
GivingTuesday | Live with Google for Nonprofits Ep. 2

In Episode 2, we'll chat about GivingTuesday - a global generosity movement on December 1st, 2020. The GivingTuesday team will be joining us to discuss how we can celebrate generosity and the difference we can all make in the world. We'll also talk about some last minute tips for getting ready for GivingTuesday. Learn more at Join us every other Thursday on YouTube to hear from the Google for Nonprofits team, get tips from experts, learn about upcoming events, and get your questions answered live.

Google for Nonprofits

Streamed 3 years ago

[Music] hi everybody welcome to episode 2 of live with google for non-profits thank you so much for joining us today um for those of you who may have missed last week's episode um live with google for non-profits will be a show that happens every other thursday and we'll deep dive into topics that are requested by by our viewers um and to talk more about things that can help you make the most of not only google tools but other tools that are available for non-profits as well um so if you missed
our last last week's show we had rebecca from the applied digital skills team come and give us an overview of different tools and curriculums that you can use to really up level your skills your digital skills including how to launch and build a successful ad grants campaign so make sure to check out that episode if you missed it this week i'm we're super excited to have kat from the giving tuesday team to come in and give us an overview of the global generosity movement that's on december 1st a
nd we'll also have meredith from our google for non-profits team come to introduce herself um just a few minor reminders before we get started you should see on the right side of your youtube of this actual video on youtube a live chat you can use that live chat to ask any questions if you're experiencing any difficulties hearing or seeing us let us know we'll work on fixing it as soon as possible um and we'll make sure that you have the best experience in the show so use that live chat to ask y
our questions members of our google for non-profits team will be in that live chat answering as many questions as they can and at the end of our topic we'll also have some time for some live q a in which we'll pick some questions from the chat to answer on this video so this is will be recorded so we are streaming live currently um i'm streaming here from oakland california and um if you want to watch it later you can use the same link that you're on on youtube and you can watch it again at any
time it will remain live and that's also true for previous episodes as well so if you missed an episode and you want to see it again you can definitely watch it um so you can just go to our youtube channel there is a live with google for non-profits playlist that you can use as well so if you go to the google for nonprofit's youtube channel you'll see all the episodes as well as future episodes that you can set a reminder to make sure you don't miss our live streams all right so as a reminder th
is is a deep dive into specific topics if you're looking for a more general overview of google for non-profits from google for nonprofits as well as tutorials of how to activate products and how to make the most of google tools and specific tutorials you can go to our youtube channel for that um but we will not be doing a full overview of google for nonprofits in this show just as a heads up if that's what you're looking for um awesome so i think we can go ahead and get started um if you have an
y questions feel free to use our live chat we also love to hear where everyone is where everyone is joining us from so include that in the chat if you're comfortable at the end we will have a survey that you can fill out and give us your feedback and let us know what topics you want to hear and how we can make these streams the most valuable for you as possible all right so thank you so much again for joining and we'll go ahead and bring on meredith so meredith will be joining us also from calif
ornia and she'll give us a quick introduction to who she is and how her role on the google for non-profits team so i'm going to go ahead and add her to the stream hello hi everyone thanks so much for joining us today my name is meredith i am the program team lead for google for nonprofits i have been a googler for a little over seven years now and i've had the pleasure of working on the google for nonprofits team for three and a half almost four years and it's been fabulous to get to know all of
you all of the nonprofits that we serve around the world and to do projects and run programming and run events like this to really help nonprofits understand both what google has to offer and then also just other resources that are out there in the world and bring on amazing partners like givingtuesday to come chat about what they're doing so a little bit of background about me i actually started my first job out of undergrad was with a non-profit so the space is really important and personal t
o me and i understand from that that role that there definitely are challenges that are unique to non-profits there are things that you know are exciting and amazing about the work that you all do and there's also things that make the work that you do hard and and we know that especially with everything that's going on in the world right now and going remote that there are specific challenges you all are facing and so we're here to try and help as much as possible um so you'll meet more of the g
