
Haircuts with Dignity for People with Autism

🎙️ Tune in to the latest episode of the Grow Your Non-Profit Podcast with CEO and Host Tamika Peters, MSM, as she engages in a compelling conversation with Kate Owens, the visionary Founder of Sensory Safe Solutions. Discover the inspiring journey behind Kate's nonprofit, which stemmed from her determination to defy the grim prognosis her fifth son received upon being diagnosed with severe Autism. Refusing to accept limitations, Kate embarked on a year-long quest to explore every therapy available, ultimately transforming her son's quality of life from a projected 10% to a remarkable 80%. Witnessing firsthand the challenges faced by parents of children with sensory sensitivities, Kate recognized the critical need for inclusive haircare services. With unwavering resolve, she founded Sensory Safe Salon Solutions, dedicated to providing a welcoming and accommodating environment for individuals with disabilities. Opening her salon doors on Sundays, Kate's initiative quickly gained momentum, training over 148 providers and collaborating with 19 national and regional educators across 14 states and two countries. To discover more about The Sensory Safe Solutions Salon and locate a provider in your vicinity, visit or call (239) 333-9732. Join us as we celebrate empowerment, inclusion, and the transformative impact of compassion-driven entrepreneurship. At Grow Your Non-Profit, we believe in holistic, business-oriented strategies for nonprofit success. With over a decade of dedicated service, we prioritize exceeding client expectations and delivering substantial returns on investment. Join us in our mission of holistic nonprofit management. Engage in these enlightening discussions! Show your support by liking, commenting, and subscribing to the #GrowYourNonProfit YouTube Channel for thought-provoking dialogues and valuable insights that empower positive change in our communities. Special thanks to our esteemed podcast sponsors: #VaxTruths: #BestInsuranceUSA: #AHVED: #TrinityLifeFoundation: #PremierMobileHealthClinic: For sponsorship and advertising opportunities, connect with Tamika Peters at (239) 293-2009 or via email at Stay connected: 🌐 Website: 📺 YouTube: 📱 Facebook: Spotify: 🛍 Shop: 🔧 Service: ➡️ Thank you for watching "Haircuts with Dignity for People with Autism" Video #podcast #podcaster #leehealth #teamwork #autismawareness #nonprofitsuccess #inclusivehaircare #sensorysensitivities #disabilityrights #compassionateentrepreneurship #communityempowerment #holistictherapy #parentingjourney #empowermentthroughcompassion @LeeHealth @UnitedWayLHG @HabitatforHumanity

Grow Your Non-Profit

2 days ago

hello hello hello this is Tama Peters president  and CEO of grow your nonprofit will we help startup small and stagnant nonprofits grow through  fundraising strategy strategic planning and so much more guys today you're in for treat I have  my special guest here Kate she is with the sensory safe set Salon we will talk about how she started  her nonprofit and how she's growing it and the impact she's making in the community but before  we get started i' like to thank the sponsors of my podcast Tr
inity life Foundation Naples helping  atrisk youth through their enrichment program Avid that stands for the associations of Haitians  living abroad they just open an amazing support center right here in the beautiful Fort Meyers  where they will help you with immigration support utility bilding and English as a second language  vac Tru they just received a grant from the CDC to raise awareness of covid-19 and vaccine resources  in the black and brown communities best insurance USA a Florida blu
e provider helping you navigate  all the Waters of Health Care and health insurance last but not least Premier mobile Health Services  your route to Better Health so guys like I said my special guest here Kate how are you doing Kate  Hi I'm doing so great thank you for having me today thank you for joining us thank you for your  amazing attitude and just the moment you walked into the podcast Studio I knew we were going to  have a lot of fun with this podcast you bet we are yes so would you plea
se start by telling our  audience a little bit about yourself and then how you founded your nonprofit and why why did you  found it what was the need there you got it so I have been behind the chair as a hairdresser for  23 years wow and a salon owner for 12.5 years oh 12.5 I like that 12.5 um and I built my business  I started it with a $5,000 income tax check wow five bottles of shampoo oh wow two chairs and  who's counting me no that's right every baby step that took me to where I am now I'm
in uh  6,000 square ft unit we have about 30 providers under our roof estheticians hairdressers nail  text you name it we have it and I've grown my business you know in the past 12.5 years um you  know to that size yeah during that time in 2013 I had my fifth baby a a yes my last and final  fifth baby I had four boys before him I was you know fingers crossed it was going to be a girl uh  didn't happen nope didn't happen we had another boy and um I almost immediately thought something  was differ
