
Hallie Jackson NOW - Jan. 18 | NBC News NOW

Winter storms bring snow and ice to millions across the U.S., House passes bill preventing a government shutdown until March, and Houthi leader vows to continue Red Sea attacks, says U.S. “does not scare us.” » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #WinterStorm #ExtremeWeather #Houthi

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1 month ago

[Music] we are coming on the air with zero relief from the deadly winter weather slamming this entire country dangerous conditions devastating consequences ice everywhere including on a runway in Upstate New York that is what you're looking at here crash after crash on the road a third of us are facing those alerts tonight as we take you live to Chicago and we're live with the forecast on when this may finally be over we're also live in yal day Texas after a damning report saying police there ma
de one of the deadliest school shootings in this country's history even worse the emotional response from parents who want more accountability plus could there be new evidence in the case of one of America's most notorious Killers a group of lawyers think so we'll tell you why they're helping out Scott Peterson in news just into us in the last couple of minutes then a new deadly attack in Ecuador the man investigating that assault on a TV station shot in his car how it's all still tied to a drug
lord who's on the Run Plus in tonight's original we take you inside prisy land investigating California's new approach to Those Behind Bars getting ready for Life eventually on the outside the last in our three-part series later in the show hey there I'm hie and tonight more than 40 people are dead 100 million people under winter alerts right now with this Relentless freeze paralyzing the country and look at this in just the last couple of minutes we learned that there's a plane that slid off a
snowy runway in Rochester New York this is a picture from inside from a passenger it apparently happened after the plane landed while it was turning we showed you at the top of the show what looked to be some of those images there from our local station in Rochester showing you the response there fortunately at this point we don't believe anybody was hurt but it does give you a sense of just how treacherous things are it's not just dangerous at the airports it's dangerous on the roads too look
at this next to no visibility because of the wind blowing all the snow around that's become an issue here and then of course you've got the ice adding another layer of danger there with crashes spinouts cars stuck on roads all across the country as officials warn people they've got to be so careful it's this whole winry mix that has killed at least 44 people across Nine States since last Friday you see it on that map and we can't say it enough this kind of weather for this long is so dangerous b
ecause it's non-stop there's not time to get ready for the next wave to come in like in Buffalo New York just today this is a live look by the way people could get up to a foot of snow by tonight on top of the 5 feet they've already gotten so while today it is slightly warmer in this country warmer being a relative term nearly half the country is going to dip back into brutal cold tomorrow meteorologist Michelle Grossman is standing by with the forecast but I want to start with Adrien brought us
in Chicago and Adrian we've seen the scene in Rochester New York that scary moment where that plane apparently slid off that that Runway as you are looking at how deadly this is a live look here now out of Rochester you see the plane off in the distance you see some of the emergency lights flashing from the responders there again our reporting here at NBC News at the moment no injuries that is a good thing but obviously across the country we are seeing some scary scenes on the roads as well Adr
ian talk to us about it you know I'm looking at that video right there terrifying can only imagine how the people inside and on the plane feel hi when you think about it this ice with the Sub-Zero temperatures adds just another layer of Challenge and danger if you take a step back when it's snowing snow plow drivers are out on the road clearing the roadway making it a little bit easier for folks to get around to some degree but when ice is blanketing the roads in whatever city or town you may li
ve in you cannot drive on the ice on top of that there's another challenge we cannot control the buildup on trees and that is what we have seen this ice building up and uh causing the weight of branches that are already strained to fall and some trees have fallen leading to the deaths of folks including some people in Portland Oregon there you said since last Friday NBC has confirmed more than 40 deaths linked to this cold and weather related incidents and at least seven others are suspected dea
ths five of those deaths linked to hypothermia hiy Adrien brought us thank you so much for that a look at what is happening all across the country Michelle Grossman let me bring you now in here because the question that everybody has if it gets worse tomorrow when is it eventually going to get better all right well so this storm's going to move out eventually by Sunday we're going to start to re uh re bring back temperatures that are a little bit warmer but we're only 29 days into winter so we h
ave a long way to go and taking a look at this map we have 100 million Americans under winter alert stretching from the west through the middle of the country through parts of the southeast also the Mid-Atlantic so so many of us impacted by winter weather not just the cold weather the cold weather is setting the stage for the snow that is falling and Adrian had mentioned that Portland Oregon the ice I was with Kate Snow earlier this morning earlier this afternoon she had pictures from her sister
her brother-in-law they had been without power for days because they have a layer of ice and they can't leave their house and they're expecting more tonight we're going to see more ice there tomorrow into Saturday morning we're also looking at really heavy snow throughout the higher elevations of the Cascades you move into the Rockies into the middle of the nation we're looking at some snow so that's a swath from the Rockies into the middle of the nation and then as we go throughout the Mid-Atl
antic we're going to see a repeat of what we saw on Monday if not a little bit more in some spots so taking a look at radar we can see it's very active right now there is that system out west we're looking at heavy rainf falling in some spots that's bringing some flooding there bringing the ice that's causing treacherous conditions it's bringing down those power lines and it's bringing down the branes and we're seeing more power outages it's really cold there temperature in the 30s we're not bac
k into the 40s there until the weekend and you see that snow we're going to be measuring that snow in feet then we hit the middle of the country we're going to see that Arctic blast return by tomorrow so lots of windchill alerts if we get to that I'll show you that because we're looking at Millions once again under winter alerts and then here's that system moving to the Mid-Atlantic you see the snow how you know because you're in DC there's snow showing up here but it's not quite reaching the gr
ound it will start to reach the ground as we go through the overnight hours into tomorrow so another really just tough commute tomorrow morning tonight we're looking at that snow spreading from the Rockies to the Midwest we're at this Tennessee uh system coming system coming out of the Tennessee these are going to merge together they're going to join forces and that's where we're going to see that oomph of snow in some spots and we're going to see more than what we saw on Monday in some spots we
could see up to 6 in in portions of the Mid-Atlantic around the Philadelphia area and we're going to see some snow into New England as well looking at icing conditions really light right now in the Tennessee Valley but that's going to pick up so really treacherous in the Tennessee Valley that's the second system the third one is the lake effect snow so typically we're about halfway Frozen in terms of Lakes we're about 1 2% because the warm Waters of the lakes are about 35 40° so you get this re
ally cold air over those warm Waters and that's where you're seeing that heavy bending of snow you mentioned it Hy 5et of snow in some spots and we're going to add another foot overnight into tomorrow that is a lot of snow no kidding Michelle Gman I'm glad you're watching all of it thank you very much for that let's take you down to Texas now specifically to valde where the Attorney General could not be more blunt saying the police response to that horrific Mass shooting was a failure the damnin
g nearly 600 page report out today finds police officers didn't get the right training for an active shooter incident that nobody stepped up as a leader partly because the former head of the eval day Schools Police tossed his radio on the ground and never asked for a new one police didn't respond to 10 what they call stimulus events that's like a gunshot that should have launched them into an active shooter protocol that's what they should have done and in the words of Mer garland that led to th
e most significant failure treating the shooter as as a quote barricaded subject even as he kept firing shots and even as kids screamed for help it's a decision that stopped police from going in for a stunning 77 minutes a decision that led to more deaths according to that report the Attorney General speaking from yal saying that the healing is only just beginning their loved ones deserve better we hope to honor the victims and the Survivors by working together to try to prevent anything like th
is from ever happening again here or anywhere these are the faces of the people who deserved better two teachers 19 children just 9 and 10 years old kend delania is live for us in Texas tonight and Ken part of the challenge here is closure because this report does not recommend charges which as you know a lot of families wanted to see you've got some parents like the mother of Lexi Rubio who say they wanted the people who failed those officers who failed to be named listen I don't understand why
they are allowed privacy my child their children they are named in this report because they are dead everybody should have been named she's talking about those officers whose names weren't there some senior leaders were but not everybody else get into that a bit because you asked Mar Garland's top Deputy about the comments there from Lexi's mom yeah I did hi I Al I also asked Merck Garland during the news conference and they both said that by policy the doj in these kinds of reports only names
the most senior commanders uh that's an unsatisfying answer for these families take a listen to associate attorney general Vita Gupta explaining I think the report names the decision makers in this and I think that's critical right because you can name line Law Enforcement Officers But ultimately uh they are following a command structure when they're in this type of situation and that is what didn't exist here but look stepping back this was a massive report it took 11 months to complete as you
said nearly 600 Pages based on 14,000 uh pieces of evidence 260 interviews and the key takeaways included things we knew as you were outlining in your open the 77 minute Gap and why that was just uh against every protocol uh in mass shootings over the last two decades um and and and the fact that the police knew during that time that there were wounded children in the room with that shooter and they had lots of evidence that this was a critical situation and yet still they didn't act but we knew
that there's some things though that they uncovered that we didn't know for example that one of the teachers who died uh was taken out alive after the incident was over after the shooter was dead left on a walkway and died without medical care uh and and that was symptomatic of a botched Medical Response that traces back back to the failure of leadership and the lack of an Incident Commander the other new thing we learned is that um the authorities really terribly handled the notification of pa
rents they told some parents whose children had died that they in fact had survived and vice versa they told a group of parents whose children didn't make it and who were waiting uh that there was another bus of survivors coming around the corner that was false in many cases it took as long as 12 hours to notify parents and in many cases parents feel like they still don't have the full story about what happened to their children so top to bottom this report found a Cascade of failures how it is
sickening to hear some of these details Ken most sickening of course to the people who lost their kids who lost people they loved who are never getting those people back and they want accountability here it feels like there is some dissatisfaction that they don't have more of that tell us about that yes and look this was a report it was not a criminal investigation it was never intended to lead to criminal charges the attorney general made clear there's no criminal jurisdiction for the doj here
there is a local investigation by the da but there's a lot of controversy about whether that's a serious investigation and you know what one thing I've learned from being on the ground here in galdi and talking to families is this is a this is a town divided about this issue there's a group of people here perhaps a majority that want to move on and that almost resent the focus on this horrific episode and then you have the families and the murals of the Fallen children and the families who want
accountability and who are an frankly that there's still some of these officers who failed to respond walking around town and some of them still employed so yes the senior leaders in many cases were fired in disciplined but the rank in file who also didn't act um were nothing happened to them they're still working Al Ken delanian live for us there in yal with so much happening on that front tonight Ken thank you so much let's bring it back here to Washington where we have some breaking news toni
ght it looks like DC has managed to avoid another government shutdown at least for now by buying some more time yet another round of can kicking essentially pushing the deadline to the first week of March now the house you're looking here just passed a bill that overwhelmingly passed the Senate earlier today now the whole thing heads over to the president's desk there is a Saturday midnight deadline Ryan Nobles is joining us now okay so we didn't think the government was going to shut down it se
emed like everything was on path to prevent it that's actually what has happened now in the last couple of minutes problem is we are back to square one come March right yeah that's right H and it's also important to keep in mind that while they've given themselves 40 days on the calendar there aren't that many legislative days between now and when this next funding deadline comes up on March 1st in fact the House of Representatives is scheduled to be out next week they're only scheduled to be uh
in uh here in Washington for about two weeks in the month of February so that is not a lot of time to govern and and fix these issues the what's standing between the House and Senate passing a long-term spending plan that would avert a government shutdown for the forese future now the good news is they have made progress they've agreed to a Topline number it's just a matter of filling in all the details within the 12 Appropriations bills underneath that number but there's still a lot of back an
