
'He looks lost': Trump has gaffe-filled weekend on the campaign trail

While on the campaign trail over the weekend in North Carolina and Virginia, Donald Trump made several public gaffes. The Morning Joe panel discusses. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to the MSNBC Daily Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: 'He looks lost': Trump has gaffe-filled weekend on the campaign trail #Trump #Election #Politics


20 hours ago

Donald Trump was on the campaign Trail this weekend in North Carolina and Virginia and the guy just kept getting confused look at this series of Clips in Venezuela did you just see Maduro Venezuela it's a unbelievable we're getting rid of the romneys of the world we want to get Romney and those out but they know that we are the only ones who can stop them we're the only ones this the greatest movement in the history of our country maybe in the history of any country even Argentina they went Maga
you know Argentina great guy he's a big Trump guy he loves Trump I love him because he loves Trump when he called I took us call him anybody that loves me I like them I said Abdul he's still there he's the head of the Taliban he said you're killing us all just don't do it anymore cuz Terror will rain down on you and he called yes yes your highness you call me Your Highness which is interesting we are a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will [Music] be I I I I don't ev
en what what what happened what happened there Charlie Sykes we see it more and more he he gets in the middle of of of of sentences he's reading teleprompters and his mind still blanks out uh he Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi uh Barack Obama for Joe Biden and it's it's just so pathetic and sad they're going oh he's doing it on purpose no he's not doing it on purpose he's not doing any of this stuff on purpose and so you take the fact that he his his mind blanks out and he he looks lost it actually
looks like a sad scene to me to see somebody up on stage and and blanking out and getting lost but then you have a guy first of all he he thinks the person who runs the South American country's name is Argentina Argentina great guy um and uh and and thank you for saying get rid of the romneys and the Republican party that is torn out of krie lakes's book of loserdom that's where it'll lead you uh but but also again against all this madness and and unfortunately an old man who is who is is losin
g his ability to communicate um he's he's praising the Taliban leader for calling him your highness I mean tell us wrap up that speech for us a few early syes how do you well what fresh hell unfortunately I'm not a psychiatrist here um you know what's on display is that okay Joe Biden is old but the other guy is deranged uh demanded and pathetic as you point out not to mention dangerous uh and and and this is on display and you know as as we're sitting here talking about this we're less than 48
hours away from that guy clinching the Republican Presidential nomination you know the Republicans have one last offramp and they're not going to take it they look at this guy and this is the extraordinary thing is that Republicans look at him and I don't have to repeat all the things you know I mean he's been found liable for for rape he's facing 91 felony charges uh you know uh you have these kinds of you know this this gashes malice that you get from these Gaff filled speeches and they're loo
king at him thinking yeah we'd like four more years of that so um you know the if if there's any upside here is that is that Joe Biden will be able to say yeah I'm old I'm very stiff when I walk but this guy is also old and he's crazy and he's dangerous and he is incoherent he needs to make that point the other maybe upside is that you know now that there's you know there's no way of denying the fact that it's going to be Donald Trump again it'll focus the mind and I agree with you Joe that I th
ink Democrats need to stop the bed wedding but they need to get out of the bed and they need to freak out a little bit because the reality is maybe this is what it will take for them to realize this guy could become president of the United States this could actually happen you know and and maybe we ought to treat that threat you know uh the way it ought to be treated if it's an existential threat let's start acting like it's an existential threat so stop the bed wedding but maybe a little bit of
freakout wouldn't be the worst thing in the world well maybe it'll wake W wake a lot of Democrats up I will say though you know all this idea you you you brought up uh the things a judge determines that Donald Trump raped a woman it's amazing evangelicals are are cool with that you know it used to be like Bill Clinton oh wait did he do something with his intern or not Character Matters in the white house he must be driven to the sea I mean it was these same evangelicals I was there I was hearin
g it every day as a congressman every day Republicans every day you know man he doesn't have the morals Bill Clinton doesn't have the morals to be PR how dare I how you know I mean like Mr Bible in the house what does he think about President Trump grabbing women by their genitals or having sex with a porn star while he was married to his wife who was about to have a baby and then paying her off and apparently there are more that Michael Cohen took care of but okay go on I'm sorry I digress thos
e things just should be looked over they ignore those things because let's just face it the Raging Hypocrites when it comes to this Bill Clinton bad Donald Trump raped a woman says a judge a jury of his peers said he sexually assaulted and defamed a woman a grand jury after grand jury after grandury jury again of his peers not the Deep State a grand jury of Voters citizens have found him like found enough evidence to indict him on 91 counts I mean all all over all over the country 91 counts and
yet and yet M everybody's fine with it I mean in in in in the extreme world and again I think most most pathetically and Pete wer has been writing about this evangelicals that were just so AAS just just shocked by Bill Clinton's Behavior yeah now end of the world now many of them they basically said this guy's their savior I mean they have they have so abandoned the faith that they claimed they had when Bill Clinton was President they were so shocked that that that some of them I'm talking about
some of them have so abandoned their faith that they are now idolizing Donald Trump and they will tell you that it's sad and pathetic



His ego is too delicate for him to ever admit he misspoke or mixed up two words, so he pretends it's intentional. He's pathetic but his little cult followers believe every lie he tells.


How long will the NYT continue to write about Biden’s age and how he should just drop out now? Have they called for Trump to drop out? When does the MSM call out trumps dementia in the evening news every night?


The United States has serious problems.


Trump continues stumbling and saying, "I meant to do that", as if deliberate incompetence is somehow better or more justifiable than accidental incompetence.


He is just blithering now. And NO! He’s most definitely NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE!


How they look themselves in the mirror is beyond me.


Let's not overlook the fact that the Supreme Court is protecting this lunatic. He'd be out of the picture already otherwise. Changes need to be made.


These clips should be played on every news channel! America needs to see this!


We need a candidate that prioritizes people and the planet over profits or fascism will win.


It's not the fact he confuses people, the really troubling part is when he can no longer pronounce a word. Now that is a sign of cognitive decline then add in mixing up people. Very concerning.


"He called me your highness." In your mind, Donny boy.


Normally it is sad seeing someones health deteriorating, but in this case it is just karma.


It’s a symptom of prolonged amphetamine use


Argentina has an inflation rate of 211%. But he's a great guy who loves Donald, so all is well.


Sweet Jesus, America: Watching this here from Ireland & honestly embarrassed for you with regards to Trump fellow


His heavy drug use is catching up to him. These are the first signs of dementia and by June of this year with all the pressure he will most likely collapse. He has shown signs for a few years and his age is not receiving to much drug use. Poor choice for the GOP for he won't make it to November with his mental decline.


“The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Listen up, America!🇺🇸🗽


It is very saddening to see an elderly individual, such as the defendant, so delusional and in need of affirmation and idolization. He is a pathetic sight to behold!


It's not just Trump. The lady who sang the National Anthem at his Virginia rally honestly didn’t know the words. She sang, "Over the apples we washed, . . ."


The control link from Putin had a momentary loss of signal.