
He Got GOLD!

He Got GOLD! We are in Phoenix, Arizona for the Gymnastics Trampoline & Tumbling Regionals. Parker is nervous but excited to compete in trampoline, tumbling, & double mini! You won't believe how the kids celebrate his hard work... All of our videos are closed captioned and always family friendly. #trampolineandtumbling #regionals #ballinger #ballingerfamily #family #arizona For Business Inquires Contact: Ballinger Family 2674 East Main Street, Suite E-747 Ventura, CA 93003 PLEASE INCLUDE A STAMPED ADDRESSED RETURN ENVELOPE!!!

Ballinger Family

9 months ago

today is a very exciting day because we are in Arizona we are driving to Phoenix in a little bit for a very special reason the whole reason we came to Arizona this guy today I'm competing trampoline and tumbling okay um and then tomorrow I'm competing double mini you said earlier that you were a little nervous or a little scared the most important thing is that you have fun yeah okay so if you do well that's a cool fun bonus but if you're having fun that's the most important thing that's why we'
re here is for you to have fun the whole family is going to go watch him compete and um I don't know and and Luke's planning on eating sandwiches while Parker competes so he'll be cheering you on with PB and J [Music] en good morning everyone we have a couple hours before on Luke says good morning we have a couple hours before Parker's big competition big meet for regionals gymnastics and so I'm taking the four littlest kids so that starts at Parker he's the oldest of the four littles and we als
o have Duncan over here and he's drinking water and we have Luke over here and we have teddy we found a park near our rental house and we're just gonna hang out here for a little bit and let uh Jessica and her mom and Bailey get ready get ready for uh the event making some sandwiches and stuff and then uh Jacob actually has an online class that he's doing this morning so he's doing that and we all have our stuff and we're gonna we're gonna go play and have fun [Music] thank you [Music] this park
is pretty cool there's a big shaded areas lots of cool elements for the kids to climb on and play for different age levels too like there's big stuff for kind of the bigger kids up to like 12 and then there's a lot of little elements and safe things for little kids too so very cool and there's a lake oh it's neat foreign [Music] okay we are in the convention center now which is different than how all of his other competitions have been they've all been at like private gyms before this is a Conv
ention Center that they've set up just for this particular competition and um it's all broken up so he's doing something this morning and then he's doing something in the evening and then he's doing something tomorrow and the awards are like sprinkled in between all of that so I'm not sure how this is gonna go and how the other kids like if we're gonna do like a nap time in between or how everything's gonna work but we're gonna we're gonna figure it out right now and uh he's a little nervous but
I think he's gonna have a lot of fun and that's what we're here for so let's let's have some gymnastics fun Parker's about to practice he does one practice run on the trampoline behind me here and then he'll do the real thing and that one counts for the point oh [Music] foreign [Music] he got a couple of practice passes there but that's good because he this is a brand new trampoline for him he's never competed on this and they're always different so usually at other gyms he gets like quite a fe
w practice rounds before the last touch moment and uh and this time this is all he gets and then he's got a he's gotta compete [Music] thank you [Music] let me see what you got what is this oh no oh it's in your bag yes oh no you put it away it's too quick too responsible it's kind of like plastic on this side that's cool it's the shape of Arizona oh yeah I just noticed that that's cool gorgeous and now we're gonna go to the award ceremony for this event and uh see where you placed let's see whe
re you uh where you ended up there oh my goodness who got that silver so cool oh my goodness Regional Champion over here wow California what is this Oregon Colorado what's this one Nebraska Utah Nevada Washington and Idaho okay we are back at the rental house and I messed up big time if you're seeing this at the beginning of the video it's because I I lost our other camera and I don't have any of the footage from earlier in the day I set it down to help Parker with something and then when I went
back to pick it up it was gone I don't know if someone took it or what I'm hoping it gets put into lost and found at the competition uh but as of right now don't know where it is so we're not gonna let that get us down though we are going out to dinner right now and uh Jessica got the actual competition vertically for the first event and now we're gonna go to dinner then we'll go to the next event and hopefully everything works out well and we find the camera but if not that's I'm really sad ab
out it we decided to have dinner at Buca Di beppos what he said guess what and said that they found the camera and who are you talking to me big huge thank you to whoever found this and uh contacted us and gave it back to us because there's a lot of memories on the SD card in here and we got him back so happy all right we are back obviously we're back at the convention center Parker's gonna be doing these next that's the rod floor he's doing his tumbling passes he gets two tumbling passes two di
fferent tumbling passes that it'll be rated on and uh and as before he's gonna do his uh practice run right now [Music] all right [Music] okay that was the warm-up it's time for the real deal let's watch it [Music] did you see Parker's big smile at the end of that one yeah that's what it's all about the bigger big gymnastics it is a big gymnastics yeah that smile that's what it's all about that was that was highlight right there just him smiling happy thinking he did a good job that's all you co