for np team over time but great to see everyone and i'll hand it back over to isha all right thanks for the introduction meredith all right so next we actually bring on cat from giving tuesday to go through our deep dive into giving tuesday which is on december 1st um so i'll go ahead and add her next all right hi kat oh i think you are muted um if you want to go ahead and do more of that perfect all right i'll let you take the stage and go out and introduce yourself amazing thanks hey everybod
y i'm kat murphy toms i am the digital strategy director for giving tuesday um we have got oh what is it 13 days to go uh the countdown is officially on if it wasn't on for you it's on now so let's talk a little bit about what you should be doing now in order to have success on giving tuesday but first i want to get into a little bit of background giving tuesday started as a day for anyone anywhere to give and it's grown into the largest social movement of all time by reach there's activity happ
ening on giving tuesday in every country and on every continent in the world by now you've probably heard the story we started this with a simple idea black friday cyber monday were so popular uh still now but back in 2012 too and the team thought what about adding giving tuesday what could that look like could you add a day that reversed the trend of consumerism after black friday and cyber monday and everybody wanting and buying and needing could we create a day where people would give back it
was novel in the way that they designed it from the start it was a way that they'd hoped that people would grab it and take it somewhere new and that's exactly what happened giving tuesday is a diverse and leaderful movement it uses a distributed leadership model so while we there is a giving tuesday uh team the folks who run this are the people who raise their hand in their respective country in their community in their state or city in the u.s that raise their hand to lead the movement there'
s no single owner of the giving tuesday movement we have leaders who have raised their hand and launched more than 75 country campaigns and over 200 community campaigns in the us many of these are city state campaigns but there's also national initiatives that are formed around an identity or a culture things like giving tuesday spark which is our youth initiative giving tuesday military which is a community that mobilizes military families and spouses to give acts of kindness on giving tuesday
we have identity based campaigns like latinx give muslims give giving zoo day so check on our website and find out if there's a community that your non-profit fits into and uh reach out get involved the bottom line is that in a world where we can't agree on much the one thing that brings all of humanity together is the value of generosity and the joy that it brings people find tremendous joy in giving and when something brings you that amount of joy you want to do it again while giving tuesday s
eeks to inspire and increase all types of generosity it's no secret that the annual event drives an extraordinary amount of donations to non-profits providing the needed fuel for them to sustain themselves and do the great work in their communities especially now on the last giving tuesday uh giving tuesday december 3rd 2019 the global day generated 2 billion dollars in giving both online and offline in the united states alone in just 24 hours it inspired millions of people all around the world
to volunteer to perform countless acts of kindness donate their voices their time money goods it's really absolutely incredible so yes giving tuesday is big and many see it only as fundraising tuesday but it's so much more than that the real magic of the day i really feel is summed up by this sentiment that those participating in the day of giving tuesday are 52 of them are doing it because they feel a part of something bigger and and they're doing something together as a collective so don't thi
nk of giving tuesday only as an opportunity to fundraise it's the only day out of the year where the entire world wakes up thinking about what they can do to support their community and ways that they can give so you want to show up in a way that harnesses that energy and directs it toward your mission and your organization in a variety of ways not just financial support so make sure you're offering other opportunities to get involved in your mission from volunteering virtually to collecting goo
ds to signing petitions offer an array of choices for folks to get involved like i said giving tuesday is not fundraising tuesday the mission was never to create the largest crowdfunding day of all time it's to create a more just and generous society we feel that when folks are when we develop a more just and generous society that that's going to be one that's more conducive to civic engagement and community involvement and that's how we think we're going to get to achieve the world that we all
want to live in so what should you be doing now uh today since we've got 13 days to go and throughout these next couple of days to get prepared for giving tuesday first thing you want to do is update those cover images on your social media profiles uh at the end of this presentation i have a handy link for you we have already some made some pre-made images that you can take and adapt you want to tweet out your goal but you also really want to be preparing your social pages at this time take a mo