ent H when you were pregnant no when he after he was oh after he was born after he was  born I um you know this was supposed to be the baby okay you know my my business is great my  life is great I'm in my 30s yeah I got it you know um this was it and I noticed it was so hard  um something was different something just wasn't I hate to say it something wasn't right right right  I said something to my mom I said something to my ex-husband I said something to the pediatrician  MH said something to
the the preschool owner and everybody told me I was crazy interesting so what  does that mean when something wasn't right what I guess signs did you see or how did you feel that  you made you knew that something wasn't right I noticed little things like as soon as he could  sit up he was rocking H and he did have some slight language and then it was gone and I had  never seen like I can make a baby laugh I can typically make anybody yeah you can't you can you  wa up the room when you walk in any
room thank you but I couldn't it took a lot to get a smile out  of him he was very stoic eye contact I felt was good but it was just this distance between us  where I felt we were connected we were we were connected on that mother child level but there was  something about it that was that was disconnected and I noticed he was very unhappy very unhappy  just almost fussing from the time he woke up until the time he closed his eyes at night and  I had mentioned it to all the you know people I tr
usted and um they all said no you're crazy  I did and and I remember him being tested and negotiating with myself like if it's autism it'll  only be a little autism whatever that means and you know we'll figure it out and they said Miss  Owens um we have your results will you please sit down oh and anytime someone tells you to sit  down yeah don't run and I sat down and they said your son has right under severe autism and they  kept saying do you understand what we're saying your son is consider
ed disabled for the rest of  his life do you understand what we're saying go to Social Security your son is disabled for  the rest of his life I know you refused to accept that I just I didn't even know what I was  accepting it felt like and I say this every time I'm interviewed and anytime I speak I felt like  the world had fallen out from under me I didn't know about disabilities I didn't know about  special needs I knew about hair mhm I knew about fashion and I knew about business business  a
nd raising boys yeah yeah but disabilities and special needs I had no clue I spent a lot  of nights thinking um what did I do to cause it why God why me yeah and you know what  why not me right why not me MH and I was angry and I was resentful and I couldn't  imagine what the future looked like and you know it's those lat night talks MH with  God that I always you know hear what I need to hear yeah and I decided it's not about  why it happened how it happened what am I going to do about it mhm s
o my son had a 10%  quality of life he was living like an animal what does that mean it means that he couldn't  communicate okay like if you and I work at 100% quality of life 95% quality of life we can  ask for what we need we can you know utilize utilize the world around us he was living with  no communication and like an animal nonverbal couldn't leave the house um 70 headbangs an hour  AG attacking me um it was I was living in hell and when I decided that it was about what am  I going to do
about it I put everything else on the side my husband my boys my business and  I asked these doctors what do I do give me the referral and if it said therapy at the end of  the name we were signed up if it was behavior therapy occupation ational therapy music therapy  speech therapy equestrian therapy art therapy pet therapy swimming lessons they said if you do these  interventions then your life would be different they didn't make me any promises they said it  would be different and anything is
better than hell right I thought right and we did them and  some of them um one therapy alone was 30 hours a week in home and they said we're not teaching  you I mean we're not teaching your baby we're teaching you wow so you can learn how to work  with your baby makes sense and within one year his 10% quality of life went to 80 oh% quality of  life you try you're trying to make me cry I prayed so hard I just want to hear my son say Mom yes or  I love you or anything dog ball anything any word
and now I want to tell you that that child doesn't  hush he talks a lot talks a lot yes he I bet you he asks a lot of questions he they call him the  mayor at school I have to put my phone on do not disturb because he will FaceTime me 18 times and  say what are you doing and can I meet your friends oh who are you with can I say hi one year of  interventions wow I saw him go from a world that he didn't he was in a cage I felt like of autism  yeah yeah to stepping into a place where he had a voice
he could asked for what he needed and I  saw the chains break that we're holding on to my baby then I meet all these moms I meet Mom oh  you're you that that that was the that was the the path ah without a doubt I meet moms I meet dads I  meet kids I meet they just started coming out of nowhere and well I find my people I will find my  people I I call I text I show up I will find you know what I'm looking for and I found my people  and I meet these moms and dads and they say to me um they know
