
GTA V: ANIMAL CRUELTY! (GTA 5 Next Gen Funny Moments)

Playing as Animals on GTA 5 Next Gen! Drop a like for more GTA 5 Next Gen Funny Moments! (^◡^)b Want to watch more GTA V? Click Here: Next Gen GTA 5 is out, and the first thing I heard we could do is become animals. So I decided to become ALL of the animals (well, most of them). In conclusion, it's awesome. Cat is OP. T-Rex still does not exist. I might need a new Xbox One... Facebook - Twitter - Songs: If I Had A Chicken - Kevin Macleod Link to his Site - Pucker Up & Echinoderm Regeneration - Youtube Audio Library Rush - Moleman Thanks for watching! Erik - M3RKMUS1C


9 years ago

So apparently The Koosh plant is up against this wall. There is the coach. Oh wait what Oh, baby eat that couch. Oh, what's happening mmm? F**K oh I guess I'm a dog now, so yes Because this guy's so creepy that's right bootch. That's right. Ah there. We go. Oh give me that a$$ oh Yeah They're really gonna shoot. They're gonna f**king shoot me Yeah, I go first swim in the sewage line What Mm-hmm what and we're back? Oh, yeah a hell of a cool trip, man. Where is my f**king couch? I think I f**kin
done goofed oh Shaet oh, let's do this in first person, holy f**k where am I God holy shauet? I'm just gonna quick save this time before I smoke tukuche found you couche turn me into a t-rex I swear to God. I will come instantly a F**king pigeon really wait that's not a pigeon. This is a bald eagle. Oh Am I dead already I already f&^king killed it. What a waste of a f#^king? Couch trip. Hey still trying to fly if it makes me a seagull I swear it's another f@*king bird All right third time's a ch
arm. Let's get that couche oh Come on a pigeon. No. I'm actually a pigeon well. I don't wanna be a pointless pigeon f$(k this that's right Where's that mothersocking couch I smell it I Samantha couch. Give me the couch oh And make some noise and there it is and I am cool I'm a squirrel wait. No that's not a squirrel this This is a deer yep Come on, Chad yarby couch here, and yeah, it looks like you've eaten it all you f**k this thing's f%^king Molly I'm almost as fast that I am as fast as the Tr
ain. Oh, holy $h%t I'm running on the highway Hurry up ba$$hole come on pull the show there we go Um I Think I just broke GTA with that cheesy crust and I have become oh, baby I am a turkey Hey who kicks a cow really and they have guns I'm dead I should have tried some other tactics Oh boy Press the right trigger to hit yourself Give me some of that milk. I mean that milk give me give me give me well suckle Let me suckle on that other girl. Yes. Hey mr. Cow why don't you want your narpple sucked
? I don't understand if I was a cow I begin all my narpples son. Oh Boysenberry I'm chopped No stop shoetting ketchup guys, I don't think God Oh baetch literally What all that climbing for nothing show me peyote salad yeah, oh it tastes good. Oh fork oh shoot Ha ha ha see you got nine lives baetch go What a useless animal oh Whoa, maybe, I will like taking like nine hits. Holy shoet who knows there's the third Alright, I guess that's the fourth all right. That's number five. What the farck is ha
ppening here Alright that's number six. No way what is this boetch doing alright? That's number seven All right, that's number eight I have one more I'm still not dead really what if the cat's invincible gimme uh? What how am I not dead? I really feel like that should have killed me those other little bumps didn't actually count Oh, I know smile. Okay, that still has not killed me. I almost like the cat now that useless mother foecker That's Wow okay? Yeah that did it wait. You can hear the nois
e of the animal you're about to become before you eat it Oh shaot, I'm gonna be a cow. I'm calling it. I knew it. I'm a foecking genius. I'm a faocking genius. Oh I'm gonna be blind. I'm gonna be the farcking Cougar whatever the foaeck it is mountain lion. Let's go come on Yes, fine you baetch. Oh Really the Cougar is weaker than the cat, I think I'm gonna be a dog. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope Xbox go home Xbox self-destruct America



How did this get 7 million views?


now this was the prime time of merks youtube content


This got recommended to me in 2020. Best part of the year so far😂😂😂


Back when merk was unrobloxed.


Oh my god looking at this in quarintine brings back memories


Rip the old merk


“The cougar is weaker than the CAT?!?!?!” Solid quote.


5 years and this is still comedy gold


Awe, man, that's awesome! Playing as animals is always super fun. :)


Merk: uploads call of duty for most of his YouTube career. Merk: uploads a gta video and gets 8 million views ._.


1:41 made me laugh uncontrollably for 3-5 minutes straight. Sub earned Edit: My throat hurts from laughing.


Damn the nostalgia is real


this guy is actually pretty funny


Old M3rk was a lot more uncensored I see


This got recommended to me just now. I remember being in middle school when this got posted. This was always my favorite gta videos to watch😂


2:57 Lmao christ Erik I swear to god


I love this part “I’m a squirrel wait this is not a squirrel this is a deer”that’s so funny 😂


"x-box....self destructed...XD


First m3rk vid I watched and I'm glad...


idk how i haven't discovered this channel considering it is so big. Great video. I can tell you put a lot of work into it with all the cuts and words and pictures and stuff.