d forth between Republicans and Democrats between the House and Senate in order to get that over the finish line so while they've averted any sort of a crisis for now you're absolutely right to point out that they are just pushing this decision for further down the road and while they've given themselves a little bit more time it's not a lot of time to get done all the work that they need to get done let me ask you about something else that has developed in just the last couple of minutes Ryan t
hat also has to do with action in the House of Representatives there's been discussion from the Judiciary and oversight committees led by Republicans about bringing in Hunter Biden they subpoenaed him they wanted him to give a deposition he said no we've been covering all that sounds like maybe he will now come in what do we know that's right hie he is now scheduled to appear for a closed door deposition on February 28th to appear in front of the house oversight and Jud Judiciary committees the
two committees that are leading this impeachment inquiry and this is a remarkable turn of events when you consider that Hunter Biden defiantly told these committees that he would only appear in a public setting even to the point that when his original deposition was scheduled he came here to Capitol Hill and held a press event in front of the capital ignoring the requests of this committee to appear behind closed doors and then when the house oversight Judiciary committees moved to hold him in c
ontempt of congress he made a surprise appearance at the hearing where that was voted out of committee and then quickly made an about face and said that if a new subpoena was issued that he would appear for that closed door deposition it seems very evident that that threat of contempt of congress was enough to compel Hunter Biden to cooperate with this investigation now there's no doubt that Hunter Biden is one of the key Witnesses in this impeachment inquiry Republicans are eager to get him in
front of them to answer questions under oath about his foreign business dealings and whether or not his father was involved in them in any way or form H Ryan Noble's a lot to juggle tonight there on Capitol Hill thank you for bringing all of it to us appreciate it it of course is not just Washington dealing with politics tonight the campaign Trail active at least for Nikki Haley who has New Hampshire all to herself this evening but just five days before that State's primary she did three events
today hoping to avoid becoming an also ran by the time that voting wraps up former president Donald Trump is in Florida for his mother-in-law's funeral Ronda santis also in Florida as he seems to be seating ground in New Hampshire but today he's promising he's got another couple months worth of fight in him the question whether any of that will matter if Mr Trump keeps stomping NBC's Garrett hake is in Manchester New Hampshire let's start there U because there's a lot on the line for Nikki Haley
here not just delegates also donors Apparently one of her key backers has come out today suggesting that she's got to do well in that state and if she doesn't he says you don't throw money down a rat hole that's an exact quote from Ken langone there the Home Depot co-founder billionaire big Haley owner this is you you talk about this Garrett can they live off the land these candidates who aren't in first place can they well for a time hlee but that time is often short and a lot of it has to do
with the expectations they set for themselves and that are set for them by the media and in many cases by their donors who keep the party going as it were now for Nikki Haley she's tried very hard to avoid setting expectations but she has wanted going back to Iowa for New Hampshire to be the moment where this becomes a twers race and she's been essentially trying to will it into being one with her comments on the trail including this morning when she had this to say about both the santis and her
strategy about Donald Trump going forward he's closer to zero than he is to me I mean he's invisible in New Hampshire he's invisible in South Carolina we're focused on Trump that's the key we were focused on the sis in Iowa we're no longer focused on him it's Trump in New Hampshire and Trump in South Carolina the problem with that strategy is the santis did beat her in Iowa and and is now on the ground in South Carolina where one would think he might have some residence with the more culturally
conservative voters down there the more uh Republicans who look more like magga voters than the kind of moderates and unaffiliated independent voters who Nikki Haley needs up here so despite the spin I think Haley and her campaign understand they need a very very strong showing here likely a win to be able to convince the people who send the checks to keep sending them for much longer Rona santis is suggesting hey while he is focused on New Hampshire he's also looking ahead to Super Tuesday in
early March maybe even to the end of that month is that even functionally logistically and realistically possible for him yeah look there's a little bit of wish casting there too potentially h i mean Des santis has a situation where he's got to survive if he doesn't participate really much in New Hampshire which he's really not for another month until South Carolina votes there is a state between them Nevada but that's a caucus State and neither Haley nor Dan santis are making much of a fight th
ere at all they've essentially left the first in the west competition to Donald Trump Ronda Sanz was on the radio this morning talking about the way he sees this next couple of weeks developing here's what he told Hugh huitt are you in through the end of March do you have the money and the staff and the ability to compete through the end of March yes on that 100% we can do that look my my goal is to is is to win the win the nomination um you know we if had we won Iowa we would have been in a gre
at spot you know coming in second gives us the ticket to continue the last part of that quote kills me H look I mean if I could dunk I'd have been in a great position to be in the NBA but that's not the way it went and it wasn't really close and that's kind of the reality D Ronda santz is having to live with down in South Carolina now his campaign has been in the process of cutting down its footprint this super pack has laid folks off they've moved people to South Carolina in theory that allows
you to go on a little bit longer but the flip side of that is the media narrative about cutting your way back to health which almost never works so a real challenge for him there in South Carolina as well was dunking the only thing keeping out of the NBA Garrett that was it just that just the dunk yeah that's pretty much it I think that's it just for the record um Garrett he live for Us in Manchester thank you very much listen we will be back out on the road next week for a very special primary
night coverage I will see you there from New Hampshire 5:00 p.m. Tuesday my friends and colleagues Tom yamas Kristal Welker also part of what will be a big and very interesting night you can watch it right here on NBC news now let's take you overseas because today another escalation in this tit fortat fire in the Middle East with another us strike on the houthis in Yemen and it sounds like there may not be an end in sight here President Biden kind of saying as much today at the White House when
a reporter asked him if these strikes were even working listen well when you say working are they stopping the hoop no are they going to continue yes pretty clear from president bid there adding to all these layers spilling over a lot of the region as you see here on the map because you've also got Pakistan hitting Iran overnight that turning deadly you can see the aftermath here in retaliation for attacks from Tran a few days ago along the border those two countries share rap Sanchez is live fo
r us in Tel Aviv and Raph listen it's not just Israel and Hamas and Gaza anymore it's Yemen it's Pakistan it's Iran talk us through this new strike on the houth and then the bigger picture here too so this is the fifth strike the us has carried out against the houthis since Friday and as you heard the president admitting in pretty Stark terms these strikes don't seem to be working hi they have not diminished the houthi military capabilities as far as we can see and they have certainly not deterr
ed the houthis from continuing these strikes since Friday the houthis have attacked a number of commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea with ballistic missiles with drones they've damaged some of them they haven't yet sunk any but they seem to welcome this conflict with the United States it is boosting their popularity domestically in Yemen it is boosting their profile on the world stage in the region and the houthis are really presenting themselves as the only people who in their words are s
tanding up for the Palestinians they point to the other Arab governments in the region who might be condemning Israel's actions in Gaza but aren't taking direct action and the houthis are saying look we are using what military forces available to us to try to come to the AIDS of the Palestinians now from the US perspective these are wanting and illegal attacks on international shipping but it is not clear that these strikes are working and the question now is will the president feel he needs to
escalate further or is there some kind of diplomatic path here how well that is the question and you heard how President Biden responded to that raap there's also the piece of this as you know as you are there of course in the region the the war between Israel and Hamas now and this question of what is happening with the potential release of hostages or at least discussions on negotiations there bring us up to speak so these talks have continued for all the fighting raging in Gaza Hali Israel an
d Hamas have continued to speak to each other through the katari mediators uh both Arab Israeli officials tell us that these talks are ongoing there is the broad outlines of a potential deal it is not imminent no one thinks it's going to happen tomorrow no one thinks it's going to happen the day after but in very broad terms it would be a series of phased releases of hostages like what we saw back in late November certain number of hostages released every day what Hamas is saying though is that
hostages will only be released as part of a deal to end the war altogether and Israel is saying that is a non-starter this war is only going to end when Hamas is removed from power in Gaza when it is no longer able to repeat what happens on October 7th so not clear at this point whether these talks are going to lead to anything how RAF Sanchez live for us in Tel Aviv tonight Raph thank you for that update a stunning assassination out of Ecuador another death and a stretch of violence that's been
happening for weeks the victim here a prosecutor investigating that attack that happened on a TV station in in a live broadcast remember we showed you this horrifying video last week you had these massed gunmen essentially storming a news set taking staffers hostage at one point sticking Dynamite into the Anchor's pocket they forced everybody to the ground all this violence this attack sparked by the escape from prison of a powerful drug lord there he is still on the road on the run and that is
exactly what the prosecutor Cesar Suarez was looking into before he was shot and killed in his car in one of the most dangerous parts of Ecuador the country's attorney General saying she's not going to let this violence stop her from going after gangs in that country Bo I will say this emphatically organized crime groups criminals terrorists will not stop our commitment to the Ecuadorian Society David Nora is following this story for us tell us more about this prosecutor who was killed he had a
hand in investigating not just this attack but the drug cartels more broadly yeah h s swad is was a very high-profile pretty well-known prosecutor in Ecuador he had a very good reputation as honest as Incorruptible he had good relationships with the Press uh he uh was not only investigating the attack on TV on the TV station and several uh major drug trafficking or trafficking organizations he was also actually involved in a very high-profile very important investigation into government corrupt
ion particularly in the Judiciary so even though the the attack on the TV station and this particular drug lord who uh escaped from prison that was really just the latest thing he was looking into and the list of people who might have a potential motive for having wanted cat is dead is very long hiy the violence in Ecuador is a story that we've been covering on the show for weeks and especially when you look at this particular City it is so dangerous talk us through that piece of it yeah so viol
ence has really exploded in Ecuador not just in the last few weeks but in the last couple of years murders uh more than doubled between uh 2021 and 202 too and the explosion in recent weeks has really been focused on guak which is a very it's Ecuador's largest city it's an important port city on the Pacific the reason it's concentrated in this city is because cocaine is basically flowing through guil out through that Port into the Pacific where it eventually goes either to the United States or i
ncreasingly to Europe where the cocaine Market is booming now this is actually pretty new for Ecuador other countries in the region like Colombia and particularly Mexico have seen violence like this over the decades Ecuador has mostly been immune to to it the reason that's changed is precisely because uh Ecuador as a country and guak specifically as a city are now on this cocaine trafficking route now the last thing I'll say is that the current government of the new president very young new pres
ident uh uh Danielle Novoa is taking a very military approach to cracking down on this he declared a state of emergency and we've seen in Prior countries where this has happened that the military approach often just pours gasoline on the flames and I wouldn't be surprised if that's what we saw in the coming weeks in Ecuador back to you hie David nor I thank you very much for that breakdown we got a lot more to get to here on the show including that SpaceX launching private astronauts into space
moments ago that launch you toaw Saul rather will tell you who's on board and what the whole thing has to do with the Pasta Company when we go live from the Kennedy Space Center plus new evidence T tonight around multivitamins and brain health how much scientists say could help with memory loss [Music] next we've got some pretty explosive breaking news about Scott Peterson some big developments in his case we'll get to what we're learning just ahead but first right as we were coming on the air y
ou might have seen it this SpaceX rocket blasting off to the International Space Station take two after the launch was delayed about 24 hours ago the thing will dock on Saturday where four astronauts including turkey's first astronaut ever will spend a couple weeks doing experiments one of them is a partnership with burilla the Pasta Company to develop space food that tastes better another tries to identify early warning signs of cancer Marissa par is at the Kennedy Space Center to break it down