ment to make sure that your pages are completely complete that the facebook about section is up to date that your links all work properly particularly your donate link take a minute today to try out and test out your donate link make sure that it works on your mobile phone make sure that it's uh everything's functioning properly you want to make sure that uh you're offering a really quick clean wonderful experience for your donor and that you don't run into any kinks on the day of you're also go
ing to have a lot of people looking at your social media pages over the next few days but particularly on giving tuesday so have a plan over the next week to make sure that you're sharing content about your organization ahead of time so that people who are learning about your organization for the first time on giving tuesday can easily scroll back just a couple of of scrolls and easily quickly find your impact and understand what it is that the work that you do and the implications for that work
and and make a case for support along the way within a couple of seconds of scrolling they should be able to get that information this is a really great use of instagram highlight story can't recommend that enough to non-profits at this time um you make a story about the history of your organization the top things that folks need to know about what it is that you do and how you're so great at your work and pin that as a highlight story on your instagram profile post more often not less often yo
ur community really wants to hear from you and they they really want to hear from you on giving tuesday go back and look at your top performing content to get some inspiration for what it is that you might be posting over these next couple of days and on giving tuesday post content that shows your work in action how your community is affected by covid19 share stories that give people hope or make people laugh you really want to offer us a a spot of hope in a sea of bad news and everything else t
hat's going on right now do not forget that you have google ad grant available to you as a non-profit you get access to google ad grants uh set that up now so that you can help they can help you achieve your success for your giving tuesday goal whatever it might be some ideas for things that you might be asking your community members to do on giving tuesday you'll want to start getting once you decide what it is that you want your community to do and how you want them to activate on giving tuesd
ay you should be asking them over the next couple of days and getting them prepared for whatever it is that you decide to ask them to do so if you're going to run a peer-to-peer campaign and you want to ask some of your best supporters to run those for you ask them in the next couple of days make sure that they're equipped for success make them a google drive folder that contains everything that they need to know how to use whatever peer-to-peer donation tool you're using whether that's facebook
or whatever your donate donation platform of choice might be uh some sample messages that they could use to help uh get your message out sample graphics google drive is my favorite for that encourage your supporters to change their twitter display name to show that they're supporting your organization for giving tuesday i have an example over here on the slide don't change your twitter display name you need your folks to be able to locate your account but if you ask your supporters to change yo
ur display name that's a great uh way to get your uh get your mission on some more eyes because everything that they tweet that day will have your organization name on it think about hosting a twitter chat or an instagram live to share your mission and answer questions about your cause you should go live on youtube too uh maybe that's an interview with your ed maybe that's an interview with clients if that's a possibility for you and then ask your social media followers to share stories of why t
hey support your mission what's so important to them about your cause that's amazing content that helps reach not only your social following but that's a way to reach their social following as well which is the whole point of giving tuesday you can have them take an unselfie the traditional on selfie was a piece of paper that folks would write what cause they that they celebrated on it just in a sharpie and take what we called an unselfie the modern day version of that seems to be an unselfie vi
deo so we have a template for that in our canva template pack that you can share with your folks and have them record a short message about why your mission matters to them think about doing something like organizing a tick tock challenge or something on instagram reels they can encourage your partners and friends to spread generosity by being creative and you want to start rallying your influencers now don't think of just celebrities but anyone in your community who has a big megaphone uh the m
ayor a news anchor in your community who is passionate about your cause and is willing to help you get your message out use google drive to make them a tool kit and a pack that they can use to help you get the mission out so when the big day comes you should be posting a lot don't worry they're about posting too much the algorithms will all sort that out you should be posting a lot it's okay you want to be creating a diverse type of content so uh maybe you're going to post a video virtual tour o
