
Giant’s Body Found And Becomes Tourist Attraction

The body of a giant young man washes ashore on the beach, and becomes an object of fascination for the locals. MOVIE NAME= TH3 DR0WN3D G14NT _________________________________ Subscribe to our other social media accounts for daily updates, movie recommendations and more 1. Twitter = 2. Instagram = 3. Tiktok = 4. Adam's YT=

Mystery Recapped

2 years ago

Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I’m going  to explain an episode from an American adult animated anthology “Love, Death &  Robots” called “The Drowned Giant” At the beginning of the episode, three scientists  drive to a beach while one of them named Steven narrates about a naked dead giant. The day  before, a massive storm had hit the sea which washed up a dead body of a giant to the  shore. The surprised local fishermen contacted the officials who at first refused to believe such  atrocious ne
ws. But as people began to visit the beach and return back with crazy stories, the  scientists decided to go see for themselves. And so, Steven and his colleagues, who thought  that everyone was just bluffing about the dead giant, now stand before him. A crowd surrounds the  corpse, scared to touch it before being absolutely sure that it’s safe. Steven’s colleagues guess  that the man weighs anywhere around eighty tons. Steven narrates that the vast proportion of his  features makes it difficult
for them to figure out his age, but looking at the giant’s defined  nose and mouth, he believes that he had been a young man with a modest temper. The three go  around the giant's body inspecting him. Steven sees a pool of water that had been collected in  the corpse’s palm where tiny fishes swim. Steven says that beyond the size of the giant, the  simple fact that he exists surprises him the most. He compares the giant’s existence to the crowd  on the beach and concludes that they are just imp
erfect and puny copies of him. As Steven looks  at the creature mesmerized, his colleague climbs on top of the corpse’s chest and waves towards the  crowd indicating that it is safe to come near it. The people run towards him while cheering and  climb on top. Some of them comment that the body is rubbery and bouncy. Children start playing  on his chest, trashing it with their shoes. Steven, however, doesn’t touch or climb on  it. He and his colleagues stare at the giant from afar while writing o
n their notes. As time  passes by, the people get enough of playing with the dead giants, and everyone returns home. After three days, Steven visits the beach again. Because of his growing interest in the giant,  his facility assigns him the role of keeping tabs on it. Steven claims that he wasn’t morbid about  keeping an eye on a dead person because, for him, the giant was more alive than the people around  him. He watches as kids play slide on the corpse’s chest, and some workers plan to butc
her his femur  bone. The corpse has become public property. The following day, Steven deliberately postponed  his visit to the beach until late afternoon, so no one would be around. When he gets there, the  corpse looks in bad form and has started to decay. A teenage girl sits comfortably on  the giant’s ear, using it as a chair. Steven notices that the giant’s face has a much  less youthful look than it was before. He assumes it is because of prolonged immersion in seawater  and tumefaction of
tissue. As a crab crawls out of the giant’s mouth, the scientist claims that  it won’t be long until he decays fully. Steven finally gets the courage to set  foot on the corpse. Atop his chest, he sees a sandcastle someone had built. Then, his  other arm comes into view, showing us that half of it has already decayed and whatever remained  of it has been taken away by people. Meanwhile, his cornea has become hazy and cloudy, which gives  his eyes a whirlpool effect. Steven looks at them, saying
that the giants’ suffering is less  tragic than this isolation that he is facing. The next time he visits the giant, both his arms  and one of his legs have decayed and been cut. Steven walks around looking at the corpse,  which had been vandalized by teens who spray paint insults on his body. He is reluctant to  witness the end of the magnificent creature, but the insults make him feel that the creature  is more human because it seems more vulnerable to him now. When Steven comes to the beach t
he  following day, he is almost relieved to see that the corpse’s head has been removed. Birds  eat its flesh as Steven watches it from afar. Without the head, the corpse looked less  human, which reduces Steven’s relationship with the corpse that he had formed. After that day, he doesn’t visit the beach for a few weeks. On his next journey, he witnesses that  any feature indicating that the corpse was once human has vanished. The only thing that remains is  the decaying gut of the once magnifi
cent creature. By now, the interest of the crowd in the giant has  expired. Months later, after the giant’s arrival has been forgotten, various pieces of his body can  be seen around town—especially his bones, which are used as decorations. While cycling one day,  Steven notices the giant’s skull lying abandoned. He believes that if he looks around the town’s  pubs, he will find mummified noses and ears as well. According to Steven, these decorations  convey the giant’s greatness better than Ste
ven’s memory of his bloated and decaying appendages. As for the giant’s genitals, it is shown that it had been cut off and placed in the freak museum  in a circus. Steven narrates that the apparatus occupies a whole tent to itself but is sadly  mislabeled as belonging to a whale. At last, the scientist says that the people who saw the  giant remember him as only a sea monster. However, for him, the giant is still alive, and he often  dreams of his resurrection. In his dreams, the giant strides
through the town picking up his  fragments on his return journey to the sea. The episode, although short, has a deep and  metaphorical meaning in every scene. The fans of the episode have interpreted it  their own way, but many believe that the narrator Steven, is the giant himself. Steven feels the  pain of the dead giant when no one else can. So, some fans think that steven and the giant  are the same people. The giant might be trying to communicate through steven. Moreover, the way  Steven de
scribes several stages of the decaying of the corpse in such detail makes one wonder  if he is the one going through the stages. The decaying of the giant’s corpse is also seen  as a metaphor for several things. The narrator, Steven, observes the decaying of the corpse very  closely at every stage. First, he sees the process that was supposed to happen, that is his body  decaying by the passage of time, then he notices people starting to amputate the corpse treating  it as a commodity. And the w
ay humans treat him poorly showed him the extent of consumerism and  exploitation that is considered normal in today’s world. As the story progresses, Steven begins  to question what it means to be human and when do we decide that we have lost humanity. Until the corpse had a head, he thought of it as a human just like him and the others  around him. In fact, he believed that the giant was more of a human than tiny creatures  like himself. However, after Steven’s sympathy towards the giant dropp
ed when he saw him only  as a mass of flesh. Throughout the episode, we do not know who the giant is or where  he came from, rather, “The Drowned Giant” focuses more on the contrast of Steven and  other people’s feelings towards the giant. In the book itself, J.G. Ballard concludes with  the detail about the giant’s appendage being displayed in a circus. This is to emphasize how  much the giant was humiliated, although being a greater existence than them all. It also denotes  human’s superficial
and exploitative nature. Moreover, his genitals were labeled to be of a  whale’s, and his bones were mere decorations for the people. Here, it is clear that the giant has  been completely stripped of his humanity. However, Steven describes the genitals and decorated bones  as the only things that convey how magnificent of a being the giant was. Although he loves and  remembers the creature more than anyone else, he believes that his memory of his decaying  body would have never conveyed his gre
atness as his preserved body parts do. The giant was just a myth before being washed up to the shore. People  experienced his arrival for a short while, but forgot about him soon, turning his existence  into a myth again. We humans, like the giant, will someday fade away and remain only  in the memories of the people we met. But eventually, those memories will fade  as well and we simply cease to exist. Subscribe for more videos like this,  turn on notifications, and leave a like to help the cha
nnel out. Thank you for watching.



