
🌸 Granblue Fantasy Relink Let's Play: First Time Granblue player! - Part 5🌸

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2 days ago

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi good day um hi hello hi um first of all before I forget scoop thank you for the for the two months I appreciate it thank you thank you and hello everyone hello how we doing today hu
h look I we got a new I did not know we had this but there's a new uh title screen now yippe yippe which is a lot nicer than the other one the other one was just you know uh just just a white screen I think but this one very pretty I like it hello everyone Hi AA hi waza hi dor uh hi hi scoop hello hi Niles hello hi Frost hello hello Alo how we doing [Music] huh you complain just PR move the noise preventing stuff it start peeking H that's what will happen because I had to remove it I don't know
what I'm supposed to do with it but I don't I I'll just say we'll just keep it at this I think the thing is sexist and it doesn't work for squeaky voices and that's that that's that's that's just how it is like that we're just going to do that it's not my fault it's the fault of the thing right yeah I never played this game so I need to play earo once no uh I don't technically no I wouldn't say no because I didn't like I didn't think I was missing context too much and I think the the the problem
is that there is no like there's no previous RPG game of this I think uh because it's like it's a gacha right like they have a gacha like ramboo fantasy is a gacha right and there is lore in there I guess and there is a story in there but uh it's kind of like I I feel like it would be a little excessive to you know to play that and then get it from there because I feel like it might be extensive I don't know uh but I did I played this without previous story knowledge and I didn't mind it it was
n't a problem I didn't have some context for some of the characters and who they are but um I don't know how much they tell you in the character stories but I think they tell you some stuff so it's probably fine if you don't know uh and it's just it's just whatever so I wouldn't say you do no uh I don't know it's not like it's not like there is a previous you know story like RPG uh game that puts in a heavy emphasis on story that's not really you know I don't think that's really how that how tha
t works welcome to the end game thank you I I'm going to see what we do today I'm not feeling the Fate episode right now but maybe later I'm going just see what I can do uh in terms of like you know farming stuff and and doing some stuff uh and then we're going to see uh kagana a medium house oh my God I just finished decorating for a can we can we visit is it open thank you for the lurk Buster thank you hello thank [Music] you uh do you want to know what title you get for getting all the PE wie
rs there's a title yes what's the title how are we feeling today I'm good better than yesterday uh you sound absolutely Stellar is usual so radiant thank you should I scream into the microphone uh so you like you hear all my glory Glory its entirety how did Freeze first day of dark souls go oh no oh no he beat marget and got his wait but that's not Dark Souls that's alen ring in sturma Castle for like 2 hours without finding a Grace oh no whenever I didn't find a Grace in Elden ring I just kept
walking I kept I just kept running until I found one and just ignoring everything thing because at that point I'm just like nah I'm I'm just going to get that thing and then you know [Music] no the journal tells you everything about the world yeah that's another thing you get a journal and like an encyclopedia kind of so you can read up on everything which is really helpful as well so again I don't think you need to play anything before that um [Music] the main character is looking for the your
father yeah who's at the end of the world yeah fatherless behavior that is the gist of it yeah Miss CA Perman St thingies tells you everything to know really from my puv last yeah I was thinking that I haven't done any of them but from what I you know from what I was told no also hi J uh watch are farming and who do you m I'm addicted to this game uh So currently let me just enter where we have been in the screen for like way long enough um currently it's C it's Uncle KAG that I that I have been
playing a bit near the end of the end game but I don't really have a main yet because I haven't been I haven't been farming I haven't been like I don't know I haven't haven't been getting to all the fun stuff I just did main story and then I just swapped characters during main story to who I was feeling hi um but yeah I don't think I I would say I have a main yet but yeah the tiess head empty just crabs oh my God I need I need that but also I don't know if I uh I don't know if I have the the me
ntal capacity to do that um I have no one to play harder difficulties with I don't know if I would be the right person for that I do offer hey uh you know we have a role in the Discord and all of that and uh if people want to play together and you know join each other uh you know we can do that but uh I don't know if I'm like good enough because I'm a very casual player I don't even know my combos nothing yes yes please you want me to scream is that what you said yes please to oh it's open hold
up I'm going copy paste that I'm forget again but copy paste it so I remember when I look into my own chat aling is Dark Souls no it's not come on he went past the same one like six times never saw oh no uh he's doing well for you as a gamer that's true that it's [Music] true uh you just unlocked the last difficulties oh yeah no no no I have I I joined the train very late so I'm I'm I'm like just I just finished the base like Story main story [Music] yeah I joined the anime and mangga Club at Un
i you have that they were running a full go at their Mary on orientation day my plls were not great oh my God that's amazing that's amazing I love that I love that you have that though because uh that's like such a fun thing and I don't think that's usually what schools or Unis or whatever have I don't know feels kind of out there you know m I mean secret oh but I've been trying n Maya not the Nara plague oh my God not naraya I was like I I was like Hey I want to play Naya as well and then I I r
ealized literally everyone is playing her so I was like you know what I don't want to be like everyone I want to be a pikm girl and I want to be like super special right so I was like uh I going to see who I like but then again I wanted to test out all the girls anyway like I I I have not unlocked a single man and you know apart from the men that the game automatically unlocks for you H but I was like I want to test out all the cute girls and then see how I like those and then maybe eventually t
he men but it's like yes so far I've just been testing the Gores and um yeah I just I've stuck with KAG who is technically you know has a has a backstory of uh you know not being a girl before I guess but yeah um yeah I'm going to see I don't know I really do like namaya I played her a lot at the start but um I'm also I feel like I I don't know there's like a combo you have to do and I don't want to do that I just want to play my own way and uh with everyone being in a Maya main I feel like I wo
uld be so bad and everyone would immediately notice that I don't know how to play her uh but yeah it's like whatever uh uh the quick Quest feature Lo random Quest you clean a quick Quest Awards you badges treat them s okay uh when playing quick quest with online players your stats will be adjusted if your pwr whatever that is greatly exceeds dare advice pwr power is a power moreover using gold badge tickets Grant you bonus gold batches yeah okay replay your favorite story beats yeah okay that's
the that's where we get the crabs crab time what is this claim wait what there's a checken bonus brao [Music] dude you love Lance a lot I don't even know who that is yeah this is multiplayer yeah it is uh I don't know about cross region I have no idea but it is multiplayer you have to imch like if you know Monster Hunter it's basically monster hunter in terms of how you uh sign up to multiplayer like that like the missions like in Monster Hunter um undertake a quick so is this so this is just ra
ndom we randomly join a quest between easy and hard difficulty good luck out there does it make sense to just do these like alone matchmaking method must be set to open oh to use tickets spend gold badge tick uh tickets to earn more gold Dalia badges up to three no okay I don't want to do that but I can just go right I still get the badges I just get bonus ones if I do this this so I can do closed and I still get batches but but I just don't get the bonus ones if it's closed Zetta was my next be
cause I like Dron oh yeah Zetta is really fun I think in my opinion Zetta is like very Dynamic no Badges and clothes but it says [Music] bonus it says earn more gold Dalia badges I would think I still get some um but I don't get bonus [Music] ones I need to use a ticket okay then I'm just going to uh how do I can I like Hello there no it's in your hands I guess we just do random I don't know can you R quick CPUs I don't know I don't know also hi Juke I thought you could do both because but then
why why do okay wait so do I have have to use badges to do it en closed you get tickets you help people you turn tickets into badges badges can be exchange for us yeah but it's like incentive to help people like daily resets and finaly 14 but then why do they let me do it on closed what is my benefit from doing it on closed is there no benefit I I can't imagine they let you do it closed and then you get nothing from it do you just get the qu the the quest rewards from like killing a boss and you
get their drops what's the point of letting of the game letting you do it en closed I have to wake up at 6:30 and take 1.5 hour train at 7:30 I would simply die that I'm sorry for you Nils um so it's open right so does that mean I can I just ready and then I get queued into oh but see now it says a it now I have now I have to use it do I yeah now I have to use it Clos to just Place random Mission you can still get tickets but not badges okay all right all right yeah yeah yeah okay all right bec
ause they didn't make me do it in the other one uh characters will be scaled uh okay ready let's see who we get we probably immediately get some of like a offensive name and then I need to uh need to um cover [Music] it excuse me who are you I don't know who you are wants to play [Music] good job everyone what did you expect if they want to go all out then so can I don't take your eyes off let roll hey you okay than more demands blood Focus who do you think I am go suck it up great timing here t
hey come let's not do anything r this guy is so [Music] annoying your item now it's going adjusted yeah that makes sense need badges for extra create cards all right I do this then oh that should be the last of them which means yipp wait so can I this this is just random though right like you have to do this randomly you can't like queue up with other uh with other people welcome to the show want a treat too cute to handle oh my God to beat I love her there's no other use for tickets in this I'm
just L using them I we could say bad their CH Stones it would be much simpler for F fany 14 the brain yeah no I was that was not what I was I was just confused about oh I forgot to uh I I was just confused about um like how to how the T like how using the tickets in closed and open works and why they would even let you do closed right right for these yes can I help you yeah you can keep up and select Quest either with random people or your party but then isn't it techn but then it's closed righ