f your office uh post photos interviews with your community members highlight volunteers share your progress toward your goal throughout the day too share those stories about your impact but hopefully you'll you'll have those things being set up throughout the next couple of weeks too so that folks can find that and access it easily and don't forget to thank your donors as donations come in uh thank them on your social media channels people really love a shout out our team knows that you're stra
pped for time capacity all of those things and we understand uh everything that's going on right now you're juggling a thousand balls so we tried to make things as simple as possible for you we call it campaign in a box here's the url it's slash organizations you have access to canva templates that you can customize yourself and put your logo on it and instant graphics you have sample emails in that pack sample social media you really want to shape those materials to fit your c
ampaign's unique story and your campaign though so you want to get started on that now people give because giving is a way that they feel that they can help shape the world that they want to live in giving is a step towards some different future that we're all looking to achieve and when people support your work they're supporting the promise of the change that you're working toward and so your messaging and your stories really want to reflect that ultimate aspiration people really want to do so
mething right now and it's not just because they're finished organizing their bookshelf by color and need something else to do but it's because in these moments of uncertainty and crisis people have a deep-seated desi desire to to do something to help so i think we have an opportunity uh during every giving tuesday but more so this year for giving givingtuesday2020 people want to help it's going to be a really great day and i'd love to hear if you all have any questions i am here to answer them
by the way to contact the giving tuesday team you can do that in a variety of ways i operate our social channels you will reach me personally if you dm at givingtuesday on any social channel whatsoever you'll reach me i might take a little bit of time to answer your question but you can reach me that way you can also reach us at info and our team is happy to answer any questions that you might have hey isha all right thank you so much kat this was super interesting and i know i
learned a lot and i hope um our viewers learned a few things as well too um before we dive into questions i'll do a couple quick reminders um also if you're in the live chat and you have questions feel free to put your questions in um otherwise we'll go through a couple common questions that we hear um i'm also going to add meredith as well to our stream um so i will be asking the questions and then meredith and kat will be answering them for us um but before we get started um as a reminder we
will have a survey at the end of the at the end of the video in which you can actually give us your feedback and let us know what topics you want to hear about in the future let us know what you liked and what you didn't like and how we can be the most helpful for you um the link to that survey um is i'm going to put it on the screen in a second but it's it is give me a second wait for it right here there you go um so this is a link we'll also ping it in the live chat for you and we'll have it u
p at the end um so you'll have a chance to fill out this survey cool and then um before we get started with some more questions um as a reminder make sure to subscribe to our youtube channel um we also have a twitter channel a facebook page and a community forum um you can use all of these as cat said like these are great ways to engage with our team especially on the community forum ask your questions and members of the google for nonprofits community will hopefully help you get the answers tha
t you need um also on youtube these these shows are a great way to interact with us live and ask your questions so come come ready on the next episode of december 3rd um with more and more questions and we'll be here to answer them all right so we'll go ahead and get started all right cat i have a question for you yep um so i'm interested in participating in giving tuesday how can i register non-profits don't have to register nobody has to register it's a social movement it's a hashtag online mo
vement there's no registration you can get on our non-profit e-newsletter list i recommend that you can get to that from on our contact page there's a subscribe form for that but other than that there's nothing to register for you can use whatever donation tools you already have set up on your website there is no reason to start anything new um this is more about developing a campaign on your end making sure you're using the hashtag making sure you're using givingtuesday uh mes
saging and branding in your campaign on december 1st that's it there's no registration okay awesome and a follow-up to that if um non-profits want to use the giving tuesday logos on their brand or on their website can they do that absolutely absolutely that's why we give you the art files you'll find the illustrator original art file to the giving tuesday logo on the website we want you to use that and change the colors to reflect your brand you should uh if we've seen all kind
