
Hallie Jackson NOW - Feb. 23 | NBC News NOW

New body camera video released by Ann Arbor police shows response to home explosion, Pentagon says balloon flying over U.S. is not a national security threat, South Carolina primary rules mean Nikki Haley could leave without any delegates. » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #Michigan #Balloon #Pentagon

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6 days ago

[Music] we are coming on the air with a huge week on Wall Street and a ton of questions about how long this is going to last with analysts wondering tonight are we in our Nvidia era that company having what some call A Tailor Swift moment what it means for your retirement account and whether it's a bigger signal for the economy we're also getting some new updates from police about the nursing student found dead on the Campus of the University of Georgia what we're just learning about the person
of interest here then the new sanctions from the White House against Vladimir Putin as we Mark 2 years since Russia's invasion of Ukraine our Richard angle has new details you will only see here tonight on the nuclear power plant seized by Russia that experts call a ticking Time Bomb plus the fit Fiasco in baseball the uniform controversy that just won't quit why players new pants are getting compared to wet t-shirts in a story we we are trying to keep rated PG and a behind the scenes look at an
NBC News exclusive in tonight's backstory how a random tip that kind of looked like spam helped our reporter uncover who's behind an AI political Scandal it's not magic it's journalism but in this case it it is also magic we'll explain later in the show hey there I'm Hy and we are starting tonight with a boom moment for the markets setting new records capping off a winning week in what has been so far a monster year for Wall Street and probably retirement account take a look these big numbers d
riving a day we've never seen before for the Dow Jones the S&P hit a record earlier in the day a lot of it driven by one company NVIDIA have you heard of this one Goldman Sachs says right now it's the most important stock on the planet others say it's having this like Tailor Swift moment so what's the deal why what's it all about you may know them if you're big into video games Nidia makes computer chips specifically chips that make you be able to watch this show on a computer or smart Smart TV
or mobile phone or whatever that puts them at the center of the so-called AI Revolution and that is why investors are so excited to the point that Nvidia one point touched $2 trillion in value we're at the point where just these seven companies the big tech companies you know the companies you use Microsoft meta Tesla alphabet Etc they're making up nearly a third of that S&P record high and that puts us into territory we haven't seen since Coolio had the number one song in the country and the fi
rst Toy Story was still in theaters 1995 back when the internet was booming tech stocks were driving everything markets jobs you name it is that the moment we're in and more importantly is it here to stay because just four years later remember in 99 a lot of those tech stocks collapsed from the Doom bubble Christine Romans is joining us now so let me put that to you is this a 95 moment is this a party like it's 99 where are we I got to tell you well the amazing Dan IES who sort of made that cons
truct uh he is a Wall Street analyst who says this this is 95 all the way imagine 95 that's when Steve Jobs was saying there's going to be a computer on every desk and the world said are you crazy that's not going to happen and it did and it really inspired more than a decade actually a couple decades of major technology growth here's what Dan I says a wed Bush you can see his uh his comment there he says this is a 1995 moment if you put that back up I can read for you we are confident now the A
I Revolution and a trillion dollars of incremental spending over the next decade is hitting the software ecosystem and the rest of the tech sector one thing about Nvidia I got to tell you there are really high expectations for this company and it reported earnings this week that were better tripled its Revenue I mean it just keeps performing and is really a big driver here of a lot of this AI enthusiasm uh one analyst described it this way this moment it's the steam engine I mean that's the kind
of Technology we're talking about here that changed every industry and changed living standards around the world so I think that's super interesting the analogy that you're using Christine the idea of a steam engine because I think some people might hear you talk and hear the way that you're talking about this and think is it a bubble right it's it's less about that and it seems to be more foundationally changing the way that things could work down the road I mean listen kind of like the intern
et yeah and at some point it's got to spread out from just a few companies right I mean at some point other companies even more plain vanilla not on the surface tech companies will start to begin to use AI in a way that will change how their business goes and so what Dan IES and others are saying is you're and the market frankly saying is that you're just at the beginning of that moment but a lot of people say it does feel so bubbly the S&P 500 is up 28% over the past year that's likely what you
r stocks in your 401k probably look more like the S&P 500 but a big chunk of that you're right is these seven tech stocks or this Tech sector so will it all broaden out from there and then you've got even more gains look at Nvidia stock isn't that amazing yesterday what it added in market value just yesterday on its big Rally Day was more than the size I think of 90% of the S&P 500 companies just Nvidia in one day I I just I've never seen something like that but so what does it mean we say this
a lot and I know that the market is not the economy right the markets are not the economic picture bring it back home to people who are like hey I'm not watching CNBC right like how should people who have a 401k don't have a 401k how should they be thinking about this moment right now as it relates to sort of the bread and butter for all of us going out to the grocery store trying to pay our rent our mortgage whatever a couple of interesting points on that you know you probably have more in your
401k today um for sure than you did uh last year or the year before right and especially for Baby Boomers you know we're heading this year um I think 4.1 million uh people will turn 65 this year and they've got a nice many of them have a nice little Nest Egg so that allows them things like oh maybe deciding this year to move out of their house and move into a smaller house and they don't worry so much about mortgage rates uh there are a lot of different ways this stock market um Euphoria at the
moment can spill into the rest of the economy but you're absolutely right the sentiment indicators are not yet reflecting all of this and about a half of American households don't own stocks at all right so it is I guess it's an interesting place to be where on the one hand people still know the grocery bill is 25% higher than last year and car insurance is record highs but the stock market is doing quite well and people are really excited about AI Christine Romans thank you for breaking it dow
n for us and helping us understand really remarkable moment appreciate it taking it down to Georgia now while we're learning tonight that University of Georgia police are now questioning a person of interest in what has become a homicide investigation a nursing student found dead on the school's campus they're stressing there are still so many questions here the victim 22-year-old lakan Riley see her here she was a student at ug through last spring then transferred to nearby Augusta University's
College of Nursing she was a junior on the Dean's List the timeline of what we know that yesterday a couple of minutes after afternoon her friend called ug police she was worried because she hadn't gotten back from a run near some school fields around 12:20 officers responded to the area and say they found her body a few minutes later in the woods behind a lake nearby declared dead at the scene with what they describe as a visible injuries guad Vegas has following this one for us so police now
have this person of interest what else do we know hel we know that the officers went out yesterday and within minutes they were able to find that body in an area where the intermural fields are located on the campus of the University of Georgia this is uh south of the main area of the campus the area that is much more dense with students but which is also nearby the College of Nursing where she had transferred to uh after being a student at the University of Georgia now during a press conference
yesterday authorities said uh they had the local campus police working with State authorities and they were reviewing uh security video cameras to see what kind of Clues they could find then later today they did inform that they were speaking to a person of interest now in the last few minutes we've also learned that the University of Georgia is now holding another press conference tonight at 7 p.m. local time with an update on this investigation hie this is the second death on campus in just t
wo days essentially we know that on Wednesday night a ug student died suddenly police say they're not connected but I wonder how the campus is feeling I have to imagine the community is just so rattled shocked rattled and shocked KY so uh students are taking the day off at both uh campuses at the University of Georgia and the small uh College of Nursing campus um and authorities were hoping that this investigation could move forward while students were taking the day off now many of them are say
ing they are scared to go outside uh we also know that the university is asking students to download what they call the safe app this is an app that uh shares their location with authorities if they're in some type of emergency and they need to contact uh the police they also asked students to walk in Paris or in groups if they were moving around the area uh and you know even with all of that students were scared now authorities did say that they did not believe that there was any imminent dange
r but the hope is that with this pressure expected to be held tonight at the University of Georgia there will be more information as to where the investigation is going and what it means that authorities did have a person of interest that they were speaking to just hours ago hie guad Vegas thank you so much for that update we'll talk again as we know more later tonight thank you also tonight push back from nearly all sides on that controversial Alabama Court ruling saying embryos are people a ru
ling that is now throwing the future of IVF in that state into question with lawmakers in Alabama and the white house now scrambling to contain the Fallout try to limit the damage that includes tonight members of both parties in Alabama moving fast to try to protect IVF by passing new state laws after multiple Healthcare facilities there stopped in vitro ferti ization procedures because of that ruling those lawmakers are doing just what former president Trump wants them to do right as we were co
ming on the air he was speaking at a rally let me play for you what he said today I'm calling on the Alabama legislature to act quickly to find an immediate solution to preserve the availability of IVF in Alabama and I'm sure they're going to do that they are looking into it all of it as there is a political overlay here you have the Republican Senate campaign arm sending out essentially talking points to Republican candidates encouraging them to publicly show support for IVF which is broadly ba
cked across political lines and in Washington some new NBC news reporting tonight on High level talks about next steps from the Biden Administration according to multiple Administration officials familiar with the matter yish Al sendor is in Birmingham she is joining us now so you are on the ground there yish in Alabama where you've got lawmakers now scrambling on the state level you have the White House trying to take some action potentially on the federal level let me play for folks what Repub
lican state senator Tim melson had to say on this we have advanced so far medicine that we're now we're we're storing everything from embryos to sperm to eggs to for future use and we hadn't really thought about the consequences of that and it's it's time and it's you know to to figure that out okay well they're they're figuring out even as some patients are now in kind of a Purgatory here they can't get the IVF procedures they want to get they're having trouble figuring out where they can trans
fer their embryos to if it's to other states or what talk us through it well hie the fear anger and frankly the shock is palpable here in Alabama while patients are trying to figure out what to do as at least three clinics have already paused giving IVF treatments now I talked to a number of women who are going to be impacted by this and they all say that they're very very worried about whether or not they'll be able to grow their families I talked to woman in woman in particular Kelly Belmont s
he said her lifelong dream is to become a mother take a listen to what she said about her situation now [Music] there's really no way to describe the fear that at some point a phone call could come and my doctor could say hey we're we're pulling the plug on the program and we're not going to be able to continue until further notice now for right now Kelly and her husband James are able to go through with what is going to be their second round of IVF and there is as the day has gone on this feeli
ng that there might be hope for families who want to pursue IVF in the state because we have seen of course as you said former president Trump coming out and urging lawmakers in the state to support IVF we've also seen a move in the state legislature by Democrats and Republicans to introduce bills to protect IVF and just recently the the Alabama State Attorney General came out and said I want to read for you part of his office said he has no intention of using the recent Alabama Supreme Court de
cision as a basis for prosecuting IVF families or providers so that tells you that really the Alabama attorney general is also saying hey we want to not go after people on this issue of IVF hie bigger concern for some of these Healthcare facilities is less the potential of criminal prosecution as the state AG is making clear more about the Civil liability issue of it all could they get sued for a ton of money they don't want to see that happen they're concerned about that piece of the risk that'
s completely right you have a number of clinics who are very very concerned about that I also want to say that you know as we talked about the President coming out you have the White House coming out saying that this is the sort of chaos that you see when that they expected after overturning roie Wade I also want to read part of what the uh the chief Supreme Court Justice here said Tom Parker I knew you're gonna at some point we could should talk about the sort of implications here and he wrote