hey Marissa how was it well hi it never gets old I can tell you the smile has been plastered on my face especially because this is such it's an exciting thing but it's also pretty nerve-wracking because we know just how fragile this is um and this is why that when we look at the reason why this was scrubbed by a day normally it's because of weather this time it's because they wanted to take a second look at the parachute straps if you will um but this is something that have to be really precise
about especially when it comes to crude missions this is the first crude mission of 2024 it's also the first private European crude Mission we have an astronaut from Turkey who's representing his country for the very first time now for those who are just kind of catching up to the space World um something to keep in mind here it's SpaceX is providing the vehicle but Axiom is doing the science behind it there's roughly 30 experiments they're doing you mentioned a couple of them hi um the interes
ting thing is they're taking a look at not just the effects of microgravity on things like tumor which will uh tumors rather which will allow them to take a look at uh cancer prevention and detection in space but also even the effects of microgravity on Foods so they're they have a partnership going on with burilla the Pasta Company and they're going to be doing experiments on how food tastes in space and all of this it it makes sense when you look at the larger picture which Axiom is the compan
y that's trying to build a commercial space station eventually hie so big picture here it may just be one small launch here but it's all a part of the effort to try to make space a place where humans can live longterm do business and live simultaneously Ali we Saar live for us there down at the Space Center thank you so much let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one some good news for anybody who maybe is thinking about buying a house Fanny Ma
y thinks 30-year mortgage rates are going to dip below 6% by the end of the year remember after the pandemic they hit a high of like 8% nearly last fall and say it's all getting us a little closer to normal but they think it'll take years for things to totally stabilize number two apple says it's disabling the blood oxygen monitoring feature on some of its watches after this whole patent dispute the US International Trade Commission says it infringes on another company's patent Apple's appealing
but in the meantime it's just disabling the whole thing if you've already got a watch with it you'll still be able to use it but this is not something for future watches number number three on the left Unico on the right Sheen Unico is suing Sheen over a bag it says Sheen's copying the super popular bag you see here what people call the Mary Poppins bag Unico wants Shen to stop selling it and pay like a million dollars in Damages in a statement to NBC News Shen says it takes infringement claims
seriously and is investigating number four take your vitamins because new research says taking a multivitamin every day could protect against memory loss when you get older with research showing it slows cognitive aging by about 2 years it helps with stuff like reasoning attention planning there's still a lot we don't know like which specific vitamins or minerals help or how this all works researchers say they got to get into it a little bit more number five the NFL is announcing the Super Bowl
pregame performers today Reba McIntyre doing the national anthem post Malone set to do America the Beautiful and Andre day will do lift every voice and sing all of it teeing up the big game and the big halftime show from Usher when we come back we're going to get to that big development in Scott Peterson's case while one group is seeking new evidence from his original trial plus the Saudi Arabian foreign minister speaking directly with our team tonight what he says is standing in the way of nor
malized diplomatic relations with Israel K Simmons has that in a minute and look at this scary new video showing the moment o a train slams into a truck in Arizona more on that in a sec tonight the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia is telling NBC News that the country is making in his words good progress on esta establishing normalized relations with Israel but there is one catch he says there's got to be a credible Pathway to Palestinian sovereignty remember behind the scenes the Saudis and othe
r Arab countries have been working on some kind of a framework for a Palestinian State a Palestinian state recognized by Israel the big things that agreement would include are conditions for a ceasefire and the release of remaining Israeli hostages even though just today the prime minister of Israel says he's against establishing a Palestinian State as part of any post-war scenario so what do things look like once there is potentially peace a post-war scenario here Simmons has more from Davos he
y h what a Cascade of development uh here at the world economic Forum in Davos perhaps a place that you wouldn't expect to hear uh these kinds of conversations between countries in the Middle East in the Gulf but but that is what has been happening we had the chance to sit down with the Saudi uh foreign minister and of course H the first thing that we asked him about is these reports that Saudi Arabia would still be prepared to normalize its relations with Israel now the foreign minister told me
that Saudi Arabia was close to an agreement before the horrors of October 7th and he says that in an agreement like that a a broad agreement that might be considered to be a peace deal for the Middle East if you like he says that a number of things would have to happen there would need to be a strategic partnership with the us there would need to be a ceasefire in Gaza Saudi Arabia is also and this is controversial asking for a civilian nuclear program partnership with the us but the fundamenta
l thing he talked about the thing that he says has to be on the table if there is going to be an agreement to normalize relations uh with Israel is that there has to be he he says guaranteed irreversible path to a Palestinian State what I can say is that we believe very strongly that a a Palestinian State and a resolution of the conflict uh in Palestine Israel is not just in the interest of the Palestinians it is also in the interest of the Israelis and it is the one sure way to deliver security
for Palestine and to deliver security for Israel you know how just a few years ago it would have been Unthinkable to hear a member of the Saudi government someone from the kingdom of of Saudi Arabia talk so openly about the potential that there could be normalization uh with Israel even more stunning that Saudi Arabia is talking about that so openly after the horrors of October 7th and Israel's invasion of Gaza but another thing that would have been unthinkable the Saudi foreign minister told m
e that in the past 24 hours he sat down with his opposite number from Iran and told him to deescalate the fact that Israel the fact that Saudi Arabia would like Iran to deescalate that's not surprising the fact that he told his Iranian opposite number face to face that's pretty stunning hi our thanks to Kier Simmons for that reporting NBC News covers hundreds of other stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch watch or listen to them all our Bureau teams have done it for you
this is what they tell us is going down in their regions in a segment we call the local out of our Washington Bureau here officials say somebody's been hurt after a building exploded this morning you see it here more than a dozen kids at a nearby daycare had to be evacuated luckily they were officials say Crews were responding to a report of a gas leak in the area but they're still trying to figure out what exactly created that explosion out of our Midwest Bureau the Tinley Park Paul's animal sh
elter in Illinois says more than a 100 animals are in the animal hospital after a fire in its laundry room the shelter says they got the fire under control but there is a ton of smoke in the building more than a dozen cats and a couple of dogs are showing signs of respiratory distress the rest are being monitored for smoke inhalation and out of our Western buau you're looking at some newly released video of a light rail train slamming into that trash truck in Arizona Police say the truck driver
had the right away that the train ran a red light fortunately the Train's driver is okay no word on the condition of the truck driver the crash is still still under investigation pretty scary looking let's get to some new Breaking News just into us tonight and it is rather extraordinary because in the last few minutes we've learned that the LA Innocence Project is taking up the case of one of the most high-profile convicted murderers in the country according to what his attorney is telling NBC N
ews the group wants to get new evidence on Scott Peterson from his original trial that happened back in 2004 and if you remember that it was Major news it's when Peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife it was a huge case for years really on an international level because of all these layers of drama around it all from the mysterious circumstances around his wife's disappearance to a hidden relationship to a rogue juror who lied about her own history of abuse to get on that panel that
initially found him guilty Peterson pleaded not guilty and his legal team has always said he's innocent his lawyers tried to get him a new trial a couple years ago but a judge denied that request in 2022 Liz CZ is joining us now so what is happening here what would the aim be new evidence and then what hey h yeah I mean this is a pretty stunning development for this case that's now uh you know happened two decades ago at this point and it essentially uh means that the LA Innocence Project a gro
up that specializes in providing pro bono legal services to people that may have been wrongfully convicted believes that there may be enough evidence to show that Scott Peterson maybe didn't do it which is pretty stunning given the fact that this has gone through his trial has gone through many appeals that have uh always been overturned as attorneys have tried in the past to say because of jury misconduct that there should be a retrial that was dismissed but we just were pouring through these d
ocuments that were filed by the LA Innocence Project uh looking through them they are saying that they believe Scott Peterson state and federal constitutional rights were violated during the trial including a quote claim of actual innocence that is supported by newly discovered evidence so that is what is fascinating they're saying there's potentially new evidence to show show that he may be innocent what that evidence is we do not know they are asking for um uh the attorneys are asking for some
new evidence some of it related to Witnesses some of it related to a potential burglary that may have happened around the time of the murder in their neighborhood so a lot of questions here hie but but very interesting to see what what could happen here and it is yet another twist Liz in a case that as we mentioned has had so many over the last couple of decades yeah exactly I mean first of all Scott Peterson was on death row he had been sentenced to death he was able to get that overturned so
now he's sentenced to life in prison uh and then his attorneys also uh tried as we mentioned to get his uh case retried with this durur misconduct allegation that was overthrown but he has maintained his innocence he continues to maintain his innocence big development here at the LA Innocence Project taking it on but I will say there's been some really interesting reaction H with a lot of people saying wow of all the people for the LA for the Innocence Project to take on some people have said wh
y are they taking on this trial there's so many other people uh that perhaps could use these resources so it really makes you wonder what what they have Liz croy's live for us there in LA more to comp potentially on that I know in the days and weeks to come Liz thank you coming up that groundbreaking experiment happening at prisons in California with our inside look behind the scenes that how one facility is training incarcerated men and women for jobs after they get out the latest in Our prisy
Land series [Music] next to tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching and tonight we're looking at how the California prison system is preparing inmates for life in the real world turning prisoners into de facto apprentices all part of a groundbreaking new prison model we've been covering on this show the California is testing out to basically upend how it operates its prison system putting the focus on reform to help inmates stay out of prison once they're re
leased a program that has earned the nickname prisy land from some critics here's Steve Patterson a groundbreaking experiment happening at two prisons in California dubbed prisy land for the comparatively luxurious facilities and programs provided to the incarcerated individuals here now I can do hair I didn't even know I can do hair officials tell us it's all modeled after Norway's successful reform with the goal to bring down Sky High recidivism rates and authorities say violence is already lo
wer at these facilities one men's in one women since starting the rehabilitative programs a few years ago but to cut reoffending rates those being paroled not only need coping skills they need job skills initial Studies by the University of California Irvine suggest that even just signing up for job training let alone completing it significantly Cuts reoffending rates Central California women's facility there's training for a wide range of Trades and vocations from a dental lab to a carpentry sh
op I checked the prescription right here with the lensometer to a state-of-the-art optical lab where women like Linda learn how to be Opticians been in prison for a little while how long um 22 years 22 years yes so um how old were you when you came in I was 21 years old okay yeah so now I'm 42 are you going to get out anytime soon yeah yeah um yeah I'm anticipating a board hearing and release in the next couple years and I fully anticipate taking full advantage of this so are you going to take t
hese skills out there like how does this translate into a real world job for you well we just started an apprentice program okay so upon completion of that I'll be a licensed optician so with that I'll be able to obtain employment land crafter Walmart I mean I've done my homework and done little budgeting plans believe yeah to you know to cuz I'll it's livable wage I mean stepping out of prison after that long time be able to make a nice livable wage and you know just use this as a stepping Zone
and continue on one of the most successful job programs here is the service dog training the program says it's enrolled 90 inmates and more than 40 have been paroled like Amy Davis what's your story how did you get in how long were you in and then I um was involved in a robbery gone wrong and I was sentenced to life without the possibility parole and I serve 17 years total why W you to just turn around I mean say like all these women look up to you right Davis has been out of prison for a year
she's now an operations manager for the program that she says saved her life and an inspiration for the women who are still incarcerated here what's it like to be in here wearing a purple shirt and not a blue shirt color I I feel that when you have people look up to you it's a responsibility and I have to continue to be successful and become a better person just because I Paro doesn't mean I'm not working on myself and so I want them to be where I'm standing cuz I believe that everybody deserves