s of creative uses of the giving tuesday logo and we love that we get asked a lot for permission to use the logo and i say yes absolutely and not only do you have permission to use it you've permission to change it that's the thing that made giving tuesday authentic and that's the reason that it took off so well we think because we allowed that type of social movement and collectiveness uh and we're a distributed team it's not just us that owns this giving tuesday is yours it's not mine that's a
wesome i love that vibe that it's very it's about everybody and that you can really use the graphics to really have your promotion that's amazing um question for meredith um so i know we talked a little bit about getting started with ad grants and using ad grants to fundraise can you tell us more about how to get started great question and i know kat mentioned it and we've had i think you show you popped up on on screen kind of a link to a giving tuesday set of tips that the ad grants team publi
shed a few i want to say a week or two ago and really if you have a google for non-profits account that's your first step so signing up getting validated with the google for nonprofits team the next step once you're signed up is to follow the steps to activate ad grants and you know for those of you that maybe have tried this in the past and it was a little bit complicated and a lot of steps we heard you our team worked on that over the summer and the fall and we launched a process that's really
just two steps to get your ad grants account set up and you'll actually be able to get started once you follow those steps with creating your campaigns and we suggest taking a look at the ad grants giving tuesday blog post and also the ad grants help center and community forum as isha mentioned the community forum are actually a great fora i guess our great location for asking tips um from other nonprofits and there's also folks in the certified professionals community with ad grants that often
pop into the forum and answer questions live as well so definitely a good spot if you're trying to figure out exactly how to take best advantage of ad grants going forward awesome thank you um and then also just as a follow-up to that there is a step-by-step tutorial to launching ad grants this link is a little bit long but we'll ping it in the chat um if you go to apply digital skills it's a google it's a free tutorial and we have a non-profit collection and to learn more about this watch the
first episode of live with google for non-profits because we dive deep into this platform and what you can use it for all right um back to cat i have a question for you um so i believe this one is from william in the audience and um he asked email is probably best for less the tech savvy audiences any other suggestions for reaching an older less connected audience email's still great for really tech savvy audiences too and i think it's a missed opportunity if you skip over email so i make sure t
hat you're sending emails on giving tuesday uh multiple of them i know there's a joke going around about how giving tuesday's the day where i get influ and flooded by uh non-profit asks and things but you'll do this in a way where you're targeting folks so you're you're taking out people who already gave to you from those subsequent mailings so that they're not bothered and that you're recognizing their gift and not asking them again you're gonna be targeting your messaging hyper specifically to
to different audiences so there's not actually going to be all that much overlap but don't be afraid to send too much email you want to send something over the thanksgiving holiday to remind people that giving tuesday's coming uh savvy nonprofits do this once every day starting on giving tuesday uh and and make sure you include a calendar invite in those emails too i don't know about you but if it's not on my calendar it's not happening so there are ways to do that uh you can you you can just a
dd a gene add them to a gmail uh calendar invite but there's products like ad event and eventable that you can use to get a calendar invite onto somebody's phone and one thing i'll actually add from my own personal experience so i'm on the board of a non-profit i'm like isha also based on the bay area in california and i'm on the board of a nonprofit here and our sort of um development team at that nonprofit has coordinated with all the board members to basically say like what do you need from u
s for giving tuesday and kind of this time of year to connect with your friends your family your contacts whoever it is about supporting that organization so for you know folks who feel comfortable doing peer-to-peer fundraising there's a website that they've set up where i as a board member can have a page that says like hey i'm fundraising for this non-profit for this reason this is why it matters to me and i can share that with the friends that are maybe a bit more on social i'm not even pers
onally much on social but uh you know i can share it with friends that feel comfortable donating that way but then the development team has also said to the board members like hey we will help write you you know email content if you want email or even physical letter kind of stuff that you're gonna send out so i think that can be a good option too you know tap into your board and the folks that are already on uh on board to support your organization and that that could potentially be a good way