t unless you have a unless you have a uh half a party I guess or something but then I can can I still do it now but I don't have a ticket good luck out there but no I can still do it no I don't have any I still want to see like what happens like what I get now can I did quick quest with Izzy I don't know how many people though um don't you dare Slow Me Down can do people open this just for the rest of the party SLS yeah but uh but it it says if you do closed right then you don't get to use your
tickets or whatever I don't know come on now oh God that doesn't look like I like it enemies on the way we can't let them the H ground I'm burning up look alive keep got [Music] what is this is a dance wind what is this that was fli just keep coming but we'll show them what is what these do we have to like go there [Music] yeah what is this this is so weird on the SE the [Music] not liking the look of this don't let it intimidate you I don't even know what's [Music] happening uh what are you att
ack already right very very careful okay understood stay sharp on attack [Music] already you take the front line I'll take the back you're right news hi izy hello yeah I'm playing online I think I can play with people so if you want to join we can probably do that I just wanted to see like what this is all about wind in the thefly forward fine fall you're mine seek the truth the world will find you of you num skulls actually understand the foundation of [Music] burck it up I needed that small Wi
ngs make back in of SW oh my God I swear move your ass why why why did it do that golden CAG yeah I like it I don't know what the what the uh how do I make the how do I make the uh statue because I don't know what the what's the uh what's the like free I know what the word is how do I make it what's the what's the uh the combo oh it's it's 10% a chance oh my God so it's just like okay so it's just a funny little thing [Music] [Music] nice yeah out a golden T hi to you hello let me see it does mo
re damage does [Music] it I didn't like this one yeah this one is boring that one was really boring so I what did I get so so you do get badges so I do still get badges okay so it's literally just getting extra badges for if I when I use a ticket I know I have to check I don't knowbody this you've you've acquired a curio zasa would be interested in taking a closer look at it okay whatever that means yes can I you um I probably have a million quests that I still need to do yeah like these uh I'm
just going to make a Lobby and we can just do these real quick this one as well and all of these Dolly Island I just want to get these done so uh we can just do these I know that's like kind of sleeper because they're just the normal ones but um I'm going just do this I'mma do a password we're going to do uh can I do numbers this one you know what it means yeah okay let's do that one um I'mma post it one three five session password there you go I know it's overly complicated but I had to we're g
oing to no it's not soak small it's it's suck a big if anything Alo hi kagura kagura I heard you uh did some housing a little birdie told me you did some housing huh what is this now what is this password what do you mean do need to join us de play the game with us come on or no don't play it with us play it just with me just with me d come on come on but yes hello how's it going kangura and how's it going [Music] DM I could mess up the video yes congrats congrats also D I would literally I will
literally download OverWatch for you okay uh but I not right now because I I don't know if I actually have space so I'm just I'm talking out of my ass hi look at you [Music] cute cute wait do who do you like M what's your what's your uh do you have a cute profile no I have a cute profile I made a really cute profile um what's your like role that you play me and Izzy were using socker small before you even got the game I don't care I don't care care quick quest with scale down a person level if
they're too high about the quest you're doing yeah I don't know if you know or not yeah um and it makes sense right because otherwise people could just ones shot it that would be stupid you don't play cool men what do you mean I'm playing a cool man right now what the hell do you mean shut up literally I am I am now like un unreachable in criticis because I'm technically playing a man but also is that wait actually is that no that's probably hateful to say because I I don't know the lore about t
his character enough but I feel like it's like that would be like talking about someone pre like as if they were pre-transition Tech kind of when they're actually you know transition also how did you get this coloring because I tried to do this and I don't think I can how does it look this way how did you get this coloring can you unlock new colors yeah yeah that's huge yeah I see it yeah look it's a sticker for it's Zar as a sticker oh I think I think you guys have colors that I don't have I do
n't know I'm go KAG is a community me yeah people can blow up stuff if they're strong yeah kaggy yeah kaggy was once a guy but they create Alchemy to other guy yeah that's it okay yes all right K's a little [ __ ] all right fair fair for fair oh you unlocking with unlocking how difficulty all right it looks nice I like it does anyone else want to join oh is he you want to join let's go here cute we like the unhinges to kaggy yeah I like KAG can I like stand in the middle love this and then how d
o I do this again not like that I can do this though uh no it was here right and then I need to do this and then sit cute cute I just wish you could like zoom in more I guess but it kind of does a weird thing DK dong ly time to get get this game if you're on defense I absolutely can recommend it it is so fun it's so nice I really like it I've been really enjoying it I'm launching but I guess is it going to be faster you I'm sorry you have to raise I I'm in no position to make a decision here you
have to raise and the time time will tell dear I'm not going to make a decision and I'm I'm both insanely indecisive just by itself and also I yeah I don't want to uh have people fight over spots I don't want to be the the ruler of this you Charlotte yeah there it is there's Star Sticker yeah yeah uh who's Charlotte again if izy feels up I go back to like a dragon sure you sure try your best zoom into what no I mean just zoom on in on the characters that's what I mean cute can I do any other cu
te emotes I've never I've never actually oh my God don't stare now that's room why she like this what is this follow me follow me follow me follow me cute as hell I owe you one thank you very much oh my God Wasa made it in let's our best wow you're awesome nice uh can we do the thing now because we help you can we do the thing where we uh take like characters that aren't high level because otherwise you're going to absolutely destroy everything if you enjoy this kind of gameplay yeah it's a good
game yeah not the most original story ever no it's a very it's a very standard jrpg story it's not like you know it doesn't reinvent the wheel or anything but it's not really about that the story isn't really supposed to be the focus you can play the home M indeed yeah I will hop off after one all right all right um we're just going to do this one I guess uh is that going to be fun I don't know oh dare you get a ticket okay all right good luck I just make it open I don't think it matters right
why are you screaming why you screaming huh was that it's not too hard to get to 100 one specific PR get to 100 oh my goodness real fast yeah I don't know how that works yet I uh I'm ready I um again I haven't done any farming I've literally just done the story and then that's kind of it all set don't you dare slow me [Music] down look characters already well [Music] well hi G yes we're doing an early stream [Music] yippe yay we're doing an ear stream because later the is Sitting Duck use one of
the ether cannons on the deck and defend us right W do your thing I'll do this kill them all waza jump at them ready I forgot that you know it could be it could have been this one I thought it would just they hop onto the freaking but no I say come on a is there like a is it going to be on both sides just keep coming we'll show them no you know it would make sense if they put them on both sides monsters ready oh my goodness come if you dare I like how we's just grunting behind me does anyone el
se want to use a [Music] cannon I'm not liking the look at this don't let it intimidate you where are you I like the cute girls I like the cute girls doing their magical girl things even though I can't even do a magical girl thing because I'm I'm I'm like not ranged but we're the two cute girls the two cute uh oh hi yippe good [Music] Jobe fast [Music] push ypp Get Wrecked oh my God how epic hello sh good job everyone I did nothing and then I got the last hit and a and a cute little uh slow moti
on because I'm so epic and awesome and the best see to handle y yipp uh Vasa does like to grun a lot I mean he looks like a guy that would so I don't blame him I don't blame him okay so I I do get one ticket from this that's very nice that's very nice and then I get what is this I don't know I I'll use it for something I'll need it for [Music] something how you doing Galler how's it going it looks like You' got the hang of handyman worki I know so everyone in town says they can come to you with
their problems why are we what what's this conversation happening right now hello there I have 45 5K Mastery I forget about that all the time as well that's uh you should use that probably a good idea to use it um let's see wait Wasa are you staying or we can do a we can do a proper one we can do a proper one because this this one was not a proper one if you want to is this like a normal one yeah right in the Grove that's probably nor at let's do that and then uh if you want let me show D real m
an dude then I hop off okay wait let's see you a what's with that hammer dude wait here he's cute I guess you know oh my God he has a big hammer you want to see the characters D have you ever seen a characters let me see uh which crew member would you like to call okay so we have a lell with a big Crown we have big guy like huge guy we have Mega huge guy we have a cute little animal summoning whip swinging uh furry and we have cute little big boobed cowgir with the pink hair uh so you know autom
atically and like immediately great we have Lance a lot I don't even know like I know nothing about this guy I don't nothing about the guys in general so whatever I don't know um cute little little I don't know he's cute he has he has Double Daggers I think he actually looks interesting his play actually looks interesting uh would hate crimey so this one you just saw right he's called vain he's called vain uh he has big axe a barking what about this one this is peral he's he has a he's [Music] a
yeah this one this one is like pretty good right like these like this one I don't know this one is I think it looks cool he reminds me of that one guy that's like um uh what what is it and look at his sword dude he has like a flame sword uh his Soler plates make zero sense and it greatly pleases me because what are these what is going on why would they be like this okay this is like your local uh Dark Knight he literally has a dark knight sword look at him yeah so he's like the local and he has
long hair too like what the hell and he said it literally says uh after falling Victor he's literally like in ishgard after falling victims to court conspiracy fled his country and became a tragic here he's just like us in freaking Heaven sword uh this is kagro who is actually uh a an alchemist and very capable and uh it's it's a dude who turned himself into a girl which into into into a little Idol princess girl which I greatly enjoy that it's like so good yeah it's Uncle KAG and then we have