another opportunity make it more smoother get all the impurities out across the road at Valley State Prison incarcerated men are also offered training and trades according to the people here this is the only men's cosmetology prison program in the state in the country the country probably in the country as far as I'm aware of how long you been here man uh I've been in this class for about 2 years 2 years yeah okay all right 2 years I trust you yeah if you said 6 months I would have got out the
chair you're in good hands all right so you want a lineup that's it yeah that's it man what do you think about Valley State and the opportunity it's given you for me it did a lot me personally because it focuses a lot on what they emphasize on which is Rehabilitation you feel like you're a better person now than you were before you came in I definitely do yeah yeah so this is where the dog sheap at they stay with us we met Francis who has also learned to train service dogs he's schooling to be a
drug and alcohol counselor too both jobs he could pursue outside how long have you been in prison uh going on 14 years and 3 months so I've been locked up since I 17 wow just days away from getting released you have a circle go home November 15th go go home are you nervous about getting out absolutely absolutely so um it's scary sometimes right because again I've been here since I was a kid you I mean so uh but nonetheless I it's a blessing right and I'm look forward to it that day cannot go so
on enough it's too early to know if this model will work here because the programs at Central California women's facility and Valley State Prison only began in 2017 the rest of California's 32 prisons are only now moving to this approach the state recognizing that quote Norway and California are very different but pointing to success there after reforms in the 1990s for guiding principles the Norwegian Correctional Office says the percent of people released from their prisons who reoffended with
in 2 years only 20% much lower than here in the US the big question is can California repeat Norway's success we came to meet Francisco again on that fateful circled calendar day can I see your ID sir yes ma'am heading out into the world hopefully with the tools to take it on it feels surreal you know and 14 years later as an adult you know now I'm going to an outside world you know um so there's a lot of emotions there's a lot of emotions but uh I feel like super super glad super happy um oh im
ag it's a sharp it's a sharp I already know when I see my family man it's going to I'm going to I'm going to break down man I haven't seen him in forever I'm Budd IO you Steve Patterson is joining us now and Steve we're so glad you're bringing us these stories about this prison system this new model here as you talked about in this piece as we've talked about over the course of the last 3 weeks is still in the really early stages we don't know if it's going to scale we don't know how it's going
to work on a bigger sort of level but you're already seeing some other prisons starting to adapt pieces of this model right are there any changes they're seeing just from some of the smaller things they're doing yeah it's a slow roll out hie of course it has to be right now it's up in full strength at the two prisons that you saw in the piece Valley State The Men's prison and central California women's facility so much so that I mean like The Guiding principles are on the wall there's a sign at
the women's prison that's in the yard with the California model and all the the goals that they have it's right now in about six other or so prisons the model sort of being adapted there but it's more slowly as you mentioned focusing first on sort of changing the rapport with the staff that's as we understand it kind of the first step and then the incarcerated population before kind of the wholesale addition of all these no programs and new facilities and the Vo ation programs and all of the stu
ff that would require more structure I think first it's about sort of mending the relationship between the people that are sort of guiding the prison and the people who are still in prison Ally Steve Patterson live for us there in California Steve thank you thanks to your team still a lot more to come here on the show including a new warning tonight about ai's so-called hirosima moment we're getting into it there's this top Tech executive warning today that the fast pace of AI Tech could be as d
angerous as an atomic bomb listen we don't want to have a hirosima moment you know we've seen technology go really wrong and we saw a hirosima we don't want to see an AI Hiroshima we want to make sure that we've got our head around this now that's the head of Salesforce there with the real and growing concern over the trustworthiness of AI the potential bias critics around the world raising questions here about the software maybe replacing actual human people doing work Jake Ward is joining us n
ow so this is interesting coming from the head of sales force which has invested in the game right quite literally it launched its own generative AI software called Einstein GPT and it's this pattern of what we've seen the people creating the technology are warning about the risks of this technology who is this warning for if not for the well it is definitely for themselves hi I think what we what we've been seeing at Davos is something that we've seen all across Silicon Valley which is basicall
y sort of CEOs trying to outdo one another in wanting to appear conscientious about AI while at the same time trumpeting its benefits for their company and as you say Salesforce is not alone in both warning about something as awful I mean invoking hirosima right and at the same time they're also rolling out their own generative AI Solutions and this is of course why you have big reports showing you know that there's going to be an enormous effect across the economy the international monetary fun
d has just released a report that basically says that 40% of jobs around the world will be in some cases replaced or complemented inside those numbers those international monetary fund numbers you know 40% of global jobs are exposed 60% of jobs in advanced economies like the United States and AI will likely worsen overall inequality you know some of the context they offer there is that in 60% of cases you know there will be reduced hiring reduced pay pay and in another 60% of cases uh you know t
hose jobs will also lead to higher productivity that's good news to somebody like Mark benof but it may not be good news to Someone Like You and Me hie So to have this you know hirosima imagery invoked at the same time that everyone is trotting this stuff out this is definitely a perverse cycle of kind of trying to outdo each other when it's both wanting to appear conscientious but also wanting shareholders to know that they're going to adopt AI as fast as they can hie and oh by the way timing h
ere you've got to come in the same day that Mark Zuckerberg says meta is going to be investing big time into like super high level they hope AI right that's right and you know this is the thing right the CEOs cannot help uh you know they they just don't want to be outdone by one another and they're feeling incredible pressure you know open AI released a new version of its Ai and then Google rushes another one of its products to market now you have Mark Zuckerberg saying in a post on meta that ou
r long-term vision is to build general intelligence open source it responsibly and make it widely available so everyone can benefit he said elsewhere in it that you know they're going to be debuting about 350,000 units of computing that's 350,000 computers devoted to this that's why critics are are saying hie that there's going to be an incredible drain on the grid on the power system I mean the transformational power of AI not just in all those numbers you know when we saw you know when we talk
ing about Job report stuff but just the grid alone whether we can handle that it's not clear and so you know uh uh the sort of the near-term effects of AI are very very clear becoming clearer and clearer and yet you've got these CEOs trying to sort of outdo one another in promising the debut of their own products even as they're invoking something like aosa Jake Ward we're glad to have you walking us through all of it thank you very much appreciate it we got a lot more coming up here on the show
more coverage picking up right [Music] now we are coming on the air with zero relief from the deadly winter weather slamming the whole country dangerous conditions like this crash on a Highway O look at that or a plane apparently slipping off a runway in Upstate New York these winter alerts or what a third of us are going through right now we'll take you live to Chicago and live with the forecast on when this may finally be over we're also live down in Texas in eval day after a damning report s
aying police there made one of the deadliest school shootings in this country's history even worse the emotional response from parents who want more accountability than breaking just the last hour we're learning President Biden's son Hunter is in fact going to talk with House Republicans behind closed doors we tell you when and why he's now agreeing to take questions plus by Nikki Haley is all alone in New Hampshire just days before the primary that could make or break her hopes for the White Ho
use and why Rhonda santis is already moving on plus could there be new evidence in the case of one of America's most notorious Killers a group of lawyers seems to think so we're combing through the documents right now to find out why the LA Innocence Project is helping out Scott Peterson that's later on in the show hey there I'm hie and tonight in just the last couple of minutes we're learning more people have been killed from this Relentless freeze gripping the country 47 now dead in all as the
United States is paralyzed from the series of storms one after the other look what happened late tonight in Rochester New York a plane this one that apparently slid off a snowy Runway there it happened after the plane landed while it was turning fortunately nobody was hurt but but listen this is illustrative of just how dangerous this whole situation is not just at airports but on the roads also take a look at this here this is new video just coming into us from the New York Department of Trans
portation you see that car trying to pass that truck well it nope couldn't stop slams right in thankfully again here nobody was hurt it's just one of the crashes spin outs stuck cars we're seeing everywhere as people warn officials are warning people you got to be careful you can't do things like try to pass when the roads look like that this whole winry mix has killed nearly 50 people across Nine States since last Friday you see it here we can't say it enough this kind of cold weather for this
long is so dangerous because it's non-stop there's not time to get ready for the next wave to come in with 100 million of us under weather alerts tonight like in Buffalo New York this is a live look here just today people there by tonight could get up to a foot of snow on top of the five feet they've already gotten today it is slightly warmer across the country uh warmer is a relative term nearly half of the nation is going to dip back into brutal cold tomorrow meteorologist Michelle Grossman is
standing by with the forecast but I want to get to Emily aeta who's live for us in New York Upstate New York Emily is where we just learned of this plane that apparently slipped right off the Runway as the storm now seems to be getting deadlier each day talk us through it yeah hey there hie that incident happened not far from where I'm standing east of us in the Rochester Airport American Airlines confirming that they are going to be removing that plane so that it can be investigated again conf
irming that no one thankfully on board the 53 people they were not injured as we continue to see really just this barrage of bad weather we're talking about numerous storm systems numerous rounds of Lake Effects no so it's kind of this one two three even if you will punch across the country Coast to Coast you look at the Pacific Northwest and they have been hammered and continue to be hammered with snow with freezing rain the weight of the icy scenes out there it's resulting in down trees and do
wn power lines in one instance in the Pacific Northwest a power line fell onto a car with people inside killing three people inside and injuring a baby according to authorities treacherous roads from coast to coast including in Tennessee where we're learning at least 14 people have been killed related to the storm and the series of storms we've seen over the past week or so and then here in the Buffalo region in the Buffalo area we're just south of Buffalo here in Hamburg three people died relat
ed to storm related death and we just Contin to be hammered more snow on the way and you look around and you just kind of wonder where is the snow going to go because as you mentioned we've seen in parts of the Buffalo area more than 60 Ines of snow since Saturday to put that in perspective that is almost as tall as I am Hy well here's the thing Emily right like it is no shock to people in Upstate New York that it is winter and it is snowing right the thing that is so scary about what's happenin
g now is that it snowed it's going to snow again it's going to snow again there's no melt in between there's no relief in between yeah and you bring up a good point and so that's why they're kind of going into officials are going into this winter season with a different mindset because last winter you probably can recall the deadly blizzard that killed dozens of people in the Buffalo area and so now officials they are pre-positioning more workers they're coming in with a different plan they're r
amping up the number of workers that will work around the clock and we've witnessed it hundreds of snow plows and different kinds of equipment moving throughout the area because they are having to plow as the snow is still coming down there's so much snow around here they're actually having trucks pick up the snow and relocating it to places like other parking lots and Open Fields because there is just so much of it and people say it is exhausting work they've been out here day after day shoveli
ng for hours take a listen here help me Lord help me yeah Ser I mean I've lived here all my life but uh it's still it's still a lot it's it's a lot it's overwhelming and through the weekends this area could see a foot maybe even more on top of all of the snow that is just weighing down so many communities hie I can't get the vision of snow piled up above your hat Emily out of my head we'll see how it goes there in Upstate New York appreciate it let's bring in meteorologist Michelle Gman now so t
alk about what's most at risk today and the question everybody wants to know which is when will it finally start to warm up I know well looking ahead towards the end of January we do have a little bit of moderation uh by Noah so hopefully that will be on the horizon but just where Emily is just to give you a little perspective we're much further along typically in the freezing those Lakes over that kind of shuts off the lake uh snow machine but we are only at 1 2% so we have a lot of ways to go