in part um human life cannot be destroyed without incurring the wrath of holy God even before birth all human beings bear the image of God and their lives cannot be destroyed without a facing it and that's really getting a lot of backlash here because I talked to a number of women um in Alabama a state that's very conservative here saying their faith tell them that they should love their neighbors and not judge people and that they should be able to grow their families so there's really a lot of
contention here not only on of course what's going on um around the country but also specifically here as people are talking about faith here Callie you mentioned the controversy surrounding the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court obviously he he didn't the ruling was 8 to1 he didn't tip the outcome he didn't tip the scales if you will on the outcome um but there's a lot of attention on him somebody who is considered even years ago right well before this particular ruling some who was se
en as an architect of the movement that ultimately ended up toppling Row versus weade in the Supreme Court that's right and we have of course new reporting on that the same day that he was issuing his concurring opinion where he where he quoted the Bible talking about the wrath of God he also was saying in an interview that he believes that society America should be reshaped in the image of the beliefs of conservative Christians so there is really a lot of worry that this state supre
me court Chief Justice was really um in in in unfairly including his faith beliefs in a decision that now is having so much um impact here in the state impacting thousands and thousands of patients but that being said as I said that things here seem to be moving in the direction of people being able at some point possibly to access IVF treatments hie y m thank you so much live for us there in Birmingham Alabama thanks you m a little further north we are just 14 hours away from voters heading to
the polls in South Carolina where they're expected to send a message to Nikki Haley in her home state that she can't stop former president Trump's March to the Republican nomination you've got both of these candidates working up and down the state today even though virtually every South Carolina primary poll has Mr Trump crushing Haley by as many as 35 points now if that or even anything close to that happens it would make history it'd be the worst loss for a primary candidate in their home stat
e in recent memory if Haley ends up losing by more than the 19 points Marco Rubio lost two to Donald Trump in his home state of Florida back you're looking at 2016 those are the 2016 numbers now Haley and her campaign have said for weeks that South Carolina win or lose whatever happens it is not going to be the end of the road for them they are looking ahead to Super Tuesday on March 5th and maybe even Beyond NBC's Ali vital is in Mount Pleasant South Carolina where Haley is set to speak in just
the next hour to a crowd near where you are Ally in this closing argument now to voters in her own home state and it seems like if there is any suspense for tomorrow night it is going to be what the margin is here unless there is some sort of massive earthquake of a shocker for haly tomorrow night exactly right hiy the question is not going to be win or lose the question is going to be by how much now you look at a place like this I just have to bring you into where I am because I think you hav
e done events here as well this is right here right in front of one of the major ships that is often docked here in one of the ports of Charleston it's Patriot Point here where we are and this is what it looks like if you want to do a primary Eve rally Done Right the Haley team of course finishing their swing throughout the state with a rally here this evening but they know and they can attest to this that the odds are against them here so much so that when I was on a call with the campaign mana
ger for Nikki Haley's campaign Betsy Ankeny early today I asked her okay you're staying in through super Tuesday but what happens after that what does it have to look like and what do you have to see to figure out if you feel enough voters have voted and it's time to get out or there's reason to stay in instead she completely dodged the question and I'll put up on the screen for you hie what she said to me instead she said we have rolled out our leadership teams in most of the states through the
end of March including Georgia and Washington State that's true but she also went on to say we know the odds we know the stakes Nikki Haley is the only one who can be successful in November and that's what we're focused on I imagine hie when we see the candidate here in just the next hour that is going to be her message one that is steeped in an electability argument for the general election but as you and I well know you can't get to the general without getting through a primary and there is a
real big Trump wall here in South Carolina you can talk about the general all you want in November you have to get through February in South Carolina and in March in the super Tuesday States and elsewhere as well you know one of the things and this just dubils a little bit I don't know if you listen to my conversation with yamish just a moment ago with this issue that you well know because you made big news on it earlier this week with Nikki Haley on that controversial Alabama Supreme Court rul
ing that throws into question now the future of invitro fertilization there and maybe in other states as well this is something that is being talked about a lot at CPAC that annual Gathering of conservatives as you well know let me play for you how some folks there are talking about this issue it just reaffirms the sanctity of Life all throughout the process from you know conception to actual births life personally to me is when it's conceived you know I think the power of that intention you kno
w is should be respected how do you see this issue playing out maybe not in South Carolina it feels like again more of a general election issue but in the months to come out yeah look this is a major general election issue because I think the more that Republicans are forced to talk about anything tangentially related to reproductive Health Care the more it becomes a losing issue for them because a lot of these are issues where Republican platforms and Republican policy are largely out of step w
ith where a general election audience would be and the thing I keep hearkening back to is last summer being in Ohio on a random Tuesday in August for a special election that did not have the word abortion did not have the word reproduction in the ballot question but was all about what could happen on abortion access in that state we always think of Ohio as a state that's gone red and isn't coming back but millions of people three million I believe turned out on that random Tuesday in August and
I'm not going to forget that as we keep looking at these different plot points of how Republicans are talking about reproductive Healthcare Vicki Haley is just the latest to set off this string of politicians being asked what they would do on this issue I think that that's where voters are really attracted and motivated they want to see where people stand because this is a pivotal moment for this country on those issues Ali Vitali thank you so much we are going to have more on the South Carolina
delegate math perhaps not mathing for Nikki Haley a little bit later on in the show and then of course tomorrow night Ally and the rest of our team will be joining us for special coverage of the South Carolina primary I will see you live from New York right here however you want watching on NBC news now starting at 6:00 Eastern do not miss it we got an All-Star team of folks Fanning out to cover all of it to the White House now where President Biden is all but begging Governors to push republic
ans in Congress to get behind more money for Ukraine as he's rolling out a new round of sanctions in response to the killing of Russian opposition leader Alexi Nali and that's what Putin is betting on he's betting on we're going to walk away America stands up for Freedom we never bow to anyone particularly Putin this round of 500 plus sanctions hits at a bunch of different groups in Russia like the people responsible for putting Nal in prison like Russian Banks the country's defense industry gro
ups in third party countries like China turkey Iran that help Russia and people who are trying to evade the sanctions that are already in place Ali Rafa is live for us at the White House help us sort through some of these sanctions that are clearly designed to send a message versus the ones the White House thinks are actually going to Dent what President Biden calls Vladimir Putin's War Machine yeah Hy well because Russia has been able to work around the thousands of sanctions that the US has im
posed on the country since its invasion of Ukraine there was a lot of concern over whether these new sanctions would be all bark and no bite but it appears from what we've seen of these sanctions the Biden Administration is learning based on what Russia has shown and they are clearly uh presenting safeguards to be able to prevent those evasive tactics from being practiced again they're casting a very wide net here you listed a couple of those targets these are people and companies inside and out
side of Russia that have bolstered Russia's energy industry its manufacturing its industrial industry uh that helps feed as you mentioned that War Machine by President Putin and in just the last hour or so uh we heard from the treasury Department announcing a new round of sanctions targeting Russia's oil revenues as we know that Russia has continued to sell oil since it invaded Ukraine uh this new sanctions Target Russia's largest state-owned shipping company and 14 oil tankers that that company
owns So officials say that they expect to see some substantive concrete results from this but not in the short term this is much uh more in an effort to in the long term squeeze Russia of these resources and then of course you have those sanctions that are sent more as a message like you mentioned those sanctions on those people involved in the death of Alexi nalni Calli Ali Rafa live for us there outside the White House Ally thank you we're just getting in some new numbers tonight showing meas
les going up all across the country 35 cases now according to the CDC and it's Florida with the most that state just confirming its seventh case a kiddo under the age of five you see all 15 states dealing with this latest misles outbreak and where you live may have a lot to do with how at risk you are for catching measles depending on your State's policy around quarantining how many people around you are vaccinated and whether or not your state has more vaccine exemptions Erica Edwards is follow
ing this for us you've done a lot of reporting on this you've got a big story dropping on tomorrow give us a comparison of how different states are dealing with these outbreaks and what is really happening down in Florida yeah you know measles control infection control 101 is pretty standard identify the cases isolate those patients for at least 21 days 3 weeks and offer education and vaccinations now that's what most states do pretty successfully overall and the key they say is clea
r direct guidance for parents now Florida is handling things a little differently the state's Surgeon General um has told parents it's completely up to them over whether they want to that they want to send their unvaccinated children back to school but dozens of kids at manate Bay Elementary where this outbreak began are vulnerable 33 out of the more than 1,000 kids students at the school are un vaccinated and Florida certain General is also not openly encouraging those students to get vaccinate
d the shots have been proven very safe and highly effective hiy what is the CDC saying about what states should be doing to try to contain this outbreak even as the numbers are going up you know the biggest thing is to encourage measles vaccinations we need to have 95% coverage uh to keep outbreaks like this at Bay right now nationally we're only at 93% and vaccine exemptions are up in in a majority of States now how they get this the measles vaccine works so well it can even be used to help unv
accinated kids after they've been exposed to the virus if an unvaccinated child gets just one dose of the vaccine after an exposure their quarantine goes from 21 days to just 72 hours that's how effective it is hi Erica Edwards thank you so much for that we're looking forward to seeing more of your reporting on appreciate it still ahead some dramatic new video just into US of the fiery aftermath of a huge house explosion in Michigan look at that what police say caused it you see it o
n the right of your screen then boats rushing to rescue passengers after this se's hard Landing the details [Music] ahead a gigantic Discovery in the Amazon rainforest both literally and figuratively that's in the five things but first tonight a new look at some pretty scary body cam video of a house explosion in Michigan with terrified neighbors running screaming toward police officers warning somebody may be trapped inside here's Magie vesa like something out of a disaster movie body camera vi
deo just released by Ann Arbor police gives a firsthand look at Monday morning's jaw-dropping home explosion that rocked this quiet Michigan neighborhood what did you think when you saw how big this was definitely was a surprise for me uh I was really shocked oh my God there's been an explosion across the street beginning with 911 calls and dash cam video as police race toward the scene the nearly 2-minute clip shows a neighbor blurred by police running toward officer Zack Cunningham is anybody
there do you know of somebody was in there and it looked the other officer very quickly found the man who they thought was inside it turns out thankfully he wasn't he was outside the home correct I think officer bets was able to locate him within the first 30 SEC 30 to 60 seconds of us being on scene everybody back up officers scramble to clear the area moments later the home completely caves in there's a chimney um that's a brick chimney that the brick actually makes it all the way across the s
treet into the neighbor's yard oh it's scared The Living Daylights out of me our affiliate WDIV was there in the aftermath of Monday's fire as neighbors and the city's fire chief pieced together what happened we do have reports that uh propane was possibly being used inside of the house for heating investigators later confirming propane tanks caused the explosion adding no other homes were damaged and the man who lived there in his 70s was injured but survived he and his neighbors now left with
