
GOP candidates clash in WISH-TV debate



1 day ago

welcome back Wish TV hosted the Republican candidates for Governor in a debate last night you saw it right here on Wish TV the candidates squared off on a wide range of topics from education to the economy let's welcome in two members of Indiana's best political team Republican Ali Bartlett and Democrat Kip 2 good to see you both allly will start with you who had the best night in your opinion and who had the worst night yeah well it's always hard to kind of pick a clear winner and loser but I h
ave to say that I think Mike Brawn clearly showed that polling we've seen is pretty accurate and everyone on stage kind of treated him as the front runner you know in the last several debates that we've seen um he's handled the attacks well and he's definitely been the number one target Kip I know you're coming at this from a different perspective but your thoughts on on who had the best night and worst night the best night was Jif because the five people on stage exposed their extremism um and
so uh I think that jform course is a Democratic candidate uh for govern um on stage I suppose I would say um do would probably do the best job uh see cool common collected um concise answers seemed good tutorial to me um just uh of being on stage I'll go ahead and answer the second the other question about who worse and I I I actually think that Mike bra acted like he want to be there didn't want to be there but he seemed like uh play up on that debate stage and so it kind of came off wrong yeah
you know what the candidates also didn't hold back when asked to Define what an outsider is I want you to listen to this exchange between Senator Mike brwn and former Indiana attorney general Curtis Hill listen so first of all Curtis has never signed the front side of a paycheck he may have run a lemonade stand years ago but he's been in government he can tell me what he's done I did not run a lemonade stand Mike has been a legislator Mike has been a legislator in the state house he's been legi
slator in the United States Senate that is different than governmental executive leadership you got a little feisty guys are any of these candidates Outsiders in your opinion Kip no I mean I think the closest it comes to is turn because he sort of got kicked out of being an Insider for bad behavior U but all of them have had important jobs in government uh and and all of them acting like they're Outsiders or any of them acting like Outsiders is just part of their disingenuous PCH to of Voters Al
ly how important is it to come across as an outsider or is it even important yeah so I think there's a difference between Outsider and then an outsider on the inside so I agree with Kip that none of the people on this stage are necessarily Outsiders to this process at all um you know even if you've been appointed instead of elected you're still a bureaucrat in some ways and so I think you know there's a difference there and and I think that was probably some of the point that Mike Brun was tryin
g to make with his comments was that you know there's a difference between being a complete Outsider and being an outsider on the inside um I'm not sure how important that label is especially in a race where everyone has a background in government so I'm not putting a ton of emphasis on it the debate got started guys with a question about income taxes lieutenant governor Suzanne Crouch was the only one to raise her hand when asked who would be in favor of getting rid of the income tax we have an
opportunity to put thousands of dollars back into your pockets every single year now my opponents say we can't do it but what they're really saying is government needs more of your money and you need less it's not going to happen overnight it has to be phased in Ally is that a winning issue for Crouch so I agree with uh lieutenant governor Crouch that this is something that would have to be phased in I actually think Eric doden made a very good point when he said you know almost half of our sta
te budget comes down to income tax so but I want to point out that I don't think this is necessarily like the winning issue for her because the legislature has already been phasing out or phasing in a reduction of the income tax really since 2013 under Governor Pence at the time and so this phase out is already happening and so I'm not sure if it's as like that big of a claim as she's making it to be just because that phase out has we'll leave it right there Kip Ally good to see you both we we'l
l talk soon thank you