this is so this this is who I call the creepy laala fell from that uh from the Manderville Quest right so this is like yeah this is like this is the creepy laa that follows around nashu you know the one the one that keeps hiding in the bush es in the in the cutscenes in in the Manderville Quest look what he's doing like I'm scared but this yeah this is so this is like that because that is just the guy he reminds me of and we have Zeda who's a Ron which I think she's really cool and she does like
aerial combos which is super nice yeah but uh she's she's pretty nice and then we have this big guy that Wasa was just who has a huge scythe it's important I'll important just the word might as have giant people and have Elf race uh isn't there like a I mean everyone calls cow people right uh is there's a name for them but I don't I don't remember I don't remember but she's so cute but yeah do these guys interest you D then are these jam papan oh yeah that that too I guess yeah yeaha is too spo
oky for me same yeah yeah and also there's new characters coming out like soon TM so there is a dude coming out and a girl but I I if anyone has the link feel free to send it there you can see them uh but I don't have that right now come to view the okay wait what are we doing are you uh if you want to join Izzy you can join we have wait we have a we have a spot mission complete mission complete what is new here huh sigils let's talk of course what kind of weapons you need I need orbs water and
Earth orbs and everything oh dear new dude there coming out let me see oh yeah there you can see [Music] him sorry for the longest link it's okay you're a mod you have the privilege that session ID uh you uh the yeah you need to I think you need to look at look at it in the list the password is uh 8008135 it definitely doesn't mean anything is there a new girl coming out yes yes yes yes there's also a girl coming out I don't have the link for that either or anything [Music] um let me [Music] see
she looks cool obviously I obviously I want to play her as well because I mean hello it's a girl it's a woman she's cute as hell buying the game let's go we got another one guys we did it hi I love women me too me too okay wait I need to need to queue us up yes can I help you yes I want to do some questing like this one would you take this one under your yipp is this what the hell oh nice sword damn show the guys well I love glowing swords oh there you go there's the dude the shoulder blades ma
ke zero s I'm sorry but these or what no the shoulder shoulder blades now the shoulder uh pads makes zero sense because of what is this you'd hit yourself in the head with those constantly but you know what fantasy outfits let's not it's okay let's let's not talk about it because nothing makes sense ever together oh my God there is nothing to fear that's why it's important for me to be VIP because I need to be an important person in the fellow G stream let's go it's so true Adam ready we get to
move on well judged I just about to show the man come on now Adventure Time Adventure Time I'm not liking the look of this don't let it intimidate you like we got a second to catch our breath before things eat up again looks like they're coming for us you ready I have a question are some of you oneing these I'm not liking the look of this don't let it intimidate you how many don't let what what what was that with hey guys can we join as like lower level not to ruin everything the mod just simply
do not care the mods are like n level 100 one down looks like there still more last push make sure you get them all I'm impressed you she's so cute I think that's everything you are awesome good job we had an Overkill times 26 I wonder why I wonder why that happened the persas are lowest huh I love when she does the little magical girl animation oh my my God got to start gra tonight I think Yay yippe good job guys good [Music] job Dar M yeah I know right all right you held back I mean it's good
for me because I get the s+ pluses for that so you know all right let's see to view the request it is if we're doing that can we get an s++ on this one too guys this one has been bothering me but it's a stupid one with the wyverns where you shoot out out of the Cannons again you know what you just have to do it I say you have to do it so you have to do it we do it get me an s++ then guys come on first prob the highest M DPS in a game that's why I said that ah yes okay I am but it's it kind of i
t's not very not right like theps differences are not super noticeable I'm all ready you dare slow me down I'm the best cannon let's go let's [Music] [Music] go yippe the ships are sitting d use one of the ether cannons on the de and defend us can I aim no what's that down there does Cannon wait does Cannon damage scale off of like personal damage like character damage how does it work than my [Music] play [Music] this is so difficult guys I swear yeah because you're getting overkill on them I t
hink it does scale because you're getting overkill on them and I'm not getting Overkill not the look this don't let it intimidate them oh no never mind it it says it how many of them are there weird let you [Music] weird on the SE [Music] [Music] aush that's one W down it looks like there's still more of them the butterfly emerges what do you mean last push make sure you get them all well destroyed oh my God there's a jump as soon as I was picked I SC of everything yeah then again I do use Quest
solos I have no references at all yeah that's fair I would know I haven't played this game I don't play this game me who's the best me also hi call hello how's Grand going good good good good good we're chilling we're chilling yeah we're gaming yippe we did it thank [Music] you you're going to we to play on the pad at least for me I wouldn't know it's a man I would never know how are you guys doing all huh yes can I help you you're chilling nice nice nice nice wait what was that that I saw hold
up I need to tabing out is a little weird you got paid and got it yesterday yippy play with us I don't know if um I don't know if there's a cross region though I'm I'm unsure this one I have uh s+ do we want to try that I can make the arrang it's uh it's a it's a hollow ground thing [Music] though good luck out there nice weapon come play with me when you are no I wanted to isn't your party full yes yes yes right now right now we have a full party but I will kick people if anyone else wants to
join I will kick the mods because the mods are currently in here and come on now they they are they don't need to be [Music] here you can't let tra the hell ground I'm go up here and we'll finish the next wave in no time Yi looks like we've got guests download to Japan a I guess Japan is [Music] maybe maybe not the biggest player base but Japan probably like proportionally has a pretty pretty big player base that's one down but looks like they still maybe the I don't know how how does that like
in comparison would they have like the biggest player base is that possible can it be so popular in Japan that I don't know like how many people live in Japan and like in let's say comparison to na right hello looks like we got a second to catch our breath before things eat up again they just keep coming but we'll show them who boss boy and we'll finish the next no uh look strong better okay yeah then I mean yeah then that makes sense I guess they're probably then then then this game I can imagi
ne is probably pretty popular in lot of play you up wind in the [Music] field do this my specialy oh come on get in here there's still enemies left but you can take them people in the western side of Japan are only recing we have grand L fantasy that's true the thing is like the gacha game wasn't available in in in the west right so then people wouldn't really or even if they would know what about it that wouldn't be a big player base because you can't really get it um so yeah that's kind of the
problem there it up [Music] y it killed eight years of my life something right oh my God crazy yipp yipp big one for I don't know why it doesn't skipping my cut scenes but I also need to see them [Music] so we did it thank you guys same with shadows M it's a to get crb stuff done outside Japan stuff like Shadow was really big TCG in Japan but no one here heard about it yeah if you're not like super deep into the game it's kind of you know the request what do you think all let's see there anythi
ng new we can do we can do these I want to go kind of him do you want do you guys want to do this one is s Plus+ for anything other in quest rewards no I yeah for my completionist brain to have all of these on s++ yeah it's I just don't I I I can't take it if there like if there's one that isn't the highest right [Music] yeah I mean when you change again you mean like people no it's probably fine does anyone here want to join Monarch hello thank you very much the ra welcome in welcome in welcome
in how's it going thank you thank you oh there's a free spot wait what ah yeah our MVP left our MVP left does anyone else enough I know someone who is very similar to you they asked me to help them for s++ 2 x yeah because you have that there's like I there's no way you can stand not having s++ everywhere come on come on yeah it's like you get a row of s++ and then it's like you have one that's just an s or whatever that no no uh-uh P Monarch how was your stream how's it going what are we up to
what were we doing we're just farming some uh we're farming some we're not farming we're just doing some quests to get them all done out of the list and if anyone want to join then let me know our password is 8008 uh 1 35 yeah yeah uh I use it to learn in level Zeda oh I don't mind if you want to join go ahead I don't mind that at all it it doesn't matter to me I'll keep you safe hi hello hello is that you dude look at this edgy guy look at this edgy dude no no it's 800 huh yeah spell it right
is come on it's important I was just playing Assassin's Creed yeah how was it I have not much to do with Assassin's Creed I like saw someone play it once like one of the older games and I thought it was pretty cool I I always like the kind of open world of it right um but i' I've never played these games myself I'm not really a like a percept play same with um like God of War and all of these or The Witcher these games just too big I'd probably get lost and played them forever so it's like I've
never I've never you know never gave them a try but I would probably like them maybe maybe I'll play The Witcher once at some point maybe all I have no words why no why not why all right we're going to do a pretty um we're going to do a pretty uh going to do this one is that okay I'm l booies I respect the password let's go see all right I'm going to do this should I pin pin the password that would be great that' probably be good I'm ready to head out when [Music] are which is one of my favorite
RPGs I I don't blame you I've heard I've heard good things you know Witcher is generally very beloved So yeah thank you thank you for pinning that I'm ready you got one wait who joined then who is this if that's not if that's not you who is this who are you is this a random person guessing the password if so get them in here what the [ __ ] how did they do that back to it can we get a move on it's you J okay you know what that makes perfect sense that makes perfect sense wait what oh okay okay
okay it's our left it's our left okay I was like huh what just happened yeah if you want if you still want to join Jia you can join you can join you just need to um you just need to learn it h you learn it you just need to um uh search for the session and then put in the password because I don't have it I don't have a session ID I just buy a password who are these ladies hello [Music] te can I I don't even have the te where is the do I even have that oh yeah there I should uh I should move this