I'm a salon owner uhhuh so I'm like  and I'm seeing these children that have haircuts that I could not believe they were awful because  they couldn't get the the child I didn't know I'm like this little guy looks like Tarzan his hair  is all the way down to his backside this one I'm looking all right he's rocking a mullet before it  came back around because the mullet's back but it hadn't come back yet and it was real crude and  you know The Fringe was crooked and I was like oh gosh what's happe
ning you know hair that was  uncombed like it was and then I look at my baby and my baby has a nasty skin fade a hard part and  a pomor oh and I'm wondering why yeah they don't have that too wow so I'm immediately seeing these  parents that are insecure because they know I do hair and they said oh we um we can't get haircuts  and I said what they said oh we were kicked out because of behaviors wow out of salons kicked out  of salon and not welcomed back I said what no no come on and I'm thinking
of my industry cuz this  industry has fed my family yeah yeah for 20 years for you know 18 years at the time what do you  mean we kick you guys out um another woman we I cannot do that to him again I had to hold him  down and now he won't go near blonde ladies and cries every time we go drive near that Salon wow  and I'm thinking what the heck is happening in my industry so I talk to people but the real thing  that did it for me is that little guy that I saw that looked like Tarzan um gorgeous
little guy  hair down his backside I see him again and his head is shaved shaved number one shaved to the  skin and I said to the the therapist that was with us I said what happened what happened  she said you didn't know that's the official haircut of autism wow heck no to shave it low so  we don't have to cut it for a long time from hair to your backside to shaving someone's head no no  unacceptable to me unacceptable to me unacceptable that my industry is telling people they can't  come into
their spaces unacceptable to me so I opened up my salon 5 years ago for sensory safe  Sundays I say to my hair just as y'all want to cut hair for kids on the Spectrum or sensory  processing they say sure we start rocking and rolling no guidance and Beautiful Things begin  to happen so tell us about that Sundays yeah it it's open to all kids uh all on the spectrum of  au any disability any any disability yes ma'am how does how does that work do you do you work  with each stylist on how to best wo
rk with that child and did you get those skills because you  were trained in all these therapies right so the the original idea came from my therapies yeah cuz  we got my son to talk we got my son to be able to go to Publix you know which is a miracle in it  in itself those little things are so huge for a family of an individual with autism going to  public to if you're watching this podcast know every word that is spoken from these children are  a miracle know that going to Publix is a miracle
and knowing that getting something as simple  as a haircut is a miracle I took those tools I said let's let's try let's see if it works  with patience kindness and understanding and it just grew and grew and grew and I was invited  to Tallahassee no Jacksonville to the capital for National developmental disability day of 2023 MH  and I only got invited because I have a big mouth for autism MH and I have a voice for those that  don't and that voice got me up to the capital and I got up there and
I'm seeing all these people  that are you know lobbying and like making real big change within the world of disabilities and  I was like oh that's where I want to be MH and on the drive home from Jacksonville I heard  you know I heard a voice and the voice said have you done enough in your lane and the answer  is no the answer at that time was no no I have not done enough in my lane cuz it in you know  Tallahassee in Jacksonville my voice is little yeah up at the House of Representatives in the 
Senate my voice is little but the Hair World I have 23 years and I have a louder voice yes yes  so I found that families were driving 3 hours one way just to get a haircut with our salon so no I  hadn't done enough so a woman that I met at the capital I said hey she's an Autism expert I said  you want to teach a class with me I'm going to be at uh Paul Mitchell School teaching let's  teach a sensory class she said great then we meet another girl that went to hair school just  to cut individuals
on the Spectrum wow she had been working as a behavior technician for like  s years our world's collided we took the girl that had been working at my shop had a thousand  hours worth of sensory cutting and we said oh we should write a curriculum yeah we should start  educating everybody oh wait let's make a nonprofit yeah yeah so and that was 6 months ago waa wow  what an amazing Story 6 months ago we created the sensory safe solution nonprofit MH and we wrote  the curriculum with a bunch of pr
ofessionals an RN people with master's degrees in special  ed education um speech therapists looked at this bcbas looked at this you know people in  the autism world and we said what did we miss what did we forget they give it back to us we'd  send it to another professional what did we miss and um we began educating stylists and Barbers  all around the country and as of now 6 months we have 148 providers wow those are sensory safe  certified providers we list them on our website so families can