a terrifying story to tell caught on camera terrifying to say the least Maggie uh joining us now from Chicago we we mentioned neighbors are originally thought somebody may have been trapped inside that was not the case that was not the case so that's the homeowner who they thought was still inside they just hadn't seen him so First Responders knowing that went looking for him thankfully found him in the driveway and I talked to a family rep who said he was injured but he survived he's recovering
he's already actually out of the hospital which is obviously a really uh good sign but they said basically he got out of the house because there was a fire that it started initially they don't know how that fire started just yet but when it reached the propane tanks that's what caused the explosion the force of the explosion I was told blew him backwards and that basically is what caused his injuries the First Responders found him right away hie and got him the help he needed thankfully because
that video as you saw is so intense completely Maggie vesa thank you for bringing us that one appreciate it got to get to some breaking news now in from our Pentagon team because the military is apparently monitoring an unidentified balloon flying over the USA out west according to two US officials and a defense official we're learning tonight that nor ad has sent up an aircraft to check it out after this was balloon was seen over Utah today they say it doesn't appear to be a national security
threat but I want to bring in courtne in cubba who is joining us now so Court when every anybody thinks of a balloon flying over the US people think of that China balloon that you so notably reported on last year what do we know what do we not know yeah and hie this is almost exactly a year after that China balloon flew over the United States it was late January early February when that one happened now this seems to be a pretty different situation than that one last year let me be this is what
that's what we're showing here right this is not I I want to just be clear with our viewers this is not the balloon this is not the today balloon yeah and if you look at the balloon that we were just showing there though again that was the China spy balloon that we've reported on extensively over the course of the last year what we're learning about the one today is frankly it's an unidentified balloon the US officials do not know who it belongs to or its point of origin but as you mentioned NOR
AD scrambled some fighter jets earlier today after it was spotted over uh Utah and it was flying about 43,000 to 45 ,000 ft so they sent those Jets up there to check it out and see if it was potentially a threat now they determined or they've assessed it is not a national security threat it's not maneuverable so it doesn't have a Rudder like the China spy balloon that we've been all been talking about um and it does not pose a threat to civilian or military Aviation according to these officials
but the US is still going to keep monitoring it so the big question continues to be who owns this balloon what's it doing up there you'll remember after the China spy balloon the FAA uh imposed some rules saying hey if you're going to put these balloons up there for weather or whatever or um experimentation you got to register them let us know it seems that this one was not registered is it fair to say court or maybe we don't know this yet that because it is is not a national security threat or
does not appear to be one at this point the US isn't going to go and take steps and try to shoot it down like in other words they're going to just kind of kind of watch it and see what happens I unless it's deemed a national security threat or again a threat to civilian Aviation remember but the I think the reason that we can't say for sure what they're going to do is you'll remember after the US shot down the CH the Spy balloon they shot down a number of other unidentified balloons in the the n
ext week or 10 days afterwards so it's not unprecedented for the US to shoot down a balloon just because they don't know what it is at this point officials are not talking about that um but the fact that they're continuing to monitor it and try to figure out exactly what it is may be in indicative that they're keeping every option on the table I will say unlike the China spy balloon which again you're seeing here on the screen this one has a very small payload so it's it's sort of a small box ab
out 2 feet in diameter according to the officials who we spoke with Courtney Q great reporting I know you're going to be watching this one for us tonight thank you very much for bringing it to us let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one police in Oklahoma said they are investigating the death of an lgbtq teenager who died a day after they were allegedly assaulted in a school bathroom we told you about this story earlier in the week still no c
ause of death but prelim information suggests this not related to trauma the teen's mother told a local news outlet they had been bullied over gender identity officials are expected to release video of what happened in the bathroom at some point but no details on when number three number two three members of the University of Wyoming's swimming and Diving team have been killed in a car cracks you see them here the school says the early investigation shows the driver swerved and the car went off
the road near the Wyoming Colorado State Line it rolled several times two other team members were hurt in the crash but they are expected to recover number three seven people rescued after a plane landed on its side in biscan Bay near the Port of Miami you see the plane here it's partially underwater obviously it's not supposed to land like that it's supposed to land right side up fortunately nobody was hurt here the plane had taken off from Palm Beach International about 30 minutes before that
hard Landing number four Vice media plans to cut hundreds of employees and stop publishing on its website for news at least the CEO of Vice announcing the changes in a memo saying it is no longer cost effective to distribute digital content like that remember Vice filed for bankruptcy last year before being sold to an investment group number five scientists in the Amazon rainforest have discovered a new species of anaconda of green anaconda snakes they're known to be the longest and the heaviest
snakes on the planet there's about a 5% genetic difference between the species you know how they found out about this while filming for Nat Gio's upcoming series with Will Smith National Geographic man they're always ahead of the curve got a lot more to get to cicom including Major League Baseball's uniform mess getting perhaps a little too revealing the new push back from the players plus a dream day more than three decades in the making you got to love this story The Promise Universal Studios
is making good on later in the [Music] local back to the South Carolina primary here with voters set to get out their first thing in the morning and you probably already know if you've been watching the show that Nikki Haley's train triling behind Donald Trump in polling but you may not know why Republican primary rules may be making it harder for Haley to catch up when it comes to delegates that's tonight's breakdown I'm in this for the Long Haul Nikki Haley pledging she will stay in this race
for the GOP nomination and the winner when all is said and done will need 1,215 delegates more than 2,000 delegates are still up for grabs but the Republican rules of the road may make it's super hard for Haley to gain much ground delegate wise why more than a quarter of states and territories changed their rules over the last few years what you're left with is a set of rules a patchwork of rules across the states that are are immensely front runner friendly as I called them the rules in South
Carolina mean that even if she wins 20 30 even 40% of the vote there she may not get a single delegate and that's the case this winner take all approach in dozens of states on the GOP Primary calendar 13 of the states left will give all their delegates to whichever candidate gets the most votes without requiring that person to break some kind of threshold a bunch more States will do the same for any candidate who wins a majority of the vote compare that to how the Democrats handle things awardin
g delegates proportionately where anyone with 15% or more of the vote gets at least some number of delegates which the party says keeps things competitive Haley's campaign already looking ahead to Super Tuesday March 5th that's when 15 states will award more than a third of all GOP delegates I have every intention of going to Super Tuesday but the math may not be mathing for Haley almost a third of the nearly 900 delegates awarded super Tuesday come from states where the majority winner goes hom
e with all the delegates and Mr Trump at the moment is favored to take most of them for Haley the path to the nomination would require a seismic shift in GOP support one we haven't seen so far in this race as Donald Trump undefeated in the primary for now Marches On whatever happens tomorrow you know we'll be all over it you can catch our South Carolina primary coverage starting at 6:00 Eastern tomorrow I will be there anchor it at all with our teams all across the state don't miss it however yo
u're watching Now NBC News covers hundreds of other stories every day and because it's tough to read or watch or listen to them all our Bureau teams have done it for you this is what they tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Northeast Bureau a 24-hour string of violence across New York City with police now looking for the three people you see on screen in connection with a deadly shooting this morning inside a subway car in the Bronx we're told the sho
ts were fired after some kind of an argument that's after a teenager was stabbed and attacked in Time Square last night seven people have been arrested but police are still looking for more than a dozen other suspects out of our Midwest Bureau tense moments at a North Dakota scrapyard an employee was going through a pile of metal when he stumbled upon yeah that's a grenade shop calls in the bomb squad they x-rayed this thing found it was filled with enough live ammunition to set off basically an
explosion like 30 ft in diameter police were able to take the grenade to a landfill where they then detonated it and out of our Western Bureau one family cash in in a voucher for Universal Studios more than three decades after they got it back in 1990 the Kramers had their visit canceled it was a literal rain check they were rained out it was too much rain to visit the park so an employee gave them this like an actual little handwritten rain check good to use for the rest of their lives Okay so
they did it they went back when they called about using it Universal said they'd honor it they just went visited the park no rain this time good for them a new controversy now over those major league baseball uniforms going so viral for all the wrong reasons but this time it's not a question of style it's a question of taste maybe even decency why the pants do you notice anything about Cal R's pants here they're kind of see-through and that's not not a one-off folks a whole bunch of players hav
e had this problem we are only showing you here the pictures that are suitable for our family audience you're going to have to Google the R-rated ones on your own and fans have noticed one top reporter calling these see-through pants embarrassing others saying they messed them up so badly comparing it to a wet t-shirt contest then there's MLB Hall of Famer and former underwear model Jim Palmer who says his old sponsor jockey would have been thrilled Marissa par is joining us now there's a lot to
this right it's not just a spectacle and it is a spectacle it's the point that like even the union head now is sounding the alarm about this right because it's how they fit because these players have to be in them right exactly and they need to be focusing on the game so in many ways some of the criticism that we're hearing is that this is distracting and for anyone following we know NBC has been reporting on how wildly unpopular the uniforms have been um and for those who haven't been followin
g the UN uniforms by the way they're design designed by Nike they're manufactured by Fanatics um and the top complaints that we're hearing the newest ones about these new pants being they're sheer they seethrough you saw in that video just now with Ali um they're not tailored to player specific body types and they're not even available to everyone not all the players in the league have the new pants which hi I guess given the complaints not everyone is necessarily too unhappy about some of the p
layers are like guys you got to suck it up you have the Padre's pitcher uh Joe Musgrove who told the athletic it's frustrating but you can he used a bad word you can blank all you want about not liking and we got to deal with it the point is though this is a big business I mean you talked about it right the way they're designed the way they're distributed it's a two like two multi-billion dollar businesses that are struggling this week over something that seems really fundamental to the game and
that's just what you wear absolutely I mean this is we talked about the distracting nature of it uh you just mentioned Sand Diego Padres pitcher Musgrove saying you know it is distracting but he's still going to wear the pants there and I want to point something out by the way there are some players who have actually said and spoken out saying they like the pants um worth noting though those who have been expressing the loudest praise do happen to be Nike sponsored athletes take from that what
you will um but MLB argues that the new uniforms improve Mobility by 25% more stretching they're moisture wicking they're more breathable more comfortable less bulky but hie multiple things can be true at once that might be true but we're also seeing these issues perhaps with the new type of material to provide for that is maybe why we're seeing that they are in fact see-through um so this is as you mentioned an expensive industry uh these are companies and the dollar amount that you're going to
see on your screen in just a moment these are worth in the tens of billions of dollars all of this by the way hi stemming from a 2019 deal with Nike and Fanatics over $1 billion for what is a decade long deal so perhaps some time to still uh smooth out the Kinks here if you will Marissa par thank you very much much for that one appreciate it coming up we're going to get to some breaking news just into us a verdict reached in that high-profile NRA trial we're going to have that for you next just