I know you can move the somewhere I did that didn't see those though what the [ __ ] what is this one ra one ra radish please excuse me what is that one how do I search it I honestly I have no idea can anyone I've never joined a duty so uh never joined a session does anyone want like have a quick tutorial because I don't know if I I don't know if I can can I help you I can you can probably I have no idea scroll through the list and find saki uh I guess I guess I don't know if I'm making it harde
r for people I don't know I don't even know where to look for the list no izy stop it not the crazy woman go through fine online session oh yeah okay okay okay go to Quest C search [Music] session did I desn somehow everything's unresponsive H yeah it says you're uh it says you're AFK you're like away from you're just standing there sir wake up wake up wake up ah there you go oh no everyone's leave the quest queue why hello there don't know if people can find me uh leave session all right sorry
you guys I guess have to join again I'm going just make a new one real quick hello there uh create an online session password [Music] uh let's go I can drop Quest does that reset it but does it like reset the lobby though oh okay okay okay I'll do that next time I thought it it would just you know it would still keep the people in like the match up maybe yeah I don't know how it works it unpins Quest all right I do that next time then yippe okay people have to join again I apologize [Music] for
I could probably just give people the session ID is that easier probably right hello there oh my goodness how do I do that again there you go if you want to uh connect with the ID wait you can't even see it chat you're in the way [Music] chat no but I can moveed like slightly down but that's stupid let's do this this chat triggers me because it will always clip somewhere my bad for cing Dy wow toxic toxic there you [Music] go thank you thank you thank you safe all right are we good no we're miss
ing one all right you got it repin time let's go second fer room and hack the game so you must always pass easy to each other yes and also that's legal you can count me okay it's illegal and uh yeah okay I need to put us into the quest is everybody ready I can make the arrangements at surely this is not going to be difficult right please be careful I'm ready to we call it mod the game no you're not allowed to do that and you know that can we get a move [Music] on you want to be difficult I can o
ne shot if you want uh maybe not one shot maybe not one shot but uh I don't mind it if you uh do do proportionally big damage you want to say I must play vanilla be Festa games no I didn't say that I was talking about Final Fantasy 14 I don't care what you do with your bethesa games I don't really care about bethesa you know do your best everybody you best everybody but don't want shot it I apologize to advance I miscalculated it's it'll be fine I'll just ban you for many future sessions ew I sh
ould go back and do that one fight that I I don't know which one that was or where that was that took half my health no more ouchies iow no more [Music] ouchies convenient attack understood that was no small Fe can team up anytime we need to gain distance [Music] quick nice nice why go behind Chris's when you can just dodge it am I right Perfection time get him I'll anytime and make sure they stay down [Music] Fantasia don't let him yippi with the Statue yay got wrecked let's go I he has not hit
yet did you do anything is he you made that look easy of did you did you do anything not bad hm profitable we did it yay after that you can do harder stuff after this tell me who's the best me so my aan keep stealing MVP from me and go up with him oh no oh god wow Juke only has two two commendations I I need everyone to uh to give commendations we can't let that stand all right we got some fancy stuff I'm not even going to read these I'm just going to I'm just going to ignore [Music] everything
you don't understand Zeda yeah she's a timing character you get like a little um you get a little uh like if you do the jump right uh you want to jump up and then hit the button after a like a good you know the the amount of time that the game wants you to press the button on and you can see a little uh like Star Crystal glimmer something on the enemy when the timing is right like when you're supposed to press the button again to jump and then you press it again to jump away again and then you
see the glimmer again and you press the button to jump closer again right um so yeah and and that's you kind of want to keep doing that and then you can chain it up and after you've done it three times like you've jumped back and forth away and to the Monster uh I think three times you get a finisher and then you can when you're in the air again you can press the finisher and then jump back to the enemy and then uh do your finisher that's your combo kind of yeah you can look at button names wher
e I learn to press it when it changes oh yeah that works too yeah yes can I all right let's see what else so we got this one this one that looks so cool oh my goodness defend the barricade that's a Defender one though that's probably this one that's probably uh not super fun though I don't know locking is progressing your so Quest you V is good h i f is nice to watch and comfy nice that's good that's good good luck out I'm going do this but if you want to hit the dummy feel free to hit the dummy
uh feel free to test it real quick is there any is there where would that be huh I need pincers there a pincer kid y me can list Quest by difficulty and simple simpler yeah we can also do that I just want to get all of them done anyway so it doesn't really matter right now then we can see what we want to [Music] do ARG sing is easier but might because I play sing more yeah it's kind of like you know if you if you have been playing a character for a bit you're more used to the timings but I don'
t know there's Al obviously there's also easier and simpler characters it's a better list oh I can't check right now yay they need to do is when you collect all 47 pincers pser kids start sing boiled prawn as a buff item huh Yi oh where's everybody gone oh on the roofs I see Hi H I can't even I can't even open it I can't even open it but do you think I play Captain I can be brain dead Fair very [Music] fair oh I think I think Jal is is practicing the character which is fine can I like does if I
press cancel now does that just cancel my ready check or does that cancel the whole yes okay open so what is the timer on a respawning chest is it like 24 hours or this one I hold up guys I found something importante is there any other quests I don't know move on any crusties no let me fish timing is not easier than see yeah I I found our timing pretty difficult but I don't really I'm not an optimizing player so I'm kind of like I'm whatever if it doesn't work it doesn't work right I don't reall
y oh my goodness this place is never been safer looks like we've got guests go give them a big welcome what is [Music] happening May Alchemy never be used for works of evil oh yeah you could dust the skies in 2 seconds flat [Music] H interesting just keep coming [Music] we'll attack already blow them to peace how comes your lovable side again infinite just keep coming dashing combination like yin and yang there is Beauty in the joining of De element how's it looking good through the is going to
K some tail let the advantage keep your wits about you yeah yeah always tells me the same thing come on let's roll here beat them back nothing right behind you nice work keep oh the on my mark let's try your metal you did well obviously look here let's goer it's over on your mark for time to why that one guy is just getting annihilated holy crap thank you Mr was to be I'm we I'm a sled careful as we proceed no this is fantasm coming we'll show him one's super D you are now I'm ow out nice roll G
o uncle K I want to see a stat again can stop us [Music] yippe turn on assist mode and play that out true actually true good job guys yippe I gave myself a f and put cool on you didn't have to if we don't get s++ you need to absolutely annihilate [Music] everything yipp gaming she feels just like draon yeah I know right yeah yeah yeah yeah I think she's really fun but you know you have to get a feeling for it but even even if you like don't manage at the start I feel like she's really fun maybe
I'm just you know maybe I'm just uh very casual so I don't mind it toest let's see so we did this this one is still only an S I don't even know why what the hell uh we should do this one though would you take this one let's do this one what is this this is a oh it's the boss Master zek fre and Amaya I can Master her probably I mean I don't think she's that difficult I think it's just you know you just need to get the timing down like the triggers but that's kind of all I let's do this your I'm r
eady to head H what is this huh let's [Music] some dadd ain't got yay let hit the don't you dare slow me down as a waram main Vin speaks to me I I actually I think they have a really good uh like for this being the starter roster right uh I feel like they have a pretty good uh and and like a lot of variety for the starter this boss is cool uh I want a I want everyone do your best because I want the double plus s on that was a beautiful maneuver what did you expect one more you work wonders I'm s
crewed I'm [Music] screwed uh um I like how you just don't care you need a healing eyes enough I was just getting shortest toct Glory let's go [Music] easy good job gamers yay that was awesome you awesome wind of fore goes not bad you're so small Izzy how does it feel huh how does it feel huh losers I guess this is a ranged to tagal [Music] technically score a big one for you have nice views oh I see okay I see how it is can we got a D yes yipp very nice what is that oh that's one of those right
okay okay okay one of the Rocks we might have a look at how it looks with difficulty listing is good quality of life yes yeah he's looking at my skirt um kill him you have to One V one [Music] now don't forget to Cal true you got a chromate card let's go to the request um what do you think here and then we do by [Music] difficulty no this we did all of these this is normal another crewmate [Music] card would you take this one uh Let's do let's just go down the list maybe this one yes what is th
is survival defeat 50 foes four with thrown objects all right I don't know what this is going to be like how do you Cal uh yes what is he is typing you in the end screen when you see everyone's everyone's like portraits you can press the uh the like left button on your controller or whatever it is on whatever it is [Music] on PC better just sort by type so you can filter anything that is in the boss yes but I want to do all of them at the moment so it doesn't you know right now that doesn't matt
er I heard you want money what do you mean huh where For What come on now Adventure Time Adventure [Music] Time bring thec huh some time to want to fight they've got one let's go wait we got to defeat them with thrown objects hold up did that get some that got one that got one okay okay okay we got to remember to do that so don't immediately kill them at least not all of them this guy looks strong better find out disgusting F better act quick before they run looks like they're coming for us you
ready we will thanks for the uhoh this guy looks strong better watch out no further better quick before they run we got to get [Music] this ow did I kill them yes we got it okay hog gaming this guy looks strong out follow close you seem to be in a rather good mood quick before they run get wed uhoh get through give me this guy look better watch We're gaming oh my God what is [Music] happening here moving Target thiser right is there's still enemies left you can take them uhoh this guy looks stro
