate right now let's go start preparing for lockdown we're not leaving tonight and coming back for lockdown tomorrow stuff is happening and we're staying we're not leaving here let's do this I swear to God I just saw a shadow can you appear f
or me in this hallway this basement is very unsettling [Music] [Applause] so we're going right into this this is lock down a little bit different cuz there's five of us in here right now I decided to cancel nerve center I want all of us Dakota Jay Aaron Billy for right now we're going to stick together from all the responses we got on Spirit Box I think there's multiple Spirits in here we're getting evidence outside we're getting evidence inside things are happening in here we're hearing disembo
died voices this is the time to have all these different cameras and let's capture some really good evidence okay guys I swear to God I just saw Shadow D towards I thought it maybe has a c i saw it like from like it's by the stairs and it just like zo like that's why I was sitting there checking it right when you said that let's get started like dashed out as Aaron sees something move towards the stairs we quickly make our way over there and I start taking pictures with the Polaroid [Applause] c
amera are you at the top of the [Applause] stairs we're going to come upstairs I don't know if you're Mr Woodberry you're something a darker I have not been upstairs in this house yet please pay close attention to This Light anomaly that seems to shoot up the stairs behind us as we believe this same anomaly is going to reappear with greater significance is there somebody up here [Applause] hold on guys can you appear for me in this whole [Applause] way yet again we believe this same anomaly cont
inues to follow us and what's even more shaly incredibly turns and shoots right at it is this proof that a spirit is trying to stop us from taking photos later this Polaroid picture will reveal a shocking addition to our amazing chain of Visual [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Evidence before we go back up Jay Dakota the basement's right over here with a lock on it one of you are getting locked at the basement okay so we give you guys each a fair chance heads or tails Jas since you have seniority o
ver Dakota you call it right ready y [Applause] Tails sorry I didn't [Applause] catch so Dakota you're going to go down of the basement we're going to lock it down in there okay okay you're out we say you're out some emergency happens just scream okay okay go ahead and take the [Applause] camera okay yeah oh so narrow good okay I'm walking down into the basement jeez so it's good down there have a vulnerable piece of bab lot of you don't know Dakota did grow up in a house that was extreme L haun
ted by a very negative Force has affected a lot of his family so Dakota is not just thrown into our investigations without knowing what he's doing he's lived through it for many many years in his house and one day when he wants to we'll let you know the details of just how bad these demonic haunting inside of his house and affecting his family and neighbors but that'll be his decision when he wants to tell you that all right so I am down in the basement jeez what is that is that a cage what that
is a huge cage I can fit a hum in it I'm going to go in it what look at this thing whoa all right so I'm currently in a cage in the basement I'm not going to lie this basement is very unsettling I do not like it I'm getting out of this cage and I'm going to ask some questions can we now see you on my [Music] camera bill yeah you got some gear yeah I don't think all three of us well was that what was that was that upstairs no that was here behind me in this room all of us clearly hear three knoc
king sounds which in previous investigations typically indicates the presence of a negative spirit because it is known as a mocking of the Holy Trinity we capture these three knocks the loudest on our dining room roomx camera that I would really like to communicate with whoever is down here you that yeah dude I just heard a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] footstep with a flurry of activity already documented at the Woodberry story housee I decide it's time for us to split up bil yeah you a
nd Jay go down to the music room okay set that box up do whatever okay here good with me while Aaron and I investigate this back bedroom on the second floor I like this new device basically detects static energy in the air doesn't pick up on anything electronic at all I'll take my phone here do my phone yeah I put my phone while it's on in front of the device as you can see it doesn't affect anything of electronics just static energy in the in the air we are using this because we believe that wh
en a spirit manifests it causes a static change in the environment from an imbalance of electrical charging so we're going to take some readings in here why don't we set the Paranormal music box right here next to the Ouija board pointed at the rocking chair yeah and that way if anything crosses in front of it maybe on the Ouija board or it will go off let's see anything that goes in front of this should set it off including if anything go goes near this chair ni he should set it we're challengi
ng you to step in front of this little device that we have right here okay I'm right on the rocking chair so if the rocking chair moves I should be able to see it come in here and focus your energy on that chair or on this device that's right here on the table please okay so I'm here in the basement as of right now nothing's happened I'm not feeling anything too out of the ordinary other than I'm just creeped out but it's probably because I'm in a basement all by myself so they they gave me the
Ulus which I'm going to throw on right now and I'm going to start asking just some questions I might as well leave the Ulus on for the entire time I'm down here because if anything wants to talk to me it now Canen if there is something down here hug it just said hug look at that it just said hug I don't know what that means maybe that means you think I'm a a positive force down here you want to hug me if you do want to hug me you have every right to come and hug me I will let you come and hug [M
usic] me I do not like being locked in a basement of a creepy old house but I would really like to communicate with whoever is down here if there is something down here I just heard a freaking footstep hello is this your basement Aaron and I continue scanning this room for unexplained static energy when all of a sudden this happens who who [Music] who what was that what was that did you hear that yeah dude and it's going offing I know it's a Aaron and I both hear a deep growl but unfortunately i
t isn't captured on camera due to the sound that's being generated by the device which is now beginning to spike God that scared another little bit look it look it look it wao you see this it's solid that is a huge hit the device picks up some strong spikes is it possible the growl we heard is coming from some type of spirit that has enough energy Mass to produce an opposing static charge scared the [Music] hell as Billy and Jay continue to try to make contact with a spirit in the music room usi
ng a rocking chair that is known to rock by itself as a trigger op whoa whoa whoa whoa who is that who are you C weird over here J yeah it did that's actually really cold right here over top of the Ouija board can you make the device go just did you've communicated through this board with people in this house before can you come to this board again if you do I'll make some music and if you're Mr Woodberry the man who built this home we know you love music so come sit in this chair come by this t