there and then take a look at the rest of the country 100 million people impacted that is a lot of people hard to kind of wrap your head around those numbers from the west through the middle of the countries Rockies to the Midwest into the Ohio Valley the midatlantic even down to the southeast we are under winter alerts whether it's advisories warnings watches ice storm warnings Lake Effect warnings we're looking at 30 States impacted so a lot of us are dealing with winter impacts right now or w
ill be over the next 24 to 36 hours in addition to that we have that cold weather once again this is life-threatening we're looking at 29 million people impacted from the Northern Tier of the nation all the way down to the south of Tupelo Mississippi and we're going to see plunging temperatures once again we're going to see wind chells that are so far below what is normal for this time if you're in average temperatures that are so far below what is normal for this time of year this is what radar
looks like you can see we're really active we're looking at that Pacific Northwest storm that Emily talked about a lot of ice there we have a lot of power outages we're going to expect another quarter a half inch of ice on those leaves on those branches and also the power lines that's going to bring some more power outages also really heavy rain and then hie by tomorrow we in the northe midatlantic and Northeast you may everyone else here is going to see more snow much like we saw on Monday if
not a little bit more in the Philadelphia suburbs back to you fully aware as we all wait to see what the school system will do tomorrow Michelle thank you so much appreciate it I know you're going to be busy the next few days deal Texas now where the Attorney General could not be more blunt that the police response to that horrific mass shooting was a failure it is a damning nearly 600 page report finding officers did not get the right training for an active shooter incident that nobody stepped
up as a leader partly because the former head of the eval school's police tossed his radio on the ground never asked for a new one police didn't respond to 10 so-called stimul events things like gunshots that should have launched them into an active shooter protocol and in the words of Mer garland that led to the most significant failure treating this shooter as a barricaded subject that's what they call him even as he was firing shots even as kids were screaming for help that was a decision tha
t stopped police from going in for a stunning 77 minutes a decision that led to more deaths according to that report the Attorney General speaking from you ofal day saying the healing is only just beginning their loved ones deserve better we hope to honor the victims and the Survivors by working together to try to prevent anything like this from ever happening again here or anywhere these are the faces of the people who deserved better two teachers 19 children 9 and 10 years old the mother of Le
xi Rubio one of the faces you see here says she wants more she thinks more needs to be done listen I hope that the failures and today and the local officials do what wasn't done that day do right by the victims and survivors of Rob Elementary Morgan chesy is live for us now in you all day um Morgan it it is just getting sickening to hear some of the details in this report with the attorney general saying over and over there were kids who were still waiting to be rescued highlighting how long it
took for police to respond and this report is so detailed about the failure after failure and then what happened after and these families some of them who didn't know if their kids were alive or not walk us through yeah hiy I think what sets this report apart from prior reports we've seen into this shooting is that it doesn't just focus on that 77 minute window from when officers arrived till when that gunman was killed but it looks at the weeks even months leading up to the shooting with involv
ing some of the training that authorities were involved with and then takes it past the shooting into the treatment of some of the patients and how this community was treated uh following this horrific tragedy but the report in and of itself it was incredibly exhaustive this is what it contained as you mentioned it took 11 months to compile this included nine visits from investigators over 54 days and includes 600 plus pages is 14,000 plus pieces of evidence that they put together bit by bit com
piling 260 interviews and 273 recommendations hie uh countless recommendations but of course it was some of the things that stood out as horrific mistakes here number one that 77 minute delay by police gave time for the shooter to continue to take fire on victims and prevented additional medical intervention and then there were separate instances of gunfire 45 rounds fired in officer presence that's important hie because upon hearing that they should have immediately engaged treated this like an
active shooter not a barricaded threat and then families this perhaps one of the most heartbreaking elements here they received incorrect information somebody would tell them that their family made it out their loved one however already dead inside Rob Elementary hie uh Personnel clearly not trained to deliver this kind of news U you finding the right training finding the right Personnel just part of those hundreds of recommendations here uh but I can tell you that by and large what this report
did for the community only reaffirmed the fact that no matter what direction they look here is failure and that is what these family members are having to hear right they've heard it since of course the day this shooting happened um I think people remember the story probably of Amry Joe Garza she's the little girl who was killed she was so brave trying to call 911 while she was in one of those classrooms you spoke with her grandmother tell us more about that conversation and how she's processin
g some of this she said that this report essentially crystallized everything that went wrong but privately she said that you know at least in her own opinion whenever she saw the body cam of the officers waiting in the hallways burning precious minutes that was all she needed to see to know that um her little granddaughter's life potentially could have been saved and and here's what else she had to say take a listen we're still stuck on May 24th today the days go by we're still stuck on May 24th
waiting we we living that day and just when just when you try to breathe a little bit something else comes out yeah every day is made 24th for so many of the family members of these victims hiy and it's really interesting to talk to members of this community because I you hear that sentiment expressed and then also you have folks in U valdi maybe not as personally impacted obviously respecting their their grieving process but not wanting you vality to be defined by the horrific tragedy that too
k place in the school behind me they're trying to move forward while loved ones want to make sure that their family members did not die in vain to keep their memory alive and so they're kind of at this Crossroads of grief and sorrow uh piecing together the best path forward here and unfortunately you know there's really no right answers at this point in time Morgan chesky Live for there from yal Morgan thank you very much for being there and for bringing this to us let's bring you back here to W
ashington where we've got some breaking news in tonight with a couple of Republican Le house committees announcing that Hunter Biden has agreed to sit for a closed door deposition after months of essentially defying subpoenas this is a 180 right it's a deposition in front of the house oversight and Judiciary committees we now know it is set for the end of February all of it part of a GOP Le push into an impeachment inquiry into Hunter's father of course the President Joe Biden sah Kor is joining
us now and sahill Hunter Biden wasn't going to do this right all along ever since these subpoenas came out the the consensus from the Biden team Hunter Biden's team was that he would speak but only publicly we saw all that drama just recently here where he showed up this surprise appearance on Capitol Hill as this uh committee was looking into whether to hold him in contempt of congress here why the flip why the 180 why is he going to sit behind closed doors now yeah that's right hi there certa
inly a reversal for Hunter Biden and it comes under threat of a subpoena which was issued Hunter Biden tried to defy that subpoena said he's not going to sit behind closed doors he was afraid he insisted that Republicans were going to twist his words out of context if it was done privately then what happened is Republicans moved toward holding him in contempt they had passed that through committee that was that that very dramatic markup where Hunter Biden just showed up and folded his arms and w
atched it was very clear that this was likely to pass on the floor of the house and be sent to the justice department as a recommendation for prosecuting Hunter Biden so that was the key uh factor that seems to have triggered Hunter Biden's decision to appear for this uh deposition testimony behind closed doors the two Republicans at the uh at the helm of these committees uh put out a joint statement a very matter matter of fact Joan statement saying quote his deposition will come after several
interviews with Biden family members and Associates we look forward to Hunter Biden's testimony unquote and I spoke to Jamie Rasin just moments ago the top Democrat on the oversight committee who said he's just looking forward to getting this over with that he's heard directly from Republicans that they don't have the votes in this small and shrinking majority to impeach Joe Biden so they prefer to keep the hunter Biden thing alive because they see him as an easy target politically sahok gapor t
hank you very much got to get some other developing news right now as we're learning in just the last few minutes that former president Trump is tonight asking the Supreme Court to let him stay on the GOP Primary ballot in Colorado filing a new brief tonight after that states Top Court said he was not eligible to run again they said this back in December the Supreme Court is set to take up the case on February 8th looking ahead to that while we are also looking ahead to what's happening more imm
inently 5 days from now voters set to be voting in New Hampshire State Nikki Haley has all to herself tonight three events there today she's hoping to avoid becoming an also ran by the time that voting wraps up Mr Trump was in Florida for his mother-in-law's funeral Ronda Sanz was in Florida as well seemingly seating ground in New Hampshire he's focused more on South Carolina but today he's promising he's got another couple months worth of fight in him the question whether any of it will matter
if Mr Trump keeps stomping NBC's Garrett H is in Manchester New Hampshire for us tonight there's a lot on the line for Nikki Haley here not just delegates also donors Apparently one of her key backers has come out today suggesting that she's got to do well in that state and if she doesn't he says you don't throw money down a rat hole that's an exact quote from Ken langon there the Home Depot co-founder billionaire big Haley donor this is you you talk about this Garrett can they live off the land
these candidates who aren't in first place can they well for a Time Hale but that time is often short and a lot of it has to do with the expectations they set for themselves and that are set for them by the media and in many cases by their donors who to keep the party going as it were now for Nikki Haley she's tried very hard to avoid setting expectations but she has wanted going back to Iowa for New Hampshire to be the moment where this becomes a two-person race and she's been essentially tryi
ng to will it into being one with her comments on the trail including this morning when she had this to say about both the santis and her strategy about Donald Trump going forward he's closer to zero than he is to me I mean he's invisible in New Hampshire he's invisible in South Carolina we're focused on Trump that's the key we were focused on the sis and Iowa we're no longer focused on him it's Trump in New Hampshire and Trump in South Carolina the problem with that strategy is the santis did b
eat her in Iowa and is now on the ground in South Carolina where one would think he might have some resonance with the more culturally conservative voters down there the more uh Republicans who look more like magga voters than the kind of moderates and unaffiliated independent voters who Nikki Haley needs up here so despite the spin I think Haley and her campaign understand and they need a very very strong showing here likely a win to be able to convince the people who send the checks to keep se
nding them for much longer Ronda santis is suggesting hey while he is focused on New Hampshire he's also looking ahead to Super Tuesday in early March maybe even to the end of that month is that even functionally logistically and realistically possible for him yeah look there's a little bit of wishcasting there too potentially hi I mean Des santis has a situation where he's got to survive if he doesn't participate really much in New Hampshire which he's really not for another month until South C
arolina votes there is a state between them Nevada but that's a caucus State and neither Haley Nora santis are making much of a fight there at all they've essentially left the first in the west competition to Donald Trump Ronda santis was on the radio this morning talking about the way he sees this next couple of weeks developing here's what he told Hugh huitt are you in through the end of March do you have the money and the staff and the ability to compete through the end of March yes on that 1
00% we can do that look my my goal is to is is to win the win the nomination um you know we if had we won Iowa we would have been in a great spot you know coming in second gives us the ticket to continue the last part of that quote kills me H look I mean if I could dunk I'd have been in a great position to be in the NBA but that's not the way it went and it wasn't really close and that's kind of the reality the Rhonda santz is having to live with down in South Carolina now his campaign has been
in the process of cutting down its footprint this super pack has laid folks off they've moved people to South Carolina in theory that allows you to go on a little bit longer but the flip side of that is the media narrative about cutting your way back to health which almost never works so a real challenge for him there in South Carolina as well was dunking the only thing keeping out of the NBA Garrett that was it just that just the dunk yeah that's pretty much it I think that's it I just for the
record um Garrett H live for Us in Manchester thank you very much listen and we will be back out on the road next week for a very special primary night coverage I will see you there from New Hampshire 5:00 p.m. Tuesday my friends and colleagues Tom yamas Kristen Welker also part of what will be a big and very interesting night you can watch it right here on NBC news now let take you overseas now with another escalation today in that tit fortat fire in the Middle East another us strike on the hou
this in Yemen and it sounds like there may not be an end in sight President Biden pretty much saying as much today at the White House when a reporter asked him if these strikes were even working to deter the houthis from firing on commercial ships in the Red Sea listen well when you say working are they stopping the h no are they going to continue yes the president pretty clear there with all of it adding to layers of uncertainty and growing violence in a lot of the region as you see here on thi