Really disturbing how heavily disrespected the giant was. Imagine being dead and people just come and step, run, and play all over you. Man..


The most unrealistic thing about this was no one complaining about the smell due to the body decomposition. Imagine, if the smell of a real size body after 3 days of death is awful what about a giant's body?! That got me wondering, there's no way people would be there like nothing, not with the smell...there's no way.


I think this is an analogy of how we treat death. A lot of the comments are focusing on the smell, or on how are the people not freaking out. The giant could be any one of us, and this is probably how strangers would treat your own dead body.


I loved the fact that he analysed the metaphor of the entire episode. This also made me deep: our reactions to the ‘death of the giant’ could say a bit about our views on humanity, suffering and how we empathise too! I literally was thinking, ‘it’s like a dead whale — don’t sit on it, help it!!’ I sympathised with the giant so much, without even knowing who or what exactly it was… it’s interesting how we can interpret it all so differently


The actual smell of the scene would have discouraged 90% of this movie's plot.


“Gulliver’s travels but Gulliver’s boat didn’t make it”


The Drowned Giant was originally a short story by JG Ballard, the same person who wrote "High Rise" (made into a 2015 film with Tom Hiddleston), and "The Drowned World". It is about human reaction to death and isn't really supposed to reflect the real world at all because it's about human psychology and our reaction to death.


Idk why but I've watched this almost 10 times and everytime it hits so deep inside though I can feel every scene and the explanation...


The most unrealistic thing about this is the government would have covered it up before anyone could see it


Fact that no one is scared that there can be more giant's like him , who can engulf 100 or more human's at a time made me laugh 😂


This is absolutely devastating and heartbreaking. This giant's body was completely disrespected all the way. People climbing and jumping on the body, the graffiti and slurs drawn on him, his body being completely dismembered and amputated and then his bones and body parts displayed everywhere around the town. It's honestly really disgusting and shameful. If I was the main guy I would've stepped in and tried to save the body. No way in hell will I let a creature's body be disrespected like that. We wouldn't let beached whales be treated that way. I wouldn't let the same thing for a mythological creature. Also it took me minutes into the video to realize that this is entirely animation. Obviously I knew the Giant is animated but the other humans looked so life like that it fooled me. The animations is really good.


It's heartbreaking that people are stepping up giants and taking pictures, giant's eyes speak a lot of things, and his sparkling eyes were full of msg but there were only jerks and dumb were zoning out.


If this happened in real life, there is no way that there would be just one scientist that is assigned to this and to just 'keep tabs on it'. The entire beach would be sectioned off and quarantined and there would be an entire camp of scientists and technicians working on studying the giant and collecting tissue samples 24/7. Eventually the body would get chopped up and the parts taken away to a more established facility where they'd likely preserve them for further study.


I swear mystery recapped always got the most interesting movies to narrate


Terrific video and narration. There's so much to learn from the story.


This is literally a metaphorical film breakdown like some kind of literature and art study, what a special episode


The fact that its animated makes it more interesting


"No son, giant Tom Holland doesn't exist" Goes to beach


Deep, dark and definitely interesting. You have the best voice for narrations


This is so disgustingly amazing and creative I can’t even but alas great job explaining