
GOP Rep. Ken Buck to leave Congress at end of next week

Republican Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, a hardline conservative who has clashed with his own party at times, said that he will leave Congress before the end of his term. #CNN #News


1 day ago

And I'm here with Congressman Ken Buck, Republican of Colorado. You just came from the hearing. Before we get to that, you announced some big news. You're leaving Congress at the end of next week. I am, yes. I'm resigning my seat and creating a vacancy in my district quite well. Everywhere I go in Colorado, Dan, I hear that people are not happy with Trump and are not happy with Biden. And I think we need to change our electoral electoral laws here. And I have a passion for that. And I'm going to
leave and I'm going to find the right organization to join and I'm going to start working on that issue. We have to have better candidates up and down the ballot, not just president, but Senate, House, local offices. We've got to find better ways to elect candidates and bring America together. You already had announced that you weren't going to not run for reelection. Why leave now and leave a vacancy in an already very narrow majority for your party? Yeah, because it's to me, it's important to
get in the mix of this election cycle and start talking about the issues that people recognize are such a problem. Right now. You know, our my colleague Melanie Sloan is reporting that there is such tension among House Republicans that many of them aren't even going to a retreat that's going to happen at the end of this week. Is that tension part of why you're leaving so abruptly? I think displaces dysfunctional. For example, I am the number of third ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. I
haven't even asked my questions yet. 40 50 people have gone before me. But that that could be personal, but it could be personal. But but a lot of this is personal. And that's the problem. Instead of having the quorum, instead of operating in a professional manner. This place has just evolved into this bickering and nonsense and not not really doing the job for the American people. How much of the fact that you are leaving March my second next Friday. How much does it have to do with the fact t
hat Trump is the presumptive nominee and you're not exactly a fan? Well, I don't think whether he was the nominee or not. I think our system is broken and how we choose candidates. And I want to get involved in that process. Is it really that miserable right now to be I mean, from the outside and it doesn't look that fun from the inside in. Is it that bad that you're saying, I'm done? It is the worst year of the nine years and three months that I've been in Congress and having talked to former m
embers, it's the worst year in 40 or 50 years to be in Congress. But I'm leaving because I think there's a job to do out there that I want to go do Anybody that you want to fill your seat? I have not gotten involved in that, and I'm going to stay out on it. And there's a primary in Colorado at the end of June. June 25th is a primary election in Colorado, and that's okay. Before I let you go and I toss back to my colleagues, you mentioned that you have an ask questions in here, but as a former fe
deral prosecutor yourself, listening to what Mr. Herr has said, do you feel comfortable with the fact that he decided not to press charges against the now president? Well, I have to tell you now, I think he is one of the most intelligent witnesses I've ever seen. He has immense credibility and grasp on the facts. I haven't seen the witnesses. I haven't heard the witnesses. I haven't read the underlying documents. I trust Mr. Hunter to have made the right decision. Anything else you want to add a
bout your announcement, your big announcement? No, just. Goodbye. Okay. Thank you. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Jake, back to you. All right. Congressman Ken Buck bidding adieu to Washington, D.C. Let's go live to Lauren Fox now. She's live at the Capitol. And, Laurin, both Democrats and Republicans went into this hearing with definite strategies. What are you hearing about how these partizans feel their strategies are playing out Yeah, I mean, both sides are extremely frustrated with her t
oday. You're seeing that in the testimony. No one completely satisfied with that report. No one completely satisfied with his answers to questions. Republicans arguing that they feel like her did not move forward with the prosecution against Joe Biden. And that his rationale for doing so was really checkered, messy. You heard that from Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee. Here's what he told me just a few moments ago. Obviously, the American people she had access to the are
also suggesting that there is a difference between different federal in the sense the difference is Joe Biden kept classified information that about I forget how many like nine different locations because the Penn Biden Center moved like three times in D.C. So three locations there is garage just in his office upstairs downstairs. And then at the University of Delaware, the library and the University of Delaware, Biden, Sanders, I mean, that is like nine different places because it trumps Presi
dent Trump's classified items were kept at his home with Secret Service protection. But even the report card does point out that Biden turned that information over. We became aware of it. There is, from what he points out, the report is based on what Jack Smith has said. And we know we know that we know Jack Smith and what he's done in the past. So we'll see if I do get to get the votes. I apologize And you also are hearing from Democrats who are extremely frustrated about the focus about Biden'
s age and his ability to remember things, multiple Democrats pressing her on why he had to include that information. The top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, telling me that it was superfluous and that he feels like her, is acting as a Republican operator here. So it's really this unique moment on Capitol Hill Hill where you have a witness who's frustrating both Republicans and Democrats, Jake. No one completely satisfied. But as you noted, both sides clearly went in today with
a very clear idea of how they wanted to tackle this moment. All right, Lauren Fox, thanks so much.



Notice how every GOP member who is not running again, comes out and speaks the truth on Trump. Wish more would put country over party.


The Republican party is a lame duck party top to bottom.


Ken Buck, one of the most conservative members of the far right Freedom Caucus, doesn’t feel he has a place in this current state of the MAGA dominated GOP. That says a lot!


Why is Gym Jordan not in prison again?


Let's stop getting statements from Jim Jordan. He's going to tell lies every single time.


Anybody that takes Jim Jordan seriously is a fool!


You need a diploma to be a lawyer and these people in congress making laws for this country doesnt even have a highschool diploma like Boebert?😂


In every media report, they always seem to need to remind us that Joe Biden's age is a question mark about his candidacy. I've never seen the media so repetitive. Perhaps it's the media that is actually senile.


MAGA is even to far gone for far-right Ken Buck. Buck Off


Translation: "We're broke and the party has gone psycho! I'm out, bruh!"


Rep. Ken Buck's decision to leave Congress early is a notable event that could signify deeper trends within the GOP. It's moments like these that prompt us to think critically about the direction of political parties and the importance of maintaining integrity within our political system.


The majority is getting slimmer and slimmer.


I'll be so glad when Gym Jordan is jailed for insurrection.


Colorado Vote BLUE!




If i were Buck, i would tell the truth about why I'm resigning


Another one leaving the Trump sinking ship. Least he is being honest……


I’m not the only one that thinks there’s more to this story, right?


Thank you Mr Buck now FLIP THAT SEAT


It has nothing to do with the RNC takeover by Trump😅