find them M uh we're in 14 States  two countries wow which two countries United States and Canada very nice but this is just the  beginning yes it is and we have 19 National and Regional Educators wow that's amazing spreading  message that's amazing so what was your strategy to once you you you you asked yourself can you do  more and it was obvious yes how did you I know I know you you you're a connector so how did you  connect to get the partners and and um to bring it all together did you com
e up with like a plan  and a checklist and you just kind of um went that way or you just just sort of happened or it was  absolute divine intervention the the behav uh the autism specialist that I met at the Capital divine  intervention Divine the RBT that is leaving you know behavior therapy to just cut individuals on  the Spectrum to buy an intervention the young lady with a thousand hours worth of sensory cutting  it just all came together it just jelled and then we just said hey we got on so
cial media we  want to train Educators that are passionate for this because obviously I've learned in business  if you want to do great multiply yourself oh yeah definitely so I needed a bunch more individuals  passionate kind caring and down for the mission MH and I've found 19 so far wow that are all  over the country so I'm teaching classes they're teaching classes and every time we teach a class  mhm I will send a follow-up email if you love this Mission then come join ours and teach for us
wow  all of this in six months yes ma'am wow yes ma'am wow you definitely understood the assignment how  could I not it was the assignment all those hard years mhm you were training for for for this  without a doubt and and and it's amazing how you know how God works it's just amazing you you  don't understand what you're going through and why but it's all for a purpose can I share with you  I was the thirstiest hairdresser what does that mean oh well you know what thirsty means right I  know wh
at thirsty means but what do you mean by you were the thirstiest hairdresser so there's  big shots in the Hair World okay that that are big time and these brands that are big time and  was like Notice Me hi I'm Kate please notice me I'm Different never once did those big shots ever  give me a second look actually I was passed over as an educator for one of those big Brands and it  broke my heart and Little Nail for you little did I know that those hard years of autism diagnosis  of interventions
of learning all these strategies that Not only was going to help my son but help  other individuals be able to get a haircut with dignity yeah give these families victories create  trust not trauma if I had known I would have taken it much easier if God had just said sit listen  will you just sit down for a minute sit down I got you and I remember one of my mentors had said to  me I think you're going to do something with the autism World wow and I was offended oh I didn't  want yeah I didn't w
ant that I wanted to be like she was on these stages where people thought the  hair she did was just so beautiful little did I know God was going to take what I thought was the  most terrible thing to happen to me and make it the best thing that's ever happened to me I feel  so blessed that I've gotten to be whan's mother and so proud that God entrusted me myself my board  members with such an important Mission yes yeah and to give families hope cuz if you're watching  this and you know you're M
or a dad and you can't get a haircut please yes you can and it can be  dignified and we'll blow your mind we will blow your mind that these individuals can be treated  with respect dignity and they can have victories yeah that's very important so if someone wanted  to reach out to you because they have a a child or an adult uh child with autism and they want  to perhaps come to your salon or see your website and see if a salon is in their area um please tell  us your website and telephone numbe
r to reach you absolutely our website is the sensory saav salon.  org um on that website is a national locator list of everyone that is a provider in all the states  uh there's a spot on that website if you want to sponsor a haircut for a family we offer that  too a lot of um families of individuals with disabilities one of the parents will usually step  away from the workforce to provide the care that's necessary for having a child um with disabilities  so sponsor a haircut is on there um you c
an also find us on the sensory safe Solution on Instagram  and on Facebook and uh the cell number to get a hold of us is 239 333 9732 and you can reach  out to me any time if you're a hairdresser or you're a salon owner you're a barber shop owner  you're a barber cosmetologist aesthetician Nail Tech massage therapist any service that provides  um individual any individuals with services in the cosmetology or in field we want to teach you  how to be inclusive so you can happily take any individua
l that walks through your door and you  can do it with knowledge and you can do it with strategy and you can uh you can get it done and  we're here to support that so please reach out if we can help you make that happen well thank you so  much Kate your your story was very powerful very impactful and I I'll let you in on a little little  secret right out of high school in '93 I um didn't know what I wanted to do and I decided I decided  to be a a cosmetologist so I was a colle I went to cosmetol
