
Gravitational Waves: Key to Human Life on Earth?

Are we made from exploding neutron stars? is gravitational waves key to human life on earth? new research shows that the elements needed for life, like iodine in your thyroid, might be created by cosmic collisions caused by gravitational waves! Watch to find out. #gravitationalwaves #science #space Credit : NASA, ESA and Other Sources. Regarding Space News Regular Channel 👆 Subscribe now for more Space News, New Space Discoveries, Space Exploration, Astronomy, Science News, Universe news videos.

Space News Regular

3 days ago

Today, we're diving into the mind-blowing world  of physics and asking a question that could change the way we see ourselves in the universe:  Could the very existence of life on Earth depend on something called gravitational waves? Our bodies are made up of all sorts of elements, but some are particularly crucial for life as  we know it. Elements like hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen come from exploding stars, but  what about others, like iodine and bromine? These guys are essential for our thyroi
d  function and tissue development, but their creation story is a little different. Enter the r-process, a fancy term for a super fast process where a bunch of neutrons  get crammed into an atomic nucleus, creating heavier elements. This process  needs crazy high temperatures and densities, and scientists believe it might  happen in a few places, including during the explosion of a massive star. But here's the twist: another possible location for the r-process is during the collision  of two s
uper-dense objects called neutron stars. And guess what causes these collisions?  You guessed it – gravitational waves! Imagine dropping a pebble in a pond. The ripples  spread outwards, right? Gravitational waves are kind of like that, but instead of water, they  ripple through the fabric of spacetime itself, caused by the movement of massive objects. Back in 2017, scientists made a huge breakthrough by directly detecting gravitational waves  for the first time. This came from the epic collisi
on of two neutron stars,  an event also called a kilonova. And here's the exciting part: these kilonovae are  thought to be prime locations for the r-process to occur. So, the very act of gravitational  waves causing these collisions might also be creating the elements we need for life! Researchers are now looking for ways to confirm this theory. They're searching for a specific  isotope of iodine on the moon, untouched by human contamination, that could be a fingerprint of  the r-process happe
ning during a kilonova. So, the next time you look in the mirror,  think about this: the very atoms that make you, you, might owe their existence to the  incredible phenomenon of gravitational waves. Pretty mind-blowing, right? If you enjoyed this video, be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more explorations into  the weird and wonderful world of science.