as soon as the jury returns it we'll be right back want to get to some news just breaking into us in just the last couple of minutes here with that high-profile deliberation by a New York jury finding Wayne laier liable for diverting millions of dollars of NRA money on his personal spending essentially the NRA they're saying failed to manage their finances NBC legal analyst Carol lamb and Lisa ruin are both joining us now Carol let me start with you to talk through the nuts and bolts here and j
ust to lay it out for people essentially the um the attorney State Attorney General in this case had essentially said that Wayne laier turned this into Wayne's World right spending millions of dollars on trips and jets they were like kids with their hands in the cookie jar essentially is the argument they made the defense lapierre's attorneys came back and said well wait a second no no this was not you know they they distan themselves from laier they said this was Rogue employees essentially now
you've got a jury find finding laier liable what does that mean and what are the consequences yeah so H this is a Civil Trial and again it's Leticia James the Attorney General of of New York who uh who just obtained that that very large judgment against Donald Trump and she had been doing this investigation for three years she brought this case it's a civil case she brought this case because the Attorney General of a state actually has jurisdiction over nonprofits and the NRA is a nonprofit and
the allegation that she brought in the complaint was that Wayne laier as well as the NRA and the general counsel and the the treasurer and the head of operations had all run the NRA as a sort of uh cookie darar piggy bank where they they dipped into it as they wished to pay for private jets um benefits to their own families and they gave an astonishingly large amount of money to contractors who then gave them Kickbacks in the form of benefits and and vacations and such and so the jury uh again
this is a civil case so they didn't have to get a unanimous jury of 12 uh the jury were consisted of six people and they found them uh liable civil for all this misconduct So Lisa what does this mean for the future of the NRA here what are the implications so initially hie when the Attorney General of New York filed this suit she was seeking the dissolution of the NRA as a New York charity it is a nonprofit organization essentially based on the laws of the state of newor New York at an earlier p
hase of the case however the judge overseeing the case dismissed that portion and so what remained for the jury to decide was was the NRA improperly managed and in fact corruptly managed and who was responsible for that and to what dollar amount we know today that Wayne La Pier will need to pay back $5.4 million to the NRA and that the jury also found that while he paid back some of that money he's only paid back a little over a million dollars thus far so Wayne laier unless he achieved IES an a
ppell at Victory Still's got a bunch of money left to pay to the NRA for all of his misdeeds is an appeal possible here Lisa it is an appeal is always possible it's a civil judgment we'll have to wait to see what other relief the judge Awards hie there may be other aspects of this judgment including for example disqualifying people from serving as officers or directors of New York Charities there was a gentleman here John Frasier who is the sole defendant who's still employed by the NRA whether
he can remain employed by the NRA is going to be up to the judge as part of this verdict as well but I expect that one or more parties may take an appeal Lisa Ru and Carol lamb thank you both so much for jumping in on this developing news coming into us here on a Friday night uh significant there related to the NRA and Wayne laier thank you we got a lot more to get to here in the show including just ahead in the backstory pulling back the curtain on a real bizarre one how a magician ended up in
the center of an election Year controversy and how our NBC News team was tipped off about it [Music] to our backstory now our behind the scenes look at how a story comes together and how it fits into our bigger picture and tonight it's an NBC News exclusive the story of how a New Orleans magician a guy who holds World Records in Fork bending and escaping Straight Jackets how this guy found himself part of what is now a multiz state investigation it all goes back to January and the days leading u
p to New Hampshire's democratic primary investigators say as many as 25,000 potential voters in that state picked up the phone and heard this what a bunch of Maly we know the value of voting Democratic when our votes count it's important that you save your vote for the November election okay let's be crystal clear that was a robo call you just heard that was not the voice of President Biden sounded like him wasn't him it was AI generated President Biden's name wasn't on the ballot in New Hampshi
re because of this party beef with State Democrats but the president never encouraged voters to skip the election NBC News traced the origin of that Robo call to this magician guy named Paul Carpenter he told us he was hired to make that AI Robo call by a veteran Democratic strategist a strategist working for the campaign of President Biden's Longshot Democratic opponent Dean Phillips this strategist or excuse me Carpenter the magician essentially pleads ignorance on this he says there was no ma
licious in he said he didn't know how the call was going to be used the Phillips campaign says they were also caught off guard a spokesperson says we are disgusted to learn that Mr Kramer that's the strategist is allegedly behind this call and if the allegations are true we absolutely denounce his actions so this guy Steve Kramer the strategist when we reached out says we should keep our eyes peeled for an oped coming out tomorrow Kramer speaking out at all about this as a change based on our re
porting when NBC News first broke the news of the fake Biden Robo call Kramer texted Carpenter the magician a link to the story along with a message sh to which Carpenter replied gtf AKA get the F out of here let's go to Alex sewal who has this one okay so that's the Contours of this story I urge people to read it because it is bananas how did this even come about in the first place because I will tell you I was kind of stunned to learn it came from like one of these random tip emails that journ
alists get like dozens of every day that's exactly right and uh you and I both have probably ignored dozens of those in our career and for whatever reason that day I I saw the subject line rooc call Creator and I was intrigued uh I had broken the original story of the Biden rooc call along with our colleague Mike memoy so this was obviously of interest to me and I got on the phone with this guy and he was clearly an eccentric but then he started to produce receipts within an hour of being on the
phone with him he was sending me text messages and and venmo transactions later I got call logs uh he sent me the original audio of the deep fake that he produced so I got on a plane and flew down to New Orleans and I sat with him as he showed me exactly how he made it uh using my voice for U legal reasons instead of Biden's and uh we were able to confirm it independently and then talk to Kramer and he is not denying it so uh it was definitely an unusual thread to pull on but we ended up gettin
g the story uh the other end of it so you go down to New Orleans to meet this guy you took the pictures yourself of him like on the street with this magician SL performance artist SL nft maker who rides his motorcycle around the city with a Chihuahua who wears goggles named moose sitting next to him there's moose um what were you thinking like what was going through your mind as you were getting to know Carpenter here and you were learning more about what had happened and seeing as you say seein
g the receipts that showed that he ended up whether he knew it or not being the guy at the center of a political scandal yeah I mean he is a character uh to say the least a total uh eclectic he he doesn't really have a fixed address he travels around he performs Street uh Magic and other kinds of performance art but I found him credible and I was able to verify every detail of his life and of his involvement um or at least many of them and then I spoke to another Democratic strategist who had ju
st randomly received an Urgent Message from Steve Kramer the the strategist here uh in January asking for help involving the the Biden Rebel call so that just sealed the deal for me and then when I sat down uh and he showed me how he made it I found it eerie and I found it incredible how easy it was in 20 minutes and for $1 dollar to to do this let me play a bit of that because as you say he worked through the process with you we have a little clip let me let me play it hi I am a robot version y
eah of Alex and I love NBC and my bosses and so we'll generate that one this time hi I am a robot version of Alex and I love NBC and my bosses dude that sounds like you that that's ridiculously you dude that is ridiculously you I have to tell you I got um one of our colleagues here for a different upcoming story used my voice on an AI thing and I was like it doesn't really sound like me it's it's Eerie though it's uncanny does that give you a sense is or journalist of how sort of scary this whol
e issue is as we head into this presidential election year absolutely h i mean my biggest takeaway here was if he could do this anybody could do this this was not a sophisticated Hightech well-funded Cloak and Dagger operation this was essentially two guys messing around on the internet he was paid $150 for this so I you know I think we need to look out not just for campaigns but for teenagers for gadflies for anybody uh producing these things going forward Alex sitwell pulling back the curtain
on a story that is reverberating through the political world today thank you so much friend good to see you thank you for bringing us that behind the scenes look at that story that does it for us for this hour we've got more coverage picking up right [Music] now we are coming on the air with a person in custody at the University of Georgia in the case of a nursing student found dead on campus we'll take you live down to Athens with the new updates we're just getting from police we're also live i
n Alabama where Republicans all the way up to former president Trump are backing away from that controversial Court ruling that's causing Health Facilities all across that state to stop IVF procedures the new moves to pass some new protections with patients concerned about what's next then in the breakdown with a little more than 24 hours to go not even 14 hours hours 13 hours till voters start voting in South Carolina we're going to explain how the rules of this Republican race already might ma
ke it super hard for Nikki Haley to catch up to Donald Trump plus a new case of the measles in Florida as States scrambled to stop it from becoming a full-blown outbreak with the CDC saying and the chaotic explosion of a house caught on camera we're going to show you how it happened and what neighbors were so terrified about that's coming up a little bit later on in the show hey there I'm hie and in just the last hour we're learning a suspect is now in custody a person of interest interest in co
nnection to what has become a homicide investigation of a nursing student found dead on the University of Georgia's campus the investigation seems to be focused on this apartment complex you're seeing it here you see police they're like looking around looking through at one point some of the trash cans across the street from that complex the victim 22-year-old leak Riley here she is she was a student at ug through last spring then she transferred to nearby Augusta University's College of Nursing
she was a junior on the dean list and here's the timeline of what we know that yesterday couple of minutes after noon a friend calls ug police concerned because she hadn't returned from a run near some school fields around 12:20 officers responded to the area and about 15 minutes later found her body in the woods behind a lake nearby declared dead at the scene with what they describe as visible injuries bla Alexander is out near that community in Athens Georgia we understand we're going to get
an update from some officials in just about 60 minutes from now but bring us up to speed about what we know about the suspect and why police are focusing on this particular set of Apartments well a little less than an hour hie we hope to get all of those questions answered so what we know right now are are several different facts we don't know how or if they're connected but I'll run down for you what we know right now we know that this afternoon or earlier this afternoon police made a large pre
sence here at this apartment complex they still have some bit of a presence here now they started searching they were looking through things they were looking through trash cans at one point we know that after that kind of search got underway the university announced that there was a person of interest who was being questioned now a few hours after that that's when we got the update that a suspect has been arrested and has been taken into custody now we don't know if that suspect has to do with
this apartment complex we don't NE necessarily know how all of those pieces are related that's what we're hoping to find out tonight at 7:00 some of the students that I know that you and our team have talked with have been stressing how they they feel so obviously upset concerned worried some of them are pointing to like those blue like call boxes that a lot of schools have that this campus apparently doesn't talk to us about the accountability piece of this and about just the campus reaction af
ter a horrific trauma like this yeah I mean I think I've talked with a number of students several who go here now and several who are former students but recently graduated and they all kind of said the same thing typically this is a very safe campus that's why this is so jarring to so many of them they say they walk around they didn't necessarily fear for their safety one person even told me that the area uh where this happened really is known as a safe space for students they go out there they
study there they work out there sometimes so that's why all of this is so jarring I spoke with one young lady she's a senior she actually lives right by the area right by the intramural fields where all of this happened and here's what she told me uh about her reaction take a look on campus I normally feel really safe but after this obviously it's very it's kind of scary and unsettling from now on my my roommates and I shared our locations when sh we know where we're at they share their locatio
ns they don't travel alone that's something that University officials were trying to urge people to do to travel in packs now as for those blue lights we asked the communications director about this and he said that over the past eight years or so they were only used a handful of times so now instead of those blue lights they've replaced it with a with an app called ug safe it's something that students can download they can use to kind of notify officials if there are any sort of concerns so tha