uld ask for yeah Parker [Applause] yeah go Parker that's Parker is he next [Applause] it is the next day we're in the parking garage going to day two yes of Parker's competition for regionals yes you got two silver medals so far and I get it first did you have a lot of fun yes see that's what it's all about and you had a lot of fun really fun having everybody here to support Parker like everybody coming and watching it and and cheering loud and kids from the other team have been cheering loud fo
r each other too like for all the other have you noticed that very supportive and like as it has gone on they've gotten more and more supportive of everybody else that's competing as well so it's been a really cool thing Parker's making friends it's it's yeah one thing that was really sweet is that there was a boy who parker competed against at the Bakersfield competition and they were like in line together for this competition and it was so sweet because they all like remember each other and th
ey're starting to be like in the same Circle it's just really mean today he's competing in one event it's called the double mini he does two passes at it as he did yesterday he's gonna do two practice runs one for each pass and then the real thing so let's uh let's watch Parker compete in the double mini [Music] all right now it's time for the real deal [Music] hi [Music] you're eight people I go first I don't hate people I got first [Music] thank you you're shaking I got first thank you you mig
ht have caught that but Parker got first place in the event the award ceremony isn't until two so we're gonna go uh try and find some food or something to do locally close here to here and then go to do the awards ceremony but I'm so proud of you he's so excited he was shaking he was he did a great job he was incredible both of his passes I was like whoa he nailed that what out of eight out of eight people that's amazing I feel like how gymnastics works but I'm starting to really get it so all o
f the people here have age categories and like skill categories so like levels that they're in so Parker he's the level five gymnastics or traveling and tumbling at his age group is nine to a nine and ten or nine to eleven and something it's at nine to ten sometimes there aren't that many people competing but they've all had to get to this point where they can do a certain skill level and that's what puts them where they're at so he was competing against eight boys and some of the levels of the
other kids are only competing against like themselves or a couple other people and I think that's because they're the only people at their age that are qualified so basically to get to the point that they're at they've won in in their own sense you know what I mean like like it's not just like it's an honor to be nominated it's nobody else can do that skill set that's here that like decided to come to Regions I don't know if that makes sense but I'm trying I'm trying leave this here I'm good com
e on let's go potty this this is for my water bottles my water bottle I put it on sometimes yeah I don't know I didn't bring it so every event you do you get a medal that looks like this and I got three of them because I did all three events and I put one in my bag because I didn't know that this was gonna happen so it snapped in half somehow um so I'm gonna try and get it replaced but yeah that happened I don't give me a new one so we had lunch at a place called barrel and bushel or barrels and
bushel something like that and it was okay bushel and Barrel some combination of bushels and barrels and um it was all right it was a little overpriced and I was disappointed because all the pictures online had this like food and the menus online had this food that weren't available at lunchtime so like I was promising the kids giant pretzels and fish tacos and none of that stuff was available which was a little bit uh of a letdown for me I felt bad for picking that place for lunch because it d
idn't have what everyone was looking forward to uh but we did get some burgers and now we're gonna we're gonna go to the convention center and watch Parker receive his golden metal golden metal yeah Challenger [Applause] so I got first on double mini and I'm super excited about that this one looks different than the other ones yes I have an option I could have used I chose this one okay we are going to try a chocolate scorpion a chocolate covered scorpion oh it's crunchy here oh most of it is ch
ocolate so that's good no everyone's gonna eat it at once every two three [Music] they ruined chocolate and it tastes like it Reese's Pieces like crunchy and like garlic yeah it is so wrong we got lollipops as well and we get to try them and I am so scared uniforms and earthworms and and sour earthworms these are the sour earthworms there is blue green and red in here I think oh my God package oh my gosh Jacob didn't get any of the chocolate scorpion because he came in too late and we didn't kno
w he wanted it no everyone will get two okay and then Jacob will have the one and everyone's going to have two of these and Jacob's gonna have the rest because he didn't have the chocolate scorpion so I'm really sorry Jacob thank you thank you they are coded in something okay let's see so I think they put in like oil and then they like coated in something it looks like a raisin inside is it good that is good [Music] um so I'm trying my lollipop now we all got strawberry except for Jacob you're r
ight there's like a corn hole game so we're gonna have our lollipops and play cornhole so if there's one thing I've learned from my long experience of eating bugs is that they don't taste like anything which is crunchy I just ate his head oh my gosh I feel so bad okay [Music] foreign [Music]