ogy school I think I did about 1,600  hours love it and um I I did it for three years and I just decided it wasn't for me so and then  when I moved to the State of Florida I continue um renewing my license and you know took the  continuing education HIV and I said I'm I'll never do this again so I just let it go I just  wanted to let you in the on the little secret I used to be a cosmetologist you didn't keep your  license so you can get discounted products I I actually still do I I still have m
y card you  bet you do you don't let that go no no you put in600 hours for that a year and a half it was  a lot you bet you bet yeah and there are a lot of people that try cosmetology and I think to um  it's a really hard business it is I don't think we're told that enough in school how how hard  it is to truly build a book right and how long it takes right it is a grind yeah well just like  entrepreneurship you know when I first started my business I think I started with one client and  then it
just sort of built from there but that's where're you know learning to walk by faith not  by and going basically obsessing with the clients you have because that's how my business has grown  I'm sure yours through referral out absolutely and you know what I got to be honest with you you know  being the owner of my salon for 12.5 years I love 12.5 years 12.5 um I was spoiled so when I opened  this new nonprofit and people aren't swarming to me like oh I I forgot I forgot about that grind  yeah a
nd it it's been very humbling to start at the bottom again and be you know humble and yes  we're you know going to these big Brands asking for meetings and saying there's um we have 10  providers we've certified 10 people you know like that beginning yeah it's very humbling but I got  to tell you it's been so there's been something so refreshing about it that fight again to create  something so great yeah oh it's been wonderful yeah well Kate something tells me that this is  only the beginning o
h heck yeah this is only the beginning I see so much so much from you books  and podcasts and yeah big on big stages and just all of it all of it do want a reality show I'm  just going to put that oh yeah I'm just going to speak it it's coming it's coming guys stay tuned  you'll see Kate with her reality show and tell me about this reality show oh I don't know yet oh you  okay God is going to decide but I've been told for a long time yeah and that's one of the things I  said when you first walke
d in I know you're not the only one cuz I have some fun and I feel like  I've created a almost a reality show character on my social media okay so I'm actually working I did  some videos on my husband because I really want a fendy pair of shoes oh and he keeps saying no so  I'm videoing him saying no yeah just so I can show you guys that we are going to make Eric Hines buy  me fendy shoes it's going to happen it's just a matter of time fendy shoes Eric yeah fendy shoes  so again Kate thank you s
o much we could talk all day we'll definitely have you back on the grow  your nonprofit because I would like to follow you and uh so you could share with our audience  the strategies you continue to use to grow your nonprofit absolutely I would love that yes yes so  guys I hope you were inspired by Kate and how she started how God actually put this nonprofit in  her hand the impact she made in her son's life how she decided just to stop and halt everything  and just focus on therapy for her son
from a 10% quality of life to a over 90% quality of life and  then the impact she's making with other salons and other uh estheticians and other services to help  people not only with autism but with disabilities to raise awareness about diversity equity and  inclusion because everyone deserves a good haircut everybody cuz mullets are out as we know well  they're back now they're back now they're back but you but you know how to cut a better mullet  better believe it not crooked mullet you bette
r believe it but everybody everyone deserves  deserves to to look and feel cool look and feel good right who doesn't deserve that exactly  because it it makes you feel great and everybody deserves that and that's our mission yes yes so I  hope you would visit Kate's website and sponsor a haircut grow your nonprofit will be sponsoring  some haircuts so I hope you would get involved to help make an impact um don't forget to like  And subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay tuned for more grow yo
ur nonprofit podcast  and don't forget our merch bye-bye bye guys introducing the grow your nonprofit merch  in our Etsy store so go on over to our Etsy store today and explore our collection pick your  favorites by doing so you're not only elevating your style but also contributing to the grow your  nonprofit Mission thank you for being part of our community and thank you for your dedication to  making a difference we appreciate your support and we can't wait to see you rocking our grow  your n
onprofit merch now stay tuned for more empowering content on grow your nonprofit podcast  and until our next time keep growing and keep giving



Wow. This podcast is amazing!