s map because you've also got now Pakistan hitting Iran overnight that attack turning deadly you see the aftermath here in real retaliation for attacks fromon a few days ago along the border those two countries share rap Sanchez is in Tel Aviv tonight R listen it's not just Israel and Hamas and Gaza anymore it's Yemen it's Pakistan it's Iran talk us through this new strike on the houthis and then the bigger picture here too so this is the fifth strike the US has carried out against the houthis s
ince Friday and as you heard the president admitting in pretty Stark terms these strikes don't seem to be working hie they have not diminish the houthi military capabilities as far as we can see and they have certainly not deterred the houthis from continuing these strikes since Friday the houthis have attacked a number of commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea with ballistic missiles with drones they've damaged some of them they haven't yet sunk any but they seem to welcome this conflict wi
th the United States it is boosting their popularity domestically in Yemen it is boosting their profile on the world stage in the region and the houthis are really presenting themselves as the only people who in their words are standing up for the Palestinians they point to the other Arab governments in the region who might be condemning Israel's actions in Gaza but aren't taking direct action and the houthis are saying look we are using what military forces available to us to try to come to the
AIDS of the Palestinians now from the US perspective these are wanting and illegal attacks on international shipping but it is is not clear that these strikes are working and the question now is will the president feel he needs to escalate further or is there some kind of diplomatic path here how well that is the question and you heard how President Biden responded to that ra there's also the piece of this as you know as you are there of course in the region the the war between Israel and Hamas
now and this question of what is happening with the potential release of hostages or at least discussions on negotiations there bring us up to speed so these talks have continued for all the fighting raging in Gaza hi Israel and Hamas have continued to speak to each other through the katari mediators uh both Arab Israeli officials tell us that these talks are ongoing there is the broad outlines of a potential deal it is not imminent no one thinks it's going to happen tomorrow no one thinks it's
going to happen the day after but in very broad terms it would be a ser of phased releases of hostages like what we saw back in late November certain number of hostages released every day what Hamas is saying though is that hostages will only be released as part of a deal to end the war altogether and Israel is saying that is a non-starter this war is only going to end when Hamas is removed from power in Gaza when it is no longer able to repeat what happens on October oober 7th so not clear at
this point whether these talks are going to lead to anything how RAF Sanchez live for us in Tel Aviv tonight RAF thank you for that update still ahead here on the show why Arnold Schwarzenegger was held for hours at a German airport more on the charges he could be facing soon plus a new round of deadly violence in Ecuador connected to that attack on a TV station while it was live on the air we're live with the latest on a appears to be an assassination next [Music] a fishy crime spree busted in
Utah we got the details ahead and the five things but first we got to get to some pretty uh extraordinary breaking news just into us in the last hour here the LA Innocence Project taking up the case of one of the most high-profile convicted murderers in the country the group reviewing the case of Scott Peterson looking for new evidence from his original trial that happened two decades ago you remember that's when Peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife this was a huge case for years
really on an international level it captured the world because of all these layers of drama around the whole thing from the mysterious circumstances around his wife's disappearance to a hidden relationship to a rogue juror who lied about her own history of abuse to get on the jury that initially found him guilty Peterson pleaded not guilty and his legal team has always said he's innocent his lawyers tried to get him a new trial a couple years ago but a judge denied that request in 2022 Liz CZ is
joining us now Liz this is a case I mean listen this is from as we said 2004 here Peterson's lawyer now says tonight that they are thrilled about this new move essentially I to have the I'm quoting here incredibly skilled Attorneys at the LA Innocence Project and their expertise becoming involved in this push what is giving them hope here yeah hly I mean it is a really stunning development in this two decade long case we've all been following now we've been combing through the documents filed b
y the Innocence Project and it appears that Scott Peterson himself and his attorneys this time are really focusing on a burglary that happened in his neighborhood in Modesto around the time of the murder essentially they're trying to link the burglars in that burglary potentially to the murder now this theory has been brought up and litigated before but Peterson appears to argue that perhaps there were more burglars involved with this burglary than previously known and the innocent project does
seem to believe that he may have a case here they said in a statement in this document um that Peterson's state and federal constitutional rights and state statutory rights were violated during the trial including quote a claim of actual innocence which is supported by newly discovered evidence they are asking for more evidence but exactly what they believe is that new evidence that's going to prove that he's potentially guilt uh innocent I should say that is what that's the big question that's
what we don't know and that's what we're all kind of waiting here to find out but clearly the Innocence Project uh believes there might be a case here there was a time um and like you know depending on your age you either remember it probably better or not but there was a time when like you you could not go anywhere without hearing Scott Peterson's name I mean this was something we we talked about the global attention here in this country it captivated people for for months Liz I mean there were
so many layers to this absolutely I mean really it goes back to 2002 that is when Lacy Peterson went missing on Christmas Eve it was 2004 that Scott Peterson was convicted in the murder of lacy Peterson and their unborn son um but it's interesting even just seeing the reaction today to the Innocence Project taking on this this case um there's been some criticism you can see online people saying what this case has been rehashed it has been litigated he has tried for a new trial that has been dis
missed and denied a lot of these theories have been debunked um and people are pretty surprised that a group like the Innocence Project uh has even taken on this case and that he would be the person of all the potentially wrongfully convicted people that he would be the person that they would they would take on um but it it does make you think that maybe these attorneys now representing him have some kind of evidence that we don't know about Liz gry thank you very much for a lot of that uh I kno
w coming in late tonight there from La appreciate it let's get you over to the five things our team thinks you should know about tonight number one Senator Chuck Ley is now out of the hospital according to a spokesperson he's expecting to head back to work next week remember just a few days ago he was hospitalized he had to have some antibiotic infusions to treat an infection because of it he missed votes for the first time since 2020 Grassley is 90 years old number two the Atlanta Federal Reser
ve President says today he expects policy makers to start cutting interest rates in the third quarter of this year why because inflation is on its way back to the central bank's goal the feds try to Tamp down inflation you know while also trying to promotee growth and good employment numbers this is his weekly jobless claims are the lowest they've been since September 2022 number three some 300 plus journalists have been put in prison because of their work toward the end of last year according t
o a new report out today from the committee to protect journalists that's among the highest numbers we've ever seen it says more than a third of the imprisoned journalists were in China Myanmar and Belarus and that it shows how governments want to suppress important reporting you're looking at Evan gershkovich of course imprisoned in Russia there number four IM going on ATM to take that little cash and you see this little something little fishy somebody apparently went around Utah to tape fish t
o an ATM and then posted those pictures on social media police now say they've reeled in the teenage suspect he's he's in juvenile court for property damage why would he put a fish on an ATM like what's the what's the meaning is it some sort of rant against capitalism I don't know police say they think it was was apparently just a joke number five Disney planning a Wizards of Waverly Place sequel according to variety with Selena Gomez and David Henry from the OG series executive producing this o
ne Henry is reportedly said to be a series regular Selena Gomez is expected a guest star if you're a millennial you probably already heard this cuz it's probably already in your group chats con up by ship Crossings through one of the world's most important waterways are now being cut again we're going to explain in the global plus a one-on-one with the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia what he's telling our Kier Simmons about future relations with [Music] Israel NBC News covers hundreds of intern
ational stories every day and because it can be tough to read or watch or listen to them all our International Teams have done it for you here are some of what they're watching in a segment we call the global out of France police in the streets today to draw attention to their demands ahead of working this Summer's Olympics unions rep representing officers want bonuses of up to €2,000 and guarantees for certain things like Child Care police are threatening to disrupt airports during the games if
those demands are not met out of Germany Arnold Schwarzenegger was stopped for hours at an airport in Munich all over a watch he allegedly went into Germany without declaring the watch reportedly valued at more than $21,000 taxes are supposed to be paid on something that expensive so the customs Office says they may file criminal taxes charges tax charges Schwarzenegger's team says he cooperated at every step of the process the watch was supposed to be auctioned off at a charity event and out o
f Panama ship Crossings in the Panama Canal are being slashed by nearly 40% why because of that really intense drought in the region water levels are not expected to rise again until later this spring maybe late April the group that runs the canal says the cuts could mean the loss of up to 700 million a stunning attempted assassin or a stunning I should say apparent assassination out of Ecuador is another death in a stretch of violence that been going on for weeks you see the victim here a prose
cutor who investigated that attack on a TV station we showed you this horrifying video last week this was a live broadcast you had these Mass gunmen storming this news set taking people hostage at one point sticking Dynamite into an Anchor's pocket kicking them forcing them to the ground this whole thing all of the recent violence in Ecuador sparked by The Escape of a powerful drug lord from prison he is on the run and this is what prosecutor Caesar Suarez was looking into before he was shot and
killed in his car in one of the most dangerous parts of the country Ecuador's attorney general says she will not let this violence stop her from going after the country's drug gangs Bo I will say this emphatically organized crime groups criminals terrorists will not stop our commitment to the Ecuadorian Society David Nora is following this story for us to tell us more about this prosecutor was was H was who was killed because he wasn't just looking into what happened recently he had been lookin
g into more broadly um investigations into these drug cartels yeah hi sesad Suarez was a pretty well-known prosecutor in Ecuador and he had a reputation for being the sort of fearless honest Incorruptible uh prosecutor who L who looked into organized crime and also crucially was also involved in a very high profile very important investigation into widespread government corruption particularly in the judici so yes he was looking into this recent attack into uh attack on the TV station he just in
terviewed 13 of the suspects involved in that attack last week but that was just the latest thing that he was looking at unfortunately the the list of people who may have a motive for wanting cadu is dead in Ecuador is quite long hie help us remind us here talk us through sort of the escalation of violence in Ecuador recently uh especially in this particular part of the country yeah drug violence in Ecuador has really skyrocketed in the last few years and has exploded very dramatically in just t
he last few weeks a lot of that violence is concentrated in guak which is the biggest city in the country and it's an important port city on the Pacific that's because a lot of this violence is around the trafficking of cocaine through guil out to sea and eventually either to feed the you know endless appetites for cocaine in the United States or eventually towards Europe where the cocaine Market is also booming now what's interesting here that this kind of spectacular drug violence is actually
really new in Ecuador this is you know it really reminds me of what we saw in countries like Colombia in the ' 80s and 90s or in Mexico starting in the mid to late 2000s and we still see in Mexico today the reason that that is starting to happen in Ecuador now is because is precisely because it is now on this very important cocaine trafficking route mostly from cocaine uh mostly cocaine that comes from Colombia that has to do with some interesting changes in in sort of the picture of armed group
s in Colombia which previously didn't allow cocaine traffic over the Border into Ecuador but have splintered into smaller militias and Drug gangs which are now very actively trafficking cocaine over that border into Ecuador and now we're seeing all of the violence and again I repeat really entrenched deeply entrenched government corruption that typically comes when a country becomes involved or you know becomes a part of these cocaine trafficking routs now it's interesting one thing that I've be
en really paying attention to with this story is that the response from the government particularly in the last couple of weeks has been a very military First Response the new president very young guy mid-30s Danielle NOOA has declared a state of emergency uh officially branded these drug cartels terrorist organizations flooded the streets with um soldiers and very militarized police this is very much what we saw in Mexico in the mid 2000s and it not only did it not work in Mexico it actually ma