t's kind of what they say their replacement is they say that of course safety is top of mind they were stressing all along there was no immediate danger to students but of course anytime you have a suspect on the loose that's caused for concern and again classes were canceled today and they were just warning students to be vigilant Howe bla Alexander live for us there in Athens we're glad to have you there Blain with a lot of moving pieces and again more updates in just under an hour from now we
think thanks Blain some push back tonight from nearly all sides on that controversial Alabama Court ruling saying embryos are people ruling throwing the future of IVF in that state into question with lawmakers in Alabama and at the White House Now scrambling to contain the Fallout and limit the damage including tonight members of both parties in Alabama these are State lawmakers moving fast to try to protect IVF by passing new state laws after multiple healthc care facilities stopped in vitro f
ertilization procedures because of this ruling now those State lawmakers are doing just what former president Trump would like them to do here's the former president and again current front runner for the Republican nomination here he is is just within the last maybe 90 minutes not even in South Carolina today I'm calling on the Alabama legislature to act quickly to find an immediate solution to preserve the availability of IVF in Alabama and I'm sure they're going to do that there's a political
overlay to this obviously you've got the Republican Senate campaign arm sending out essentially talking points to Republican candidates encouraging them to publicly clearly State their support for IVF which is broadly backed across political lines 80% of people including evangelicals including people who describe themselves as pro-life support IVF here in Washington at the White House some new NBC news reporting on High level talks about potential next steps from the Biden Administration accord
ing to multiple Administration officials familiar with the matter yish alsandor has made her way to Alabama she's live in Birmingham and joins us now so you are on the ground there yishan Alabama where you've got lawmakers now scrambling on the state level you have the White House trying to take some potentially on the federal level let me play for folks what Republican state senator Tim melson had to say on this we have advaned so far medicine that we're now we're we're storing everything from
embryos to sperm to eggs to for future use and we hadn't really thought about the consequences of that and it's it's time and it's you know to to figure that out okay well they're they're figuring out even as some patients are now in kind of a Purgatory here they can't get the IVF procedures they want to get they're having trouble figuring out where they can transfer their embryos to if it's to other states or what talk us through it well Hy the fear anger and frankly the shock is palpable here
in Alabama while patients are trying to figure out what to do as at least three clinics have already paused giving IVF treatments now I talked to a number of women who are going to be impacted by this and they all say that they're very very worried about whether or not they'll be able to grow their families I talked to woman in woman in particular Kelly Belmont she said her lifelong dream is to become a mother take a listen to what she said about her situation now there's really no way to descri
be the fear that at some point a phone call could come and my doctor could say hey we're we're pulling the plug on the program and we're not going to be able to continue until further notice now for right now Kelly and her husband James are able to go through with what is going to be their second round of IVF and there is as the day has gone on this feeling that there might be hope for families who want to pursue IVF in the state because we have seen of course as you said former president Trump
coming out and urging lawmakers in the state to support IVF we've also seen a move in the state legislature by Democrats and Republicans to introduce bills to protect IVF and just recently the the Alabama State Attorney General came out and said I want to read for you part of his office said he has no intention of using the recent Alabama Supreme Court decision as a basis for prosecuting IVF families or providers so that tells you that really the Alabama attorney general is also saying hey we wa
nt to not go after people on this issue of IVF hie bigger concern for some of these Healthcare facilities is less the potential of criminal prosecution as the state AG is making clear more about the Civil liability issue of it all could they get sued for a ton of money they don't want to see that happen they're concerned about that piece of the risk that's completely right you have a number of clinics who are very very concerned about that I also want to say that you know as we talked about the
President coming out you have the White House coming out and saying that this is the sort of chaos that you see when and that they expected after overturning roie Wade I also want to read part of what the uh the chief Supreme Court Justice here said Tom Parker I knew you're were gonna at some point we could should talk about the sort of implications here and he wrote in part um human life cannot be destroyed without incurring the wrath of holy God even before birth all human beings bear the imag
e of God and their lives cannot be destroyed without a facing it and that's really getting a lot of backlash here because I talked to a number of women um in Alabama state that's very conservative here saying their faith tells them that they should love their neighbors and not judge people and that they should be able to grow their families so there's really a lot of contention here not only on of course what's going on um around the country but also specifically here as people are talking about
faith here Callie you mentioned the controversy surrounding the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court obviously he he didn't the ruling was 8 to1 he didn't tip the outcome he didn't tip the scales if you will on the outcome um but there's a lot of attention on him somebody who is considered even years ago right well before this particular ruling somebody who was seen as an architect of the movement that ultimately ended up toppling Row versus weight in the Supreme Court that's right and we
have of course new reporting on that the same day that he was issuing his concurring opinion where he where he quoted the Bible talking about the wrath of God he also was saying in an interview that he believes that society America should be reshaped in the image of the beliefs of conservative Christians so there is really a lot of worry that this state supreme court Chief Justice was really um in in in unfairly including his faith beliefs in a decision that now is having so much um
impact here in the state of impacting thousands and thousands of patients but that being said as I said that things here seem to be moving in the direction of people being able at some point possibly to access IVF treatments hiy y m thank you so much live for us there in Birmingham Alabama thanks you m we are now just about 13 hours away from voters heading to the polls in South Carol in with Nikki H Nikki Haley rather rallying there as we speak even though this is a live look it looks like the
pre-show has begun here voters in her own home state are expected to send the message that she cannot stop former president Trump's March to the nomination we got both candidates working up and down the state today even though virtually every South Carolina primary poll has Mr Trump crushing Haley by as many as 35 points now if that or even anything close to that happens it could make history it could be the worst loss for a primary candidate in their their home state in recent memory you're lo
oking at 2016 when Marco Rubio lost by 19 points to Donald Trump in Florida that's Rubio's home state we'll see how Haley does in South Carolina she and her campaign have said for weeks that this State win or lose is not going to be the end of the road for them NBC's Ali Vitali is with Haley in Mount Pleasant South Carolina now where I know it is a loud rally behind you here as she is making her sort of last closing argument before polls open she's been dialing up her attacks on former president
Trump she's been hitting the issue of NATO and Russia even though as you will know that is not one that seems to be resonating with a lot of primary voters at least based on polling what's the sense from her campaign as to where this goes next well look they're going to Michigan regardless hie and I remember I started last hour telling you this is the place where you'd want to have your primary Eve rally this is exactly the backdrop that you would want for something like that as well you've got
the sun setting Majestic American flags and a packed crowd that's enthusiastic for their two-time governor of the state of South Carolina of course that history in any other election cycle might mean something here though it's earning Haley a 2 to one loss in the polls in terms of her margins with former president Donald Trump nevertheless they say that they are not just plowing through South Carolina they are moving all the way through Michigan which votes next on Tuesday and then going to the
Super Tuesday States the question though H is what happens after that because Nikki Haley has long said she's staying in this race to provide an alternative for voters certainly she's the only one left say she likes to remind she beat 12as on her road to being oneon-one with the former president but what happens after super Tuesday is the open question and frankly it's one that I asked Haley and it's one that I asked her campaign manager today her campaign manager dodged simply saying they're f
ocused on super Tuesday but they've got folks on the ground through the end of the month no no sign for sure of what they need to see to keep going but for now they're sticking it out Ali Vitali live for us there in South Carolina Ally we will see you right back there or somewhere near there or in the state tomorrow for our special coverage Ally thank you that is coming up tomorrow 6 o'clock Eastern right here on NBC News Now however you're watching be sure to tune in I'll be joined by not just
Ally but our team of correspondents and political Pros fanned out across the state and in studio with me along with Chuck Todd and many others so listen I want to get to some news that's breaking into us in just the last hour or so this New York jury finding both the NRA and its former CEO Wayne laier liable in a civil corruption trial laier remember has long been the face of the NRA at least he was but a jury has agreed that he essentially took millions of dollars from the group for his own lav
ish personal expenses the jury also found the NRA itself should be held liable for failing to properly manage its finances NBC News legal analyst Lisa Rubin is joining us now okay Civil Trial right not criminal here but still a huge verdict essentially against Wayne laier what does it mean for him and for the future of this powerful lobbying Group Well H let's start with what it means for him because Wayne laier resigned from the NRA last month and so he is no longer the Executive Vice President
of the organization but based on this finding Wayne laier also owes the NRA itself $5.4 million that he was personally responsible for diverting from the organization so what does this mean then moving forward more broadly right because you look at the NRA this issue of the potential for corruption inside the organization has been one that has persisted as you well know for years and years Lisa it seems like during this trial the NRA tried to distance itself from laier who for a long time was r
eally seen as the face of the NRA that's right and there were other defendants hie as well people whose names are not as recognizable to the general public I think taking a step back the finding by a Sixers jury that the NRA was corruptly managed as a new york-based charitable organization is a devastating one for the gun lobby in general there is no person who is ready to step into Wayne La Pierre's role there is no organization that is ready to step into the NRA's role there is a leadership va
cuum now and the gun rights movement and anybody who Affiliates themselves with the NRA will also have to contend with this jury's finding that the NRA for a period of up to 8 years was corruptly managed by people who were not executing on their statutory Duty to be good custodians of what is at base a charitable institution Lisa ruin we're glad to have you breaking this one down for us thank you very much for being all us tonight to a boom moment now for the market setting new records tonight c
apping off a winning week in what's been a monster year for Wall Street and probably for your 401K check this out new record for the Dow the S&P hit a record earlier in the day a lot of it driven by one company NVIDIA Goldman Sachs says right now it's the most important stock on Earth others say it's having a tailor Swift moment so what is the video what is that you might know him if you're big into video games Nvidia makes computer chips specifically chips that make you able to watch this show
on a computer on your smart TV your phone whatever that puts them at the center of the so-called AI Revolution and that's why investors are so excited to the point Nvidia touched $2 trillion in value at one point today we're at the point where these seven companies you see them here the big tech companies you know and use Microsoft Amazon meta Tesla they make up nearly a third of that SNP record high and that puts us in territory we haven't seen since Coolio had the number one song in the countr
y and the first Toy Story was still in theaters 1995 when the internet was booming when tech stocks drove everything markets jobs you name it is that the moment we're in now more importantly is it here to stay cuz just four years later in '99 a lot of those tech stocks collapsed in bubble Christine Romans is joining us now so let me put that to you is this a 95 moment is this a party like it's 99 where are we I got to tell you well the amazing Dan IES who sort of made that construct uh h
e is a Wall Street analyst who says this is 95 all the way imagine 95 that's when Steve Jobs was saying there's going to be a computer on every desk and the world said are you crazy that's not going to happen and it did and it really inspired more than a decade actually a couple Decades of major technology growth here's what Dan IV says at wed Bush you can see his uh his comment there he says this is a 1995 moment if you put that back up I can to read for you we are confident now the AI Revoluti