of giving them the tools to also be your stewards during this time of year absolutely uh the key is to make sure that they have those tools though it's one thing to say to your board members look here's what here here's what i want you to do on giving tuesday but they need very clear specific instructions i tell nonprofits to send your board a calendar invite on giving tuesday include in the description of that calendar invite one two three here are the things that i want you to do with links to
a google drive where it has everything that they could possibly need copy pasteable messages here's the email that you that i want you to send um that sort of prop takes a little bit of time but you've got a little bit of time to work with here and totally worth it that's awesome well speaking of time another question is um how do we keep the giving tuesday vibe for the rest of the year and into the next year let's do it uh we have secret maybe not so secret ambitions to make every single tuesd
ay giving tuesday right like we there's a monday motivation hashtag there's a wednesday wisdom hashtag we want to be the hashtag for tuesdays so you should use that we've been seeing the trend a little bit over the past year or so but we want to see more of it every tuesday feel free to use the giving tuesday to create some sort of challenge that would benefit your organization or keep that hype going we have another campaign that's called giving every tuesday you can search on instagram for tha
t campaign and our our social channels put out a call to action for folks to support any number of of causes we rotate them in every tuesday there's 52 of them with clear calls to action and asking folks to share how it is that they're giving and we repost that content so go ahead and use that steal our content too awesome i'm actually going to put um the link one more time up um that you shared earlier just to remind everybody um as kat mentioned this link here has a lot of great tools that you
can use to get prepared for giving tuesday i know we only have a couple weeks to go um but there's still plenty of time so as kat mentioned so here is this link we've got everything you need there i think let me know if i don't okay awesome um all right i think we are i think that's all the questions that we have um a couple last reminders um once again if you do want to watch this video again and get the tips and reminders and all the different things that cat shared and you want to watch it a
gain you can use the same link that you're currently on um so you're on youtube watching this live stream you can use that same link to watch it again if you x out and you can't find the link you can look for the google for nonprofits youtube channel also we did post this link across twitter as well and facebook so you would be able to go to any of our social channels and you would get the link to go back to our channel and you can see the playlist and you can see many other videos including tip
s and tutorials for using different google for nonprofits products overviews trainings as well as success stories um and some we actually launched a video today that features eight non-profits from around the world as a thank you to all the work and wonderful work that nonprofits are doing um so go ahead and take a look at that as well since you're on our youtube channel already um awesome so the next episode will be on december 3rd and so if you are interested in joining that go ahead and you c
an set a reminder already on our youtube channel and we will be talking about how to make meetings more inclusive and accessible for everybody we know this is definitely more more and more that our world is virtual and that we have a lot of online meetings and virtual meetings accessibility and inclusivity are incredibly important um and we have been also working on it too like there are a lot of things that we can continue to improve to make sure all of our our live streams all of our content a
nd tips and tools are accessible um so we want to be sharing some of these things that our team has learned at google so we'll have some experts in accessibility join us and they will give us some tips for for doing that um that we can all learn from so we're looking forward to having them join awesome all right and as a reminder i'm going to put the survey up um so thank you again cat and thank you again meredith please give us your feedback we want to know what you think about this about this
show we just launched it a couple weeks ago and we will continue having these shows every other week so we really want to make sure that it's exactly what you what you all want um to have it be as helpful as possible um so fill out our survey we would really appreciate it and this is the link to the survey and um it'll also be in the chat for pings sorry it'll also be pinged in the chat so you can go ahead and click that link as well and as one more reminder here are our social handles so feel f
ree to follow us we love having more followers and um you can reply to us and you can um comment on our youtube channel and and ask us questions in the community forum we would love that so thank you so much thank you everybody for joining um i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and good luck on giving tuesday it's just a couple weeks away so thank you again have a great one you



Thank you, very interesting!


So great all those tips!!! Thank you so much to all of you!!!! :-) I'm so excited and motivated to build the campain for our project!!!!


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What is the time zone of the live broadcast time, Ep. 3?