de the problem much worse it really poured gasoline on the fire this again has to do with uh the kind of levels of corruption often at the highest levels of government that you see in a country that is dealing with cocaine trafficking as a systemic problem so I would not expect honestly this problem to get any better anytime in the near future in Ecuador Holly David Nora it's important context we're so glad to have you there bringing it to us thank you let's take it back to the Middle East tonig
ht where now Saudi Arabia's foreign minister is telling NBC news that the country is making in his words good progress on establishing normalized relationships with Israel but there's a catch he says there's got to be a credible Pathway to Palestinian sovereignty behind the scenes the Saudis and other Arab countries have been working on a framework for a Palestinian State a state recognized by Israel but of course that is a challenge considering that just today you had the Israeli Prime Minister
talking about how there should not be in his view a Palestinian State at this point Kier Simmons has more hey har well a Cascade of developments here at the world economic Forum in Davos perhaps a place that you wouldn't expect to hear these kinds of conversations between countries in the Middle East in the Gulf but but that is what has been happening we had the chance to sit down with the Saudi uh foreign minister and of course H the first thing that we asked him about is these reports that Sa
udi Arabia would still be prepared to normalize its relations with Israel now the foreign minister told me that Saudi Arabia was close to an agreement before the horrors of October 7th and he says that in an agreement like that a a broad agreement that might be considered to be a peace deal for the Middle East if you like he says that a number of things would have to happen there would need to be a strategic partnership with the us there would need to be a ceasefire in Gaza Saudi Arabia is also
and this is controversial asking for a civilian nuclear program partnership with the us but the fundamental thing he talked about the thing that he says has to be on the table if there is going to be an agreement to normalize relations uh with Israel is that there has to be he he says a guaranteed irreversible path to a Palestinian State I can say is that we believe very strongly that uh a Palestinian State and a resolution of the conflict uh in Palestine Israel is not just in the interest of th
e Palestinians it is also in the interest of the Israelis and it is the one sure way to deliver security for Palestine and to deliver security for Israel you know H just a few years ago it would have been Unthinkable to hear a member of the Saudi government someone from the kingdom of of Saudi Arabia talk so openly about uh the potential that there could be normalization uh with Israel even more stunning that Saudi Arabia was talking about that so openly after the horrors of October 7th and Isra
el's Invasion o of Gaza but another thing that would have been Unthinkable the Saudi forign Minister told me that in the past 24 hours he sat down with his opposite number from Iran and told him to deescalate the fact that Israel the fact that Saudi Arabia would like Iran to deescalate that's not surprising the fact that he told his Iranian opposite number face to face that's pretty stunning h K Simmons our thanks to him for that reporting there coming up here on the show that groundbreaking exp
eriment happening at prisons in California how one facility is training incarcerated men and women for jobs after they get [Music] out to tonight's original now with in-depth reporting on a topic we've been watching and tonight we're looking at how the California prison system is preparing inmates for life in the real world turning prisoners into de facto apprentices all part of a groundbreak breaking new prison model that we've been covering on this show the California is testing out to basical
ly upend how it operates its prison system putting the focus on reform to help inmates stay out of prison once they're released a program that has earned the nickname prisy land from some critics here's Steve Patterson a groundbreaking experiment happening at two prisons in California dubbed prisy land for the comparatively luxurious facilities and programs provided to the incarcerated individuals here now I can do hair I don't even know I can do hair officials tell us it's all modeled after Nor
way's successful reforms with the goal to bring down Skyhigh recidivism rates and authorities say violence is already lower at these facilities one men's and one women's since starting the rehabilitative programs a few years ago but to cut reoffending rates those being paroled not only need coping skills they need job skills initial Studies by the University of California Irvine suggest that even just signing up for job training let alone completing it significantly Cuts reoffending rates Centra
l California women's facility there's training for a wide range of Trades and vocations from a dental lab to a carpentry shop I checked the prescription right here with the lensometer to a state-of-the-art optical lab where women like Linda learn how to be Opticians been in prison for a little while um 22 years 22 years yes so um how old were you when you came in I was 21 years old okay yeah so now I'm 42 are you going to get out anytime soon yeah yeah um yeah I'm anticipating a board hearing an
d release in the next couple years and I fully anticipate taking full advantage of this so are you going to take these skills out there like how does this translate into a real world job for you well we just started an apprentice program okay so upon completion of that I'll be a licensed optician so with that I'll be able to obtain employment LensCrafter Walmart I mean I've done my homework and done little buing yeah to you know to cuz I'll be it's livable wage I mean stepping out of prison afte
r that long time I'll be able to make a nice livable wage and you know just use this as a stepping Zone and continue on one of the most successful job programs here is the service dog training the program says it's enrolled 90 inmates and more than 40 have been paroled like Amy Davis what's your story how did you get in how long were you in and then I um was involved in a robbery gone wrong and and I was sentenced to life without the possibility parole and I sered 17 years total why won you to j
ust turn around I mean and say like all these women look up to you right Davis has been out of prison for a year she's now an operations manager for the program that she says saved her life and an inspiration for the women who are still incarcerated here what's it like to be in here wearing a purple shirt and not a blue shirt color I I feel that when you have people look up to you it's a responsibility and I have to continue to be successful and become a better person just because I paroled does
n't mean I'm not working on myself and so I want them to be where I'm standing cuz I believe that everybody deserves another opportunity Mak it more smoother get all the impurities out across the road at Valley State Prison incarcerated men are also offered training and trades according to the people here this is the only men's cosmetology prison program in the state in the country probably in the country probably in the country as far as I'm aware of how long you been in man uh I've been in thi
s class for about two years two years yeah okay all right two years I trust you yeah if you said 6 months I would have got out the chair good all right so you want to line up that's it yeah that's it man what do you think about Valley State and the opportunity it's given you for me it did a lot me personally because it focuses a lot on what they emphasize on which is Rehabilitation you feel like you're a better person now than you were before you came in I definitely do yeah yeah so this is wher
e the dog sheep at they stay with us we met Francisco who is also learn to train service dogs he's schooling to be a drug and alcohol counselor too both jobs he could pursue outside how long have you been in prison uh going on 14 years and 3 months so I've been locked up since I was 17 wow just days away from getting released you have it Circle go home November 15th go go home are you nervous about getting up absolutely absolutely so um it's scary sometimes right because again I've been here sin
ce I was a kid you know I mean so uh but nonetheless it's a blessing right and I'm look forward to it that day cannot go soon enough it's too early to know if this model will work here because the programs at Central California women's facility and Valley State Prison only began in 2017 the rest of California's 32 prisons are only now moving to this approach the state recognizing that quote Norway and California are very different but pointing to success there after reforms in the 1990s for guid
ing principles the Norwegian Correctional Office says the percent of people released from their prisons who reoffended within 2 years only 20% much lower than here in the US the big question is can California repeat Norway's success we came to meet Francisco again on that fateful circled calendar day can I see your ID sir yes ma'am heading out into the world y with the tools to take it on it feels surreal you know and 14 years later as an adult you know now I'm going to outside world you know um
so there's a lot of emotions there's a lot of emotions but uh I feel like super super glad super happy um oh man it's a shot it's a shot I already know when I see my family man it's going to I'm going to I'm going to break down man I haven't seen them in forever I'm on [Music] IO [Applause] Steve Patterson is joining us now and Steve we're so glad you're bringing us these stories about this prison system this new model here as you talked about in this piece as we've talked about over the course
of the last three weeks is still in the really early stages we don't know if it's going to scale we don't know how it's going to work on a bigger sort of level but you're already seeing some other prisons starting to adapt pieces of this model right are there any changes they're seeing just from some of the smaller things they're doing yeah it's a slow roll out hi of course it has to be right now it's up in full strength at the two prisons that you saw in the piece Valley State The Men's prison
and central California women's facility so much so that I mean like The Guiding principles are on the wall there's a sign at the women's prison that's in the yard with the California model and all the the goals that they have it's right now in about six other or so prisons the model sort of being adapted there but it's more slowly as you mentioned focusing first on sort of changing the rapport with the staff that's as we understand it kind of the first step and then the incarcerated population
before kind of the wholesale addition of all these no programs and new facilities and the vocation programs and all of the stuff that will require more structure I think first it's about sort of mending the relationship between the people that are sort of guiding the prison and the people who are still in prison Callie Steve Patterson live for us there in California Steve thank you thanks to your team still a lot more to come here on the show including a new warning tonight about ai's so-call he
r roima moment we're getting into [Music] it there's this top Tech executive warning today that the fast pace of AI Tech could be as dangerous as an atomic bomb listen we don't want to have a hirosima moment you know we've seen technology go really wrong and we saw a hirosima we don't want to see an AI Hiroshima we we want to make sure that we've got our head around this now that's the head of Salesforce there with the real and growing concern over the trustworthiness of AI the potential bias cr
itics around the world raising questions here about the software maybe replacing actual human people doing work Jake Ward is joining us now so this is interesting coming from the head of Salesforce which has invested in the game right quite literally launched its own generative AI software called Einstein GPT and it's this pattern of what we've seen the people creating the technology are warning about the risks of this technology who is this warning for if not for themselves well it is definitel
y for themselves hi I think what we what we've been seeing at Davos is something that we've seen all across Silicon Valley which is basically sort of CEOs trying to outdo one another in wanting to appear conscientious about AI while at the same time trumpeting its benefits for their company and as you say Salesforce is not alone in both warning about something as awful I mean invoking hirosima right and at the same time they're also rolling out their own generative AI Solutions and this is of co
urse why you have big reports showing you know that there's going to be an enormous effect across the economy the international monetary fund has just released a report that basically says that 40% of jobs around the world will be in some cases replaced or complemented inside those numbers those international monetary fund numbers you know 40% of global jobs are exposed 60% of jobs in advanced economies like the United States and AI will likely worsen overall all inequality you know some of the
context they offer there is that in 60% of cases you know there will be reduced hiring reduced pay and in another 60% of cases uh you know those jobs will also lead to higher productivity that's good news to somebody like Mark benof but it may not be good news to Someone Like You and Me hie So to have this you know hirosima imagery invoked at the same time that everyone is trotting this stuff out this is definitely a perverse cycle of kind of trying to outdo each other when it's both wanting to
appear conscientious but also o wanting shareholders to know that they're going to adopt AI as fast as they can hie and oh by the way timing here you've got it come in the same day that Mark Zuckerberg says meta is going to be investing big time into like super high level they hope AI right that's right and you know this is the thing right these CEOs cannot help uh you know they they just don't want to be outdone by one another and they're feeling incredible pressure you know open AI released a
new version of its Ai and then Google rushes another one of its products to market now you have Mark Zuckerberg saying in a post on meta that our long-term vision is to build general intelligence open source it responsibly and make it widely available so everyone can benefit he said elsewhere in it that you know they're going to be debuting about 350,000 units of computing that's 350,000 computers devoted to this that's why critics are are saying Hy that there's going to be an incredible drain o
n the grid on the power system I mean the transformational power of AI not just in all those numbers you know when we saw you know when we talking about Job report stuff but just the grid alone whether we can handle that it's not clear and so you know uh uh the sort of the near-term effects of AI are very very clear becoming clearer and clearer and yet you've got these CEOs trying to sort of outdo one another in promising the debut of their own products even as they're invoking something like a
Rosa Jake Ward we're glad to have you walking us through all of it thank you very much appreciate it we got a lot more coming up here on the show more coverage picking up right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media