ng you better watch out absolute Gamers I know P uhoh we're in the home stret now keep it up let blade of the wayfaring dragon fart the US let's roll this is let's go if only fro just works on Kies why uh that would be so funny and probably broken I don't know yipp what a t yay if no s+ plus it's Izzy's fault he's slacking okay so now in this screen you can click this see you can click the square or whatever uh and it's going to show the Little G's the little golden G's and from that you can see
uh you can see like you know that you gave commendations and that's how you give everyone a commodation I know you can and you can also just commends like um specific people if you go left and right and then you press X on them but if you're on yourself you can commend all yeah that's how you do [Music] that he's doing his fast MVP even sliding around well well to the reest all right what is this I want to do the ch card one oh my God is this what I think it is uh I don't know please be careful
oh yeah and you can follow yeah exactly you should definitely all follow me can we get a move on preparations yay [Music] is he attack kill it do your best everybody don't not too much though sick of me yeah I like that am I allowed to cook go ahead go ahead I I think this boss might be annoying anyway yeah this a garbage boss I really don't like this [Music] one yeah I hate [Music] this I'll analyze her there we go nice there go good get out of here [Music] stupid that was awesome he fell off
what the hell yeah this one I don't mind one shotting because n n absolutely no one radish please I love that one it's so Random tell me who's the best who's the best [Music] yeah [Music] yippe good good that you fell off Izzy toxic absolutely toxic Yi you didn't have the crewmate card from that one wow are you slacking huh you're not doing your quests uh do we not do we want to do some hard ones these are fine what is this veteran let's see uh what do bosses what's this one crocodile the crocod
ile do you want to do crocodile we do crocodile good luck out there whoat I need as armed it's true it's true but I want to C this one [Music] verilla umag you KAG how many Loops is that up for combo finisher two or three gems two slopp it changes name your ability changes name to I don't remember what the name is but thank you for gifting us so busy thank you on me or nothing we did well look out let's not do anything rash for the yeah yeah whatever okay that's not whatever oh my God you why am
I sliding ow yipp oh my God this thing holy crap hell yeah attack I'm here you aren't one for Mercy are you but they get for wasting my time impressive distra well done I'm [Music] ma them who's ready for second yipp suck it up I think let's keep a close eye on the enemy let roll ow no don't do that no are you done let roll oh God what an idiot look at an idiot excellent yeah that wasn't bad before my get Magna bye Z it's over resol on your markiz let's go fellow narma and joyer there is litera
lly only narma and joyer there is no one that does doesn't like narma everyone everyone is a narma player at hard oh that should be the last which means not bad's see profitable profitable I got po po po potion hoarder four nice yippe I don't like narma no you do you just don't know it yet you just don't know it screw youing I need to finish my combo yeah it's true is better it's true I agree you posted radish means so he likes oh I see okay so he uses okay I see I see I see what I see I see I s
ee all right I see I see now all right yippe a good job [Music] Gamers don't take this the wrong way the big quality of life I fa you look out of it lately the dragon power inside me feels like it's pulsating I don't know how to describe it resonate don't unlock more characters before you have Mania difficulty yeah that's yeah you will save so much grind yeah uh that's what uh what Wasa said right like you're not supposed to unlock characters early because uh it's like shared or something across
the characters if you wait due to unit starting at level 6 instead with half their Mastery yeah that as well right like uh you um they will like the the higher you are the the more It'll like automatically fill your Mastery yeah yeah if anyone wants to join just let us know we can we can probably swap out people because otherwise those same people play but please please please say if you want to join just let me know I'll kick someone for you what do you think uh all let's see what else can we
do this one this one is new now I get a chromate card for that as [Music] well just don't unlock more characters our suboptimal exactly Frost I'm glad you agree I'd be ready to get another oh I'm below advised pbrr oh actually I should probably just let me see let me see I probably have a bunch of yeah let me just uh can I upgrade my my stuff by the way do I have any do I have a health four or something no um but I do want to know no masteries there I do want to upgrade these a little bit ta oka
y what is all of this charge collapse all right uhuh uhuh what is this boost the damage de by disruption I don't even have that you can refine Perfection this pantry this is good I have this [Music] one I don't have that I don't have that either this fantasma Gloria just one [Music] stronger mimc dollia [Music] whatever again can I get that yes I'mma just get that whatever infinite power I can get this one too yes he just got stronger let's do that okay probably better will KNE hi W don't forget
weapon upgrade yeah that's what I'm checking right [Music] now unap let's [Music] go hello s this is your link assistance system we are here to remind you of the defense aspect of the Mastery tree huh I don't know what that is but thank you level 69 let's go uh I thank you I don't know what that is I don't think it matters uh can I Forge any fancy I can forge this one uh can I Forge any cute ones no I need the orbs where do I get the stupid orbs hold up give me a second God damn it your weapons
won't betray you okay let's see if I can get an orb [Music] somewhere hello there Max on arms off fence tree first yeah yeah never touch defense until later yeah who cares just don't get hit right you don't need defens if you never get hit yeah add them to wish list you guys are so smart why are you so smart by no let's tell once your weapons tempered all right let's get to it [Music] uh how do I do this add to Wish List come back sometime oh no you going to need trophy wish Lister nice yes can
I help you uh when are we changing the model to uh how do I see where here's a new crewmate card let's do that [Music] uh all do I see it in my quest list no I don't know come to view the request you can search Quest by wish list oh wait what where search by treasure oh there this one yes so we got to do this one let's do that one [Music] then flip a coin no chibi all right I do that uh it was three Loop comers I was lying to oh no oh no yeah it's like if it changes the name uh if it changes th
e name then the red streak in your hair is gone I'm glad someone finally said something about this because it that has been the case for like I don't know a week more than a week I don't know all right guys don't get scared okay I be right back how about flipping through and picking one at random no maybe not um uh what ears would you want you want any you have any any any uh any [Music] preference if you're not sure well uh I recommend something nice and safe now I'm comfy better does that work
I'm in desper need of fire and Earth shards okay we can do that we can get those I need several anyway as well get the [Music] blanket this one like that uh considering it carefully I see well you can't be too cautious I know it's because it's um they on the Tweet guess is about to get hit by their own twister right yeah because uh Izzy made that Izzy made that little meme thing right and uh took took an older took an old me how dare you how dare he uh undertake Quest this is going to give you
I know is it going to give you drop items oh yeah this there you're going to get the is orb maybe I don't know I know it's in your hands now thank you for making the meme though thank you I appreciate it I'm just me I'm I'm just um pulling your leg don't ask her jump from level 60 to 80 by the way have you used a book huh ready when you are am I oneshotting stuff uh is [Music] sure I think I need to turn my light on though is he gaslighting Twitter sure sure I will pull your leg at Maps later I
don't even know if we can do maps have more people sign up I'm not tabed in what the hell you cast gun look at all these missiles what the hell we have five should be fine is that okay hi Shin how are you oh my goodness relax oh my God Jesus go ni [Music] yipp I contributed nothing wasa's almost dead though what the hell tell me who's the best you perfect dodg it I didn't see it I'm sure everybody else did though I'm sure I'm good Shin how are you think I need to turn my light on give me a secon
d [Music] stares at you oh your biggest skill is self damage well I can finally get rid of them from all my inventories yeah do you want to join Frost I forget that Frost is in the Discord you want to join for maps it would be six [Music] [Music] people there's what the entry seems to be what wait what H journal the entry seem rolling fast yes okay rolling lore Alo is dead nice death is merely a statistic I have observed it time and time and again over my research career then why do I feel distr
ess over the loss of meaningless Sky weather what is happening to me someone released me from this pain we were Exterminating monsters in skyw worm Valley when a wyvern ambushed me from behind upon upon turning there was Alder impaled by talents meant for me the fool why sacrifice yourself to save another Sky dwellers have short lifespans this it is impaired if they live to ensure the survival of their progeny now Aldo's young child must endure without the father what am I to do after the funera
l alder's spouse presented me with a book it was this journal A record of our conversations he logged all I had taught him down to the Last Detail it seemed he had nothing but praise for me but why you were the one who gave your all for the sake of others you were the exceptional one Aldo is never coming back memories of the past stab at me I cannot fathom the sense of loss nor this fluid that wets my cheeks dude what the [ __ ] uh the one thing is certain something has changed in me I can carry
on his legacy by taking up his mantle and my plan to retire among the sky dwellers upon the end of this project shall have to shall have to wait but it doesn't matter I must protect the SKU Aldo LED so much from this day forth I shall relinquish my astral name in favor of one befitting disguise Aldo wherever you are please watch over me Roland D this is a this is a terrifying this is a terrifying Revelation about a man's trauma and you're out here being thirsty what the [ __ ] I got a cand C ho
w dare you huh hi Hana sinner exactly here it is exactly um what else can we [Music] do this one Goblin Warrior I can make the arrangements at once we get an earth orb Earth orb time maybe I mean if it drops [Music] right dark or red one huh what character you want to see oh you want to see a character okay right with us we on okay which one huh s showed me some but I like the big man with the Sword and the one with the wait I'm a I'm stop laughing the red person 100% yeah that's what I'm thinki
ng with the fire [Music] sword which crew member would you like to call this guy this guy not the D one this guy The Edge [Music] Lord this is [Music] the this [Music] one what about him huh what about him seek is good yeah he's cool I want all the characters can we get all the characters and all the skins from all the uh from the gacha game want Tove a few I mastered loops and I'm oh also I forgot I was in the way sorry sorry I I forgot I was in the way of like yeah yeah yeah of the names becau