able come by this Ouija board just come over towards us and you'll hear some music [Music] will you talk to me do you like aggression is that what feeds you we heard your deep voice in the growl of your voice what are you can you do something powerful for us as I begin to review my recorder we capture this very eerie slow moving light anomaly that appears to creep up onto the bed with what is that dude that's creepy Z hey Zach somebody what the hell is this oh my [Applause] [Music] God as our in
vestigation of this historic home in Altadena California continues Aaron and I capture this disturbing EVP what is that that's creepy it's like dude that sounds like scary hor mov Could This creepy voice be coming from the anomaly we just captured can you do something powerful for us okay what was [Music] that something just moved back in this corner that had to be picked up on that camera are you trying to scare me out of here if you want me to run and get out of here you're going to have to do
something to scare me out of [Applause] here is there somebody down here oh hello that was right in this back corner right here right behind my chair oh my gosh it just said D could this entity be realizing that it's getting a reaction from trying to scare Dakota so now it's trying to call him by his name look at this what is going on with my ovus it just said be like Dakota and out look at this Zach hey Zach what the hey Zach somebody upstairs what the hey no no and it just stopped and it just
said do run it just said do run Zach hey Zach somebody holy Please Please Me Out Z oh my God I never had that happen oh my God you ever heard the Ulus just freak out and just start like okay so I was down there and I was asking questions I was getting actually some good responses and I didn't feel like anything was like evil or negative and all of a sudden it started to change and I I said it out loud that I feel like it's it doesn't want me down here and I was talking about how like do not wan
t me down here if you want me to run if you want me to run you're going to have to do something a lot louder and like have to to give me to run and then oh my gosh dude what happened the craziest thing is I earth like movement and scuffling and I'm like well that's not enough you're going to have to do more to get me to run and then the a says D just D and so I walk to the camera I'm like I don't want to even admit what I think this is means but whatever and then all of a sudden I just started g
oing and then I started freaking out and then I just overpower me run it wanted me out of there whatever was down there on me out of there holy crap the AR sweating could you feel it ex yeah you have to hear the audio of this thing freaking out holy crap even though Dakota had to run out of the basement I'm very proud of the evidence that he collected which proves why he is a member of our team after we let him calm down a little bit from what he just went through we decide to review the Polaroi
ds that I have taken throughout the house and we notice one with a very compelling capture is there something in the carpet up there what the heck is that is there something in the no no what what is that wait what is that what is that right in the middle of the hallway here's a save picture no way what what the hell that's weird this is the same picture right same hallway I me I did side by side there's the door hge door hge door hge door hge it even has like a tracer falling behind it see it l
ike it's what is this look but there's like a tracer happening right there or something is that something crazy look at this it looks like some kind of a white an nobly over here is a same picture side by side there's nothing there what the hell is this I just started getting very dizzy who's talking just need to sit outside for for a little [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bit our investigation of the Woodberry Story House takes a shocking turn when we discover something Eerie within our photograp
hic evidence look at this it looks like some kind of a white anoboy over here is a same picture side by side there's nothing there what the hell is this we don't know exactly what this white anomaly could be but we definitely know that it is not any type of pattern or matrixing in the floor because of the second photo at this point we are overwhelmed by how many different types of evidence we are collecting from visual to audio to unexplained readings on all of our equipment including our earlie
r emfs our static detection device Dakota's ovus and even our paranormal music box and it is at this time that my body begins to really feel it the guys are inside and I just had to come outside for a minute to get some fresh air I don't feel anything demonic or anything like that I just feel like when there's a lot of activity like that and we're measuring that activity it just starts pulling energy from you and I just started getting very dizzy losing my balance every now and then you got to c
ome outside and kind of a busy restaurant you just start start having a panic attack or an anxiety attack just all these different people's energies just start getting to you but even if you shut your eyes you can still feel it if you're that type of a person kind of hyp sensitive to it and that's just what I started feeling nothing bad though I'm okay I'm myself I just need to sit outside for for a little bit back inside the house Aaron decides to perform a Spirit Box [Applause] sweep nothing [
Music] nothing Aaron captures a male Spirit referencing a hym who exactly is this Spirit referencing as him we are terrified to know the answer and it just might be the next response we receive who's talking who's [Applause] talking all of a sudden it seems things are turning a bit darker and as Billy is downstairs doing a paranormal Puck 2 session he asks this question what Spirits reside here evil what Spirits reside here evil okay I believe that because of what we've felt so far tonight ho th
e guy capture a very creepy growl or snarl type sound very similar to what Aaron and I heard earlier with our own ears in the bedroom yeah [Music] yeah what's my name you know his name Jay tries commanding the spirit to also say his name but the spirit refuses by responding I won't tell what's my name know his [Applause] name Aaron and Jay now head up into the attic where they are about to receive intelligent responses to two questions in the same exact voice give me to anybody let's just have f
un you mean [Music] anybody just [Music] fun just fun it's a killer killer yeah it's a killer a killer this is the final voice that Aaron and the guys captured we now wonder who he is is because earlier a different Spirit also referenced T The Only Name we heard while conducting our interviews about the houses history was about a darker figure named John Woodburry the brother of the original owner Sally who manages this property claims that he is a very dark and angry Spirit we can't prove this
we can only put all of the pieces [Music] together what's concerning about the Woodberry story housee is the reach these Spirits have throughout the property in our evidence shows this home is host to a portal perhaps once opened by The Mystic who resided here but certainly kept Alive by the Ouija board sessions conducted by those who currently own [Music] it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]



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