on and a trillion dollars of incremental spending over the next decade is hitting the software ecosystem and the rest of the tech sector one thing about Nvidia I got to tell you there are really high expectations for this company and it reported earnings this week that were better tripled its Revenue I mean it just keeps performing and is really a Big Driver here of a lot of this AI enthusiasm uh one analyst described it this way this moment it's the steam engine I mean that's the kind of Techno
logy we're talking about here that changed every industry and changed living standards around the world so I think that's super interesting the analogy that you're using Christine the idea of a steam engine because I think some people might hear you talk and hear the way that you're talking about this and think is it a bubble right it's it's less about that and it seems to be more foundationally changing the way that things could work down the road I mean listen kind of like the internet yeah an
d at some point it's got to spread out from just a few companies right I mean at some point other companies even more plain venilla not on the surface tech companies will start to begin to use AI in a way that will change how their business goes and so what Dan Ives and others are saying is you're and the market frankly is saying is that you're just at the beginning of that moment but a lot of people say it does feel so bubbly the S&P 500 is up 28% over the past year that's likely what your stoc
ks in your 401k probably look more like the S&P 500 but a big chunk of that you're right is these seven tech stocks or this Tech sector so will it all broaden out from there and then you've got even more gains look at Nvidia stock isn't that amazing yesterday what it added in market value just yesterday on its big rally day was more than the size I think of 90% of the S&P 500 companies just Nvidia in one day I I just I've never seen something like that but so what does it mean we say this a lot
and I know that the market is not the economy right the markets are not the economic picture bring it back home to people who are like hey I'm not watching CNBC right like how should people who have a 401k don't have a 401k how should they be thinking about this moment right now as it relates to sort of the bread and butter for all of us going out to the grocery store trying to pay our rent our mortgage whatever a couple of interesting points on that you know you probably have more in your 401k
today um for sure than you did uh last year or the year before right and especially for Baby Boomers you know we're hitting this year um I think 4.1 1 million uh people will turn 65 this year and they've got a nice many of them have a nice little Nest Egg so that allows them things like oh maybe deciding this year to move out of their house and move into a smaller house and they don't worry so much about mortgage rates uh there are a lot of different ways this stock market um Euphoria at the mom
ent can spill into the rest of the economy but you're absolutely right the sentiment indicators are not yet reflecting all of this and about a half of American households don't own stocks at all right so it is I guess it's an interesting place to be where on the one hand people still know the grocery bill is 25% higher than last year and car insurance is record highs but the stock market is doing quite well and people are really excited about AI Christine Romans thank you for breaking it down fo
r us and helping us understand this really remarkable moment appreciate it to the White House now where President Biden is all but begging Governors to push republicans in Congress to get behind more money for Ukraine as he's rolling out a new round of sanctions in response to the killing of Russian oppos opposition leader Alexi Nali and that's what Putin is betting on he's betting on we're going to walk away America stands up for Freedom we never bow to anyone particularly Putin this round of 5
00 plus sanctions hited a bunch of different groups in Russia like the people responsible for putting navali in prison like Russian Banks Russia's defense industry groups in other countries like China turkey and Iran that help Russia and people who are trying to evade the sanctions that are already in place Ali Rafa is live for us at the White House give us a sense of the message that the White House hopes this sends to Putin yeah Hy well through issuing these sanctions the White House is trying
to put pressure on Putin trying to put pressure on this war machine but also send a very personal message especially after we saw the president uh lay the blame for Alexi naval's death squarely at the feet of President Vladimir Putin so you're seeing that reflected in in these new uh sanctions revealed today you talked about a few of them there uh sanctions on people and entities inside and outside of Russia that have bolstered uh Russia's energy industry its military and financial infrastructu
re these are new sanctions even on Iran that has provided hundreds of uh ballistic missiles to Russia in its war effort against Ukraine uh and this afternoon we learned of new sanctions uh from the treasury Department on these Russian oil tankers and several uh other tankers that this Shipping Company by Russia owns trying to Target those oil revenues as Russia continues to sell oil uh since invading Ukraine and officials say that they expect there to be concrete results from this but not in the
short term they expect this to take uh quite a bit of time as they squeeze Russia of these resources hie you also heard President Biden making that post to try to get some new Aid money basically new funding for Ukraine you've got the Senate's top Democrat Chuck Schumer in Ukraine today with President Vladimir zalinsky to talk about how important that is watch we want to tell them what we have seen we want to show them we have heard from so many that if you don't get the aid you'll lose the war
but if you get the aid you will win the war so what is the level of optimism here where where does that stand in the eyes of the White House for getting more funding to this country well as hard as it maybe to uh believe this is really the White House's main goal is to try to put pressure on these Republicans who have been holding up that uh Aid to Ukraine and the president lambasted lawmakers earlier today for leaving on this two- week recess before addressing this Aid package that's really ju
st in limbo in Congress after passing with overwhelming support in the Senate but then getting stalled in the house and the president said that this was uh this was because of house Speaker Mike Johnson's uh unwillingness to put this bill on the floor he says that it would have the support needed to pass if house Speaker Mike Johnson would just put it for uh put it on the house floor for a vote and we have some new reporting hie by our Hill team colleagues on what we could potentially see happen
next uh with our colleagues reporting that there is now a bipartisan effort to actually get uh this effort across the Finish Line our colleague that speaker Johnson is considering a wide range of options for how to do this they say he also is still seeking uh a inperson meeting with President Biden uh but is not heard back from the White House on when that could potentially be scheduled hie so definitely something to watch for sure Ali Rafa thank you we've got to get to some breaking news now b
ecause we're just learning of an Apache helicopter crash during a routine training flight in Mississippi according to the government apparently both National Guardsmen on board have died the governor announced the the crash in a tweet saying he is praying for their families saying the state will always be grateful for their service this is again the Mississippi National Guard as announced by Governor Reeves this is now the third military helicopter crash in just the last couple of months we're g
oing to be watching for more details we will bring those to you as we get them we are also just tonight getting in some new numbers showing measles on the rise across the country 35 cases now according to the CDC Florida apparently has the most it just confirmed its seventh case a child under the age of five so these 15 states you see here according to the CDC now dealing with measles in this outbreak Michigan Health officials also announcing a case late today that's its first since 2019 where y
ou live obviously has a lot to do with how at risk you are for catching measles depending on your State's policies around quarantining how many people around you are vaxed whether your state has more exemptions for vaccines Erica Edwards is joining us now you've done a lot of reporting on this you've got a big story dropping on tomorrow give us a comparison of how different states are dealing with these outbreaks and what is really happening down in Florida yeah you know measles cont
rol infection control 101 is pretty standard identify the cases isolate those patients for at least 21 days 3 weeks and offer education and vaccinations now that's what most states do pretty successfully overall and the key they say is clear direct guidance for parents now Florida is handling things a little differently the state Surgeon General um has told parents it's completely up to them over whether they want to that they want to send their unvaccinated children back to school but dozens of
kids at manate Bay Elementary where this outbreak began are vulnerable 33 out of the more than 1,000 kids students at the school are unvaccinated and Florida's search and general is also not openly encouraging those students to get vaccinated the shots have been proven very safe and highly effective hi what is the CDC saying about what states should be doing to try to contain this outbreak even as the numbers are going up you know the biggest thing is to encourage measles vaccinations we need t
o have 95% coverage uh to keep outbreaks like this at Bay right now nationally we're only at 93% and vaccine exemptions are up in a majority of States now how they get this the measles vaccine works so well it can even be used to help unvaccinated kids after they've been exposed to the virus if an unvaccinated child gets just one dose of the vaccine after an exposure their quarantine goes from 21 days to just 72 hours that's how effective it is hie Erica Edwards thank you so much for that we're
looking forward to seeing more of your reporting on appreciate it coming up here on the show a big apartment fire in Spain killing at least 10 people why experts say it spreads so fast plus as we talked about Nikki Haley behind in the polls ahead of tomorrow's primary but we'll explain how the GOP party rules are also may be making a difference here that's ahead in the [Music] breakdown tonight a new look it's a pretty scary body cam video of a house exploding in Michigan terrified n
eighbors running screaming toward officers warning somebody may be trapped inside look at that here's Maggie vesa like something out of a disaster movie one occup body camera video just released by Ann Arbor police gives a firsthand look at Monday morning's jaw-dropping home explosion that rocked this quiet Michigan neighborhood what did you think when you saw how big this was definitely was a surprise for me uh I was really shocked oh my God there's been an explosion across the street beginning
with 911 calls and dash cam video as police race toward the scene the nearly 2-minute clip shows a neighbor blurred by police running toward officer Zach Cunningham is anybody there do you know of somebody was in there and it looked the other officer very quickly found the man who they thought was inside it turns out thankfully he wasn't he was outside the home correct I think officer Betts was able to locate him within the first 30 30 to 60 seconds of us being on scene everybody back up office
rs scrambled to clear the area moments later the home completely caves in there's a chimney um that's a brick chimney the the Brick actually makes it all the way across the street into the neighbor's yard oh it's scared The Living Daylights out of me our affiliate WDIV was there in the aftermath of Monday's fire as neighbors and the city's fire chief piec together what happened we do have reports that uh propane was possibly being used inside of the house for heating investigators later confirmi
ng propane tanks caused the explosion adding no other homes were damaged and the man who lived there in his 70s was injured but survived he and his neighbors now left with a terrifying story to tell caught on camera terrifying to say the least Maggie uh joining us now from Chicago we we mentioned neighbors originally thought somebody may have been trapped inside that was not the case that was not the case so that's the homeowner who they thought was still inside they just hadn't seen him so Firs
t Responders knowing that went looking for him thankfully found him in the driveway and I talked to a family rep who said he was injured but he survived he's recovering he's already actually out of the hospital which is obviously a really uh good sign but they said basically he got out of the house because there was a fire that it started initially they don't know how that fire started just yet but when it reached the propane tanks that's what caused the explosion the force of the explosion I wa
s told blew him backwards and that basically is what caused his injuries But First Responders found him right away hie and got him the help he needed thankfully because that video as you saw is so intense completely Maggie vesa thank you for bringing us that one appreciate it let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one police in Oklahoma say they are looking into the death of an lgbtq teenager who died a day after they were allegedly assaulted i
n a school bathroom we told you about this story earlier in the week we still don't have cause of death but the preliminary info shows it's not related to trauma the teen's mother told a local news Outlet they'd been bullied over gender identity officials are expected to release video of what happened in the bathroom at some point but no details on when number two the first Witnesses take the stand today in the trial of rust movie armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed remember she's been charged with in
voluntary manslaughter in the death of the film's cinematographer helina Hutchins the witnesses called by the prosecution testified about guns and the use of ammo on set number three Florida Bill to ban social media for kids under the age of 16 heading to the governor's desk now after it was passed by state lawmakers the bill targets any social media that tracks user activity allows children to upload material or uses addictive features governor danta has expressed concerns about the bill an opp
onents say it violates the first amendment that it should be up to parents to monitor their kids social media use number four yet another airline is Raising what it cost to check your bag 40 bucks a bag on United 35 if you pay in advance it's a $5 increase right on the heels of American Airlines along with Jet Blue and Alaska all raising bad piece this year coming up some pretty wild video shows this 100 car pile up in China where do you see it o cars just smooshed together we'll tell you what l