se my head is big now want me to make my head smaller I'll be tiny like that how's that that huh now I can see almost that you still can't see the names it's okay you don't need to look at [Music] me the trick is what skills are best on Zetta uh we have some optimization nerds in the game uh in the chat so you probably they can probably tell you was that it D do you do you need to see anything else or oh yeah this one here this is the guy what do we think he's very angry my muscles yearn for adv
enture my muscles yearn for adventure hit the he could use his fist on me for real for real how dare you bottom energy yeah kind of right shaking my head yes can I help you I we l to one shot things uh sure I mean we're only getting the s i I think I'm just getting the s++ here so I can have I have it in the list so I don't really I don't really mind let's do this does this have the no which one did I want oh no we're on the hold up we're on the wrong thing oh this one undertaking wa I just have
to ready I'm stupid there we go oops frd ready Freddy also a nice outfit this is nice muscles for adventure yes over here what what let's hit the dirt don't you dare slow me down I can see him in action as well for like 5 Seconds welcome back aome s is now comfy I am I have a blanket y kill it kill [Music] it good bre absolutely annihilated get out of [Music] here it's over already yeah I'm just that strong profitable a breathe we awake he's meditating from the cloud the storm what the hell sin
g my blade look upon true Fury why is he so angry it's true C is better it's [Music] true let's go yipp good job guys did we get a what is this oh a knickknack voucher did oh we got an orb pogies let's see if I can find any others that give the the orbs the receptionist at the quest counter said there's a huge stack of thank you letters all for it guess that proves it got this fix it stuff down P yes can I help you what do you think yes I need quests uh can't I [Music] do search b treasure this
one water orb we've already cleared these so uh and we've also cleared these okay so we got to do let's do do these it's just three more and then we can do some orb farming if you want to join for that please be careful go let's you want to see anyone else d this guy this guy looks like d this is like vanilla vanilla d what did you hear that he something hard something harder move your everybody [Music] [Music] Pi up on you on [Music] this guy looks strong better he's already dead though yipp oh
my goodness Jesus y Daddy alert it's go time let roll uhoh this guy looks strong better watch out Qui before they run you're getting bonged uhoh this gu looks strong you better watch [Music] out quick before they come on uhoh get i'll oh nice let roll this guy looks strong better watch out the pond settle looks like they're coming for us you ready I need start Play I need you to start playing Ros so I can make an initial D joke oh my God please also is there any support as [Music] characters I
mean you can play characters more supports like I for example um I can do a healing like this right and I can do a rest like this I can throw a res like a a long long range AE res kind of um so it also kind of depends on what you uh on what you uh like put your abilities to because you can change these you can change the [Music] abilities but every character is like offensive right the butterfly every character has like offensive abil com for us you ready and your combo like every every characte
r does damage keep it up this guy looks strong you better watch out kill them all my peasants good job the one was playing has lot of support yeah I don't know which characters have more of a like a support kit and which one and which ones are uh more [Music] offensive a big one for [Music] yi what does her base why do you mean uh you mean [Music] Zeda I don't know we got a tiet all right every character has team play but others have damage plus party Buffs yeah yeah some have like bubs some hav
e healing abilities some have a lot of like self buffing and then again it depends on what you want to have on a character so you can switch out the four abilities that they [Music] have IED one so is playing for support yeah heal rest and crit damage defense buff y [Music] we come to view the request what do you think we got a new Quest [Music] defeat the Griffin okay we're going to do this one first though would you take this one good luck out there ready [Music] Yi can we get a move on y y re
ady to set up the worst one is that the worst uh the worst um boss no surely it's fine right Leo on [Music] the what the hell just got to grab what the client asked for [Music] yippee oh why are we getting points good progress at this rate don't finish the quest no problem why are we why are we getting coins I'm so confused excellent willing subject wow you're one heck of a Sloop looks like we're in great shape Jesus Jesus stop [Music] jumping where are we going now huh my goodness is the coin l
oving slimes have appeared what does that even mean man keep it up we'll be finished in no time where do I go [Music] now I guess I don't want to get close to these can we kill these does then give us more hi [Music] ow you're level 50 are we going to be fine how do we get up there we're not in a rush yet but I'm sure our client wouldn't mind a little hustle we I'm trying I'm too small how do we get up there we have to they good we got everything we need but we might as well see if we can bag so
me extra let's go let's roll you will burn fo on the holy poly [Music] meow BL ticking buddy the client's expecting us get we've got to hurry come back let roll oh my goodness stand back what is this what what is happening let loose the fires of hey we're running really short on time you trying to milk every second yeah what do you mean hey what the heck kick some tail yipp youry well anda's fade Story free me nether the C's going to be over the moon I didn't do any of those and I probably shoul
d but well some when EU and a do link attacks mention be magical girls I love that I love that so much who's the best that's amazing I've been looking for the last two hours checking to see Gremlin well hi s hello how you feeling huh y good job guys stop it get some help hey Che this one out just pull just pull hello there here it is okay this one why did they make this Mission I don't know arrs at they thought it would be fun I guess we get a green or from this let's do it let's go hit the read
y when you are we going to move on don't you dare I can do like so I don't know what's wrong with me but I can do this right I can't see it you can't see right I I can do this right but I can't do it on the the other way I can't do it the other way I don't know why let R am I disable you're going gets tough to right down the [Music] [Music] barrel D you made thaty you're going back to gun gun mode what the hell profit been saving this one no [Music] stop uh oh I got the ammo toare no this should
do the trick like I can do this right but I can't do it the other [Music] way I physically can't do it can you what like I can't put my like I [Music] can't my muscles won't allow it I don't know [Music] why I I try why is W on the brink of death because he NES himself it has self damage yeah cuz he smoked the Zaza what you're trying to do so you know when you you can like uh you can like crunch up your mouth and then you can like pull it to one side like right you can like you can like uh oh n
ot again Roland's past um but I can't I can only do that to one side like I you know when you like try to do a kiss mouth right do a kiss mouth and then and then pull it to one and then pull your mouth to one side right like you're questioning so or you're like I don't know do that right and then do it to the other like pull your mouth like your muscles the other side I cannot do that I can't do that with the other side I can just pull it to one side am I [Music] disabled anyway roll's not has i
t only been a few days since I started traveling with saga's crew after all the craziness we've been through it definitely feels longer right off the bat I gotten the sense that saki was gracious Beyond Reason a good Captain reminds the good C reminds me so much of Aldo of course I hav't forgotten my promise to paid forward until I draw my last breath I will protect this world and all its amazing inhabitants um I can do both ways yeah I think I'm disabled then I think something is not right we'v
e received a special request rankup Quest hold up [Music] one interesting I'm not going to do that right now though we have other stuff to do like this one this one I don't want to do this it's ra raag hits himself yeah collateral every other party member screams raing it's toxic I'm all ready do your best everybody de come on now Adventure Time oh not this [Applause] [Music] one we need to defeat Aid with thrown object so please be gentle please be gentle and use the throne objects to kill turn
against each we got two where are they I never miss four more infite let's go keep coming but we'll show him who boss where are they eight out of eight okay we can stop [Music] yippee it's so easy to do with these though on the oops I'm good at at handling balls I got [Music] this [Music] a say night night I'm not liking the look of this but don't let it intimidate you I never miss here have a here comes the big one ever tasted just wait I've got more to show hey take that take that bring it br
ing it how many of them are there don't let them swarm you no this is so sleeper as well how did we not get double s from this Jesus show get serious take that oh I got the am don't worry about me that was uh on purpose let roll I want to reset my position to have a uh have an advant A positional Advantage it was faster yeah yeah she knows she's live yeah why huh there was a lot of talk about ball handling you crog get CAU in [Music] the it's true cuter is [Music] better can we get a can we get
a double triple thank [Music] you y we didn't even get a [Music] SMA AR's orbs just really hard to get like low percentage of receiving them we've received a request it [Music] is very hard and we got a card for it um um I don't want to do this with people oneshotting it though at least not for the first time let me see streng no actually all right let's get to it can I make this one [Music] yeah it's a success that one's pretty I'll handle it can I like oh success let's kick it up a notch uh dr
agon SC whatever that is and [Music] then I can make just about anything this one no I need a water orb still these are so pretty your weapons won't portray you uh Sky ferrors huh come back sometime [Music] okay going to [Music] [Music] [Music] defend this is probably going I guess you can refine perfection infinite power infinite power yay zus Terminus is named gay bulge let's go my [Music] favorite why can't I get this oh come on uh there we go um what do I give her what's like good words crit
ical hit rate stun power what is this weak point damage what is this link together boost L attacks and that's level seven that's pretty decent weak break damage crit rate damage cap attack percent stuff stamina link together is good too but utility yeah I like having my [Music] drain deal more damage to Frozen [Music] break damn look at this one all right this probably fine her numbers have outline of cap what what I need more damage cap yeah I don't what is damage cab do I have one of those is
that like a is is it just called [Music] then I don't think I have a one yeah okay and then this is fine for now let's go new weapon collection bonuses this ride I forget where do I do that again here wrong let's the is full of possibilities let's [Music] go is my weapon pretty I can't even see it because of for Cape doesn't matter we've received a special request do we have anything else to do yes these but these are easy well no they're normal let's do these first doesn't give anything great b