i love how much of an effort christopher and jessica make to understand parker’s sport - not every parent would do that and it makes all the difference!

@laurawithnou started with the one-handed cartwheel just a few years ago...and now we have a REGIONAL GOLD MEDALIST! It's been fun to watch Parker thru the years honing his craft. Christopher was right, that giant smile on Parker's face is what it's all about!! Way to go Parker congratulations!!


I'm sending hearty congratulations to Parker. I honestly think he would be very successful if he continues. It involves a lot more training, but I just know that he will succeed. I know you're the kind of parents who will allow and encourage your children to shine at whatever they love and are committed to. Just watching Jacob and Bailey pursuing their goals will be an incentive to Parker.


Chris is so right. The most important thing is that you have fun in sports. When you lose the fun, you lose your passion, and lose any reason to do the sport. Would've left college with enough credits to graduate a semester early if I didn't find Track to be so much fun! Love it, Kid!


Congratulations Parker 🎊 πŸŽ‰ πŸ’–


I teared up when Parker ran up to hug Jessica and Bailey to tell them he won. The mama love/pride I felt from Jessica to Parker really hit me in my mom feels. You must be so proud of him


Why I'm crying 😒 see his smile and the love in the family sooo incredible ❀


Congratulations, Parker! πŸŽ‰


Congratulations Parker!!! You guys have raised some amazing little humans πŸ‘πŸ’•βœ¨


Parker is so good, every time I see him he gets better at gymnastics. The former competitive gymnast in me always wants to tell him "point your toes". It will make your moves more polished. That's only because he's so good thats my only comment I can make. Sending love from Los Angeles πŸ’œπŸ’›


I love the fact that the double mini was stressing him the most and he got first! The smile on his face is so special and you can just feel his sense of relief after all his hard work. Amazing job Parker, you KILLED IT.


Your an absolute legend Parker , you have the whole world in front of you ! πŸ’žπŸ‘πŸ»β€οΈπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’ž


Congratulations, Parker!!! It’s great seeing you have so much fun!


Hi CONGRATS PARKER! I’m SO PROUD OF YOU! My mom was a professional ballerina and she worked with Olympic gymnasts she was the dance coach she helped with their floor exercises and beam. She said he needs to work on pointing his toes and pulling his knees straight. She also said he is very talented and has ALOT of potential!


Well done Parker πŸŽ‰


Congratulations ParkerπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ you did amazing!!!!! Chris you nailed it, as long as he's smiling and having fun that's a huge win. The medals and placing are a bonus.


Congratulations!!! Parker.


Congratulations πŸŽ‰ Parker that was amazing and I am clapping you πŸ‘πŸ»


I love this family! ❀ Congrats Parker! πŸŽ‰


Congratulations Parker!