
Harry's Inktober 2023 Animation Reel - "A Heart's Desire"

My Inktober 2023 was cut short because I wanted to end my daily art streak at 1000, which is on the 28th of October. The theme I went with this year is "A Heart's Desire", so the animations I did for the past 28 days are exactly that - anything that I felt like drawing each and every day. So please don't mind the randomness :目 I was not in a good mental space for the past couple of years, but I've always been and only ever been good at one thing, that is to keep doing something again and again, there's just something therapeutic in it for me when I get into the repetitive ritual-like routine, there's probably some deeper, more meaningful lesson behind this, that I'm definitely not qualified to talk about. I hope you like it c: Music used: Just some notes I played on my guitar, and yes it's just as messy and random as the title suggested :) #inktober #inktober2023 #animation #anime

Harry Handdrawn

5 months ago

你生自無處而來的溫柔 You were born from nowhere 濁黑泥濘裏一條清晰的目光 A line of sight in complete darkness 雀躍于一切美麗的 Excited for everything that is dazzling 也沉溺於所有充滿欲望的 And everything that is to yearn 這樣的你拯救我 It is you who saved me 安靜地愛我的醜陋 And loved me for the little I'm worth 你來自幽谧溫暖的遠方 You came from somewhere tranquil and warm 在觀景窗裏安分地天真烂漫 Overflowing with innocence that filled the viewfinder 準備好隨時起飛的 Ready to take off at any moment 也無懼於任何牢牢囚禁的 Without a hint of fear 這樣的你看著我 Such is the person that's looking bac
k at me 輕輕擁抱我的醜陋 Who embraced me for all that I'm worth 你將以怎樣的勇氣面對名爲死亡的天秤 How would you stand tall in the face of death 又會以什麽姿態迎接只屬於你的末日 And how would you face your end 又有誰可以包容你的怒濤 Who's there to calm your fury 又該如何從深淵裏直視你的優雅 And how can I stare into your grace from the abyss 浪漫而真實、緩慢而篤定 Romantic yet truthful, slow but steady 黑暗而且詭異、但是美麗 Dark and strange, nevertheless beautiful 呼吸之間,起伏之際 Between the even gaps of your breathe 無不讓我起舞於你裙褶的波浪 I find myself dancing to your pleats 寧願死去在你的撫慰之中 I'd rath
er perish in your caress 凋零為你的空氣 Wither into the air you take in 融成你悠游的水 Melt into the water you swim in 再浴火重來做你的生命本身 And come back from the ashes as your life itself 撥動弦,然後循著回音尋找 Searching in between every vibration of the string 在不停倒退的時間裏抓著最後一絲髮香 Catching the last bit of your scent in the ever rewinding time 在被忘記以前就已變得模糊的 Everything that is already blurred before getting forgotten 我都牢牢回憶著 Is everything I'll remember 謝謝你看到這裏 :> Thank you for watching :>



I'm in love with your line work and your smooth transitions ❤️


Very nice, tranquil animation.


Did you have a life model for parts of this?