ut hey in your hands now uh you're lied but how much you can actually you actually do so you can remove someone a little bit use yellow book on CAG to termin this basically CU can't be asked to do Ascension I'm [Music] y don't you dare SL down why is there a book behind her Cape that is so unsatisfying I want to show off my cute book you can transmog D oh boy e Fant oh well de this Ro it's over already here goes T ta any crabs any we any PE wiers I should get all the PE wiers SC like a fish like
a book what it's for you was this guy to PS demo boss this guy [Music] was someone I have never seen before it's so probably irrelevant I don't know though PE wiers yeah I need them you F this Golem I no I didn't I would remember [Music] that we've received a special request what do you think I can make the arrang is this one cool probably not it's in your hands now can we get move [Music] [Music] on WOW [Music] the let's do [Music] this when you are I'm okay yeah yeah here's shrimp I didn't se
e it I need need to check it such much wisdom oh my God it's gorgeous I know I have a lot of great thing oh my God it's gorgeous look at it [Music] it oh my God relax dude infinite Wonder [Music] y can we take five they just keep coming but we'll show them who's bossy why my I'm my my attacks are too short range my goodness not liking the look of this let it intimidate them what the hell I got sand blasted wait we need to wait do we need to do don't get into oh wait well we fail push make sure y
ou get them all I didn't read this oh my God absolutely destroyed look at it good job everybody the can we still get an s++ everyone in the black outfit so like it's Christmas it is Christmas every day is Christmas what happened to the dragon LLY uh huh which one the one in the you mean the you mean the you mean the you mean the one on the right here you mean the one Hana is playing she's right there there wait I need to commentate I cannot forget that people call me toxic immediately I just kno
w it 69 before I can start looping some us to yeah me too I was no it's fine I I was like way too short ranged yeah look isn't it gorgeous can I eat it can I eat it we got T at the same time that's fine we got the as BL BL so I'm not complaining we've received a special request what do you think okay uh fan F fandom the fandom Isles are we ready to go to the fandom Isles please be careful take a bite look wait what can I I will protect her amazing it's amazing I love it I need everyone to have w
eapons like that yeah one bottom left oh this me hi is I'm F I'm just um I'm just a I just cat don't worry about it I can swap though I can uh hold up I can do [Music] uh here like that more now I'm evil now you need to give me all your [Music] belongings I also have no wait that's not it this one I can Fantasia yeah I can I can I can I [Music] can it's done hamster yes let's go but that's not a hamster is it what what animal is that is it a rat is it a hamster well that got good what is this ge
t the jump on you the [ __ ] is [Music] this that's a lot of red what the hell wa sweet Professor P's ready to teach that's right picking up what you're are we like racing keep it up nice try looks like they're coming us what ready fantas good here let's move to the next spot what is going on it's a rat it is it though it's a bber you're right is in session how could I how could I mistake it for anything else who wants Y what is this this is such a weird ene oh come on I can't even attack them w
hat the hell Che okay this is the weirdest thing I've ever done looks like there's still more of them oh my goodness let's go whatever that was that's everything that was weird breaks the stor check out my title wait where are you too cute to handle give a too smart to [Music] be and then without paying € seven ever Fantasia it's true it is so true I can't wait for the free Fantasia uh they're going to give us though in the in Dawn tril I'm going to become a uh female rothar yes absolutely I wil
l wait where's your where is it Savage Dron let's go and the Fisher God and the Butterfly of death my goodness crazy we've received a special request right uh anything else so we got these we got these very satisfying uh now we have only this one left right all right 4,200 surely that's fine right they look better than I hope they would would yeah I think they I think they turned out exactly as I expected them pretty much but yeah I'm I'm not actually fting into one not they're too tall they're
too tall we get a uh effective o it tells the effect of characters wyvern ancient dragon interesting I did I never I never knew this that's that's good to know we're just going to do [Music] this what do you mean no stop it uh can we get a move on [Music] the one radish please what else is there one radish [Music] please JP the B over here this one this is star yipp guess you could act like you're creating a new character to see what they look like that's true I do want to I do want to see like
I do want to see the character customizations I don't know how much I'll change I don't want to change my character but maybe I do some tweaks and also I I'm I'm excited to see how it's going to be with uh like you know because we get the visual update I'm excited to see how they change the character creation because they did say that uh for example for Aura they know that some people like the dead fish look that people have in their eyes right and then they kind of changed it with the pupils bu
t they said you can still choose that so I'm excited to see maybe they changed some stuff in the uh in the like character creator so added some stuff to you know to make adjustments like that where uh you have a little bit more customization but I don't know it's probably not going to be a lot but still I want to see how character creation functions um like you know after the after the graphics update I probably found on all to cross girl yeah yeah I think they're really cool and I would uh I wo
uld probably have one but I don't want to make uh I don't want to make another alt and I don't know if I want to find uh hi what the hell are you you lost a title name oh no oh no [Music] really you are truly an admirable Ally actually the least iack I'll analyze their attack pattern and come up with a sufficient strategy what's [Music] happening ah [Music] let's roll it's our nowly we ac so ready for the next one paralysis let's [Music] go not the Running Oh my God but they don't they didn't ru
n like this because it's an NPC I'm so sad you guys need to run funnier I will funder from Human to human let's go MTH I kind of wish they take our hunchbacks out oh no oh no oh I got skilled assault whatever that is y convenient convenient charge it get wreck here iay that all grind we did that one time during the on yes H the problem with that is is that I want a normal sleep schedule and uh it's kind of it's kind of difficult right now but I should do that again oh my God look at the points d
amn and I got a card [Music] yum we should just do a subathon again we'll do on uh around my birthday maybe I think that would be appropriate what is this why am I getting a story hey are you done with why does he have this ugly sword no more or less I'm ready for my next sword lesson meet me at the church okay guess a few swings couldn't hurt well well well look at Mr popular over here playing with the children was apparently part of Roland's job too unfortunately all I can do is teach them how
to swing swords poor you know they're lucky to have a great teacher they're lucky to have a great teacher if you say so your sword is so ugly meanwhile we've been finding more of Roland's journals let's keep our eyes peeled of course let's go let's read more or trauma minutes of committee committee meeting 131 status update probe team delivered a presentation of the impact of each Island's Primal Beast results show The evolutionary sequence of the sky dwellers oh sorry um in the survey Zone has
reached 80% motion to advance project members deliberated on the merits of proceeding with the Project based on a status update given a vote was held the years have it by an overwhelming the yes have it by an overwhelming majority okay I see uh pH to approved project Affinity has been green L Note One our team was tasked with researching emotional intelligence project Affinity aims to reveal aspects of its inner workings the project focuses on studying the broad long-term effects of the sky dwe
ller construct known as Faith note two the Avia proposal seeks to install Primal beasts as the found Foundation of Faith which may further spur evolution of the system proposal is currently under review okay another Journal yippe oh goodness wait what the hell very hard difficulty ESP unlock giving you new quests to challenge now we can take even tougher requests let's go do whatever needs to be done come to view the requests let's go why your ear is not shrimp up I don't have the materials oh m
y God oh my [Music] God uh do any of these give these this one let's do this one you're done for now wza does anyone else want to join anyone else want to [Music] join right let me see if I can quest's some tail let's go any others here someone else can gun mode that that or something else yeah what is this garene whatever that is dark cam where's the other one huh is it only one if not Frost can take a spot yeah more forgeable weapons let's go [Music] wa nice I need more [Music] orbs your weapo
ns won't betray [Music] you can I level up anything [Music] here what about these two guess you just got stronger I guess you can refine perfection uh should I level up my weapon I probably can't maybe the other one know explosion ascensions open what do you mean someone join out drop meteors and everything yeah well you guess you have to hi Sky farers huh come back sometime you open Ascension weens for characters wait what where [Music] here got an order what kind of weapons you need oh this is
the Ascension weapon well I need orbs I need like a million of those yes can I help you what do you think uh what did I want to do this [Music] one or this one all the bosses this one we'll do this one and then we'll do that one that gives us a card would you take this one it gives a water orb as well let's go when sent heads level 150 you can give to Sarah and refine it further oh okay all right let's do it so now it's just grinding a lot yeah I see how it is but like I feel like I'm getting u
nlucky with the orbs I don't know or maybe we just haven't done the quest enough hi what a [Music] [Music] dumbass pretty girls you doing pretty girls yay wait in the middle of he was suffering them this Wise It's crit weakness damage weapons at 150 fully ascended weapon level one termin that should be the I love full stun fairy just hold X not bad nice I want I want to play fair and learn her a little bit but don't think so I feel like she's a little complicated I don't know there's the book wh
at a [Music] yippy it's funny that level one Terminus is better than level 15 weapons yeah I can't I assume I can't get Terminus right now I assume that's something for later what is this oh no that's just a all right glaciate resistance all [Music] right to view the request here it is okay this one and so but so so how does it work in any can I get a weapon like in any Quest I could just get a random weapon for some for like a character is that a thing you keep doing the missions and I keep get
ting the last uh main story analog you get to it eventually yeah no need for anything fancy yeah yeah no it's from last fight only oh yeah but like other weapons can't you randomly get like other weapons I'm not speaking about the Terminus one I'm just saying like other like normal character weapons a who's the C [Music] f it's just getting poured let's go we have to get you healed quick [Music] oh I don't what the hell you show them our ferocity hi Hana thank you oh God R oh God no don't do tha