ed to the whole thing coming up in the global [Music] back to the South Carolina primary now with voters set to get out there first thing in the morning heading to polling sites and you probably already know Nikki Haley's trailing behind Donald Trump in polling but you may not know why Republican primary rules may be making it harder for hay to catch up when it comes to delegates that's tonight's breakdown I'm in this for the Long Haul Nikki Haley pledging she will stay in this race for the go n
omination and the winner when all is said and done will need 1,215 delegates more than 2,000 delegates are still up for grabs but the Republican rules of the road may make it super hard for Haley to gain much ground delegate wise why more than a quarter of states and territories changed their rules over the last few years what you're left with is a set of rules a patchwork of rules across the states that are are immensely FrontRunner friendly as I call them the rules in South Carolina mean that
even if she wins 20 30 even 40% of the vote there she may not get a single delegate and that's the case this win or take all approach in dozens of states on the GOP Primary calendar 13 of the states left will give all their delegates to whichever candidate gets the most votes without requiring that person to break some kind of threshold a bunch more States will do the same for any candidate who wins a majority of the vote compare that to how the Democrats handle things awarding delegates proport
ionately where anyone with 15% or more of the vote gets at least some some number of delegates which the party says keeps things competitive Haley's campaign already looking ahead to Super Tuesday March 5th that's when 15 states will award more than a third of all GOP delegates I have every intention of going to Super Tuesday but the math may not be mathing for Haley almost a third of the nearly 900 delegates awarded super Tuesday come from states where the majority winner goes home with all the
delegates and Mr Trump at the moment is favored to take most of them for Haley the path to the nomination would require a seismic shift in GOP support one we haven't seen so far in this race as Donald Trump undefeated in the primary for now marches on whatever happens tomorrow though we will of course be all over it you can catch all of our South Carolina primary coverage starting at six o'clock Eastern tomorrow I will be joined by our team fanned out all across the state right here however you
're watching on NBC news now coming up the war in Ukraine 2 years after the invasion began our Richard and angle takes us to one of the most critical battle zones which also happens to be a critical power source for Europe the dangers for the region at the zapara nuclear power plant coming up in tonight's [Music] original NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our teams around the world have done it for you h
ere's some of what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of and at least nine people have been killed in a huge fire at two apartment buildings in Valencia officials are still trying to figure out the cause of it but experts say that it might have spread so quickly because of the material these buildings were made out of the government has declared 3 days of mourning out of China several people hurt after this massive car pile up look at this a 100 cars more than that crashing int
o each other on an icy overpass parts of China have been getting a whole bunch of snow and freezing rain the road has since reopened and officials are investigating and out of the UK some new video released from the royal family in just the last hour or so a couple hours shows King Charles reading some of his get well cards given a little chuckle at some points they say he's gotten thousands of these from across the world after announcing he was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago he thanks ev
erybody for the messages the palace says saying such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement to Russia now and Russia's invasion of Ukraine set to hit the 2-year Mark some of the most intense fighting has been over the Zappa reach in nuclear power plant Europe's biggest and one that Russia took over toward the start of the war tonight new concern over that site's safety with some experts worried it could basically be a radioactive ticking Time Bomb our Richard Engle has more in
tonight's original it's midnight on March 4th 2022 CCTV cameras capture Russian troops as they attack Europe's biggest nuclear power plant near the Ukrainian city of zapara is this this is a training center over there they destroy it completely this is just a terrifying video watching fire spread and an attack at an active nuclear facility right and the units are with nuclear materials right here Petro Coten the CEO of Ukraine's State nuclear power company says his staff at the plant immediately
began to broadcast warnings this operator who announces Russian you are trying to attack nuclear object you bring threat to the whole world back off this is a danger to the world yeah the warnings went unheeded Russian troops occupied the plant and the territory around it Ukrainian forces held on to the far Bank of the denipa river leaving the nuclear power station right on the front line the international atomic energy agency which has inspectors at the plant is sounding the alarm you're respo
nsible for nuclear security all around the world yes is this the most dangerous nuclear facility on the planet right now it's the most dangerous situation that we have because it's in the middle of a war it's my job not to so panic but at the same time I have to tell the truth of what is happening and the situation is extremely volatile nuclear experts point to three main dangers first a military strike on the plant either accidental or deliberate second a power cut the plant's six uranium react
ors require electricity for cooling but Ukrainian officials say three of the four power lines are damaged and the fourth is faulty there have already been eight blackouts the last in December forcing the diesel generators to kick in the plants final backup when you have a blackout the cooling function of the reactors is low cost and you could have a meltdown by the way this is what happened in a different absolutely different configuration in Fukushima and finally it's underst staffed when Russi
an forces captured the nuclear plant they also took control of the employees Ukrainian scientists recount being interrogated tortured and pressured to work for the new management s Roman huk was the deputy head of nuclear safety when he refused to cooperate they put a scolding iron on my chest choked me and put a bag over my head so I couldn't breathe he says romanuk said his Russian captors wanted information about other staff at the plant they started asking me about the staff at the station a
nd the citizens who were Pro Ukrainian they were trying to convince me to collaborate with them he said when ukrainians including romanuk left Russia brought in its own Personnel to run the plant but not enough 11,000 people worked there before the war now only around 4,000 they do not have enough uh stuff there they do not have procedures they do not know what to Doos aren kot is responsible for radiation detection for the Ukrainian government her office predicts how if there was a meltdown a c
loud of radioactive particles would spread across much of Ukraine and neighboring countries the level of pollution will disappear incredibly slowly it will be here not a year or two but 30 40 or 100 years she says this is Istanbul right here the city of Istanbul isul and contaminated the entire city of istan on the Black Sea contamination it's a catastrophe the models change constantly depending on shifts in the weather but they all predict a cloud out of radiation contaminating large parts of U
kraine and the region making land uninhabitable and Hy there's yet another issue another danger at this plant and that is the nuclear fuel itself the uranium it is supposed to be replaced according to the manufacturer every 6 years and the uranium has been in these reactors for 6 years now meaning it has not been safety tested to stay there longer and and because of the war and because of the divisions at the plant with Russians controlling it occupying it ukrainians just across the river there
are currently no plans that we're aware of to change out that fuel so it's another danger our thanks to Richard Engle for that critical reporting here as tonight's original still ahead in the backstory pulling back the curtain on a pretty bizarre one how a magician ended up in the center of an election Year controversy and the way that our NBC News team was tipped off you're not not going to want to miss [Music] it NBC News covers hundreds of international stories every day and because it can be
tough to read or watch or listen to them all our teams around the world have done it for you here's some of what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of Spain at least nine people have been killed in a huge fire at two apartment buildings in Valencia officials are still trying to figure out the cause of it but experts say that it might have spread so quickly because of the material these buildings were made out of the government has declared 3 days of mourning out of China sever
al people hurt after this massive car pile up look at this 100 cars more than that crashing into each other on an icy overpass parts of China have been getting a whole bunch of snow and freezing rain the road has since reopened and officials are investigating and out of the UK some new video released from the royal family in just the last hour or so couple shows King Charles reading some of his get well cards given a little chuckle at some points they say he's gotten thousands of these from acro
ss the world after announcing he was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago he thanks everybody for the messages the palace says saying such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement to Russia now and Russia's invasion of Ukraine set to hit the 2-year Mark some of the most intense fighting has been over the zapar richan nuclear power plant Europe's biggest and one that Russia took over toward the start of the war tonight new concern over that site's safety but some experts worried
it could basically be a radioactive ticking Time Bomb our Richard Engle has more in tonight's original it's midnight on March 4th 20122 CCTV cameras capture Russian troops as they attack Europe's biggest nuclear power plant near the Ukrainian city of zapara this is a training center over there they destroy it completely this is this is just a terrifying video watching fire spread and an attack at an active nuclear facility all right and the units with nuclear materials right here Petro Coten the
CEO of Ukraine's State nuclear power company says his staff at the plant immediately began to broadcast warnings this operator who announces Russians you are trying to attack nuclear object youing threat to the whole world back off this is a danger to the world yeah the warnings went unheated Russian troops occupied the plant and the territory around it Ukrainian forces held on to the far Bank of the denipa river leaving the nuclear power station right on the front line the international atomic
energy agency which has inspectors at the plant is sounding the alarm you're responsible for nuclear security all around the world yes is this the most dangerous nuclear facility on the planet right now is the most dangerous situation that we have because it's in the middle of a war it's my job not to so panic but at the same time I have to tell the truth of what is happening and the situation is extremely volatile nuclear experts point to three main dangers first a military strike on the plant
either accidental or deliberate second a power cut the plant's six uranium reactors require electricity for cooling but Ukrainian officials say three of the four power lines are damaged and the fourth is faulty there have already been eight blackouts the last in December forcing the diesel generators to kick in the plant's final backup when you have a blackout the cooling function of the reactors is lost and you could have a meltdown by the way this is what happened in a different absolutely di
fferent configuration in Fukushima and finally it's underst staffed when Russian forces captured the nuclear plant they also took control of the employees Ukrainian scientists recount being interrogated tortured and pressured to work for the new management Seri romanuk was the deputy head of nuclear safety when he refused to cooperate they put a scolding iron on my chest choked me and put a bag over my head so I couldn't breathe he says romanuk said his Russian captors wanted information about o
ther staff at the plant they started asking me about the staff at the station and the citizens who were Pro Ukrainian they were trying to convince me to collaborate with them he said when ukrainians including romanuk left Russia brought in its own Personnel to run the plant but not enough 11,000 people worked there before the war now only around 4,000 they do not have enough staff there they do not have procedures they do not know what to do in MOS arena kot is responsible for radiation detectio
n for the Ukrainian government her office predicts how if there was a meltdown a cloud of radioactive particles would spread across much of Ukraine and neighboring countries the level of pollution will disappear incredibly slowly it will be here not a year or two but 30 40 or 100 years she says this is Istanbul right here the city of Istanbul isul and contaminated the entire city of Istanbul and the Black Sea contamination it's a catastrophe the models change constantly depending on shifts in th
e weather but they all predict a cloud of radiation contaminating large parts of Ukraine and the region making land uninhabitable and hi there's yet another issue another danger at this plant and that is the nuclear fuel itself the uranium it is supposed to be replaced according to the manufacturer every 6 years and the uranium has been in these reactors for 6 years now meaning it has not been safety tested to stay there longer and because of the war and because of the divisions at the plant wit
h Russians controlling it occupying it ukrainians just across the river there are currently no plans that we're aware of to change out that fuel so it's another danger our thanks to Richard Engel for that critical reporting here as tonight's original still ahead in the backstory pulling back the curtain on a pretty bizarre one how a magician ended up in the center of an election Year controversy and the way that our NBC News team was tipped off you're not going to want to miss it [Music] thanks
for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media