Good job covering this❤❤


What a terrific show, all time best. Thanx KFA


Learn how to drive in snow people. If you aren't confident with driving in the snow, stay home. From Waukesha, Wisconsin...


Well done. Thank you.


The banner change tone is distracting especially when it interrupts reporting.


Names are withheld to protect the guilty. It's always the case. Pure and simple.


I don’t understand why this cold weather is so much more dangerous than past winters. I understand we are having more storms farther south. But it’s certainly not record breaking. For instance Memphis Tn. Memphis history occurred on March 17, 1892, when 18 inches accumulated. So how come this winter is so dangerous?🤔


Y’all did it


...yes, Hallie, i'm with Garrett: dunking is also the only thing keeping me from joining the NBA -- love u!


at 31:17, people, do not take manmade multivitamins dailly but weekly, these things supposed to be suplement, not for day to day intake


Good caregivers for the disabled are impossible to find, but not sure AI would recognize signs of trouble eating or breathing. Could AI be trained to help caregivers,at least? Caregivers are needed ! Healthcare is needed.


Can woman and men who are not criminals also get training, so they don’t need to become criminals?


Does Uvaldee translate az Storlk or Waterbird? Would explainalott iff USovA is helping Ukraine defend it'self.?


Those leopard gloves the first field reporter was wearing were so cute ❤


This is so nice to see. I don’t think enough is done to really rehabilitate people in prison so they can be successful when they get out to the real world again. I hope all these people who are getting another chance at life flourish in their freedom and new job and career opportunities.


Its a shame how scared these law enforcement was, maybe if they had let the parents go in there would've been a better outcome. Rip to all


77 minutes...thats what the docuseries should be named


I always said he is innocent...nobody ever investigated the two fleecing the hood when she was out walking the god..those who know her have told investigators lacey whitout reverence would confront them breaking into houses. I they were Crack addicts , she was a witness and a problem and had to go. My sympathys to Laceys family, espcially her mom, but don't close your eyes to fact ok Scott may very well be innocent after all. Its those two in the van , I can feel it!


Youtube is playing hour long church surmons as ads on this channel.


Holly Jackson could be effective spokeswoman for Joe Biden .. Joe Biden should be the next President...