t oh all right they took care of it nice I've randomly dropped two weapons yeah really Vero yeah that's what I thought in chest mhm my head can said you rest me my head panning them let's go here that's Go's see yay we did it open sesame [ __ ] it up open sesame out of practice there only those two weapons in the early story no more than that to handle too smart to be my whole burst could wasted because the lock lock on kept on locking me I hate that yeah again I'll say the lock on is really ama
zing in this game yay we wait what we didn't get don't enter critical condition all right okay well that's fine for now I don't mind that what is that [Music] H skill issue yeah yeah yeah whatever whatever [Music] whatever yay okay anything else let's did this one yes that's the most difficult one we can do right now right please be careful Dragon power been treating lately had this sense of foring for a while now like someone's watching me oh no as if Versa is watching me as if Versa is watchin
g you H that's not good bades for special [Music] okay I could get silver spell books oh no I need 15 for that what is this confers Mastery points how many what does it give someone all mastery wait can I do the this one can I do like [Music] a oh no is there like a random thing I can do treasure trade [Music] no oh yeah I can just buy these orbs I guess but was there like a g thing or whatever I would guess 50 15,000 Mastery points damn I like this game I like this game as well yeah um if you g
ot the vouchers wonder what kind of Sig we'll see today is it this thing select a TR yeah this one right and then it gives and then you need five yeah yeah hi Hana hello how are you all right okay but I can't do that yet can we get a move on I actually don't know how this game is monetized you mean like how they earn their money in this game uh yeah I I think dlc's like yeah like costumes maybe maybe they have costumes maybe they'll have I don't know if they'll ever I don't know if they'll ever
have like characters to buy or whatever oh at the Shady bar you can hand in Furious all right okay picking up with your oh my goodness well that absolutely destroyed me I'm not meant to I'm not meant to be doing the all over I'm not meant to be doing this at my level did you expect any less really want to go huh give [Music] me you doing great just sit watching some anime what anime are you watching what anime it's live service since there's content updates yeah yeah it is but means I don't know
like what their plan [Music] is it's j got a block Dodge did you LEL your defensive free let's check no no no no I'll sorry I feel fan hello there least the versus Battle pass Mya get funed game for the rest of time it is true it is so true I think in the end it's it's it is going to be skins because they have all the skins from the gacha game right like for example they they have like I don't know one like I think n Maya gets four skins in in the normal Grand blue Fantasy gacha game uh or even
more than that I don't even know and if they if they bring those out they can monetize this game pretty well I'd say so they're probably [Music] fine I think I'm going to watch M season 2 tonight pray for me oh no not that cursed anime tus wants you to get one shoted too it still works only if you're below 45k hello there any anything else do we have to do all of them oh this one I guess I can make the arrangements at [Music] open yipp should I wait hold up can I level it it's so expensive now
let me do my offensive one yay do your best everybody MGP R likeing the gold saucer huh it's it's pain though oh it's this guy again yippe yay I got a statue anytime fantasm really want to go huh right we'll look out for an strong [Music] attack oh my goodness um hello I whatever [ __ ] it up apprciate it oh my God I'm not supposed to be doing I don't know if I should be doing this when I'm not like now let's win this fight no [Music] Yi over Mastery gamb my exist I don't even want to know compl
ete did I go too they want you to block Dodge you mean like like this block do I I don't like blocking I don't know what my problem is with blocking I feel like it's boring and too easy is y me let's go even without the last thingy [Music] done [Music] nice learn to not be hit no toew the reest no no I can't do that if the fights are over too quick right that's that's the thing Al so this one is going to be the next one then all right [Music] um I think we can do this one or should we what is co
nqu is that like a running thing K potion hoarder nah no I didn't pay $60 to block yeah I can make the arrang what the hell no but seriously I think blocking is just yes you can just do it right you don't need to time it please be careful okay let's [Music] try ready whenever excuse she just is blocking n you're you're like I'm pretty sure the game is laid out for you to do that like you're supposed to do that I'm just [Music] stubborn uhoh we're surrounded perfect blocks are y are they difficul
t wait we got to we got to kill them with the things again yeah Kaboom can I get two oh that work oh this is going to be a sleep Quest I never miss say night night oh and then I think you want to use the water one oh no it doesn't matter okay it matters not I'm a h we got it kill them all God damn it too easy turn them against each other infinite [Music] where who wait did already die [Music] no yipp that's satisfy it ese de absolutely annihilated let's roll look at the size of that don't let it
[Music] Escape I'm cling levels with this holy crap at of don't let it escape the mobs are getting Absolut violated yeah you're like I just got here what the hell ow why are they exploding in my hand of that don't let it ESC Co guys help on the way beep beep beep beep beep beep beep who here has trauma still huh beep beep beep should get here soon at the of that don't let it esape let's go yeah everything work down in the end everyone can do damage utility starts to matter yeah I feel like I fe
el like you want to you know figure out what I mean everyone has damage so you you you can more like figure out if you're more of a buffer person or more of a you know like a support person I guess because again every character kind of gets different more like different supportive skills where you get Buffs and or healing [Music] right I just look at Forest aiming his AOE and go yep that [Music] thing findy yeah my ears have not recovered yeah beep beep beep here it is all right that was that le
t's just do these two and then we're done I think for today with these your mom is an Antiquity oh my God the the PSD hi Pichu Su cute kitties sup cute P Pichu huh how's it going how are you doing make the arrangements at once whatever Conquest means good luck out there how you doing Kina is starting to look crazy with Freez and party inity yes yeah that's kind of the thing right it's I think first of all is like figuring out which normal uh which normal rotation you would like for the play styl
e look at [Music] star which normal rotation you like for the free play style and then it's like okay who has like good good utility and what do you actually want to use for the character you're do fine that's good that is good yeah we're just chilling hanging out with some people come on now doing some questing I'm getting [Music] carried oh no I can already see these annoying going to K [Music] some I'm going try to par they just keep coming but we show them donating yourself to Al take a seat
ready to teach oh [Music] [Music] [Music] boy I why am I targeting this guy come back what is with this idiot serious should be the tri get link attacked idiot here I have my statue bro do you want to see more of my magic excellent will [Music] a like of push make sure you get them all let's go that was so easy and to reminder maps in 1 hour and 17 minutes yes don't worry I will we will just do one more Quest and then we're done for today big one for Freez and pares can be use to the overdrive
to break Barb for Bloods [Music] yeah [Music] let's go all right last one to view the request hey guys ready what was it again survival I think that's kind of sleeper but I'm sure it's fine and I don't think we've been to this area for that good luck out there thank you we oh my God there's two Zars they're multiplying no this is frost and this is Zar can we get a move on you're all the last way for last W your everybody [Music] yipp genin made a fully animated cooking event Hall gen condom in 2
024 no way oh [Music] god let's go what the hell what just happened we're just immediately going back again what the hell let roll I'm so confused yipp Jesus what is going on this might hurt [Music] look at the size of that let it Escape what is this oh Throne object no not so fast now away now thanks yippe I'm a I'm a sled infection hi everybody let's roll oh I see okay so we got to do this that was great no know we got to do another one let roll we go infite I don't think you can take much mor
e why am I taking damage stop it look at the size of that don't let it Escape yippee feeling heavy I'm who's my next victim come on thanks for the Boo get thanks yay easy why is there random go losses in this fight I have no idea it doesn't matter we get some monies it's fine look at this when you're out of the mission it's true cuter is better then oh like you have like a c like an animation for it Jesus and then you can that's cute that is [Music] cute hold [Music] up you get old is a German w
ord an I mean yeah there's way too many German words in here again can I help you they just do that we will never stop them I got this so now this is the only one that we don't have s++ on but that doesn't really that doesn't face me right now and then this one is I guy I have to like to level up questing [Music] ah it does good though have Ace day we did it we farmed we did the thing Sky farers all right let's get to it did I get any I can make it it's a success yippe yeah I'll handle it succes
s always aim for the top okay two more Earth orbs don't forget about up does it Glow no not yet but it maybe it will glow I don't know but that's cool I can make just about anything new ones no can I make this one yet no no once your improved your weapons won't betray [Music] okay we're done for today then thank you very much for joining everybody thank you for caring me um let's do this and I actually have to check out the cyle Quest I probably still have a lot uh of side quest to do in the oth
er City uh but let's see let's see let's see let's see [Music] um first Oscars being German I no thank you yeah GG's thank you for are literally doing doing the work for me uh but who do I send you to today huh there's actually more people online than I thought there would [Music] be [Music] no one is playing this game though what the hell we need to convert more people to uh to um this game I'm going send you over to cor though and I think she just started yeah literally just 3 minutes ago I do
n't know what they're doing it says just chatting I don't know what they're going to do but she's a cutie and she's a sheep and yeah she's very wholesome uh does it say what they're going to be doing no no they're just going to be hanging out I don't know don't ask me but yes thank you very much for joining everybody um I don't know when we're going to be playing this game the next time uh maybe I'll do some f episodes off stream I'm going see there's not going to be a stream tomorrow I don't kn
ow about Monday uh maybe Tuesday and again Wednesday and Friday are going to be our DSR days again so uh yes yes yes yes yes uh we're definitely going to clear like next week but yes um we're going to see I'mma put I'mma put um I'mma put the uh Grand blue streams up in the schedule uh if I like you know if I remember but yeah we're going to see uh but not tomorrow I think unless I really feel like but yeah thank you very much for joining everybody and I'll see you guys whenever you choose to com
e back again Wednesdays Fridays are rid days and those are always fun so yeah thank you very much for joining everybody thank you for everything and have a good one bye [Music] by