What kind of sore winner doesn't even want anyone to run against? If she wasn't in the race all we would be talking about is 91 charges and how bad of a dictator he'll be.


I am so tuned in to whats being said i never heard these sounds thanks for pointing them out i think.


Those judges who decided on IVF don't appear to think through the consequences of their decisions before they make them. They are completely blind to anything other than their religion. They forget the people, who are actually alive.


As a secular voter, I do not respect Putin’s US MAGA theocrats.


They were originally made to make them cooler because baseball is played in hot weather.


it's pronounced en-vi-di-a. you're hurting my ears


that transitition ring is annoying AF. tell your sound desingers to stop it.


Thank you for posting this video I appreciate it. Thank you for your research and reporting. Be safe, healthy and happy 😊 Mercy, peace and grace 🙏 God bless you 🙏 Saturday, February 24, 2024


Too many noises in your show.


What's the problem. If a family is having problems with having children and this IBF is safe and helps solve this problem, the all the better. Everybody should be happy. The alternatives, I hope these people that opposed this service, I hope your daughter/s, daighter-in-law/s, sister/s, female cousin/s, etc never has a problem lhaving children and if by chance you do, don't say a word!! Because you opposed this service now.


Hallie Jackson NOW - February 23


Thank you Christine for the good pronunciation 😂😂


😢that plinki blinging noise... sucks!!,


I hope I'm not bombarded with ads . Ill try to watch


I wear glasses too. I love her


Hallie, you're so gorgeous! ❤❤


What in the world is "invisible injuries" ....shouldn't they just say injuries unkown?


Friend: “Don’t run alone.” Woman: “I refuse to live in fear!” World: “Wish granted. RIP.”


People know within themselves that some part of their jogging areas are gray/ scary/ dangerous/ crime opportunistic area and they still run the area. Not blaming the victims but i hope people will stay away from their gray areas and be safe. To much creeps all over America at this time. Use an indoor gyms for God sake.


Keep thinking that… GL lawl